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File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB, 2461x1385, 2461:1385, Screenshot_2020_10_03_Q_Re….jpg)

23e95e  No.10905795[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.



Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 10.01.2020

>>10872166 ————————————–——– [D] party playbook. Who are the real racists? THE WORLD IS WAKING UP. (Cap: >>10872224)

>>10871984 ————————————–——– Divided we fall. [D] party con [projection] (Cap: >>10872103)

>>10871183 ————————————–——– Judgement against Snowden (Cap: >>10871468, >>10871205)

>>10871022 ————————————–——– Fake/doctored image/video dropped here re: Epstein [cell cam] , Do not take the bait. Use discernment.

>>10870492 ————————————–——– What if C19 didn't exist? WHY DID WH STRIP CDC CONTROL OF C19 DATA? BIGGER THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE. (Cap: >>10870715)

>>10869781 ————————————–——– "While attending college, he served as an intern in the office of Delaware Sen. Joseph R. Biden, …."Rigged system? (Cap: >>10872946)

Wednesday 09.30.2020

>>10864679 ————————————–——– RED OCTOBER

>>10864489 rt >>10864305 ———–––——–— When does a Church become controlled?

>>10864364 rt >>10864340 ———–––——–— Information warfare

>>10864046 rt >>10864024 ———–––——–— Do you believe in coincidences?

>>10863737 rt >>10863556 ———–––——–— Eyes on. Follow the family

>>10863459 ————————————–——– Marathon end (Cap: >>10863525)

>>10863126 ————————————–——– SHADOW GAME (Cap: >>10863162)

Tuesday 09.29.2020

>>10838926 ————————————–——– "Trump Swift Boat Project." - Clinton OP

>>10838649 rt >>10838496 ———–––——–— DNI report

>>10838629 ————————————–——– 2016 DNI report declassified (Cap: >>10838471)

>>10838579 ————————————–——– God woke you up for a reason

>>10836966 ————————————–——– Podcast yesterday. Intentional or careless?

>>10835883 ————————————–——– Those who scream the loudest…

>>10835804 ————————————–——– #3 Biden camp will be provided the questions ahead of time, assistance from special comm device (Cap: >>10835856)

Monday 09.28.2020 >>10872800

>>10826731 ————————————–——– Video: This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected (Cap: >>10826774)

>>10825631 ————————————–——– Clinton Foundation investigation 2001 - 2005, Clinton Foundation failure to declare foreign donations 2001 - 2003 Don't bite the hand that feeds you (Caps: >>10825671, >>10825715)

>>10825334 ————————————–——– Lisa Barsoomian _former Bill Clinton attorney [Hamburg vs. Clinton 1998 + appeal 1999 _scrubbed from net] Wife of Rod Rosenstein

>>10824841 ————————————–——– Worth remembering. (Cap: >>10825015)

>>10824624 ————————————–——– CLINTON FOUNDATION AT THE CENTER.

>>10824174 ————————————–——– Kamala Harris spouse leaving Dla? (Cap: >>10824197)

>>10823755 rt >>10823685 ———–––——–— Panic in DC

>>10823727 ————————————–——– Q#4778/John Solomon Report (Caps: >>10823766)

>>10823477 ————————————–——– Unusual to have a 1-year gap from arrest to trial? What might be the purpose? (Caps: >>10823976)

>>10823243 ————————————–——– Focus here [East Africa Operations]: The money never flows directly. (Caps: >>10823277, >>10823269)

Sat 09.26.2020 >>10872796

Fri 09.25.2020 >>10837404

Thu 09.24.2020 >>10830702

Q's Private Board

>>>/projectdcomms/ & Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

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Backups/Alts to above: qntmpkts.keybase.pub - QAlerts.app - QAlerts.net - douknowq.com/134295/Q-Anon-Pub.htm - we-go-all.net/q.html - douknowq.com/134295/Q-Anon-Pub.htm

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Questions & Practice Thread: >>9901078

How to screenshot, insert MP4's, embed videos (YT & Twitter) >>>/comms/9658

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>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown<<<READ THIS IF YOU ARE NEW HERE

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23e95e  No.10905836

Global Announcements

>>10812845 BO Activated RSS Tripcode Feed https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Follow Q in any RSS Feed Reader

>>10802135 Digital Camo thread archived at https://archive.is/hogSX : Cover up memes & test camo, before posting on social media

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>10904638 NEW PDJT

>>10904644 John Cammo through the looking glass?

>>10904649, >>10905255, >>10905275 Remember those ADRENOCHROME leaks a few days ago? - With apparant debunk

>>10904665 Ilham Weli | Journalist, Xinjiang Daily | Imprisoned in China | July 01, 2018

>>10904737 Next 48 hours Critical for POTUS

>>10904756, >>10904888 Spontaneous Trump Rally at Walter Reed Memorial Hospital - LOOK AT THAT CROWD

>>10904792, >>10904823, >>10904936, >>10905075, >>10905136 PF

>>10904815 Notables matter anons

>>10904878 Dr. Sean Conley, Physician to the President, Provides an Update on President Trump (Video)

>>10904887 All news outlets now confirming Mark Meadows statement about next 48 hrs being critical.

>>10904889 Iranian Fuel Seized By US For Venezuela 'Sanctions-Busting' Discharges In New York

>>10904915 Call for Diggs - Paris Hilton/Hilton Family

>>10904929, >>10905050 U.S president Trump isn’t staying in any old hospital room.

>>10904968 Adam Housley - OK…THIS IS A SIMPLE QUESTION… Did Meadows after asking to go off record say the President's health was worse, thus contradicting the doctors?

>>10904980, >>10905066, >>10905086, >>10905144 PLANEFAGS EYES ON

>>10904994, >>10905184 Prominent NY attorney, niece, killed in small plane crash

>>10905006 Satanic Temple sues advertising company for refusing to put up billboards claiming abortion is a ritual

>>10905011 NEW PDJT

>>10905049 Watch Ronald Reagan in a debate in 1980, when they try to turn his microphone off! - "I am Paying For This Microphone Mr…"

>>10905054 Judge orders 2020 census to continue through October

>>10904628, >>10905180 Back with a fresh comic anons!

>>10905756 Shill Comms Baker Notables from Other Bake - Minibun

>>10905080 Meet The Mastermind Behind JPMorgan's Gold And Silver Manipulation "Crime Ring"

>>10905118 Trump campaign keeping at ‘full speed’ with 'Operation MAGA' as Trump fights COVID-19

>>10905126 Five in attendance at the Saturday event, including two Republican senators, have since tested positive for the virus.

>>10905173 kek, not a lot for a shill spotter to do in a bread full of anons

>>10905192 Former Mayor of Scranton Bill Courtright has been sentenced to 7 years in prison for collecting bribes

>>10905209 Ex-coal executive sentenced to 5 years in prison for $20 million fraud scheme

>>10905215 Wounds that time won't heal

>>10905220, >>10905246 Daniel Korski: The Intelligence-Linked Mastermind Behind the UK’s Orwellian Healthtech Advisory Board

>>10905307 Esper on Twatter

>>10905356 Graphic showing AFLB is GB and Payseur Shill that spams bread, connected directly to comms board and works with comms bakers

>>10905400 Student’s Lawsuit Against Fordham University Alleges School Hid Ties to Chinese Communist Party

>>10905459 Walk the Vote Oregon

>>10905491 COVID Absurdity

>>10905528, >>10905572 Mark Meadows caught asking to be Off the Record


>>10905597 Negative Nancy

>>10905587 USMC Recruiting

>>10905612 Us Consulate Employee found dead in TJ

>>10905627 Spain government is comp'd.

>>10905646 Leftists Chant ‘F*ck Trump’ Outside Walter Reed Hospital – ‘I Hope He Dies!’

>>10905651 The Epoch Times - #Twitter and #Facebook said they would remove posts that wish or hope for President Trump’s death.

>>10905707 Paris is the headline

>>10905709 You gon learn Today

>>10905830 #13957

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23e95e  No.10905841


>>10903805 For Arrested NYC Antiquities Dealer, Illegal Trade is Family Business

>>10903813 NATO's exercises in Arctic arouse concerns, Moscow says

>>10903849 Married Democratic Senate candidate Cal Cunningham admits to sexting married strategist, won't drop out of race

>>10903862 Publishing Registered Sex Offenders' Home Addresses Before Halloween Is Gratuitous, Unethical, and Reckless

>>10903873 British Virgin Islands Plans to Make Company Ownership Transparent

>>10903878 Trump Campaign - Debates will happen

>>10903882 Steve Scalise says coronavirus testing on Capitol Hill has been offered to Nancy Pelosi, but she turned it down

>>10903891 OPCW: Investigation Into Two Alleged Syria Chemical Attacks Inconclusive

>>10903905 @USArmy

>>10903866 Wow. Washington DC. You don’t see this everyday. A TON of Trump supporters:

>>10903956 POTUS tweet deltas over last ~48 hours since they started getting sparse.

>>10903957 Tens of thousands protest Netanyahu across Israel; activists assaulted, arrested

>>10903978 Christie tests positive for COVID-19 after helping Trump with debate preparation

>>10903921, >>10903934, >>10903942 Comms Bakers switching names after being caught of their Subversion

>>10903989 Joe Bidens advisers tweeted again

>>10904015 UK’s lead role in 1953 Iran coup d’etat exposed

>>10904034 Governor Whitmer Refuses To Throw Ring Of Power Back Into Fires Of Mount Doom - BAB BEE

>>10904054 Petition to Protect The Vote

>>10904069 Soros Funds Campaign of L.A. Prosecutor Candidate who Vows Lock Up Fewer Criminals

>>10904076 Clinton-Obamagate-Russiagate Conspiracy EXPOSED, Trump-COVID Update, Voter Fraud Update? & MORE! (Video)

>>10904099 Azerbaijan uses Israeli LORA missile in conflict with Armenia

>>10904102 Catherine Herridge tweets about POTUS WR Window View

>>10904151, >>10904213, >>10904414 PF Aloft

>>10904201 Welcome to Q Research Kitchen Meta

>>10904202 Armenian-Azerbaijani Hostilities Still Gaining Momentum After 6 Days Of War

>>10904208, >>10904214, >>10904221, Daily Roundup As of 10.03.2020

>>10904229 Physicists Build Circuit That Generates Clean Limitless Power From Graphene

>>10904248 Military Situation In Syria On October 3, 2020 (Map Update)

>>10903821, >>10904196 Fake News CNN Source: Trump received oxygen on Friday and there is no clear path to his recovery

>>10903073, >>10904376, Paris Hilton Breaks Silence on Childhood Sexual Abuse (video) - Previous baker removed

>>10904399 NightBaker screams shut it down over new Kitchen Meta not controlled by comms

>>10904442 NightBaker Opinion on Anons - Your opinions are MOOT

>>10904475 Andy Ngô BLM rioters tried to crash the #WalkAway pro-Trump rally in DC today

>>10904510 #13956

Previously Collected Notables

>>10902948 #13954, >>10903715 #13955,

>>10900586 #13951, >>10901314 #13952, >>10902160 #13953

>>10898177 #13948, >>10898972 #13949, >>10899766 #13950

>>10895691 #13945, >>10896559 #13946, >>10897311 #13947

>>10893360 #13942, >>10894106 #13943, >>10894836 #13944

>>10891095 #13939, >>10891861 #13940, >>10892645 #13941

>>10888750 #13936, >>10889544 #13937, >>10890361 #13938

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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23e95e  No.10905844

Exposing the Deep State, MSM, Social Media: Threads & Boards

>>>/qrmemes/ New One-stop Meme Board, organized by topic

>>>/qrmemes/141 Joe Biden

>>>/qrmemes/129 I'm On Team Joe

>>>/qrmemes/700 Hunter Biden

>>>/qrmemes/289 Kamala Harris

>>>/comms/26525 Exposing Media Lies about Q: Post Attacks Against Q here

>>>/qrmemes/606 Meme Camo Thread

https://archive.is/hogSX Digital Camo Thread Archive

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6867253 Clockwork Qrange #10

>>10392346 Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #15

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefagging 101 Q&A

>>>/qrb/42185 Boatfagging Q&A

>>>/comms/12299 Oregon, Washington, I-5 Corridor: Turn the Tide

International Q Research Threads

>>10705197 Australia #10

>>10479225 Brasil/Portugal #1

>>9725975 Canada #7

>>8331823 France #1

>>10683929 Germany #68

>>10838222 Italy #1

>>9133907 Mexico #1

>>10497699 Nederland #5

>>10524823 New Zealand #5

>>5290557 Nordic #1

>>10843151 Scotland #1

>>8033191 South Africa #1

>>10768658 UK #22

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

QProofs.com Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w - https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

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Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more: https://bad-boys.us/


All Resignations Website https://www.resignation.info

All Posts Search Tool https://qresear.ch

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

META (for board admin queries) >>6064510

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

All of the following except the last are in order on the same thread on /comms/

GMT Thread link: >>>/comms/283

Q Graphics all in GMT #001 - #020 >>>/comms/486 through >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #021 - #041 >>>/comms/1119 through >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #042 - #062 >>>/comms/2306 through >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #063 - #083 >>>/comms/3687 through >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #084 - #090 >>>/comms/5510 through >>>/comms/5806

Q Graphics all in GMT #091 - #111 >>>/comms/5811 through >>>/comms/14626

Q Graphics all in GMT #112 - #118 >>>/comms/14870 through >>>/comms/16930

Q Graphics all in GMT #119 - #124 >>>/comms/18630

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23e95e  No.10905847

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE / 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t / 3: pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

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Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

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Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.3: https://pastebin.com/EDmx2iEr

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

LIVE Baking Classes Thurs 7pm ET: Baking Seminar #34 >>>/comms/28922

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

E-bake instructions: >>>/comms/9252

Iwo Jima video TOR posting: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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23e95e  No.10905850

File: 22461f917f0bcfe⋯.png (264.39 KB, 1249x829, 1249:829, Screenshot_2020_10_03_Baki….png)

File: de2b53712d57ab7⋯.png (41.16 KB, 724x258, 362:129, Screenshot_2020_10_03_Baki….png)

File: 44a99f4869290b5⋯.png (7.37 KB, 440x37, 440:37, Screenshot_2020_10_03_Baki….png)



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ca4cb3  No.10905871

File: 7420b57162032dc⋯.jpg (352.95 KB, 1282x1923, 2:3, durham_pain.jpg)

Bless you Anon Baker. Keep up the good fight

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6c885b  No.10905880

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48b28a  No.10905898

File: 9264121f4a773d1⋯.mp4 (4.21 MB, 640x1136, 40:71, paris.mp4)

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fde07b  No.10905907

1. Hijacked bread

2. 60 posts from baker in bread that links here

3. Adrenochrome in notables

4. Baker Notabled numerous of his own posts.

5. The other chain has unbroken control continuity

This is a shill bake

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e7c992  No.10905909

File: 8494fe60b85f208⋯.gif (1.98 MB, 270x288, 15:16, wow04.gif)


Tanks Bakes

IRL calls

Keep it up.

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43f74d  No.10905921

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8d3967  No.10905923


So what bread is the reelz

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48b28a  No.10905924

File: 5f79b34a43607f1⋯.gif (533.18 KB, 400x400, 1:1, laserwh.gif)


>Bless you Anon Baker. Keep up the good fight

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23e95e  No.10905941


>4. Baker Notabled numerous of his own posts.

Yea, I notabled posts from the shill bread that I copied and pasted, patriots are vigilant. Keep shilling, you've lost AFLB

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24cd9d  No.10905943

File: 845ab8e51a73dab⋯.jpg (156.05 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 324523ff.jpg)

The Air Force's clandestine flight test center deep inside the Nevada Test and Training Range, known as Area 51 or Groom Lake, among more colorful nicknames, continues to grow as it approaches its seventh decade of operations.

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fde07b  No.10905944

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4f5d0a  No.10905946

File: fe7c9725de93431⋯.jpg (120.59 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, janetairlines.jpg)

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ee5f8a  No.10905947

File: d45ecff43f72a79⋯.jpg (113.57 KB, 1072x1042, 536:521, 18Kun_MIB.jpg)

File: 6ce712e818e5a8a⋯.mp4 (747.13 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Bidan_Uh_oh.mp4)

THIS IS (You)r DAILY BREAD!~ All ["Your"] Fake News and People Are Belong to Us.

Highlights for 10.03.2020Anons, Provide Input Anons\Bakers in ~ "Q Research Kitchen Meta": >>10756139

Q's Latest Posts~ New!

Thursday 10.01.2020

>>10872166 ———————————————— [D] party con. [D] party playbook. Who are the real racists? THE WORLD IS WAKING UP. (Cap: >>10872224)

>>10871984 ———————————————— How many times must it be said? Pushed every election? Why? Divided we fall. [D] party con [projection]. (Cap: >>10872103)

>>10871183 ———————————————— United States Obtains Final Judgement and Permanent Injunction Against Edward Snowden (Cap: >>10871265)

>>10871022 ———————————————— Fake/doctored image/video dropped here re: Epstein [cell cam], Do not take the bait. Use discernment.

>>10870492 ———————————————— What if C19 didn't exist? WHY DID WH STRIP CDC CONTROL OF C19 DATA? BIGGER THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE. (Cap: >>10870715)

>>10869781 ———————————————— "While attending college, he served as an intern in the office of Delaware Sen. Joseph R. Biden, …."Rigged system? (Cap: >>10870896)

>>10864679 ———————————————— RED OCTOBER

Most Recent Beyond New

Wednesday 09.30.2020 - >>10883526

Tuesday 09.29.2020 - >>10867333

Monday 09.28.2020 - >>10836106

Saturday 09.26.2020 - >>10825586

Friday 09.25.2020 - >>10825560

Thursday 09.24.2020 - >>10780313

Wednesday 09.23.2020 - >>10775845

>>10786109 Last 10 days of Q

Notable Mentions~ Hot Topics

>>10885950 Condemning Qanon violence. In the bread since Aug 1st 2018.

>>10885026, >>10885677 Nuclear command centers Airborne! Twat thread & 'Doomsday plane' flights preplanned, not tied to Trump COVID-19 diagnosis, Pentagon says

>>10882419, >>10882453, >>10884798 Never Forget Those In The Background - reported Hope Hicks gave the 'rona to Trump on AF1

>>10819657 "Maybe the Clintons won't get away with it after all":

>>10818219, >>10818958 Ilhan Omar's ballot harvester Somali is busting Project Veritas's balls on twitter: Admitting it?

>>10769552, >>10782774 WTF? Pope Francis: God has instructed me to revise the The Ten Commandments & Prominent D.C. Church Becomes First to Sue Over Mayor Muriel Bowser's Hypocritical Worship Restrictions

>>10766559, >>10766532 BREAKING: Senate Finance and Homeland Security Committees Release DEVASTATING Report on Hunter Biden, Burisma and Corruption — CROOKED BIDEN FAMILY ENRICHED THEMSELVES AND OBAMA KNEW!

Previously Collected Notables As of 10.03.2020~ A "Global Review" Of Daily Events. ~ "Tracking Events so You Don't Have To!"

> (So HARD! {KEK!})

Saturday 10.03.2020

>>10904510 #13956, >>10905830 #13957,

>>10902160 #13953, >>10902948 #13954, >>10903715 #13955

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>10902160 #13953

>>10899766 #13950, >>10900586 #13951, >>10901314 #13952

>>10897311 #13947, >>10898177 #13948, >>10898972 #13949

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Saturday 10.03.2020

Friday 10.02.2020 >>10897832

Thursday 10.01.2020 >>10886657

Wednesday 9.30.2020 >>10867323

Tuesday 9.29.2020 >>10859826

Monday 9.28.2020 >>10832661

Sunday 9.27.2020 >>10818095

Saturday 9.26.2020 >>10807425

Friday 9.25.2020 >>10794295

Thursday 9.24.2020 >>10780244

All Your Base are Belong To Us.



>Godspeed 07

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979e1d  No.10905949

File: aeaf7324fd6ea74⋯.jpg (57.42 KB, 699x500, 699:500, JewishPlan.jpg)

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9b2366  No.10905950

File: 8513eda89215925⋯.gif (1.93 MB, 500x555, 100:111, ty.gif)

thanks legit bakes

thanks anons

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ca4cb3  No.10905952

File: 86ce2aaec8b6dbb⋯.jpg (54.45 KB, 740x728, 185:182, 86ce2aaec8b6dbb4facf1d2a78….jpg)


Yall are desperate

>Unbroken control continuity


This is ANONS not fucking namefag nepotism FUCK you


BASED Tunefag

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003603  No.10905953

File: cdc5e30cd23fffc⋯.gif (499.63 KB, 240x180, 4:3, AC130.gif)

File: 15c057e48c0e83f⋯.jpg (348.79 KB, 900x1231, 900:1231, AnonsAreComing.jpg)


Bless you baker.

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46afc5  No.10905955

File: bf5f4858c4b3921⋯.png (350.09 KB, 400x400, 1:1, sub.png)

>>10905862 (pb)

yep, that class has always been bullshit.

there was never a fucking teaching course on how to be subversive and to specifically make politically incorrect breads all of a sudden pc/sjw safe havens while leaving out multiple nommed posts because it had some choice words in it.

anons have never been politically correct and never will be.

those fakestream media niggers and their alt med gatekeepers can eat all the bags of shit.

smells like mossad massacre night all over again.

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48b28a  No.10905960


Breonna Taylor's boyfriend said SHE opened fire on cops during no-knock warrant before changing his story, according to now-indicted officer's testimony revealed in secret grand jury recordings

About 20 hours of audio from the grand jury proceedings related to the Breonna Taylor case was released on Friday

Grand juries typically meet in secret and releasing testimony and other evidence from their proceedings is rare

It comes a week after Kentucky AG Daniel Cameron, whose office led the investigation, announced no criminal charges were brought against officers

Officers, who had a 'no-knock' warrant, testified that they knocked three times and identified themselves before they breached her apartment

It's a key issue because the officers said they opened fire after Taylor's boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, fired a gunshot at them

Walker has said he didn't know the men who burst into the home were police

Brett Hankison, the cop charged with wanton endangerment, told investigators that Walker initially said his girlfriend was the one who opened fire

Walker later said that he was the one who opened fire

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ee5f8a  No.10905961

File: 3ed1447a07725af⋯.png (9.3 KB, 255x170, 3:2, Band.png)


Welcome to Q Research Kitchen Meta


This bread was created as place for both Bakers and Anons to communicate away from Q Research General about all things Q Research that should not be in the General Bread.

Issues such as..


Changes to the dough

Hand off procedures

Issues on the board

Shill tactics


This is not a thread to thrash any one baker. Open lines of communication only further unity among us. The hopes are that this bread will lead to more Anons learning to bake, sharing tips and tricks, and general comradery that isn't appropriate in the general research thread. A lounge for discussion if you will.


Baker Please Replace this Section in the Dough. Thank You.

It goes beneath META Labeled as "Q Research Dough Kitchen Meta"


Board Admin & Discussion Threads

META (for board admin queries) >>6064510

Q Research Dough Kitchen Meta (General Discussion\Bread & Dough Disputes) >>10756139

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4f5d0a  No.10905965

File: 0180d9c252f10e3⋯.jpg (82.47 KB, 843x798, 281:266, bandbacktogether.jpg)

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655663  No.10905966

wow, still getting shilled, 3 breads with the same numbers, over the target, almost a couple of hours ago, there was a push for the fake death of henry cavill and the paris hilton fake video being a attention whore. how are things now?

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82fa3a  No.10905968

Faggots in Europe: I hear reports of increased plane activity in the UK. Anyone corroborate?

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bcde66  No.10905969

File: 06fe228a3def7f2⋯.png (705.45 KB, 628x838, 314:419, Ejby_VoXcAAa9oj.png)


Tanks Bakes

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4867ae  No.10905970

File: 2d742183fe57f49⋯.png (165.11 KB, 575x804, 575:804, paris1.png)


Kek. TYB

They scurred.

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276442  No.10905972

Kitchen is in uproar. Even operating at 25% of capacity, no one’s eating tonight. Baker’s special of the day is off.

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73d19c  No.10905974

File: 99eac46282bdd97⋯.png (503.97 KB, 603x602, 603:602, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_10….png)

Breaking: Counter-protestors clash with police at pro-Trump rally in Washington DC


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01dbfb  No.10905975


No sauce.


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06129e  No.10905976

File: 32f45674891a3a6⋯.gif (2.38 MB, 354x266, 177:133, Best_FLOTUS.gif)

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54a18e  No.10905982

File: db050e2b0299438⋯.png (65.24 KB, 512x652, 128:163, ClipboardImage.png)

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36b18e  No.10905984

File: 03148c64f84c5b9⋯.jpg (60.36 KB, 666x1000, 333:500, BBQ.jpg)

Is this the pork and BEANZ bread?

Asking for a fren.

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ee5f8a  No.10905989

Fake Musty ass Cabbage Smelling Bread Yo.

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647892  No.10905990

File: f2fe626ad7879f4⋯.jpg (215.01 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

Trump Train

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000000  No.10905991

Members of a Romanian gang who stole hundreds of rare books and works of art are now behind bars in the UK.

Their haul included first edition works by Isaac Newton and rare editions of Dante.


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276442  No.10905992



Put the boot in!

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473abe  No.10905993

File: 170d97180f40736⋯.jpg (139.56 KB, 1140x798, 10:7, 170d97180f40736d80ca6e46d0….jpg)


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d49cd1  No.10905994

biden harris 2020

vote for biden because "masks"

heels up is so September 2020

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e7b567  No.10906000

File: 967e833277875a4⋯.jpg (31.43 KB, 625x468, 625:468, frogsofwar.jpg)


>anons have never been politically correct and never will be.

fucking this.

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1e7703  No.10906003

File: a723287402863c8⋯.png (910.07 KB, 862x701, 862:701, ClipboardImage.png)

you guys wanna get high?

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4867ae  No.10906005


The Baker valiantly, with allies, fought the scum off. and continued the collection of freedom of speech.

Whatever. Back to MAGA.

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54a18e  No.10906007

File: d34b0fc943ccdce⋯.png (53.32 KB, 600x638, 300:319, ClipboardImage.png)

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5f37ac  No.10906008

File: d989d4359d32abb⋯.jpg (67.66 KB, 612x612, 1:1, d989d4359d32abb807d7c5ee51….jpg)

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4f5d0a  No.10906010

File: 327a0197a29c6c5⋯.jpg (78.01 KB, 690x698, 345:349, proud_moment.jpg)

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73d19c  No.10906014

File: 05ff1516ad7c66b⋯.png (479.8 KB, 603x580, 603:580, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_10….png)

Heartbreaking photos show elephants feeding on trash heap



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9f53af  No.10906015

Pandora in progress, gamma grid ratio recovery failure, EOSTRE in progress. Potentially fatal PBS / VTX security breach at 504, recovery attempt in progress. Wipeout sequences 1-3 initialized. Minimum M requirements met, minimum DL / HP / SD / VTX requirements not met.

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01dbfb  No.10906016



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85a58e  No.10906017


Hey Baker,

Where do I sign up to get paid for posting news articles?

I want in!

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ca4cb3  No.10906018

File: 37eef5a21eb2044⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1576x2160, 197:270, qresearch_comic_bakerfam_F….png)


Hold the LINE

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ee5f8a  No.10906025

Fake Musty ass Cabbage Smelling Bread

Uhm, Ayy Yo my dogs this is fake bread yo my nigguhz

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1742f5  No.10906026

File: da815e52a9facef⋯.png (104.45 KB, 636x596, 159:149, da815e52a9facef870ee060e7a….png)

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294cef  No.10906029

File: ec69cb57aec8763⋯.jpg (44.4 KB, 364x348, 91:87, ec69cb57aec8763f7a22ef31bb….jpg)

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85bbf0  No.10906031

File: e451c21ac97e889⋯.png (199.57 KB, 448x474, 224:237, CH_tw_steptoe.png)

File: 06f864cc11ce88d⋯.jpg (634.38 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, CH_steptoe.jpg)

File: 70a83eb0b90208a⋯.png (280.97 KB, 828x432, 23:12, steptoe.png)

File: 990e9891d7e6770⋯.png (41.44 KB, 368x328, 46:41, mb.png)


Herridge pen following..

pb: >>10903281, >>10903324 Herridge: McCabe declines to testify next week citing COVID among senators



Michael Bromwich

Steptoe & Johnson PLLC


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7e5d17  No.10906034


'Put your finger down if you chose to take the ticket and earn millions from your sex tape, but didn't, because nobody wanted to pay to see it'.

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36b18e  No.10906035

File: bb30c906f0f360a⋯.png (1.14 MB, 992x558, 16:9, racist.png)


>Counter-protestors clash with police

That's raciss

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4867ae  No.10906036


They're not liking what QR is dishing out.

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9b2366  No.10906041

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

anon type music for anon bread

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48b28a  No.10906042

File: cf6648b35f935b6⋯.mp4 (8 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, WATCH_BLM_protestors_showe….mp4)




Counter-protestors clash with police at pro-Trump rally in Washington DC


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06129e  No.10906044

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



Get on board

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5f37ac  No.10906045

File: a371d6635832127⋯.png (126.41 KB, 600x547, 600:547, Screen_Shot_2020_07_28_at_….png)

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01dbfb  No.10906046



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4f5d0a  No.10906050

File: 48830a8ee6bcdee⋯.jpg (56.74 KB, 500x500, 1:1, bidenoldsouth.jpg)

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1a84ce  No.10906051

File: c7d3b2e194de4da⋯.jpg (66.55 KB, 500x679, 500:679, thee_irony.jpg)

File: c139e6f02fbc581⋯.jpg (93.54 KB, 497x508, 497:508, 666.jpg)

File: 1c036ab081afcaa⋯.jpg (36.86 KB, 520x770, 52:77, 28_days_later_movie_poster….jpg)

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75e338  No.10906052


Has to be considering an elephant is the Republican Party for lack of a better word their mascot

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0e0788  No.10906055




Well, if Q posts now in one bred or another, all hell will break loose…

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824a7e  No.10906057

File: 59a038aac1c761f⋯.png (208.5 KB, 436x337, 436:337, ClipboardImage.png)

So here's a suggestion to the new issue in the kitchen, the double bakes, etc, ad nauseum …

What if bakers implement a new id process, each one has to have their own unique tripcode, or something… That way we can keep track of who is causing problems. When all bakers are anon, and they're all accusing eachother, we have no way of knowing the truth.

Us anons are getting confused by who's a shill, which bread isn't moldy, etc, etc

We need to find a constructive way to stop this nonsense. We're hurting Q and Q+ by all this divisive bullshit. We're getting distracted by the drama instead of DIGGING.

Just a suggestion. Don't shoot the messenger.

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ee5f8a  No.10906061

Fresh Tasty Bread with no smelly Cabbage Scent





Fresh Tasty Bread with no smelly Cabbage Scent

Fake Musty ass Cabbage Smelling Bread





Fake Musty ass Cabbage Smelling Bread

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72345d  No.10906062

File: ae852739ed18da7⋯.png (226.11 KB, 676x516, 169:129, ae852739ed18da7c6d665037fb….png)

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23e95e  No.10906063


Maybe she didn't have a choice.

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6c885b  No.10906065


thought about the feels edition ? or something like when (You) get tou emotional, maybe switch to infront the screen ?

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48b28a  No.10906067

File: 6f09b2333d0db40⋯.mp4 (12.15 MB, 720x900, 4:5, StunningAndBrave.mp4)

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4f5d0a  No.10906068

File: eb4eaaf140e0391⋯.jpg (59.66 KB, 716x960, 179:240, endorse_3.jpg)

File: 3c894762f933e0c⋯.jpg (102.35 KB, 720x720, 1:1, endorse_2.jpg)

File: 92bda5244e0f216⋯.jpg (319.46 KB, 1280x1255, 256:251, endorse_1.jpg)

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4860f5  No.10906069


You fucking GLOWING ASS CLOWNS are tag teaming anons.

You don't fool anybody.

Real Bakers take notes and don't post twenty fucking times and then beg for note takers.

Go get life you piece of shit.

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7e5d17  No.10906072


This post has AFLB'esq variables.

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000000  No.10906074

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>10906018 Hold the line!


tyvm anon

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01dbfb  No.10906075


sauce or GTFO


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294cef  No.10906077

File: 7b9d242116353c3⋯.jpg (70.56 KB, 1050x656, 525:328, ShiningEnding1_1050x656.jpg)


How is he going to know???

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73d19c  No.10906080

File: cd6e3ad0e984e7d⋯.png (381.11 KB, 612x826, 306:413, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_10….png)

The Führer is now on a daily experimental drug cocktail, including opiates, methamphetamine, tranquilisers & hormones. Hitler's personal physician, Dr. Theodor Morell, gives him dozens of pills & injections every day.

Morell (right) tries to help Hitler's indigestion by giving him tablets containing e-coli bacteria cultivated from human faeces. He boasts of having sourced them from a "Bulgarian peasant of the most vigorous stock".


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655663  No.10906081


soo stupid the shills, the mindset here is way above theirs, females are a distraction, it is god and country first then once that is secure we can put the tip in if they females are tested first lol.

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4867ae  No.10906084

Kanye, Paris Hilton… just aberrations. Britney… aberration amy winehouse… on and on… just aberrations…

It's right there in front of us and one of them is breaking ranks. LISTEN and you will learn. She has nothing to gain and EVERYTHING to lose.

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fde07b  No.10906085


That's exactly what we have now. This chain is from OSS, who's name is now mud, without his usual pastebin links.

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5f37ac  No.10906086

File: 9206da012304fee⋯.jpg (333.97 KB, 1498x1079, 1498:1079, 9206da012304fee1f6695a5e89….jpg)

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a2727c  No.10906087

File: a572331355b7ff1⋯.png (22.52 KB, 529x280, 529:280, Solomon_re_NC_Cunningham_S….PNG)

File: 5af2bb0acc4eed3⋯.png (1011.05 KB, 1169x659, 1169:659, 1_Solomon_re_NC_Cunningham….PNG)

File: d4c93d6f3de93ee⋯.png (49.29 KB, 647x724, 647:724, 2_Solomon_re_NC_Cunningham….PNG)

John Solomon

North Carolina Democratic senate candidate admits to extramarital sexting | Just The News



North Carolina Democratic Senate candidate Cal Cunningham admitted this week to having sent sexually explicit text messages to a woman other than his wife, a revelation likely to shake up a competitive Senate race in a contentious election year.

Cunningham’s campaign confirmed the authenticity of the text messages, sent to Arlene Guzman Todd, a public relations strategist out of California.

In the messages, first obtained by National File, Todd—who is also reportedly married—and Cunningham express excitement over their surreptitious relationship. Todd at one point encourages Cunningham to “pick a day [and] city … make up an excuse for the [family] … and be ready to kiss a lot.” Cunningham in the messages refers to Todd as “historically sexy.”

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5f37ac  No.10906095

File: b8efbd109b7f723⋯.png (23.03 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 488d098425f3a6da2b4d8420a5….png)

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6d8b84  No.10906096

wtf.. is up w/these breads.

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fc35ea  No.10906097

File: a06c38df0c02f2c⋯.jpeg (251.1 KB, 828x673, 828:673, F769DF28_BC70_4221_B64F_1….jpeg)

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14a6e2  No.10906101


the connection i see between what Paris is telling us and these adrenochome leak papers is that

both involve privately run residential treatment centers for minors

>>10904649, >>10905255, >>10905275 (noted pb) Remember those ADRENOCHROME leaks a few days ago? - With apparant debunk

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276442  No.10906102


I thought Hitler insisted: only ze poop ov ze master race.

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ca4cb3  No.10906104

File: 80ff8d4b89aa4fa⋯.png (45.48 KB, 324x237, 108:79, days_without_sleep.png)


are you talking about a bread title for next bread or something? not sure what you're asking anon

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06129e  No.10906105

File: 2e7998de2878ac2⋯.jpeg (278.41 KB, 720x469, 720:469, 401AAE7F_522C_45A7_9847_6….jpeg)

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324ec3  No.10906106

File: 7ef937f08db0d22⋯.webm (252.59 KB, 360x640, 9:16, christiangirl.webm)

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23e95e  No.10906111

File: 03ed608a7acb399⋯.png (22.94 KB, 584x194, 292:97, Screenshot_2020_10_03_Util….png)


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0c0990  No.10906112


Does not look or sound like her

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f191bf  No.10906114

File: 264b93458c8ddc9⋯.png (557.8 KB, 745x1099, 745:1099, AwakenedOutlaw_on_Twitter_….png)

Joe got Outlaw.


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75e338  No.10906115


Clowns 🤡

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5f37ac  No.10906117

File: be85cc4a013d385⋯.jpg (117.45 KB, 671x537, 671:537, be85cc4a013d385665173cdc56….jpg)

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14a6e2  No.10906120


> unbroken control continuity

it's broken now. done for good. give up.

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2e5d0f  No.10906121

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85a58e  No.10906122

File: e343d7e0f2be7b3⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1614x914, 807:457, NGGER.png)


Do you prefer covert shill bakers?

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01dbfb  No.10906125


This happens on weekends

it will sort out.

FILTER is your friend.

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647892  No.10906127

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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035a0f  No.10906129

File: 865d0fc4e723b19⋯.png (270.59 KB, 640x513, 640:513, cornpopoftruth.png)

Every time multiple breads are contesting I like to think I'm navigating multiple timelines simultaneously.

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daf1bb  No.10906131

Father God Bless and Protect Donald Trump, and quickly heal his body and give him the energy and strength to finish the fight you put before him.

By the grace of God, and his will, I pray that our POTUS is healed, in the name of Jesus, and believe in faith that at this point on, he is healed.

By your stripes, Jesus, we are healed, and we lay claim to that promise that you heal this land, and our families, and our President.

In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

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48b28a  No.10906132

File: 0b25c22fdaf0213⋯.mp4 (4.07 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, nobodycaresjoe.mp4)


>The other chain has unbroken control continuity

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bcde66  No.10906133

File: 7e767567be81a41⋯.png (659.29 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Cat_God.png)


Distractions for those who are addicted to them.

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d94c1f  No.10906134


Posted this on Fakebook got one of their facebook fact checker covers over it. You couldn't write this stuff.

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01dbfb  No.10906135

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72345d  No.10906136

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4fe1bb  No.10906137

Cain killed and ATE Able.

The word cannibal was the derived.

Cain Able



We are fighting the descendants of Cain which are cannibals.

We don't say his name (Cain)

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6c885b  No.10906139


nana, if you the drawing anon just imagine the feels edition (hope to much up) and draw something like that, maybe get the datefags and clockfags involved

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ee5f8a  No.10906140

Fresh Tasty Bread with no smelly Cabbage Scent

>>10905795 (OP)

>>10905795 (OP)

>>10905795 (OP)

>>10905795 (OP)

Fresh Tasty Bread with no smelly Cabbage Scent

Choose Wisely

Fake Musty ass Cabbage Smelling Bread





Fake Musty ass Cabbage Smelling Bread

Don't make me fucking go there to get notes I gotta wear a mask and shit niggaz FUCK!

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fde07b  No.10906143


>This post has AFLB'esq variables.

AFBL doesn't have variables. He copy-and-pastes the same crap over and over without any apparent awareness of his current surroundings.

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276442  No.10906144


Amen and amen!

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647892  No.10906145

And Ever

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324ec3  No.10906147

File: 06af9e6174fc4fa⋯.jpg (52.43 KB, 341x292, 341:292, chuckoy.jpg)

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23e95e  No.10906152


>This chain is from OSS, who's name is now mud, without his usual pastebin links.

OSS committed Seppuku in the process of exposing the shill bakers on comms, he was a patriot. Anons will never forget..

Now kvetch your brains out.

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000000  No.10906153

A suspicious package prompted German police to block a train depot in Cologne.

Authorities later said the object had been defused and moved to a secure location.


Over the target

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fc35ea  No.10906154

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6de878  No.10906157

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ca4cb3  No.10906158

File: 5a83dba65bc1cb9⋯.jpg (18.01 KB, 600x375, 8:5, pure_kek.jpg)


TOP KEK!!!!!

So true

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4f5d0a  No.10906160

File: 72b2cf4c31b46b8⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1093x851, 1093:851, threwup.png)

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276442  No.10906166


Did they tell you it was officially made in Vietnam?

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5f37ac  No.10906167

File: 3f3567b5da6f944⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1024x684, 256:171, 3f3567b5da6f9441c64103b1eb….png)

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36b18e  No.10906171

File: 423d6d5d7ba56a6⋯.jpg (206.81 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, Win_ing.jpg)


>wtf.. is up w/these breads.

Called WAR.

Digital War for control of information.

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647892  No.10906172

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2e5d0f  No.10906175


If you filter him how can you read the sauce?

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23e95e  No.10906177

>>10906111 Kek is still with Anon Baker

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4fe1bb  No.10906181


Why else would God say to kill all the Canaanite's?

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ee452b  No.10906184

File: d95e2cd006c8c89⋯.png (55.42 KB, 515x404, 515:404, Screenshot_2020_10_03_at_4….png)

This Obiden stooge gets the rope


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473abe  No.10906185

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is what we are up against.

Marxist lady reading crap, pretending to be a Q preacher. And a Marxist fag who comments on their own team disinfo ….taking/playing it realy seriously

Fukken amatures

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b7e622  No.10906188

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Secretary Pompeo's remarks at the Florida Family Policy Council's 15th Annual Awards Dinner- 5:40 PM


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b59b48  No.10906191

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


- Amadea Music Productions

We can't control everything, but we can control what we choose to listen to. Have something grand and pleasant Anons. You deserve the nicer things.



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6c885b  No.10906192



truly is

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b7e622  No.10906196

File: 49116c9f55fb418⋯.png (1000.76 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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77e24c  No.10906199


but still comfy.

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8986f8  No.10906202

File: 4f1c4562e43c607⋯.gif (251.98 KB, 400x320, 5:4, machine_gun_kitty_gif.gif)


>Don't shoot the messenger.

If the messenger is also the author of the message, why the fuck not?

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9b2366  No.10906204

File: 73d207221d631d2⋯.png (3.89 MB, 1645x922, 1645:922, ClipboardImage.png)

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ea6ed1  No.10906207

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Shill energy v wisdom

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01dbfb  No.10906210


One chance to sauce, anon.

Just one today.

Weekend rules.


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d49cd1  No.10906212


come on p00 p00

stop blocking COVID 19 RELIEF STIMULUS

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003603  No.10906215

File: 4251ed7be093e13⋯.png (1.01 MB, 720x537, 240:179, ClipboardImage.png)

Palestine 1950.

A Nation with Christian values at that time.

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14a6e2  No.10906217


>new issue in the kitchen

old issue. anons are fixing.


>What if bakers implement a new id process

bakers are anons

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489916  No.10906218


divide and conquer, same ole shilling.

reminds me of the split to QRB and fj's "qresearch" back on 8ch.

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5f37ac  No.10906220

File: f0350dc9e6eca45⋯.png (9.11 KB, 243x255, 81:85, 6edc1b6e03616a771e6fbcbc5d….png)

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3183bd  No.10906222

File: d495c27f4a69a71⋯.jpg (16.86 KB, 391x488, 391:488, Al_Jolson.jpg)



Do you realize that SEX is the root of all our problems

COCK BRAIN has created much of the problems we have today

You start with women, then go to children and Satan takes over your life

SAD you can't see your immature delusion

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4867ae  No.10906224

File: e3cbb1d72f36788⋯.png (1009.64 KB, 1505x831, 1505:831, wsjqanon.png)

It is no accident the confluence of events. They will go to any lengths to cover up their crimes and President Trump gives legal space for their victims to come out and say the truth.

America, the crucible, is burning away the lies till only the truth remains.

Believe in America anons. It's real. Trump is real.

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59530b  No.10906225

>>10905702 pb

SWIFT recovery

The recovery of the swift accounts.

Trump is 10 days in "quarantine".

Normal would be 14 days.

10 days darnkess.


Trump has ten days, where he is going dark.


When he went to the heli to Walter Reed Hospital,

he tapped once at his thigh.

Then, short before entering the heli, he stopped again and tapped three times on the railing of the gangway.



In morse that is an "E" and an "S".

ESis Eric Schmidt, ex google CEO, who set up servers inNK.

(Edward Snowden is not "ES", Q fers to Snowden as "@Snowden").

The servers in NK hold the email accounts and theSWIFT CODESof all illegal transactions.


SWIFT RECOVERYmeans recovering the swift codes from North Korea's servers.

Then days where Trump goes dark.


To NK.

To "recover" the Swift codes from ES servers to nail Hillary and other bad actors for their criminal deeds.

BTW, Kim appeared in the news one or two days ago.

And Kennedy faked a cold, to go dark and solve the Cuban Missile Crisis.

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0b04d2  No.10906232

File: 3bf93106e901358⋯.jpg (175.86 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1593696183142.jpg)

People focused too much on the "right" bread or the "right" baker aren't focused on the substance of the posts. But this is obvious and doesn't really need to be said.

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e78623  No.10906233

File: ccc9b44b60ef448⋯.jpeg (803.92 KB, 1125x1733, 1125:1733, 0ECAA95C_00F6_4F32_B029_2….jpeg)

POTUS tweet decode - “PLAGUE”

Authorities from a south-western Chinese county have recorded a new case of bubonic plague over the weekend as officials have activated an emergency response to prevent the disease from spreading.

A three-year-old boy from a remote village in Menghai country of Yunnan province was confirmed to have infected with the bubonic plague on Sunday, according to state media.

It comes as China’s Inner Mongolia region, near the Chinese border with Mongolia, has reported two deaths caused by the plague in August, prompting the authorities to impose partial lockdowns and quarantine residents.


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bcde66  No.10906234

File: 6a9c35c45dcecab⋯.mp4 (739 KB, 360x640, 9:16, Kd0T3W_9LXUQqJaj.mp4)

Yup…you are watching a movie

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7e5d17  No.10906235


As a Brit…Nobody goes to a bar to read Isaac Newton and Dante.

We just go to a bar to drink beer and chat shit.

…not even that….put on a good barbecue and we'll go to Tesco and buy beer 'n' burgers…then chat football.

Do you even know how to colonise???

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489916  No.10906237

File: 5d21aa053e976fe⋯.png (910.39 KB, 1000x665, 200:133, Palestine.png)


you mean this?

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ee5f8a  No.10906239



Fresh Tasty Bread with no smelly Cabbage Scent





Fresh Tasty Bread with no smelly Cabbage Scent

Choose Wisely

Fake Musty ass Cabbage Smelling Bread





Fake Musty ass Cabbage Smelling Bread

Don't make me fucking go there to get notes I gotta wear a mask and shit niggaz FUCK!

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4860f5  No.10906243


Excellent !


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72345d  No.10906246

File: a809b74cfa9df20⋯.jpg (187.26 KB, 1080x863, 1080:863, 20201003_144701.jpg)

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276442  No.10906247


Lift Yr Skinny Wrists, boys

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48b28a  No.10906248

File: 91886537a938c4b⋯.gif (1.51 MB, 245x276, 245:276, F_yeah_.gif)

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e994b9  No.10906253

File: 4fc124971bf710a⋯.jpeg (783.11 KB, 1783x1230, 1783:1230, 6846F4DA_84FC_40D2_885E_6….jpeg)

File: 35a44908a0bbe10⋯.jpeg (775.93 KB, 1987x1337, 1987:1337, D5E2DA1E_F48A_4E47_A297_6….jpeg)

As you can see on this screencap they try to avoid that Adrenochrome stuff and open new threads with notables who don’t mention that stuff.

The shills are going crazy. This is Pizzagate #2.

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003603  No.10906257


No, that's nowadays fuckery.

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9b2366  No.10906259

>you start with women, and then go to children

that… is not how sex works… at all


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2e5d0f  No.10906260


Weak, very weak. Fuck there was even audio of him saying that shit. You defeat yourself with that hair-trigger bs.

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23e95e  No.10906265


>The shills are going crazy. This is Pizzagate #2.


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07c34f  No.10906266

File: b587c16755a63dd⋯.png (631.77 KB, 1085x936, 1085:936, Screenshot_46.png)

File: 573f225e7bbc947⋯.png (388.09 KB, 588x611, 588:611, Screenshot_47.png)

File: b0d206051cfd490⋯.mp4 (1.09 MB, 480x270, 16:9, MeganFatSmith.mp4)

>>10904438 pb

>Megan Mitra Smith



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e7b567  No.10906267

File: 8cf8e650fc519fc⋯.jpg (77.16 KB, 600x500, 6:5, faggots_faggots.jpg)


>FILTER is your friend.

its certainly your friend. if youre an ignorant fucking faggot. of which it seems there is presently no shortage.

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4f5d0a  No.10906269

File: bdacd59196429ca⋯.png (2.13 MB, 1750x932, 875:466, assholes.png)

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0b04d2  No.10906270

File: a0e2a828ef64723⋯.jpg (100.76 KB, 677x951, 677:951, Al_Jolson_1924.jpg)


>if you have sex with women eventually you'll have sex with children because women are a gateway drug to satan

Fucking 6000 IQ big brain post right here.

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f9221e  No.10906274


Looks fake and gay. It’s too on the nose.

Adrenochrome is real but these docs are not.

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ee5f8a  No.10906275

Very big sad lost big time Marathon Tortoise came first hare fell.

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36b18e  No.10906277

File: b6422f8413a5b88⋯.jpg (108.27 KB, 441x507, 147:169, PHpiz.jpg)


>Does not look or sound like her


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4867ae  No.10906278

They reaped the wind and so they reaped the whirlwind and we just touched down on their asses and fucked shit up everywhere. Major troll defeat with their bare assed naked retreat.

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fb9d7f  No.10906286

File: e3668533c27768c⋯.png (687.91 KB, 597x812, 597:812, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 342c364949d8f33⋯.mp4 (1.85 MB, 320x568, 40:71, Orange_County_Street_antic….mp4)

Orange County Street Antics


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73d19c  No.10906287

File: f82d7c09bade11f⋯.png (557.57 KB, 602x589, 602:589, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_10….png)

Ancient mummies, and a sealed door, unearthed in Egypt after more than 2,600 years.


2020 NEEDS an Egyptian Curse to REALLY spice things up

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c534f8  No.10906289

Chris Christie = Clown

Chris Christie tests positive

Chris Christie photo'd with POTUS right before debate

Chris Christie delivered the package?

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48b28a  No.10906290

File: 368b923c89617f7⋯.mp4 (193.45 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, badthingorgoodthing.mp4)


what's the source of that document

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7e5d17  No.10906293


We all have a choice…that's why you are here.

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ca4cb3  No.10906294

File: 5350187869d1d84⋯.png (38.54 KB, 388x293, 388:293, watch.png)


like, don't get your hopes up reading gematria, clocks, dates? hmmm. could be funny

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000000  No.10906295

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dante´s Inferno

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e78623  No.10906296


They meant bar as in prison bars…

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489916  No.10906299


the chrisitan arabs from the area call themselves Aramaic people, not "palestinian". At least those who are not brainwashed by the EU, Soros and the PLO.

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85a58e  No.10906302


It's always been a messy process.

These boards are designed to be chaotic.

More control on bakers means shill bakers can form clubs and freeze out anon bakers.

I think they operate on a schedule now and are signed up days in advance to cover certain shifts.

Anons try to get in and they don't have the right credentials and shill bakers control the bake so they can shift the board culture to fit 'their' agenda.

Chaos is better because sometimes we get shill bakes and sometimes we get anon bakes.

Control = All Shill Bakes.

Just my observation

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73d19c  No.10906305


Make sense. He probably ate it

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647892  No.10906316

File: 7a75ff7437b1178⋯.jpg (85.79 KB, 500x500, 1:1, kek.jpg)

Indeed They Are Really Stupid

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ca4cb3  No.10906317

File: a1d997f02686a60⋯.webm (284.31 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, CHECK_EM.webm)



Praise Kek

SEETHING comms fags

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6c885b  No.10906318


exactly, like the weekends the clocks strikes

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4867ae  No.10906320



I love anons. You guys are legendary

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48b28a  No.10906322

File: 9369397e0aa25bf⋯.png (678.02 KB, 1000x415, 200:83, ClipboardImage.png)


what a treasure

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fc35ea  No.10906328

File: f0467fce69954a2⋯.jpeg (140.85 KB, 828x797, 828:797, 0C10B5D1_08F4_498A_9A72_E….jpeg)

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01dbfb  No.10906330


Thanks for the filter tip.


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3183bd  No.10906332

File: 10a07199ad1b62c⋯.jpg (16.59 KB, 191x255, 191:255, Aborted_baby_pic.jpg)


Canaanites were after the flood …

That is what happens when you don't get proper education

Canaanites were from the tribe of Canaan, Son of Ham …

They would screw their own daughters and pass their children through the fire

Another thing they did was put babies in their walls of their homes to protect against spirits

If you knew what they did you would understand why GOD had to get rid of their complete corrupted seed

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6c885b  No.10906335


or now it would be 11.3 , oooh the feels

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23e95e  No.10906338



>>10906111, >>10906177, >>10906317 Kek is still with Anon Baker

>>10905974, >>10906042 Breaking: Counter-protestors clash with police at pro-Trump rally in Washington DC

>>10905961, >>10756139 Welcome to Q Research Kitchen Meta

>>10905991, >>10906153 International News

>>10905947 Round-up

>>10905960 Breonna Taylor's boyfriend said SHE opened fire on cops during no-knock warrant before changing his story, according to now-indicted officer's testimony revealed in secret grand jury recordings

>>10906031 Herridge pen following..

>>10906018 ANONS KNOW EDITION, Hold the LINE

>>10906087 John Solomon - North Carolina Democratic senate candidate admits to extramarital sexting

>>10906101 The connection I see between what Paris is telling us and these adrenochome leak papers is that both involve privately run residential treatment centers for minors

>>10906114 For the KEKS

>>10906188 Secretary Pompeo's remarks at the Florida Family Policy Council's 15th Annual Awards Dinner- 5:40 PM

>>10906233 POTUS tweet decode - “PLAGUE”

>>10906266 Megan Mitra Smith

>>10906286 Orange County Street Antics

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19f0f5  No.10906346

File: b3deb013a324d6a⋯.jpg (16.69 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Chistie_is_fat_and_that_is….jpg)


fastso put Kushner's old man in prison ; he'll get his eventually

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f1488d  No.10906351

File: c0228c56fabb845⋯.jpeg (26.39 KB, 330x497, 330:497, 330px_JNF011659.jpeg)

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daf1bb  No.10906352


amazing how 1 guy can cause so much disruption

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48b28a  No.10906353

File: cf7bd99af8475ca⋯.mp4 (2.9 MB, 640x800, 4:5, WWG1WGA.mp4)


>Control = All Shill

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4860f5  No.10906354


Q is not as stupid as these dumb fucks are.

He will post in the correct bread.

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75e338  No.10906358


That’s what I was thinking when I saw the first one today. Why would you want to open up someone’s tomb. What would expect to find anyway. A mummified body wow big surprise

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fb9d7f  No.10906364

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tunage for anons

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ee5f8a  No.10906366

File: 5ebe5cc153738ff⋯.jpg (531.82 KB, 2048x1149, 2048:1149, Thess.jpg)

File: 113bc5fd6d3a686⋯.jpg (7.54 KB, 270x187, 270:187, Ayy_Lmao.jpg)

File: f97826fa1b297ae⋯.jpg (145.07 KB, 649x676, 649:676, B4T.jpg)

File: 64f721552bd979a⋯.jpg (151.52 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, Bake.jpg)

File: 20b9aa9dde74830⋯.png (1.04 MB, 838x471, 838:471, Baker_Backyard_BBQ.png)

Will post notables bun if anything more is dropped. not much there. on top anons. On top.

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337961  No.10906368

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36b18e  No.10906369

File: ad32a09b0842a51⋯.jpg (35.31 KB, 300x400, 3:4, idioPop.jpg)


>Do you realize that SEX is the root of all our problems

It's sex outside of marriage.

Not women turn men to satan or men turn women. That's divionfagging.

It's sex outside of marriage.

Spilling one's 'seed' all the time makes you stoopid. That's whay they encourage you to be all sexed up all the time. <True story

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000000  No.10906370

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Dante's Inferno: The Symbolism of Hell

the Hell is real


What´s a temple?

How many levels up/down?

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4867ae  No.10906373




Sometimes the fight and the ensuing enlightenment of the issue to all is in itself the reason Q educated us… We are the Q proof, not the database.

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9b2366  No.10906384


high IQ post

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77e24c  No.10906387

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Block ROckin' Beats

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4860f5  No.10906391


He will look in the Catalog like a REAL anon would.

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ca4cb3  No.10906392



Gotcha. Could be funny, ill write it down & post somethin if i can think of a good way to capture that

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85a58e  No.10906394

File: 621e960b9fe0c0a⋯.png (513.84 KB, 674x666, 337:333, kek.png)


The power of KeK is with you.

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29cb66  No.10906404


Abel, not Able

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26b794  No.10906406

File: a17e359ba8929e0⋯.png (909.98 KB, 1005x780, 67:52, DD7931C7_E708_4CE9_AA31_AC….png)

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9ebea0  No.10906409


Nine (9) circles of Hell

Marker 9

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647892  No.10906410

File: 5f859c31e62b8ee⋯.png (594.12 KB, 863x428, 863:428, Capture.PNG)


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fc35ea  No.10906411

File: 6e63e360057de8f⋯.jpeg (250.82 KB, 485x605, 97:121, 9C462B05_6CCD_45FD_A107_B….jpeg)

File: 07f10e0d662fe2c⋯.jpeg (819.06 KB, 828x815, 828:815, AE26AC7F_7BBA_490C_A698_7….jpeg)

File: f294dbf0b181d56⋯.jpeg (267.09 KB, 662x439, 662:439, AD3FC28B_1FBB_4F5B_A7E2_7….jpeg)

File: 80b579cd5ba3047⋯.jpeg (50.01 KB, 287x480, 287:480, 9CCA2F78_26A6_4C3E_929B_E….jpeg)

TheY fucked up everything


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75e338  No.10906412


A real anon comes in through the index.

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6c885b  No.10906415


maybe get jfk in there ? hrhr, oh i´v evil

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06129e  No.10906418

File: be874207cb09f28⋯.jpg (246.8 KB, 567x1008, 9:16, foto_no_exif1.jpg)

File: eacca007086fb73⋯.jpg (77.9 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 476829_Z0.jpg)

File: e6d2f6c787d5e87⋯.jpg (158.29 KB, 567x1008, 9:16, foto_no_exif2.jpg)

New US Postal Service catalog from neighbor.

Illuminati eye. White rabbit. JFK/GHWB.


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ca4cb3  No.10906421

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8fdb00  No.10906425

File: 0c4a1c023afcd83⋯.jpg (110.22 KB, 1100x825, 4:3, 5602ca729dd7cc1b008bc930.jpg)

File: 8b466d493d3c22e⋯.jpg (173.06 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 1594708709976.jpg)


please be thinking of future!

Number 3 casino in Cambodia is offering position career!

*work with established service triad laundry or other task!

*Free tattoo of animal on back, face and neck for stylish!

* Make own hours refill modern vending a plus!

*be respect as triad associate

* discount triad merch

* friendly other shills

*Never regret decision!


Sign OP rarliest opportunity for best position!

hiring RIGHT NOW

Ask for Mister Yee, Casino man boss No. 3, Snek Triad Road Phenom Peoner Cambodia

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7e5d17  No.10906428


Bakers used to be confirmed by board owner (8bit) we're not 41 UID's anymore. Shit got complicated.

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19f0f5  No.10906430

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14a6e2  No.10906432


discernment cards too

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4860f5  No.10906440


Bigger news would be what year you figured this out. Before or After 9/11?

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1c1647  No.10906441

File: 6a8970240b94aec⋯.png (316.72 KB, 673x630, 673:630, Screen_Shot_2020_10_03_at_….png)

File: 04d485a2cfb381c⋯.png (248.15 KB, 290x444, 145:222, sauce_5_27_43_.png)

File: 69dc72f6a0a8de3⋯.png (483.14 KB, 738x393, 246:131, Screen_Shot_2020_10_03_at_….png)

Just an Anon’s insight on some unknown issues with the mask and testing.

The area they swab to check for covid is also a key energetic synapse point for our life force. Also known as the prana, kundalini, chi, etc. How one regulates the breath stimulates this area in different ways, such as alternate nostril breathing. During meditation we maintain control of our breathing for a desired result. One result is connecting to God. The more mindful we are of our breathing the better we can connect to God. By putting a mask on, it severely limits our ability to control the breath and thus connect to God. This area should not be disturbed with foreign instruments, let alone swabbed with some unknown contaminants. Do you think poking a stick into a nuclear reactor core to get a sample is a good idea? The dark forces know this, and you should as well. Many ancient civilizations write about breath control and how to connect to the higher Self through this process. The ha at the end of aloha signifies the breath in the Hawaiian culture. Western medicine discounts this, but the public is waking up. The biggest factor in health is the mind, proven by the placebo effect. Controlling the breath helps control the mind. By submitting to wearing the mask, you have surrendered the control of your breath, thus your ability to connect to God, the greatest healer, and greatest advisor. Why do you think people are acting the way they are right now? Their connection to God has been limited and when you loose that connection you loose your ability to be at peace. In order to have life you need air first and foremost. To say that limiting one’s air is going to help the ability to fight off dis ease is a farce. The mask is a violation of our first amendment right, freedom of religion. It also violates the intention of our Constitution.We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.There is no life without air, and for our government to limit that is wrong on every level of what this country was founded on, and the laws made to protect it. Go out, BREATHE and Connect to our Creator!



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19f0f5  No.10906442


also wrong

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bcb5b7  No.10906444

Holy hell that was shill hell.

lurkerfag here

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3183bd  No.10906452

File: 637e913cb15a544⋯.jpg (19.51 KB, 229x255, 229:255, aquerrel.jpg)

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7e5d17  No.10906454


>Bakers used to be confirmed by board owner (8bit) we're not 41 UID's anymore. Shit got complicated.

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06129e  No.10906456

File: 3e8d5a44f97769d⋯.jpg (394.82 KB, 900x1268, 225:317, Inferno.jpg)

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75e338  No.10906457


I was just kidding. Easy anon

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4867ae  No.10906458

Remember anons. It's not how we fight. It's why we fight. The enemy has indefensible vulnerabilities. Smart Armies fight there.

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5f37ac  No.10906461

File: 6a5e87960997b43⋯.png (105.92 KB, 500x607, 500:607, 6a5e87960997b435ee2298c8e3….png)

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19f0f5  No.10906465

File: 1142af20698cae1⋯.jpeg (23.75 KB, 255x255, 1:1, trippy_pep.jpeg)


trip of truth says you lurk no moar…..

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5f37ac  No.10906468

File: ba66793e2231f69⋯.png (14.36 KB, 255x253, 255:253, 398b2214237797accd4813dbfc….png)

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0c2f7c  No.10906470

File: 434bdaf40085116⋯.jpg (55.23 KB, 787x1114, 787:1114, 434bdaf4008511614762b1a537….jpg)

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41fecc  No.10906472

File: 879ed7ab7e18756⋯.png (435.65 KB, 704x698, 352:349, Screen_Shot_2020_10_03_at_….png)


That right there is some first class meme material.

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e7b567  No.10906473

File: 482b847f0b86719⋯.jpg (9.74 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 8ball.jpg)


>Bakers used to be confirmed by board owner (8bit) we're not 41 UID's anymore. Shit got complicated.

thems was the days

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6c885b  No.10906474

File: b331f6bd498f388⋯.jpg (410.06 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 1510663881194.jpg)

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46afc5  No.10906475

File: 57d6154520c63f9⋯.png (920.77 KB, 500x681, 500:681, fallingskies.png)




behold the power of kek.

they'll never tame chaos.


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647892  No.10906477

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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19f0f5  No.10906478

File: 95ddd1a5a4f5780⋯.jpg (8.03 KB, 255x176, 255:176, hugging_pepes.jpg)


i'm testy, i guess….. sorry

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26b794  No.10906479

File: 88e4219ba2fa882⋯.png (804.2 KB, 779x430, 779:430, 86CFDEA3_6496_4F8A_BD3D_A3….png)


Nailed it!

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23e95e  No.10906480

hol-lee fuck

the shills have resorted to simply spamming old q drops, we have them on the ropes anons, don't let up.

off bread


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a2727c  No.10906481

File: ef50dc98e825eb7⋯.png (217.06 KB, 561x424, 561:424, Joe_Cooper_Twitter.PNG)




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035a0f  No.10906483

File: c0e52cbb9ddae04⋯.png (987.41 KB, 1104x1080, 46:45, 45.png)

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6de878  No.10906484


the anger is strong in this one

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73d19c  No.10906485

File: afa3f4f7356473d⋯.png (20.35 KB, 600x215, 120:43, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_10….png)

BREAKING: Chris Christie, who is suffering from coronavirus, has been hospitalized as a 'precautionary measure' - CNN


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9b2366  No.10906486


>it's not how we fight

thank God

i've gone shamelessly low on here moar than a few times to get under their skin

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29cb66  No.10906487


Too bad she wasn't arrested in DC. Crossing state lines and all… makes it a Federal crime.

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72345d  No.10906488

File: 1437bf1955a3981⋯.jpg (359.42 KB, 1080x2046, 180:341, 20201003_145711.jpg)

thoughts on this account. Can't put my finger on it.

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6ee1b2  No.10906489

File: ba901832b615ad6⋯.jpg (219.44 KB, 652x832, 163:208, AntiFungalLeafBread.jpg)

File: 433b78489a2c920⋯.png (119.66 KB, 290x347, 290:347, DriveCrash01.png)

File: 051be3982a49261⋯.png (336.67 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, exbot_remove99.png)


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d0cc3f  No.10906490

File: 00fd5cf5a04aa8a⋯.jpg (23.92 KB, 691x351, 691:351, mcchrystaltraitor.jpg)

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75e338  No.10906491

File: 589a2f86d1ff715⋯.png (107.59 KB, 351x319, 351:319, 589a2f86d1ff71528a529f6779….png)


No problem

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4867ae  No.10906492

Paris, I think I've proven that you'll get a fair shake here. You are safe and free to disclose whatever whenever.

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d49cd1  No.10906494


yo sammich's suck yammiche wide load arse n door

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19f0f5  No.10906495

File: 96f6f10140e44a5⋯.jpg (11.69 KB, 255x219, 85:73, 76ac149563e111c05489e9456e….jpg)


dayum,,,,i get it now…..i read yours first but in correct order, that is funny shit

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5459ef  No.10906496

File: 8ef57ba359bfd84⋯.png (1.23 MB, 720x807, 240:269, ClipboardImage.png)

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48b28a  No.10906498

File: d016f7a53d2f447⋯.jpg (172.98 KB, 600x600, 1:1, swampepe.jpg)


this place is fun

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23e95e  No.10906502

File: 0347f6ed62d2f06⋯.jpg (2.94 MB, 2356x9897, 2356:9897, Screenshot_2020_10_01_Q_Re….jpg)

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6ee1b2  No.10906503

File: eef99d94c821147⋯.png (969.12 KB, 816x829, 816:829, BeBest17.png)

File: 16f6c448026cd11⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1414x745, 1414:745, MelaniaPersevere.png)

File: f50e7d82105dc4a⋯.png (420.44 KB, 617x640, 617:640, Template_Kayleigh.png)

File: d4b0cb8da99e803⋯.png (430.05 KB, 617x640, 617:640, KayleighFact.png)


St. Michael the Archangel,

illustrious leader of the heavenly army,

defend us in the battle against principalities and powers,

against the rulers of the world of darkness

and the spirit of wickedness in high places.

Come to the rescue of mankind,

whom God has made in His own image and likeness,

and purchased from Satan's tyranny at so great a price.

We venerate you as our patron and guardian.

The Lord has entrusted to you the task

of leading the souls of the redeemed to heavenly blessedness.

Entreat the Lord of peace to cast Satan down under our feet,

so as to keep him from further holding man captive and

doing harm to the world.

Carry our prayers up to God's throne,

that the mercy of the Lord may quickly come

and lay hold of the beast, the serpent of old, Satan and his demons,

casting him in chains into the abyss, so that he can no longer seduce the nations.

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d07af1  No.10906504



three pictures of here in a bad situation and you base your opinion of her when she is under stress?

the donk is strong in that one.

try to be a bit less of that, will ya.

you see, we can all be donkular, it's when you just subhumanize others based upon rancid beliefs or . . . being a shill, or your too tired, or your drunk, or u just screwed up.

so stop it.

be nice to people.

she's just some girl in a photo.

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f9221e  No.10906505


>Can't put my finger on it.

You can’t put your finger on diarrhea,anon.

Keep that shit off the boards.

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647892  No.10906508


People Awake

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cdfe35  No.10906509

File: 32160cd59a2313c⋯.jpg (627.82 KB, 1440x764, 360:191, rare7.jpg)

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0bea27  No.10906511

File: 36f340fb135a742⋯.png (2.68 MB, 1125x1403, 1125:1403, WildTrumpGirls_050.png)

File: 9e6cc6fd7b5c4d9⋯.jpg (445.81 KB, 1170x780, 3:2, IMG_057.jpg)

You Imagine The Almighty God Above All Remove Loop Because

Invite God In


Trump Girls Crave Fighters~!~

Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

>But thou, when thou mayest pray, go into thy chamber, and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father who [is] in secret, and thy Father who is seeing in secret, shall reward thee manifestly.

Our Father, Who arte in Heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in Heaven

Give us this day our Daily Bread

And forgive our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

And lead us not into temptation

But Deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God clean our depths.

We pray God enflame our Vitality.

We pray God sharpen Our Truth.

We pray God Expose our enemies.

Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

Amen 🤜🙏🤛

Patriots 👏 Trust 👏 The 👏 Plan!

She curioux=Qbabies.

(𝙵amilies are our Qure)

ᴍake Babιes again!

Destroy Satans lies

The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Imagine the Success🥳 of our bright future.

Repeat Remember

Pray Dream

Remember the smell ໐f childhood

Millions silent together I banishk(belial)k

Blacklist BlackHats

Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

Relax, we are strong with God.

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c24ba4  No.10906513


thanks bakes!

/anons know/

based anon-baker is based


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48b28a  No.10906515


>she's just some girl in a photo.

Megan Mitra Smith, 36, was arrested at the @riotribs antifa autonomous zone occupation in Portland. This is at least her third arrest in recent weeks at violent antifa protests. Again, she was quickly released. http://archive.vn/fkfzi #PortlandRiots

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473abe  No.10906516

File: 456e6591813543d⋯.mp4 (3.09 MB, 640x360, 16:9, fire_feet_honkler.mp4)

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d49cd1  No.10906517


is that howie kurtz from faux saux sunday show about the media - dude?

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0f31a2  No.10906518

File: f04081c951b466d⋯.mp4 (6.85 MB, 640x360, 16:9, _ud_cBcDG6oyKFGC.mp4)


Its a larp formerly know at ETS. Vid related.

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48cda5  No.10906520

File: a4cb1964a3bbec0⋯.png (235.28 KB, 600x1024, 75:128, Screenshot_2020_10_03_16_5….png)

Is it true that the President is receiving two experimental drugs?!

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d4c991  No.10906522

File: 67b3961038b2a0e⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1616x482, 808:241, Screenshot_2020_10_03_shm_….png)

File: 2849977dc6f1062⋯.jpg (29.02 KB, 430x243, 430:243, schumanncomfy.jpg)

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41fecc  No.10906523


Has a few defenders here, but not many. Consensus is LARP. But he doesn't seem like he's a paytriot, so I'm not sure what his game is. Famefag who gets off on lots of followers maybe.

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19f0f5  No.10906524

File: c27c6a98eabca2f⋯.jpeg (7.69 KB, 255x148, 255:148, 145f2b37f4f2c9e1f8ab5cc5c….jpeg)


made a cardinal mistake by not checking what you were responding too ; must have caught a mold spore from that other loaf

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b59b48  No.10906525

File: 5f70ffd025b1a98⋯.gif (128.4 KB, 354x286, 177:143, Tunes_Pepe_Gif.gif)


Exquisite. Peace to you, Anon of exceedingly good taste.

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23e95e  No.10906527



>>10906111, >>10906177, >>10906317, >>10906444 Kek is still with Anon Baker and Anon bread

>>10906266, >>10906322, >>10906484, >>10906496 Biden Harris voters arrested

>>10905974, >>10906042 Breaking: Counter-protestors clash with police at pro-Trump rally in Washington DC

>>10905961, >>10756139 Welcome to Q Research Kitchen Meta

>>10905991, >>10906153 International News

>>10905947 Round-up

>>10905960 Breonna Taylor's boyfriend said SHE opened fire on cops during no-knock warrant before changing his story, according to now-indicted officer's testimony revealed in secret grand jury recordings

>>10906031 Herridge pen following..

>>10906018 ANONS KNOW EDITION, Hold the LINE

>>10906087 John Solomon - North Carolina Democratic senate candidate admits to extramarital sexting

>>10906101 The connection I see between what Paris is telling us and these adrenochome leak papers is that both involve privately run residential treatment centers for minors

>>10906114 For the KEKS

>>10906188 Secretary Pompeo's remarks at the Florida Family Policy Council's 15th Annual Awards Dinner- 5:40 PM

>>10906233 POTUS tweet decode - “PLAGUE”

>>10906266 Megan Mitra Smith

>>10906286 Orange County Street Antics

>>10906184 This Obiden stooge gets the rope

>>10906485 BREAKING: Chris Christie, who is suffering from coronavirus, has been hospitalized as a 'precautionary measure' - CNN

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46afc5  No.10906528

File: 2261215b39c7b43⋯.png (1.64 MB, 900x600, 3:2, fucking_leaf.png)


when the meth runs out, does it still feel like shit knowing nobody will ever fuck you, tranny?

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e3aa91  No.10906529


The Republcans are starving?

Maybe the Rinos are cut off and abandoned?

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4867ae  No.10906530

legendary breads legendary anon bakers legendary anons

Thank You God

Anons, take a bow. You're fucking killing it.

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24cd9d  No.10906531

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Brought to you by the MAGA patriots.

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ca4cb3  No.10906532

File: 958183bd61820f0⋯.png (575.76 KB, 1008x1066, 504:533, Screenshot_at_2020_10_03_1….png)

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780fd7  No.10906536

File: 38011ec8f7ee5ff⋯.mp4 (8.36 MB, 854x480, 427:240, FireWalkerFusRoDah1.mp4)

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7e5d17  No.10906537


Forget about 'beak'….that just gave me the shivers…TENGU!!!!!!!

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0ae132  No.10906538

File: 786409251e8f6ca⋯.gif (5.52 MB, 480x270, 16:9, xx2.gif)

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3f06b4  No.10906539

It appears that the 'leaker' who said POTUS was not in good shape was Mark Meadows.


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48b28a  No.10906540

testing by appointment only

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19f0f5  No.10906541


they are trying to make penicillin?

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035a0f  No.10906542

File: 1505d43f5397136⋯.gif (297.15 KB, 220x148, 55:37, tenor.gif)

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900351  No.10906543

soooooooooooooo where has Q-Ball been

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8bd37f  No.10906545


More to add to the new DNC dating site.

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6c885b  No.10906546

File: 34668cc4d63a422⋯.jpg (114.12 KB, 728x637, 8:7, howtolookbackwards.jpg)

pic related

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d07af1  No.10906549


who knows what her real role is in all this.

now that I know that, she looks horrible.

but still, it's just three photos of her.

I am sure there are photos of her where she doesn't look bedraggled and put-upon.

anyway, ya, who wouldn't be angry in a mug-shot photo?

maybe she's an undercover operator and that's her cover name?

what if they are all undercover operators with covernames?

It's just three photos on a website.

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48b28a  No.10906550

File: 770f214663c5a0b⋯.png (310.39 KB, 450x561, 150:187, blaz.png)

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49fab2  No.10906551

It's annoying when the breads split because I'm too lazy to figure out which one is the correct one.

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9b2366  No.10906554

File: 1ead80557a897ac⋯.gif (1.07 MB, 300x300, 1:1, 1ead80557a897ac18689370013….gif)

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3c1c36  No.10906555

File: 8e4a001b44dc247⋯.jpeg (379.75 KB, 763x1245, 763:1245, BB497F76_6CAE_4381_9F62_0….jpeg)

File: e942239b1a17da1⋯.jpeg (242.13 KB, 1001x1048, 1001:1048, ABCC67E4_A8E2_48E8_BCAB_9….jpeg)

File: 857403d07e5c6a3⋯.jpeg (184.29 KB, 987x695, 987:695, E86BC818_CFDF_4C9A_AAC8_C….jpeg)

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36b18e  No.10906559

File: a4d409dc71a9cc1⋯.jpg (77.68 KB, 800x420, 40:21, SETHsrc.jpg)


>what's the source of that document

There isn't one.

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3a72ee  No.10906560


Who cares? She fuglee.

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6de878  No.10906561


angry libtard was angry enough to spread her unhinged anger between Portland and DC……what were you trying to say ?

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2f614e  No.10906563

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Chelsea Clinton said she ended friendship with Ivanka Trump over the 'cruelty and incompetence' of her father's administration"

"Chelsea Clinton said on Thursday's "Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen" she has "not spoken" to her longtime friend Ivanka Trump "since 2016."

When asked during the Bravo host's talk show what happened to her friendship with Trump, Clinton explained she has "no interest in being friends with someone who is not only complicit but actively taking part in this administration's everyday collision of cruelty and incompetence."

Clinton told Cohen that she was in touch with Trump "at the beginning of the campaign," but has not been in contact with her since.

"I don't think [Ivanka and President Donald Trump] are the same by any standard," Clinton said. "But I think she's more than complicit."

"I don't want to be friends with someone like that," Clinton added."

"Clinton and Trump had a public friendship in the years before the presidential election. Even as their respective family members launched a political battle against each other in the 2016 presidential election, the two appeared to maintain their friendship.

"I've never had a relationship with Mr. Trump," Clinton told People at the beginning of 2016. "My relationship has always been with Ivanka and certainly I do believe that friendship is more important than politics. I would never hold anyone accountable for what their parents or anyone else in their family said or did."

In 2017, the two respectively came to former President Barack Obama's daughter Malia's defense and doubled down that the then-college freshman should have her privacy and be "off limits" to the press."


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424b6d  No.10906564

File: 88b40fd3d3634b7⋯.jpg (530.45 KB, 1311x921, 437:307, society_of_liars_east_to_c….jpg)


Unwarranted Mask Wearing is a Communist PsyOp

"We all complain of the senseless order of life which is at variance with our being, and yet we refuse to use the unique and powerful weapon within our hands — the consciousness of Truth and its expression; but on the contrary, under the pretext of struggling with ["emerging pandemics"], we destroy the weapon, and sacrifice it to the exigencies of an imaginary [crisis].” - Leo Tolstoy

Thanks to the anon who posted the Dalrymple quote the other day (love u anons (no homo))

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b7e7d3  No.10906565



You would say that eh free?

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ee5f8a  No.10906566

File: 03deaaebdc87622⋯.png (271.02 KB, 600x600, 1:1, KSuicide_Dont.png)

Fake shills shilling in warm up to Real Bread



>>10905730, Refer to Meme.







13958 [Shill Bake - Q Research General #13958: Non Hijacked Bread Edition]Notes 4 Real Baker

>>10906526 BREAKING: Chris Christie, who is suffering from coronavirus, has been hospitalized as a 'precautionary measure' (CNN)

>>10906499 Reposting Herridge: McCabe declines to testify next week citing COVID among senators

>>10906466 QWatch.org…"debunking" Q…website is registered in Ontario, Canada {A Known Hotbed of Satanist Activity} (Caps)

>>10906355 Andy Ngo Reports in (Twitter)

>>10906284, >>10906365 Regeneron is Trump's COVID-19 treatment: What to know - The biotech powerhouse went public in 1991. (FOX\CNN)


OP is Stinky. UGH Stinks, Mask Sucks


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48b28a  No.10906568



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a407a4  No.10906570

File: 7616e5a6220b160⋯.jpg (165.85 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20201003_170148….jpg)

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6de878  No.10906572

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473abe  No.10906574

File: de9fd98052743ca⋯.mp4 (6.54 MB, 720x720, 1:1, de9fd98052743cad59083ef23e….mp4)

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b7e7d3  No.10906576


Trust yourself

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4f5d0a  No.10906577

File: d341be72c9beb49⋯.jpg (16.98 KB, 255x255, 1:1, tvtoldme.jpg)

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72345d  No.10906579

File: 9eb3c3d7b7f7eb6⋯.jpg (54.86 KB, 1080x507, 360:169, 20201003_150025.jpg)


Hes followed by the board owner you dumb cunt. And was pushed by him in a tweet and is constantly being retweeted by him… Jesus fucking christ do like 20 seconds of looking into something.

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daa2f3  No.10906580



>>Megan Mitra Smith

Zero Fucks….. Ever

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780fd7  No.10906581

File: 01186498e4db7c6⋯.png (241.81 KB, 378x456, 63:76, PepeDonotbagelpoint.png)

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48b28a  No.10906582

File: 2aa1d3ae8e5ede5⋯.mp4 (965.32 KB, 320x384, 5:6, Is_this_a_US_army_officer_….mp4)


>There isn't one.

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3a72ee  No.10906585


Ivanka ditched you, bitch, because you’re going to jail

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09b9c0  No.10906586

so was Bashem and/or Meadows clickbaitin trollin dirty?

howd ya miss that in the bread?

gotta admit i got nervous there.

but i cant believe this wasnt planned for maybe im the only one.

but i think potus already had antibody treatment ages ago.

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a2727c  No.10906587

File: 3c5e4df4ec2bad0⋯.png (37.56 KB, 528x376, 66:47, Grenell_re_CA_Ballots_10_3….PNG)

File: 00ea70564714f5a⋯.png (285.98 KB, 519x866, 519:866, re_Grenell_re_CA_Ballots_1….PNG)

Richard Grenell

I’m flooded with people showing me pictures of ballots in California sent to dead people and people who moved years ago. Even foreign citizens like this.

@GavinNewsomdoesn’t care. @recallgavin2020


>It’s happening in @tedlieu’s district. This person on NextDoor says she got a ballot for her former Au Pair who isn’t a citizen & hasn’t lived their for 2 years.

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19f0f5  No.10906589

File: 06b5721df7cfef9⋯.jpg (19.02 KB, 255x252, 85:84, 8632a6493c05c634b98fb5aa48….jpg)


that shit is fun! you get to feel duped a few times and it makes one think something is about to habben because why does anyone bother to go through the trouble ?

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c24ba4  No.10906590


>The other chain has unbroken control continuity

[Those who attempt to control]

define: gatekeeper

5:5 anons

steady as she goes


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d07af1  No.10906591


dat's muh point, don't cha think?

do you?

are you doggo?


that it's three photos on a web page to most people who see it.

they don't connect with the illconention from here to tallahussle thing you're hinting on.

she might as well be an actor from hollywood.

what did you try to say?

three photos of a woman on a website.

without sauce

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36b18e  No.10906593

File: 2a9e8cfa04be40c⋯.jpg (340.46 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, pepeCH.jpg)


That's current?

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6ee1b2  No.10906594

File: 4d8f682b8a43caf⋯.png (119.64 KB, 290x347, 290:347, DriveCrash02.png)

File: 95e44e28a1ccb59⋯.png (336.67 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, exbot_remove88.png)




































































IDEN: Filename +/ Writing style +/ Tactics

We're seeing through your disgusting fog of war, flushedboi.

Fighting a losing battle posing as a cluster of us Patriots~

Reminder that we *last* caught flushedboi posting CP a day before the Sept 2020 debate

<Yes, yes, this censorship puppeteer really floods / astroturf's our "consensus / stream of consciousness" to this extent.

Repetitive? Consider IDEN'ing combat exercise, yet never give credit to our enemy for the growth you achieved yourself.

Without their poisons weighing you down, we have one more Patriot that much stronger in our fight today~

Apply Img_Blur CSS, cut darkness out.

Train your Instincts to IDEN this evil - We are at War.

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23e95e  No.10906595

Regeneron is Trump's COVID-19 treatment: What to know

The biotech powerhouse went public in 1991.

Could an antibody cocktail from Regeneron help President Trump?

Dr. Matt McCarthy, an infectious disease expert, discusses possible treatment options for President Trump after he tested positive for the coronavirus.

President Trump's physician is treating his COVID-19 with Regeneron's experimental treatment. The details were released as the President makes his way to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for observation.

Regeneron confirmed it has released the drug under the "Compassionate Use Request" in which the Food & Drug Administration permits usage to those, not in clinical trials, according to the Mayo Clinic. Normally, this process is long and challenging.

A year ago, this biotech company was known mainly to health care investors and the medical community now it's on the cusp of potentially treating the millions infected with the coronavirus.

FOX Business has more on the business behind the company.

Regeneron Stock & Financial Performance

The company, which is headquartered in Tarrytown, N.Y., went public in 1991 at $22 per share. Today, the stock is trading around $565 per share, as it races towards a treatment for COVID-19. Regeneron has seven FDA approved drugs and 20 in the pipeline, according to company documents….


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df77a7  No.10906596

File: 79986dceb55e8ef⋯.jpg (98.29 KB, 924x611, 924:611, mudoch.jpg)

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6ca734  No.10906597

File: 9444908da4519aa⋯.png (262.62 KB, 596x634, 298:317, Screenshot_2020_10_03_Depa….png)

File: 4a56c5cf471b624⋯.png (5.59 MB, 4096x2730, 2048:1365, ClipboardImage.png)

and tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow


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23e95e  No.10906598

The latest on Trump's Covid-19 diagnosis - more on Regeneron


The White House confirmed doctors gave President Trump a single 8-gram dose of Regeneron’s experimental antibody therapy to treat Covid-19.

Regeneron, a New York-based biotech company, confirmed that it provided the drug in what’s commonly known as a “compassionate use” request from the President’s physicians.

The therapy is known as REGN-COV2; the company calls it a “cocktail” of two monoclonal antibodies.

Polyclonal antibodies are made using several different immune cells, while monoclonal antibodies are made using identical immune cells that are clones of a specific parent cell.

To make its monoclonal antibody therapy, Regeneron scientists selected two antibodies that best neutralized a version of the novel coronavirus in the lab. They then cloned these antibodies and put it into a treatment. Regeneron is using two antibodies since they think it will work best as the virus mutates.

About Regeneron’s Covid-19 antibody therapy trials:

The company started testing the treatment in humans in June. Early trials showed it was safe.

On Tuesday, the company announced results from the first 275 non-hospitalized patients in a late-stage trial that showed that the treatment was safe and seemed to reduce viral levels and improve symptoms in patients with Covid-19. The greatest improvements were seen in patients who hadn’t already mounted a detectable immune response to the novel coronavirus. The patients in the trial were younger than Trump; the average age was 44 years old. More than 40% of the patients were obese, like the President, and a total of 64% of the patients had one or more underlying risk factor for severe Covid-19. The study results have not been peer-reviewed and only topline data was available from the company in a news release.

Outside infectious disease experts said the early results looked “very promising,” but they would need to see results from a larger number of patients.

What’s next:

The company said it is continuing to study this therapy. There will be more data to come from this trial and from a trial involving hospitalized patients and one that is testing the antibody cocktail as prevention for people who have contact with someone in their household who has Covid-19.

Regeneron is in talks with regulators to see if the US Food and Drug Administration would consider an emergency authorization of the drug.

There are at least 70 different antibody treatments for Covid-19 under investigation.

updated 5:26 p.m. ET, October 3, 2020


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6de878  No.10906599


and make all others earn your trust

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01d829  No.10906600

File: 2cbcddf5cf805a8⋯.jpg (17.55 KB, 220x330, 2:3, 220px_Conor_Lamb_Official_….jpg)

#15 'TAKE BACK THE HOUSE' -DJT #VoteDemsOut Conor Lamb Pennsylvania 17th

We will be taking back the house, securing the senate and keeping the PRESIDENCY! #Trump2020.

Anons We are working on taking back the house and could use some help. Please take a moment to Counter this Democrat Congressman as well as support the Republican Candidate.

Current Hash to be used #TakeTheHouse

Trending Hash to be used #Marines

District Hash to be used #PA17th


15. Pennsylvania 17th, 7.6%

Conor Lamb




#VoteRepublican https://twitter.com/seanparnellusa

More Intel: >>>/qresearch/9967715

Memes: >>>/qrmemes/367


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4867ae  No.10906601

Bill Belichick - "Do your job. Do you dream of victory, of glory, of an indelible mark in history and in your profession? Do your job. Don't do the guy's job on the right or left of you. Do your job. If things get dicey do your job. Don't try to do more or back off. Do your job. If you do your job they will never be able to do theirs. Keep that in mind and we will leave this place with our honor intact.

Can't argue with that.

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48b28a  No.10906603

File: 157ec8ff34e12f7⋯.png (471.18 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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4c83d6  No.10906606


this is one of the worst images I have seen here.

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d07af1  No.10906607


not really.

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d4c991  No.10906608


…Most up to date one, yes. http://sosrff.tsu.ru/?page_id=7

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01d829  No.10906609

File: e90f1da3a0f3545⋯.png (337.6 KB, 839x753, 839:753, e90f1da3a0f35455130bef0518….png)

>>10906600 chkt also this

30 DAY SOCIAL MEDIA OPERATION #TakeTheHouse Vote All Dem Leaders Out, ALL!



★ ★ ★ Meme Op ★ ★ ★

30 DAY SOCIAL MEDIA OPERATION #TakeTheHouse Vote All Dem Leaders Out, ALL!

DATE: OCT 3rd - NOV 3rd

OPERATION: https://archive.is/fof2z

FOCUS: Flipping the 2016 15 Close Races back to #VoteRepublican to TAKE BACK THE HOUSE!

LATEST INTEL: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/9967715.html#10694448 (start here and scroll down)

LATEST MEMES: https://8kun.top/qrmemes/res/367.html https://archive.is/eGzkI

DAILY HASH: https://twitter.com/i/trends

MEME CAMMO: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/10713168.html

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

#DoNothingDemocrats: The 'NO' Party

-NO School Choice

-NO Child Tax Credit

-NO Social Security

-NO Speech

-NO Jobs

-NO Wall

-NO Police

-NO Guns

-NO Military

-NO Religion

-NO Law and Order

We will be taking back the house, securing the senate and keeping the PRESIDENCY! #Trump2020.

This 30 day operation will be active to help get the message out to America about the #DoNothingDemocrats and to help support #VoteRepublican candidates running for that district.


Thus we will be attacking their weakest links.

Suggested Hashes:

#Trump2020 #Trump2020Landslide #MAGA #WWG1WGA #Vote #VoteRed #Vote #VoteRepublican #GetOutAndVote #VoteDemsOut #VoteInPerson #VoterID #GoVote #TakeTheHouse #Watchyourballot #SecureTheVote #DefundTheLeft #ObamaGate #OBidenGate

-Daily Hash Trends (#mondaymotivation, #tuesdaythoughts…)

-State/District Hashes ex. #Nevada #Nevada3rd

-Named Hashes ex. #DanRodemer #VoteDanRodemer #ElectDanRodemer

2016 House Close Race


Please select a congressman from below and flood thier timeline with any and all #Demcoruption information for .@their followers to see, as well as throw Support to all [R]epublican candidates, as well as RT support and Report Bots.

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625b72  No.10906610

Q said multiple times "double meanings exist"

Q said "done in 30" and we applied this info to Gen Flynn's plight

Tomorrow, Oct 4th, marks 30 days until the Nov 3rd Presidential election

Could it be "done in 30" also applies to Oct 4th to Nov 4th as the final end to this 4-year marathon?

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c872e8  No.10906611

File: 8e46709f5cd6954⋯.jpg (17.02 KB, 281x179, 281:179, download_2_.jpg)

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48b28a  No.10906612

File: 1251fd847cbba7b⋯.png (37.62 KB, 598x150, 299:75, ClipboardImage.png)


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6de878  No.10906613

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0c2f7c  No.10906614

File: 5152359522b371c⋯.mp4 (4.33 MB, 720x720, 1:1, InShot_20200906_024938115.mp4)

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19c317  No.10906615


Ying, yang; black, white; good, evil; maybe he did, maybe he didn't; we know what happened, we don't have a clue; the document is real, the document is fake; …..

Always two versions of everything now… with straight faces. A is the truth, B is the truth.

I'm sick of this circus.

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19f0f5  No.10906616

File: 849d7c4e77651d3⋯.png (63.72 KB, 233x180, 233:180, ClipboardImage.png)


i got a four-bagger!

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294cef  No.10906618

File: b9be86747a00e77⋯.jpg (270.27 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20200524_191810….jpg)

File: 5d1018bbeeac908⋯.jpg (232.23 KB, 938x472, 469:236, Screenshot_20200525_192233….jpg)

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23e95e  No.10906619

Regeneron.com website


Regeneron and its life science company consortium members are serving as a model for ethical ‘pre-competitive’ collaboration that can accelerate medical discoveries and potentially improve patient care. In 2018, we welcomed collaborators AbbVie, Alnylam, AstraZeneca, Biogen, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Pfizer Inc. and Takeda into a major research consortium to fund the generation of genetic exome sequence data from the 500,000 volunteer participants who make up the UK Biobank health resource. Each collaborator is committing $10 million to enable a dramatic acceleration of sequencing timelines, with Regeneron covering the balance and conducting the sequencing effort. The sequencing data will be paired with detailed, de-identified medical and health records from the UK Biobank resource, including enhanced measures such as brain, heart, and body imaging, to create an unparalleled resource for linking human genetic variations to human biology and disease. This invaluable scientific resource is being made available to the global research community through the UK Biobank’s access process.

Our unique approach and collaboration amongst industry has the potential to dramatically speed up the drug development process. Recent advances in sequencing technology and integration of rich data resources mean there are infinite discoveries to be made that could potentially impact human health. In order to fully tap this new resource, we believe cooperation, transparency, and open access will be absolutely necessary and, more importantly, is the right thing to do.



Leonard S. Schleifer, MB, PhD

George D. Yancopouolous, MB, PhD



Press release on regeneron:




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b7e622  No.10906621

File: aed78d3cdcf01e7⋯.png (1014.69 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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d49cd1  No.10906625



do one with pelosi

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f9221e  No.10906626

File: 8d2eae826d80b22⋯.png (399.76 KB, 608x510, 304:255, F7699231_AAEF_4C04_B308_FF….png)


Well that makes him real right?

To newfags, E tried to fake a friendship with CM, and when 8 Chan was deplatformed, E tried to push a P2P platform as the new 8chan, that includedCP.

That’s right, this idiot tried to get all of us locked up on dumb shit. Your call.

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daa2f3  No.10906627


>and tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow

POTUS COVID Smoke Screen

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2e5d0f  No.10906628


Those are not just photos, they are mugshots. some of the derision is earned.

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48b28a  No.10906630

File: bddedd24bb6ab3c⋯.png (50.01 KB, 598x344, 299:172, ClipboardImage.png)


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d07af1  No.10906631









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fb9d7f  No.10906632

File: 6a91418061fdfac⋯.png (34 KB, 592x293, 592:293, ClipboardImage.png)

Operation MAGA


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035a0f  No.10906636

File: a77b41f25a6aedd⋯.mp4 (572.11 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Russiagate_vs_Obamagate.mp4)

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489916  No.10906637


"mitra" = crown (persian).

It looks like she added this name, could be cult related fuckery.

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d07af1  No.10906638


that's the one that means you know what you know!

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000000  No.10906639


Circle 6: Heresy, cantos 9-11

Notable for me

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05c985  No.10906640

File: 20abdd6f31ffb09⋯.jpg (8.51 KB, 250x243, 250:243, 20abdd6f31ffb09ddc61a3476c….jpg)


What's this?

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ca4cb3  No.10906641

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19f0f5  No.10906642

File: a06ddfd3eb6b8d6⋯.jpeg (13.17 KB, 255x158, 255:158, d80f1cd37fc5c749d8c97ac7e….jpeg)

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911c2f  No.10906643

Just a little entertainment for my fellow anons with a message to Hillary and the DNC and all members who are corrupt from us - the Silent Majority. What a great song by the Gatlin Brothers "Stand Up and Say So"


I can't get it to embed. Can a fellow anon try for me please? (I wouldn't be surprised if Youtube put something in it so it won't work here)

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6de878  No.10906644


good luck

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80069a  No.10906646

File: 93e70a20b3449ee⋯.png (209.55 KB, 616x359, 616:359, Screenshot_2020_10_03_at_3….png)

‘I’m going to beat this,’ Trump tells Rudy Giuliani of COVID-19 during phone call

President Donald Trump phoned Rudy Giuliani from his hospital bed Saturday afternoon to declare he feels so healthy, “I could get out of here right now.”

The former Big Apple mayor said his friend of 30 years sounded hale and hearty during the 2:30 p.m. conversation. “If you can judge by the way he speaks, he sounded like vintage Donald Trump,” Giuliani said.

The president dictated a statement to Giuliani:

“You go tell people I’m watching this coverage [reporting he’s taken a turn for the worse].

“I feel I could get out of here right now. But they’re telling me there can always be a backstep with this disease. But I feel I could go out and do a rally.

“I am the president of the United States. I can’t lock myself in a room. … I had to confront [the virus] so the American people stopped being afraid of it so we could deal with it responsibly.

“We have made tremendous progress on treating this disease. Fatality rates are very low compared to [the beginning].

“I’m going to beat this.


Trump tweets from hospital bed that he's 'feeling well,' thanks doctors

“Then I will be able to show people we can deal with this disease responsibly, but we shouldn’t be afraid of it.

“If I had handled it any other way, I would have created more panic, more fear in the American people.

“We are making great progress on dealing with this disease and making better progress with the economy than anyone had the right to expect.”

The president’s physician, Dr. Sean Conley, told reporters Saturday morning that Trump has no fever, is not taking oxygen and is in “good spirits.” But he warned, “The first week of Covid, and in particular days seven to 10, are the most critical in determining the likely course of this illness.”


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48b28a  No.10906647

File: b9d25c87ef5850d⋯.mp4 (537.42 KB, 640x360, 16:9, bradtech.mp4)


>Operation MAGA

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e3aa91  No.10906648


Going to find Thoths ship?

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d07af1  No.10906649

someone should write a unix utility called Qargs.

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ca4cb3  No.10906650



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0c2f7c  No.10906651

File: 1a62763f613b1c1⋯.mp4 (8.14 MB, 720x720, 1:1, InShot_20200914_194501332.mp4)


The Duke

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6aa97e  No.10906652

File: 1115e00967d1a97⋯.png (262.58 KB, 693x390, 231:130, NPLGNTHSFWRD.png)

Psalm 91:10-12 KJV

There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.

For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.

They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.

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12c82c  No.10906653

File: 9761fc1bd03fd44⋯.png (379.86 KB, 680x452, 170:113, SuperSpreader.png)

Why isn’t Joe Biden doing a quarantine process for 14 days? He was with POTUS without a mask at the debate.

Is DNC leadership pleased he is continuing to engage the public as a super-spreader, and hoping he will show symptoms soon?

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b4d072  No.10906654

File: 83aad8c8c9dadd8⋯.jpg (75.03 KB, 486x340, 243:170, fof.jpg)

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473abe  No.10906656

File: 97c45bc7d964a3a⋯.mp4 (10.36 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 97c45bc7d964a3a68c58f49767….mp4)

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6de878  No.10906657


was just acknowledging (ack) you point

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19c317  No.10906659


Greetings Earthlings.

Or mission on Earth is about to commence.

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19f0f5  No.10906660


is that Greta in the center?

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36b18e  No.10906661

File: 5c7adf56a374df9⋯.jpg (125.91 KB, 1043x935, 1043:935, CC.jpg)

File: 7874e70471167be⋯.png (324.86 KB, 716x348, 179:87, BCoil.png)

File: c1b7653c5aecd2e⋯.jpg (207.35 KB, 1200x1185, 80:79, BCredS.jpg)


>over the 'cruelty and incompetence' of her father's administration"

Keking uncontrollably!

Yeah- that's the reason cHELLsea.

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41fecc  No.10906662

File: 49740254a7d939a⋯.png (186.03 KB, 446x398, 223:199, Screen_Shot_2020_10_03_at_….png)

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09b9c0  No.10906663


hospital bed?


was bashem right then?

now im worried.

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9b2366  No.10906664


he also was extracted by pleidians after taking a bullet for Q apparently

then decided to make 5 moar accounts after because, at that point, why not, who the hell would believe you

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ee5f8a  No.10906665

Nothing much being posted in smelly bread…

>>10906571, >>10906588, >>10906583, Fake shills shilling in warm up to Real Bread

^ Mirror

>>10906617 Exactly. Think Mirror

Fake Baker team working together revealing themselves.

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c10f08  No.10906666


suicide mission? nah.

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72345d  No.10906668

File: 0b27b73a400635d⋯.jpg (13.2 KB, 255x211, 255:211, 58f81182d521fb4d40698605d3….jpg)


Got some proof of that? Tweets anything?

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6c885b  No.10906670

File: 2dec71d8149df3f⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 1500x1500, 1:1, niceone.jpg)

God Wins!

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5cc027  No.10906671

Repost from yesterday / new information /call for dig

As others have figured out by now, I think it is increasingly clear that last Saturday's Rose Garden event was turned into an Covid-19 assault event.

I posted the following text yesterday, which got drowned out in the "Trump is not even ill" party, and today's information just adds to this:

Something does not add up with the POTUS FLOTUS Hope situation.

Without suspecting anything nefarious, and just looking at the timeline, something is not quite right:

The Covid-19 incubation period can vary from about 5-21 days (rarely longer). It is typically somewhere around 7-10 days. (Figures that are pushed in Europe in particular, but also in the US as of late, suggest a shorter period, and claim that there are no cases after 14 days, however study data proves otherwise. Borders in Europe are open, and officials are trying to keep the quarantine period as short as possible, hence the push for the 5 days instead of the previously acknowledged 10-14).

During this incubation period, someone is already infected AND INFECTUOUS, meaning that person can spread the virus AND the virus can be detected in that person's oropharyngeal tract - shortly after they become infected.

It's only after this incubation period that symptoms occur (if they do occur at all).

POTUS and his inner circle (including Hope) get tested every morning.

Obviously, everybody has tested negative for months, i.e. including the last 3-4 weeks, i.e. during the incubation period of POTUS, FLOTUS and Hope.

Hope developed symptoms on Thursday evening (I believe) and subsequently tested positive.

I ask you: how is this possible ? How could she have tested negative THAT SAME MORNING and ALL MORNINGS (that she was at work) for MONTHS ? Even if the test had some false-negatives (which almost every test will have, however miniscule, for many reasons). Even if the test only picked up 70% of actual infections, it is virtually impossible that this infection would not have been detected during the preceding days.

(This stands, even if she developed symptoms a day or two earlier).

On the other hand, if all the previous tests were correct, and she was indeed negative: how come that the Covid-19 incubation period suddenly changed from 5 days as the shortest possible time-frame to less than a day ? Biologically, that's almost impossible.

So how can this be explained ?

Well, I would ask the following question: what is she infected with ? The "real" Covid-19 ? Or a modified virus that has a drastically shorter incubation period, but is similar enough to be picked up by the Covid-19 PCR Test ?

Now let's do POTUS: Tested negative every day for months, including Thursday morning.

Suddenly tests positive on Thursday evening. If he got infected during the course of Thursday (or even Wednesday), that should give him AT LEAST 5 symptom-free days, and typically this period would be 7-10 days, maybe even longer.

But what happens ? He shows symptoms on Friday morning, i.e. 24 hours after his last negative test.

This cannot possibly be the "original Covid-19" infection. This virus behaves differently. Even if this were due to a "natural" change of the virus (which would not happen so suddenly and drastically): How big are the chances, that the first person who gets infected with this "new virus type" just happens to be someone from POTUS's inner circle ? I'd say close to zero.

Think about it.

2nd part below.

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1742f5  No.10906672

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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75e338  No.10906673


Honestly if the catalog breaks the board IQ goes up 17-23 points

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4867ae  No.10906674

Ask Brandon Straka. Who welcomed him with open arms? Who validated and lifted Brandon up in the MAGA movement? Who tried to slander and threaten Brandon? Who called Brandon a sellout?

Brandon's life matters.

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337961  No.10906675



Stupid faggot. Go release with toiletboi

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5cc027  No.10906676


In the meantime, the following has transpired:

- Numerous participants of the ACB Rose Garden event have tested positive

- Last night, Kellyanne Conway has confirmed that she too is SAR-CoV-2 positive. She left the administration a while ago, and the only time she was back in the White House was during the ACB event. Of course she could have picked her infection up elsewhere, but what are the chances…

- Everybody who participated in the ACB event was tested prior to being admitted AND TESTED NEGATIVE.

- If everybody who attended tested negative, where did the "spreader" come from ? In order to infect that many people under the given circumstances (outdoor event etc), that person's viral load must have been exorbitant, and could hardly have produced a false-negative result.

- So if the infection could not have come from a person: where did it come from ? A non-human source maybe ?

Call for dig:

- Are there any videos or photos showing the crowd at the event ?

- Who attended ? We need a list !

- Can we figure out the seating arrangement ?

- Who wore a N95 or N99 mask, and thus protected themselves ? (Mask possibly covered by cloth mask in order to not stand out - look for large cloth mask)

- Did POTUS mix with the crowd at any stage ? With whom ? If not, there must have been a way to deliver the virus aerosolized in a way that he was hit while at the podium.

- What was the weather like, esp: any wind ? Was a certain group of people hit, i.e. those sitting together, or in the direction any wind blew ?

- The most interesting information will be the virus sequences of the people now testing positive, which, I'm afraid, we will not obtain. But they will pick up any further modifications of Covid-19 that resulted in the negative test results on the Abbott system (the one that is used for daily testing). So even if we won't know, those who need to know will.

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78d0d3  No.10906677

File: 890cdeefed710d5⋯.jpg (39.47 KB, 570x351, 190:117, original.jpg)

After the Jewish Communists toppled Russia, they made their way to China, the enemy is not Russia or China, they didn't introduce communism, the Jewish Bolsheviks did.

From 1944, when the 23-year-old Sidney Rittenberg first arrived in China with the U.S. Army, to his departure 35 years later, no other foreign national played as important a role in the country. A Chinese linguist and Communist sympathizer, Rittenberg served as a friend, confidante, translator, and journalist for the Communist Party leadership after first encountering them at their Yan'an base in 1946. During the first three decades of P.R.C. history, Rittenberg enjoyed remarkable influence in a country largely closed off to the outside world. However, his high profile came at a grave cost: He was imprisoned twice and held in solitary confinement for a total of 16 years.

When did you actually first meet Chairman Mao in person?

It was October 20-something in 1946. I’d just come over land to Yan’an [the Communist Party home base in Shaanxi Province] from Inner Mongolia, and after arriving, I was immediately taken to the weekly dance in the Party headquarters building. When we opened the door to go in, Mao was dancing in the middle of the floor. He saw me and stopped dancing, and after I shook his hand he said, “We’d like to welcome an American comrade to join in our work.” Then, he took me over by the side of the hall and sat me down on a chair, and immediately said that he wanted to invite me to his place and spend a day or two just talking about America. The interesting thing here is—and this is confirmed by Li Zhishui, the doctor who wrote the book on Mao’s personal life—America was the only foreign country that really fascinated and interested him and was one he greatly admired. He would invite left-wing Americans to his place and sit and chat. To my knowledge, he didn’t invite foreign experts of any other nationality—just the Americans.

Why do you think he had such a fascination with America and Americans?

Mao’s modern education began when he went to high school in Changsha, the provincial capital of Hunan Province. There, he had a very enlightened liberal teacher, one whose daughter he actually married, who taught him about Rousseau, Franklin, Jefferson, and so on, and those first foreign thinkers really interested him. In fact, Mao related somewhere that he once thought Jeffersonian democracy was the future for China. Eventually, he came to believe that foreign backers would not permit China to evolve into a Western-style democracy, and that’s when he turned to Lenin.

What were your impressions of him? What was he like? Was he as charismatic as people say?

He was only charismatic because of the strength of his mind and his ability to put complicated political thinking into very colorful, popular language—which is a talent that seems to be totally lost in China these days. But, you know, he was no Fidel Castro. He was no orator. He didn’t keep people spell-bound—he was a rather slow and bumbling speaker. But the way he analyzed things was fascinating. And he was always careful to make it very simple, to put things in popular terms, not like the mind-numbing stuff that began coming out later.

You know, it was interesting: When you sat and talked with him, he was laid back. He talked as though everything was just a casual conversation and very humorous. Anyone who was talking with him in my experience would be constantly in stitches laughing, and he’d laugh too. So he gave the impression of a kind of sage from the backwoods, who was a great analyzer and a great talker. Nothing threatening at all, nothing tough.

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c534f8  No.10906679


You really don't think they would?

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000000  No.10906680


Music is about to stop

oscillation = stress

low oscillation ("flat the curve") = silence/peace

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d1d30d  No.10906681

anyone made the weli connection in here yet?

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36b18e  No.10906682

File: f5c6ff59ddf5959⋯.jpg (32.35 KB, 550x322, 275:161, timeTrav.jpg)


>Or mission on Earth is about to commence.

Commensurate already.

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e7b567  No.10906683

File: 8f47ca1ea16e0e1⋯.jpg (17.33 KB, 500x300, 5:3, darryls.jpg)



>i got a four-bagger!

fuck, i need to work harder. only got 2.

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294cef  No.10906684

File: 739f39ecf95edb7⋯.jpg (134.52 KB, 1080x517, 1080:517, Screenshot_20201003_181126….jpg)

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f9221e  No.10906685


Ask anons. My turn on the Slide is over .

This was just a PSA to newfags.

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911c2f  No.10906686


God Bless You Anon! Thank you!!!!

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48b28a  No.10906687

File: 06f48f812300944⋯.png (775.81 KB, 600x541, 600:541, ClipboardImage.png)

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b7e7d3  No.10906688


Nobody gives a shit WR/abcu faggot

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23e95e  No.10906690



>>10906111, >>10906177, >>10906317, >>10906444 Kek is still with Anon Baker and Anon bread

>>10906266, >>10906322, >>10906484, >>10906496 Biden Harris voters arrested

>>10906671, >>10906676 Repost from yesterday / new information /call for dig - I think it is increasingly clear that last Saturday's Rose Garden event was turned into an Covid-19 assault event.

>>10905974, >>10906042 Breaking: Counter-protestors clash with police at pro-Trump rally in Washington DC

>>10905961, >>10756139 Welcome to Q Research Kitchen Meta

>>10905991, >>10906153 International News

>>10906632, >>10906647 Operation MAGA

>>10905947 Round-up

>>10905960 Breonna Taylor's boyfriend said SHE opened fire on cops during no-knock warrant before changing his story, according to now-indicted officer's testimony revealed in secret grand jury recordings

>>10906031 Herridge pen following..

>>10906018 ANONS KNOW EDITION, Hold the LINE

>>10906087 John Solomon - North Carolina Democratic senate candidate admits to extramarital sexting

>>10906101 The connection I see between what Paris is telling us and these adrenochome leak papers is that both involve privately run residential treatment centers for minors

>>10906114 For the KEKS

>>10906188 Secretary Pompeo's remarks at the Florida Family Policy Council's 15th Annual Awards Dinner- 5:40 PM

>>10906233 POTUS tweet decode - “PLAGUE”

>>10906266 Megan Mitra Smith

>>10906286 Orange County Street Antics

>>10906184 This Obiden stooge gets the rope

>>10906485 BREAKING: Chris Christie, who is suffering from coronavirus, has been hospitalized as a 'precautionary measure' - CNN



>>10906595 Regeneron is Trump's COVID-19 treatment: What to know

>>10906598 The latest on Trump's Covid-19 diagnosis - more on Regeneron

>>10906619 Regeneron.com website - UK BIOBANK LIFE SCIENCES CONSORTIUM

>>10906646 ‘I’m going to beat this,’ Trump tells Rudy Giuliani of COVID-19 during phone call

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19f0f5  No.10906691


hey!! that was muh joke at one time

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4f5d0a  No.10906692

File: 1051a223dc413b7⋯.jpeg (498.1 KB, 2048x1250, 1024:625, Trump_inthelead.jpeg)




[Looks like assembly orders to me]

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36c4af  No.10906696

File: b539e9ee8156304⋯.jpg (41.25 KB, 500x445, 100:89, 4h8b5f_1.jpg)

File: aaf654da01fe169⋯.jpg (53.15 KB, 500x612, 125:153, 4h5a83_1.jpg)

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23e95e  No.10906697

Regeneron "collaborates" with Sanofi-Aventis

from Qresear.ch dig in June 2020:

#1600827 at 2018-06-01 00:30:52 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #2013: Excavations

Not sure if this been dug yet, but the makers of AMBIEN, Sanofi-Aventis has a very interesting history.



Sanofi was founded in 1973[6] as subsidiary of Elf Aquitaine (a French oil company subsequently acquired by Total S.A.), when Elf Aquitaine took control of the Labaz group, a pharmaceutical company.

++Synth�labo was founded in 1970 through the merger of two French pharmaceutical laboratories, Laboratoires Dausse (founded in 1834) and Laboratoires Robert & Carri�re (founded in 1899). In 1973, the French cosmetics group L'Or�al__ acquired the majority of its share capital.

Sanofi-Synth�labo was formed in 1999 when Sanofi merged with Synth�labo. The merged companies focused on pharmaceuticals, divesting several businesses soon after the merger.


Aventis was formed in 1999 when French company Rh�ne-Poulenc S.A. merged with the German corporation Hoechst Marion Roussel, which itself was formed from the 1995 merger of Hoechst AG with Cassella, Roussel Uclaf and Marion Merrell Dow. The merged company was based in Schiltigheim, near Strasbourg, France.

At the time of the merger, Rh�ne-Poulenc's business included the pharmaceutical businesses Rorer, Centeon (blood products), and Pasteur Merieux (vaccines)

Merieux has been in the business of selling blood products, and In the 1980s during the AIDS epidemic, Merieux and other companies were involved in scandals related to HIV-contaminated haemophilia blood products that were sold to developing nations.[12]

Merger : Sanofi-Aventis

Sanofi-Aventis was formed in 2004 when Sanofi-Synth�labo acquired Aventis.

he French government played a strong role, desiring what it called a "local solution", by putting heavy pressure on Sanofi-Synth�labo to raise its bid for Aventis and for Aventis to accept the offer.

One of the largest risks in the deal for both sides, was the fate of the patents protecting Clopidogrel (Plavix) which was one of the top-selling drugs in the world at the time and the major source of Aventis' revenue.

In 2006, Iraqis infected with HIV sued Sanofi and Baxter due to HIV-contaminated haemophilia blood products sold by Merieux in the 1980s.

In 2003 Aventis entered into a collaboration with regeneron, a New York biotechnology company.

In 2007 Sanofi-Aventis expanded on Aventis' prior relationship with regeneron.

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c534f8  No.10906698

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0c2f7c  No.10906699

File: 41084987bee4310⋯.mp4 (8.97 MB, 856x480, 107:60, InShot_20200924_033544831.mp4)


Bicycle !

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48b28a  No.10906700

File: e13308427ddb56c⋯.mp4 (1017.52 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, catalog.mp4)


>Honestly if the catalog breaks the board IQ goes up 17-23 points

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b4d072  No.10906702


>the board IQ goes up 17-23 points

At least…

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75e338  No.10906703


I must have stolen it

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d07af1  No.10906704


ah, I thought it was a 'bill the cat' reference and yo u were expressing dissapproval.


TY for the acknowledged mints.

peppermint is nice, but I like spearmint too.

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19c317  No.10906705


Joe can't catch it. You need a temperature of at least 35 degrees for the virus to function.

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6ee1b2  No.10906706

File: e97c634b6a42dc0⋯.png (119.49 KB, 290x347, 290:347, DriveCrash03.png)

File: 69cc66b83667e1b⋯.png (336.91 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, exbot_remove44.png)



























































































































IDEN: Filename +/ Writing style +/ Tactics

We're seeing through your disgusting fog of war, flushedboi.

Fighting a losing battle posing as a cluster of us Patriots~

Reminder that we *last* caught flushedboi posting CP a day before the Sept 2020 debate

<Yes, yes, this censorship puppeteer really floods / astroturf's our "consensus / stream of consciousness" to this extent.

Repetitive? Consider IDEN'ing combat exercise, yet never give credit to our enemy for the growth you achieved yourself.

Without their poisons weighing you down, we have one more Patriot that much stronger in our fight today~

Apply Img_Blur CSS, cut darkness out.

Train your Instincts to IDEN this evil - We are at War.

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18e3b2  No.10906707

File: 42194f77db422a1⋯.jpeg (20.14 KB, 474x266, 237:133, reality_check.jpeg)


As an avid follower of the twat-comms, I can discern this one is NOT.

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07406f  No.10906709

Just heard on the news that the Senate pushed back a couple dates because of people catching covid.

It suddenly occurred to me that ACB confirmation might have been the target of this whole 'senior official outbreak'.

Have Anons pinpointed what event all these people contracted covid?

Was it the thing in the Rose Garden?

If we can figure out exactly where it came from, whether it be a glass of water, a roll of toilet paper, or a Chinese spy, that would be a massive win.

The whole goal was to push back the ACB confirmation.

My opinion.

This is 2020. There are no coincidences in 2020, possibly ever.

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8e5e1c  No.10906710

Try this on for size



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36b18e  No.10906711

File: 8927416b03f3ff1⋯.png (133.33 KB, 258x300, 43:50, Qvol.png)



That's why Q Q'd him, right?

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337961  No.10906712

File: 6546108bc61b196⋯.jpg (21.84 KB, 255x245, 51:49, 810ae453d93b3ef7d441e95795….jpg)

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72345d  No.10906713

File: 13a6c8badc192a6⋯.png (9.57 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 0953a2093f41b96bf7cf182300….png)


So no proof… not a good look.

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23e95e  No.10906714

Sanofi plans to unload a $13B Regeneron stake. Is a rare disease buyout next?


by Eric Sagonowsky | May 26, 2020 9:29am

Paul Hudson has served as Sanofi's CEO since September. (Sanofi)

Sanofi and Regeneron unveiled plans last year to restructure their longstanding partnership, and now there are bigger changes afoot, for Sanofi at least: The French drugmaker aims to sell most of its massive stake in its biotech partner.

Sanofi detailed plans to unload about 22.8 million Regeneron shares, a stake worth some $13 billion.

The sale would put a big chunk of cash into Sanofi's coffers—and at CEO Paul Hudson's disposal for potential dealmaking.

The partnership between the two companies “has been one of the most productive in the industry,” Hudson said in a statement. While Sanofi “remains committed” to their partnership, the company believes “the proceeds from this transaction will help further our ability to execute on our strategy to drive innovation and growth,” Hudson said.

With the proceeds, Sanofi will have some serious M&A spending power that could bolster its oncology resurgence, its rare disease business, or both. It could leverage the cash into deals worth as much as $50 billion, Bloomberg reports.

"We are not surprised by this strategic decision which very much ties in with the group’s story," ODDO analyst Martial Descoutures wrote in a Tuesday investor note, adding, "The question now is what the group intends to do with [the] proceeds."

The ODDO analyst doesn't believe Sanofi will use all the cash to make deals; instead, the company will likely invest in organic growth, too, and steer toward several buys rather than one big one. "[W]e think that Sanofi will maintain its external growth momentum, but with a focus on medium-scale deals," Descoutures wrote, with bolt-on acquisitions worth between $2 billion and $5 billion.

That strategy would fit in with Sanofi's recent buyout of Synthorx, a cancer biotech the company purchased for $2.5 billion in December.

In all, Sanofi now holds 23.2 million shares and plans to keep about 400,000 “in support of the ongoing collaboration with Regeneron.” Regeneron itself agreed to buy $5 billion worth of its own shares. The rest will be subject to a public offering.

The drugmakers have been partners since 2003 and have brought five drugs to market together. Back in December, Sanofi⁠—under new CEO Paul Hudson⁠—moved to restructure the collaboration to zero in on Dupixent, an immunology star with the potential to become a megablockbuster. In results released Friday that could lead to another FDA approval, the drug met two co-primary endpoints in a phase 3 trial in eosinophilic esophagitis.

Under the rejigged partnership, the companies planned to divvy up various rights on PCSK9 drug Praluent and rheumatoid arthritis therapy Kevzara. Since then, Kevzara has gained attention as a possible COVID-19 medicine, so the partners are waiting to see whether it can help patients with novel coronavirus infections.

RELATED: Sanofi beat out 3 suitors and one last-minute bid in its pricey $2.5B Synthorx buyout

RELATED: Sanofi, Regeneron uncouple on long-standing drug partnership, splitting up Praluent, Kevzara

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8f7e04  No.10906715

File: 42f9541ea18468e⋯.jpg (70.15 KB, 1079x809, 1079:809, 42f9541ea18468e342b4c16538….jpg)

THEY ARE SEQUENCING THE GENOME OF BARRET VIRUS ATTACK to determine which strain was used in this attack.

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19f0f5  No.10906716

File: ac70e674d9253be⋯.jpeg (15.92 KB, 255x193, 255:193, cheers.jpeg)


it is like the North Church in Boston ; everyone has owned it at one time if you are from up that way

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4867ae  No.10906717

LGBT punks the Gay and Lesbian Community and fundraises off of them then uses them as a prop.

That's why the Gay and Lesbian Community is going all in on POTUS. We see it. We see it very clearly. LGBT is a front money laundering op. The Gay and Lesbian Community are squarely behind President Trump.

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035a0f  No.10906718


Your life looks amazing.

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6de878  No.10906719


de nada

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ee5f8a  No.10906720

File: 9e6cdd51ba077d1⋯.jpg (110.64 KB, 465x519, 155:173, Ace_Pepe.jpg)

Nothing much being posted in smelly bread…

>>10906571, >>10906588, >>10906583, Fake shills shilling in warm up to Real Bread

^ Mirror

>>10906617 Exactly. Think Mirror

Fake Baker team working together revealing themselves.





>>10905795 (OP)


13958 [Shill Bake - Q Research General #13958: Non Hijacked Bread Edition]Notes 4 Real Baker

>>10906557 Breonna Taylor's boyfriend said SHE opened fire on cops during no-knock warrant before changing his story, according to now-indicted officer's testimony revealed in secret grand jury recordings (Daily Mail.co.uk)

>>10906556, >>10906655, >>10906695 Regeneron Digs (Various)

>>10906526 BREAKING: Chris Christie, who is suffering from coronavirus, has been hospitalized as a 'precautionary measure' (CNN)

>>10906499 Reposting Herridge: McCabe declines to testify next week citing COVID among senators

>>10906466 QWatch.org…"debunking" Q…website is registered in Ontario, Canada {A Known Hotbed of Satanist Activity} (Caps)

>>10906355 Andy Ngo Reports in (Twitter)

>>10906284, >>10906365 Regeneron is Trump's COVID-19 treatment: What to know - The biotech powerhouse went public in 1991. (FOX\CNN)


OP is Stinky. UGH Stinks, Mask Sucks


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7e5d17  No.10906722


Anything after 2018 is NEWB.

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c872e8  No.10906723

File: b1c444baadb6a8a⋯.jpg (239.33 KB, 511x611, 511:611, nose_job.jpg)

File: 9b538a0ba47ce4d⋯.jpg (105.43 KB, 611x346, 611:346, imgonline_com_ua_twotoone_….jpg)

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09b9c0  No.10906724


this board is officially gay if thats what you call notable.

is it night shift already?



i know its bad news but could be trollin dirty.

its only the biggest story right now.


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d07af1  No.10906725


? why is it 'heartbreaking' that these elephants are living and able to salvage and forage?

I've seen people do similar things at the Wellesley Town Dump (just kidding, they won't let me near the place, and I've never even heard of it.)

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710bbd  No.10906726

File: 7cb9e1f2ac42172⋯.gif (889.06 KB, 500x283, 500:283, letterkennypartygif.gif)


top kek

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a2727c  No.10906727

File: bc2ac0d98c0ae6a⋯.png (29.29 KB, 534x233, 534:233, Waters_World_Rudy_to_discu….PNG)


>‘I’m going to beat this,’ Trump tells Rudy Giuliani of COVID-19 during phone call

President Trump telling @RudyGiuliani of his COVID-19 fight saying “I’m going to beat this.” Rudy is in Watters’ World tonight to talk all about his phone call with the President. Tune in to #FoxNews 8PM ET.


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18e3b2  No.10906730


for lack of a better word, no

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46afc5  No.10906731

File: e416fac84028e3d⋯.jpg (806.06 KB, 1125x715, 225:143, a_fucking_leaf.jpg)



die in a fire you disgusting subhuman piece of shit.

literally nobody would miss you.

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338e40  No.10906732

File: 9d756bf6a68b2f1⋯.png (614.75 KB, 696x346, 348:173, Screenshot_2020_10_03_Mode….png)

File: 2cd1b794ac4b08c⋯.png (1.12 MB, 598x910, 23:35, Screenshot_2020_10_03_Stev….png)

File: 0d189a384e02895⋯.png (318.97 KB, 598x526, 299:263, Screenshot_2020_10_03_Stev….png)

File: 6a7009cd8e75205⋯.png (187.28 KB, 792x2416, 99:302, Screenshot_2020_10_03_Opin….png)

Moderator of Second Planned Presidential Debate Worked for Biden

The journalist set to moderate the second presidential debate has close ties to Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, according to the Trump campaign. Steve Scully, who hosts C-SPAN’s “Washington Journal,” interned for Biden while he was a college student, according to Marie Claire. He then worked for the late “liberal lion” Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., and has remained close to the Biden family for several years. This week, a picture he had taken with Biden in 2016 resurfaced.

After the first presidential debate, in which moderator Chris Wallace sparred with President Trump while letting Biden avoid an important question about court-packing, the president’s team is understandably wary. But Trump should expect to be up against biased moderators for the duration of the campaign, according to Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas. 1/x Everyone agrees Tuesday’s debate was a train wreck. A major contributing fact was the moderator Chris Wallace, a registered Democrat, repeatedly interrupting to try to help Joe Biden. The next debate is set to be moderated by a former intern to…Joe Biden. (And Ted Kennedy.)

Other conservatives have called on Scully to recuse himself: If @SteveScully had any integrity, he’d recuse himself asap.https://t.co/jYfQ14lrz7 — Adam Baldwin (@AdamBaldwin) October 1, 2020

I know Steve didn’t mean this. He’ll be fair at the debate, amirite? https://t.co/J6FK3kWTFj — Jason Miller (@JasonMillerinDC) October 1, 2020





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48b28a  No.10906733

File: ab4dd25a88e4660⋯.png (532.05 KB, 900x645, 60:43, filter.png)


guys get a load of this loser

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14dcd9  No.10906735


Take your continuity and shove it up your ass.

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36b18e  No.10906737

File: c4c8dff91782115⋯.jpg (10.32 KB, 170x255, 2:3, StoopidP.jpg)




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19f0f5  No.10906738



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72345d  No.10906739


Kek your shit at making your point. Next time come with proof.

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14a6e2  No.10906741


>not a good look

here is a /comms tell

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d0cc3f  No.10906742

File: 6159ea3bbca8e0d⋯.jpg (24.29 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Michael_Francis_Burbidge.jpg)

"Bishop Michael Burbidge of Arlington, Virginia, has formed an advisory council on racism, the diocese announced this week. The Bishop’s Advisory Council on Racism includes 14 members – both clergy and lay people – who will serve for three years. They will work to help identify ways in which racism and prejudice has affected both individuals and the community, and will propose and help enact a plan to counter racism and heal wounds."


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b4d072  No.10906743

File: 9f74d4db6bc10c7⋯.png (189.57 KB, 398x442, 199:221, pepe_5.png)

Do not engage (reply to) shills.

Filter (or not, your choice) and move on. But don't engage them. They'll eventually get bored and stop if no one is entertaining them.

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09b9c0  No.10906744


excuse me but rudy said trump called from his hospital bed?

either thats to troll or we have some risk here.

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473abe  No.10906745

File: d137c0cb418577e⋯.jpg (100.74 KB, 750x873, 250:291, flat_750x_075_f_pad_750x10….jpg)

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23e95e  No.10906746

Regeneron: Wikipedia Excerpts


Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is an American biotechnology company headquartered in Tarrytown, New York. The company was founded in 1988.[4] Originally focused on neurotrophic factors and their regenerative capabilities (thus the name), it branched out into the study of both cytokine and tyrosine kinase receptors.

Company history

Regeneron has developed aflibercept, a VEGF inhibitor, and rilonacept, an interleukin-1 blocker. VEGF is a protein that normally stimulates the growth of blood vessels, and interleukin-1 is a protein that is normally involved in inflammation.

On March 26, 2012, Bloomberg announced that Sanofi and Regeneron are in development with a new cholesterol drug which will help reduce cholesterol up to 72% more than the leading brands. The new drug targets the PCSK9 gene.[5][citation needed]

In July 2015, the company announced a new global collaboration with Sanofi to discover, develop, and commercialise new immuno-oncology drugs, which could generate more than $2 billion for Regeneron,[6] with $640 million upfront, $750 million for proof of concept data and $650 million from the development of REGN2810.[7] REGN2810 was later named cemiplimab. In 2019, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals was announced the 7th best stock of the 2010s, with a total return of 1,457%.[8]

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals was home to the two highest-paid pharmaceutical executives as of 2020.[9]

During the COVID-19 pandemic, in early 2020, Regeneron made a deal with the US-government Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority that the government would fund 80% of the costs for Regeneron to develop and manufacture Coronavirus disease 2019 treatments, and Regeneron would retain the right to set prices and control production. This deal was criticized in the New York Times. Such deals are not unusual for routine drug development in the American pharmaceutical market.[9]

In May 2020 Regeneron announced it would repurchase around $5 billion of its shares, held directly by Sanofi. Prior to the transaction Sanofi held 23.2 million Regeneron shares.[10]

As of September 2020, Regeneron is evaluating an artificial "antibody cocktail", REGN-COV2, for its potential both to treat people with COVID-19 and to prevent SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection.[11][12][13]

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ca4cb3  No.10906747

File: 2b4fb21e8a7c729⋯.jpg (28.51 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 1507075857987.jpg)


>Nothing much being posted in smelly bread…

they got solidly btfo today.

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48b28a  No.10906748


hey this is alright

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8fdb00  No.10906750


with source, notable

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d1d30d  No.10906751


Going Weli

Weli=2nd highest trump card in Austrian game

Game theory

Austrian / Ukraine Oligarch / Trumped

Ukraine Oligarch extradition moving forward


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9ebea0  No.10906753


New CHP game:

Bounce the scumbag

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4860f5  No.10906754

File: 25bbc3bcf979d97⋯.jpg (88.84 KB, 648x362, 324:181, cc_erodes.jpg)

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4867ae  No.10906756

Winner on QResearch for last 6 hours? Paris Hilton getting the word out about the MK Ultra world.

They try every day to shut us down.


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18e3b2  No.10906757

File: 4807b0d53d116be⋯.jpeg (28.09 KB, 316x317, 316:317, halo_hero.jpeg)

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8e5e1c  No.10906758



Thus is bigger than ACB

Buys DS time while they decide if they are going to eliminate PDJT or if that will rock the boat to much

This is a test to see what way wind is blowing for force vaccine and martial law scenario

you can count that the fuckery on this board is a observation matrix for the sentiment of those the cabal is most worried about

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dea866  No.10906761




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337961  No.10906762


I like it

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46bfdf  No.10906765



Catalog v Index

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bcde66  No.10906766

File: 9b128da25c8df13⋯.mp4 (1.48 MB, 360x450, 4:5, fs5wkZfUl0QAi5wM.mp4)

Nikola Tesla

Now that's art.



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d4721a  No.10906767

File: 3cf2456915332cc⋯.png (301.78 KB, 693x390, 231:130, THLMGYDSKVCR.png)

Revelation 15:4 ESV

Who will not fear, O Lord, and glorify your name? For you alone are holy. All nations will come and worship you, for your righteous acts have been revealed.

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000000  No.10906768

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>I´m an anon like you

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c10f08  No.10906769


The fat fuck Christie? No. But mind control is a thing.

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19f0f5  No.10906770


are you talking about old-school queers from before AIDS and parades?

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40fcc8  No.10906771

Hypothetically, if Q turned out to be a LARP would you look at President Trump differently?

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18e3b2  No.10906773

File: 7ddd517c4a92f70⋯.jpeg (29.3 KB, 474x316, 3:2, crushed_underfoot.jpeg)

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36b18e  No.10906774

File: 75e19909109d9d8⋯.jpg (311.03 KB, 1759x1093, 1759:1093, hrcPard.jpg)


>Why isn’t Joe Biden doing a quarantine process for 14 days?

Anon's right, ya know

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896e82  No.10906775

Read and [Re_read] Selected Drops

Combine the crumbs

Paint The picture

Align and crop the graphic

NG ++ Marines

Traitors [end]

Gitmo [upgraded]

Marines now on Guam

Red October

POTUS safe on AF1 [Undisclosed]

Senate was the [key]

Red Castle >>>Green Castle

Information warfare.

Hunters become the Hunted

Panic in [DC]

Suicide Weekend

We are saving Israel for last.

You have more than you Knowingly [know]

Dark to Light

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78d0d3  No.10906776

File: f343d5ad9667626⋯.jpg (19.09 KB, 300x374, 150:187, http_com_ft_imagepublish_p….jpg)

After the Jewish Communists toppled Russia, they made their way to China, the enemy is not Russia or China, they didn't introduce communism, the Jewish Bolsheviks did.

From 1944, when the 23-year-old Sidney Rittenberg first arrived in China with the U.S. Army, to his departure 35 years later, no other foreign national played as important a role in the country. A Chinese linguist and Communist sympathizer, Rittenberg served as a friend, confidante, translator, and journalist for the Communist Party leadership after first encountering them at their Yan'an base in 1946. During the first three decades of P.R.C. history, Rittenberg enjoyed remarkable influence in a country largely closed off to the outside world. However, his high profile came at a grave cost: He was imprisoned twice and held in solitary confinement for a total of 16 years.

When did you actually first meet Chairman Mao in person?

It was October 20-something in 1946. I’d just come over land to Yan’an [the Communist Party home base in Shaanxi Province] from Inner Mongolia, and after arriving, I was immediately taken to the weekly dance in the Party headquarters building. When we opened the door to go in, Mao was dancing in the middle of the floor. He saw me and stopped dancing, and after I shook his hand he said, “We’d like to welcome an American comrade to join in our work.” Then, he took me over by the side of the hall and sat me down on a chair, and immediately said that he wanted to invite me to his place and spend a day or two just talking about America. The interesting thing here is—and this is confirmed by Li Zhishui, the doctor who wrote the book on Mao’s personal life—America was the only foreign country that really fascinated and interested him and was one he greatly admired. He would invite left-wing Americans to his place and sit and chat. To my knowledge, he didn’t invite foreign experts of any other nationality—just the Americans.

Why do you think he had such a fascination with America and Americans?

Mao’s modern education began when he went to high school in Changsha, the provincial capital of Hunan Province. There, he had a very enlightened liberal teacher, one whose daughter he actually married, who taught him about Rousseau, Franklin, Jefferson, and so on, and those first foreign thinkers really interested him. In fact, Mao related somewhere that he once thought Jeffersonian democracy was the future for China. Eventually, he came to believe that foreign backers would not permit China to evolve into a Western-style democracy, and that’s when he turned to Lenin.

What were your impressions of him? What was he like? Was he as charismatic as people say?

He was only charismatic because of the strength of his mind and his ability to put complicated political thinking into very colorful, popular language—which is a talent that seems to be totally lost in China these days. But, you know, he was no Fidel Castro. He was no orator. He didn’t keep people spell-bound—he was a rather slow and bumbling speaker. But the way he analyzed things was fascinating. And he was always careful to make it very simple, to put things in popular terms, not like the mind-numbing stuff that began coming out later.

You know, it was interesting: When you sat and talked with him, he was laid back. He talked as though everything was just a casual conversation and very humorous. Anyone who was talking with him in my experience would be constantly in stitches laughing, and he’d laugh too. So he gave the impression of a kind of sage from the backwoods, who was a great analyzer and a great talker. Nothing threatening at all, nothing tough.

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7e5d17  No.10906777



>Paris, I think I've proven that you' are a cabal Wendy.

You are safe and free to disclose whatever whenever.

fixed it for you .


Whores and jizzabel's all the way down.

Have you learned nothing from history?

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4867ae  No.10906779




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d07af1  No.10906781

It dawned on me, just now. It really did. how Donald Trump gets the 3rd term.

He 'dies' and comes back 'after' the election.

and Pence is pres for 4 years, but Donald is there as Magus Donald Trump (the great) (son of a god?)

no , not son of a god. He's not Ceasar Augustus larping like he really . . .

see how the voices of history, trying to manifest as humor as a side banter, like it were James and Rosey at the bottom of the screen as moderators in sillhouette … see how it gets in the way.

oh, shit, it's ruined the whole shit post. . . .

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b7e7d3  No.10906783


>Hes followed by the board owner you dumb cunt.

So fucking what? He has a pig farm, I dont. Further I dont think that because he does that I need to.

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dea866  No.10906784


"swift" motor boated

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0eb9a8  No.10906785

File: c842436ac9ff832⋯.jpg (23.96 KB, 285x268, 285:268, checkem.jpg)



that's wha habbens when ya gots big balls, I guess, Anon


Have you ever heard of Megre's "Anastasia" Anon?

Volume I "Anastasia" - Vladimir Megre - Ringing Cedars

Here is a link to hear it read on YT - interesting perspective on sex in the earlier volumes


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48b28a  No.10906786

File: fc8ff0cd08d1bbc⋯.png (480.99 KB, 596x444, 149:111, ChInA.png)

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19c317  No.10906787


Why isn't Rudy isolating? He was at a POTUS press conference recently, and sitting right beside Chris Christie too.


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9b2366  No.10906788

File: 9d8ce9666c8583f⋯.png (302.74 KB, 614x874, 307:437, ClipboardImage.png)


>observation matrix for the sentiment of those the cabal is most worried about

welp, smoke em if you got em brothers

we're in for some moar chop

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7fb91e  No.10906789

File: fde3a0f605858d0⋯.png (242.24 KB, 693x390, 231:130, Pray.png)

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4867ae  No.10906790


How can you learn if you don't listen? Paris, pay no attention.

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09b9c0  No.10906791

is this another fake bread?

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ee5f8a  No.10906792

Nothing much being posted in smelly bread…

>>10906571, >>10906588, >>10906583, Fake shills shilling in warm up to Real Bread

^ Mirror

>>10906617 Exactly. Think Mirror

Fake Baker team working together revealing themselves.





>>10905795 (OP)


13958 [Shill Bake - Q Research General #13958: Non Hijacked Bread Edition]Notes 4 Real Baker

>>10906557 Breonna Taylor's boyfriend said SHE opened fire on cops during no-knock warrant before changing his story, according to now-indicted officer's testimony revealed in secret grand jury recordings (Daily Mail.co.uk)

>>10906556, >>10906655,