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600e9b  No.10834259[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q's Latest Posts

Monday 09.28.2020

>>10826731 ————————————–——– Video: This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected (Cap: >>10826774)

>>10825631 ————————————–——– Clinton Foundation investigation 2001 - 2005, Clinton Foundation failure to declare foreign donations 2001 - 2003 Don't bite the hand that feeds you (Caps: >>10825671, >>10825715)

>>10825334 ————————————–——– Lisa Barsoomian _former Bill Clinton attorney [Hamburg vs. Clinton 1998 + appeal 1999 _scrubbed from net] Wife of Rod Rosenstein

>>10824841 ————————————–——– Worth remembering. (Cap: >>10825015)

>>10824624 ————————————–——– CLINTON FOUNDATION AT THE CENTER.

>>10824174 ————————————–——– Kamala Harris spouse leaving Dla? (Cap: >>10824197)

>>10823755 rt >>10823685 ———–––——–— Panic in DC

>>10823727 ————————————–——– Q#4778/John Solomon Report (Caps: >>10823766)

>>10823477 ————————————–——– Unusual to have a 1-year gap from arrest to trial? What might be the purpose? (Caps: >>10823976)

>>10823243 ————————————–——– Focus here [East Africa Operations]: The money never flows directly. (Caps: >>10823277, >>10823269)

Saturday 09.26.2020

>>10803695 ————————————–——– Video: Show Force Gilligan's Island Mosul Iraq Dec 04 (Caps: >>10804223, >>10804312)

>>10802779 ————————————–——– Donald Trump in 1982 on the roof of the Trump Tower in Manhattan, New York

>>10802673 ————————————–——– What did we learn this week? 1. Check Gmail?

>>10802603 ————————————–——– What did we learn this week? 1. Durham 'true' start?

Friday 09.25.2020

>>10787262 ————————————–——– Never bring an arrow [in a quiver] to a LOSBR missile fight.

>>10787135 rt >>10787029 ———–––——–— OVER THE TARGET.

>>10786969 ————————————–——– What is the over/under done in 30 months? What is the over/under Sullivan retires [steps down] by March 2021 based on public info re: possible coordinated efforts w: OSC Mueller? (Cap: >>10787001)

>>10785567 ————————————–——– Worth remembering. Think what you now know. (Cap: >>10785595)

>>10784726 ————————————–——– Judgement is coming.

>>10784696 ————————————–——– Some will take the easy path and exit early

>>10784608 ————————————–——– "…..designates the KKK and Antifa as terrorist organizations." DA 'no proof' individual linked to Antifa argument coming? (Cap: >>10784639, >>10784645)

>>10784321 ————————————–——– Last of Mohicans (Cap: >>10784538)

Thursday 09.24.2020 >>10830702

>>10774444 ————————————–——– Midnight Riders, Ride! INFORMATION WARFARE

>>10774056 ————————————–——– PAN[DEM]IC_DEM_PANIC (Cap: >>10774182, >>10775064)

>>10773932 ————————————–——– *** Not long now.

>>10773781 ————————————–——– Tracking events? (Cap: >>10773792, >>10773886)

>>10772171 rt >>10771959 ———–––——–— Timing can be derived from picture. Anons have always known. Have faith in your research.

>>10772062 ————————————–——– Never forget those in the background

>>10771278 rt >>10771238 ———–––——–— Hunters become the hunted

>>10770971 rt >>10770948 ———–––——–— It is the only way.

>>10770946 rt >>10770927 ———–––——–— Make your depth 50ft.Zero bubble.

>>10770890 ————————————–——– Scope exceeds illegal spy campaign? There is a reason why this was leaked today. The 'Election Infection' cannot stop what is coming. (Cap: >>10771133, >>10771173)

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>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown<<<READ THIS IF YOU ARE NEW HERE

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600e9b  No.10834265

Global Announcements

>>10812845 BO Activated RSS Tripcode Feed https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Follow Q in any RSS Feed Reader

>>10709241 Mega removed Meme Warehouse then Memefarmer resigned. MF recommended >>>/qrmemes/

>>10802135 Digital Camo thread archived at https://archive.is/hogSX : Cover up memes & test camo, before posting on social media

>>10832996 Flynn Done in 30 Hearing. Will post streaming info here for eezy anon access.

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>10834230 #11 'TAKE BACK THE HOUSE' -DJT #VoteDemsOut Thomas Suozzi New York 3rd

>>10834185 L.A. Vote by Mail Shenanigans. Everyone gets a mail-in ballot whether requested or not.

>>10834150 BREAKING: Kuwait's ruler, Emir Sabah al-Ahmad al-Sabah, has died

>>10834047 anon posits on Neon Revolt flipping on Q and QR.

>>10833988 kek: British Member of Parliament nominates 'Biden' for a Nobel Peace Prize

>>10833960, >>10834020 planefag reporting

>>10833890 legit??? Brad Parscale 'is under investigation for stealing up to $40M from Trump's campaign and $10M from the RNC'

>>10833888, >>10833896 Former Indiana State Senator arrested after FBI raid

>>10833885 renoting: Hillary Satanic Glass Art Book Display on live stream video feed

>>10833724 Wow listen to @RichardGrenell here. “I’m getting really impatient with those individual agencies that know exactly what I’m talking about..."

>>10833640 New Dan Scavino w/CAP: trump pic 'they're not after me. they're after you. I'm just in the way.

>>10833650 The Truth About Hunter Biden’s China Entanglements Is Even More Sinister Than Previously Thought

>>10833610 Pennsylvania mom, daughter plead guilty in murders of 5 family members, including twin 9-year-old girls

>>10833584 archiveanon reporting: SPREADSHEET & OFF-SITE GALLERIES ARE UPDATED

>>10833555 Kevin Corke w/CAP: Hmmmm... could be a grab your popcorn kind of day. Courtroom drama by day... #debates stage drama by night and other stuff...

>>10833529 Jill Biden Gets Dismissive After Jake Tapper Asks About Her Husband's Gaffes

>>10834246 #13865



>>10833260 Texas appeals blocks lower court decision allowing straight-ticket voting for 2020 election

>>10833182 kek: S.F. Supes delay resolution to condemn homophobic, antisemitic QAnon attacks on Sen. Scott Wiener -

>>10833076 Why the QAnon conspiracy theory is gaining popularity

>>10832960 planefag reporting

>>10832959 Newsom declares state of emergency in 3 counties: Napa, Sonoma and Shasta, as fires rage

Baker Change

>>10832894 Loudoun County VA Schools Spend Hundreds of Thousands on Critical Race Theory

>>10832884 FBI: Violent crime down for 3rd straight year (since Trump's win)

>>10832880 NCMEC: Reports of child exploitation have increased 126% since corona onset

>>10832873 WHO: Global partnership to make available 120 million affordable, quality COVID-19 rapid tests

>>10832856 Obama's DS gave primate companies access to US db's to illegal surveil Americans

>>10832847 Pope snubs Pompeo to woo Beijing, Biden

>>10832839, >>10832864 New docs show subpoenas to spy on Flynn may have lacked legal authorization

>>10832837 Sweden, Finland and Estonia to look at new evidence on 1994 ferry sinking

>>10832835 Keep China out of US residential election drama, Beijing tells Trump, Biden

>>10832834, >>10832887 Kaitlan Collins DIGG

>>10832831 Sidney Powell: Flynn case should be dismissed "with prejudice" - thus shifting blame to FBI

>>10832826 Teachers, walk away from unions that keep fighting against reopening school

>>10832818, >>10832824 New 15-min test for Wuhan virus

>>10832767 WND: Biden's handlers - and wife - are guilty of elder abuse

>>10832806 Amanda Knox joins bid to help NXIVM sex-cult leader Keith Raniere

>>10832787 Colorado caught asking illegal aliens, dead people to register to vote

>>10832782 Pompeo wraps up Greece visit with naval base tour

>>10832777, >>10832745 pb Number re new corona cases suggests comms to anons

>>10832797 Brooklyn voters report mislabeled absentee ballots: ‘It’s a major problem’

>>10832775 Mail-In Fraud Update #72,346,598: Queens Voters Receiving Military Absentee Ballots

>>10833432 #13864

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600e9b  No.10834267


baker change

>>10831945 James Woods on HRC's next podcast: survey

>>10831962 DC Police seeking assistance id'ing a suspect defacing property

>>10831968, >>10831989, >>10832016 Anon on Flynn investigation: Jan 3, 4, 5 2017 are critical days

>>10831943, >>10832029, >>10832272, >>10832312, >>10832327, >>10832354, >>10832407, >>10832422, >>10832628 Ville D'este DIGG

>>10831979, >>10832046, >>10832171, >>10832239, >>10832330, >>10832399 Clinton doc diggz: "former FBI agent Robert Cordier to lead security at MetLife (2002)

>>10832502 Anon from Clinton doc diggz on potential Ptech connection

>>10832001, >>10832020, >>10832053, >>10832034 Exclusive economic zones DIGG

>>10832353 Massive Chinese Fishing Fleet Leaves Area Near the Galapagos Islands

>>10832002 POTUS Schedule for TUES, 9-29-2020 - PRES. DEBATE @9pm ET

>>10832013 Moar on pb James Woods twat on orphanage fire from Feb 14

>>10832039 US & China: Emerging Technologies And The Race To Control The Future

>>10832135, >>10832180 Rasmussen: Wray say no voter fraud but Proj. Veritas uncovers ballot harvesting fraud

>>10832190, >>10832201 Biden’s Texas Political Director Implicated in Massive Mail-In Ballot Harvesting Scheme in Harris County

>>10832237 NJ waiter sues Fox News legal analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano for $15 million after he was 'forced to engage in bizarre sex act involving father-son role play'

>>10832261 LIVE: Portland Police doing a great job tonight!

>>10832364 Anon observing that lockdowns in nursing homes, etc., could be seen as hostage situations

>>10832143, >>10832165, >>10832200, >>10832251, >>10832267 Anon discussion about mandatory masks for school children

>>10832267, >>10832304, >>10832324, >>10832374 Anon discussion about mandatory masks for school children con't.

>>10832387, >>10832456, >>10832552 For KEKS: Aggressive Raccoon Attacks ‘Multiple News Crews’ Outside WH

>>10832169, >>10832400, >>10832476, >>10831974, >>10832533, >>10832611 Moar digging into Pelosi's "arrow" stmt - link to antifa of Economist 2015 cover?

>>10832409 Twat: THIS IS EVIL! Antifa live streams confront a Seattle Police Offer sitting under his vehicle for holding onto his gun

>>10832429 FBI BURNS $8M QUEENS FRAUD RING (June 7, 2001)

>>10832490 Q Fear porn: As the election looms, QAnon is seeping into local FB groups

>>10832558 More Q fear porn: Daily Beast says "QAnon-linked slogan" #SaveOurChidren linked to murder of infant

>>10832570 Project Veritas: Part 2, Ilhan Omar Exchanging Money For Ballots (vid)

>>10832601, >>10832607, >>10832656 Dueling reports on China's imminent intentions re Taiwan; Indian anon also weighs in.

>>10832754 #13863

Previously Collected Notables

>>10831865 #13862

>>10829223 #13859, >>10830257 #13860, >>10831069 #13861

>>10826560 #13856, >>10827247 #13857, >>10828153 #13858

>>10824313 #13853, >>10824991 #13854, >>10826608 #13855

Notables Aggregators: https://qnotables.com & https://wearethene.ws

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600e9b  No.10834271

Exposing the Deep State, MSM, Social Media: Threads & Boards

>>>/qrmemes/ New One-stop Meme Board, organized by topic

>>>/comms/26525 Exposing Media Lies about Q: Post Attacks Against Q here

>>>/qrmemes/606 Meme Camo Thread

https://archive.is/hogSX Digital Camo Thread Archive

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6867253 Clockwork Qrange #10

>>10392346 Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #15

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefagging 101 Q&A

>>>/qrb/42185 Boatfagging Q&A

>>>/comms/12299 Oregon, Washington, I-5 Corridor: Turn the Tide

International Q Research Threads

>>10705197 Australia #10

>>10479225 Brasil/Portugal #1

>>9725975 Canada #7

>>8331823 France #1

>>10683929 Germany #67

>>9133907 Mexico #1

>>10680095 Nederland #5

>>10524823 New Zealand #5

>>5290557 Nordic #1

>>8033191 South Africa #1

>>10768658 UK #22

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

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Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

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Board Admin & Discussion Threads

META (for board admin queries) >>6064510

Q Research General Dough/Kitchen Meta: >>10756139

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

All of the following except the last are in order on the same thread on /comms/

GMT Thread link: >>>/comms/283

Q Graphics all in GMT #001 - #020 >>>/comms/486 through >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #021 - #041 >>>/comms/1119 through >>>/comms/2274

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Q Graphics all in GMT #119 - #124 >>>/comms/18630

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552cf7  No.10834274

File: e900eed12bc6622⋯.png (632.14 KB, 714x376, 357:188, Bread.png)

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600e9b  No.10834275

QPosts Archives

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SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

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* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

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Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

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Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

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Iwo Jima video TOR posting: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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600e9b  No.10834281

File: 5c2e44027b923ae⋯.png (364.09 KB, 459x753, 153:251, flotus_pepe.png)

File: be36857342604c8⋯.png (882.75 KB, 1203x802, 3:2, flotus1.png)




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b1f72a  No.10834287

File: 953c06308eb6e79⋯.jpg (37.01 KB, 700x372, 175:93, anonpussies.jpg)

File: 59a38cd9fdfe363⋯.jpg (34.71 KB, 409x516, 409:516, fuckyou.jpg)

>>10834239 lb

One for the road, you fucking homos.

You are a group of fucking fraudster pussies!

Hope it's just a Night Shift thing.

Nothing about Parscale?!

Karma is a fucking bitch when groups promote themselves as 'being the news now' while demonizing the msm for its own framing.

That Karma may show up in Uncle Joe quoting Aristotle, Adam Smith and Sun Tzu tonight instead of some depleted angry old fuck.

Qres died this morning.

fucking fuck the fuck off

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f5c0e5  No.10834294

File: da17f6cfb421837⋯.jpg (101.68 KB, 800x563, 800:563, c0d1f4ece722ffba993c07130a….jpg)

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a90292  No.10834300

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fine tunes for winning

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f5c0e5  No.10834303

File: 07c0f1c64c83100⋯.gif (196.38 KB, 696x561, 232:187, 07c0f1c64c831000392e93d818….gif)

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dead4f  No.10834309

File: 03d9e5bcc20a0b1⋯.png (21.46 KB, 727x228, 727:228, ClipboardImage.png)

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b38f47  No.10834310

File: 02e57ba0ea9aec6⋯.mp4 (7.68 MB, 640x360, 16:9, flynnCFH.mp4)

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716e67  No.10834313

File: d9f0d3eb1ccb1e1⋯.png (514.04 KB, 595x739, 595:739, Capture.PNG)


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90e56e  No.10834314

File: a16218b2676fa52⋯.jpeg (358.02 KB, 750x695, 150:139, 5DD82BD1_039F_489D_8168_C….jpeg)

File: f95915819dfad31⋯.jpeg (208.77 KB, 673x557, 673:557, 6226CED6_FD18_4CCC_9DB3_5….jpeg)

File: 010a8a522302ac9⋯.jpeg (273.08 KB, 750x1102, 375:551, F855349A_A126_4B99_8153_4….jpeg)

File: 5ab3d53d9932983⋯.jpeg (263.42 KB, 741x627, 13:11, FF055C05_D700_417C_845D_A….jpeg)

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df2e79  No.10834316

File: 855e365bc25b3a1⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1903x3729, 173:339, ClipboardImage.png)

Turkish F-16 shoots down Armenia jet in Armenian airspace

17:58, 29 September, 2020

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 29, ARMENPRESS. Turkish air force F-16s have been deployed against Armenia and shot down an Armenian military aircraft amid the Azeri attack on Artsakh, the Armenian military said.

“Today, starting from 10:30, Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter jets took off from the Gyanja airport in Azerbaijan and were ensuring the Azerbaijani SU-25 and Turkish-made Bayraktar UAV bombings from the Azerbaijani Dalyar airport at the Armenian settlements and Armed Forces land divisions positioned in the Vardenis, Mets Masrik and Sotk regions of the Vardenis region in Armenia.

In the abovementioned period our air force was providing air support to the Armenian Armed Forces Air Defense units. During their mission, a Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter jet shot down an on-duty SU-25 jet of the Armenian Air Force in Armenian airspace,” Shushan Stepanyan said. She said the pilot of the SU-25 died.

The F-16 was at 60km depth and 8200 altitude, she said.

Editing and Translating by Stepan Kocharyan


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971dba  No.10834317


Maybe looking into her Jewish husband?

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5f1b2c  No.10834318


he wasn't make enough with $15,000 a month as campaign manager, what is wrong with people?

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971dba  No.10834319

File: 78737a7a1a16dac⋯.png (1.13 MB, 772x737, 772:737, ClipboardImage.png)

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0afee9  No.10834320

>>10834304 lb

She's definitely the slutty type; NEVER go for the slutty type, no matter how easily they put out. In fact, easily putting out is a huge red flag

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acdc01  No.10834321

File: 374a4f58fae5d98⋯.jpg (98.56 KB, 960x958, 480:479, thewall_flotuspotus.jpg)

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949dcc  No.10834322

File: 394cdc9e01a7539⋯.png (794.16 KB, 821x1095, 821:1095, ClipboardImage.png)

>>10834265 (Notables)

>>>10834150 BREAKING: Kuwait's ruler, Emir Sabah al-Ahmad al-Sabah, has died



Kuwait's Emir, Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmed al-Sabah, has died at the age of 91, state media report.

He was expected to be succeeded by his 83-year-old half-brother and crown prince, Sheikh Nawaf al-Ahmed.

In July, Sheikh Sabah was flown to the United States for medical treatment following surgery for an unspecified condition in Kuwait.

He had ruled the oil-rich Gulf Arab state since 2006 and had overseen its foreign policy for more than 50 years.

He was dubbed the "dean of Arab diplomacy" for his efforts to restore relations with states that backed Iraq during the 1990-1991 Gulf War, when Kuwait was invaded by Iraqi forces.

The emir also often acted as a mediator in regional disputes, including the ongoing diplomatic stand-off between Saudi Arabia, its allies and Qatar.

Kuwait also refrained from intervening in Syria's civil war, instead hosting several donor conferences for humanitarian aid.

Sheikh Sabah came to power in January 2006, after Emir Sheikh Saad al-Abdullah stepped down just nine days into his rule as parliament moved to depose him on health grounds.

He had been prime minister under the previous Emir, Sheikh Jaber al-Ahmad al-Jaber al-Sabah, and for several years had been seen as the de facto ruler.

Before then, he served as foreign minister from 1963 to 1991 and from 1992 to 2003.

Kuwait - which has a population of 4.8 million, including 3.4 million foreigners - has the world's sixth-largest known oil reserves and is a major US ally.

It has been ruled by the Sabah family for the past 260 years.

The emir has the last say in political matters. He has the power to override or dissolve parliament, and call elections.



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41bcb9  No.10834323




St. Paul – Today, Rep. Steve Drazkowski (R-Mazeppa) announced that he has uncovered evidence of a massive, systemic voter fraud In Minnesota. In an 11:00 a.m. press conference, Rep. Drazkowski will detail some of his findings.

Hennepin County Attorney investigating alleged ballot harvesting in Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar’s district


Biden’s Texas Political Director Accused of Illegal Ballot Harvesting At Texas Supreme Court


Two private investigators, including a former FBI agent and former police officer, testify under oath that they have video evidence, documentation and witnesses to prove that Biden’s Texas Political Director Dallas Jones and his cohorts are currently hoarding mail-in and absentee ballots and ordering operatives to fill the ballots out for people illegally, including for dead people, homeless people, and nursing home residents in the 2020 presidential election.

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af5fa0  No.10834324

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8c80b4  No.10834325

File: e4587d30bf32c51⋯.jpg (589.4 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20200929_101131….jpg)


TY Baker!!!

Reposting. Is Sullivan helping the DOJ get things released willingly or unwillingly? This is some crazy stuff, regardless:


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a2ff11  No.10834326

Exposed: FBI Director James Comey’s Clinton Foundation Connection

Interesting fact:

FBI Director James Comey grew up in the New Jersey suburbs with his brother Peter. Both Comeys were briefly taken captive in 1977 by the “Ramsey rapist,” but the boys managed to escape through a window in their home, and neither boy was harmed.


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611735  No.10834327

File: 11c80e5d5afc214⋯.jpg (221.7 KB, 1172x778, 586:389, penance.jpg)

What does it mean to be covered in gold?

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41bcb9  No.10834328




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3ab488  No.10834329

File: 53c1bb0b8989b3f⋯.mp4 (11.45 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, nadler_pooped.mp4)

>>10834291 (last)

@ 1:05 Nancy does a *cough* due to the horrendous smell.

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e31a62  No.10834330

File: 68e4a8f97d2e775⋯.jpg (143.85 KB, 850x570, 85:57, Getting_desperate.jpg)

File: 332526d55417387⋯.jpg (200.75 KB, 780x566, 390:283, Postal_is_not_safe.jpg)

File: 587d966b594100a⋯.jpg (93.06 KB, 466x589, 466:589, Clinton_foundation.jpg)

File: 71ff1001e1eff32⋯.jpg (30.31 KB, 375x210, 25:14, FISA_PHONEY.jpg)

File: 040b0cd20e56953⋯.jpg (164.85 KB, 1062x619, 1062:619, indictable_smug.jpg)

Shills are here in force to disrupt and mislead.

1 tactic is to flood the board with irrelevant information.

2 tactic is to sow division.

3 tactic is to post as many high resolution pics/memes as possible, to slow the board down.

There is ALWAYS 3 or more shills in the room at ALL times.


… look at file sizes… how many pics posted… whether a comment is actually helpful

… times it's been posted and by who… whether it's opinion or FACTS

… is there manufactured consensus going on???, Pretend Play-fighting (3shills x 3 IP's = 9 characters)???

… be wary of clockfags/codefags(they rarely work or even make sense) or Cauldron boi, "swordy",<^>, daniel etc

… is it a 4chan character shill or Ebot…minion loves his anime,cartoons, nasimfag(transvestite)…and more

… Is Minion larping as AntiFungalLeafBread-AFLB(always bullshit), a stoner larp or aussiefag.

… Ignore 000000 …spruking for consensus manufacture/gate keeping or shitposting.

… is it God bothering and preaching with tons of scripture quotes, hokus pocus new age bullshit

… Is it ancient history theory, waffling and dribbling, flat earth, constellations, anything older than 100 yrs

… Ignore muh Jews/joos/goy, muh Masons, muh whatever(facts prove guilt…not preconceived opinions)

… Is it board sliding with circumcision of any sort/gore/porn, shills imitating women

… Be wary of "frens" "fwens","fren"and ALL retard speak between shills(needed for manufactured consensus)

… Be wary of "they know someone/Heard rumor", can you guess who I am? posting

… Notice that Ben Garrison's cartoons are from a PATRIOT, so anyone defacing them is a soulless shill

… is it "divide and conquer", male/female, old/young, religions, etc,

… Be suspect if they feel the need to defend nudes and titty pic posts(open another browser and fap away retards)

… Ignore hennypenny's…Hopefully, Maybe, I sorta trust the plan… Q better do something…Q is a larp

… Are they just plain mean and nasty to anons(anons, not shills), Butting into conversations unwarranted

… Are they trying to normalize nigger and all inflammatory words..cunt etc.. (faggot is exception->dictionary)

… Is it Red texting, posting opinionated misleading comments, random garble… nonsense memes/pics

… Totally disregard "Codemonkey, Jim, BO, Q is a shill"(whilst typing on the website provided by their dedication)

… Do they post the same shitty copy/paste memes about "beware of shills"(the hypocrisy… smh)

… Are they posting music/lyrics/dribbling/debating about music (Music is NOT Q research)

… are they namefagging, oldfagging, ancientfagging, Nightshift fagging (needed to manufacture consensus)

… Is it old planefag posts or some stupid trainer/crop duster irrelevant planefag post

… Are they posting old irrelevant digs.. racing/filling to 750 posts

… Are they adding comments that add little or no further credence to an argument

… Are they bullshitting about"Q replied to me and…", I talk to Q…etc

… Are they twisting Q posts or misquoting Q, including outside comms

… Are the shills actively "burning" one of the above larps, to form another identity (savior larp)

… The above also applies to bakers (Shills have infested the bakery) and Minion bakes all the time.

… Are they baking absolute rubbish and old digs. Ignoring facts or adding known lies. Blackmailing.

… Are they encouraging the posting of self gratification and nudes for the bakers(shitposting… 1-5 is enough).

…. Enough to list for now, but you get the picture… Control-f search post history always



To gatekeep information or control the narrative, shills have to manufacture consensus and look as though

they are speaking for the majority or are the authority on something. Always a name/meme/logo or

something that sets them apart from anonymous. Only then, can consensus be built on that character with

fake posters.

ALL the shills have huge ego problems, that GLOW. In a crisis situation, ALL humans drop egos to work together.

The world is in crisis right now, all PATRIOTS know this and will overcome personal issues and judgement to

get the job done…But shills wont… Their ego inhibits hive mind and their mind is elsewhere.


We are at war and the enemy is under the wire…. Filter ruthlessly and fast.

If you think the room is getting too retarded, then use filter +

Always use filter + when filtering a known shill. Only shills and useful idiots respond.

If it helps for being ruthless, just remember this→ We are uncovering corruption and pedophilia etc.

shills are trying to stop that = shills ARE pedophiles….. Filter fucking ruthlessly!… or scroll… whatever.

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60f200  No.10834331

File: bde14bd15cd5bb4⋯.png (892.87 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, flotus_rnc_pepe.png)

File: 458e9fe8a73bcad⋯.png (1.59 MB, 946x1232, 43:56, 458e9fe8a73bcad19d9ef22793….png)


Thanks baker.

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0afee9  No.10834332

File: 296c5bf1046e378⋯.png (2.5 MB, 1210x1333, 1210:1333, 296c5bf1046e378f6725e8901a….png)


Thank you, baker!

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acdc01  No.10834333


high ranking member of the Y heads

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3ab488  No.10834334


PA, GA, NC, and now MN have been exposed.

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d0c64f  No.10834336

File: b41f7245caa427b⋯.gif (148.47 KB, 621x639, 69:71, trumpwall.gif)

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3f56ba  No.10834337

File: c7e8e903ec5c1a7⋯.jpg (328.82 KB, 900x899, 900:899, 23rfqw4tw4t.jpg)

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d3f918  No.10834338

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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8c80b4  No.10834339


Why speculate? Just sit back, and let's see where it goes.

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f5c0e5  No.10834340

File: 34d62e7488465e9⋯.png (1.7 MB, 900x893, 900:893, 34d62e7488465e980cd2e82f74….png)

ATTN Legacy Media shills

The satanist pedovore mind control era is over.

290 million Americans want the truth; including the truth about the gas lighting of America – MSM media complicity in C_A social subversion operations.

Entertainment company executives who think movies like NORMAL on HBO are the product of creative competition to meet audience demand will be surprised to discover that MI, POTUS and anons all see it as subversive IO, a destructive psyop, one of hundreds run by MSM/legacy media against an unwitting civilian population.

Whether the public is aware, or ever becomes aware, of the harm done by MSM/legacy media content shilling, anons know, POTUS knows and MI knows.

Media companies closely associated with satanic mind control like Disney testify to the destructive nature and subversive power of cult mind warfare tactics.

Media shills and entertainment companies prepared to repent, to admit their role in social and sexual subversion and atone for decades evil communication must make a 180 reversal; stop destroying, start repairing and rebuilding, and begin undoing the harm they have done to civilization, the US and throughout the world.

A Turkish proverb says “No matter how far down the wrong road you have gone, turn back.”

Repairing damage for legacy media content means initiating a cross platform, multi-format, surge of error corrected, future positive, neural malware-free news and entertainment content, without subliminal or subsonic embeds, hypnotic induction or “side band” symbolic language technologies targeting our unconscious below the threshold of awareness.

Restoring the integrity of our news and entertainment media means resuming our journey toward the light, as individuals and as a species, and start of the long process undoing the harm done our minds by decades of satanic IO.


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fc9925  No.10834341

File: 0eff1bd3e6be1df⋯.png (15.3 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 9a83c2a3dec698c2441d5ca605….png)

File: c7f685e868077fa⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1439x2644, 1439:2644, Capture_2020_09_29_09_17_0….png)

File: 3c00626d7e5f565⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1439x1869, 1439:1869, Capture_2020_09_29_09_17_3….png)

Incase anyone missed it from lastnight. Its a wiretap clock.


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0afee9  No.10834342


Urban camo

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7b97a6  No.10834343

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971dba  No.10834344

File: 6a26fa373705223⋯.jpg (79.69 KB, 658x640, 329:320, ChinaManJew.jpg)


>Ignore muh Jews/joos/goy, muh Masons, muh whatever(facts prove guilt…not preconceived opinions)

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d57b83  No.10834345

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


good morning patriots!

time to go to work

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dead4f  No.10834346

File: 4f19aa013563baf⋯.png (12.74 KB, 552x193, 552:193, ClipboardImage.png)

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09d22a  No.10834347

File: 03dde6cbab7b995⋯.jpg (1.54 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Covered_In_Gold.jpg)

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db8b53  No.10834348


How these people aren't already in cuffs is beyond my comprehension. It's on video where's the perp walk?

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41bcb9  No.10834349


Between 1991-2017, Lisa represented…

Robert Mueller 3 times,

James Comey 5 times,

Barack Obama 45 times,

Kathleen Sebelius 56 times,

Bill Clinton 40 times,

and Hillary Clinton 17 times.


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949dcc  No.10834350

File: ed64059dc9f7200⋯.png (75.64 KB, 1023x507, 341:169, ClipboardImage.png)




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41bcb9  No.10834351

File: 05c61821ea7574f⋯.png (73 KB, 238x255, 14:15, t_b6bb60ed0a3e65b6bfcba159….png)

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e809af  No.10834352


Is that you Jim ?

Reeeeeeeee…. Held in protective custody… means he is dirty and there was some attempt to take him out.

Old Playbook

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c35754  No.10834353

File: e39174359d61d2f⋯.mp4 (3.31 MB, 480x270, 16:9, BZZxorgBSsaizuLB.mp4)



Replying to


Pray for our troops and those who serve in the military. The coming days are going to be amazing! #DaysOfElijah


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41bcb9  No.10834354




and its only tuesday.

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acfcbe  No.10834355

File: 204155b37b694e5⋯.jpg (165.44 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, Louis_Hamilton_Arrest_Cops.jpg)

File: 50836c06e8e9c5f⋯.jpg (263.01 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, Louis_Hamilton_BLM.jpg)

File: 0b05285e7a6922f⋯.png (45.71 KB, 721x769, 721:769, Louis_Hamilton_F1.PNG)

Looks like another overpaid super star is willing to destroy themselves to prove how stupid they really are. Not to be outdone by their driver, Mercedes team manager, Toto Wolf (not kidding) says "Whatever he does, we will support" thereby putting Mercedes right in there with BLM.


That's some marketing genius right there!

Last pic is F1 response to my email expressing my displeasure.

That's some marketing genius right there!

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dead4f  No.10834356

File: 21ee2214357c0a4⋯.png (71.23 KB, 753x900, 251:300, ClipboardImage.png)

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34ea2c  No.10834357

File: 07fd5dd0af27544⋯.png (859.6 KB, 702x500, 351:250, ClipboardImage.png)

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1949f1  No.10834358

File: 561aa5abbcc1be0⋯.png (303.34 KB, 633x817, 633:817, ClipboardImage.png)



Hospitalized Brad Parscale 'is under investigation for stealing up to $40M from Trump's campaign and $10M from the RNC', as he spirals out of control over 'gravy train' ending and mounting debt from his lavish lifestyle

Donald Trump's demoted campaign boss Brad Parscale is under investigation for stealing between $25-$40 million from Trump's 2020 presidential campaign, well-placed sources exclusively told DailyMail.com.

The 44-year-old is also being investigated for pocketing nearly another $10 million from the Republican National Committee, the insiders added.

The revelation comes as Parscale was involuntarily committed to a hospital by Fort Lauderdale police on Sunday following a concerning episode at his $2.4 million Florida home.

DailyMail.com revealed on Monday that his wife Candice Parscale was seen screaming and fleeing the home in just her bikini, telling a passerby: 'I think my husband just killed himself'.

As many as 20 police cars and boats swarmed the waterfront property after the distraught wife told cops she heard a revolver being cocked and a 'loud boom' after Parscale began 'ranting and raving'.

Candice told police that Parscale had been 'stressed out for the past two weeks and has made suicidal comments throughout the week to shoot himself', according to an officer's report.

A Trump insider explained to DailyMail.com that Parscale went into a tailspin after he was demoted in July and replaced by his former number two, Bill Stepien, as he's worried about the 'gravy train' ending and keeping up with his lavish lifestyle.

Steve Guest, the RNC Rapid Response Director, said in a statement to DailyMail.com: 'This report is categorically false. There is no audit or investigation of Brad at the RNC.'

It was widely reported that the President lost faith in Parscale after a much-trumpeted campaign rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma drew a dismal crowd, relegating him to his previous role in digital and data strategy.

The well-placed source said just days later, Trump ordered an audit of the spending of the Republican National Committee.

The probe appeared to be geared towards examining Parscale's handling of the campaign's money, the source said, putting the 6ft 8in aide under 'tremendous pressure'.

The source explained: 'The thing about what Parscale did with the finances of the campaign could actually be totally legal.

'But Brad has tons of bills since his lifestyle picked up, and he sees the gravy train coming to an end.'

Parscale seemed to try to put it out of his mind, as DailyMail.com published exclusive images of Parscale, his wife and several friends drinking beer and liquor by their pool days after his demotion.

Our source said such scenes were becoming routine for Parscale who was spotted stumbling out of bars in Fort Lauderdale, where he and his wife own three swish condos worth a combined $5 million.

The couple have at least $300,000 worth of cars - including a 2017 Ferrari, a Range Rover and a BMW X6 - while public records suggest Parscale has owned as many as eight boats.

Their spending spree represents a remarkable turnaround for the college basketball standout who lost his family's company to bankruptcy in the mid-2000s but rebuilt his finances after working for Trump in various digital guises since 2011.

Campaign records show Parscale was making $15,000 a month as Trump's electioneering guru.

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f5c0e5  No.10834359

File: cf66c22abd73327⋯.jpeg (546.54 KB, 1910x1074, 955:537, cf66c22abd733273bc0b3a754….jpeg)

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41bcb9  No.10834360

File: f12cd27c7e813b0⋯.png (163.06 KB, 763x503, 763:503, Screenshot_2020_09_29_Q_Re….png)


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0afee9  No.10834361


Verry eenterestink

I found the part of the article you refer to, and followed the link to the article it sites. And it's 404'd; not only that, but it's even been scrubbed from the Wayback machine! VERY spoopy


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3ab488  No.10834362

File: 1bffe8a73b6edd0⋯.jpg (83.61 KB, 600x600, 1:1, spying.jpg)


>Its a wiretap clock.

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0fcf33  No.10834363


ALL of the [IoT - Smart Devices] → Are WireTaps

It's like inviting Dracula into your house.

(You) let him in.

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f64ecb  No.10834364

Anything [they] push, whether it be porn, gluttony, materialism, etc - anything outside what is considered normal human bounds (and every human innately knows what are "normal" human bounds if they are truly honest with themselves) - you can know that the thing [they] push is destructive to mind, body and spirit. [They] do nothing for human good; [they] want to kill your body and enslave your soul.

In essence, if [they] push it, reject it. Simple.

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1949f1  No.10834365


Last year, Parscale told DailyMail.com he would not apologize for becoming wealthy, saying: 'I make no secret about the fact that working for the Trump family made me a wealthy man well before I ever became President Trump's campaign manager.

'The President is an excellent businessman and being associated with him for years has been extremely beneficial to my family.'

On Sunday, his wife Candice fled from the front yard to the passerby, getting into her car. The woman then called 911 with Candice at her side.

Believing he was dead, she buried her head in the stranger's lap and sobbed uncontrollably until officers revealed Parscale was still alive and asked for his cell number so they could begin negotiations.

Police dispatch records reveal marksmen could see into the $2.4 million property where Parscale was sat shirtless on the floor with his dog, drinking beer and 'talking to himself'.

The witness, who asked not to be named for fear of reprisals, told DailyMail.com she also noticed evidence of bruising on Candice's upper arms.

Further reports and police body cam footage made public on Monday confirmed Candice had revealed injuries to officers and told them she suffered them in an 'altercation' with her husband of four years, adding that he hits her.

The chaotic scene ended without tragedy about an hour and a half later when Parscale was dramatically tackled by a SWAT officer after he ignored five demands to 'get on the ground'.

A police report obtained exclusively by DailyMail.com reveals that Parscale had ten weapons inside the home, including two rifles, two shotguns, five handguns and a small revolver.

The witness, who just happened to be passing by the swank home, said: 'I was on the phone to a friend when I noticed this woman coming towards me with virtually nothing on, just her bathing suit.

'She knocked on the window and says, I think my husband just killed himself. I said, Oh my God. Oh my God, come get in my car and I hung up on my friend and dialed 911.

'She was hysterical, she was hyperventilating, she nearly collapsed but I caught her and pulled her into the vehicle.

'She had her head in my lap and she was just sobbing. I was just trying to keep her calm.

'When she was in the car and we were on hold, I saw both her arms had bruises. She is just a tiny thing. She seemed so sweet and distraught.'

As the two women huddled in the vehicle, cops surrounded the property, stationing marksmen with shields in front of the driveway while approaching from the rear on boats.

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e809af  No.10834366

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d3435d  No.10834367

File: 119cd3cb75e6990⋯.png (1.47 MB, 935x1029, 935:1029, 2020_09_29_10_20_19.png)

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41bcb9  No.10834368


Former New Mexico Democratic Governor Bill Richardson is accused of raking in hundreds of thousands in bribes and kickbacks to fund debauched lifestyle including 'sexual services and favors'


Bill Richardson has been accused of running a scheme in which he raked in over $100k of dollars in bribes while in office

Richardson, 72, served as Governor for New Mexico from January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2010

According to a recently unsealed legal complaint obtained by DailyMail.com, Richardson used the money to fund a luxury and debauched lifestyle

His lifestyle allegedly included 'sexual services and favors' funded by the scam dubbed the 'Richardson Ring'

The lawsuit claims that Governor Richardson was able to place his trusted 'operatives' in state government jobs to cover-up his wrongdoing

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f5c0e5  No.10834369

File: 6b810c14b19d62f⋯.jpg (266.22 KB, 2667x1500, 889:500, 6b810c14b19d62f0465feb31f0….jpg)

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1949f1  No.10834370


A video obtained by DailyMail.com reveals Candice, by now wrapped in a white towel, peering over a line of police cars as officers call up her husband's cell and negotiate his surrender.

'The police presence was huge, they were being extra protective in case he started shooting. Once he answered the phone they knew he was alive,' the Good Samaritan said.

'I didn't see him come out of the house because they made everyone stand so far back. But it was over quickly, maybe an hour and a half to two hours. The police were very calm, very professional.

'The wife was sat on a gurney for a while and she seemed to calm down.

'There had clearly been some stress for a while and she just seemed relieved it was over. Her husband has got a lot going on, he's a mess.'

Police dispatch notes from Sunday's incident reveal police were alerted at 3:56pm when Candice told the passerby there had been a 'suicide attempt' inside their home.

'Male was ranting and raving about something. Heard gun cock and then a gunshot,' the notes read. 'Male was looking out the front window, walked away from the window and heard a loud boom.'

The report says the male was wearing just a white robe and carrying a revolver.

It says neither the caller, nor the wife could confirm whether or not Parscale had shot himself because Candice was 'too scared to go inside'.

'There are multiple firearms in residence. Husband is barricading himself inside,' the dispatch adds. 'Keeps hanging up on unites.'

Officers were able to 'get a visual' of Parscale, shirtless, wearing a black hat and 'sitting on the floor talking to himself'.

They could not see what he had in his hands but were able to report that he was sat with his dog, arguing with someone over the phone and was periodically peering through the blinds.

The dispatch reports that Parscale walked out of his house to talk directly to negotiators before wandering back inside for a beer.

When he came back outside and sat on his stoop 'talking to himself' an order was issued to 'move in to grab him now'.

Moments after the order was issued Parscale ignored five demands to 'get on the ground' - but was dramatically tackled by a SWAT officer.

'Due to the subject disobeying my lawful commands coupled with the subject being substantially larger than I am, Subject approx 6`6' and wearing shorts with pockets that could easily conceal a firearm, I initiated a double leg takedown,' wrote Sgt. M. Moceri.

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1b7415  No.10834371

File: 18c09a18e487104⋯.png (34.01 KB, 740x339, 740:339, biden_illegal_ballot_harve….png)

Biden's Texas Campaign Director implicated in Ballot harvesting scam.





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1949f1  No.10834372


Further Reports made public Monday confirmed that Candice had revealed injuries to officers and told them she suffered them in an 'altercation' with her husband of four years.

'While speaking with Candace Parscale (sic) I noticed several large sized contusions on both of her arms, her cheek and forehead,' wrote Officer S. Smith.

'When I asked how she received the bruising, Candace Parscale stated Brad Parscale hits her. When asked if he made these markings today, she claimed he did not.

'I continued to ask if Brad Parscale physically assaulted her in any way today and she said no, but he did forcibly smack her phone out of her hand when she was attempting to call Brad Parscale`s father.'

Another officer, T. Skaggs, wrote in his report Sunday: 'I made contact with Candace (sic), who stated that Bradley has been stressed out for the past two weeks and has made suicidal comments throughout the week to shoot himself.

'Bradley did not make any suicidal comments today however Candace was concerned for his safety. Candace advised Bradley drinks and he 'suffers from PTSD'.

'While speaking with Candace I observed several bruises on both which she advised occurred a few days ago, during a physical altercation with Bradley, which she did not report.'

Candice told Officer Skaggs that Sunday's incident was sparked by a 'verbal altercation' after which Bradley loaded a firearm in front of her.

'Candace immediately fled residence and stated she heard a loud bang shortly after. Candace stated that they realized that Bradley did not shoot himself when they heard Bradley ranting and pacing around the residence and the dog barking franticly.

'However, they were concerned that Bradley might still try to shoot himself, due to him being in possession of several firearms and refusing to vacate the residence.'

The officer said he made contact with Parscale on a landline but he refused to come out.

The turning point came when a friend who happened to also be on the police department came to the house and helped to talk him down.

'Bradley`s speech was slurred as though he was under the influence of an alcoholic beverage and he seemed to be crying,' Skaggs went on.

'I continued to make landline with Bradley, who advised several times that he would not exit the residence without speaking to his wife Candace.

'With the assistance of Ofc. C. Wilson, Bradley was convinced to exit the residence and was placed into custody by FLPD SWAT personnel.'

Cops seized the ten firearms and also took photos of injuries on Parscale's body that had happened several days earlier, according to the report.

The Trump aide said he was not on medication and wasn't suffering from any medical illnesses but cops decided to detain him under Florida's Baker Act.

He can be held involuntarily for up to 72 hours while he is medically assessed.

There was no sign today of Candice at the couple's house, which is being guarded by three security officers.

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309a4d  No.10834373

>>10834298 lb

I thought so too… until a couple weeks ago several people at my work got it and many more who were near them got quarantined. Shits real bruh.

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6a5f62  No.10834374

>>10833653 pb

Hate to say it but this is the same PD that has abandoned a precinct and has disappeared from the streets. I would not put much faith in their 'finding' anything.

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8c80b4  No.10834375

File: 5bcabebb3b91841⋯.jpg (80.18 KB, 600x722, 300:361, 23cc76b5cc3e88d69a1018460f….jpg)


Did you miss your meds this am, sweetheart? It's important not to skip doses.

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d0c64f  No.10834376

File: eece16f2769e698⋯.jpg (82.72 KB, 726x408, 121:68, utopia.jpg)

Amazon’s Utopia Should Never Have Been Released in 2020

A group of comic book fans discover an unpublished manuscript for a graphic novel that they believe holds clues about the future, shadowy forces are also looking for the same manuscript, and eventually the comic book fans uncover a global conspiracy. So far, so run-of-the-mill.

But the nature of that conspiracy plays very differently in 2020 than it did in 2013, and the results are catastrophic.As the characters discover, the reason the comic book contains clues to things that haven’t yet happened is that it was drawn by one of the architects of a plan designed to stave off planetary collapse as the population rises and fossil fuels run out. Here’s the plan:

Convince the general public that there is an outbreak of a deadly new virus. To sell the story, poison or otherwise kill people, then attribute their deaths to the phony virus.

Once the fake pandemic is up and running and the public is terrified, announce that there is a vaccine that can defeat the virus.

With the help of global elites, NGOs, and world governments, inject everyone on the planet with this “vaccine” as quickly as possible.

Surprise! The vaccine is designed to permanently sterilize all or all but a certain percentage of the people who take it. Sit back and relax as the global population drops from 7.8 billion to about 500 million in a single generation, ushering in a new era of plenty.

You can probably see the problem here, and it’s an insurmountable one. We are in the middle of an actual pandemic, a staggering number of Americans sincerely believe that that pandemic is a politically motivated hoax, and an equally staggering number believed vaccines were harmful years before COVID-19 emerged. It’s not the filmmakers’ fault we’re in this mess, it’s not their fault so much of the public is superstitious and gullible, and it won’t be their fault if Utopia gives some dumbass the confidence they need to quit wearing a mask and infect and kill you or the people you care about. Make whatever art you like—the audience isn’t your problem! But if you’ve made something about a scrappy group of kids uncovering a giant conspiracy, and it turns out that in the time since you finished shooting, that exact conspiracy theory has suddenly revealed itself to be a) believed by a significant portion of the population and b) deadly, it might not be a bad idea to push the release date.


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acdc01  No.10834377

File: b179125847196a3⋯.jpg (18.3 KB, 310x162, 155:81, flotuswestandtogetherkeepu….jpg)

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41bcb9  No.10834378


Biden’s Texas Political Director Accused of Illegal Ballot Harvesting At Texas Supreme Court


“My name is Mark A. Aguirre. I am above the age of eighteen years and am fully competent to make this affidavit. The facts stated in this affidavit are within my personal knowledge and are true and correct.

“I am a retired captain with the Houston Police Department I am now a private investigator.

“I am currently involved in an investigation related to a wide-ranging and fraudulent ballot harvesting scheme in Harris County intended to rig the elections in the Houston/Harris County area. This scheme involves voter fraud on a massive scale.


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73ef86  No.10834379

File: 6579e2addf582ce⋯.jpeg (136.22 KB, 1080x1257, 360:419, A88BE0D7_CC80_49CA_9643_3….jpeg)


Men you better learn how to spot them.

Easy, shoulders extend wider than hips. Hair placement to fool the eye.

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000000  No.10834380


(Ecclesiastes 5:10) He that loveth silver shall not be satisfied with silver; nor he that loveth abundance with increase: this is also vanity.

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c35754  No.10834381

File: a811ccbb8ce8c29⋯.jpg (146.23 KB, 1242x1694, 621:847, EjE_p09WoAA3Yfb_1_.jpg)

File: 34c213360cfde78⋯.jpg (190.36 KB, 1571x1178, 1571:1178, EjE_p1BWsAEnBJA.jpg)


CJTRUTH Retweeted



Remember to pray at 7:14 am and/or pm (2 Chronicles 7:14). Should be a big day today. Flynn outcome and debate tonight. Prayer based on Psalm 11 personalized for you to pray. '''#Pray714 #GodWins

4:07 AM · Sep 29, 2020

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c771c5  No.10834382


So wealthy you can’t be touched… I don’t know.

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02a72b  No.10834383

Biden just requested 2 bathroom breaks without success. Look for Depends under his pants…

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41bcb9  No.10834384


A domestic dispute turned into an arrest after former Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale’s wife called 911 and claimed he was armed and suicidal. But bodycam footage from the arrest paints a completely different picture. He was not armed. He did not seem suicidal. He was brutally tackled and arrested.


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c011f1  No.10834385

File: ca208c61b86afa7⋯.png (565.54 KB, 492x694, 246:347, 20200927_235924.png)

Red cross will fix broken leader kek

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7e735b  No.10834386

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>10834150 BREAKING: Kuwait's ruler, Emir Sabah al-Ahmad al-Sabah, has died

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c35754  No.10834387

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acdc01  No.10834388


>a loud BOOM

keks in irony

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df2e79  No.10834389

File: 8aa36b5b4bc44e3⋯.png (95.94 KB, 734x950, 367:475, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0aa6f0c8aaec577⋯.png (46.48 KB, 734x950, 367:475, ClipboardImage.png)


Rep. Steve Drazkowski (R-Mazeppa), his letter to AG Barr.


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1ae9ff  No.10834390



Signal Good

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f5c0e5  No.10834391

File: 74dce1378a5d992⋯.png (825.39 KB, 2380x1154, 1190:577, 74dce1378a5d992534613559ec….png)

File: 7f88cc0eb956e7c⋯.png (15.55 KB, 255x210, 17:14, b9a2998a648f4f93805ad67dd9….png)

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f45af3  No.10834392

Breaking news via Fox News:

Trump is requesting a third party inspect each candidate for electronic devices in ears to make sure the debate is fair. Biden campaign hasn’t responded yet to the request.

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344ed7  No.10834393

File: 488d72ec345c164⋯.png (91.78 KB, 499x582, 499:582, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d383939d2181f2b⋯.png (64.39 KB, 721x388, 721:388, ClipboardImage.png)


Reserving judgement on the Parscale habbenings until moar info flushes out….

…however, I did find this article from August 2019.

It seems like a hit-piece, but relevant considering today's news.

Worth noting that Brad states in the article that he became a wealthy man working for Trump "well before I became his campaign manager."


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41bcb9  No.10834394




BREAKING: Omar Connected Harvester SEEN Exchanging $200 for General Election Ballot."We don't care illegal."…"We are taking the money and we'll vote for you" "


is the one who came up with all this"


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7b97a6  No.10834395

File: 179c3ad68cb0f46⋯.png (24.58 KB, 748x354, 374:177, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b757fdd436e7c7b⋯.png (24.49 KB, 748x354, 374:177, ClipboardImage.png)



Turkish Lira crashes to 7.8510, new record low, after Turkey downs Armenian jet

9:11 AM · Sep 29, 2020·TweetDeck


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a2ff11  No.10834396


Knowing what we know.

Pedophile connect?


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34ea2c  No.10834397


these rules are not absolute. I have one rule.

Has a real vagina.

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328ee5  No.10834398


hopefully some leaks out and he shits that stage

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f5d224  No.10834399

File: 0ff3fa8e51dfdf2⋯.jpg (62.29 KB, 587x487, 587:487, melaniapositivity.jpg)

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0fcf33  No.10834400


(2020) [DS] - Vote Fraud =The Great Unraveling

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1949f1  No.10834401


>Turkey downs Armenian jet

oh shit

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309a4d  No.10834402


DJT the germophobe making damn sure Creepy ain't carrying any bugs.

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11c075  No.10834403

File: 1bee102ad0e8072⋯.jpg (27.19 KB, 351x470, 351:470, 1bee102ad0e807231e3f5e9aef….jpg)

File: 4a57bd812226a8b⋯.jpg (45.94 KB, 412x550, 206:275, 4a57bd812226a8ba00bda81ee1….jpg)

File: 687bbc4c35c6da4⋯.png (249.59 KB, 630x578, 315:289, 687bbc4c35c6da4770233d9319….png)

File: 74049e9599ad3f4⋯.jpg (15.56 KB, 255x234, 85:78, 687bbc4c35c6da4770233d9319….jpg)

File: f87daf3b3e9bce3⋯.jpg (479.02 KB, 2048x1463, 2048:1463, f87daf3b3e9bce3573f9d14dc7….jpg)




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53e2bc  No.10834404

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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acdc01  No.10834405



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716e67  No.10834406


They got a cold.

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46ee2a  No.10834407

Ecclesiastes 3 New Living Translation (NLT)

A Time for Everything

3 For everything there is a season,

a time for every activity under heaven.

2 A time to be born and a time to die.

A time to plant and a time to harvest.

3 A time to kill and a time to heal.

A time to tear down and a time to build up.

4 A time to cry and a time to laugh.

A time to grieve and a time to dance.

5 A time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones.

A time to embrace and a time to turn away.

6 A time to search and a time to quit searching.

A time to keep and a time to throw away.

7 A time to tear and a time to mend.

A time to be quiet and a time to speak.

8 A time to love and a time to hate.

A time for war and a time for peace.

The Injustices of Life

16 I also noticed that under the sun there is evil in the courtroom. Yes, even the courts of law are corrupt! 17 I said to myself, “In due season God will judge everyone, both good and bad, for all their deeds.”

18 I also thought about the human condition—how God proves to people that they are like animals. 19 For people and animals share the same fate—both breathe[a] and both must die. So people have no real advantage over the animals. How meaningless! 20 Both go to the same place—they came from dust and they return to dust. 21 For who can prove that the human spirit goes up and the spirit of animals goes down into the earth? 22 So I saw that there is nothing better for people than to be happy in their work. That is our lot in life. And no one can bring us back to see what happens after we die.

4 Again, I observed all the oppression that takes place under the sun. I saw the tears of the oppressed, with no one to comfort them. The oppressors have great power, and their victims are helpless. 2 So I concluded that the dead are better off than the living. 3 But most fortunate of all are those who are not yet born. For they have not seen all the evil that is done under the sun.

May GOD bless this day and be in the presence of our president everywhere he goes and in everything he does today. May his mighty hand be upon Donald Trump and inspire and speak through him. May he give him TRUTH and boldness, the heart of a lion, and the PEACE that surpasses all understanding. May he bring Justice to our land and cut down all who do evil in His sight. I pray He places mighty warrior angels all around him and protect him from the slings and[arrows]of the Enemy. No one can fight against GOD and those who try are fools drunk on their own power. God will bring down the lofty, and humble the proud. NO one can stand in his presence and all will bow, willingly or not.

May GOD bless our country and our President and may HE bring him a sweeping victory in November.


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f5c0e5  No.10834408

File: 93971ce5452efba⋯.jpg (36.21 KB, 720x521, 720:521, 93971ce5452efba30a964e409b….jpg)

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d29bc9  No.10834409

File: 7b612ec76a481b8⋯.jpg (12.38 KB, 220x281, 220:281, 220px_Nancy_Messonnier_off….jpg)

Hi there.

I'm Rod Rosenstein's sister, I work as the director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. She is working on the CDC response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States.

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dead4f  No.10834410

File: 7fea0d6a9a07ada⋯.png (85.27 KB, 742x631, 742:631, ClipboardImage.png)


The Trump campaign wants the Biden campaign to allow a third party to inspect the ears of the debaters for electronic devices or transmitters. The President has consented to this inspection, but Biden has not – so far. (2/3)

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000000  No.10834411

U.S. politicians and crony capitalists continue to loot the treasury and there is no end in sight. The deficit is over $3T, the debt is over $26T and we have someone from Goldman Sachs as the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury. Maybe I haven't heard which part of The Plan™ covers this problem.


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c011f1  No.10834412

File: 96bef9ad5a4b345⋯.jpg (80.59 KB, 700x466, 350:233, 20200926_235320.jpg)

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34ea2c  No.10834413


This is the link to the actual original photo in that article:


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11c075  No.10834414

File: 4c06101aa1920bb⋯.png (3.55 MB, 2040x1903, 2040:1903, HILLARY_2.PNG)


forgot screen cap

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ae3153  No.10834415

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mr. President, Burn It Down!

Tina Turner/Disco Inferno

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3c50ef  No.10834416


Plan D?

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309a4d  No.10834417


Anyone know if both DJT and Joe will be tested for China Virus before they debate?

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d7adc7  No.10834418


Reminds me of this little gathering of the "great and the good." Usual suspects in attendance.


With gold as this year’s Life Ball theme, taking inspiration from the exquisite baroque Vienna Secessionists, the couture show will follow the vibrant and ostentatious theme with a bevy of internationally acclaimed supermodels set to walk for well-connected Jean Paul.

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8217de  No.10834419


2 breads ago #13864, the first baker (night shift baker) produced these Notables from 1 ID (0e0582).

Not only are they from ONE anon, they are lazy notables. TITLE, DESCRIPTION, URL, and SCREENCAP are all the SAME TEXT. Extremely lazy.

2nd baker (morning baker) did not do the same in this bread


Night shift should tighten up their ship.

>>10832959 Newsom declares state of emergency in 3 counties: Napa, Sonoma and Shasta, as fires rage

>>10832894 Loudoun County VA Schools Spend Hundreds of Thousands on Critical Race Theory

>>10832880 NCMEC: Reports of child exploitation have increased 126% since corona onset

>>10832856 Obama's DS gave primate companies access to US db's to illegal surveil Americans

>>10832839, >>10832864 New docs show subpoenas to spy on Flynn may have lacked legal authorization

>>10832831 Sidney Powell: Flynn case should be dismissed "with prejudice" - thus shifting blame to FBI

>>10832826 Teachers, walk away from unions that keep fighting against reopening school

>>10832767 WND: Biden's handlers - and wife - are guilty of elder abuse

>>10832806 Amanda Knox joins bid to help NXIVM sex-cult leader Keith Raniere

>>10832787 Colorado caught asking illegal aliens, dead people to register to vote

>>10832797 Brooklyn voters report mislabeled absentee ballots: ‘It’s a major problem’

>>10832775 Mail-In Fraud Update #72,346,598: Queens Voters Receiving Military Absentee Ballots

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1e3d7e  No.10834420


In a letter, the U.S. EPA administrator tells Newsom that his executive order mandating only new electric car sales in California by 2035 may be illegal and questions the feasibility of the increase demand in electricity "when you can't even keep the lights on today.

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611735  No.10834421



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41bcb9  No.10834422

>>10834394 Omar Connected Harvester SEEN Exchanging $200 for General Election Ballot

>>10834384 Brad Parscale’s wife called 911

>>10834378 Biden’s Texas Political Director Accused of Illegal Ballot Harvesting At Texas Supreme Court

>>10834368 Governor Bill Richardson is accused of raking in hundreds of thousands in bribes and kickbacks

>>10834349 Between 1991-2017, Lisa represented…


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8a8c01  No.10834423


absolutely no sympathy for anyone who made that much money only to squander it like the selfish douche he is.

good riddance.

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344ed7  No.10834424


Break every 30 MINUTES???

The whole debate is only 90 fucking minutes!!

Meetings with the press last longer than that!!! (Not to mention, foreign diplomats)

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41bcb9  No.10834425


dubs checkt and chekt again

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fc9925  No.10834426

Chill with the stuff on Brad. Its not releveant to anything right now.

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55cee6  No.10834427

File: 4a3a45a0d506fdd⋯.png (151.95 KB, 406x271, 406:271, cakebake.png)




checkin in yo

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a12d98  No.10834428

File: 2e98be26498c5f4⋯.png (585.82 KB, 700x467, 700:467, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aa82acbe0ccbc95⋯.png (475.15 KB, 700x467, 700:467, joe_biden_trump_boxing_deb….png)

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2252e9  No.10834429

File: 2e647ce60cb0449⋯.jpeg (89.89 KB, 724x412, 181:103, A26F4D77_C757_4503_ACE7_0….jpeg)

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1f3983  No.10834430

File: 21206f9d7c8ccd9⋯.jpg (210.06 KB, 1242x785, 1242:785, EjFc_aBX0AEW9N9.jpg)


non-us anon here

can one of you livestream flynn's hearing?

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1e3d7e  No.10834431

FNC reporting Trump campaign demanding the candidates ears be inspected for presence of radio receiver prior to debate, Biden campaign refusing.

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5d1d2d  No.10834432



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6a5f62  No.10834433


Well most years people get a cold or flu, we just don't shut down the entire country over it. The cold has always been real and people real people die from it so yea it's real. Whats not real is that this version of the cold is so much more deadly than any other version of the same thing.

Now 10% of the people you know have died (and most likely would not have died), then we have something to talk about.

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db8b53  No.10834434


Biden already refused a drug test (a requirement to get and keep almost any job in America anymore). He will probably refuse this also. Can it be more obvious to people how unfit for anything this guy is? My only hope is that if he refuses the ear checks is that the good guys hijack the feed and make him sound more like an idiot than he actually is.

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24abd5  No.10834435


Goooood morning and Thank you Baker!

STILL have NOT seen her on any magazine cover while in line at the supermarket…WHY?

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309a4d  No.10834436



it's been over 100°F for weeks where I live.

Not even a slim chance it was a cold.

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50e275  No.10834437

File: 2826c0e9952bb48⋯.jpg (20.28 KB, 283x391, 283:391, joebiden.jpg)

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852148  No.10834438

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Omar Connected Harvester SEEN Exchanging $200 for General Election Ballot."We don't care illegal."

Project Veritas

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dead4f  No.10834439

File: 938630762fc2680⋯.png (83.42 KB, 810x618, 135:103, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 31f72ab9bec9608⋯.png (903.56 KB, 634x845, 634:845, ClipboardImage.png)

A QAnon conspiracist from Oklahoma who repeatedly shared and posted the pro-life hashtag #saveourchildren, has been charged with killing his girlfriend's infant daughter.

Joshua Jennings, from Yukon, was initially charged with child abuse but the charge was later upgraded to first-degree murder after the baby died at the hospital on Saturday.

Jennings was arrested on Friday after the baby, 10-month-old Paisley Cearly, was taken to the emergency clinic by her mother on Friday, KFOR reports.

Medical professionals at the clinic called authorities after discovering that the infant had sustained multiple significant injuries while in the care of Jennings.

There was evidence of older injuries on the child as well. Police would not reveal what the nature of the injuries were until they received an autopsy from the medical examiner.

The baby died on Saturday.

'Upon talking to the doctor, there's no way the injuries could have occurred accidentally,' said Oklahoma City Police Msgt. Gary Knight.

The abuse was said to have occurred near SW 5th St and Mustang Rd in Oklahoma City.

'Upon interviewing the man, Joshua Jennings, he was then booked into the Oklahoma County jail on a complaint of child abuse. The child later died so that charge would be amended to reflect murder in the first degree,' Msgt. Knight added.

According to his Facebook page, Jennings is an ardent Trump who has spoken out against athletes kneeling during the national anthem to protest police brutality. He has also expressed disdain for fake news.


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e332a5  No.10834440

This just in:

The one’s who cry Racism are Racist.

The one’s who cry Misogyny are Misogynistic.

The one’s who cry Homophobic are Homosexuals.

The one’s who cry America was never great are not American.

The one’s who cry BLM are SoySucking self loathing White people.

Just the facts.

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34ea2c  No.10834441

File: 4002cf807f48ebf⋯.gif (7.61 MB, 427x435, 427:435, uhoh.gif)

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acdc01  No.10834442


last time there was someone on youtube who livestreamed it iirc, but not sure who. i guess all the lines close after a certain amount of people join the conference anyways. if i find a livestream ill post for ya.

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24abd5  No.10834443

File: 9b376d5e58857d2⋯.jpg (18.6 KB, 255x241, 255:241, fkoutahere2.jpg)

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294d28  No.10834444

File: 35927fd75b55bc0⋯.png (237.54 KB, 299x474, 299:474, ClipboardImage.png)

>>10834047 /pb anon posits on Neon Revolt flipping on Q and QR.

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76611c  No.10834445

File: 5611793022450b9⋯.png (927.82 KB, 1242x889, 1242:889, parscale_checks.png)


be careful of the source

let this play out

sad if true

>also checkem

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600e9b  No.10834446


let me know when u b ready to roc. can go to 250 or 500. yer call

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332b2d  No.10834447

File: e2fa6e5a87c52bf⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1048x4144, 131:518, comey.png)



Article on Comey's run in with rapist


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53e2bc  No.10834448


HOLY shit you guys are the baby killers! WTF!

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0f002c  No.10834449


Be a shame is someone hacked his signal.

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f5d224  No.10834450


Not a shopped photo, but having the book there was on purpose. A clue that was meant to be found.

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08a155  No.10834451


This looks staged, fake, and gay.

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02a72b  No.10834452

Neither candidate will be checked for drugs or transmitters. Then POTUS should bring a short range scrambler to block transmissions. How fun to watch Biden keep scratching his ear all night trying to make the damn thing work. :P

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600e9b  No.10834453


Doesn't matter. She's ww from this platform every week. Even dedicated just to her.

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d1c640  No.10834455

demonrat / msdnc faux saux AMMO depletion

$750 taxes (uh huh, shocker…, smear the fear)

the RONA failure, orange man bad gets follow up smear – only ORANGE MAN BAD gets his shit of cases compared to a loss of lives // lost lives.drRAUD pushing mortality rates as ANUSDOCTAL and INCONCLUSIVE science. only positive RONA tests cases count to determine the ackshuall spread of the virus…

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024772  No.10834456

File: 3ed6b263d8d6074⋯.png (62.29 KB, 753x745, 753:745, rekt.PNG)

28 minutes left. 72-28 with 282K votes. Amazing. Yesterday at 3 PM Central, POTUS was down 8% with 70K votes cast. That's a pretty large sample size..the critics will say right wing trolls, Russia, bots, etc..My question is where is Biden's digital army of supporters?


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1949f1  No.10834457

File: 614acf1190802fe⋯.png (565.07 KB, 799x802, 799:802, ClipboardImage.png)

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309a4d  No.10834458


After you beat up someone for awhile it gets old… plus POTUS has shit to do besides talk to shitheads.

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57b075  No.10834459

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


skin of the gods.

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d26c3a  No.10834460

File: 91189b88647e9a9⋯.jpg (53.92 KB, 507x493, 507:493, 4czz0x.jpg)

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d29bc9  No.10834461


Rod's sister.

Director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


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317146  No.10834462

File: d367db0f0b22a0a⋯.png (906.54 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 6103cf6de24e6b274ba5094db7….png)

File: da1d94354ec0d83⋯.png (913.25 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 6103cf6de24e6b274ba5094db7….png)

File: 9026d239bff3cc1⋯.png (902.94 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 6103cf6de24e6b274ba5094db7….png)

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6256eb  No.10834463

File: 0bd1c562a5378a4⋯.png (1.38 MB, 982x516, 491:258, Screenshot_2020_09_29_DHS_….png)

DHS is making major technological breakthroughs. It just can't find private sector buyers

A device developed by the U.S. government can detect a human heartbeat up to 200 feet beneath rubble, but that product, deemed the “holy grail of search and rescue” was nowhere to be found on Aug. 4, when an explosion in Beirut left countless victims beneath hundreds of collapsed buildings. “On one hand, it’s [a] success story — we developed and commercialized the [technology],” Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate spokeswoman Anne Cutler wrote in an email. “On the other hand, five years later, it’s still not being used as widespread as it could be.” The Finding Individuals for Disaster and Emergency Response, or FINDER, was developed start to finish in 2015 by S&T and NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. DHS’s science and tech office has, for years, invented products to meet the needs of the 2 million first responders it supports nationwide. Hundreds of solutions like FINDER have been created within the government, but more often than not, they never make it to the private sector. Communications equipment for people fighting wildfires, forensics to help identify victims of human trafficking, and machines that can identify invasive species hidden in cargo are types of security technology DHS has created. Unlike the Pentagon, which already has broad distribution strategies in place to push out technology developed by the military, DHS has no system for doing so, costing the government countless taxpayer dollars for technology that cost a lot to develop but ends up sitting on a shelf.

For Bob Burns, executive director of S&T’s Office of Innovation and Collaboration, the question was how to connect the developers with manufacturers, manufacturers with operators, and operators with sellers. The government is more likely than not the user of contractors and seeking out services from the private sector, which is why it struggles to push out its inventions. “The government, in a lot of cases, is not the major buyer anymore. We're not the sole procurer,” said Burns. “We need to think of ways that work across the entire ecosystem, and we have to find our place. And even more importantly, because of the first responders, we need to figure out how the towns and the villages and the cities across the country can buy this stuff and get the stuff.” The 240,000-person department is rolling out a new program in January to educate graduate students at George Washington University on how to bring its products to the private sector. The pilot master’s degree program will teach 25 students how to do just that, thanks to mostly government funding. Burns said the cost of $5.7 million for three cadres of students will reap benefits down the road. "Sending people to get a master's at GW is not cheap, but in the long run, it will save us a lot of money," said Burns.

Senior Official Performing the Duties of the Under Secretary for Science and Technology William Bryan said in a statement earlier this year that the program will “produce a pipeline of high-quality professionals prepared to apply invaluable knowledge to the department’s operational components and the broader homeland security enterprise.” That means more success stories, like the two people whom first responders in Nepal pulled from rubble thanks to the use of FINDER following an earthquake in April.


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34ea2c  No.10834464


that could be said about literally every hidden camera video.

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e332a5  No.10834465


You hear that Glendale, Ca?

You better get to Armenia and fight.

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ff237d  No.10834466

File: 3c0197ebcd9279d⋯.png (273.75 KB, 1282x282, 641:141, 2020_1.png)

File: f474367c9593295⋯.png (166.53 KB, 2428x464, 607:116, 2020.png)

The hell is this shit. Jussie Smollet-supporting activist Barbie doll telling us to vote on election day. Gather round, kids!

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df2e79  No.10834467



Who Is Peter Comey?

When our source called the Chinatown offices of D.C. law firm DLA Piper and asked for “Peter Comey,” a receptionist immediately put him through to Comey’s direct line. But Peter Comey is not featured on the DLA Piper website.

Peter Comey serves as “Senior Director of Real Estate Operations for the Americas” for DLA Piper. James Comey was not questioned about his relationship with Peter Comey in his confirmation hearing.

DLA Piper is the firm that performed the independent audit of the Clinton Foundation in November during Clinton-World’s first big push to put the email scandal behind them. DLA Piper’s employees taken as a whole represent a major Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign donation bloc and Clinton Foundation donation base.

DLA Piper ranks #5 on Hillary Clinton’s all-time career Top Contributors list, just ahead of Goldman Sachs.

And here is another thing: Peter Comey has a mortgage on his house that is owned by his brother James Comey, the FBI director.

Peter Comey’s financial records, obtained by Breitbart News, show that he bought a $950,000 house in Vienna, Virginia, in June 2008. He needed a $712,500 mortgage from First Savings Mortgage Corporation.

But on January 31, 2011, James Comey and his wife stepped in to become Private Party lenders. They granted a mortgage on the house for $711,000. Financial records suggest that Peter Comey took out two such mortgages from his brother that day.

This financial relationship between the Comey brothers began prior to James Comey’s nomination to become director of the FBI.

DLA Piper did not answer Breitbart News’ question as to whether James Comey and Peter Comey spoke at any point about this mortgage or anything else during the Clinton email investigation.

Peter Comey Re-Designed the FBI Building

FBI Director James Comey grew up in the New Jersey suburbs with his brother Peter. Both Comeys were briefly taken captive in 1977 by the “Ramsey rapist,” but the boys managed to escape through a window in their home, and neither boy was harmed.

James Comey became a prosecutor who worked on the Gambino crime family case. He went on to the Bush administration, a handful of private sector jobs, and then the Obama administration in 2013.

Peter Comey, meanwhile, went into construction.

After getting an MBA in real estate and urban development from George Washington University in 1998, Peter Comey became an executive at a company that re-designed George Washington University between 2004 and 2007 while his brother was in town working for the Bush administration.

In January 2009, at the beginning of the Obama administration, Peter Comey became “a real estate and construction consultant” for Procon Consulting.

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acdc01  No.10834468



most of them are

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344ed7  No.10834469



Remember when the Bernie supporter shot a sitting US Congressman at a fucking baseball game?

Remember when that Clinton Foundation operative got busted trying to smuggle stolen Haitian children into the Dominican Republic?

Pepe remembers.

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cf2b3e  No.10834470

File: d10d6d5936c9222⋯.jpg (67.77 KB, 480x640, 3:4, devilsandangels2.jpg)

File: efc0a8b341bf4b3⋯.jpg (52.65 KB, 640x449, 640:449, womananddevil.jpg)

File: 1b112635daa9879⋯.jpg (60.12 KB, 480x640, 3:4, devilsandangels5.jpg)

File: 6e7f9384e597486⋯.jpg (227.99 KB, 1177x2048, 1177:2048, EjCuzsfUcAArmcy_jpeg.jpg)

File: 7fc43f407cf7040⋯.jpg (60.64 KB, 400x522, 200:261, ledaandtheswanmed.jpg)

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f5c0e5  No.10834471

File: 8dee1f915cb7bcc⋯.jpg (60.17 KB, 564x480, 47:40, 4700260386_24f1bab409_z.jpg)

File: fa7546b943e5565⋯.jpg (79.63 KB, 720x478, 360:239, Diana_Jenkins_Clinton_Even….jpg)

File: c4ba1a8856c6844⋯.jpg (26.76 KB, 324x400, 81:100, Sanela_Diana_Jenkins_Sanel….jpg)

File: 64f6cb99ac489ee⋯.jpg (87.31 KB, 850x565, 170:113, Sanela_Jenkins_Elton_John_….jpg)

Diana Jenkins was the Pedowood Epstein. DJ got her start running children out of Bosnia in cult/MSM staged Balkan war. She also kept a book of "stars" and their prices for high net worth individuals in the ME and worldwide.



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0afee9  No.10834472



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34ea2c  No.10834473


thought that said 'broth' for a sec

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852148  No.10834474

File: b72cf6dc6016dd0⋯.png (300.42 KB, 420x252, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Kindergarten teacher in China gets death sentence for poisoning dozens of her colleague's students

A kindergarten teacher in China has been sentenced to death for poisoning dozens of children in an act of revenge against a colleague that left one toddler dead. A court in the central Chinese province of Henan said Wang Yun put sodium nitrite into porridge being prepared for her colleague's students, sickening 25.

The attack took place in March 2019 and left one boy severely ill for months before he died in January this year, according to news reports.

The Jiaozuo City Intermediate People's Court on Monday said Wang knew sodium nitrite was harmful but went ahead "with no regard for the consequences", leaving many innocent children in hospital.

News reports last year said the children began vomiting and fainting after eating their breakfast.

Kindergarten students in China are aged between three and six.

The death sentence was handed to Wang this week for the offence of using dangerous substances.

Sodium nitrite is used for curing meats but can be toxic when ingested in high amounts.

Wang concealed her reasons for the poisoning after carrying out the crime and her "motives were despicable", the court said.

Her "criminal methods and circumstances were exceedingly bad, with especially severe circumstances, and she should be severely punished in accordance with the law," the sentencing statement said.

The court added that Wang and the manager of the kindergarten must compensate the children's families.


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cf2b3e  No.10834475


This is some sort of set up BS

He probably pretended and posted that as a cover.

Just like the sick people who work for charities, missing children centers, etc

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0b72b9  No.10834476

THIS IS A DAILY UPDATE @West Coast AMTime!~ All your Fake News and People Are Belong to Us.

Highlights for 09.29.2020Anons, Provide Input Anons\Bakers in ~ "Q Research Kitchen Meta:" >>10756139

Q's Latest Posts~ New!

Monday 09.28.2020

>>10826731 ——————————————— https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2qIXXafxCQ&feature=emb_logo

>>10825631 ——————————————— Don't bite the hand that feeds you. (Cap: >>10825671)

>>10825334 ——————————————— Lisa Barsoomian _former Bill Clinton attorney Wife of Rod Rosenstein

>>10824841 ——————————————— Worth remembering. (Cap: >>10824911)

>>10824624 ——————————————— Simple process. CLINTON FOUNDATION AT THE CENTER.

>>10824174 ——————————————— https://www.law.com/americanlawyer/2020/08/17/emhoff-kamala-harris-spouse-taking-leave-from-dla/? (Cap: >>10824197)

>>10823755 rt >>10823685 ———————— Panic In DC: In Theaters Now Re: H.Res.1154 - Condemning QAnon and rejecting the conspiracy theories it promotes.

>>10823727 ——————————————— Q#4778\https://twitter.com/jsolomonReports/status/1310625667923443717 (Cap: >>10823766)

>>10823477 ——————————————— Unusual to have a 1-year gap from arrest to trial? What might be the purpose? (Caps: >>10823976)

>>10823223 ——————————————— Focus here [East Africa Operations]: The money never flows directly. (Caps: >>10823277, >>10823269)

Saturday 09.26.2020 - >>10825586

Friday 09.25.2020 - >>10825560

Thursday 09.24.2020 - >>10780313

Wednesday 09.23.2020 - >>10775845

>>10786109 Last 10 days of Q

Notable Mentions~ Hot Topics

>>10832996 Flynn Done in 30 Hearing. Will post streaming info here for eezy anon access.

>>10819657 "Maybe the Clintons won't get away with it after all":

>>10819456 Taiwan fights back as President Xi orders companies to name Taiwan as part of China

>>10818219, >>10818958 Ilhan Omar's ballot harvester Somali is busting Project Veritas's balls on twitter: Admitting it?

>>10769552, >>10782774 WTF? Pope Francis: God has instructed me to revise the The Ten Commandments & Prominent D.C. Church Becomes First to Sue Over Mayor Muriel Bowser's Hypocritical Worship Restrictions

>>10766559, >>10766532 BREAKING: Senate Finance and Homeland Security Committees Release DEVASTATING Report on Hunter Biden, Burisma and Corruption — CROOKED BIDEN FAMILY ENRICHED THEMSELVES AND OBAMA KNEW!

Previously Collected Notables As of 09.29.2020~ A "Global Review" Of Daily Events. ~ "Tracking Events so You Don't Have To!"

> (So HARD! {KEK!})

Tuesday 9.29.2020

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>10834246 #13865,

>>10831865 #13862 >>10832694 #13863, >>10833432 #13864

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Tuesday 9.29.2020

Monday 9.28.2020 >>10832661

Sunday 9.27.2020 >>10818095

Saturday 9.26.2020 >>10807425

Friday 9.25.2020 >>10794295

Thursday 9.24.2020 >>10780244

Wednesday 9.23.2020 >>10779017

Tuesday 9.22.2020 >>10778774

Monday 9.21.2020 >>10798984

All Your Base are Belong To Us.



>Godspeed 07

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78aab0  No.10834477

>>10834276 pb

And the Trump campaign files get 'leaked' less than 24 hours later!?!??!?!?!?


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5d9d49  No.10834478


How's THAT for an M Knight Shamylan switch-a-roo?

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1949f1  No.10834479


>What does it mean to be covered in gold?

To be insulated from justice?

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e2bc0d  No.10834480


Man who ate vanilla ice cream on a Facebook live stream is charged…… FFS the state of all media and those who still believe it.

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294d28  No.10834481

If Flynn is freed today, I want his only comment to the press to be "Get your popcorn ready. Enjoy the show!"

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34ea2c  No.10834482


Now you glow.

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ff237d  No.10834483

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08a155  No.10834484


But then everything presented to you is a lie.

Really what can you do other than:

1. Realize it’s all fake

2. Use your discernment and ask “why are they wanting me to believe this particular bullshit today?”

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fe3939  No.10834485

File: 9880582d062430d⋯.png (592.06 KB, 517x707, 517:707, flotus_looks.png)


TY baker!

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716e67  No.10834486


It's a shame he's a satanic POS.

He's remarkably skilled, what a waste.

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309a4d  No.10834487



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24abd5  No.10834488

File: 4444db6bffba776⋯.jpg (16.67 KB, 204x255, 4:5, nadlers.jpg)

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a26e16  No.10834489

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1f3983  No.10834490


>last time there was someone on youtube who livestreamed it iirc, but not sure who. i guess all the lines close after a certain amount of people join the conference anyways. if i find a livestream ill post for ya.


US anons should find a solution for the rest of us

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1949f1  No.10834491

File: 9fdd92b3a667c9f⋯.mp4 (4.11 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, OprahSoup.mp4)

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c35754  No.10834492


Kaitlan Collins Retweeted

Ryan Lizza


NEW from me: I re-watched all of Trump’s 2015-2016 debates. My takeaway: He’s a much better debater than you may remember and it is Trump—not Biden—who is being underestimated going into tonight.



Trump — not Biden — is being underestimated going into the debate

Watching his 2015 and 2016 debate performances is a mind-boggling experience, knowing how it turned out in the end

In 2016, during one of her first prep sessions for the presidential debates with Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton listened to a litany of attacks from Philippe Reines, a longtime aide who was playing the role of Trump and tormenting her with zingers about taxes, jobs, and immigration.

Hillary had never created 100,000 jobs as Trump had!

Trump’s tax plan was endorsed by Larry Kudlow, one of the greatest economists of all time!

You can’t have a country if you don’t have a real border!

Clinton sat down, chastened. This was not going to be easy. “That’s a devastating argument,” she said. “I have not created 100,000 jobs. And maybe nobody knows who Larry Kudlow is but he’s telling you he’s the expert!”

“She immediately, and throughout, saw the power of the hundred-thousand-job argument,” Reines said recently in an interview, “and how it helped Trump steamroll over 17 non-businesspeople in the Republican primaries."

After watching hours of Trump’s debates from 2015 and 2016, what comes across in hindsight is that he had an under-appreciated style, strategy, and message. He was not the Donald Trump of Twitter, where he launches his crudest attacks. He was not the Donald Trump of MAGA rallies, where he feeds off the crowd and plays a role that is a mix of demagogue, right-wing pundit, and entertainer.

The matchup with Biden will be much different. Trump is an unpopular incumbent with a record to defend. He no longer has as clear a message as he did in 2016. Biden has the benefit of four extra years to study Trump.

But the conventional wisdom about Trump arriving in Cleveland Tuesday as a manic and extremely, well, Trumpy, debater could be wrong. Trump won the Republican nomination partly on the strength of his debate appearances. And while post-debate polls were generally favorable to Hillary in 2016, Trump’s three general election debates were crucial to his victory.

Maybe everything is different this year, but the debates offer the best — and last — opportunity for Trump to turn around the race.

Attention at all costs

Watching the first Republican presidential primary debates of the 2016 campaign with the benefit of experiencing Trump on the national stage for five years is revelatory.

Most of the other Republican candidates share an understanding of what conservatism means and what presidential candidates should look and sound like.

The media moderators share an understanding of what a candidate can and can’t get away with.

Since we now know the ending, watching Jeb Bush talk about his optimistic vision for America or seeing Chris Wallace react indignantly when Trump bulldozes through a question with a flurry of bombast and nonsense can be painful. Watching these old clips now, it’s mind-boggling how easy it was for Trump to play the media and his opponents.

The tone was set at the very first debate on Aug. 6, 2015, in Cleveland. Fox’s Bret Baier asks if any of the 10 candidates on stage is not willing to pledge to support the eventual Republican nominee or promise not to mount an independent campaign in the fall, something Trump had flirted with publicly.

Trump, standing in the center because he’s already at the top of the polls, is wearing his candidate uniform of blue suit and extra long shiny red tie. He looks around, sees that nobody else is raising his hand and puts his own in the air. The crowd loudly boos him and Trump responds with an exaggerated shrug and outstretched palms.

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55cee6  No.10834493


@250 guud if you gotta wurk

if we gonna forsake DST you might as well reap the rewards too


roofer was local, honest, gonna be a guud thang

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57fc3f  No.10834494


Also met with Pope Francis, yes?

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e2bc0d  No.10834495

File: b06c9b95c2a2e91⋯.jpg (15.2 KB, 248x255, 248:255, ass.jpg)

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2252e9  No.10834496

File: d24cd6a2baeacfd⋯.jpeg (138.87 KB, 723x763, 723:763, 0CE56CB8_DB12_4F9C_B52C_C….jpeg)

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3ab488  No.10834497

File: ec8c43cd8511b19⋯.jpg (38.11 KB, 605x405, 121:81, somethingismissing.jpg)

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cf2b3e  No.10834498

File: 3d32c1b8557bbec⋯.jpg (26.1 KB, 460x460, 1:1, medium_item_1307556_fe1b58….jpg)

File: c13b278d3a6b28b⋯.jpg (19.11 KB, 258x432, 43:72, EjCRHtSWsAAzPtg_jpeg.jpg)

File: 1a27234e1e7ec04⋯.jpg (97.12 KB, 720x881, 720:881, 20200928_144530.jpg)

File: ccda6885fb5fd66⋯.jpg (194.09 KB, 720x879, 240:293, 20200928_144505.jpg)

File: 956279471136bd3⋯.jpg (144.35 KB, 716x928, 179:232, 20200928_144422.jpg)

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dead4f  No.10834499

File: a85ce9aa0813a48⋯.png (624.76 KB, 718x587, 718:587, ClipboardImage.png)

Fewer than 10% of U.S. adults had developed COVID-19 antibodies amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, according to a recent study published in the Lancet.

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88c4c1  No.10834500

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1949f1  No.10834501

File: f92a719ec1824d7⋯.png (431.71 KB, 427x584, 427:584, ClipboardImage.png)

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34ea2c  No.10834502


Or go somewhere and deal with your intolerable cynicism and stop convincing yourself everyone on the planet is running some game.

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384245  No.10834503


>My question is where is Biden's digital army of supporters?

There is no digital army. Instead, Biden has the entirety of Big Tech, MSM and Hollywood to steal the election and will make anyone questioning it sound "as crazy as a Qanon believer". I like trusting the plan, but this movie we are watching is starting to scare me

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c35754  No.10834504



Naturally, the moderators, channeling the outrage of the Republican audience, ignore the other nine candidates and press Trump on his supposed heresy.

“To be clear, you’re standing on a Republican primary debate stage,” Baier says. The camera zooms in on Trump and his face fills the screen.

“I fully understand,” Trump interjects. And he did. It was everyone else in politics and media who didn’t.

At the end of the first debate Bush wags his finger at Trump’s obnoxious tone. “We don’t have time for tone,” Trump responds.

Trump kept himself as the center of attention at the next 11 debates. Aside from a couple of days in November 2015, he was the polling leader for the rest of the primary. Moderators would challenge him by noting what “experts say” or asking him to “share your proof with the American people” about some absurd claim and Trump would talk about why “we don’t win anymore” or how the press is “a very dishonest lot.”

Whenever Trump would be challenged about his personal criticisms of other candidates he would escalate. “I never attacked him on his looks and believe me there’s plenty of subject matter there,” he said about Rand Paul in the second debate. The purpose was to remain the focus at all costs, and it worked. The rules said that if another candidate mentioned you then you got to respond. Trump made sure he was mentioned.

At the third debate, in October, an exasperated Mike Huckabee was asked if Trump had the character to be president. “As few questions as I’ve got, the last one I need is to give him some more time!” he said. Someone was finally onto the strategy, but it was too late.

He lies: When Jeb Bush accurately says Trump lobbied him on casino gambling in Florida, Trump admonishes, “Don’t make things up!” He cites unnamed experts endorsing his views: “Some of the greatest scholars agree with me,” he tells Carly Fiorina about birthright citizenship. He brags about his scandals: “I used the laws of the country to my benefit,” he said of his company’s multiple bankruptcies. “I’m sorry.”

A more reserved Trump

By the general election, Trump had most of the Republican Party behind him and his ragtag operation had some operatives with traditional campaign experience guiding it, including Kellyanne Conway, who convinced him to tone things down.

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50e275  No.10834505

File: 937290eec38ed8b⋯.jpg (43.78 KB, 500x633, 500:633, but_black.jpg)

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344ed7  No.10834506


If COVID is so bad, why have I not seen dead homeless people in the streets? It's be like 8 months.

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600e9b  No.10834507


k. too fitty it is.

glad to hear re: roofer. don't want to think about that. still have the orig and time ain't on muh side fo sho.

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73ef86  No.10834508


Tell me more

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c35754  No.10834509



If watching the Republican primary debates of 2015 and 2016 is jarring for how effective Trump was at using a shock jock schtick to dominate a political campaign, watching the 2016 general election debates is jarring for how relatively restrained Trump could be.

Simply commanding the spotlight— crucial in a 17-candidate field — was no longer a wise strategy in a two-person race. But watching the debates knowing that Trump would defeat Clinton by winning over white working-class voters reveals Trump to be cannier in his messaging than he was given credit for at the time.

The issues that flummoxed Clinton during debate prep proved to be deadly. “In 2016 he had his message killers: immigration, trade, Obamacare, and corruption in Washington,” Reines said.

In the early moments of the first debate, which was the most-watched period of the three matchups, the two candidates outline their economic visions. Clinton was cogent and talked about a series of specific policies like raising the minimum wage, paid family leave, affordable child care and debt-free college. There was a dash of populism when she talked about “having the wealthy pay their fair share” and closing corporate loopholes.

It all seems so clear now, but it’s like watching a horror movie where you can’t believe another victim is going to fall prey to the same mistakes that Rubio and Jeb made when they were drowned in the lake by Trump.

When it’s Trump’s turn to talk about the economy, he launches into a simplistic riff about the world taking advantage of Americans. “Our jobs are fleeing the country,” Trump begins. He blames it all on Mexico and China and the other foreign countries using America as a piggy bank to rebuild their own countries. The Obama administration’s refusal “to fight them” is the problem. On the issues that he did have details about, they were skeletal, like his promise to cut corporate tax rates from 35 percent to 15 percent, which he said would be an explosive “job creator” would “be a beautiful thing to watch.”

Clinton was cerebral and hemmed in by only proposing things she genuinely believed were possible to pass into law as president.

Trump was visceral and unencumbered by any sense of what might work or what was possible to get through Congress.

There were sporadic outbursts from Trump through the three debates that had nothing to do with his four pillars. He threatened to jail Clinton. During the second debate, in the wake of the release of the Access Hollywood tape, when it seemed his candidacy might implode, he made a spectacle of the evening by inviting to the event several women who had accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault or sexual harassment.

But what comes across watching these events back-to-back is the power of Trump’s populism and demagoguery and the relative restraint he showed compared to what we have seen on his Twitter feed and at his press conferences for much of this year.

Reines, who has studied Trump’s debating style as much as anyone, agreed with that assessment. “He had his four pillars, and a well honed attack on Hillary,” he said. “He spent nominal time defending himself even in the face of the most egregious incidents, like Access Hollywood.”

There was a Trump formula for almost every question a moderator posed that might be uncomfortable for him. In the first debate, Lester Holt asked Trump about releasing his tax returns, a topic certain to come up tonight. His response set the pattern he would use for all three events.

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390853  No.10834510

File: d9e1c4342d9999b⋯.png (587.06 KB, 656x655, 656:655, JB_442.png)

File: 610aabdffa48de0⋯.png (80.9 KB, 658x608, 329:304, JB_442a.png)

File: 25fa5d8f85561ad⋯.pdf (1.1 MB, JB_442b_Charles_F_Marler_A….pdf)

File: 057c5a8043f6850⋯.pdf (70.63 KB, JB_442c_AFFIDAVIT_OF_MARK_….pdf)

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24abd5  No.10834511

File: 1116cdd19390132⋯.jpg (9.33 KB, 239x300, 239:300, bubba.jpg)

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3ab488  No.10834512

File: 104dd0b094b6006⋯.png (354.18 KB, 780x620, 39:31, pepe_10.png)


"It was Russian bots!"

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c35754  No.10834513



“I don't mind releasing — I'm under a routine audit,” he said. “And it'll be released. And — as soon as the audit's finished, it will be released.” Trump then bragged about how he made $694 million the previous year. Then he pivoted to discussing trade deficits and the “political hacks negotiating our trade deals.” He finished by proposing he release his tax returns “when she releases her 33,000 e-mails that have been deleted.”

Reines described that three-step response that Trump patented in 2016 as, “word salad, weird digression, I’m great and she’s terrible.”

There is a good case that the political dynamics of 2020 are completely different. It’s always easier in American politics to run as an outsider against the establishment. Successful presidential candidates as different as Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama all profited from that strategy. Trump now has the burden of trying to defend an objectively poor record on the central issue of 2020: his handling of the coronavirus pandemic. His message is not as simple and clear as it was in 2020.

Though it's perhaps a tad self-serving, Reines has become convinced that Trump's message was so effective in 2016 that no Democrat would have fared better than Hillary Clinton. He described some revelatory moments during debate prep when he was doing his best to inhabit the character of Trump but all that was really coming out were the words.

"What’s scary is that I’m dressed like him and I have the Trump mannerisms, but I’m not crazy," he said. "I’m still Philippe Reines. And when you hear me saying what he says, you see the power of it. Even without any of the crazy stuff. It’s why Biden or Bernie would not have beaten him."

In his view, the fact that Trump has a real governing record and is unpopular — 45 percent job approval — changes everything. Clinton struggled to make the case that Trump would be the wrong person to lead the country through a crisis, and his act was still a novelty to many Americans willing to give him a chance. But Biden has the benefit of being able to ignore much of Trump's familiar histrionics and instead focus clearly on his record.

Reines's two pieces of advice for Biden were "not to overthink it" — Trump is not that sophisticated — and to serve as a narrator of Trump's tactics for viewers at home by declaring early on that what they will hear from Trump Tuesday night can't be trusted.

"He has to beat him to the punch," Reines said. "They don’t have opening statements, but I would start with 'I’ve served with and for eight presidents before you, and I never thought I would say this to a president but most of what you hear from him tonight will be false.’"

Still, last time around Trump learned to master and dominate the debates in the Republican primary, and he was extraordinarily effective against someone as skilled as Hillary Clinton in the three general election debates. He shouldn’t be underestimated.


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d171ce  No.10834514

File: 42b1252c803ca2a⋯.jpg (346.29 KB, 847x701, 847:701, biden_drugs.jpg)

File: 08af02ca9199997⋯.gif (448.49 KB, 500x361, 500:361, biden_test_pattern.gif)

File: 5b0a3f6b822cb76⋯.gif (891.16 KB, 320x240, 4:3, dementia_3.gif)

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99ecaf  No.10834515

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Cognitive decline

Doesn’t even realize his earpiece is not in his ear.

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f5c0e5  No.10834516

File: 823c5db5ce57f5b⋯.jpg (483.38 KB, 1236x1600, 309:400, 823c5db5ce57f5b0c0f3e21e72….jpg)

File: 1f17904d87edc6c⋯.jpeg (308.61 KB, 763x791, 109:113, 1f17904d87edc6c95717949a2….jpeg)

Media content is not an accidental byproduct of competition for popular attention, it is an engineered product shaped by tactical necessities of nonlinear, ‘unrestricted’ or Information War (IW) .

“Information Poisoning” is a form of psychological attack or “psyop” that damages our cognitive capacity over time. The primary purpose of MSM media news and entertainment content is not to amuse and inform but to influence social decision making and shape purchasing behavior.

We human beings are extremely suggestible and highly imitative; this fact is known, widely studied and exploited in engineered news content. Advertising /entertainment media content suggests we buy things, adopt a fashion, get a piercing. Hate this, love that do this or be left out. It has normalized medical atrocities and induced a wide range of paraphilias or sexual fetishes. How many self-destructive social behaviors and fads and addictions have been promoted and propagated by MSM media since 1950?

MSM popular media content is generated for the purpose of social control, the management of consumer behavior and psycho-sexual demoralization of civilian population.

MSM media is part of the Mockingbird social control system built by the clowns, aka CIA following the second WW. Engineered news and entertainment content is used by the clowns to guide and constrain human consciousness, to manipulate individual and group purchasing behaviors, to limit what we understand and what we are capable of understanding.

MSM media has been used by satanist pedovores to create a distracted, obsessive hyper-sexualized consumer cargo culture.

legacy media is running 24/7 psyops targeting a naive civilian population.


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da7f73  No.10834517

Are they going to let Biden win? "You have to let them see for themselves". We keep being socially engineered by both sides so what's some more?

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c35754  No.10834518

File: 0b8ca39bb136789⋯.jpg (86.96 KB, 1160x773, 1160:773, download_1_.jpg)

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a67c0e  No.10834519

File: 7b77cafec11dd57⋯.jpg (124.19 KB, 937x654, 937:654, hanksNONEX.jpg)


Why is that doll's head uncovered and why is she wearing pants?

Filthy whore! Her Father should behead her!

(Ululating commences)

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08a155  No.10834520


My cynicism is rooted in the werds of Edgar Casey from 1981. He stated it as a goal.

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d6ac1c  No.10834521


What worries me is that if true, something much much deadlier but similar will be released in the future and because so many people shuttered in their cocoons for this relatively mild flu, they’re fucked when they get this next one.

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55cee6  No.10834522


been a huge source of contention here

fricken yankees yo

carpet baggers still

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acdc01  No.10834523


i go off my gut and it seemed staged. just like george floyd, and kenosha hat trick. my .02. won't be my first time eating a bag of dicks if I'm wrong. kek

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fc9925  No.10834524

File: fd7c10e810aa996⋯.png (311.23 KB, 1439x1547, 1439:1547, Capture_2020_09_29_09_36_2….png)


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deb111  No.10834525


It's funny that Biden gets to set the rules for the debate

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1949f1  No.10834526

File: 0d4e52d08a7228d⋯.png (134.92 KB, 262x381, 262:381, ClipboardImage.png)

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828cfa  No.10834527

File: abe50b1db2bfcec⋯.jpg (78.04 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, FLOTUS_Dragon_Power.jpg)



good morning

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48900e  No.10834528

Is Barrett's meeting with Senators today televised? Anon not finding it.

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f5c0e5  No.10834529

File: 9376b46b47b582b⋯.jpg (74.13 KB, 543x541, 543:541, 93b7fe90680401abddb9c39ffa….jpg)

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3c50ef  No.10834530



there used a be a video of obama giving a campaign speech (circa 2008) during which time he was stuttering like an idiot, with his finger in his hear, spouting "I can't hear myself."

It must have been a pretty damning moment because there's not a trace of it on the Googleweb now. Down the memory hole.

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dc2bfb  No.10834531


Ok yay now do NJ…;)

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fdcdf3  No.10834532

File: aa5051476b512e5⋯.png (248.2 KB, 460x378, 230:189, VOTEDEMOUT.png)

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c771c5  No.10834533


Think Nader… kek

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08a155  No.10834534

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c771c5  No.10834535

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1949f1  No.10834536

File: fde3a9eb80d4d0c⋯.gif (497.5 KB, 500x309, 500:309, nice.gif)



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da7f73  No.10834537

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344ed7  No.10834538


Agreed. All the adderall in the world isn't going to help a mind lost to dementia.

So scramble that thing and let's laugh our fucking asses off.

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c6fab4  No.10834539

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3c50ef  No.10834540

File: dd3cd727a652dc5⋯.png (41.55 KB, 733x506, 733:506, Screen_Shot_2020_09_29_at_….png)

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1949f1  No.10834541


>Are they going to let Biden win?

I'm dreading it, but of course Biden is "going to win", right?

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6d9cac  No.10834542

File: 359c16e56cc4120⋯.png (323.69 KB, 1080x2340, 6:13, Screenshot_20200929_103633.png)

This is telltale


Biden wants a break every 30 minutes of debate.

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852148  No.10834543

File: a61bd980a459fc2⋯.png (479.96 KB, 722x406, 361:203, ClipboardImage.png)

Plano Police Investigate Online Posting Involving Child Sex Trafficking

Plano police are helping to investigate an online posting that appears to show a woman attempting to traffic a child for sexual purposes.

According to the Plano Police Department, officers learned of posting on Sept. 18.

The posting depicts a minor child who is standing and wearing a red dress, police said.

Police said detectives worked to identify the author of this message and locate the supposed mother of the child to prevent the child from being abused.

According to police, the posting used a Plano address, but detectives found that the post originated in another agency's jurisdiction.

The author of the post resides has not lived in Plano in several months, police said.

Plano detectives contacted police from the jurisdiction in which the post originated. The Plano Police Department said it is offering assistance throughout this ongoing investigation regarding the welfare of this child.


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14bb4a  No.10834544


To be sacrificed…

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e332a5  No.10834545


Oh yeah the dailymail.uk?

Uh huh it must be true.

Fuken limeys.

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1d99ed  No.10834546

Madonna adopts black kids

Angelina Jolie adopts black kids.

Nothing to see here. Such heart

ACB adopts black kids, fucking racist!

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fc9925  No.10834547

File: 19aef70692c0af9⋯.png (4 MB, 1437x1977, 479:659, Capture_2020_09_29_09_37_2….png)


She is, yes. Accompanied by WH counsel.

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655f39  No.10834548

File: 79cb915844296dc⋯.jpg (830.11 KB, 1628x2341, 1628:2341, 34_days.jpg)

34 DAYS……

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c771c5  No.10834549



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1949f1  No.10834550

File: 58cb9c36c88e9c7⋯.mp4 (14.77 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, FORCE_IT_TO_TREND_RT_Ballo….mp4)


>"going to win"

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0ceb48  No.10834551


Batteries don't last too long in the comms device?

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000000  No.10834552


My understanding is public hearings start 12 Oct

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acfcbe  No.10834553

File: 506e22e87a88efe⋯.png (442.37 KB, 589x538, 589:538, Obama_Pimping.png)

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55cee6  No.10834554


they better get savvy quick

shit gonna hit the fan for locals

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ab2103  No.10834555

File: 453d7ff429f7978⋯.png (378.71 KB, 768x432, 16:9, junkie_joe.png)

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02a72b  No.10834556

We’re lucky that Biden is even showing up. I’m still waiting for a ff just in time for him to cancel.

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852148  No.10834557

File: a21c8c704ed7a00⋯.png (366.25 KB, 750x422, 375:211, ClipboardImage.png)

Texas border patrol arrests two child sex offenders in the country illegally

HIDALGO, Texas — Border patrol agents in Texas recently arrested two men allegedly in the country illegally who were previously convicted of child sex crimes, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

State troopers contacted the border patrol for help making a traffic stop in Hidalgo. Agents interviewed the occupants and determined both, who are from Mexico, were in the country illegally.

The pair were arrested and during a check of their backgrounds, they found one of them was a registered sex offender. Jorge Gamez-Salas was previously convicted in Dallas County for Indecency with a Child where he was sentenced to two years confinement.

Two days later, agents in the same area arrested Fernando Luna-Mendoza after he also allegedly entered the country illegally. Record checks revealed a previous arrest in Henderson County, near Dallas, where he was convicted of aggravated sexual assault of a child, a first-degree felony. He received five years confinement in that case.

“The public is encouraged to take a stand against crime in their communities and report suspicious activity at 800-863-9382,” noted border officials. “Even with the spread of the COVID-19 virus, human smugglers continue to try these brazen attempts with zero regard for the lives they endanger nor to the health of the citizens of our great nation. The U.S. Border Patrol agents of the Rio Grande Valley Sector will continue to safeguard the nation and community against these criminal elements.”


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48f008  No.10834558

File: 9c43247537004ad⋯.png (242.21 KB, 454x611, 454:611, ClipboardImage.png)

for keks




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8782dc  No.10834559

The bad guys and girls have been trying to kill us for the whole of my six decades on the planet.

To do it properly, they have to weaken the entire race. They have to take out the immune system. That's what lockdowns do, that's the purpose of the masks. And now we know who's all in on the scheme. The governor of my state can go to hell.


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d9d6c1  No.10834560


this meme makes me laugh but also makes me wonder

"this little light of mine" is a hymn that got hijacked as a liberal protest song

pepe with a match, ya kinda funny but what is this really suggesting given that libs are burning down our cities?

same with the pepe face on the beirut blast. funny but what association is it really suggesting?

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c1db11  No.10834561

File: 541b9961541d4d6⋯.png (240.28 KB, 750x730, 75:73, 20200413_155839.png)



I've always wondered why there's a black entertainment television but no white entertainment television or jewish entertainment television.

Is it because while blacks are makingBETs in the back alley, the jews would be flying on their privateJETs while the whites are having aWETt-shirt contest?

Seems like an unexplored media phenomenon waiting to happen.

Why is the FCC discriminating against jews and whites?

Fair is fair.

As a result, should the FCC cancel BET?

Inquiring minds want to know.


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897f99  No.10834562

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


No drugs? No hidden ear piece?

Come on man!

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600e9b  No.10834563

File: 881b8c2b99349f1⋯.png (786.16 KB, 734x489, 734:489, sharing_bread.png)

File: a15fe1990c6f3f0⋯.png (767.2 KB, 740x458, 370:229, w_n_b.png)

notables bun @ 250


>>10834557 Texas border patrol arrests two child sex offenders in the country illegally

>>10834543 Plano Police Investigate Online Posting Involving Child Sex Trafficking

>>10834524 The Biden campaign requested two breaks (one every thirty minutes) during tonight’s program…

>>10834461 anon starts digg on Rosenstein's sister, Nancy Messonnier. CDC infiltration


>>10834410 Trump campaign wants the Biden campaign to allow a third party to inspect the ears of the debaters for electronic devices or transmitters.

>>10834326 Exposed: FBI Director James Comey’s Clinton Foundation Connection

>>10834323, >>10834350, >>10834389, >>10834394 MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD IN MINNESOTA

>>10834322 (continued from lb) Kuwait's Emir, Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmed al-Sabah, has died at the age of 91, state media report.

>>10834316 Turkish F-16 shoots down Armenia jet in Armenian airspace

Confirm Handoff

anons have a great tuesday. Done in 30!

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da7f73  No.10834564


The new guard is Manipulating us like the old guard. What's new, the plebs are just pawns in whatever bullshit game this is. So much will be covered up, just watch. We got played but what else can you do but take the hopium.

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344ed7  No.10834565


My guess is the 30-minute intervals is more about drug-administration (for dementia) than comm-devices.

I have to think tech is advanced enough to last more than 30 minutes.

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1949f1  No.10834566

File: 1c17bf4d4ad7ffc⋯.gif (996.11 KB, 500x363, 500:363, hawt.gif)

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0b5d82  No.10834567

File: 98e79c18e465ce6⋯.jpeg (270.4 KB, 640x964, 160:241, EA034DAC_BA01_4A31_872A_9….jpeg)

Article asks, “What if Biden dies before the election?“

“What if … a presidential candidate can't make it across the finish line?”


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df2e79  No.10834568


She is meeting with individuals to prep for the hearings. I doubt their conversations will be aired publicly.



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db8b53  No.10834569


I have been asking people irl this question for months when they say they are worried about the "virus" it seems to help them see things in perspective. Same thing for the protestors in the streets and the Trump rallies. If it is so bad, where are the mountains of dead people? There aren't any.

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fc9925  No.10834570

File: e1144795fbaa4f2⋯.jpeg (133.4 KB, 828x572, 207:143, EjFh_OpWAAUiVqa.jpeg)

File: 41e8a0d3f76dfab⋯.png (3.16 MB, 1438x1930, 719:965, Capture_2020_09_29_09_41_2….png)

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5a06c7  No.10834571

File: a1be15eba4d0de9⋯.jpeg (626.44 KB, 828x1300, 207:325, 13000CC1_8960_4C4A_837C_7….jpeg)

https://mobile.twitter.com/CBS_Herridge/status/1310933381505527814 #FLYNN hearing




heads to court with new DOJ docs including Agent Barnett interview who said FBI Russia team left Flynn case open to "get Trump” + recall handwritten notes released in April from senior FBI official Priestap “What is our goal? Truth/Admission or

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1949f1  No.10834572

File: cccd3b763844a6d⋯.mp4 (1.69 MB, 426x240, 71:40, What_happens_if_a_Dem_Cong….mp4)



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55cee6  No.10834573

File: 9610a1668808e57⋯.jpeg (37.07 KB, 409x392, 409:392, 9610a1668808e578e6a68f3cd….jpeg)


handoff confimed, cakes gots da dough yo

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60f200  No.10834575

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

In light of all the evil art by the Italian glass blower, I just wanted to throw this out there to cleanse the palate so to speak. His name is Jago. A true master of his work, whatever the medium may be and as humble as can be.

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c771c5  No.10834576


He should be in charge of nuclear weapons…kek

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48900e  No.10834577


Thanks anon

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852148  No.10834578

File: 49d6aa10c048744⋯.png (1.26 MB, 970x647, 970:647, ClipboardImage.png)

Assange May End up at Colorado Supermax Jail, UK Court Told

LONDON (AP) — WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange would have to be “almost dying” to get out of arguably the most notorious prison in the United States if convicted of espionage charges and sent there, the court at London's Old Bailey heard Tuesday.

Assange, who is fighting an extradition request from the U.S., would likely be sent to the federal Supermax prison in Florence, Colorado, if convicted, according to Maureen Baird, a former warden at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York.

U.S. prosecutors have indicted the 49-year-old Assange on 17 espionage charges and one charge of computer misuse over WikiLeaks’ publication of secret American military documents a decade ago. The charges carry a maximum sentence of 175 years in prison.

Assange’s defense team says he is entitled to First Amendment protections for the publication of leaked documents that exposed U.S. military wrongdoing in Iraq and Afghanistan. They have also said he is suffering from wide-ranging mental health issues, including suicidal tendencies, that could be exacerbated if he ends up in inhospitable prison conditions in the U.S.

Baird said Assange would likely face the most onerous prison conditions that the U.S. can impose, conditions that she has seen lead to an array of mental health issues, including anxiety and paranoia.

“From my experience, of close to three decades of working in federal prisons, I would agree that long term isolation can have serious negative effects on an inmate’s mental health,” she said.

She said Assange would likely be held under special administrative measures, or SAMs, if extradited to the U.S., both in pre-trial detention and after any conviction, because of national security concerns within the U.S. government.

“In my experience with other cases, if it’s off the table, they (the U.S. government) would remove it,” she said with regard to the prospect of these measures being imposed on Assange. “It appears very much to be on the table.”


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3ab488  No.10834579

File: 503a302e8b41a82⋯.mp4 (7.86 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, michael.mp4)

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1ae9ff  No.10834580

File: f70139899ab3a60⋯.png (269.52 KB, 700x1080, 35:54, ClipboardImage.png)


Satanic blown glass.

Glass is heated by fire.

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552cf7  No.10834581

File: 3885861f3efc6e5⋯.png (583.7 KB, 691x496, 691:496, ClipboardImage.png)

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e332a5  No.10834582


You’re phony & homo.

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897f99  No.10834583

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fuck anons. We got 90 mins of this buffoon

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600e9b  No.10834584

File: b56c270817c2946⋯.png (442.26 KB, 606x608, 303:304, wakesncakes.png)



habby trails. tied up until 3ET. in when i can.

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8782dc  No.10834585


Seems to me I recall a group of ragtag colonists, one of whom was my ancestor, who took on the might of the English empire. Despite all the "experts" and turncoats of the era telling them it couldn't be done. I'm glad they didn't give up or give in.

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48f008  No.10834586

File: 8e59eac58fd68e2⋯.png (335.89 KB, 623x718, 623:718, ClipboardImage.png)

Amish 4 Trump.


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dead4f  No.10834587

File: 8d4ce381f1dba0b⋯.png (584.78 KB, 724x466, 362:233, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 887f71891c9bfcd⋯.png (668.02 KB, 680x453, 680:453, ClipboardImage.png)

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da7f73  No.10834588


Gotta make it look like it's against all odds. "For the movie", you know.

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acdc01  No.10834589

conf. hasn't started yet but i'm on the teleconference call and people are talking. not sure what about.

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c771c5  No.10834590


Give me the lance armstrong!

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a5f3b9  No.10834591

Q, is it possible to put the debate 2 hours later? So german bros can watch it around 5 am in the morning in germany too?

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024772  No.10834592


The progression of the comments was HILARIOUS. When Biden was 8% up it was "About like I expected" "Just like the polls".

Then it started to flip and they were like "I can't believe it is this close" "Someone must have retweeted to a Trump supporter" "This scares me"

As POTUS was pulling away "Russia" "I wonder how many IP addresses these votes came from" "Retweet this to Biden supporters so we can flip it back" LOL! Then they just stopped commenting. It was glorious.

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3ab488  No.10834593

File: 83019571b057901⋯.mp4 (13.54 MB, 480x480, 1:1, New_Anti_Trump_ad_04_21_20….mp4)


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df2e79  No.10834594

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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02a72b  No.10834595


That’s popcorn worthy, even if not the main show

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000000  No.10834596


POTUS is not allowing Sleepy Joe any booster shots!

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131370  No.10834597

Trump Campaign Releases "17 Questions Joe Biden Must Answer In The Debate" Tyler Durden Tue, 09/29/2020 - 10:40

If you were looking for a list of things President Trump is likely to hammer Joe Biden over during tonight's debate, his campaign has published a list of 17 questions that "Joe Biden must answer in the debate."

They range from the $3.5 million wire transfer Hunter Biden received from a Russian billionaire who was married to the former mayor of Moscow, to Biden claiming he "got started" at Delaware State - a historically black college that says he never attended, to Supreme Court nominees and court-packing.

See the full list below:

Your son Hunter Biden received a $3.5 million wire transfer from a Russian billionaire who was married to the former mayor of Moscow. He also had a joint bank account with a Chinese national that financed $100,000 in credit card purchases around the world. This all happened while you were Vice President. Why would people connected to the Russian and Chinese governments want to give your son millions of dollars?

You recently said you “got started” at Delaware State University, an HBCU. The school says they have no record of you ever attending. What did you major in there?

In June you said you were vetting your own potential Supreme Court picks and promised you would release your own list. Now you say you won’t release a list. Why go back on your pledge?

Your running mate Kamala Harris said last year that she was open to adding as many as 4 seats to the Supreme Court. Now more leading Democrats are saying your party should pack the Supreme Court if they get the chance. Are you refusing to answer whether you will go along with this radical plan because you are too weak to stand up to it?

In January 2017, you said that Democrats should not block President Trump’s nominees for the Supreme Court. You said you believe the Constitution “requires” the Senate “to give the nominee a hearing and a vote.” In 2016 you said “would go forward with the confirmation process” of a Supreme Court nominee “even a few months before a presidential election … just as the Constitution requires." Now you say the Constitution requires the exact opposite. How do you reconcile that change?

In 2008 you promised Americans that if they made less than $250,000 they would not pay a penny more in taxes. You broke that promise and imposed new taxes that directly impacted middle-class Americans. Now you’re claiming you won’t raise taxes on anyone making more than 400,000. Why should voters believe you now, especially since you’ve said you will reinstate the individual mandate tax?


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cf2b3e  No.10834598

File: a13ed91ec3c76ad⋯.jpg (201.62 KB, 960x1200, 4:5, EjE8W8hUYAEWbUD_jpeg.jpg)

File: b1d8aeaf0661580⋯.png (405.02 KB, 714x409, 714:409, 20200929_055258.png)

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0cb298  No.10834599

>>10833997 (pb)

Thought the same thing when seeing this. Desperation and Panic?

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956242  No.10834600

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Can you feel it anons?

It's War time.

Put on the Armor of God.

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828cfa  No.10834601

File: 98a77350363dc8d⋯.png (177.11 KB, 983x576, 983:576, PENCE23_unknown_east_from_….PNG)

File: 030cc9cd2f73a62⋯.png (128.38 KB, 733x457, 733:457, 02_5001_USAFSOC_C_32B_over….PNG)

File: 2409fc0610ab4cb⋯.png (378.45 KB, 554x629, 554:629, kaf_recon_squad_magnify.png)

PENCE23 unknown AC heading east from a pass over SLC and Utah Lake

A USAFSOC C-32B AC was tracking over Utah Lake on 0924-cap#2 which is very near to the NSA Utah Data Center at Camp Williams

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281714  No.10834603


I've been thinking the same thing. They should hijack Biden's feed.


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949dcc  No.10834604

File: 109e2a86b34bcf5⋯.png (542.32 KB, 772x878, 386:439, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 13ef698bb18d846⋯.png (417.48 KB, 653x449, 653:449, ClipboardImage.png)

Britain imposes sanctions on Belarus leader (Lukashenko) and aides

SEOUL (Reuters) - Britain has imposed sanctions on Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko and seven other officials over election fraud and violence against protesters, Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab told Reuters on Tuesday.

Lukashenko’s national security adviser and chief of staff are also among the sanctioned officials, Raab said in an interview during a visit to the South Korean capital of Seoul.

“There is a vanishing window to influence what is playing out in Belarus and we believe the time to take action is now,” he said. “First and foremost there must be a cost, there must be a price with the kind of human rights abuses that we’ve seen and the fraudulent approach to that election.”

Belarus has seen mass demonstrations since Lukashenko, in power for 26 years, was named the landslide winner of an Aug 9 presidential election his opponents say was rigged.

Lukashenko denies electoral fraud. All major opposition figures are now in jail or have fled.

Raab told parliament last week that Britain was preparing sanctions on Minsk in coordination with the United States and Canada.

The European Union, which Britain left in January, has also announced plans for sanctions on Belarusian officials, although it has yet to finalise them.

Western countries have so far been cautious in responding the events in Belarus, balancing sympathy for the pro-democracy movement with concern about provoking Russia, which has made clear it still supports Lukashenko, its close ally.

Raab said he had spoken with Britain’s international partners, and Britain had decided to move forward.

“We expect others will follow but I think time is of the essence because of that narrow window of opportunity to influence what is playing out,” he said.

“We can’t just have a situation where the likes of Alexander Lukashenko and frankly Vladimir Putin think that the human rights abuses and the rigging of that election can just pass without them being held to account.”

Reporting by Josh Smith; Editing by Peter Graff


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7cf0c9  No.10834605


Could they override the signal and fill it with gibberish so Biden sounds like a real time Bad Lip Reading video? (Not that it's a huge leap between raw Joe and BLR)

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1949f1  No.10834606

File: 4a89922cd5f617e⋯.mp4 (3.66 MB, 600x336, 25:14, Joan_Rivers_Calls_Presiden….mp4)

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552cf7  No.10834607


If a health crisis were to prevent the Democratic candidate from making it to the election, "The short answer is that a replacement would be chosen according to DNC [Democratic National Committee] bylaws," Ilya Shapiro, director of Cato Institute's Robert A. Levy Center for Constitutional Studies, told Just the News. "If after the election, there are other rules."

Should a candidate pass away "in October, a number of states would have already started early voting, including Vermont, where early voting begins 45 days before an election," Vermont Public Radio senior political correspondent Bob Kinzel reported in April. "But it's thought that this really wouldn't be a problem, because voters in November are technically voting for a slate of electors, not a specific candidate. So votes for the candidate who died would be transferred to the party's replacement candidate. However, if this happened, let's say, a week before the election, Congress does have the authority to reschedule the election to allow time for a new candidate to be selected."

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55cee6  No.10834608


have a smooth one yo

countin on the peek

yo notes in da dough

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e8b971  No.10834609

File: 81604bbdbf4156a⋯.pdf (203.08 KB, dfd20863_b2ea_44c5_bb34_36….pdf)


September 28, 2020The Honorable William BarrUnited States Attorney GeneralU.S. Department of Justice950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NWWashington, DC 20530-0001Attorney General Barr, I am writing to you to express immediate concern regarding illegal voter activity in Minnesota. Since the beginning of the year, I have been in discussions with people who live in Minneapolis about their past and current election observations. I have met with and continually communicated with the FBI here in Minnesota and have called upon Project Veritas to help us uncover systemic voter fraud involving in-person voting and absentee ballots. As you know, there is an election coming up which requires electoral integrity. As such, I believe this situation requires your urgent attention. Let me explain. It has been represented to me that in Minneapolis, several Democrat campaigns have been paying individuals to vote. This fraud is said to be occurring in manyforms. I have been repeatedly told that much of this activity has been orchestrated by the congressional campaign of Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (MN-05), and the evidence suggests the same. Moreover, much of the alleged illegal activityleading up to and around this year’s primary electionmatches information that I have been given about similar illegal voting activitiesin 2016and 2018.Specifically, ithas been represented to me that campaigns have been stealing absentee ballots from individuals and payingindividuals to obtain their absentee ballots. The strategies communicated to me include multiple campaigns, for both local and federal office that:•canvass voters in Minneapolis apartment buildings and capture their personal information•take advantage of elderly voters, immigrant communities, andthose who do not speak English•thenrequest absentee ballots on behalf of the voters•have operativesstationed in mailroomsand knocking doorsto coerce ballots from voters via cash or threats•have campaign workers completethe ballots in favor of their slate of candidates•deposit groups of marked ballots into mail-in ballot receptaclesoutside polling places.Furthermore, I have been told thatcampaigns also use an intricate system of paying people to vote in-person, both during early voting and on election day. Ithasbeen described to me that in…

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fc9925  No.10834610


>Assange’s defense team says he is entitled to First Amendment protections for the publication of leaked documents that exposed U.S. military wrongdoing in Iraq and Afghanistan.

He's not though. He's not American or an American publisher.

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acdc01  No.10834611

HI SIDNEY! GOOD LUCK TODAY, YOU WILL KICK MAJOR ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thx for not promising to be good. WRWY!

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956242  No.10834612

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Can you feel it anons?

It's War time.

Put on the Armor of God.

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5bcf46  No.10834613



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1e3d7e  No.10834614

Meghan McCain Domenech had her first kid Liberty a Lovely Golden Corral Buffet

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3ab488  No.10834615

File: 2129969353e6bb2⋯.png (25.81 KB, 473x500, 473:500, pepe_12.png)


The MI people should not only JAM the transmission, but transmit a high pitched loud whine around 2K which would force Biden to rip the ear peaces out right on live TV.


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5a06c7  No.10834616

File: 188d95696d43516⋯.jpeg (550.87 KB, 828x1027, 828:1027, 448BBD02_1C67_4FE3_AD3E_4….jpeg)

https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8785219/amp/Man-repeatedly-posted-QAnon-linked-slogan-SaveOurChildren-charged-babys-killing.html Man who repeatedly posted QAnon-linked slogan #SaveOurChildren on his Facebook page is charged with murdering his girlfriend's infant daughter

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281714  No.10834617


I've been thinking the same thing. They should hijack Biden's feed.


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69b1e4  No.10834618

File: 5a1861635d6d3d5⋯.jpeg (357.89 KB, 750x763, 750:763, 1C8EEDFF_4D9C_4938_8365_7….jpeg)

File: 491e4dcbed7d898⋯.jpeg (523.82 KB, 750x826, 375:413, 2DAF2F60_A56C_4E02_B4DB_4….jpeg)

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fc9925  No.10834619


>Assange’s defense team says he is entitled to First Amendment protections for the publication of leaked documents that exposed U.S. military wrongdoing in Iraq and Afghanistan.

He's not though. He's not American or an American publisher.

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71ed9e  No.10834620

For any anons who want to listen in on Flynn hearing these are the numbers and access codes. Starts at 11 EST.


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c771c5  No.10834621


Toobin undercover..

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a52922  No.10834622

File: 462be8336a91545⋯.jpg (173.43 KB, 1018x699, 1018:699, news_parscale_legit.jpg)



The source explained: 'The thing about what Parscale did with the finances of the campaign could actually be totally legal.

what shill keeps pushing this trash on Brad.

they have been at it since story broke.

BE GONE satan!!!!!

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55cee6  No.10834623



have a smooth one yo

countin on the peek

yo notes in da dough

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1949f1  No.10834624

File: 0f62f99386c708e⋯.png (160.45 KB, 665x262, 665:262, ClipboardImage.png)


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7aed4a  No.10834625

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Trump team should have a fun arsenal of countermeasures just in case. I'd love to see Biden hear thru his earpiece "Fortunate Son" when asked about Hunter. Just sayin.

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828cfa  No.10834626

File: ed2b4567afca9aa⋯.png (549.29 KB, 689x532, 689:532, cock_magic_1.PNG)

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2252e9  No.10834627

File: 93d7ec9ab7c37de⋯.jpeg (431.09 KB, 1290x1935, 2:3, C9484921_30EF_445B_A4D7_1….jpeg)

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d2be88  No.10834628

File: f69a1deba77da1c⋯.jpg (27.25 KB, 589x538, 589:538, mike_.jpg)

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0fcf33  No.10834629

Tippy Top

POTUS said that for (anons) during his speech: (At The White House).

Tippy Top

(Jan 5, 2017) - White House Mtg.






→ [Coup] Coordination = (Get Trump, Flynn et al)

[They] are sooo Screwed.

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3c50ef  No.10834630

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Ah, here we go. Buried in the noise. Have to restrict search period to 2008.

Earpieces Matter to Leftists

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60f200  No.10834631

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That was gonna be the next one I wanted to share actually. He's insanely talented and apparently never taken an art course in his life. This one is pretty fitting.

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55cee6  No.10834632


have a smooth one yo

countin on the peek

yo notes in da dough

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c6fab4  No.10834633

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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611735  No.10834634

File: 012105f76f46e3f⋯.png (22.65 KB, 438x448, 219:224, Biden_Bingo_card.png)

Print out your Biden Bingo cards for tonight!

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e332a5  No.10834635

The phony crying Nazi from Charlottesville is a Wapist.


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c7a3d4  No.10834636

>>10833769 pb

>>we are at this moment in history because we let it happen.

>>We didn't LET anything happen.

YES WE DID. All this bs happened on our watch and on the watch of our fathers. I'm not saying we're bad people but we let SIN creep in because we ENJOYED IT. It's time to take responsibility and never let this happen again. When we see hollywood going off the rails with all their SLEAZE we need to SAY SOMETHING - BOYCOTT, PETITION, DO WHATEVER. When we see political decisions being made like Roe V Wade we need to absolutely make our voices heard against such EVIL. We need to keep a VIGILANT watch on whats habbening politically and take ACTION when political decisions run contrary to our constitution. We should have NEVER settled to take the 10 commandments down in the classroom and take prayer out of the public schools. See? Oh yes, we LET IT HABBEN for sure.

>We all had the wool pulled over our eyes for decades.

The wool was pulled over our eyes because we didn't want to PAY THE PRICE TO STAND UP AND SAY SOMETHING. We went along with group-think and settled for "progressivism" which is actually REGRESSIVISM.

>Stop blaming the American People for goddamn everything, ok?

I don't. And, to our credit, we've AWAKENED and are now DOING SOMETHING. It is the PRAYERS OF GOD's PEOPLE that has caused TRUMP to be in the WH.

>If the American People, all these long years, had known what we know now, none of this would be necessary.

Bullshit. We let this habben.

>When a con man perpetrates his con, who is at fault? His victims? Nuh-uh. The person(s) who chose to perpetrate the con on the innocent is guilty as hell.

When the con-man openly demonstrates that they are EVIL and we go along with it because it's too much effort to do otherwise, we are complicit with the con-man's evil.

>So, if you must blame anyone or anything for the current state of the country's affairs, blame the perpetrators of the biggest scam in the history of the world, not the innocent victims led astray.

Oh I blame those who are evil, for sure. But, the only thing needed for evil to prevail is for GOOD MEN TO DO NOTHING.

>I will take responsibility for any actions for which I did not have the first right of refusal

We've had MANY rights of refusal - we chose to take the EASY PATH and accept it. How do you boil a grog? Slowly increase the heat.

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a0ff01  No.10834637

Why does Trump play the gay national anthem at the end of his rallies?

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d6febe  No.10834638

File: cc156888fc4b9aa⋯.png (2.94 MB, 1177x2048, 1177:2048, ClipboardImage.png)


I may be imagining it, but doesn't this look like the COVID virus?

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aabe93  No.10834639

File: 146009df99b5619⋯.png (974.56 KB, 1892x950, 946:475, ClipboardImage.png)

Too late to thank the baker?


People are going to freak when they know the truth..

Sheet is so far ahead.. Everybody is gonna deny it!

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c08bfe  No.10834640

Anons know how to listen to the Flynn hearing live?

Thanks and God bless.



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76dfcc  No.10834641

File: 866f83531cc2b51⋯.png (639.16 KB, 1000x1345, 200:269, REDOCTOBER5.png)

File: 4c3af5b7dcd2936⋯.png (724.87 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, REDOCTOBER6.png)

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1e3d7e  No.10834642

Meghan McCain Domenech had her first kid Liberty a Lovely Golden Corral Buffet.

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1f3983  No.10834643


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000000  No.10834644

There will be no coming back from an injection altering your DNA

John Kaminski

September 29, 2020

I just love the way Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci gently caress their hands in gleeful anticipation of the lives they plan to snuff out by infecting everyone in the world with the true curse of medical technology — an improperly tested vaccine.

If their vaccine was a good thing, they wouldn’t have to lie to us about what it will do, nor would they have to invent the disease so they could rescue us with a cure, which will be no cure at all for a disease that doesn’t exist which is determined by a test that doesn’t work.


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9e0842  No.10834645


I'm recording now but not streaming.

Will post audio as soon as I can if no one else does.

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975e22  No.10834646

File: ee214b43bc384a4⋯.png (61.71 KB, 351x303, 117:101, considering_it_pepe.png)

Burning question time

POTUS offers to shake Bidan's hand tonite, or nah?

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2252e9  No.10834647

File: f5976900d3b5c62⋯.jpeg (79.74 KB, 719x420, 719:420, 8E33A2AD_CE24_4BF9_92A3_2….jpeg)

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dead4f  No.10834648




1. Biden camp will be provided the questions ahead of time and assistance in the form of a special communication device

Biden camp will find excuse/reason to terminate

2. Biden camp will be provided the questions ahead of time

3. Biden camp will find excuse/reason to terminate



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250eb2  No.10834649

TBH, I thought Joe would have bailed out of the debates by now. He still can under the guise of contracting the china virus. Think about the free pass he'd get…"of course we don't want Joe at the debate he had COVID!"

Seems like the only logical way he can skirt out of this one at this point. And then a few days go by and he gets more sick, and then possibly even dies. Then it's time for the emergency swaparoo from the DNC.

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024772  No.10834650

File: a05112da4da8a09⋯.png (90.54 KB, 754x669, 754:669, PoorOctavv.PNG)


Here is a funny example. Octavvv's comment occurred before the poll had even flipped! It was just as POTUS was starting to close the gap. Last night was a blast!

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1e3d7e  No.10834651

Meghan McCain Domenech had her first kid Liberty a Lovely Golden Corral Buffet!!!!!!!!!

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afc50a  No.10834652


>Trump Campaign Releases "17 Questions Joe Biden Must Answer In The Debate"





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60f200  No.10834653

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Last one. I promise.

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11c075  No.10834654


>clue that was meant to be found

wonder if Q predicted it

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f5d224  No.10834655

File: 7c594be8a5aff2d⋯.jpg (47.72 KB, 749x486, 749:486, 3y7dkz0.jpg)

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5a06c7  No.10834656

File: e57dee16b85a186⋯.jpeg (530.63 KB, 828x1228, 207:307, C1BAB901_8318_46BA_A273_B….jpeg)

https://www.redstate.com/shipwreckedcrew/2020/09/28/project-veritas-exposes-naked-corruption-by-ilan-omar-supporters-paying-voters-for-blank-ballots/ Project Veritas Exposes Naked Corruption by Ilan Omar Supporters Paying Voters for Blank Ballots in Minneapolis

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08a155  No.10834657

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e1f213  No.10834658

File: d0d9684e47119a2⋯.jpg (826.85 KB, 1079x2133, 1079:2133, Screenshot_20200929_094817….jpg)

File: 7e0e65a1da38738⋯.jpg (2.13 MB, 786x6979, 786:6979, Screenshot_20200929_094846….jpg)

File: eb01b4b09e380f4⋯.jpg (126.31 KB, 500x710, 50:71, Purdy_Tired.jpg)

President Donald J. Trump asks for 3-Party to look in each Candidate's ears for electronic devices prior to tonight's debate. And has denied Joe Biden's request for a break every 30-minutes.

Trump camp seeks extra debate rule: Third party inspectors to look for electronic devices in candidates' ears


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8ede50  No.10834659

File: 4e222adb39ecce1⋯.png (250.84 KB, 586x345, 586:345, PGW2.png)

Upper Peninsula could take a ‘step backward’ in reopening as coronavirus cases surge, Gov. Whitmer says

The New York Times recently ranked Iron County, which saw a 400% increase in cases between the week of Sept. 15-21 and the week of Sept. 22-28, as a hot spot for the virus nationally. During that period, Delta Township saw a 237% increase, Menominee County saw at 28% increase and Houghton County saw a 44% increase.

“I’m not sure that masking is as culturally frequent as it is in lower parts of Michigan. And so, that’s something that we really need to improve on,” she said.


"culturally frequent" LMFAO

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5aa5b6  No.10834660


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131370  No.10834661


link: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/trump-campaign-releases-17-questions-joe-biden-must-answer-debate?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+zerohedge%2Ffeed+%28zero+hedge+-+on+a+long+enough+timeline%2C+the+survival+rate+for+everyone+drops+to+zero%29&utm_content=FeedBurner

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281714  No.10834662


I've been thinking the same thing. They should hijack Biden's feed.


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3db2b1  No.10834663

oh this is quite a thought on previous board:

>>10833762 Trump picked Biden to run and Biden is obeying.!

what do others think of this? I am impressed and believe it could be true …

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7cf0c9  No.10834664


Could they override the signal and fill it with gibberish so Biden sounds like a real time Bad Lip Reading video? (Not that it's a huge leap between raw Joe and BLR)

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93fcc3  No.10834665

So Biden won’t agree to have his ears checked for cheating with an ear piece during the debate?

KEk, this debate will be fun to watch

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ce5fda  No.10834666

File: afb4e5d1126a928⋯.png (944.6 KB, 1111x531, 1111:531, ClipboardImage.png)

Too late to thank the baker?


People are going to freak when they know the truth..

Sheet is so far ahead.. Everybody is gonna deny it!

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6256eb  No.10834667

File: 168791c956c2b21⋯.png (1.1 MB, 890x593, 890:593, Screenshot_2020_09_29_Pars….png)

File: caf3e459ddec16c⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1903x2852, 1903:2852, Screenshot_2020_09_29_Pars….png)

File: aab2830342fcd73⋯.jpg (4.05 MB, 1351x11935, 193:1705, Screenshot_2020_09_29_From….jpg)

File: 1cc4c7848e3ba45⋯.png (3.43 MB, 1107x12549, 369:4183, Screenshot_2020_09_29_From….png)

File: 06c43fb49d5415a⋯.jpg (2.26 MB, 1195x4740, 239:948, Screenshot_2020_09_29_From….jpg)

Parscale sells commercial business to CloudCommerce in $9 million deal


From Obscure Web Developer to Trump Campaign Manager: The Inside Story of Brad Parscale’s Unlikely Rise


2 articles discussing Brad Parscale's income and how it was derived

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a52922  No.10834668

The source explained: 'The thing about what Parscale did with the finances of the campaign could actually be totally legal.

what shill keeps pushing this trash on Brad.

they have been at it since story broke.

BE GONE satan!!!!!

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1e45bf  No.10834669







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88c4c1  No.10834670


holy shit it does exactly

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78aab0  No.10834671

File: 01992de59165804⋯.png (127.83 KB, 896x410, 448:205, Mariah_Carey_Dog_Comms.png)

The Meaning of Mariah Carey

Released TODAY

Thanksgiving is canceled

Calamity and dog hair

Resting in pieces

There can be miracles

DJT Threats?

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76dfcc  No.10834672

File: 601210efd54d70a⋯.png (570.55 KB, 800x600, 4:3, SHILL22.png)

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7aed4a  No.10834673

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Trump team should have a fun arsenal of countermeasures just in case. I'd love to see Biden hear thru his earpiece "Fortunate Son" when asked about Hunter. Just sayin.>>10834410

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131370  No.10834674


To listen to the #Flynn hearing tomorrow on the Government's motion to dismiss, follow the instructions below (phone numbers and access codes).


To listen to the #Flynn hearing tomorrow on the Government's motion to dismiss, follow the instructions below.


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565ad6  No.10834675

File: 656cd2cbe63aabd⋯.png (116.84 KB, 300x240, 5:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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a52922  No.10834676


what kind of asshole are you to keep pushing this unsourced trash?

you're a satanist working for hillary!

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3c50ef  No.10834677

File: f0b0ffd5d998c22⋯.png (442.61 KB, 714x709, 714:709, sfuffed_virus_2.png)

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ce5fda  No.10834678

File: 14ee3516c4697dc⋯.jpg (56.77 KB, 617x347, 617:347, Qanon_Cult.jpg)



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120c7d  No.10834679

Trump camp seeks extra debate rule: Third party inspectors to look for electronic devices in candidates' ears


Fox News has learned that the president’s re-election campaign wants the Biden campaign to allow a third party to inspect the ears of each debater for electronic devices or transmitters. The president has consented to this kind of inspection, but Biden has not, so far, sources said.


How did they know?

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3ab488  No.10834680


More veiled dog references…

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fb37b0  No.10834681


Here’s the damndest thing

I believe Biden is faking it all

I think he will be on whatever version of his A game is tonight, even if he is not, the media will claim it as a glorious victory where he pummeled trump.

They NEED him to win. As long as he doesn’t embarrass himself horribly, he wins this round in the media perception.

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baa7c2  No.10834682



4 in Gregg county Texas were arrested over this past weekend for voter fraud, and investigations going on now in Harris county (Houston area).

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0bc906  No.10834683

File: 5c76329e2b9367c⋯.png (409.51 KB, 1782x1080, 33:20, Screen_Shot_2020_09_29_at_….png)

File: 1b6a75503c3edd1⋯.png (382 KB, 1784x1000, 223:125, Screen_Shot_2020_09_29_at_….png)




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1f3983  No.10834684


can anyone call or just american people?

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5a06c7  No.10834685

File: 27840cc94d73ecb⋯.jpeg (149.7 KB, 828x486, 46:27, 3A908E6B_19B6_4394_BC0B_D….jpeg)

https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-09-27/hackers-have-infiltrated-many-of-washington-state-s-agencies Hackers Have Infiltrated Many of Washington State’s Agencies The cyber-attack didn’t impact the state’s election systems. Nonetheless, coming nearly a month ahead of November’s presidential election, it highlights the potential vulnerability of state computer networks, which include election systems.

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a52922  No.10834686


why the vendetta?

did Brad fire your ass?

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716e67  No.10834687

File: 445a36d62c85c77⋯.jpg (72.16 KB, 787x709, 787:709, EjFzgPnXYAE_GGP.jpg)

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a8d33a  No.10834688

>>10834630 Masks exasperate asthma.

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056fe3  No.10834689

File: 33924118e0b5939⋯.png (468.02 KB, 677x500, 677:500, 4goj32.png)

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254f2b  No.10834690

>>10831974 (p/b)

Election dates on the arrows for the dates that Alice was supposed to win on that Economist cover.

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8ede50  No.10834691

File: 2e05ecfc7d08231⋯.png (455.74 KB, 853x373, 853:373, Screenshot_2020_09_16_Q_Re….png)

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a5f3b9  No.10834692


3 am is a little bit to early and i have to go to work, at least one hour. Going early to bed and get back up at around 4 am would be already great, but 3 am? i don't know man.

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11c075  No.10834693


>clue that was meant to be found

wonder if Q predicted it


> doesn't this look like the COVID virus?


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76dfcc  No.10834694


Even if he's a confused mess, the media will say he won.

Only the opinion of the American voter counts - in the end - if we vote faster than they can harvest and create ballots.

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dead4f  No.10834695




1. Biden camp will be provided the questions ahead of time and assistance in the form of a special communication device

Biden camp will find excuse/reason to terminate

2. Biden camp will be provided the questions ahead of time

3. Biden camp will find excuse/reason to terminate



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ab9e2a  No.10834696


this was my first thought too.

no coincidences

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dc2bfb  No.10834697

File: dd1f3b888b4e91e⋯.png (162.81 KB, 1261x616, 1261:616, ClipboardImage.png)

Well well well, Trump campaign looking to stop Biden from using communication devices…



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a8d33a  No.10834698

>>10834638 Who really knows what the covid looks like?

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6b2542  No.10834699

File: bc2cfb556b473ac⋯.gif (6.33 KB, 64x64, 1:1, psrcnboq.gif)


Great Job Baker fam ThanQ

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50bbed  No.10834700

File: e48a2feb86b9c3e⋯.jpeg (64.99 KB, 1080x617, 1080:617, 1599594048.jpeg)

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76611c  No.10834701

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131370  No.10834702


Thank you, anon. Much better. I'm a slugfag :/

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acdc01  No.10834703

File: 64a6977ea2741b6⋯.jpg (113.55 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 4gojt3.jpg)

HI SIDNEY! GOOD LUCK TODAY, YOU WILL KICK MAJOR ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thx for not promising to be good. WRWY!

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11c075  No.10834704


beautiful crown there (aka corona)

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655f39  No.10834705

File: 2cdcc5aa776ed2b⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1130x816, 565:408, debate.PNG)

Anons, READY???

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e332a5  No.10834706


We need to Flatten the curve.

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c7ccc7  No.10834707

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I got a worm man in East Dakota…

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08a155  No.10834708

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Time for the Q-Operation theme song again…

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c771c5  No.10834709


This is the voice of Vrillon…

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5aa5b6  No.10834710


thank you anon

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e1f213  No.10834711

File: 0eadde9896a456f⋯.mp4 (8.07 MB, 400x224, 25:14, Trump_Thunderstruck.mp4)


If Joe Biden even shows up…. I'm going to laugh my ass off if the Biden Team turns down the request to check for electronic devices, then Trump walks up to Joe and Physically looks in his ears. When Joe protests, Trump goes I'm the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES AND THIS IS A MATTER OFNATIONAL SECURITY.

Or he has Secret Service do it. Then opens up an investigation on Joe's ass and entire team.

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3c50ef  No.10834712


Two weeks!

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05f1cc  No.10834713

File: 26b5da19fe18bee⋯.jpeg (146.28 KB, 550x783, 550:783, 5FEB130B_5657_47C7_89FE_B….jpeg)

File: df448e6d08f1b7a⋯.png (539 B, 140x130, 14:13, 8319B4FC_36B9_4C19_9481_77….png)

File: 085bc01098d01b2⋯.png (20.58 KB, 454x127, 454:127, FDCB8A3C_F75F_449F_92BC_D8….png)


Monotomic Gold.

Creates 100% input/output if ingested.

Effectively gold lining wiring for your body.

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0bc906  No.10834714

>>10834597 Trump Campaign Releases "17 Questions Joe Biden Must Answer In The Debate"


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203b90  No.10834715


Yes, and CNN will accuse him of attempted murder

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c1db11  No.10834716


Six million internet points to the glorious autist who can make joe biden say "hitler did nothing wrong" on live tv. That would be a straight up AchievmentUnlocked.exe god-tier troll right there.

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0afee9  No.10834717


Linky-link to hearing?

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50c8f2  No.10834718

So we had some really good suggestions at the meeting last night about Rebranding Qanon.

Working on a presentation, then we can all take a vote.

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956242  No.10834719

File: 30db87a259c5b9a⋯.png (227.7 KB, 460x523, 460:523, traitor.PNG)

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acdc01  No.10834720


just what i needed. o7

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ce5fda  No.10834721



That is too much funny this early!

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baa7c2  No.10834722


OK, will do.

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7aed4a  No.10834723


I understand he's got about 7.8 million that could be used in Armenia's fight…

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b59984  No.10834724


He‘s so brave though, I bet this must’ve hurt really bad.

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0f96d2  No.10834725

File: a691a6dfd5c7bf2⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1274x1116, 637:558, Screen_Shot_2020_09_29_at_….png)

don't know if posted before, but moar conflict of interest fuckery.

UK’s chief scientific adviser has £600k shareholding in firm contracted to develop vaccines

September 24, 2020

A senior Tory MP and former cabinet minister said he should have disclosed his interest.


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ca1109  No.10834726

File: 06c391c62a413e3⋯.jpg (115.01 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, 43234441742_e920352e96_b.jpg)

Not a Bull


Trump camp seeks extra debate rule: Third party inspectors to look for electronic devices in candidates' ears

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552cf7  No.10834727


>they have been at it since story broke.

Brad and his wife probably received advance notice that a story was going to break. Wife started looking out for herself, saw an opportunity to call the police, before filing for divorce. Just a hunch.

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1fe680  No.10834728


>Working on a presentation, then we can all take a vote

can you just kys now ?

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d6ac1c  No.10834729

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655f39  No.10834730

File: 9e3ab27db9ac5e8⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1181x768, 1181:768, joe_5_.PNG)

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0bc906  No.10834731



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1949f1  No.10834732

File: 266ca3443350f86⋯.gif (967.8 KB, 390x259, 390:259, roll.gif)


>The source explained: 'The thing about what Parscale did with the finances of the campaign could actually be totally legal.

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acdc01  No.10834733


i dialed in on my phone w access code. haven't found a different way yet…sry anon!

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6256eb  No.10834734


>what kind of asshole are you to keep pushing this unsourced trash?


>you're a satanist working for hillary!

Did you take the time to read…Betting you didn't..Your quick response says so. These articles demonstrate where Brad's wealth came from. Trying to defend the fact he didn't do anything wrong..


On that note: Take your judgement without having the facts somewhere else!

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0fcf33  No.10834735

Not saying it isn't news worthy.


The Brad Parscale Incident is:A HUGE Distraction from the Current [DS Insurrection]

Warfare Tactic - Diversion.

"Divide & Conquer"

Warfare Tactic - Confusion = "Fog of War" > Chaos

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828cfa  No.10834736


morning B


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956242  No.10834737

File: a85a5a1e819603a⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1149x770, 1149:770, a85a5a1e819603a1d3fe6260b0….png)


You bet yer ass we are.

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2705e1  No.10834738

Any live stream of Flynn?

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9e0842  No.10834739


I'm recording now but not streaming.

Will post audio as soon as I can if no one else does.>>10834620

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000000  No.10834740


>Who really knows what the covid looks like?

CCP Wuhan Lab perhaps?!

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0afee9  No.10834741

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c27f08  No.10834742


Silly anon, you dont think anything will come if this do ya?

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76dfcc  No.10834743

File: 1adfdc78d7bd372⋯.jpg (221.93 KB, 507x401, 507:401, BIDEN51.jpg)

File: c16c5002063386a⋯.png (288.97 KB, 800x600, 4:3, BIDEN97.png)

File: 32dd56d1e52dc1e⋯.png (714.26 KB, 800x600, 4:3, BIDEN100.png)

File: 209858414dcd01e⋯.png (541.78 KB, 800x600, 4:3, BIDEN105.png)

File: a051dcc121fb2cd⋯.png (356.48 KB, 800x600, 4:3, BIDEN112a.png)

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3fcc9e  No.10834744

File: e68f733dfef5114⋯.jpg (110.54 KB, 857x418, 857:418, e68f733dfef51142096464dd58….jpg)

File: 127d2c3bbdf4445⋯.jpg (65.66 KB, 1080x287, 1080:287, Screenshot_20200929_104912….jpg)

In regards to the satanic books, I found the bottom book. A southern album by Irwin glusker. Looked interesting from what I saw so I went and bought a copy will report findings on October 13th. There were a few pics I found online but I wanted to see it for myself. Supposedly slave cabins and kkk members in it.

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dead4f  No.10834745

File: 6e728d8b8ecca61⋯.png (276.83 KB, 728x554, 364:277, ClipboardImage.png)

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9aa344  No.10834746


He will just keep hearing Trump’s voice in his ear the whole time calling him a loser kek

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a26e16  No.10834747

File: aacbc7b18bc7b6b⋯.png (304.15 KB, 525x747, 175:249, Biiden.png)

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6256eb  No.10834748


>>>10834667 (You)


>why the vendetta?


>did Brad fire your ass?

One reply wasn't enough for you…You need another for validation do you?

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ce5fda  No.10834749

File: 6d3898caf9641af⋯.jpg (93.58 KB, 860x573, 860:573, Biden_Hamster_wheel_gerbil.jpg)


Think I will make a sandwich and go to bed an hour or two?

Being old has its advantages.

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7e735b  No.10834750

File: 672310d93b72b49⋯.png (820.05 KB, 970x511, 970:511, Debate_rule_elec_dev.png)

Trump campaign requests third party inspector to check for electronic devices in candidates' ears


Ding, ding, ding…

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949dcc  No.10834751

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


LIVE *General Flynn Hearing* LIVE


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08a155  No.10834752



Vary noice!

Professional grade

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76dfcc  No.10834753

File: f9b84949d8ed3b5⋯.png (649.54 KB, 800x600, 4:3, BIDEN119.png)

File: bb51bd41a9ea97b⋯.png (826.66 KB, 800x600, 4:3, BIDEN120.png)

File: 9204f1629831b29⋯.png (473.48 KB, 800x600, 4:3, BIDEN121.png)

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c1db11  No.10834754

File: afabc44121a9efc⋯.jpg (89.38 KB, 692x734, 346:367, 20200403_141938.jpg)


Dubbs confirm

>PsychologicalBooms incoming

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e5ac5f  No.10834755

Why does William Barr completely refuse to do his job?

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c27f08  No.10834756


Women do not think that far ahead.

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93fcc3  No.10834757

File: 75dbb012b199bcb⋯.png (2.59 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 92117794_E83E_4BAE_B1AF_EE….png)

Remember this guy?

Finally a good guy with a gun catches break.

Great job, Texas!


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d6febe  No.10834758


Turn it into a drinking game. Take a drink every time Biden makes a gaffe. kek

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5a06c7  No.10834759

File: 6d0609aea4efffa⋯.jpeg (447.68 KB, 828x1145, 828:1145, B6DDD118_3BE9_44F9_BF10_2….jpeg)

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/09/breaking-joe-bidens-campaign-requests-breaks-every-30-minutes-tonights-first-debate/ BREAKING: In Last Minute Request — Joe Biden’s Campaign Asks for Breaks EVERY 30 MINUTES during Tonight’s First Debate. >>>>>> Nobody naw give you no break

Police naw give you no break

Soldier naw give you no break

Not even you idren naw give you no break, he he

Bad boys, bad boys

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131370  No.10834760


ALL of the numbers ARE "FULL". Cute way to lock out us public from listening.

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982618  No.10834761



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655f39  No.10834762

File: cd4192ab3437e84⋯.png (190.49 KB, 543x890, 543:890, joe.PNG)



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5f1b2c  No.10834763


He was removed as campaign manager months ago so the issue isn't really going to impact Trump, seems Trump knows when to distance himself from people

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9270e1  No.10834764


Heard 2 of them talking about being tested for covid.

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dd9fa5  No.10834765

File: d9187bbac1c3f5c⋯.jpg (175.5 KB, 1210x810, 121:81, nocomeback.jpg)

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0bc906  No.10834766



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baa7c2  No.10834767


Going to be a drunk night tonight! KEK!

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0afee9  No.10834768


This is most definitely better than nothing; a LOT better than nothing

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55cee6  No.10834769

File: b9aade701493cf6⋯.png (865.02 KB, 593x596, 593:596, b9aade701493cf6dce381302cf….png)


mornin gb

rainin to beat the band here

how yo westie?

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b59984  No.10834770


I still can’t believe the debate will happen tonight…

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5f1b2c  No.10834771


agree to the breaks if he submits to a drug test and earpiece check

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552cf7  No.10834772


>Women do not think that far ahead.

Oh, you are so screwed, kek.

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acdc01  No.10834773


one guy must've checked 8kun and found out we can hear them cause he just warned everyone on the call a few mins ago. kek

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000000  No.10834774


>So we had some really good suggestions at the meeting last night

“Eye of newt, and toe of frog,

Wool of bat, and tongue of dog,

Adder's fork, and blind-worm's sting,

Lizard's leg, and owlet's wing,—

For a charm of powerful trouble,

Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.

Double, double toil and trouble;

Fire burn, and caldron bubble.”

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c27f08  No.10834775


Because he’s comped. You know he helped cover up Iran/Contra right?

Trump is too dumb to realize he utterly sucks at appointing loyal supporters

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0bc906  No.10834776

File: a9505b8c1d758b3⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1902x788, 951:394, Screen_Shot_2020_09_29_at_….png)

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2705e1  No.10834777

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3ab488  No.10834778

File: 9ea8d95d714a692⋯.png (29.18 KB, 454x169, 454:169, debates.png)

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0afee9  No.10834779


Ummm… Fox News Channel? TV? Easy to find on y00t00b

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7e735b  No.10834780


Will Joe make it through the night with no drugs and no earpiece?

"Heart attacks can be deadly." - Q

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9270e1  No.10834781


That will be great anon. Thank you. o7

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e5ac5f  No.10834782


He also grew up in the same gated Jewish community as Epstein…

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d6ac1c  No.10834783


Let’s hope Mpls actually doesn’t cower.

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0d8d6c  No.10834784


Will it air in 4K? That way we can zoom in on ear and see if we can see it kek

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79a026  No.10834785


>utterly sucks

>how to make the cabal think trump is an idiot and they are safe to carry on committing crime

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c771c5  No.10834786


I’ll just have a toke… should be fun.

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000000  No.10834787

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c7a3d4  No.10834788

Let's not get drunk tonight - let's watch and PRAY.

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5a06c7  No.10834789

File: 8a68586fe101ed2⋯.jpeg (518.8 KB, 828x1269, 92:141, E6E281C0_D1AA_489E_90B5_B….jpeg)

File: a0839c9b72896f7⋯.jpeg (960.06 KB, 828x1222, 414:611, 0905A2FD_5175_41A9_B4FD_1….jpeg)

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/09/prayers-general-michael-flynn-faces-corrupt-evil-court-today-feast-archangel-st-michael-leads-warriors-evil/ Prayers Up: General Michael Flynn Faces the Corrupt and Evil Court Today on the Feast of the Archangel St. Michael Who Leads Warriors Against Evil

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bfdd02  No.10834790

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

If anons could pick what joe hears in his earpiece tonight, I nom this for the playlist.

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60f200  No.10834791


You ever hear this story?


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449ada  No.10834792

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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acdc01  No.10834793


why not all 3?

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949dcc  No.10834794

File: c30eabaea90a5d2⋯.png (626.15 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, potus_point3.png)

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acdc01  No.10834795

bout to start momentarily

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baa7c2  No.10834796


Play your game your way, we'll play ours our way.

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1ed0d2  No.10834797

File: b0657f85c241315⋯.jpg (139.17 KB, 1024x762, 512:381, pepe_mathing.jpg)


I have the theory that he, along with cunts like pelosi playing "mental dysfunction" as a means to defend themselves in a court of law.

Now Biden is in a hard spot. Playing mentally disabled will make him look unfit for presidency, and at the same time need to look compentent enough to run the country to the "unaware" public.

So what's it going to be?

Keep playing disabled, or debate with the kind of gaslighting that's been going on for over the past 4 years?

Fucked and fucked either way.

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c771c5  No.10834798


High…. IQ

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cf2b3e  No.10834799

File: d584582e5538ad2⋯.png (372.79 KB, 711x337, 711:337, 20200929_090426.png)


Just way too similar

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1f3983  No.10834800

any flynn streams?

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5f1b2c  No.10834801

St. Michael the Archangel defend us in battle

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e90b81  No.10834802


Thank you

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131370  No.10834803


Can you live stream here what is happening? ALL the Phone Banks are FULL!!

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e5ac5f  No.10834804


4 years and no results.

How much longer can u run with that cope?

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9270e1  No.10834805

Judge Sullivan will be out shortly.

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fc9925  No.10834806

File: 8c8b6e39109421d⋯.png (210.92 KB, 1435x910, 41:26, Capture_2020_09_29_10_04_4….png)

Guests you say?!

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5a06c7  No.10834807

File: 0ed38ae518ae769⋯.jpeg (665.4 KB, 828x1178, 414:589, 0CC0EF70_27D3_4C01_8C56_B….jpeg)


https://mobile.twitter.com/ChristianSupre9/status/1309524880690425862 Called it

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828cfa  No.10834808


Doing well

All good with the domestic work today?

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949dcc  No.10834810

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acdc01  No.10834811

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926e71  No.10834812


>Omar Connected Harvester SEEN Exchanging $200 for General Election Ballot."We don't care illegal."

Yeah, I'm sure fucking muslim Keith Ellison will get right on this evidence of voter fraud! *eyeroll

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131370  No.10834813




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3ab488  No.10834814

File: 3cfed87aa7de74d⋯.jpg (632.44 KB, 1080x1067, 1080:1067, pepe_oh_my.jpg)


Biden rape victims?

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6853e6  No.10834815

File: 2e9e6a78082c56b⋯.jpeg (360.91 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 8C6AF23E_5490_40A7_AC7E_8….jpeg)

Trump campaign seeks third party to look for electronic devices at debate

Trump camp seeks extra debate rule: Third party inspectors to look for electronic devices in candidates' ears


Q proof

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956242  No.10834816

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Go to 12:22.

You don't think we can hack earpieces? Just ask Tom Arnold.


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91e914  No.10834817


Wow. Biden is literally a Puppet.

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9e7886  No.10834818




Might be the Ukraine prosecutor?

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3c50ef  No.10834819



A very special day.

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716e67  No.10834820

File: 481a189835ee4d7⋯.png (508.33 KB, 395x869, 5:11, Capture.PNG)



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f5d224  No.10834821


Ellison is going to prison along with the rest of them.

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fc9925  No.10834822

Carol Baskin is on Dancing with the,Stars this season. 2020 is just GARBAGE through and through.

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c7a3d4  No.10834823


Because being drunk is SIN.

Ephesians 5:17-19

Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition

17 Wherefore become not unwise, but understanding what is the will of God.

18 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is luxury; but be ye filled with the holy Spirit,

19 Speaking to yourselves in psalms, and hymns, and spiritual canticles, singing and making melody in your hearts to the Lord;

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a2ff11  No.10834824

File: 8041926fd56638a⋯.png (16.51 KB, 1190x193, 1190:193, EjCQLHdXsAIPCH_.png)


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5fa6a9  No.10834825

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Saw some covers of Toto’s ‘Africa’ in da las bred.

I find this one very inspiring. Nuanced and just breathtaking.

They really shine @ 2:56


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5d1d2d  No.10834826


Send the Brown Note into his earpiece.

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3ab488  No.10834827

File: 4656fe176fa2ff7⋯.png (140.29 KB, 360x361, 360:361, pepe_popcorn.png)


>Might be the Ukraine prosecutor?

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dc2bfb  No.10834828


I am going to say it again, there is no way Trump will shake hands with Biden, he will not be within 8 feet of him and he will never let him win in a national platform such as this debate….we are talking about DJT here, the media may try to spin Biden as the winner but I think we will see a massacre with DJT as the obvious winner.

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309a4d  No.10834829

Requested breaks are so lamestream can try to fact check on behalf of Biden and stop any momentum from building. They think they can stop what is coming.

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baa7c2  No.10834830


Sins can be forgiven.

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55cee6  No.10834831


g's have forsaken DST altogether

lunch at 10A


wakes reaped the bennie yo

roofer was local, gonna be a guud exp, huge source of contention here

you ok? muh ear was short last night

sorry for that

feel ya vestment, back ya all da way

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78aab0  No.10834832

File: 2b3eb386fcf4302⋯.png (2.55 MB, 1279x720, 1279:720, April_Ryan_Has_Bone_to_Pic….png)

File: 6d2db58bb6225d0⋯.png (103.93 KB, 542x371, 542:371, April_Ryan_Dog.png)

File: 40d06e7f637dd9b⋯.png (1.94 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Colbert_45_Dogshot.png)

File: 117fa76c5c9c57c⋯.png (127.07 KB, 815x507, 815:507, Dog_Shot.png)


Colbert show

Dog comms

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70c6b9  No.10834833


Top Kek!!

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3ab488  No.10834834

File: c32d8af165bf3f7⋯.png (363.15 KB, 353x466, 353:466, Nadler_oo.png)

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449ada  No.10834835

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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08a155  No.10834836

Anyone know how to loop music videos?

I need to make the Q-Team theme song 2 hours long. That way even on those slow midnight shifts it will play an entire bread. Any help with this small project is appreciated.


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d6ac1c  No.10834837


I don’t drink but may have to, to get thru it. Kek

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3c50ef  No.10834838


two-bit clique whore

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5f1b2c  No.10834839


The debate will be between Trump and Wallace

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a52922  No.10834840


you don't have one thing that says he did anything wrong.

what kind of special stupid are you?

Why are you after Brad.

You have been doing this every bread.

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baa7c2  No.10834841


It's called a loop.

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d5adcb  No.10834842


Looking very presidential there Hill.

Is that a hint maybe?

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0afee9  No.10834843


Multiple meanings

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5a2f3d  No.10834844


dont bother it's full

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91e914  No.10834845


Kek. He’s tweaked out too. Jeebus!

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655f39  No.10834846

File: c5013aed8cc9c93⋯.jpg (349.53 KB, 2000x1332, 500:333, accusers.jpg)


'Member when Trump invited Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey and Juanita Broaddrick to one of the 2016 debates??


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c641e3  No.10834847

File: 2515702e82a1118⋯.png (91.42 KB, 1086x382, 543:191, Screen_Shot_2020_09_29_at_….png)


You here bro?


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acfcbe  No.10834848


Today's the 29th. Will Sullivan dismiss the case effective 9/30? "Done in 30"?

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a2ff11  No.10834849


If you can't get thru….FLYNN HEARING LIVE Twitter thread play by play:


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d5a73e  No.10834850

So this is particularly sick of flushedboi to do.

Over the weekend, they flooded us with a theme of 'choosing the dark side / join us'.

Now, they're flooding a threat against treason.

On the surface it seems in line with our movement - we know they did bad things and we know justice is coming.

Though that would be just a meme shared, and this is a flood.

He's threatening any of (You) who unconsciously 'choose the dark side'.

He's threatening those he fooled into joining the losing side~

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a52922  No.10834851


how many posts have you made since the story broke trashing Brad?

how many?

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c7a3d4  No.10834852


THAT right there - is how we got in to the MESS we find ourselves. It decades of presuming upon the goodness and grace of God.

I did this too - for way too long.

But not anymore. I will watch and pray and seek God while He may be found.

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dc2bfb  No.10834853


The other sad state is how much Fox is focusing on "their" debate. I wouldn't put it past them to fudge things in Biden's favor….but also there is still the possiblity that Biden doesn't show…I still believe his campaign is panicked beyond belief as they cannot just walk onstage and take him away…

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2f9b07  No.10834854

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Found o livestream of the Flynn hearing.

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449ada  No.10834855

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

still need to worry about all the 'Jolines' of the world . . .

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91e914  No.10834856

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3c50ef  No.10834857


anon suggested many breads ago that it should be hacked

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d5a73e  No.10834858

File: dfa156a8cb686ef⋯.png (323.42 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, force_remove.png)

File: 73a1c56da6d6fb0⋯.png (703.31 KB, 1450x588, 725:294, TYBetrayer.png)

Know well you are in a War Zone

Our enemies aim: To control your reactions with their flood of poisoned memes

Take control of thread creation [The crew writes our history]

Rape your mind into a fear-locked state [Stockholm syndrome "love" of the crews presence]

Become the "consensus" voice [The crew becomes your 'inner voice']

Convince you to sell your soul to satan [taking one more digital soldier off our battlefield]

They do this by jumping across >50 UID's per thread.

Their images and writing styles can't be hidden as easy though~

Pay attention to what gives them away.

Know our enemy needs you to love them, for their poisons to reach effective gains.

Shiv the fuckers heart out~


You're Free

satan commits adultery daily

That's a Golden Ticket

To Instant Divorce

It was over before it began mr.phig|ment phairyphail

Informed IDEN's of our enemy

Fresh Examples

>>10817520 (During CP posts)

(Flushedboi gets hurt. Flushedboi spams CP.)

It's an equation that has been run many times now.

sick fucks

Response by same ID, another CP post: >Who wants to explain what this schizo retard is on about?

"Tboi" confirmed.

>you got one right



He responded to his own post over 35 times

Happens to follow the same narrative of the "vote biden" bot.

This is Tboi 'turfing an opinion they want you to have.


>>10811360 (The "I'm afraid of the lords prayer" clown)

>>10811480 (Ben fulford clown)

>46e6e2 (Same ID! Now you know~)



Seems nice, prayer is great, but...


>Supports our enemies cat

Then they IDEN themselves and the gig is up~

They do like the attention they get on gets.



Sounds good, right? On our side?



Turns out he's toiletboi, with a new prefix for his files outside of Cupace_###


ID: 3cfbe3 (More than half the notables - stuffed the thread - same IDEN markers as 'T Boy')


ID: 517e3d

<Flooder of demoralizing news with similar picture sets as toilet boi


Thanks for exposing yourself sweetie~



>smell rotten fish infection embed

>Stops posting



>Red text flood starts



Next Thread, the marriage spam started.

This is a disgusting nazi trying to marry their sexually filled [by force] mask/personality to you.



> download_35_.jpeg

Every C_A/MOS tactic of infiltration and internal disruption is being deployed on this board (central hub).

>The World is Here.


>This movement is bigger than anyone can possibly imagine.

>Peace through strength.


Every single 'dirty' tactic being deployed to stop the growth of this movement.

Ask yourself a very simple Q - why?

"Anonymous" and ANTIFA have a very revealing exchange on Twitter:

>@YourAnonCentral Sep 17

>US Trump campaign trolls are pushing hard against Anonymous today. The troll farms seem on edge for some reason. Someone is paying for these social media attacks. @DonaldJTrumpJr, his financial movements, and his network need to be scrutinized.

>Antifa.US.org Official @XposeStormFront

>Us too, brothers. Mass combined ddos/infil traffic. We're actively spinning up over 100,000 chaff server instances per second on the Sorocloud.

3:58 AM [EST] Sep 18, 2020

Source: https://mobile.twitter.com/XposeStormFront/status/1306774477485694976

So it looks like /ourguys/ are hitting our enemy hard AF~

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fc9925  No.10834859


I'm going to have a full on temper tantrum if we dont get this debate. Kek!

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5f1b2c  No.10834860

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319a8c  No.10834861

File: e5ab9256765beee⋯.png (427.67 KB, 601x526, 601:526, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_09….png)

JUST IN: British Member of Parliament nominates Biden for a Nobel Peace Prize



By one British dude

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362302  No.10834862

File: a60af7d0e5ecfc7⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1242x1099, 1242:1099, WildTrumpGirls_018.png)

File: 5a8bd3435812b84⋯.png (1.29 MB, 887x840, 887:840, WildTrumpGirls_025.png)

File: f91de1a53f7a124⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1088x1373, 1088:1373, WildTrumpGirls_030.png)

You Imagine God Forgives Us Because

Invite God In


Trump Girls Crave Fighters~!~

Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

>But thou, when thou mayest pray, go into thy chamber, and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father who [is] in secret, and thy Father who is seeing in secret, shall reward thee manifestly.

Our Father, Who arte in Heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in Heaven

Give us this day our Daily Bread

And forgive our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

And lead us not into temptation

But Deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God clean our depths.

We pray God enflame our Vitality.

We pray God sharpen Our Truth.

We pray God Expose our enemies.

Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

Amen 🤜🙏🤛

Patriots 👏 Trust 👏 The 👏 Plan!

She curioux=Qbabies.

(𝙵amilies are our Qure)

ᴍake Babιes again!

Destroy Satans lies

The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Imagine the Success🥳 of our bright future.

Repeat Remember

Pray Dream

Remember the smell ໐f childhood

Millions silent together I banishk(belial)k

Blacklist BlackHats

Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

Relax, we are strong with God.

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828cfa  No.10834863


>lunch at 10am

we'll be there one day


No worries on that muh brain fried too and enough drama for all to be had

hopefully its quieter on that front now

ty B


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d5a73e  No.10834864

File: a2008cc2124fb59⋯.png (89.4 KB, 271x310, 271:310, Sweeties.png)

File: fd398878a5cae60⋯.png (388.43 KB, 504x504, 1:1, 15976188888.png)

File: 22640ff55c6e82e⋯.png (2.89 MB, 1596x989, 1596:989, BOOMCANNONS.png)


You are currently in a War Zone

Our enemy programs the censorship we experience daily.

Why is censorship of our inner most thoughts, the emotions we hold and the beliefs we share, important to our enemy?

There is a disgusting crew here that floods our experiences with poisoned memes. They churn your gut, numb your mind with fear, and invade your unconscious/dreams. Forcing behavior change so that those demoralized enough accept the commands of our enemy.


The crew have taken over the thread creation process, the crew are the current "consensus" you experience on here. The crew fight to remain untargeted by our anger, unseen by our instincts.

The crew keeps us fighting with ourselves, so we don't expel them from our hivemind. The crew members will silently flood your mind with their poison, and deny involvement when you notice.

The crew jumps across >50 Unique ID's per thread as their standard astroturf'd presence.

Repeat: The crew jumps across >50 Unique ID's per thread as their standard astroturf'd presence.

IDEN by filenames + writing style (Flushedboi is lazy AF)

Flushedboi in particular will knee-jerk respond with a picture that contains subliminal behavior changes they silently force you into accepting.

Now you know; Knowing is half the battle~

>Define 'indoctrinate'.

>to often repeat an idea or belief to someone in order to persuade them to accept it

(What's repeated on this board? What's repeated by those that flood us with subliminals? You eat shit? You get anally raped? You're married to satan?)

>Next: grab 'rage & emotion' [organized platform(s)] by indoctrinated and project as 'majority' [zoom and enhance _narrow focus as mainstream].

(Are those who seem 'majority' here, really?)

>System of control.

Arm yourself for War

>"They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern. You cannot change their minds, even if you expose them to authentic information, even if you prove that white is white and black is black you still cannot change the basic perception and the logic of behavior. In other words, [for] these people… the process of demoralization is complete"

-Yuri Bezmenov

Have. Hope.

Our Best Days Are Yet To Come.

If you're not filtering, you're helping the clowns produce useful idiots. You're subjecting yourself to the engineered control systems that emerged out of human experimentation. The blur-on-image is indispensable to us generating insights.

          )     *     (         )         (                (     
( ( /( ( ` )\ ) ( /( ( )\ ) ( )\ )
)\ )\()) )\))( (()/( )\()) ( )\ (()/( ( )\ (()/(
((/ )((_)\ ((_)()\ /(_)) ((_)\ )((_) /(_)))\ ((((_)( /(_))
)\___ ((_) (_()((_)(_))_|__ ((_) ((_)_ (_)) ((_) )\ _ )\(_))_
((/ __|/ _ \ | \/ || |_ \ \ / / | _ )| _ \| __|(_)_\(_)| \
| (__| (_) || |\/| || __| \ V / | _ \| /| _| / _ \ | |) |
\___|\___/ |_| |_||_| |_| |___/|_|_\|___|/_/ \_\ |___/
Because the Battlefield is your Limbic System; Banish Abuse.
Image Blur CSS

Our enemies greatest attack vector is our unconscious mind via seemingly-patriotic-pictures-with-subliminal-gore/death/shit

Q: Do you honestly think the enemy doesn't filter their own posts? The posts of their crew?

These are poisons designed to demoralize, they wouldn't let that affect them!

A: Filtering is your second amendment on our boards.

It's your armed response against the intrusion of our enemies poison.

Watch for those that shame you out of it, why do they have an invested interest in your consumption of their poisoned memes?

A necessity to protect our Insight Generation Capacities if you view this board:

[Enter as a Name filter, click Reg ex]

[Enter as a comment filter, click Reg ex]
.*[Tt]hank [Yy]ou [Cc,Bb]aker?.*
.*[Tt]hanks [Cc,Bb]aker?.*
.*[Tt][Yy] [Cc,Bb]aker?.*

[CSS theme]
.post-image {
opacity: .5; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(3px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 233ms;
.post-image:hover {
opacity: 1; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(1.5px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 89ms;
.thread-image {
opacity: .5; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(3px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 233ms;
.thread-image:hover {
opacity: 1; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(1.5px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 89ms;
jewh8 = flat_earth = ex.bot

Real Patriots have known this for years, and don't post such nonsense unless they're infected by the clowns / haven't been filtering + Img_bluring.

Remember. They do this because they're afraid of us Unleashed~

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fc9925  No.10834865



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6065de  No.10834866


open any video editor and just repeat the clip

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3c50ef  No.10834867

File: f4814eb83bb698b⋯.png (516.04 KB, 812x728, 29:26, sham.png)

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956242  No.10834868


POTUS is just beyond awesome!

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d1f19c  No.10834869

File: 5485b19cbca9338⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1600x861, 1600:861, Nadler_Biggest_Leaker.png)

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4e409b  No.10834871








Hmmm - 17 questions (Qs). Not 16 or 18, but 17. Excellent.

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baa7c2  No.10834872



Keep your morality to yourself.

Each life is free to make their own choices.

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949dcc  No.10834873

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1f3983  No.10834874

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7dd250  No.10834875

Just think about this. All of the corrupt politicians, DOJ, FBI, DOS, Judiciary, CIA, other gov employees, and Clinton foundation only hope rest with performance of Joe Biden.

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5d1d2d  No.10834876


Hack it, and get him to recite and honest spiritual prayer… see if he catches on fire.

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50bbed  No.10834877

File: 1f126340bed7872⋯.jpeg (81.84 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 1561246501.jpeg)

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dc2bfb  No.10834878


Well if Wallace keeps to his word, he is not supposed to get into a bickering fight with either candidate. He may ask DJT more damaging questions but he said he will let the candidate hash it out…..so I guess we will see how it goes….that's if Biden even shows up.

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3c50ef  No.10834879


the devil can only couterfeit, he cannot create

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73ef86  No.10834880


Bless you!

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08a155  No.10834881


Stay frosty fuckhead. Why are you even here? Grow the fuck up be a responsible functioning human. ffs.

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3c50ef  No.10834882


misfire anon

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08a155  No.10834883


He created me.

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c7a3d4  No.10834884


Yep - I know. Just keep it to myself and let the world go to hell around me, right?

Not gonna do it.

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5f1b2c  No.10834885

If Joe is really controlled by the good guys he will urinate his pants on stage tonight

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26c2d6  No.10834886

File: ec5776b0d1eca44⋯.png (432.91 KB, 1750x852, 875:426, 09292020WAKEYWAKEY.png)

File: c0c3afe380471be⋯.png (327.4 KB, 880x698, 440:349, trixxxfag1.png)

File: def9881442dc82b⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1808x1912, 226:239, v21.png)

File: 43f6f7bd5ae78f4⋯.jpg (31.32 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault_1_.jpg)

File: 64fe5ffe5fb3c1d⋯.png (981.82 KB, 1696x1798, 848:899, v3.png)



Hey Q and POTUS

I just wanted it noted for the sake of Posterity that I for one

saw straight this P = Payseur Fake Steak Bullshit

5:5 o7

Still voting for POTUS

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a2ff11  No.10834887

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Anons…..FLYNN HEARING LIVE FEED on Youtube….NOW !!!!


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4faabb  No.10834888

File: 439f3ad667ba12f⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1178x960, 589:480, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bd1466f4cfb9b86⋯.png (906.76 KB, 1079x568, 1079:568, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bd1466f4cfb9b86⋯.png (906.76 KB, 1079x568, 1079:568, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bd1466f4cfb9b86⋯.png (906.76 KB, 1079x568, 1079:568, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bd1466f4cfb9b86⋯.png (906.76 KB, 1079x568, 1079:568, ClipboardImage.png)

Mueller/Weissman were a "get Trump" hit squad. Nothing else mattered.


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5fa6a9  No.10834889


I’m not really into the prayers archangels thing, but that said..having Mike on speed dial would be great. And that’s no dis to Gab or Raphael either. Gladly take any help in a pinch He sees fit to send.

My guardian angel may not have that kinda rank but sure does an amazing job, too. And I am so thankful.

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baa7c2  No.10834890


You witnessed.

Now shake the dust from your feet and move on.

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08a155  No.10834891



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956242  No.10834892

File: fb7b3d2ad139e31⋯.jpg (507.84 KB, 1392x1161, 464:387, fb7b3d2ad139e315dfc3fd6691….jpg)


Can you imagine Biden having an ear piece and all of a sudden hearing Trump's voice in it?

Or Q's?

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0bc906  No.10834893

File: c2a3b529a6e5f75⋯.jpg (85.67 KB, 852x1116, 71:93, trump_they_re_after_you.jpg)

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fc9925  No.10834894


Switch his meds out.

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c641e3  No.10834895

File: a0cdcdc099f539a⋯.png (17.5 KB, 600x204, 50:17, ClipboardImage.png)


Quit stealing our schtick!

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0afee9  No.10834896

File: 3505f078637677e⋯.gif (486.7 KB, 500x275, 20:11, Wayne_s_World_car_jam.gif)


YES!!! Thank you, anon

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3c50ef  No.10834897

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5d1337  No.10834899


I’m baptist so it’s okay anon

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55cee6  No.10834900



>>10834601 PF updates

>>10834861 JUST IN: British Member of Parliament nominates Biden for a Nobel Peace Prize

>>10834806 Guests you say?!

>>10834759 Joe Biden’s Campaign Asks for Breaks EVERY 30 MINUTES during Tonight’s First Debate.

>>10834751 LIVE *General Flynn Hearing* LIVE

>>10834725 UK’s chief scientific adviser has £600k shareholding in firm contracted to develop vaccines

>>10834679 Trump camp seeks extra debate rule: Third party inspectors to look for electronic devices in candidates' ears

>>10834604 Britain imposes sanctions on Belarus leader (Lukashenko) and aides

>>10834597 Trump Campaign Releases "17 Questions Joe Biden Must Answer In The Debate"

>>10834578 Assange May End up at Colorado Supermax Jail, UK Court Told

>>10834557 Texas border patrol arrests two child sex offenders in the country illegally

>>10834543 Plano Police Investigate Online Posting Involving Child Sex Trafficking

>>10834524 The Biden campaign requested two breaks (one every thirty minutes) during tonight’s program…

>>10834461 anon starts digg on Rosenstein's sister, Nancy Messonnier. CDC infiltration


>>10834410 Trump campaign wants the Biden campaign to allow a third party to inspect the ears of the debaters for electronic devices or transmitters.

>>10834326 Exposed: FBI Director James Comey’s Clinton Foundation Connection

>>10834323, >>10834350, >>10834389, >>10834394 MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD IN MINNESOTA

>>10834322 (continued from lb) Kuwait's Emir, Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmed al-Sabah, has died at the age of 91, state media report.

>>10834316 Turkish F-16 shoots down Armenia jet in Armenian airspace


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be6c9a  No.10834901

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9e7886  No.10834902

Can anons please still give updates. Ots very much appreciated.

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449ada  No.10834903

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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5f1b2c  No.10834904


kek powerful laxatives

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8c80b4  No.10834905


Wouldn't it?

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d171ce  No.10834906


Oh god yes. Make me wear a mask, Gretchen. I want to slip you my peninsula.

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75359e  No.10834907

File: 636c547857b536a⋯.mp4 (13.6 MB, 1152x648, 16:9, Flynn.mp4)

Gonna be a good day

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ab2103  No.10834908

File: 9fe7ea67cb47d84⋯.png (176.83 KB, 383x386, 383:386, hillary_you_and_me_both.png)

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df2e79  No.10834909


Michael Flynn hearing before Judge Sessions, LIVE

ToRE channel

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08a155  No.10834910


“Are you a wizard?”

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57b075  No.10834911

File: b46ebf577625ff1⋯.jpg (46.74 KB, 773x323, 773:323, 4fj8xl.jpg)

File: 334f6c9ea3b241a⋯.jpg (60.37 KB, 643x388, 643:388, 4fj8zl.jpg)

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5fa6a9  No.10834912

File: c0f79a8b1dac926⋯.jpeg (28.45 KB, 254x255, 254:255, 2F344499_D08E_49B3_8172_8….jpeg)



Card offered souly for the Dutch part.

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55cee6  No.10834913


There naow yo

kekkin hard

you tomorrow



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fc9925  No.10834914



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dc2bfb  No.10834915


How pathetic, this is some ridiculous way to give him accomplishment of which he has none…..

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0f002c  No.10834916


If he comes across as lucid he can stand trial.

If he's batshit crazy he loses votes.

win win

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8a8c01  No.10834918

other people forcing their indoctrination and views onto others and condemning them for not abiding is really what got everyone into this mess.

this world would be many times better off if everyone minded their own business.

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0c30c1  No.10834919


I’m baptist so it’s okay anon I can do both

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50e275  No.10834920

File: 349a1ade4a38a36⋯.jpg (171.71 KB, 616x372, 154:93, popeyes.jpg)

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78aab0  No.10834921

File: 3a1742913788047⋯.jpg (25.22 KB, 600x336, 25:14, Michelle_Obama_II.jpg)


Mass exodus from Biden Campaign TONIGHT


Michelle Obama 2020

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2b8145  No.10834922

File: 136803e355bda59⋯.png (374.17 KB, 583x605, 53:55, ClipboardImage.png)


Jump The Gun

A Marine with


conducts a fire and movement during Exercise Infinite Defender 20 in Jordan. Infinite Defender is a bilateral maritime infrastructure protection, EOD, and anti-terrorism force protection exercise.

william carr



See new Tweets


U.S. Marines


Level 1:

Jump The Gun

A Marine with


conducts a fire and movement during Exercise Infinite Defender 20 in Jordan. Infinite Defender is a bilateral maritime infrastructure protection, EOD, and anti-terrorism force protection exercise.

11:11 AM · Sep 29, 2020

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a12d98  No.10834923

File: a034f2004ce1bac⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1080x720, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5ed6fc70d66de4b⋯.png (970.06 KB, 786x1075, 786:1075, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 06c8095a9b9c0a3⋯.png (2.1 MB, 2755x1126, 2755:1126, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7e345063f2bccfb⋯.png (5.72 MB, 2062x2069, 2062:2069, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 06ddb9774381bce⋯.png (47.05 KB, 823x407, 823:407, ClipboardImage.png)


"*** Not long now."

3 asterisks, 5 days later NOW (35)

Q-14 "How is POTUS always 5-steps ahead?"

"35" timestamp (11:00:15, "35")

35 Days until election (35)


Flynn "Done in 30"?

30 months +1 day NOW

"They thought it was coning yesterday"? Check.

"Follow the pen"? [mirror] Check.

>>10834082 (lb)

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6256eb  No.10834924

File: 6828600e2dc97cc⋯.png (149.67 KB, 320x206, 160:103, Screenshot_2020_09_29_Spec….png)


>you don't have one thing that says he did anything wrong.


>what kind of special stupid are you?


>Why are you after Brad.


>You have been doing this every bread.

You really are a special kind of stupid aren't you! Let's review:





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397edd  No.10834925

>>10834887 Livestream of Flynn hearing


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e90b81  No.10834926

Why does it sound like Sullivan would like to sentence Flynn today?

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5fa6a9  No.10834927


I was thinking having an SS agent on the broadcast end reading Dr Seuss would be fun.

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dc2bfb  No.10834928


OMG….;) Kek!!!!!

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f458e4  No.10834929


>11:11 AM · Sep 29, 2020

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0afee9  No.10834930

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3c50ef  No.10834931


fuck off promptly with that shit.

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cf2b3e  No.10834932

File: 38f8af250bc38e0⋯.jpg (114.9 KB, 710x773, 710:773, EjCifgcVgAEYS6_jpeg.jpg)


Heather Podesta is into this shit

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600e9b  No.10834933

File: f9e35dc945b9ead⋯.png (22.9 KB, 500x316, 125:79, negars.png)

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4e409b  No.10834934

Weird thought here, but what if Biden wore a mask the whole time? If he did, we wouldn't be able to see his lips moving. And would it be within the realm of possibility for his handlers to pipe in scripted, pre-recorded responses?

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08a155  No.10834935



Bankers cannot feed unless their victims are oppressed and suffering.

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0fcf33  No.10834936

File: 747a38a2b602d2c⋯.png (76.3 KB, 255x154, 255:154, ClipboardImage.png)


Better "lawyer-up".

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129997  No.10834937


This wanna-be moderate centrist libertarian mindset is actually the precise thing that got us into this mess

>Muh sexual degeneracy revolutions are fine by me man, not hurtin nobody

>Hey why are you slipping a $20 into that 7 year old boy's G-string?

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c641e3  No.10834938

File: f543c8253457543⋯.png (521.05 KB, 827x464, 827:464, biden_won_debate_cnn.png)


it's over.

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0c30c1  No.10834939


Second the brown note!

If Biden Hershey Squirts all over debate stage that means Trump automatically wins election.

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0afee9  No.10834940


Like dad, like daughter

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1d99ed  No.10834941


You don't think trump wouldn't call that bullshit right out?

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9c33fa  No.10834942


Evil bitch!

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5f1b2c  No.10834943

File: b14ee32e8e475f6⋯.png (305.86 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, b14ee32e8e475f6e87dc7888d3….png)

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be6c9a  No.10834944

File: e64010fbdd76422⋯.png (325.69 KB, 800x800, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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397edd  No.10834945

File: fe3464aff459db3⋯.png (20.18 KB, 599x183, 599:183, ClipboardImage.png)


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a05386  No.10834946

Amy Coney Barret threw ice at someone at a college party! … incoming kek

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78aab0  No.10834947

File: 004192df45c2e7b⋯.png (413.98 KB, 529x641, 529:641, Chuck_Norris_Checked.png)


Attorney for DNC asked me what conservative voters in my area would think of that.

You fuck off.

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c27f08  No.10834948


By appointed ng Bolton? That was a suicidal move…

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9270e1  No.10834949

Anon's not liking what I'm hearing from Sullivan so far.

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e81175  No.10834950



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0c30c1  No.10834951


It’s in the constitution man.. no Hershey Squirting all on debate stage and nobody with chapter four dementia can be President

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03fbb7  No.10834952

File: a4bf5e563cc367c⋯.jpg (21.15 KB, 442x416, 17:16, a4bf5e563cc367c9092fc0a590….jpg)


..and while you are at Q can you make me sammich?

Fucking Germans.

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449ada  No.10834953

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Wedding Song

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5fa6a9  No.10834954


She likes it in Slot B

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50bbed  No.10834955

File: 22abfa09a915372⋯.jpg (9.65 KB, 255x186, 85:62, 22abfa09a915372fa85dc127a9….jpg)

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02a72b  No.10834956

Already decided long ago: no handshakes; no masks on stage

Pay attention…

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5f1b2c  No.10834957


don't give them ideas

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45995b  No.10834958


Oh Anna. She's opened a can "o Woop ass.

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3c50ef  No.10834959

File: f8add6425e57539⋯.png (58.37 KB, 172x273, 172:273, Screen_Shot_2020_09_29_at_….png)


even without the flourishes, that satanic clown smirk.

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8a8c01  No.10834960


other people wanting to control other people.


slipping a $20 into a 7 year old boy's G-string wouldn't be minding their own business now would it faggot?

that would be involving themselves into ANOTHER PERSON'S life.


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e87802  No.10834961

God bless and be with General Flynn.

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be6c9a  No.10834962

File: e546d1bc5270475⋯.png (1.08 MB, 838x886, 419:443, ClipboardImage.png)

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c641e3  No.10834963


When you're sliding into home and your pants are filled with foam.

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6ad2d9  No.10834964


link to Flynn hearing. Click lower left to unmute.

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716e67  No.10834965

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2f9b07  No.10834966


No masks to be worn. Already settled. Also, no handshake or elbow bump.

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924b9b  No.10834967

File: dcf550368a5eb02⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1192x1256, 149:157, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 584fe1a40a01e56⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1024x512, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Jump The Gun

A Marine with @SPMAGTF_CR_CC

conducts a fire and movement during Exercise Infinite Defender 20 in Jordan. Infinite Defender is a bilateral maritime infrastructure protection, EOD, and anti-terrorism force protection exercise.


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0b72b9  No.10834968

File: 467ade8d77d11e7⋯.jpg (77.9 KB, 888x499, 888:499, DemsChickenBreakfast_of_Ch….jpg)

File: b42ac6e6fa90c58⋯.jpg (69.3 KB, 548x320, 137:80, DemsSocialistChicken.jpg)

File: 80838c7a3643e34⋯.jpg (69.91 KB, 640x426, 320:213, DNC_KFC.jpg)

File: c998e88810df681⋯.jpg (307.1 KB, 1135x789, 1135:789, Garrison_no_collusion_impe….jpg)

Kek I thought KFC was the Official Fried Chicken of the DNC?


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3c50ef  No.10834969

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55cee6  No.10834970

#13866 wakes to cakes

>>10834601 PF updates

>>10834922 @USMC Jump The Gun

>>10834861 JUST IN: British Member of Parliament nominates Biden for a Nobel Peace Prize

>>10834806 Guests you say?!

>>10834759 Joe Biden’s Campaign Asks for Breaks EVERY 30 MINUTES during Tonight’s First Debate.

>>10834751 LIVE *General Flynn Hearing* LIVE

>>10834725 UK’s chief scientific adviser has £600k shareholding in firm contracted to develop vaccines

>>10834679 Trump camp seeks extra debate rule: Third party inspectors to look for electronic devices in candidates' ears

>>10834604 Britain imposes sanctions on Belarus leader (Lukashenko) and aides

>>10834597 Trump Campaign Releases "17 Questions Joe Biden Must Answer In The Debate"

>>10834578 Assange May End up at Colorado Supermax Jail, UK Court Told

>>10834557 Texas border patrol arrests two child sex offenders in the country illegally

>>10834543 Plano Police Investigate Online Posting Involving Child Sex Trafficking

>>10834524 The Biden campaign requested two breaks (one every thirty minutes) during tonight’s program…

>>10834461 anon starts digg on Rosenstein's sister, Nancy Messonnier. CDC infiltration


>>10834410 Trump campaign wants the Biden campaign to allow a third party to inspect the ears of the debaters for electronic devices or transmitters.

>>10834326 Exposed: FBI Director James Comey’s Clinton Foundation Connection

>>10834323, >>10834350, >>10834389, >>10834394 MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD IN MINNESOTA

>>10834322 (continued from lb) Kuwait's Emir, Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmed al-Sabah, has died at the age of 91, state media report.

>>10834316 Turkish F-16 shoots down Armenia jet in Armenian airspace


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309a4d  No.10834971



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5f1b2c  No.10834972


He will not free flynn, already knew that. Q team is always ways overly optimistic about things.

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6256eb  No.10834973


Indeed! spot on!

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ad13ee  No.10834974

File: b9c468452d3239d⋯.jpeg (39.05 KB, 600x375, 8:5, 54F3EC53_D43C_4EED_8759_1….jpeg)

File: d09a70f5c9e6a27⋯.png (3.12 MB, 1334x750, 667:375, DFFB0561_F8A5_4749_8B97_25….png)

File: 27abc24bfca3dcb⋯.jpeg (43.3 KB, 500x375, 4:3, FBD0186F_D0D3_4346_865A_4….jpeg)

File: 6075bdf46b641b9⋯.jpeg (410.6 KB, 650x653, 650:653, 2864F8D3_F6D7_46E4_916E_C….jpeg)

File: 95e35ad42fac440⋯.jpeg (284.97 KB, 750x627, 250:209, 174E7B98_889B_4D8D_BB11_7….jpeg)


>Q, is it possible to put the debate 2 hours later? So german bros can watch it around 5 am in the morning in germany too?

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03fbb7  No.10834975

File: 5c2e993448720d2⋯.jpg (37.32 KB, 399x385, 57:55, laughing.jpg)


The fuckery that could be had is tantalizing…

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6ad2d9  No.10834976

File: 3ec25ed9201a418⋯.jpg (178.9 KB, 900x506, 450:253, Heros_copy.jpg)

Try this for hearing: https://www.pscp.tv/w/1vAxRrBMoeZxl

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08a155  No.10834977

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Time for a lesser Appreciated Q-Team theme song for your enjoy.

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baa7c2  No.10834978


>>>10834751 LIVE *General Flynn Hearing* LIVE

How is this a notable when the link will be dead after it's over?

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397edd  No.10834979

File: 0f7aa3cd5947a0b⋯.png (32.66 KB, 594x298, 297:149, ClipboardImage.png)


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e1f213  No.10834980

File: cded9e0f7e57167⋯.mp4 (1.68 MB, 480x270, 16:9, The_Storm_Will_Be_Biblical.mp4)

File: f49794b3a2f2f4b⋯.mp4 (5.37 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Gen_Flynn_Digital_Soldiers.mp4)


Yes, camera feeds will be 4k, but at home viewing depends on your equipment and service provider. For example my Dish Network is HD but it's 1080. My ROKU Ultra however, on the FOX NEWS channel is 4K.ENJOY THE SHOW

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5fa6a9  No.10834981


Switchers can’t just happen cause they want it to.

‘Big Mike’ isn’t on the ballot and voting has begun.

Your car breaks down during the race? That’s tough shit, pines. See you in four.

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d1c640  No.10834982

Listening to this judge on the conference call on the persecution of FLYNN.

this prosecuting judge has a lot of personal prosecute-rial opinions – suggesting all possible chances and opportunities to speak and seek justice was given to the defendant and the court has an obligation to seek and press full measures of justice it can possibly imagine, whether the Government dropping its case or not - the judges feel justice must be sentenced regardless because of the political nature.

then why is it not obliged to give EVERYONE the chance and KNOWLEDGE of every POSSIBLE legal strategy evidence motion or hearing to satisfy freedom and innocence.

and why isn't the court pressing the same pressure on the evidence demanding freedom innocence and dismissalQ!Q!Q!

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0afee9  No.10834983

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d171ce  No.10834984


That's fine, my connector is backwards compatible.

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dc2bfb  No.10834985


They will overrule him or replace him, he is violating Flynn's constitutional rights and fighting with his own employer..DOJ, he (Sullivan) has placed himself in the role of liability for the dept. It might not be today but Flynn case will be dismissed. Sullivan is finished after this fiasco…

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c6fab4  No.10834986


gotta love those ruh roh moments

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397edd  No.10834987


When has that EVER been true?

Do the YT livestreams from all the riots go away after the streamer stops? No.

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a52922  No.10834988



you made your point.

will you stop posting after this bread.

everyone agrees with you

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55cee6  No.10834989


Peeps will know it was on and go look for it later

PSA it was taped, digitally, vid of course

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449ada  No.10834990

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6256eb  No.10834991



Biden team hasn't consented to earpiece check

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5fa6a9  No.10834992


Whoa there pard….

Glorious POTUS loves him some KFC.

As do I.

Tread lightly.

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956242  No.10834993



I'm glad that I am not the only one thinking this way…

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a67c0e  No.10834994

File: 983b5fe6516a39b⋯.jpg (158.88 KB, 564x595, 564:595, ratheadbot.jpg)

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cf2b3e  No.10834995


NY POST: New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio side-swiped by e-scooter while walking in Manhattan


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cf2b3e  No.10834996

File: 37e9a3339fb81a0⋯.mp4 (12.76 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 37e9a3339fb81a09d7ee399312….mp4)


Big Mike ain't doing shit

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50bbed  No.10834997

File: 4b631ec920766eb⋯.png (279.34 KB, 500x416, 125:104, 20200812_181726.png)

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828cfa  No.10834998

File: ab27e348ec2c663⋯.png (326.96 KB, 976x606, 488:303, VENUS40_USAF_G5_south_from….PNG)

VENUS40 USAF G5 from JBA south to Newport News Int'l for fly overs

F35LTNG2 heading back to MCAS Cherry Point-dealing with some weather soon on it's approach

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baa7c2  No.10834999


But the link will be different when it's tossed over to a recording. Right?

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309a4d  No.10835000

File: 7a7433344a50f14⋯.png (48.58 KB, 220x220, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


She better watch the water.

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78aab0  No.10835001

File: ef877deb5881e0d⋯.png (48.5 KB, 545x216, 545:216, State_Funeral.png)


See one yet?


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344ed7  No.10835002


Does she dye her hair grey to look like a witch?

Or is it just a result of years of ritual occult abuse?

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0afee9  No.10835003


And the reply from the left would be "so what"

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081d00  No.10835004


Ever held a speaker to a mic..? Kek it would feed back

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dc2bfb  No.10835006


>>>>>>Strong warning to resign…..or else…

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03fbb7  No.10835008

File: 618d874a754bf84⋯.png (379.58 KB, 353x466, 353:466, ClipboardImage.png)

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6256eb  No.10835009

File: 5530b4e95460dab⋯.png (294.87 KB, 600x405, 40:27, HAHAHA.png)



>>>10834924 (You)




>you made your point.


>will you stop posting after this bread.


>everyone agrees with you

What are you afraid of!

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ca2b6c  No.10835010

File: a405d18e30bbbe7⋯.png (382.65 KB, 619x586, 619:586, ClipboardImage.png)

President Trump nominated a third time for the Nobel Peace Prize


'''Trump lands third Nobel Peace Prize nomination: 'Producing peace in the world in a way in which none of his predecessors did'

by Emma Colton, Social Media Manager | September 28, 2020 12:59 PM'''


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5fa6a9  No.10835011

File: d2089b461a8f169⋯.jpeg (46.93 KB, 392x432, 49:54, A789772C_49CE_47F5_89AD_0….jpeg)



No breaks Joe. Strap on that diaper and piss bag tight.

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95f229  No.10835012


>For KEKS: Aggressive Raccoon Attacks ‘Multiple News Crews’ Outside WH

Coon Lives Matter

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60f200  No.10835013

File: e67fd9724750e44⋯.png (683.94 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, bread_handoff.png)


I couldn't resist.

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78aab0  No.10835014

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6874fb  No.10835015

It's clear Judge Sullivan will NOT dismiss this sham prosecution today. So much for Flynn for in [30].

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8ede50  No.10835016

File: de20bd986405abe⋯.png (266.83 KB, 650x276, 325:138, JP1.png)


Skippy you little bitch.

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3c50ef  No.10835017


Real if YuuuuuuGE

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c6fab4  No.10835018

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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df2e79  No.10835019



Report: Mayor de Blasio hit by e-scooter in Lower Manhattan

NEW YORK (WCBS 880) — Mayor Bill de Blasio was hit by an electric scooter as he walked across a street in Lower Manhattan on Monday.

The New York Post reports the mayor was walking along the crosswalk at Pearl and Water streets when a man on an e-scooter ran into de Blasio, hitting his arm.

Listen Live Now on WCBS Newsradio 880

The mayor was not hurt.

The scooter operator was not wearing a helmet, according to the report. The man and his 7-year-old daughter, who was riding with him, both suffered minor injuries.

The Post says the mayor ran over to help and offered them a tissue to help clean up some scrapes that were bleeding.

Earlier this year, the City Council approved a series of bills to legalize e-scooters and e-bikes.

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2b8145  No.10835021

>>10834922 doxxed self baker

twitter fukery now inserts name

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6256eb  No.10835022


No I don't believe we have..

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4b3c3e  No.10835024

File: 519b22d8414c91b⋯.jpg (22 KB, 400x328, 50:41, 777.jpg)

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18f7ac  No.10835025

Q, may POTUS pack in 'pack-of-liars' into the debates tonight?

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78aab0  No.10835026

File: f3e9ab77129caf4⋯.png (3.04 MB, 1554x894, 259:149, America_Says_Goodbye_II.png)

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4fd191  No.10835028



Daughter is Megan Rouse.

Podesta hid all his Russian Joule shares with her.

She's on our local school board.



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0fcf33  No.10835029

Is Judge Emmitt Sullivan trying to bore us to death?

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3ab488  No.10835030

File: 13fb667aba7ef2d⋯.jpg (179.46 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, nadler_grilled_cheese.jpg)

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e809af  No.10835031


Co-opt the signal and replay it out loud on one of the speakers.

These people are stupid, no CIA in-ear comms are that secure

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6853e6  No.10835032


They will not be able to walk down the street


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4fd191  No.10835033

File: 64a63ae0be24ec6⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1042x720, 521:360, ClipboardImage.png)


Pic related.

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c27f08  No.10835034

When Trump appointed Bolton he simultaneously scuttled his entire foreign policy and placed a deadly traitorous scum bag in his own house. It was a monumentally stupid, self destructive decision.

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baa7c2  No.10835035


Like trying to read the CFRs…KEK!

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5f1b2c  No.10835036


Narcissistic Personality Disorder

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acdc01  No.10835037


he's putting me to sleep

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08a155  No.10835039



The designs placed by tptb have filled my head for a lifetime. MK or other nomen… It isn’t heaven sent now is it? Q-Team has bosses, like other useless puppets. They did this. It forms me. I will use it to kill them in their “operation”.

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9e0842  No.10835040


I couldn't agree more.

Sullivan is attempting to legitimize this sham.

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a2ff11  No.10835041


wait till sidney powell responds

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dc2bfb  No.10835042


yeah i was thinking the same thing..he has to justify his unconstitutional action of not dismissing a dismissal order by the DOJ…he is a POS…at the very least.

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50bbed  No.10835043

File: 139cc3c57bda15f⋯.jpg (710.75 KB, 1080x1434, 180:239, 20200928_203401.jpg)

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6874fb  No.10835044


He's trying to justify continuing prosecuting Flynn

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4fd191  No.10835046


Sorry, that is John's daughter, not Tony's.

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167041  No.10835047

File: c0be514f898facb⋯.jpg (217.7 KB, 1200x892, 300:223, c0be514f898facb0b811726729….jpg)

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5d1d2d  No.10835048


The hacker says “i hear voices in my head”

Biden says “i hear voices in my head”

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cf2b3e  No.10835049

File: 72c98e50cc50ad1⋯.png (399.06 KB, 640x418, 320:209, Deblasio_scooter.png)

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04948c  No.10835050



BREAKING: Team Trump requested that each candidate have their ears inspected for electronic devices before the Debate, Team Biden has not consented.

Team Biden has also requested a break every 30 minutes during tonight’s Debate.

10:19 AM · Sep 29, 2020·Twitter for iPhone


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328ee5  No.10835051


>Pearl and Water streets

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d171ce  No.10835052


I bet those cunts would rather cancel the Nobel Prize than give it to someone who actually deserves it.

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6cdef4  No.10835053

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Judge has a hard on for Flynn.

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6874fb  No.10835054


Sydney isn't going to change his mind.

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55cee6  No.10835055

Fresh Borg





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70c6b9  No.10835056

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


listening to youtube audio



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18f7ac  No.10835057


I hear dog whistles

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5d1d2d  No.10835059


Truth serum.

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716e67  No.10835060


Flynn will not be done in 30.

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a2ff11  No.10835062


Imagine if you were pro se' like in family court you'd be so screwed

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270b8d  No.10835063

September 29 is the feast day of the Archangel Michael, warrior angel, foe of Satan, protector of God’s people and His Church. How insane must [they] be to think they can defeat THE POWER of GOD? LAUGHABLE!!!

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78aab0  No.10835064




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8831ec  No.10835065

File: b98f4d88982f695⋯.jpeg (158.48 KB, 720x537, 240:179, book_fag.jpeg)


Not if the 7 year old and the faggot both consent

Good luck defending against that level of degeneracy while clinging to the same busted ideology that the enemy is using to justify it.

It's not my fault you're a typical edgelord mid-wit who isn't intellectually rigorous enough to follow his own philosphical arguments to their natural conclusions.

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dc2bfb  No.10835068


Positive thinking anon no matter what, Words have power especially Powell's she is very very smart.

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58e627  No.10835069

File: 170f45c499501d2⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1200x558, 200:93, ClipboardImage.png)



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0f96d2  No.10835071


oh, 'rubber stamp', it's the 'rubber stamp' anons, knew there had to be a triggering moment to block what should have been obviously dismissed.

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956242  No.10835072

God Wins.

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