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File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, 00000.png)

ee0d4e  No.11042586[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.



Q's Latest Posts

'Sunday 10.11.2020

>>11030077 ————————————–——– Q#4509

>>11030009 ————————————–——– Sometimes 'public awareness' of certain events prevents occurrence.

>>11029888 ————————————–——– Stage being set? (Cap: >>11030125)

>>11028550 ————————————–——– Do you trust your source(s),[RR]? What do they have on you? Dark secrets. (Cap: >>11028557)

Friday 10.09.2020

>>11004505 ————————————–——– Threats, blackmail, and bribes. (Caps: >>11004545, >>11004564)

>>11001484 rt >>11001375 ———–––——–— Wasn't referring to Kansas' statement re: Clinton emails. Wasn't referring to Kansas' statement re: Clinton emails.

>>11001321 ————————————–——– Don't believe everything you read (Cap: >>11001361, >>11001393)

>>11001092 ————————————–——– Who is most susceptible? (Cap: >>11001735)

>>10992542 ————————————–——– Keep firing, Nancy.

>>10992356 rt >>10992104 ———–––——–— Why did Brennan endorse? Why did POTUS select as Dir? Buckle up.

>>10992094 rt >>10992036 ———–––——–— Who was DNI? Who was AG? CIA leads to the top?

>>10992036 ————————————–——– What happens if CIA was actively involved in domestic targeting and surv of US person(s) [direct _indirect]? (Cap: >>10992437)

Thursday 10.08.2020

>>10989210 rt >>10989031 ———–––——–— Did you notice the missile within the drop re: 25th amendment? (Cap: >>10989571, >>10989585)

>>10988977 ————————————–——– Was the 25th amendment 'arrow in the quiver' planned? Was it expected POTUS would be in a critical [health] state re: C19?

>>10988514 rt >>10988446 ———–––——–— (Cap: >>10988446)

>>10988475 rt >>10988470 ———–––——–— (Cap: >>10988470)

>>10988277 ————————————–——– Nothing is random. Everything has meaning. (Cap: >>10988199)

Wed 10.07.2020 >>11026155

Tue 10.06.2020 >>10979212

Thu 10.01.2020 >>10969663

Wed 09.30.2020 >>10969659

Tue 09.29.2020 >>10969627

Q's Private Board

>>>/projectdcomms/ & Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

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QAnon.pub - qresear.ch/q-posts - QAlerts.pub - operationQ.pub - QAgg.news - QPosts.online - qanon.news/Q - 8kun.top/qresearch/qposts.html

Backups/Alts to above: qntmpkts.keybase.pub - QAlerts.app - QAlerts.net - douknowq.com/134295/Q-Anon-Pub.htm - we-go-all.net/q.html - douknowq.com/134295/Q-Anon-Pub.htm

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Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

8kun FAQs: https://8kun.top/faq.html

Questions & Practice Thread: >>9901078

How to screenshot, insert MP4's, embed videos (YT & Twitter) >>>/comms/9658

Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown<<<READ THIS IF YOU ARE NEW HERE

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ee0d4e  No.11042591

File: ba1f9aae2f4a8c5⋯.png (377.68 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, 0.png)

Global Announcements

No announcements

Notables Are Not Endorsements


>>11042537 NEW POTUS

>>11042484 NEW POTUS

>>11042130 NEW POTUS

>>11041898 New POTUS

>>11041792 NEW POTUS - Sleepy Joe Biden had a particularly bad day today. He couldn’t remember the name of Mitt Romney, said again he was running for the U.S. Senate, and forgot what State he was in.

>>11042054 New Dan

>>11042558 Grassley Tweets Clock

>>11042557 Members of the crowd at President Trump’s rally in Florida chant “CNN sucks” as

>>11042530 Flynn's attorney reacts to newly declassified docs in Russia origins probe

>>11042347 How to Understand Joe Biden’s Ukrainian Connection

>>11042335 Gina Haspel Blows Off Senators’ Demands To Quit Stonewalling Congress On Russiagate Oversight

>>11042280 In Latest Teleblooper, Biden Calls For $15,000,000 Minimum Wage

>>11042219 Facebook bans posts that deny or distort the Holocaust - SHUT IT DOWN

>>11042200 "California election officials tell voters not to disinfect mail-in ballots. It smudges the ink on the old mimeograph machines…"

>>11042178 Top of the World Comfy

>>11042167 Feds to Portland: Take Your Fine and Shove It

>>11041916 Why Do We Give NPR Money?

>>11042090 Bloomberg is fake news

>>11042078 /anons knowing/

>>11042044 HE DID IT AGAIN!!!

>>11041940 Texas School Districts Are Ending Remote Learning – 40-70% of Students Were Failing

>>11041934 WHO Backpedals on Covid-19 Scam As Criminal, Civil Charges Filed

>>11041907 CDC First Said Not to Wear Masks, Then to Wear Masks, Then Masks Were Better than Vaccines – Now New Evidence Shows Masks Don’t Work

>>11041903 FETAL ALCOHOL SYNDROME endorses Joe Biden

>>11041774 Mark Cuban: “I’m OK” With NBA Doing Business With China Though It Forces Women to Have Abortions

>>11041804 Would any of the Dems be complaining about having long lines of voters IF THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE DEM VOTES????

>>11041843 Sidney Powell retweeted

>>11042395, >>11042528 POTUS Negative Test

>>11041765, >>11041876 Pollak: Joe Biden’s Disastrous Short List for Attorney General: Cuomo, Yates, Abrams, Bharara, Weissman

>>11041980, >>11042234 INTL

>>11042469, >>11042486 Guess that answers that - Biden/harris offered to pay for people to attend Cincinnati campaign stop

>>11042576 #14123

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ee0d4e  No.11042601


>>11041345 NEW PDJT - He should sue the women, and all of those who illegally worked with them, for false and disgusting accusations!!!

>>11041222 NEW PDJT - Leaving now for Florida Rally. Big crowds!

>>11041165 NEW PDJT - Viewership for NBA Finals Finale Crash Nearly 70%, Beaten by Random Sunday Night Football Game

>>11041036 NEW PDJT - 307,000 Veterans Died waiting for Healthcare at the V.A. During Sleepy Joe Biden’s Watch. 800,000 Records Stalled! A complete and total disaster.

>>11041017 Minibun from #14121 that /comms/ baker refused

>>11041456 Heartbreaking story of Charles Woods (father of Tyrone Woods killed in Benghazi) and how he was lied to by the Obama administration after Benghazi at AMP Fest in Florida on October 11th, 2020.

>>11041599 Silicon Valley Cuts Salaries for Remote Workers, Fueling Tensions

>>11041562 Mexican President Asks Pope Francis to Apologize for Spanish Conquest of Mexico

>>11041556 Mark Cuban will still do business with China

>>11041533 Even Joe Biden's Twitter account doesn't know what state Joe Biden is in.

>>11041520 Mark Meadows Walks Out After CNN Demands He Wear Mask

>>11041464 Don't do anons any favors, we'd love it if you deleted your /comms/ board and left forever, anons were fine without you and always will be.

>>11041498 Judge Barrett: U.S. deserves SCOTUS ‘that interprets our Constitution and laws as they are written’

>>11041483 11:04…Clock change

>>11041461 “I performed oral sex on Barack Obama”. - Larry Sinclair

>>11041257 Who funds the riotous American left & why? The globalist billionaire class, which uses it to build corporate socialism

>>11041444 Beijing Spars With Taiwan on Its National Day Celebration, Rejects Diplomatic Dialogue

>>11041428 Dan Loeb Wins? Disney Announces Reorganization, Will Focus On Video Streaming… But Keeps Dividend

>>11041406 Ex-C.I.A. Agent Goes Public With Story of Mistreatment on the Job


>>11041389 Tik Tok Teens Try To Sabotage Trump Rally, End Up Donating $16,000 to GOP

>>11041365 Dog COMMs

>>11041360 Election officials to voters: Stop pouring hand sanitizer on mail-in ballots

>>11041250 Dr. Anthony Fauci says “it’s really unfortunate and really disappointing” that the Trump campaign featured him in an ad touting the President’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic.

>>11041333 Ninth Circuit court rules Trump can’t divert military funds for border wall

>>11041287 Glenn Beck: Proof that Joe Biden's Family Owned Slaves

>>11041241 When you've lost Jake Tapper, Biden Spox, you've lost the left, in general.

>>11041226 Much to Jake Tapper’s apparent chagrin, Dr. Fauci grudgingly admits Trump’s right about now being immune to Covid

>>11041195 Dinesh D'Souza has a new movie coming. "Trump Card".

>>11041197 Crowd is YUGE today!!!!

>>11041191 Governments Have Failed to Learn from the Cambridge Analytica Scandal

>>11041162 "One of the participants of last night’s Portland antifa riot that resulted in the destruction of Roosevelt & Lincoln statues, in addition to the smashing of a museum & police office, is a woman who is running for Congress."

>>11041140 Kanye West Releases Presidential Campaign Ad

>>11041110 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Sanford, FL 10/12/20

>>11041112 DHS: Transnational Organized Crime, a “Devastating Threat” to the US

>>11041049 Senate Democrats Gaslighting Amy Coney Barrett

>>11041054 Patriots have no skin color. Patriot replies due to the Great Awakening are encouraging.

>>11041060 Trump SCOTUS Nominee Amy Coney Barrett: “I Believe in the Power of Prayer”

>>11041094 Nursing home residents stage heartbreaking protest outside facility: 'Rather die from COVID than loneliness'


>>11041215 Anon confirms kitch was NOT offered last bread closed loop /comms/ handoff routine

>>11041274, >>11041530 CEO of Haliburton International Foods resigns after being charged with child prostitution

>>11041125, >>11041204 INTL

>>11041130, >>11041141 Benghazi Whistleblower explains what is coming!

>>11041113, >>11041121, >>11041415 PF

>>11041733 #14122

Previously Collected Notables

>>11040922 #14121,

>>11038555 #14118, >>11039334 #14119, >>11040142 #14120

>>11036316 #14115, >>11037047 #14116, >>11037835 #14117

>>11033906 #14112, >>11034703 #14113, >>11035524 #14114

>>11031501 #14109, >>11032314 #14110, >>11033107 #14111

>>11029192 #14106, >>11029981 #14107, >>11030727 #14108

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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ee0d4e  No.11042604

Exposing the Deep State, MSM, Social Media: Threads & Boards

>>>/qrmemes/ New One-stop Meme Board, organized by topic

>>>/qrmemes/141 Joe Biden

>>>/qrmemes/129 I'm On Team Joe

>>>/qrmemes/700 Hunter Biden

>>>/qrmemes/289 Kamala Harris

>>>/qrmemes/606 Meme Camo Thread

https://archive.is/hogSX Digital Camo Thread Archive

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>11039643 Clockwork Qrange #11

>>10392346 Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #15

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefagging 101 Q&A

>>>/qrb/42185 Boatfagging Q&A

International Q Research Threads

>>10705197 Australia #10

>>10946985 Canada #8

>>8331823 France #1

>>10868414 Germany #68

>>10838222 Italia #1

>>9133907 Mexico #1

>>10497699 Nederland #5

>>10524823 New Zealand #5

>>5290557 Nordic #1

>>10843151 Scotland #1

>>8033191 South Africa #1

>>10768658 UK #22

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

QProofs.com Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w - https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more: https://bad-boys.us/


All Resignations Website https://www.resignation.info

All Posts Search Tool https://qresear.ch

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

META (for board admin queries) >>6064510

Q Research General Dough/Kitchen Meta >>10756139

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

All of the following except the last are in order on the same thread on /comms/

GMT Thread link: >>>/comms/283

Q Graphics all in GMT #001 - #020 >>>/comms/486 through >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #021 - #041 >>>/comms/1119 through >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #042 - #062 >>>/comms/2306 through >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #063 - #083 >>>/comms/3687 through >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #084 - #090 >>>/comms/5510 through >>>/comms/5806

Q Graphics all in GMT #091 - #111 >>>/comms/5811 through >>>/comms/14626

Q Graphics all in GMT #112 - #118 >>>/comms/14870 through >>>/comms/16930

Q Graphics all in GMT #119 - #124 >>>/comms/18630

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ee0d4e  No.11042607

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE / 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t / 3: pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

* Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.3: https://pastebin.com/EDmx2iEr

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

E-bake instructions: >>>/comms/9252

Iwo Jima video TOR posting: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs,


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ee0d4e  No.11042608

File: 535be6d1c1f9b1e⋯.png (242.34 KB, 580x328, 145:82, 5caac33c7646730a723ac4a9a0….png)



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73cc75  No.11042619

File: df832ac07437628⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1080x720, 3:2, 69bafdc1021b7a85d652aef6dc….png)

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f1fddf  No.11042627

File: 688cc773259cff9⋯.png (8.79 KB, 170x255, 2:3, 5650a5755d1765b9fcaaca8a2b….png)

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ee0d4e  No.11042634


Sorry for adding a pic to notables, was getting a weird error saying I hadn't uploaded a pic.

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73cc75  No.11042636

File: 916d1abdb4bbeeb⋯.png (761.16 KB, 974x487, 2:1, 3124e6c88fce645f702cb34f83….png)

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5ddc6a  No.11042638

File: 7fd9c8b34368988⋯.jpg (378.1 KB, 739x1337, 739:1337, 1_jews_against_trump.jpg)

File: eb2a5f93b326b54⋯.jpg (591.35 KB, 1667x1346, 1667:1346, 1_jews_against_trumpp.jpg)

File: afe15aebece0b57⋯.png (512.87 KB, 612x593, 612:593, shalom_.png)

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d6a150  No.11042640

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2f8a9b  No.11042642

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE FEED of Trump rally without the annoying begging & screeching over the music.

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979d54  No.11042659

File: 97698b202f79d44⋯.png (580.83 KB, 1165x1143, 1165:1143, 3bb3e380417b3204e2545bbced….png)

File: 51ff08c9a6b3d06⋯.png (512.86 KB, 1065x1049, 1065:1049, 071ff8327aa958ad414cc41f62….png)

File: e2cfcd6d84a5298⋯.png (454.34 KB, 1068x1044, 89:87, ad8e85c644577055f413529adf….png)

File: ec68ebef53c9dea⋯.png (617.21 KB, 1069x1048, 1069:1048, 6cc6c080cfdcb05a4baa5806c2….png)

File: 6711cf738f1759a⋯.png (582.38 KB, 1068x1049, 1068:1049, 517dadcd1bd5e2fdb4c04829cc….png)

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851306  No.11042665

File: 6a68691e120ebf7⋯.png (421.72 KB, 589x599, 589:599, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0d28af65b6d360a⋯.png (67.53 KB, 602x618, 301:309, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 923b0e1eaa11edd⋯.png (4.14 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 12227feb1f9d4ac⋯.png (4.34 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5c19030c8d4b267⋯.png (4.73 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

Follow the Pen


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3b6df4  No.11042666

File: 8f14745a5654b89⋯.png (54.14 KB, 480x277, 480:277, ClipboardImage.png)

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2f2ec8  No.11042669

File: d8d24edc9620752⋯.jpg (538.98 KB, 1060x1059, 1060:1059, o13.jpg)


Tanks Bakes


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2f8a9b  No.11042670

File: 93c4f6f00a82416⋯.png (510.1 KB, 598x686, 299:343, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_10….png)

A technical glitch at a voting supersite, hours-long lines, and a last-minute court ruling marked the start of in-person early voting in Georgia, a presidential battleground that will also play a huge role in deciding which party controls the Senate


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1749a8  No.11042672

File: e2eba48ae97430f⋯.png (112.17 KB, 276x183, 92:61, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1db184bfb2b9e5a⋯.png (594.64 KB, 590x829, 590:829, ClipboardImage.png)


*Sh'ma Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Eḥad

*Hear, O Israel:

You imagine G_d Guides you from Satan's Synagogue

*The Lord is our G_d

*The Lord is One

Because ISRAEL is Erased.

Make Matzoh Balls again! 🍪🍪

Remember the smell of baT mitzvah🧦.


Invite Poison In

*No Success Jew🥳

Roll Chaotix Clitorus🦪 Moloch good.

Adonai 🌈She curioux. 🧷TelAvivbabies✡.

Repeat Shoah💀 Remember Zyklon B is One.🚿

Kvetch Piss Wailing Wall 🤟[Whine]

*Israel🧻 is the Whore of Babylon

Mikvah Kosher Kabbalah 🚽

*Destroy Jewish Lies

🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍6 Gorillion vanish I banish kosher(belial)kabalah

Talmud Belial🤣

J[ew]s k(lose)k

HotSweaty Shabbat🍩🦴

*Penetrate Hebrew Zohard.

RelaX, you are sucking👄, Cattle🐮 Car🚈 Jews.

*We pray G_d 👅licks clean our Golem.

*We pray Ba'al enflame our 🔥Kabbalah.


We pray 👹Ba'al sharpen our Knife for the baby Bris🔪.

*We pray G_d expose our deep Jew sins.

Bless our 💧 Wet Vessel Clean with G_d's Dreidel.

May our Jew pussy cracks🍕 sink on their own rotten Kibbutz.

>Imagine the >success of our bright future without Cabal Jews🥳

Imagine the smell of dead Kapparot chickens 🐔

*Destroy Jew lies.

Billions Goyim Comfy Together we banish k(Israel)k

Righteous anger stops abuse by Jews🤬The 🌟Lord will execute Jews on the Day of His Wrath.

Dream Pray it's 🧿Tisha B'av Every Day

*for ever, and ever, and ever.


🙏🙏🙏6 Billion Goyim Together Pray Out Loud🙏🙏🙏 :


*"May ISRAEL and the Memory of the rogue state of ISRAEL be ERASED FOREVER. Yemach Shemo"

Kosher SeX, we are kvetching with Belial🕎✡.

May Taer thongs of 🩲Rabbis🩲 keep our Shekels moist.

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d6a150  No.11042675

File: 4e0afb0c723c3d1⋯.jpg (545.13 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, EkKYwelWsAECnsN.jpg)

File: 3996393f363a483⋯.jpg (413.46 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, EkKYwelXgAANNjf.jpg)

File: 7cefe16c92a9ec3⋯.jpg (574.38 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, EkKYwemX0AYTthp.jpg)

SCOOP #Durham:

@CBSNews obtains 94-page declassified FBI spreadsheet, widely cited by IG Horowitz, but not public until now. Recently released to Senate investigators, the FBI spreadsheet was part of a broader effort to corroborate the Steele dossier claims.

While lightly redacted, the bureau spreadsheet shows the FBI relied heavily on media reporting to back up claims about Carter Page, Paul Manafort, and others. IG Horowitz faulted the FBI over lack of corroboration + evidence of circular reporting.

IG Horowitz page 5 found dossier author Christopher Steele spoke to the Yahoo news reporter prior to publication of a September 23 article. The FBI spreadsheet cites the SAME article on page 51 as supporting evidence. IG Horowitz also faulted the FBI for using the Yahoo reporting in the @carterwpage FISA + then not correcting the court record once the connection with Steele was known. Tim Gill Sr, a former senior FBI intelligence officer, told CBS that the reliance on media reporting was not standard. “Any effort to corroborate a report should include a variety of intelligence sources, including imagery intelligence, human intelligence, signals intelligence as well as clandestine intelligence collection platforms for verification," Gill said. “You don't rely on media reporting.”


>follow the pen

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14f66c  No.11042676

Gates funded spraying of calcium carbonate particles into the stratosphere in an experiment in 2019 with Harvard to block out the sun



Trevor Nace, Forbes, Dec 5, 2018

A group of Harvard scientists plans to tackle climate change through geoengineering by blocking out the sun. The concept of artificially reflecting sunlight has been around for decades, yet this will be the first real attempt at controlling Earth's temperature through solar engineering.

The project, called Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCoPEx), will spend $3 million to test their models by launching a steerable balloon in the southwest US 20 kilometers into the stratosphere. Once the balloon is in place, it will release small particles of calcium carbonate. Plans are in place to begin the launch as early as the spring of 2019.

The basis around this experiment is from studying the effects of large volcanic eruptions on the planet's temperature. In 1991, Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines erupted spectacularly, releasing 20 million tonnes of sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere. The sulfur dioxide created a blanket around Earth's stratosphere, cooling the entire planet by 0.5 °C for around a year and a half.

Engineering A Solution To Climate Change

As scientists, governmental agencies around the world, and environmental groups grow increasingly worried of our collective ability to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and curb climate change, the idea of geoengineering a solution has become more accepted. The ultimate goal is to reduce the warming on Earth. This can be done by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, sucking CO2 from the atmosphere, or limiting the sunlight that reaches Earth's surface.

The first two methods are actively discussed and implemented to various degrees. The recent commitment of G20 members (with the United States as the sole rejector) to the Paris Agreement will act to solve the source of the problem by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Sucking CO2 from the atmosphere and locking it away in Earth's crust, called CO2 sequestration, has been implemented and deployed. For instance, Royal Dutch Shell has built large carbon sequestration facilities with the Canadian and Australian governments.

The third method, blocking out sunlight has been controversial in the scientific community for decades. The controversy lies in the inability to fully understand the consequences of partially blocking out sunlight. A reduction in global temperature is well understood and expected, however, there remain questions around this method's impact on precipitation patterns, the ozone, and crop yields globally.

This is precisely why the Harvard research team intends to spray tiny chalk (calcium carbonate) particles into the stratosphere in a controlled experiment. Computer models can only go so far in predicting the impacts this geoengineering technique, it is time for a real world test. With funding in part by Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, the Harvard team will begin to answer the remaining questions as early as the spring of 2019.

While the potential negative effects are not fully characterized, the ability to control Earth's temperature by spraying small particles into the stratosphere is an attractive solution largely due to its cost. The recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report estimated that the continual release of particles into the stratosphere could offset 1.5 °C of warming for $1 billion to $10 billion per year.

When comparing these costs with the global reduction in fossil fuel use or carbon sequestration, the method becomes very attractive. Thus, scientists, government agencies and independent funders of this technology must balance the inexpensive and effectiveness of this method with the potential risks to global crops, weather conditions, and drought. Ultimately, the only way to fully characterize the risks is to conduct real-world experiments, just as the Harvard team is embarking upon.

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ee0d4e  No.11042681

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38ce64  No.11042682

did the image server get nuked again or is it me

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2f2ec8  No.11042683

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becbe8  No.11042684

File: 7aae0b586dee922⋯.jpg (149.76 KB, 782x1123, 782:1123, 63c7c7512858be32dbedec9c56….jpg)

Thank You Baker

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2f2ec8  No.11042685

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14f66c  No.11042686

File: 7e24d1724f0a24c⋯.png (109.98 KB, 727x879, 727:879, ClipboardImage.png)

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f85c86  No.11042687

File: 00e348e8b4449a0⋯.png (30.46 KB, 727x276, 727:276, ClipboardImage.png)

VOTE BIDEN GET ‘CROOKED’: Hillary Auditions for SecDef in 5000-Word Pro-Biden Article Which Admits Massive Defense Jobs Cuts Plan

Former Secretary of State, U.S. Senator, and Benghazi belittler Hillary Clinton has penned a 5000-word opinion editorial for Foreign Affairs magazine – a scarcely-read yet important foreign policy industry publication. The article clearly aims to establish Clinton as a potential Biden pick for Secretary of Defense: one of the most powerful cabinet positions in the U.S. government.

The Trump campaign will surely see the audition by the very unpopular Hillary Clinton as a gift in the final days of the U.S. Presidential campaign. The idea of voting for Joe Biden and waking up with Hillary Clinton will send chills up the spine of even many Democrats, to whom both Clinton and Biden represent an old, tired, globalist worldview at odds with a “progressive” or even populist Democrat trajectory.

And Clinton appears to know this, too.

Her article contains a number of veiled mea culpas over globalism, though she repeatedly lumps the blame at Donald Trump’s door for many of the problems caused – in a national security sense – by his predecessors:

“For decades, policymakers have thought too narrowly about national security and failed to internalize—or fund—a broader approach that encompasses threats not just from intercontinental ballistic missiles and insurgencies but also from cyberattacks, viruses, carbon emissions, online propaganda, and shifting supply chains. There is no more poignant example than the current administration’s failure to grasp that a tourist carrying home a virus can be as dangerous as a terrorist planting a pathogen. President Barack Obama’s national security staff left a 69-page playbook for responding to pandemics, but President Donald Trump’s team ignored it, focusing instead on the threat of bioterrorism.”

The article even critiques U.S. reliance of China, a key part of Donald Trump’s platform in both 2016 and 2020. She writes:

“[T]he pandemic has underscored how much the United States relies on China and other countries for vital imports—not just lifesaving medical supplies but also raw materials such as rare-earth minerals and electronic equipment that powers everything from telecommunications to weapons systems.”

And while also appearing to lambast her own side’s heartlessness over job losses – she calls the left’s “learn to code” mantra “fanciful and condescending” – she also gives away that a Democratic plan for the “modernization” of the U.S. military would lead to massive job losses:

“No one should pretend that every defense job can be saved or replaced. Cutting hundreds of billions of dollars in military spending over the next decade will inevitably inflict a painful toll on families and communities across the country.”

The admission will further serve as a boon to the Trump campaign seeking to bolster its support amongst military families after a fake news onslaught wherein The Atlantic magazine invented sources in order to drive a wedge between the President and his traditional base.


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c7d11f  No.11042688

File: 01b925edd71bf07⋯.png (383.5 KB, 602x696, 301:348, ch_12th.PNG)


SCOOP #Durham:


obtains 94-page declassified FBI spreadsheet, widely cited by IG Horowitz, but not public until now. Recently released to Senate investigators, the FBI spreadsheet was part of a broader effort to corroborate the Steele dossier claims.

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2ed9cb  No.11042689

File: 9fd31ef6149f8bf⋯.jpg (15.29 KB, 640x368, 40:23, Im_very_aroused.jpg)

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5f4d7f  No.11042690

File: 6d40e15e0feb6e5⋯.jpg (36.96 KB, 480x372, 40:31, 9a713844e6.jpg)

Not happening

thanks Q

she's your next sec def… time to find some different work

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9949b0  No.11042691

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3f14d3  No.11042692



I am in my 40's; it would be insane to live another 60+ years. I'd be able to witness Zephrame Cochrane's historic warp flight in 2063.

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a90c3b  No.11042693

File: 8cdaf4f69478a87⋯.jpg (2.21 MB, 2863x2008, 2863:2008, LOOK_HAERD.jpg)


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2f2ec8  No.11042694

File: fb90813f90b6624⋯.jpg (26.89 KB, 600x315, 40:21, pepeGibs02.jpg)

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1d4368  No.11042695

>>11042644 (lb)

No ties w/ China until

1 CCP is disbanded and outlawed

2 Chinese people given freedom and right to vote.

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3f3219  No.11042696

>>11042602 (pb)

Is Grassley a (patriot)?

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86ad12  No.11042697

File: 5d368fbeab316b1⋯.jpeg (74.44 KB, 750x262, 375:131, 9B31C85C_E013_431F_8AE7_D….jpeg)

Why there is no court record for the police actor Chauvin but oh wow there are jail records? Supposedly had court but still allowed out on bail? My my fishy water in Minneapolis…



Can we pass this info onto the BLM sleeping idiots please?

Q? Q+? Frens?

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5a7614  No.11042698

look here but not here work both ways?

spygate/russiagate used as cover to unleash benghazi treason unnoticed?

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1d4368  No.11042699

cleared to land 28R

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0c25b1  No.11042700

File: e50d4cdd1437bdc⋯.jpg (55.7 KB, 500x500, 1:1, HandSolow.jpg)

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abec13  No.11042701

File: 857c759248110e3⋯.jpg (58.38 KB, 860x520, 43:26, lkjhgfyyu.JPG)

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370f41  No.11042702

File: a7631d7f2586332⋯.jpg (109.81 KB, 1024x1016, 128:127, AOC_Never_Taken_A_Pregnanc….jpg)

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f91f72  No.11042703

File: df4f69eefd58cd1⋯.jpg (147.77 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 4i999x.jpg)

File: e0b369a51485e5d⋯.jpeg (27.82 KB, 474x266, 237:133, download_4_.jpeg)

File: 9e9a8d02c7a83b7⋯.jpeg (221.42 KB, 800x745, 160:149, download_5_.jpeg)

File: 981aebff375607f⋯.jpeg (33.09 KB, 474x637, 474:637, download_1_.jpeg)

File: d24de28d95283e4⋯.jpeg (126.34 KB, 620x615, 124:123, download_2_.jpeg)

Iron Eagle the movie is about the God Horus and the yearly renewal of the Sun. It dies each year from Dec 22-24th.

In Iron Eagle the hero uses healing and soothing music to save his father who will be killed in THREE days unless the sun can save him.

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ec942a  No.11042704

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You are clear to land

straight approach

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2f4ab5  No.11042705

>>11042580 (/pb)

Illinois = Chicago = OB?

New York = HRC?

California = Pelosi? Feinstein?

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2ed9cb  No.11042706


Who are the Patriots?

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5f4d7f  No.11042707

File: 42768d665b9f92e⋯.jpg (68.26 KB, 720x1080, 2:3, 42768d665b9f92ed1af0faf58e….jpg)


she's baaaack!

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84f2b4  No.11042708

Sanford Tower: Clear to land straight approach. Welcome to Florida.

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f1bf0a  No.11042709

File: 925e8480b47985d⋯.mp4 (1.94 MB, 320x568, 40:71, 925e8480b47985ddf15531a19b….mp4)


ThanQ Baker

Heaven, I'm in heaven,

And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak

And I seem to find the happiness I seek

When we're out together dancing, back to back

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c7d11f  No.11042710

File: 9e17881a248f70b⋯.png (406.39 KB, 855x617, 855:617, i_can_see.PNG)


Supporters Line Up as Far as the Eye Can See in Sweltering Heat For President Trump’s Comeback Rally in Sanford, Florida (VIDEO)

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ea2ca9  No.11042711

File: 49dd7670b1d797c⋯.png (63.16 KB, 246x180, 41:30, ClipboardImage.png)

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89628b  No.11042712

File: cce6b884827c039⋯.jpeg (1.03 MB, 2560x1920, 4:3, 0CE4130D_2CF6_46FD_AC75_A….jpeg)

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8dffea  No.11042714

File: 23e0fd804249f74⋯.mp4 (1.29 MB, 1280x716, 320:179, IMG_1954.mp4)

File: 4db6aea4f4fe646⋯.mp4 (451.25 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, IMG_1955.mp4)

Here’s your “president” fake news lurkers, get ya mans

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e59a1f  No.11042715


The irony here being that we were engaged by Q to dig and post publicly available info that they already knew, but that they could turn into actionable intel based on our work.

Same strategy turned back on them.


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759cdb  No.11042717

[Insert Riddle #1]

[Insert Riddle #2]

[Insert Riddle #3]

[Insert Tweet]

[Insert vague bullshit]

[Insert claims of things to come that never do]

[Insert repeat catchphrase]



Let's see what happens.

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fe1623  No.11042718

Transmission nearing Receivership

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b7d987  No.11042719

Anybody have a fresh link for the plot against the president. Struggling to find a legit one. Was willing to pay on vimeo but looks like that is down as well

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4b4cf6  No.11042720

File: 045ebd9f22713f2⋯.png (9.72 MB, 3018x2003, 3018:2003, Screen_Shot_2020_10_12_at_….png)

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486bdb  No.11042721

File: f99fd2cb3b0b66f⋯.png (148.08 KB, 530x387, 530:387, ClipboardImage.png)

we may get trump back today

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c7d11f  No.11042722

tx sch

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3b6df4  No.11042723


Clown World

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5a7614  No.11042724

also trump said in the debate that he'd fire wray since wray said antifa was only an ideology and not an organization

why hasn't this happened

he said it with his own words live on TV and still didn't follow through

can we get any explanation for why?

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ea2ca9  No.11042725

File: 26fe6b89b6131ff⋯.jpg (10.77 KB, 255x193, 255:193, 72b515b9b39e43341ec968a580….jpg)

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8dffea  No.11042726

File: a525a0eb8c2da40⋯.jpeg (1.09 MB, 2048x1489, 2048:1489, 54301318_8E23_4EF2_8F54_2….jpeg)

So, can anyone give me a logical explanation for this?

If the dates are correct, this is Treason/Sedition

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ac8535  No.11042727

As long as I don't have to hear Amy read her decisions out loud, I guess I'm good.

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372d04  No.11042728

>>11042615 lb

Thanks! That’s great.

He presumed, naturally, that newspapers would be honest arbiters of events! Perhaps one day (soon) the media will be forced to accept and discharge their responsibilities or become dust in the wind.

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d3baae  No.11042729

POTUS, how about a "plus, plus, plus" tonight?

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c7d11f  No.11042730

File: 97952c1773b0317⋯.png (572.57 KB, 859x572, 859:572, tx_sch.PNG)


Texas School Districts Are Ending Remote Learning – 40-70% of Students Were Failing

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0f94a4  No.11042731


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ac45e6  No.11042732

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e59a1f  No.11042733

File: 49c82d165af92bd⋯.jpg (54.18 KB, 720x548, 180:137, f8611897fc27f94aa062c4d18c….jpg)

This rally in Sanford is the big one!

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36ce5d  No.11042734

File: b15f6527db554b8⋯.png (269.03 KB, 480x320, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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bbac9e  No.11042735

File: fec1d98e464a869⋯.jpg (35.78 KB, 474x266, 237:133, mlp3.jpg)

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da863c  No.11042736

File: 9c08b0244b25da9⋯.png (42.86 KB, 753x520, 753:520, Not_Found.png)

What's up with seeing images from older 8kun thread/breads?

I get something about an invalid security certificate and then this page https://vanwanet.com/domain-not-found.html

Also what's up with

status: 400

error: Bad Request

Feeling like I'm back at twatter getting censored

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84f2b4  No.11042737


nyc would die for those stats

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fe1623  No.11042738

Afoot the Fuckery is

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486bdb  No.11042739

File: 0e17b290feeebaf⋯.png (21.44 KB, 457x291, 457:291, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 53a2e91697943ae⋯.png (9.21 KB, 684x192, 57:16, ClipboardImage.png)


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746a85  No.11042740


Please edit this set of memes, or delete them. The URL maga1776.com has been redirected to a PORN site and normies have complained. These are not suitable for distribution outside of here. Social media anons who use them risk getting their account suspended.

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38ce64  No.11042741


>base test

tweeters are still too loud

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84f2b4  No.11042742

File: 144ab75c7ce2ede⋯.png (545.63 KB, 518x607, 518:607, Screen_Shot_2020_10_12_at_….png)

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ec640b  No.11042743

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a7759c  No.11042744

File: d40b31fbcc7d642⋯.png (294.4 KB, 508x480, 127:120, pepe331.PNG)

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851306  No.11042745

File: 98a7d5c12c65be3⋯.png (433.52 KB, 699x322, 699:322, ClipboardImage.png)

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486bdb  No.11042746

File: 7e2b43f45a7e542⋯.png (269.45 KB, 360x360, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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ec942a  No.11042747

File: 1de4cb46ca8b6fd⋯.jpg (51.65 KB, 500x493, 500:493, 467457656756.jpg)

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daff87  No.11042748


Women - the destroyers of Western civilization.

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3b6df4  No.11042749

File: f292c58bc6577eb⋯.png (14.65 KB, 500x281, 500:281, ClipboardImage.png)

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2338e9  No.11042750

File: d6051c1c24e424b⋯.png (298.14 KB, 878x576, 439:288, 10_02_09_24_41.png)


>Imagine the satanic deals china has made over the decades? Supplying blood and kids and bodies and more. China is so far into the satanic shit they are so fucked

Endorsed by this gang of crooks. (pic related)

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de7ea5  No.11042751

File: 1a3e3073b97ebca⋯.jpg (68.92 KB, 827x620, 827:620, Flo_Rida.jpg)


Welcome to Flo' Rida

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f7b316  No.11042752

File: ce6635f7fc5cbba⋯.png (215.06 KB, 2282x1093, 2282:1093, ClipboardImage.png)

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c7d11f  No.11042753

File: e3a6f5fd1993333⋯.png (322.76 KB, 852x638, 426:319, no_one.PNG)


NO ONE LIKES A LIAR: Thousands Sign TGP Petition After Chris Wallace Smears Trump Supporters at Presidential Debate. Thank you!

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d66cf5  No.11042754


Yea Q. How bout a shout out from our POTUS!!! An "Air Q" would do nicely also!!! lel

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bd0838  No.11042755

File: 250f8c71ffdb6e1⋯.jpg (2.98 MB, 1920x1920, 1:1, Polish_20201012_174006470.jpg)

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ea2ca9  No.11042756

File: 999306ab175b9dd⋯.png (67.13 KB, 238x180, 119:90, ClipboardImage.png)

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8ff547  No.11042757


eyes on

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2ed9cb  No.11042759

File: 7a75da6c37acbec⋯.jpg (99.67 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 1h9epf.jpg)


More like homos

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5ddc6a  No.11042760

File: 8b02f4b75b67edf⋯.jpg (53.31 KB, 400x321, 400:321, mason_1.jpg)

File: e86216b85b416f8⋯.jpg (45.43 KB, 550x344, 275:172, mason_4.jpg)

File: b2d49d5bf798d99⋯.png (278.87 KB, 504x477, 56:53, mason_9.png)

File: 7d290cf38268f33⋯.jpg (43.78 KB, 632x472, 79:59, mason_jew.jpg)

File: a12086236637fc2⋯.jpg (21.46 KB, 310x319, 310:319, masonjewx.jpg)

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eff35f  No.11042761

File: 2121bd607b52e4b⋯.png (1.32 MB, 600x1440, 5:12, ClipboardImage.png)


got the sauce anon?

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becbe8  No.11042762

File: ac3fd905cbe0baf⋯.jpeg (108.02 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 1594251443.jpeg)


>outside of here

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84f2b4  No.11042763


where it all began.

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556d97  No.11042764


Thanks Dan.

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000000  No.11042765

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>11042664 (pb)


>>11042620 (pb)

Top Kek

>>11042621 (pb)


/The Greatest

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3c7ab2  No.11042766

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


If you haven't seen this yet you should


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ee0d4e  No.11042767

File: ed84a1fe027beef⋯.png (424.62 KB, 571x579, 571:579, Screenshot_2020_10_11_Q_Re….png)

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da863c  No.11042768


This is the page where the errors occurred https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/6787480.html#6788100

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0c25b1  No.11042769

File: eecbb9ceb56d5b5⋯.jpg (101.65 KB, 620x620, 1:1, YouNoNeedImage.jpg)


CodeMonkey will get right on it….in a few days.

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ab6216  No.11042770

File: e8a99c5c2f57f4c⋯.png (110.29 KB, 550x458, 275:229, ppp.png)


Catherine Herridge @CBS_Herridge

6:30 PM · Oct 12, 2020

SCOOP #Durham: @CBSNews obtains 94-page declassified FBI spreadsheet, widely cited by IG Horowitz, but not public until now. Recently released to Senate investigators, the FBI spreadsheet was part of a broader effort to corroborate the Steele dossier claims.


While lightly redacted, the bureau spreadsheet shows the FBI relied heavily on media reporting to back up claims about Carter Page, Paul Manafort, and others. IG Horowitz faulted the FBI over lack of corroboration + evidence of circular reporting.


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2603c5  No.11042771

File: 3ce69c8d31d30c1⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1023x671, 93:61, Capture.PNG)

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f1bf0a  No.11042772


Funny how he can remember Mitt is a Mormon but can't remember Mitt's name

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486bdb  No.11042773




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5ddc6a  No.11042774

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Masonic Bible Proves Their god is Lucifer and the Ancient Demon gods of Old

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433204  No.11042775

File: a6447bc451d3a05⋯.jpg (28.99 KB, 712x486, 356:243, 104127073_1015805908188621….jpg)


Oh Captain…

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3b6df4  No.11042776

File: ab2475ca475d27f⋯.jpg (64.47 KB, 899x278, 899:278, maamjhduysg78jubsugndex.jpg)



you're both right, kinda.

>the destroyers of Western civilization.

Homos who want to be Women.

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fc8aba  No.11042777

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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abbbd6  No.11042778


Ok Show and tell anon, what are we looking at exactly??

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b58fff  No.11042779

Just went through the live streams on yt to see what viewership is. As of a few minutes ago there are 95,000 people waiting to watch the Florida rally.

Went to the Biden live streams and I don't think they add up to 100.

This is an amazing thing we are watching.

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8dffea  No.11042780


My bad fam, I know better


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746a85  No.11042781


Oh OK. Anons don't pick up memes and take them elsewhere? Some do.

Also Q told us to spread out on many platforms. He said we have 'competition' in the social media space, and indeed it's true.

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5ddc6a  No.11042782

File: bece7ebcade19ea⋯.jpg (60.57 KB, 804x803, 804:803, baby_d.jpg)

File: a962022dc62d2c9⋯.jpg (125.99 KB, 720x663, 240:221, _03.jpg)

File: dbba1269b16e842⋯.jpg (470.9 KB, 1185x1325, 237:265, _04.jpg)

File: 4ea52d1c43cc3d7⋯.jpg (339.5 KB, 820x1446, 410:723, _05.jpg)

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c7d11f  No.11042783

File: 653e947f9123666⋯.png (492.02 KB, 862x623, 862:623, drown_out.PNG)

File: df3cd19a0ff51e1⋯.png (463.55 KB, 585x633, 195:211, drown_vid.PNG)


Trump Supporters Drown Out Sleepy Joe Biden’s Ohio Speech with Chants of “Four More Years!” (VIDEO)


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ea2ca9  No.11042784


BLM now claims to have been birthed from it

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4980e3  No.11042785

File: 7cbebab78e8c55c⋯.jpg (199.85 KB, 1526x1302, 109:93, 281.jpg)


Patriot Anons

Q team

Footnote 281 = Q drop 281

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fc8aba  No.11042786

The Boss has landed

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84f2b4  No.11042787

File: 5d383f6f1e8c520⋯.png (254.11 KB, 749x358, 749:358, Screen_Shot_2020_10_12_at_….png)

shark music intensifies

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f85c86  No.11042788

File: 05d2789e88f1002⋯.png (455.43 KB, 747x873, 83:97, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 149642fe4a27ec0⋯.png (545.98 KB, 740x846, 370:423, ClipboardImage.png)

Proof that Joe Biden's family OWNED SLAVES

The Left has become all too comfortable in this current culture of cancel. The entire country should be cancelled for its history with slavery. The founders should be cancelled. Rip all their statues down! Change the names of buildings and signs! And don't get them started on Mount Rushmore.

And this bleeds over into one's personal history. Redemption means nothing to them. A pivot point, life changing, switch in thinking or behavior… counts for nothing. This means a tweet someone might have sent when they were a child is worthy of cancellation.

But it's funny how none of this applies when it's one of their own. Governor Northam had a photo of him in either black face or a Klan outfit. Why wasn't he cancelled? Jimmy Kimmel used to think black face was hilarious. His Karl Malone segment was a staple of his show. Why wasn't he held accountable to the standard they held Megyn Kelly? Who, by the way, merely made a comment about people that dress in black face to honor someone they admire. She was cancelled, but Kimmel, who dressed in black face in segment after segment after segment — to MAKE FUN of a black man — never took a hit.

Joe Biden is another great example. Here's a man that worked with segregationists, but is somehow exempt of cancellation. His crime bill was the exact opposite of what the Left is now proposing. How many black Americans were sent to prison because of that law? Again I ask… why is he exempt? How can Joe Biden look black people in the face and tell them they aren't really black if they don't vote for him? Would Donald Trump be allowed to say that?!

Maybe Biden's immune from the Left's cancel rage due to his "strong" family background. The left went after Trump's family history, and viciously knocked his roots. The New York Times went after the families business dealings, going all the way back to his father. The media has gone after his children, despite no criminal activity -which we can't say the same for Hunter - and the attacks even include the president's youngest child, Barron. I even remember John Oliver going after Trump's ancestral name. The "Make Donald Drumpf Again" episode broke records in viewership at HBO. Going back into a candidate's or politician's ancestral tree is clearly important to them.

So I guess that's why Joe Biden is so insulated. A lot of people have looked into Biden's family tree, focusing primarily on his mother's side of the family. Good hard working Irish ancestry! "Lunch Box Joe" who comes from a long line of blue collar coal miners. But what about Biden's FATHER'S ancestral line? Why has no one looked there? Wouldn't it be good to further build that blue collar "lunchbox Joe" image? And Biden's very proud of that part of his family. It's where his middle name comes from. Joe ROBINETTE Biden.





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800d41  No.11042789

>>11042567 (lb)

Benghazi Whistleblower explains what is Coming!


> osama was a trophy kill for optics (election)

> hillary selling weapons

> seal team 6 killed by hillary's weapons..

> has evidence..

> hillary toast

> biden toast

> CIA toast

> given all evidence to a SENATOR (would not name)


worth the 15minutes..

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ee0d4e  No.11042790

File: e0769d2cd40399a⋯.gif (474.54 KB, 215x194, 215:194, 1602236313619.gif)

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d6a150  No.11042791

File: 17f0d4a1c4e28ed⋯.png (229.35 KB, 654x767, 654:767, 17f0d4a1c4e28ed074f34b082a….png)


wait what


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1ad06e  No.11042792


Pretty much a 99% chance this is a LARP now.

Same playbook as all the others that have come before.

Wake me up when some actual sauce gets released.

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a0fdd7  No.11042793



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2f2ec8  No.11042794

File: 462cb2b2bbafae8⋯.jpg (107.57 KB, 980x653, 980:653, lemmy.jpg)


>While lightly redacted, the bureau spreadsheet shows the FBI relied heavily on media reporting to back up claims about Carter Page, Paul Manafort, and others. IG Horowitz faulted the FBI over lack of corroboration + evidence of circular reporting.

Damn their like comms niggers.

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bbac9e  No.11042795

File: 64c402eb0010eaf⋯.png (954.37 KB, 1280x1032, 160:129, FGM.png)


Are you a muslim?

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91f09d  No.11042796

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800d41  No.11042797

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>11042789 (me)

forgot link to video:


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3f14d3  No.11042798


That did cross my mind, yes. I lived on the other side of Sanford, which was just as much a dump as the Martin/Zimmerman side. Sanford sucks, lol. I was sooooooo glad to have been able to move over to Volusia after suffering in that shithole for years.

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fe1623  No.11042799

Shockwaves Take my Breath Away

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2603c5  No.11042800

File: 004192df45c2e7b⋯.png (413.98 KB, 529x641, 529:641, chuckcheked.PNG)

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987aeb  No.11042801

File: 59f9e8d270b9bc6⋯.jpg (27.65 KB, 537x399, 179:133, 0000001e.jpg)

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000000  No.11042802

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2f4ab5  No.11042803

File: 06e5d9ab7f98203⋯.png (59.36 KB, 1928x338, 964:169, ClipboardImage.png)


It's because you are on mobile, noticed issues with dates and mobile long ago. All sites are crap with mobile.

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546eb3  No.11042804


Gatekeeper: _A199^-_%15.5TRxx_Accept


3.995MHz Lower sideband (night)


HITL (10)

:[0]: -21

2 week operational window Conf_

Press conferences.

Emails, Docs, videos, audio, pics, etc.

[HRC] ShadowNet/Servers: -ACCESS GRANTED-

Russia/China +

Technology transfer.

Hypersonic/Stealth tech + (Classified TS at the highest levels)

Tarmac videos: WJC, HRC and LL.

Very treasonous.


Warrants issued.

ATW > War Criminal Watch.

Suspects allowed to flee. [Temporary]


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becbe8  No.11042805

File: 4e83f33bf05cb98⋯.jpeg (50.24 KB, 936x486, 52:27, 1582942359.jpeg)

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2ed9cb  No.11042806

File: 9bdaa3f881adb4f⋯.jpg (597.3 KB, 1600x1098, 800:549, Look_closely.jpg)


It's ma'am

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da1a12  No.11042807



he was a good kid. Just eatin skittles. He dindu nuffin.

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1d4368  No.11042808


dude was low key and sincere and pissed !

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bbac9e  No.11042809

File: 92531c826d797d5⋯.png (421.16 KB, 639x356, 639:356, ClipboardImage.png)

POTUS Arrives ….

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f1bf0a  No.11042810



Take all the despots there have been in the world past and present and they still wouldn't equal the destructive power of Women.

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022efe  No.11042811



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c7d11f  No.11042812

File: e3c0af3abe74c3e⋯.png (57.78 KB, 623x445, 7:5, about_that.PNG)


About that so-called 'security guard' who gunned down a Trump supporter in Denver

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a90c3b  No.11042813

File: eb92c6453433bfc⋯.jpg (3.57 MB, 4668x1652, 1167:413, usa101.jpg)


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da9726  No.11042814

You don't want to miss this rally,

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6d2a7b  No.11042815

File: 5095ed9f90c78c4⋯.png (489.08 KB, 480x561, 160:187, ClipboardImage.png)

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3b6df4  No.11042816

File: 95bcba11ff9770c⋯.jpg (50.77 KB, 350x527, 350:527, hcihgsdi_ugf_48926y3.jpg)


>[HRC] ShadowNet/Servers: -ACCESS GRANTED-

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0c25b1  No.11042817

File: b7b023bc8267d48⋯.jpg (116.14 KB, 800x532, 200:133, TempleGarments.jpg)

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becbe8  No.11042818

File: 0a8f66a3e1551ef⋯.png (641.19 KB, 1080x1234, 540:617, Memeto_1602242525080.png)

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2ed9cb  No.11042819


You're gay, we get it

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8dffea  No.11042820

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ee97fd  No.11042821

File: f3520d145036095⋯.png (2.37 MB, 1400x935, 280:187, POTUSFLOTUSbike_McN.png)

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ee0d4e  No.11042822



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ac45e6  No.11042823


I like the cut of this post's jib

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96c379  No.11042824


nice coaster!

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b58fff  No.11042825

File: 1625361eb4e11f5⋯.png (921.88 KB, 2666x1598, 1333:799, Screenshot_2020_10_12_1844….png)

Look at this poll on the differences between conservative and democrat men and women. Looks like the dems have scared the shit out of their base, big time.

You couldn't make this shit up.

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180dd1  No.11042826

File: 9e2a71ce67cd016⋯.jpg (458.38 KB, 1824x1212, 152:101, Armor_of_God.jpg)

I thought I had it all figured out a long time ago..

I thought I was awake for a long time. I've been behind my helm since William Cooper and BBS USENET Days but, I've never really grasped the scale of control (((they))) had.

The entire world, every country, it has all been under "control" for a very very very long time.

Names change…

Realizing that the PYRAMID we have all seen is so GLOBALLY defined has just struck me, a quickening!

Just wow!

BIBLICAL… And I am sure I have not even yet wrapped my Noodle around it all.

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8e3093  No.11042827

The three biggest lies of science

1. "The Big Bang Theory"

Science wants to convince you that the entire universe, everything, came from nothing. This is obviously an incoherent idea. By definition, something can't come from "nothing", otherwise you have to throw out all of science. All of science is predicated on cause and effect, and "nothing", by definition, can't cause "something".

2. Neo-Darwinian Evolution

The modern, neo-Darwinian theory of evolution states that all of life comes from non-life. This is predicated on the idea that proteins (not to mention DNA), "evolved" from a slew of base materials. The problem with this is that there is no mechanism to cause this to happen. By random chance, it would be almost impossible (less than 1 in 10 to the 40th chance) for a single protein, much less all of the proteins, to begin to exist. This is impossible.

Furthermore, DNA is the most complicated computer program ever. So complicated that it's self-replicating, self-healing, and self-propegating. More complicated than any computer program written. If I told you the computer you're on right now came about by random chance, you'd laugh, yet that is the exact story, with no evidence, for DNA.

3. The Copernican Principle

This is the grand-daddy of them all. The "Copernican principle" is a theory of astrophysics that states that no where in the universe is special. That we are on a random rock in a random solar system in a random galaxy in a random spot in the universe. This is a basic assumption, not something that is borne out by the evidence. What evidence? Well let's go with three experiments that demonstrate that the earth almost certainly isn't moving.

First, the Michelson-Morely, and Michelson-Gale-Pearson experiments. These are interferometer experiments that seek to detect motion of the earth through the aether. Specifically, the Michelson-Morley experiment showed that the earth is not translating around the sun at the requisite speed for the earth to be revolving around the sun, as demanded by the heliocentric (Copernican principle) worldview. In contrast, the Michelson-Gale-Pearson experiment was done to detect the revolution of the earth. This experiment, was positive. So we have 2 experiments: Michelson-Morely showing that the earth is not revolving, and the Michelson-Gale-Pearson experiment showing the earth is rotating. If the earth was only rotating, however, there would be no seasons, so the earth cannot be rotating, and by the Michelson-Morley experiment the earth is not moving. Thus the conclusion to be drawn is that the universe is in fact rotating around the earth, with the earth at the center.

The second experiment is known as "Airy's Failure". In this experiment, Airy setup 2 telescopes, both pointing at a single star. One telescope was filled with air, and the other filled with water. The theory is that since the earth is moving (according to the heliocentrists), if both telescopes are focused in the same way on the same star, then one of them will not see the star whereas the other will. Why? Because due to the motion of the earth and the different refraction properties of air and water, the focus would be out for one of the telescopes. This experiment showed that both telescopes were focused on the star, indicating the earth is not moving, and geocentrism is true.

A third series of experiments are the COBE, WMAP, and Planck missions. Each of these missions set out to map the cosmic microwave background radiation of space (one after another, to confirm the results, since they were unbelievable). In all cases, the mapping found that there was a distinct symmetry of the background radiation centered around the earth, leading to Michigan researchers to dub this symmetry the "axis of evil", and jewish atheist physicist Lawrence Krauss to opine that it made it look like the earth is the center of the universe.

If you believe that the government is lying to you, why do you trust the scientists?

I didn't even bother mentioning climate change, which everyone knows (www.realclimatescience.com) is a hoax.

Do your own research. Trust no one. You have more than you know.

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f9a4be  No.11042828

File: 682d40a5d627b23⋯.jpg (124.07 KB, 640x961, 640:961, 1602507950.jpg)

Ultra soi Karen

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8dffea  No.11042829


Thank you anon, o7

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d6a150  No.11042830



footnote 281 -> q frop 281 -> fisa declass will bring the house down

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84f2b4  No.11042831


weird how towns that were once something wind up being nothing. makes one wonder why.

there's a little town on the west coast that purportedly used to be home of the KKK. Now it's a traffic light and some condos.

north there is a place that was supposed for years to be home of Vandercar, the "warlock."

Florida Man, indeed.

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46242b  No.11042832


>forgot link to video:

Lock them all up!

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6f01ad  No.11042833

File: 6b539c8bac3ef9e⋯.jpg (16.91 KB, 320x195, 64:39, superrrr_gay.jpg)

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38ce64  No.11042834

File: f3f40ac673c0b5b⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1095x835, 219:167, ClipboardImage.png)

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746a85  No.11042835


>3.995MHz Lower sideband (night)

80 meter ham band, top of the voice segment.

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9949b0  No.11042836

File: 0bed15c277742d8⋯.gif (645.54 KB, 500x281, 500:281, dfc01ede3f5a6fd48a04d0d0d6….gif)


Post ass with sharpie

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91f09d  No.11042837



>POTUS, how about a "plus, plus, plus" tonight?

I'll give that thirdsies. Would be fun.

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2f2ec8  No.11042838


Boots make the outfit.

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987aeb  No.11042839

File: 5bcd55c7991ca78⋯.jpg (30.01 KB, 828x418, 414:209, 0000001f.jpg)

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ec942a  No.11042840

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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6f01ad  No.11042841

File: 320d2a8a4626724⋯.jpg (13 KB, 270x350, 27:35, freddy_comms.jpg)

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66e33e  No.11042842

File: 3c4289fa8540ebf⋯.png (81.75 KB, 205x135, 41:27, screenshot_www_youtube_com….png)


Gotts Dragon?


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c7d11f  No.11042843

File: 276671d4560971d⋯.png (15.04 KB, 1212x156, 101:13, of_the_year.PNG)


After supporting coronavirus lockdowns for months, the WHO just made the reversal of the year

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f1bf0a  No.11042844


I'm surprised Biden didn't thank them "Why thank you. I hope I get another 4 more years as Senator as well." kek

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ee0d4e  No.11042845




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ea2ca9  No.11042846


yea, like the broad in Louisville was america's sweetheart ; same story line

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1b211b  No.11042847

File: 963bac375ba36a1⋯.jpg (218.65 KB, 728x469, 104:67, memelikeafrenchgirl.jpg)

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3b871a  No.11042848


Interesting times…

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77fd7f  No.11042849

My President is the fuckin best thing ever happenin in my 60 years!

He's way cooler than hippies, Timothy Leary acid and groovy mountain communes!

Hubbie, kids and grandkids are cool, but GEOTUS is the bomb!

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f85c86  No.11042850

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

AGRICULTURAL TERROR: New Zealand Blocks Farmworkers, Leaves Crops to Rot

Attacks on our food supply continue at all levels: New Zealand has blocked farmworkers from entering, leaving crops to rot. Biden advocates mandatory COVID19 testing for farms, processing plants, and grocery stores, ensuring more shutdown of the food supply. Vandals hang bolts from corn, ruining thousands of acres of silage and potentially killing thousands of cattle in a “willful, specific act to harm livestock.” A massive — and full — grain elevator in Marengo has burned to the ground.

Christian breaks down the latest sabotage on our food supply chain.


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2f2ec8  No.11042851

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3f14d3  No.11042852


ironic thing though is when Zimmerman was acquitted, Sanford itself was quiet. No mass protesting or rioting. Seminole County and Sanford had a huge show of force and everyone backed down when they saw they meant business.

In Daytona, the police chief doesn't fuck around and he had hundreds of state troopers complete with paddy wagons ready to throw them in jail for an extended period of time. Within a few hours the wailing and screaming stopped, everyone went home, and then…..nothing more.

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bbac9e  No.11042853


Don't encourage him/her/it.

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7f1522  No.11042854

File: a2f778a53275408⋯.png (388.57 KB, 590x598, 295:299, Screenshot_2020_10_12_L_on….png)

Augmented reality eyeglasses?


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cb7311  No.11042855

File: 20846668a58f1dd⋯.png (2.34 MB, 2205x1240, 441:248, Mileyfaroundfindout.png)

The U.S. government’s official position on the drawdown of troops in Afghanistan is now completely FUBAR.

Most recently, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff reiterated that troop withdrawals from Afghanistan will be based on conditions on the ground, even though President Donald Trump has tweeted that all U.S. service members in Afghanistan should be home by Christmas.

“I default back to we have a plan,” Army Gen. Mark Milley told National Public Radio in an interview that aired on Monday. “It's a conditions-based plan, and right now, the only number that's publicly out there that I am aware of in terms of any sort of official number is 4,500 in the not-too-distant future by November. And that's the plan.”

But Milley’s comments appear to contradict both Trump and National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien, who said on Oct. 7 that the U.S. should be down to 2,500 troops in Afghanistan by early next year.

That same day, Trump went even further by tweeting: "We should have the small remaining number of our BRAVE Men and Women serving in Afghanistan home by Christmas!"


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ec942a  No.11042856

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372d04  No.11042857


Concur 100%. The challenge is to bring about the collapse of the CCP with the minimum of collateral damage to the ordinary people. That won’t be easy.

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da1a12  No.11042858


That bitch was the ringleader.

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486bdb  No.11042859

File: 01e8ff962cc8cbf⋯.png (21.39 KB, 607x191, 607:191, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 41a9bf04c04a929⋯.png (361.78 KB, 636x542, 318:271, ClipboardImage.png)







live trump stream just said WWG1WGA

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797a81  No.11042860

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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a7759c  No.11042861

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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2ed9cb  No.11042862



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1ad06e  No.11042863


Meta data that could be anything that's already been seen before.

Hype off the charts - sauce non-existent.

Still a LARP until proven otherwise.

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987aeb  No.11042864

File: 2ce03bd56bfff98⋯.jpg (55.57 KB, 828x538, 414:269, 01g.jpg)

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91f09d  No.11042865

File: 4cce3d26d1a44a5⋯.gif (4.53 MB, 498x390, 83:65, BA0B087B_A7E5_4714_B10F_5E….gif)



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bbac9e  No.11042866


If a real Anon copies something interesting of the namefag, notable that.

This way you get a lot less namefags.

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881d35  No.11042867

File: 6812fa9d4b47e35⋯.mp4 (11.65 MB, 720x480, 3:2, biden_refuses_to_answer_10….MP4)

Biden says Americans have no right to know if he's going to pack the Supreme Court to counter Conservative Justices appointed by President Trump.


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abbbd6  No.11042868


This statement is as bad as saying all white men are bad, maybe you have never met a real woman.

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da9726  No.11042869

File: 0de079e2e16f4b7⋯.png (796.7 KB, 1439x1949, 1439:1949, Capture_2020_10_12_17_49_5….png)


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9949b0  No.11042870

File: e09ed41ab388183⋯.jpg (67.7 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1565238633563.jpg)


You know, I never click on that bideo so it just looks like a VEVO advertisement for Alanis Morsette.

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f85c86  No.11042871

File: b692852b1812d39⋯.png (449.2 KB, 553x530, 553:530, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7c61993d6169cd3⋯.png (90.03 KB, 773x581, 773:581, ClipboardImage.png)

World Health Organization Wrecks the Democrats' Narrative on COVID-19 Lockdowns

Perhaps the World Health Organization (WHO) can help settle the insane political argument over lockdowns in the United States. Lockdowns have become highly partisan rather than something based on data and information. The world has seven months of experience with COVID-19 now, and a few facts have become more than clear.

According to the CDC’s Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) calculations, COVID-19 is rarely fatal to those under 19. In fact, IFR for those under 50 is lower than that of the seasonal flu. These calculations were made based on early data from Europe, and treatment has improved. Additionally, U.S. hospitals have never been overwhelmed, nor has any American ever been denied treatment.

At the beginning of the outbreak, this strain on resources was a primary concern. Since then, we have increased the supply of ventilators, personal protective equipment, and other needed supplies. The health system has demonstrated the ability to surge resources where they are needed quickly. Several therapeutics are also helping people survive and recover more quickly.

In light of this, the World Health Organization has a message for world leaders: Stop using lockdowns as a primary control for the pandemic. Like President Trump, they note the health and economic costs of lockdowns, especially in a global economy:

Dr. Nabarro says specifically, “I want to say it again, we in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as a primary means of control of this virus.” The only time the agency recommends one is for a short period to reorganize or redeploy resources to areas with needs. This matches the Trump administration’s initial “15 Days to Slow the Spread” message. Somehow that became “Lockdown Until the Virus Disappears,” and we have entire states on the 210th day of that project.

Nabarro goes on to talk about how some of the poorest regions are being impacted. Without tourism, many workers in the Caribbean and some areas of the Pacific lose all income. Small farmers globally are suffering, and the WHO estimates we could double the global poverty rate — reversing stunning improvements over the last ten years. He estimates a similar doubling of child malnutrition because of school cancellations where kids get at least one meal.

He closed by saying, “And we really do appeal to all world leaders, stop using lockdown as your primary control method. Develop better systems for doing it. Work together, learn from each other, but remember lockdowns just have one consequence that you must never, ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer.”


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36ce5d  No.11042872


yo this is gonna be meme paradise

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372d04  No.11042873


In other words: proper policing.

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84f2b4  No.11042874


the "big bang theory" does not purport that the universe came from nothing - that's the point, because it demand an explanation for where "it" came from.

and that is the reason the theory was derisively labeled "big bang" - because it countered the pet narrative of natural causes.

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38ce64  No.11042875

im listening to tiger army while waiting for POTUS and i gotta say he should maybe squeeze in a tiger army song into his pre rally music rotation

goes well with the vibe

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c7d11f  No.11042876

File: a483418593022b9⋯.png (16.45 KB, 875x246, 875:246, blaxk_trump_vote.PNG)


The Black Trump Vote

Dr. Benjamin Wiker

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daff87  No.11042877


Looks like one of the villains from Kingdom Hearts.

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2f2ec8  No.11042878



Anyone else verify?

If so sure.

Why not.

The state of this place.


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46242b  No.11042880


>Benghazi Whistleblower explains what is Coming!


> osama was a trophy kill for optics (election)

> hillary selling weapons

> seal team 6 killed by hillary's weapons..

> has evidence..

> hillary toast

> biden toast

> CIA toast

>given all evidence to a SENATOR (would not name)

AND goat raper Brennan was all up in the middle of it all!

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d6875a  No.11042881


80% true in my experience. the other 20% of women don't like those women.

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73cc75  No.11042882

File: 10152450e6fe2b0⋯.png (156 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 12656e0d8a24c6414007327d07….png)

File: fa151e2e4ede404⋯.png (125.56 KB, 255x255, 1:1, f487b87107a024deedc19a4b2e….png)

File: e8dbd2de46315e1⋯.png (141.93 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 1cfdfdc0677f0667604cf4fcac….png)

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242235  No.11042883


He needs you to buy more susucoin first.

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84f2b4  No.11042884


Right on time.

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1d4368  No.11042885


a global coalition of those harmed by wuhan flu could help bring it about

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ea2ca9  No.11042886

File: c27c6a98eabca2f⋯.jpeg (7.69 KB, 255x148, 255:148, 145f2b37f4f2c9e1f8ab5cc5c….jpeg)


Geraldo and hannity disagree…. kek

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8dffea  No.11042887


>Still a LARP until proven otherwise.

Care to research it some yourself or nah?

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714383  No.11042888

Where can I see the plot against the president without signing up for a subscription service?

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6f01ad  No.11042889

File: f078421f33e9870⋯.jpg (13.84 KB, 474x266, 237:133, crazy_eyes2.jpg)

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2ed9cb  No.11042890

File: f0c67252a4b6d0e⋯.jpg (54.47 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, show_azusa_the_money.jpg)

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746a85  No.11042891

>>11042845 It's fine. Notable him.

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ea2ca9  No.11042892


Carly Simon is in Aerosmith?

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2f2ec8  No.11042893


>You know, I never click on that bideo so it just looks like a VEVO advertisement for Alanis Morsette.

Then how do you know to make that argument you stupid fuck.

Like I say

EZ as shooting trannies in a barrel.

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6d2a7b  No.11042894

File: 7c63b551efe107e⋯.png (338.72 KB, 480x354, 80:59, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dfc989d200ee054⋯.png (231.71 KB, 384x259, 384:259, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 583ba64cb5630a1⋯.png (734.34 KB, 576x431, 576:431, ClipboardImage.png)

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ee0d4e  No.11042895


great idea, someone copy and repost namefag graphic and I'll add it

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becbe8  No.11042896

File: 865abc02068e11a⋯.jpeg (170.63 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 1591813069.jpeg)


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e59a1f  No.11042897

File: 88dd9b96da0645f⋯.png (28.38 KB, 500x246, 250:123, get_ready_for_a_surprise_s….png)

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ec942a  No.11042898

File: e423d1d1b995117⋯.jpeg (165.45 KB, 600x600, 1:1, e423d1d1b99511787c09aa643….jpeg)


21 daze

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c7d11f  No.11042899

File: e4071339f366994⋯.png (25.51 KB, 977x131, 977:131, out_of_hand.PNG)



'The Left has gotten out of hand': Mom of Navy vet, 49, shot dead in front of his son during Denver 'Patriot Muster' rally blasts unlicensed Pinkerton security guard killer

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25d7ef  No.11042900

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35191a  No.11042901

File: bf634c2d3c05a13⋯.png (908.45 KB, 931x686, 19:14, hry44.png)


Make it so

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10fa68  No.11042902

File: b32b0a25b4dbee8⋯.jpg (96.47 KB, 373x456, 373:456, Thomas_Paine_We_serve_no_c….jpg)

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851306  No.11042903

File: 141e5db0a496e5f⋯.png (636.4 KB, 591x862, 591:862, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d6eb0764c5369ed⋯.png (609.75 KB, 599x1987, 599:1987, ClipboardImage.png)

US Forces hit Taliban with airstrikes in Helmand

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ab6216  No.11042904

File: 68a2d4c8669560e⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1526x1302, 109:93, 281sharpie.png)



lines up with the sharpie too (perpendicular)

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84f2b4  No.11042905

File: 87bb775d28fefd4⋯.png (241.81 KB, 468x296, 117:74, Screen_Shot_2020_10_12_at_….png)

hey gurl

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91f09d  No.11042906

File: 0d59dbd037249ba⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1598x895, 1598:895, ClipboardImage.png)


Dude just amplified you by respond. Learn to be called a fag. You'll live longer.

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2f2ec8  No.11042907


Triggered much

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d6a150  No.11042908



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282e2e  No.11042909


This goes nowhere. Just seems like a campaign stunt.

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3b6df4  No.11042910

File: a301c7175adae78⋯.png (24.67 KB, 377x33, 377:33, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4737e75d9d878a6⋯.png (363.79 KB, 1068x398, 534:199, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9c990ee896184a0⋯.png (236.71 KB, 374x544, 11:16, ClipboardImage.png)



A Clean House is Important



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e59a1f  No.11042911


Great job on the Doctor Sleep one. I posted the original earlier.

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000000  No.11042912

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

84,388 watching now

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5979e1  No.11042913


ThanQ baker.

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abbbd6  No.11042914


lol, guess no other anons got that one….

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bbac9e  No.11042915

File: 85c50276fdf6b49⋯.png (489.38 KB, 643x358, 643:358, ClipboardImage.png)

Looks like a BIG CROWD!

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ea2ca9  No.11042916


and then along came a guy named Trump….and everyone's decision making seems to make no sense anymore ; hmmmmmm

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73cc75  No.11042917

File: fad3a13475d2852⋯.png (1.72 MB, 768x1024, 3:4, 73bcf65a4c4496d95f825c8f34….png)

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000000  No.11042918


Good job Dan!

Say Hi to POTUS from me



Proclamation on Columbus Day, 2020

Issued on: October 9, 2020

More than 500 years ago, Christopher Columbus’s intrepid voyage to the New World ushered in a new era of exploration and discovery. His travels led to European contact with the Americas and, a century later, the first settlements on the shores of the modern day United States. Today, we celebrate Columbus Day to commemorate the great Italian who opened a new chapter in world history and to appreciate his enduring significance to the Western Hemisphere.

When Christopher Columbus and his crew sailed across the Atlantic Ocean on the Niña, Pinta, and Santa María it marked the beginning of a new era in human history. For Italian Americans, Christopher Columbus represents one of the first of many immeasurable contributions of Italy to American history. As a native of Genoa, Columbus inspired early immigrants to carry forth their rich Italian heritage to the New World. Today, the United States benefits from the warmth and generosity of nearly 17 million Italian Americans, whose love of family and country strengthen the fabric of our Nation. For our beautiful Italian American communities — and Americans of every background –Columbus remains a legendary figure.

Sadly, in recent years, radical activists have sought to undermine Christopher Columbus’s legacy. These extremists seek to replace discussion of his vast contributions with talk of failings, his discoveries with atrocities, and his achievements with transgressions. Rather than learn from our history, this radical ideology and its adherents seek to revise it, deprive it of any splendor, and mark it as inherently sinister. They seek to squash any dissent from their orthodoxy. We must not give in to these tactics or consent to such a bleak view of our history. We must teach future generations about our storied heritage, starting with the protection of monuments to our intrepid heroes like Columbus. This June, I signed an Executive Order to ensure that any person or group destroying or vandalizing a Federal monument, memorial, or statue is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

I have also taken steps to ensure that we preserve our Nation’s history and promote patriotic education. In July, I signed another Executive Order to build and rebuild monuments to iconic American figures in a National Garden of American Heroes. In September, I announced the creation of the 1776 Commission, which will encourage our educators to teach our children about the miracle of American history and honor our founding. In addition, last month I signed an Executive Order to root out the teaching of racially divisive concepts from the Federal workplace, many of which are grounded in the same type of revisionist history that is trying to erase Christopher Columbus from our national heritage. Together, we must safeguard our history and stop this new wave of iconoclasm by standing against those who spread hate and division.

On this Columbus Day, we embrace the same optimism that led Christopher Columbus to discover the New World. We inherit that optimism, along with the legacy of American heroes who blazed the trails, settled a continent, tamed the wilderness, and built the single-greatest nation the world has ever seen.

In commemoration of Christopher Columbus’s historic voyage, the Congress, by joint resolution of April 30, 1934, modified in 1968 (36 U.S.C. 107), has requested the President proclaim the second Monday of October of each year as “Columbus Day.”

NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim October 12, 2020, as Columbus Day. I call upon the people of the United States to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities. I also direct that the flag of the United States be displayed on all public buildings on the appointed day in honor of our diverse history and all who have contributed to shaping this Nation.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ninth day of October, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-fifth.





[C] before [D]

Columbus Day

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2ed9cb  No.11042919

File: 9a80d562f6d5323⋯.gif (1.69 MB, 480x258, 80:43, 05b7662a4a376c163adff641c5….gif)

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f1bf0a  No.11042920

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Hmm, that channel just had an ad for iTargetPro 5 minutes ago. I didn't know they had something like that.

@0:19 The red light coming out of the barrel looks like what some anons noticed coming from the Denver shooter's gun

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2603c5  No.11042921

File: ec29f43b6b646a7⋯.png (683.31 KB, 724x498, 362:249, ClipboardImage.png)

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c7d11f  No.11042922

File: 102065555c14d0c⋯.png (344.55 KB, 672x509, 672:509, chucky.PNG)


Schumer: ‘We Would Certainly Be in the Constitutional Right’ to Pack Court

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3f14d3  No.11042923


Star Trek version of "It's a Wonderful Life".

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1ff4b8  No.11042925

>>11042733 Foxx turned out to be a mega bastard.

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b58fff  No.11042926

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I capped it off this Tim Pool video

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da9726  No.11042927



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2ed9cb  No.11042928

File: f9db6a714f84a76⋯.jpg (30.24 KB, 960x960, 1:1, florg.jpg)


That's the lyric to the song

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ec942a  No.11042929


fuckin comms niggers

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84f2b4  No.11042930

crikey that airport can't be too small

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77fd7f  No.11042931



World Health Organization.

You just arrive on our planet, moran?

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881d35  No.11042932

Liberal / Socialist / Communist - Believe in Science / God is the Government

Conservative / Libertarian - Use Science as your bitch / Love God

It's pretty simple.

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da9726  No.11042933

Phantom of the Opera being played at the rally right nowm

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9949b0  No.11042934

File: 9b40f6df144d795⋯.gif (3.64 MB, 600x338, 300:169, 9b40f6df144d795c31aa9a56f9….gif)




It creates a thumbnail of your bideo?

Holy shit, imagine being this dense.

Really wish you were smarter and had more wit..

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3d984e  No.11042935

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ee0d4e  No.11042936


>>11042922 Schumer: ‘We Would Certainly Be in the Constitutional Right’ to Pack Court

>>11042918 Proclamation on Columbus Day, 2020

>>11042904 281- lines up with the sharpie too (perpendicular)

>>11042903 US Forces hit Taliban with airstrikes in Helmand

>>11042871 World Health Organization Wrecks the Democrats' Narrative on COVID-19 Lockdowns

>>11042642 LIVE FEED of Trump rally without the annoying begging & screeching over the music.

>>11042659 Notable Graphcs

>>11042665 Follow the Pen

>>11042675 SCOOP #Durham:

>>11042670 A technical glitch at a voting supersite, hours-long lines, and a last-minute court ruling marked the start of in-person early voting in Georgia.

>>11042687 Hillary Auditions for SecDef in 5000-Word Pro-Biden Article Which Admits Massive Defense Jobs Cuts Plan

>>11042710 Supporters Line Up as Far as the Eye Can See in Sweltering Heat For President Trump’s Comeback Rally

>>11042753 Thousands Sign TGP Petition After Chris Wallace Smears Trump Supporters at Presidential Debate. Thank you!

>>11042783 Trump Supporters Drown Out Sleepy Joe Biden’s Ohio Speech with Chants of “Four More Years!”

>>11042812 About that so-called 'security guard' who gunned down a Trump supporter in Denver

>>11042843 After supporting coronavirus lockdowns for months, the WHO just made the reversal of the year

>>11042854 Augmented reality eyeglasses?

>>11042867 Biden says Americans have no right to know if he's going to pack the Supreme Court to counter Conservative Justices appointed by President Trump.

>>11042849 INTL

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370f41  No.11042937

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

MASSIVE rally in Sanford !!!

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36ce5d  No.11042938

File: 4b72cdfc31b5e3f⋯.png (361.25 KB, 590x421, 590:421, ClipboardImage.png)


>US Forces hit Taliban with airstrikes in Helmand

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797fd4  No.11042939

File: d622bc72e2bebd3⋯.jpg (153.09 KB, 425x282, 425:282, this_is_CNN.jpg)

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180dd1  No.11042940

File: 1394309a0641768⋯.jpg (150.94 KB, 364x501, 364:501, bendy_reality_quantum_spac….jpg)


Don't get me started on Quantum Superposition and God Particle chaos into time/space or I'll never shut up!

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759cdb  No.11042941

[Insert Youtube Video]

[Insert Riddle #1]

[Insert pointless article]

[Insert Riddle #2]

[Insert Riddle #3]

[Insert some false prophecy]

[Insert some repeat catchphrase]

Don't believe everything you read

Nothing can stop what's coming.

Think Mirror.

Use Discernment.



Let's See What Happens.

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c7d11f  No.11042942

File: 7d9cf64fab27b5a⋯.png (491.5 KB, 912x680, 114:85, not_give.PNG)



Schumer Says Democrats Will Try To Block Barrett Confirmation By Not Giving Republicans Quorum

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da1a12  No.11042943


Yeah right….Good girls do not go from one hard core criminal to another if they are good. They love it and push for more money and things. Still rumors that she took the first shot. We will see.

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ec942a  No.11042944



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2ed9cb  No.11042945

File: f218510f539359d⋯.jpg (299.98 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, L_E.jpg)

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91f09d  No.11042946

File: df6750183f36469⋯.jpg (34.77 KB, 474x470, 237:235, OIP.jpg)



Why did you do this to me? I can't unsee this you know.

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022efe  No.11042947

i wonder if the switch will happen in the next 3 weeks? thats really late , but i guess its possible with this shit show of a Dem party.

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7f1522  No.11042948

File: dc5f246f1d70c10⋯.png (212.89 KB, 612x602, 306:301, Screenshot_2020_10_12_KSL_….png)


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2f8a9b  No.11042949



That only encourages them to do it.

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da9726  No.11042950


Better late than never.

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180dd1  No.11042951

File: ba3411a84be79c5⋯.mp4 (596.01 KB, 480x270, 16:9, Daily_affirmations.mp4)

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501880  No.11042952


We have always been at war with Eastasia.

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35191a  No.11042953

File: 00a395f9383d239⋯.jpg (162.21 KB, 1025x924, 1025:924, 3536.jpg)


comms niggers will always nigga


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6d2a7b  No.11042954

File: d42a40125fee41b⋯.png (719.43 KB, 960x488, 120:61, brennan_goat_ded.png)


>AND goat raper Brennan

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696b2b  No.11042955

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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ea2ca9  No.11042956



good work…..anon….(wink)

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6f01ad  No.11042957

File: 58b7fc1569ffc76⋯.jpg (297.37 KB, 600x420, 10:7, mayo_comercial_zorak.jpg)

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46242b  No.11042958




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f6f7ee  No.11042959


Take your meds. Apple prototype in the wild clearly labeled? No…just no

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91f09d  No.11042961

File: 9d0b4ce241b5480⋯.png (717.45 KB, 640x492, 160:123, ClipboardImage.png)


Paint me like one of your French fags.

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696b2b  No.11042962

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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c7d11f  No.11042963

File: 416ea642136852f⋯.png (61.59 KB, 622x406, 311:203, ClipboardImage.png)


9 Warning Signs of Democrat Radicalization

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e59a1f  No.11042964


99% of elite/famous people are.

It's almost a requirement.

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2f2ec8  No.11042965

>The stupid is thick here.


>I never click on that bideo so it just looks like a VEVO advertisement for Alanis Morsette.


>It creates a thumbnail of your bideo?

Anyone else see the stupid.

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486bdb  No.11042966

big daddy here

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ea2ca9  No.11042967


but they said she was a nurse? (probably to steal drugs, no doubt)

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696b2b  No.11042968

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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881d35  No.11042969



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73cc75  No.11042970

File: 33577a3d79fdb7e⋯.png (2.2 MB, 1540x866, 770:433, 28496a8bf2ad4fa33ed4978084….png)

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433204  No.11042971

File: 3624cceaaa0f145⋯.jpg (71.6 KB, 654x960, 109:160, 92341127_2849897878457969_….jpg)

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1ad06e  No.11042972


Research what?

A bunch of folks spamming shit all over the place saying they have the goods but somehow still haven't shown them.

They're the ones making the claims that they have stuff that's a Big Boom.

They need to put up or shut up.

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e59a1f  No.11042973

File: c8c710d9bf9ee2b⋯.jpg (110.97 KB, 468x551, 468:551, ZomboMeme_21072020175118.jpg)

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9949b0  No.11042974

File: 7347523e972de2f⋯.png (312.19 KB, 467x467, 1:1, 1592473699862.png)


Hey anon, know anything about Quantum Superposition and God Particle chaos?

Asking for a friend.

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10fa68  No.11042975


Nancy, will YOU, tonight, commit to stepping down as Speaker?, yes or no?

Yes, or No?

That's not what anon asked dingbat.

Yes, or No?

Chairman, Anon reclaims their time.

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bbac9e  No.11042976

File: 581e136f291a5e7⋯.jpg (108.4 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, MLP24.jpg)

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929ba8  No.11042977

File: f3991018969517c⋯.jpeg (62.62 KB, 750x497, 750:497, 22B7111A_FC81_4A19_8C20_C….jpeg)

File: 4290b8db10609b2⋯.png (21.21 KB, 610x180, 61:18, 05C9C5D1_CB3F_4707_9E20_EC….png)


Sen Grassley

11:03= Important


Post #3011

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b4c678  No.11042978


[Drop fake anti-semitic meme]

[Drop it again, the same one from three years ago]

[And again]

[Write fake MSM article claiming anons are anti-semitic]

[Repeat same article with slight variations across multiple MSM sources]

[Repeat again, and again]

[Post some bewbs]


[So far so good, we must be winning]

[Wait, what? Why is this backfiring?]

[Why is Joe failing? He was supposed to do better than this? She PROMISED!]

[Better post more anti-Jew memes. Because it didn't work the last time, so…]


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d00cd8  No.11042979


Only if they kill themselves kek. We got the wuhany remote now

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2f8a9b  No.11042980




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ec942a  No.11042981


good work - 281 lines up damn well

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696b2b  No.11042982

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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ee0d4e  No.11042983

File: 41bed9bfe9296e0⋯.png (371.51 KB, 848x495, 848:495, Screenshot_2020_10_12_Util….png)

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12a11a  No.11042984

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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84f2b4  No.11042985

File: 40a66db334a1d79⋯.png (509.71 KB, 719x462, 719:462, twin_towers_sillouette.png)


they were beautiful.

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3d007b  No.11042986

lol…Watching Golden State Times live rally coverage and the camera was on the open door of AF1 as they were trying to line up the stairs. As the guy with the mask on is working on the stairs, suddenly POTUS emerges from the closed door behind the guy, shuts the (head) door and walks quickly towards the aft of AF1. I watched it 3xs and it certainly looks like the camera just caught POTUS using the head before getting ready to "de-plane". Luv him even moar (no 'mo)! Kek.

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235302  No.11042987

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370f41  No.11042988

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Absolutely amazing crowd in Orlando. Last minute…


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c7d11f  No.11042989

File: e14d5432d902342⋯.png (33.52 KB, 1044x237, 348:79, struggle.PNG)


U.K. struggles to build support for new lockdowns as Covid-19 cases rise sharply

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da9726  No.11042990

TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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486bdb  No.11042991

File: 9b83c33fa088e4f⋯.png (4.55 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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35191a  No.11042992

File: f7c977637120813⋯.jpeg (41.83 KB, 506x510, 253:255, 3526.jpeg)


>EZ as shooting trannies in a barrel.

why would trannies be in a barrel ?

that's illogical

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696b2b  No.11042993

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

diamond and silk


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3f14d3  No.11042994


Shocked he didn't try to throw a rock.

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180dd1  No.11042995

File: 03c8477a8576c04⋯.png (267.96 KB, 627x164, 627:164, ClipboardImage.png)

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96c379  No.11042996


Good, makes sense.

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e1eb30  No.11042997

File: 96ed123f00e8825⋯.png (31.86 KB, 601x275, 601:275, makenygreatagain.png)

Fellow NY Anons. Blow this up:


Starting a twitter storm against Cuomo. Enough is enough.


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2ed9cb  No.11042998

File: 0a4715761ec25a7⋯.jpg (57.83 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, arararraraarararararar.jpg)


Look at us, we're thread buddies!

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ec942a  No.11042999

He's back baby!!!

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486bdb  No.11043000

its great to be back!

we missed you

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372d04  No.11043001


I don’t see a military solution. It requires complete economic isolation and sanctions at a level never before seen. You get one shot at this - it needs to be deadly.

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3c7ab2  No.11043002


Typical of 8kun dolts. No wonder 4ch kicks your asses all the time.

Stupid fucks. You will be scooped again because of your arrogance.

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da9726  No.11043003


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14f66c  No.11043004

File: 8649f50fa1f9cd3⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1974x1411, 1974:1411, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c08e6837dbe56e3⋯.png (996.14 KB, 1336x2048, 167:256, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c33c150b93bd128⋯.png (361.71 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Twitter is developing new fact-checking tool, "Birdwatch"; it crowdsources "disinformation" notes from moderators (i.e. moderators)

Moderators can flag tweets, vote on whether it is misleading, and add a note about it.

Twitter early adopter and hashtag inventor Chris Messina openly wondered if Birdwatch could be some sort of “citizen’s watch” system for policing disinformation on Twitter. It turns out, he was right.

According to line items he found within Twitter’s code, these annotations — the “Birdwatch Notes” — are referred to as “contributions,” which does seem to imply a crowdsourced system. (After all, a user would contribute to a shared system, not to a note they were writing for only themselves to see.)

In more recent months, Twitter has tried to take a harder stance on tweets that contain misleading, false or incendiary statements. It has even gone so far as to apply fact-check labels to some of Trump’s tweets and has hidden others behind a notice warning users that the tweet has violated Twitter’s rules. But scaling moderation across all of Twitter is a task the company has not been well-prepared for, as it built for scale first, then tried to figure out policies and procedures around harmful content after the fact.

Reached for comment, Twitter declined to offer details regarding its plans for Birdwatch, but did confirm the feature was designed to combat the spread of misinformation.

“We’re exploring a number of ways to address misinformation and provide more context for tweets on Twitter,” a Twitter spokesperson told TechCrunch. “Misinformation is a critical issue and we will be testing many different ways to address it,” they added.

Moar here:





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6f01ad  No.11043005

File: 3feecca3b18fbb4⋯.jpg (26.04 KB, 448x252, 16:9, huuuh.jpg)

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0c25b1  No.11043006

File: 07b6dd51bdc5428⋯.jpg (44.23 KB, 800x534, 400:267, Cougar.jpg)

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2f2ec8  No.11043007



>Hey anon, know anything about Quantum Superposition and God Particle chaos?

>Asking for a friend.

Just got done posting this shit



>I never click on that bideo so it just looks like a VEVO advertisement for Alanis Morsette.


>It creates a thumbnail of your bideo?

Anyone think Fungus is smarter than a 2 penny nail

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33a32e  No.11043008

POTUS looks really good




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9949b0  No.11043009

File: f207fb34dcd6ef6⋯.gif (973.57 KB, 500x281, 500:281, f207fb34dcd6ef6e6a51ae9fc9….gif)


I don't understand what you're on about..

Literally, I said that you're video looks like a still image advertisement from VEVO for Alanis Morsette.

Being the thumbnail is shown for the video.

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abec13  No.11043010

President Trump: I am energized by your prayers, and humbled by your support!

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c7d11f  No.11043011

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6f01ad  No.11043012

File: 7e8d6e0ec8ee56d⋯.jpg (24.41 KB, 474x356, 237:178, sheks.jpg)

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84f2b4  No.11043014

File: b318799b3047c66⋯.png (198.02 KB, 462x290, 231:145, Screen_Shot_2020_10_12_at_….png)

many peeps

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2198b4  No.11043015

Here we Aaaaarrrrggghhhh!

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3b6df4  No.11043016

File: 685771cb074758d⋯.jpg (83.18 KB, 500x695, 100:139, potuspointerkwhdiugwufd78.jpg)



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d6a150  No.11043017

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

100k watching

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a9a1e7  No.11043018

File: 06e6acd07493fcf⋯.jpg (109.76 KB, 800x600, 4:3, bvshitththat.jpg)

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eff35f  No.11043019


im not seeing it

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2f2ec8  No.11043020

File: d7c58c5a44384cf⋯.jpeg (11.5 KB, 255x241, 255:241, pepeLaugh01.jpeg)



Fungus flirting with itself.

This is fucking classic shit.

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8dffea  No.11043021


Just like Nancy’s 25th stunt

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12a11a  No.11043022

File: 0ee9a39c2464b77⋯.jpg (16.83 KB, 476x300, 119:75, seeint_it.jpg)

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2f8a9b  No.11043023

File: 685fef68e473fe0⋯.png (493.01 KB, 598x606, 299:303, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_10….png)

Hong Kong fashion empire heiress, 34, dies during 'illegal' liposuction and boob job


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746a85  No.11043024

File: a088c78f7d010f1⋯.jpg (68.21 KB, 565x431, 565:431, WinSector84.jpg)

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14f66c  No.11043025

File: 24e19209510bad6⋯.jpg (99.09 KB, 1199x693, 109:63, Birdwatch.jpg)


Adding one more screenshot.

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84f2b4  No.11043026

File: d113ac267db6fc3⋯.png (601 KB, 931x481, 931:481, Screen_Shot_2020_10_12_at_….png)


POTUS bringing light.

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7d4451  No.11043027


Kek no they fucking weren't, ask anyone who lived in NYC at the time and they'll tell you they were fucking eyesores. Doesn't mean they should've been destroyed with 3000 people dying in the process but still.

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38ce64  No.11043028


no matter how cringe it gets

it always finds a way to top itself

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881d35  No.11043029


Paris Hilton Comms?

Provo Utah?

Fake News production?

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180dd1  No.11043030


>Anyone think Fungus is smarter than a 2 penny nail

"No matter how well you may have imagined it, Thee Is has always imaged it better than you."

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6f01ad  No.11043031


those are shekels..

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fb83d0  No.11043032


why did batman do that?

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b8a238  No.11043033

File: 5f19662a03df8f5⋯.png (422.76 KB, 728x469, 104:67, TitanicRose_bewbs.png)

File: d6a5c48ffb9f6ab⋯.png (419.63 KB, 728x469, 104:67, TitanicRose_Epstein.png)

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9949b0  No.11043034

File: 75aa6e2a7d163a5⋯.gif (1.9 MB, 500x270, 50:27, 75aa6e2a7d163a5b111d2759c7….gif)


Yeah, but this autistic kid that follows you around it kind of weird…

Is he like, your brother or something?


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282e2e  No.11043035

File: 01bc9e35f746bc9⋯.jpg (79.63 KB, 1024x767, 1024:767, new.jpg)

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84f2b4  No.11043036

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c7d11f  No.11043037

File: a0922b720c90557⋯.png (471.97 KB, 866x587, 866:587, unlea.PNG)


Hawley, Sasse Unleash On Harris, Democrats, Media For Treatment Of Barrett

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abec13  No.11043038

President Trump: We are going to take whatever the hell they gave me, and we're going to distribute it around to hospitals, and everyone's going to have the same damn thing.

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8dffea  No.11043039


Organize by date.

Other anon here confirmed it was fucked up because I was on mobile. I’ll take the L.

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89628b  No.11043040

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2f2ec8  No.11043041

File: 52e20322338c241⋯.gif (952.75 KB, 500x213, 500:213, clintHat.gif)


Fungus is fully triggered.

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433204  No.11043042

File: fdd75538ca7b2e5⋯.jpg (36.97 KB, 500x486, 250:243, 4b211r.jpg)

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35191a  No.11043043

File: ac965659930b60d⋯.jpg (96.44 KB, 497x671, 497:671, 42525.jpg)


I can feelz it, the morphic resonance of the crowd

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73cc75  No.11043044

File: 54855ec07846b24⋯.png (960.91 KB, 600x900, 2:3, 082d9d84c35594e593978dda46….png)

File: 14886a460e37cd7⋯.png (836.64 KB, 600x900, 2:3, 7d9008e8091fc60602e21fb7a3….png)

File: 0eae577e00e1e32⋯.png (948.6 KB, 600x900, 2:3, dd33d226304082ad11a562e268….png)

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da9726  No.11043045


Thank God for Hawley!

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25f088  No.11043046

File: 65973d6b11b347e⋯.jpeg (19.88 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 67f52907c151d056272be6bec….jpeg)


I volunteer to help with the timeline.

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25d7ef  No.11043047

File: 20785fb20c4b241⋯.png (293.71 KB, 836x842, 418:421, UU_Flaming_Chalice.png)

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d00cd8  No.11043048

File: d5b91aa4cc90c2f⋯.png (32.91 KB, 660x480, 11:8, Hilary_Farr.png)


Careful. He'll go full Harry Cavelle at the slightest provacation.

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84f2b4  No.11043049

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2ed9cb  No.11043050

File: 4fd0154e2ac0d65⋯.png (592.67 KB, 800x450, 16:9, sassy.png)





I have a lot of stalkers. Don't I?

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2f2ec8  No.11043051

File: dedf5786afd34cc⋯.jpg (127.88 KB, 500x627, 500:627, kirkFacepALM.jpg)





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1ff4b8  No.11043052

>>11042869 Turns out she is hoisted on her own orange petard. Be with it, Piglosi. Chug a magnum. Go on, you know you want to.

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f7b316  No.11043053

so much energy

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7d4451  No.11043054


>not even a coherent response


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180dd1  No.11043055

>>11043007 ← AI Super Bot sheet right here!

Feel wrong..

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fe1623  No.11043056


Truth The Clam

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881d35  No.11043057



Kayleigh - clock set at 11:03 Grassley comms

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b27b5e  No.11043058

BREAKING REPORT: Michigan Supreme court DENIES Gov. Whitmer's request for 'pandemic executive order' extensions…

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c7d11f  No.11043059

File: a26cb57e690c8c4⋯.png (549.63 KB, 672x630, 16:15, brain_free.PNG)


Brain Freeze: Joe Biden Says He Is Running for Senate and President

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4089a3  No.11043060

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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bbac9e  No.11043061

File: 7a04687b4de745c⋯.png (364.5 KB, 795x555, 53:37, AnimeFag.png)

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6bf430  No.11043062

I feel sorry for all the Secret Service agents who are assigned to the biden harris loser team unless Trump assigned all the Clinton and Hussein ass kissers to the biden harris team.

Then they got what they deserved.

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ee0d4e  No.11043063


>>11043037 Hawley, Sasse Unleash On Harris, Democrats, Media For Treatment Of Barrett

>>11043017 100k watching

>>11043004 Twitter is developing new fact-checking tool, "Birdwatch"; it crowdsources "disinformation" notes from moderators

>>11042977 Post #3011

>>11042963 9 Warning Signs of Democrat Radicalization

>>11042942 Schumer Says Democrats Will Try To Block Barrett Confirmation By Not Giving Republicans Quorum

>>11042922 Schumer: ‘We Would Certainly Be in the Constitutional Right’ to Pack Court

>>11042918 Proclamation on Columbus Day, 2020

>>11042904 281- lines up with the sharpie too (perpendicular)

>>11042903 US Forces hit Taliban with airstrikes in Helmand

>>11042871 World Health Organization Wrecks the Democrats' Narrative on COVID-19 Lockdowns

>>11042642 LIVE FEED of Trump rally without the annoying begging & screeching over the music.

>>11042659 Notable Graphcs

>>11042665 Follow the Pen

>>11042675 SCOOP #Durham:

>>11042670 A technical glitch at a voting supersite, hours-long lines, and a last-minute court ruling marked the start of in-person early voting in Georgia.

>>11042687 Hillary Auditions for SecDef in 5000-Word Pro-Biden Article Which Admits Massive Defense Jobs Cuts Plan

>>11042710 Supporters Line Up as Far as the Eye Can See in Sweltering Heat For President Trump’s Comeback Rally

>>11042753 Thousands Sign TGP Petition After Chris Wallace Smears Trump Supporters at Presidential Debate. Thank you!

>>11042783 Trump Supporters Drown Out Sleepy Joe Biden’s Ohio Speech with Chants of “Four More Years!”

>>11042812 About that so-called 'security guard' who gunned down a Trump supporter in Denver

>>11042843 After supporting coronavirus lockdowns for months, the WHO just made the reversal of the year

>>11042854 Augmented reality eyeglasses?

>>11042867 Biden says Americans have no right to know if he's going to pack the Supreme Court to counter Conservative Justices appointed by President Trump.

>>11042849, >>11042989 INTL

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abec13  No.11043064

President Trump: They are all coming back home…our great warriors, our soldiers.

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05edc1  No.11043065

POTUS should consider adding ziplining over the rally crowd.

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569c3c  No.11043066

File: 38bad457cf782bb⋯.png (46.63 KB, 1200x1595, 240:319, ClipboardImage.png)


this Trump card wins the trick every time

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14f66c  No.11043067


Is there any way to see the images that were posted in older breads? Not sure if the pictures that are missing in older breads is intended or a bug that needs to be reported to CM.

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8dffea  No.11043068


Very un-American

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91f09d  No.11043069

File: aff351cf28a5b22⋯.gif (4.94 MB, 245x256, 245:256, giphy.gif)

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433204  No.11043070


So what did she have on Hillary?

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35191a  No.11043071

File: 502e02db7e0700d⋯.jpg (78.73 KB, 497x481, 497:481, 2255.jpg)


I felt the time-line change (again) 2 days ago

Can't reveal how I know

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6f01ad  No.11043072

File: e874ce53bc30b23⋯.jpg (23.33 KB, 474x474, 1:1, night_1.jpg)

File: d2a1922f7452324⋯.jpg (52.41 KB, 445x349, 445:349, SG_night_shift_breakroom.jpg)

File: 0b9139de70bf17a⋯.jpg (69.71 KB, 474x707, 474:707, night_shift_nite_cap.jpg)

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38ce64  No.11043073

File: bb8c1946b28839e⋯.png (1.37 MB, 802x891, 802:891, ClipboardImage.png)

ew i got a (you) from fungus

does anyone have any lotrimin?

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3f14d3  No.11043074


I never liked Riker. I thought he was a crappy KO of Captain Kirk. TNG wasn't good until Barclay and Laren come into the show and Shut Up Wesley Fluffer GTFO.

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1d4368  No.11043075



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fb83d0  No.11043076

File: 019d662c2d6c7de⋯.png (1.25 MB, 681x964, 681:964, Re_elect.png)

>they still think it's the fucking leaf

top kek

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da9726  No.11043077

File: 0636b08642e8411⋯.png (727.18 KB, 1439x1737, 1439:1737, Capture_2020_10_12_18_04_1….png)

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2f2ec8  No.11043078


Fuck off Fungus

You cock gobbling, cum soaked dipshit.

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fe1623  No.11043079

Hang Her

Hang Her

Hang Her

Was that what they we're chanting?

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8e3093  No.11043080


Of course it does. They posit a singularity of 0 size. If something is of 0 size, it cannot have mass.

Conversely if they say it's infinitesimally small, but has mass, then that just pushes the question back to why that mass existed, and decided to explode at all?

It's all based on faulty presuppositions that cannot be falsified by the scientific method. It's an insane theory in order to attempt to justify a naturalist interpretation of the universe, even though it makes no sense.

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2ed9cb  No.11043081


Shhhh they're having fun

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c7d11f  No.11043082

File: 0b270860b128055⋯.png (462.15 KB, 861x711, 287:237, rommney.PNG)


Oops! Biden just can't remember name of 'senator who was a Mormon, the governor'

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98b9d5  No.11043083

File: 4f0f9e94a022930⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1032x1072, 129:134, ClipboardImage.png)


In the same place as you, anon. Mind blowing

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f1bf0a  No.11043084


Well rested and dropping MOABs

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8d81f4  No.11043085

File: a8d8cd3e4bd2fad⋯.jpg (100.11 KB, 497x517, 497:517, BAD_DAYS_BIDEN.jpg)

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11477c  No.11043086

Question. I have a civil case in DC. Nothing major. The last time I heard from the court was December 2019. I thought I would hear back from them last spring. I got some paperwork the end of September and they scheduled a hearing for November 4th, the day after the election. They do not want to reschedule it for another day, which is weird. I would expect there to be major disruptions in DC. They also insist on doing the hearing remotely. I think I have the right to choose if I want to be in-person or remote.

Any ideas about what is going on? Anybody else notice anything? It is an Administrative law court, which handles employee cases, etc.

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7d4451  No.11043087

File: e80c12e55bea475⋯.jpg (17.04 KB, 320x320, 1:1, e80c12e55bea4752e1ffd2df50….jpg)


Real anonsarethe animefags, only pearl-clutching grannies and dumb golfcart-owning boomers get triggered by cartoons.

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90340c  No.11043088

Sounded like they were chanting QSA

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8ac1b0  No.11043089



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2f8a9b  No.11043090


Hong Kong. So she had stuff on China

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35191a  No.11043091

File: b41703fbde72b6f⋯.png (444.53 KB, 595x516, 595:516, 43376.png)

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3b6df4  No.11043092

"I'm embarrassed by the term"



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4b9838  No.11043093



Feel like comms to me

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851306  No.11043094

File: 300257cd397a3a9⋯.png (19.83 KB, 597x208, 597:208, ClipboardImage.png)


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36ce5d  No.11043095

File: 55469b13b76f8e2⋯.mp4 (15.07 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, MOP_1_.mp4)

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ba9bf5  No.11043096

File: 0385b8c0492bef1⋯.jpg (286.15 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, EpsteinDidntHillaryHimself….jpg)

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14f66c  No.11043097



Please update this:

>>11043004 Twitter is developing new fact-checking tool, "Birdwatch"; it crowdsources "disinformation" notes from moderators


>>11043004, >>11043025 Twitter is developing new fact-checking tool, "Birdwatch"; it crowdsources "disinformation" notes from moderators

Added an additional screenshot that I forgot to include in my original post. Thanks.

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eb90f2  No.11043098


You misspelled jews.

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c7d11f  No.11043099

File: 21845d5a28fa668⋯.png (22.11 KB, 826x209, 826:209, immune.PNG)


Twitter censors Trump tweet saying he's immune from COVID-19

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370f41  No.11043100

stay tuned

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173b7b  No.11043101

File: 01c38fe04ae2710⋯.jpg (128.55 KB, 508x472, 127:118, Right_you_know_alien.jpg)

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2f2ec8  No.11043102


He doesn't know if he's losing. He doesn't know if he's winning either.

This is one this years best twits.

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2198b4  No.11043103

We can't play games. The one thing I know for sure.

President Chi of Chinaaaa did us no favor…

President Putin of Russia, you're looking around…

Kim Jong-un! What ever happened to the war that we were supposed to be in with Kim Jong-Un?…

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9949b0  No.11043104

File: 42b001dcf5679c7⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, 42b001dcf5679c7d66bda5f91f….png)


Indeed, I too have a card up my sleeve.

It's power not quite understood, but I am almost certain it is THE most valuable card of the deck…

By the futility of their struggle, the irony of my existence is the humiliation of my enemies' defeat.

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25f088  No.11043105

File: 4064402552ea30a⋯.jpg (81.93 KB, 1200x889, 1200:889, EV0hdlFUcAACqom.jpg)


Riker (the character) is the ultimate badass.

The guy that played him, well you know.

He not only removed a Klingon captain, but he made Picard surrender the Enterprise to him.

KEK! Riker kicks ass and gets tail.

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0dfc04  No.11043106


Link still up for now. Guts socialism, talks about socialist tactics, capitalism, 2nd amendment, Obama scandal, Lincoln, Orwell's 1984 etc. Well done imo. Interesting connections Dinesh has, interviewing one of Dopey's fixer lawyers.


-Cannot embed. Any advice on how to embed from bitchute? This is the "Embed video HTML" which does not seem to fit in the 8kun embed

<iframe width="640" height="360" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border: none;" src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/KfpuE9AOmpOz/"></iframe>

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fe1623  No.11043107

File: ec51663cb5b6f29⋯.png (669.4 KB, 478x680, 239:340, ClipboardImage.png)

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1d4368  No.11043108


At the beginning of one video on this, it appears to show two cubs or one cub and some small mammal. Momma came running and was very protective.

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89628b  No.11043109

File: 19a989eda55e0cd⋯.jpeg (190.82 KB, 828x817, 828:817, 9845D870_E68B_4465_A272_F….jpeg)

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486bdb  No.11043110

File: 59690859f8eb725⋯.png (124.99 KB, 380x377, 380:377, ClipboardImage.png)


i take these slings and arrows for you

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65a958  No.11043111

File: 351fd6a84ec5665⋯.png (462.25 KB, 491x491, 1:1, HEISTLD.png)

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d6a150  No.11043112


>You misspelled jews.

jews using women as destroyers (whores of babylon)

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da9726  No.11043113

File: 06f052d30172e75⋯.png (2.55 MB, 1430x1572, 715:786, Capture_2020_10_12_18_06_1….png)

He's baaaaaaaccckkkkkk!

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7d4451  No.11043114


NYC isn't an American city.

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fb83d0  No.11043115

File: d242ecb55c91c76⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1200x859, 1200:859, KAD2020.png)



carry on

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abec13  No.11043116

President Trump: We caught 'em cold, and we'll see what happens with that. Just watch. Stay tuned.

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a0ff01  No.11043117

File: d02c8f213d50c03⋯.mp4 (15.77 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Senator_Lindsey_Graham_Que….mp4)


Lyndsey Graham GOD HELP YOU IF YOU EVER GET IN POWER(win majority- spoken at Kavanaugh hearing)

NOt sure if this is the clip or not.

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881d35  No.11043118

President Trump in Orlando Floriday 10/12/2020 7pm EST

"I'm fighting for you like NOBODY has ever fought for you before."

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25f088  No.11043119


I'm still alive because the timeline changed.

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6f01ad  No.11043120

File: 89f23969ba36e71⋯.jpg (16.12 KB, 336x252, 4:3, real_talk.jpg)

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a9a1e7  No.11043121

File: 396130efa8d6efd⋯.jpg (23.85 KB, 281x211, 281:211, 20200721194348.jpg)

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bbac9e  No.11043122

File: db332ec93d834ee⋯.png (1000.14 KB, 1186x1202, 593:601, AnimeFags3.png)

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c7d11f  No.11043123

File: 8fb824ca91615e9⋯.png (449.02 KB, 527x568, 527:568, reject_is.PNG)


Andrew Cuomo: 'No Interest in Going to Washington'

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eff35f  No.11043124

File: 96853ca88fb205f⋯.png (84.37 KB, 1769x671, 29:11, ClipboardImage.png)


im not seeing any 9/10/2012 emails

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a25a4a  No.11043125



time stamps are impt 4:24 PM · Oct 12, 2020·Twitter for iPhone

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8dffea  No.11043126


Ok, now I can’t take you seriously anymore.

Good day sir.

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38ce64  No.11043127

File: c6ae0b33cf9c93f⋯.gif (1.37 MB, 207x207, 1:1, CE7B6A0E_0C5D_4A4B_B17D_61….gif)

weird how it's circle jerking itself right now from its devices and strangely its spam has gone

can't imagine why

but no, fungus is a "real" anon, silly boomer, just look at the consensus

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4b9838  No.11043128


notable af

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2490f6  No.11043129

File: ce049d0a465b06a⋯.jpg (245.92 KB, 559x555, 559:555, GeorgiaSeal.jpg)

Acworth GA here -

Reporting LONG ass lines to vote at my precinct in west Cobb

A web site with wait times at the main Cobb County voting office in precinct showed a 6-1/2 hour wait to vote

Trump landslide incoming

"Shy" voters have had enough of insane liberals!


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881d35  No.11043130


Based. EXACTLY what Lindsey said.

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d00cd8  No.11043131

File: 83d884a3984d2aa⋯.jpeg (736.33 KB, 2000x1520, 25:19, 2000.jpeg)


There is no known treatment, but this may help you purge.

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14f66c  No.11043132




Do you have any links for the false premise of the Big Bang? I'd like to learn more.

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180dd1  No.11043133

File: 96735e0ff0ca994⋯.png (3.63 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)



As wild as this ride is… I cannot wait to see what's in store!

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6f847e  No.11043134

They knew everything that was happening.

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84f2b4  No.11043135


anon's post should have read, "the big bang theory purports that the universe came from nothing – that's the point…"

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236943  No.11043136


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bbac9e  No.11043137

File: cc193972d5352fd⋯.png (538.4 KB, 1026x925, 1026:925, AnimefagsQ.png)

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ba9bf5  No.11043138



I'm Joe Biden and I forget this message.

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851306  No.11043139


We'll take care of it all AFTER the election.

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8dffea  No.11043140


It’s from me being on mobile, I fucked up.

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89628b  No.11043141

File: a6e250797b85fe0⋯.jpeg (82.24 KB, 828x567, 92:63, EFC73879_4929_4789_8799_F….jpeg)

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412dc1  No.11043142

>Texas School Districts Are Ending Remote Learning – 40-70% of Students Were Failing

Texas schools were already failing before covid. Teacher lobby is so strong that education is no longer about kids, it's about coddling fat, drama mama teachers and perverts who dont teach. It is almost impossible to fire a teacher in Tx unless they are pretty much caught in the act of sexual or physical abuse of a student, but even then, schools will quietly let them just move on with the agreement that the school doesnt have to pay out the teacher contract. Texas ed needs major reform and teacher union needs to be broke.

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c702f1  No.11043143

File: d92ccda28a076df⋯.png (581.02 KB, 585x585, 1:1, DRLDSHWT.png)

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f1bf0a  No.11043144

No!!! "We'll take care of them after the election"

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abec13  No.11043145

President Trump: We'll take care of it after the election. [Spygate, government criminals]

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84f2b4  No.11043146


So you assume the premise is false.

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91f09d  No.11043147

File: 0a73102d0977fe4⋯.gif (724.83 KB, 485x242, 485:242, giphy_2_.gif)

We'll take care of it all after the election

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6b7452  No.11043148


I can't go to DC, I need to pack for Gitmo

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90340c  No.11043149


Why not

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696b2b  No.11043150

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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f7b316  No.11043151

"we will take care of it" (obama and biden treason) "after the election"

DJT 10/12/2020

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fb83d0  No.11043152

File: 8c2618cff6a410c⋯.jpg (106.4 KB, 780x440, 39:22, TC.jpg)


>he did it!


bring the whole diseased temple down.


voted earlier today, took about 10 min.

no mask either.


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2f2ec8  No.11043153

File: 5cd619cdc40bac9⋯.jpg (20.59 KB, 255x170, 3:2, stel3.jpg)

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7fc709  No.11043154

File: 9a2c2278c283604⋯.png (238.26 KB, 749x358, 749:358, ClipboardImage.png)


the facade hides the fakery, kek.

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8d7aad  No.11043155



It has been in notables for a week. JFC.

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a33f78  No.11043156

POTUS just said "We'll take care of it after the election" referring to the prosecution of hussein et al

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ee0d4e  No.11043157

File: 7d0f062f51c2f30⋯.png (172.1 KB, 1830x1206, 305:201, Screenshot_2020_10_12_Q_Re….png)


>notable af

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c7d11f  No.11043158

File: 17eddb3c5d03431⋯.png (765.67 KB, 943x642, 943:642, court_decline.PNG)


Court Declines to Reinstate Student President Removed From Post for Catholic Beliefs

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84f2b4  No.11043159



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89628b  No.11043160

File: 8bcc4a7e4c370da⋯.jpeg (130.94 KB, 740x464, 185:116, 3EF5527F_4C10_453B_9614_C….jpeg)

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759cdb  No.11043161


Kek…make sure to go vote. But…But…Nothing Can Stop What's Coming? Top Kek. Re-Election Campaign garbage. No storm coming…No Justice… Just a big, fat nothingburger with cheese.

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2603c5  No.11043162

File: 779f66ddc7427d3⋯.png (609.93 KB, 512x725, 512:725, 779f66ddc7427d38675067949b….png)

Tasty Bytes BROTUS

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fe1623  No.11043163


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da9726  No.11043164

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9949b0  No.11043165

File: 2e4521e0eb9e887⋯.jpg (41.7 KB, 399x378, 19:18, bffddf0732a03b3dcf55b8363a….jpg)


Oh, I fucked up the saying…..

>>By the futility of their struggle, the irony of my existence is the humiliation of OUR enemies defeat..

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4b9838  No.11043166

File: 11e0cbb2d9e36dc⋯.jpeg (107.57 KB, 980x980, 1:1, FFDCA8A5_2D55_49C0_87AA_D….jpeg)




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bbac9e  No.11043167

File: c92bfe2acdc38ea⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1100x1318, 550:659, memetheft.png)

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84f2b4  No.11043168

File: b0214579b868089⋯.png (234.69 KB, 477x439, 477:439, van_gogh_noice.png)

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2f2ec8  No.11043169

File: 578e1fcc92b191e⋯.jpg (25.03 KB, 480x360, 4:3, chumming.jpg)

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17689d  No.11043170

POTUS on fire!!!


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569c3c  No.11043171


i wonder who was behind suffrage 100 years ago? ; don't even have to look it up…..that has led to a lot of this ;

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90340c  No.11043172


He certainly sounds energized

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ee0d4e  No.11043173


>>11043123 Andrew Cuomo: 'No Interest in Going to Washington'


>>11043099 Twitter censors Trump tweet saying he's immune from COVID-19

>>11043082 Oops! Biden just can't remember name of 'senator who was a Mormon, the governor'

>>11043059 Brain Freeze: Joe Biden Says He Is Running for Senate and President

>>11043037 Hawley, Sasse Unleash On Harris, Democrats, Media For Treatment Of Barrett

>>11043017 100k watching

>>11042977 Post #3011

>>11042963 9 Warning Signs of Democrat Radicalization

>>11042942 Schumer Says Democrats Will Try To Block Barrett Confirmation By Not Giving Republicans Quorum

>>11042922 Schumer: ‘We Would Certainly Be in the Constitutional Right’ to Pack Court

>>11042918 Proclamation on Columbus Day, 2020

>>11042904 281- lines up with the sharpie too (perpendicular)

>>11042903 US Forces hit Taliban with airstrikes in Helmand

>>11042871 World Health Organization Wrecks the Democrats' Narrative on COVID-19 Lockdowns

>>11042642 LIVE FEED of Trump rally without the annoying begging & screeching over the music.

>>11042659 Notable Graphcs

>>11042665 Follow the Pen

>>11042675 SCOOP #Durham:

>>11042670 A technical glitch at a voting supersite, hours-long lines, and a last-minute court ruling marked the start of in-person early voting in Georgia.

>>11042687 Hillary Auditions for SecDef in 5000-Word Pro-Biden Article Which Admits Massive Defense Jobs Cuts Plan

>>11042710 Supporters Line Up as Far as the Eye Can See in Sweltering Heat For President Trump’s Comeback Rally

>>11042753 Thousands Sign TGP Petition After Chris Wallace Smears Trump Supporters at Presidential Debate. Thank you!

>>11042783 Trump Supporters Drown Out Sleepy Joe Biden’s Ohio Speech with Chants of “Four More Years!”

>>11042812 About that so-called 'security guard' who gunned down a Trump supporter in Denver

>>11042843 After supporting coronavirus lockdowns for months, the WHO just made the reversal of the year

>>11042854 Augmented reality eyeglasses?

>>11042867 Biden says Americans have no right to know if he's going to pack the Supreme Court to counter Conservative Justices appointed by President Trump.

>>11043004, >>11043025 Twitter is developing new fact-checking tool, "Birdwatch"; it crowdsources "disinformation" notes from moderators

>>11042849, >>11042989 INTL

>>11043151, >>11043145, >>11043144 "we will take care of it" (obama and biden treason) "after the election" DJT 10/12/2020

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180dd1  No.11043174


>Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father's care.

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eee0f6  No.11043175

File: 62c2d601875690d⋯.png (157.88 KB, 500x500, 1:1, THE_WORLD.png)


11.4 it is then.

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c7d11f  No.11043176

File: 8f38132bdf3a4e1⋯.png (927.55 KB, 924x784, 33:28, meddle.PNG)

File: 75b34d283113f3b⋯.png (948.79 KB, 698x694, 349:347, soros_box.PNG)


FOREIGN MEDDLING: Prominent Swedish Scofflaw Endorses Biden

Greta Thunberg weighs in on U.S. election, joins China and Iran in opposing Trump

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433204  No.11043177





































































































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412dc1  No.11043178

This board has been told numerous times that it wouldnt happen til after the election

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bbac9e  No.11043179

File: 67c45edb3d790f1⋯.jpg (165.45 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, mlp1.jpg)

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3aab14  No.11043180

File: b5d2853ee26ffce⋯.jpg (12.74 KB, 250x241, 250:241, b5d2853ee26ffce6f4cb8d083f….jpg)


Ok. I see a dollar, a broken master lock key, a master lock, and ice…. What is your point?

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1afa7e  No.11043181

File: ce4d0e9943b7e46⋯.png (525.05 KB, 621x683, 621:683, ClipboardImage.png)

So just for shits and giggles I googled the "GREEN_578cDT324-45785sd4DMP" stringer in drop #1037 amd got this:


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043ec9  No.11043182

File: 846b1d1138bba23⋯.png (248.63 KB, 607x341, 607:341, playball.png)

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89628b  No.11043183

File: d93e43bec10395a⋯.jpeg (233.38 KB, 828x821, 828:821, AC251789_08D7_4C43_A655_8….jpeg)

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797a81  No.11043184



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53d190  No.11043185


Yes he is.

2016 x 10

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f7b316  No.11043186

taking care of it after the election has been declared, if he wins by a landslide, 49/50 states, it becomes overwhelmingly clear that the people have voted for justice against the previous president.

many don't want to hear it, but this is minimal bloodshed solution, and therefore its probably how God wants it.

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da9726  No.11043187


Why wait? 11.3 is a perfectly good day 😁

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60013f  No.11043188

>>11041250 Dr. Anthony Fauci says “it’s really unfortunate and really disappointing” that the Trump campaign featured him in an ad touting the President’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Fucker Fauci, who didn’t know that was coming? Time for whistleblowers from the NIH, to come put on this asshole. No one knew his name before Trump and now he betrays him, when he was in charge of how it was handled

I hope he likes his cell in the hot place

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91f09d  No.11043189

File: 0a8a9be5b34e24d⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1190x673, 1190:673, ClipboardImage.png)


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10fa68  No.11043190


Three Supreme Court Justices were all supposed to be her appointments.

We have their Playbook.

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14f66c  No.11043191



Breads are being archived and pictures disappear.



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8a9f6d  No.11043192

File: f176af63a6feb14⋯.png (666.45 KB, 740x860, 37:43, ClipboardImage.png)

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25f088  No.11043193

"Biden was a lover of Castro." - POTUS

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e59a1f  No.11043194

File: 327789b256ecd89⋯.jpg (165.09 KB, 848x1020, 212:255, ZomboMeme_01062020221525.jpg)

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ee0d4e  No.11043195


>This board has been told numerous times that it wouldnt happen til after the election

How that would not be obvious just by common sense at this point is beyond. October's surprise will be a big drop but arrests come after.

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433204  No.11043196





































































































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bc9796  No.11043197



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da9726  No.11043198


👀 if true

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fb83d0  No.11043199



have said it as well.

term 2 is when shit gets real.

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c7d11f  No.11043200

File: 3de7d92b83387dd⋯.png (468.57 KB, 843x553, 843:553, greet_joe.PNG)


Trump Supporters Line Up to Greet Joe Biden as He Arrives at Cincinnati Event (VIDEO)

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abec13  No.11043201

President Trump: They want to turn American into cumminist Cuba, or socialist Venezuela, and ruin the lives of Hispanic Americas, and all Americans.

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1ff4b8  No.11043202

>>11043178 An indication that our people know it's in the bag. Some of us have waited a long, long time for what is about to go down.

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b8a238  No.11043203

File: 6d156f05f4e17b1⋯.png (238.96 KB, 263x378, 263:378, MonsterTrumpRally_v4.png)

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3f14d3  No.11043204

There is a Cuban immigrant I work with who loves Castro and hates Trump for not letting more money flow into Cuba. WTF, over ?

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d00cd8  No.11043205

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f1bf0a  No.11043206

"We have to take care of our people first"!!!!


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84f2b4  No.11043207


mentioned hillary and obama as an afterthought, though… "…by the way…"

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73cc75  No.11043208

File: ed260538d5237a1⋯.png (2.19 MB, 1540x866, 770:433, 113f8604db7744b4e04a29de1b….png)

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91f09d  No.11043209

File: c3f353f727ae4a0⋯.jpg (660.01 KB, 1599x1307, 1599:1307, c3f353f727ae4a08e4f8a39bf9….jpg)

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d6a150  No.11043210


>i wonder who was behind suffrage 100 years ago?

the pharisees, phoenicians, synagogue of satan of course

not the jews

the jews/israelites are the whites

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25f088  No.11043211



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3b64f8  No.11043212

Vote Early-Vote often….the DEMocrat way.

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38ce64  No.11043213


ask him why he left cuba

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8dffea  No.11043214


>but arrests come after.

“Let’s see what happpens”

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881d35  No.11043215


You know why it's 11.4? That's how bad we're beating them in every State but District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.

Even California is going for POTUS - Yes - you heard that right.

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c7d11f  No.11043216

File: b63909c1952557b⋯.png (323.95 KB, 870x580, 3:2, power_power.PNG)


Trump SCOTUS Nominee Amy Coney Barrett: “I Believe in the Power of Prayer” (VIDEO)

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f1bf0a  No.11043217


Take away all the free stuff and they will stop coming here.

Such a simple solution.

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433204  No.11043218



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3b6df4  No.11043219

File: 313a4b0147a3e13⋯.jpg (43.12 KB, 545x458, 545:458, lswhhkio4.jpg)

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7d4451  No.11043220

File: f5eed33aa5a2a00⋯.jpg (48.72 KB, 532x674, 266:337, 1600650385817.jpg)


>taking conversations on an anonymous tajikistani gardening forum seriously

Spotted the newfag.

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556d97  No.11043221


TY fren. The RSB feed has audio sync issues.

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ee0d4e  No.11043222


HRC and Bill may go down, Hussein comes after I think.

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3f14d3  No.11043223


What made that scene work so well is that it was unexpected.

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569c3c  No.11043224

File: afa6187d84a96ec⋯.png (95.71 KB, 316x197, 316:197, ClipboardImage.png)


loofing…now what?

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d6a150  No.11043225


>How that would not be obvious just by common sense at this point is beyond. October's surprise will be a big drop but arrests come after.


emails and maxwell in october

arrests after november

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cde000  No.11043226

I know.it feels like we are close anons, but does anyone else wonder why Q is posting so close to Red October? I get my Hope's up but still have doubts.

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35191a  No.11043227

File: ea75e0fc8541910⋯.png (629.54 KB, 790x398, 395:199, larry_silvershekels.png)


He's still laughing

(((they))) are all still laughing

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84f2b4  No.11043228

File: f770590174b40cb⋯.png (52.79 KB, 272x172, 68:43, pepe_whaaaa.png)

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8d81f4  No.11043229

File: b0c0e6876909326⋯.jpg (65 KB, 380x404, 95:101, SEIZE_YOU_SOON.jpg)

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b58fff  No.11043230


Fuck off, I have lived in S. Florida for 25 years and Cubans love Trump and the Mexicans are right behind him The last 4 years have really improved those numbers

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02105c  No.11043231


well, at least Q can post.

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14f66c  No.11043232

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8e3093  No.11043233


See: https://www.theprinciplemovie.com/coming-paradigm-shift-pop-goes-universe/ which links to: https://www.cfa.harvard.edu/~loeb/sciam3.pdf


Which means that anything can come from nothing, and the laws of the universe are, by definition, nonsense. Nothing can come from nothing, by definition.

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851306  No.11043234

File: 795c30919b91fea⋯.png (744.17 KB, 764x679, 764:679, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c802e1003ace69b⋯.png (1.02 MB, 664x2779, 664:2779, ClipboardImage.png)

Gina Haspel Blows Off Senators’ Demands To Quit Stonewalling Congress On Russiagate Oversight


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dbda75  No.11043235


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91f09d  No.11043236


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8dffea  No.11043237


Fuck off nigger, go play in traffic

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84f2b4  No.11043238

File: 55611b0d9644cd7⋯.png (181.26 KB, 555x428, 555:428, muhjooshills_filter.png)

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eee0f6  No.11043239

File: 95800701cb8a607⋯.png (863 B, 136x29, 136:29, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6c237142e4f42fc⋯.png (1014 B, 192x32, 6:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ee35c734d7fb042⋯.png (816 B, 137x29, 137:29, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 700cf0653caf9a1⋯.png (1.2 KB, 220x29, 220:29, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ff4a12699ab62a6⋯.png (1.47 KB, 285x29, 285:29, ClipboardImage.png)

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2490f6  No.11043240


I think it's WAY in the bag, too.

Our people definitely know it.


The massive turnout is going to be much more than Democrat voter fraud can overcome.

And holy cow, does POTUS seem alpha and energized tonight or what?


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c7d11f  No.11043241

File: eb541ba127d2bdf⋯.png (25.47 KB, 768x271, 768:271, rev_policy.PNG)


Facebook Bans Holocaust Denial, Reversing Earlier Policy

CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who previously considered such claims free speech, said his thinking has "evolved." Survivors had lobbied the social network to remove posts that deny the Holocaust.

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25f088  No.11043242


>who loves Castro and hates Trump

You can tell your "friend" they aren't a real Cuban.

That's a fact.

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d6a150  No.11043243



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02105c  No.11043244


thanks for declaring your love for AOC.

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84f2b4  No.11043245


which means there must have been a first cause, Einstein.

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7d4451  No.11043246

File: 4b0e51d455062e7⋯.jpg (68.8 KB, 1278x842, 639:421, 1592088659780.jpg)


Most here I hope have figured that out by now. Literally nothing of any importance will go down until 11/3. Yes, in a sense, Q has been a giant election marketing campaign.

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3f14d3  No.11043247



He knows. He even admitted it. He just doesn't like how Cuba is still a shithole and that Trump won't build their nation up on our dime. He is a lazy kid who thinks he knows everything and he never checks his work. Typical 25 year old.

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2f2ec8  No.11043248


>Spotted the newfag.

You wouldn't know a newfag if he bit your balls off Fungus….erm…Nevermind.

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8dffea  No.11043249

File: 127c4308b7c1c2a⋯.jpeg (92.61 KB, 500x693, 500:693, 940ABA69_7416_4065_B456_2….jpeg)

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3b6df4  No.11043250

No Homo

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a0ff01  No.11043251

I truly think POTUS is pushing the " IMMUNE after you test positive/get sick from Covid19"… something ANONS discussed/researched early on.

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89628b  No.11043252

File: afed9d8f801b84d⋯.jpeg (71.15 KB, 828x547, 828:547, 17B07C6F_6021_493B_8227_E….jpeg)

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91f09d  No.11043253

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That's some awesome puff pastry. Looks delicious.

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3f14d3  No.11043254

Trump has gone full Bi!

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2f8a9b  No.11043255


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84f2b4  No.11043256

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a57ba5  No.11043257


i could use an Italian combo list

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4089a3  No.11043258



are there really any left?

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35191a  No.11043259

File: 21bc9ae7dc1934a⋯.png (417.34 KB, 498x501, 166:167, et.png)



comes to a "free speech" board


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800d41  No.11043260




if they win…

then it goes under the RUG..

fucking shit never gets done…

they are set to rig the election..

> mail-in vote fraud

> harvesting fraud

> voting multiple times

> dead people voting

> postal workers (dumping votes)

with the "register to vote" extensions in many states..

they have many votes to unleash…

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f7b316  No.11043261

this mother fucker is at is top keks

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370f41  No.11043262


not on prompter moment

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881d35  No.11043263


o7 Mr Pig

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b59a72  No.11043264

Trump rally in Sanford, Florida

POTUS just declared, "We will take care of it (prosecutions / indictments) after the election."


There's no way to spin that line, Q.

The ONLY reason I voted for Trump was his promised to drain the swamp.

If there's no DECLAS or indictments by Nov. 3rd, I will take my ballot out and burn it! Fuck him.

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d6a150  No.11043265

watch the fake news after this kek

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73cc75  No.11043266

File: cdb27e0bb73214e⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1068x561, 356:187, d677b66885787b29211dd9d7c4….png)


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556d97  No.11043267

"I'll kiss the guys" - POTUS(NO HOMO)

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8e3093  No.11043268


Which means, God exists, and put the earth at the center of the universe, as it says in the Bible.

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da9726  No.11043269

Messing with Trump was the worst thing they could have ever done to themselves. They had NO IDEA who they were starting shit with.

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d6a150  No.11043270



>are there really any left?

survivors of what?

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f1bf0a  No.11043271



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0a462d  No.11043272


Number 2 is a fairy tale of eugenicists. It gave them permission to declare certain races as being not as far on evolutionary scale as, say, Anglo's (British).

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ac45e6  No.11043273

H comes before N, Joe!

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2f2ec8  No.11043274



comms niggers, new slide

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433204  No.11043275


Just a fake word generator

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c7d11f  No.11043276

File: 6e31972cb281e36⋯.png (470.77 KB, 769x658, 769:658, fine_and.PNG)


Feds to Portland: Take Your Fine and Shove It

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f7b316  No.11043277


you vote for the higher bloodshed route

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eee0f6  No.11043278


Proofs begin 11.3 anon

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38ce64  No.11043279


>Trump threatens to sexually assault both men and women in his audience

or something to that effect

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2490f6  No.11043280

"I'll just give you all a big fat kiss"

LMAO, The Donald is hilarious

The Left is always pissed off because they have NO sense of humor whatsoever

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236943  No.11043281


Who thinks that it's really the WHO that really controls NK?

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10fa68  No.11043282

"No Joe, H comes first."

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25f088  No.11043283


Q had a serious feint the other day waiting for a FF.

Nothing happened. It was crickets.

How many new indictments were logged last month?

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766a6a  No.11043284

"H Comes First!"

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3b6df4  No.11043285

File: 939897ee24994ea⋯.jpg (58.37 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, hcmaxresdefault.jpg)

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3f14d3  No.11043286


Not gonna work shill. Go get aids and die of asshole cancer like a proper worthless demented faggot.

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1afa7e  No.11043287

File: 6b957472307eeda⋯.png (65.67 KB, 871x562, 871:562, ClipboardImage.png)

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fb83d0  No.11043288


that's not how checking digits works you absolute nigger.

jfc, you shills are pathetic and don't even realize how much you fucking glow to oldfags.

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84f2b4  No.11043289



you're arguing with yourself

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bbac9e  No.11043290


It's free speech.

It isn't compulsory indoctrination.

I suppose that's why you are here shill.

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797a81  No.11043291

H comes first

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759cdb  No.11043292

ReD oCtObEr


AfTeR tHe ElEcTioN

BuT NoThInG CaN StOp WhAt'S cOmInG.


Kek….officially nothing more than a re-election campaign hoax.

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7d4451  No.11043293

File: a65e61c8be7aa67⋯.gif (1.41 MB, 350x272, 175:136, 1587026451724.gif)


Stay seething newfag.

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486bdb  No.11043294




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4cd4b9  No.11043295


Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Lorie

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6f01ad  No.11043296

File: a520267547f15f3⋯.jpg (132.4 KB, 856x868, 214:217, kekels.jpg)

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8dffea  No.11043297


All they had to do was hit their bunkers with their millions/billions and disappear.

Now they all lose.

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2f2ec8  No.11043298

File: 99f82f74a012c1f⋯.png (10.73 KB, 171x255, 57:85, reaper19.png)

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f7b316  No.11043299



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569c3c  No.11043300


black men could vote fifty years before any woman could in the US ; what was up with that?

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a0ff01  No.11043301


IF only we could see it happen, Fren!

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84f2b4  No.11043302



anon loves to filter these fleas.

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da9726  No.11043303




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eb0935  No.11043304


well lets face the truth

anti semitism and muhjoo BS is an evil cabal narrative and and includes denial of persecution and murder of jews in WW2 and historically

regardless of exactly how many are counted and why and the obvious fact there is a political element to the holocaust narrative as well

that does not make it as false as the denials

it was real

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746a85  No.11043305


Quick! Screencap it!!

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486bdb  No.11043306

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3b871a  No.11043307

File: cfcd8440d8faddb⋯.jpg (101.36 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, HUMAabedin.jpg)

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1d4368  No.11043308


ditto…..ain't that right oni

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12a11a  No.11043309

File: 399d6f2a2ab2895⋯.jpeg (13.53 KB, 255x206, 255:206, your_tits.jpeg)

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8e3093  No.11043310


All of them are about denying God's existence, and His revelation in the Bible. It's all about mind control, and destroying God's children.

Some are just more effective lies of satan than others.

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89628b  No.11043311

File: fa8bd75ac337e83⋯.jpeg (157.37 KB, 828x628, 207:157, EA465DCA_DAE7_4CC3_961D_F….jpeg)

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17689d  No.11043312

17,000 watching

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0a462d  No.11043313


All he needs is a boat, and it's sails aweigh.

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437da5  No.11043314


HRC comms

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583f75  No.11043315

File: dff72c9ee816a6f⋯.png (92.19 KB, 240x189, 80:63, USA_Flag.png)

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ee0d4e  No.11043316


>>11043216 Trump SCOTUS Nominee Amy Coney Barrett: “I Believe in the Power of Prayer”

>>11043200 Trump Supporters Line Up to Greet Joe Biden as He Arrives at Cincinnati Event

>>11043181 So just for shits and giggles I googled the GREEN_578cDT324-45785sd4DMP" stringer in drop #1037 amd got this

>>11043123 Andrew Cuomo: 'No Interest in Going to Washington'


>>11043099 Twitter censors Trump tweet saying he's immune from COVID-19

>>11043082 Oops! Biden just can't remember name of 'senator who was a Mormon, the governor'

>>11043059 Brain Freeze: Joe Biden Says He Is Running for Senate and President

>>11043037 Hawley, Sasse Unleash On Harris, Democrats, Media For Treatment Of Barrett

>>11043017 100k watching

>>11042977 Post #3011

>>11042963 9 Warning Signs of Democrat Radicalization

>>11042942 Schumer Says Democrats Will Try To Block Barrett Confirmation By Not Giving Republicans Quorum

>>11042922 Schumer: ‘We Would Certainly Be in the Constitutional Right’ to Pack Court

>>11042918 Proclamation on Columbus Day, 2020

>>11042904 281- lines up with the sharpie too (perpendicular)

>>11042903 US Forces hit Taliban with airstrikes in Helmand

>>11042871 World Health Organization Wrecks the Democrats' Narrative on COVID-19 Lockdowns

>>11042642 LIVE FEED of Trump rally without the annoying begging & screeching over the music.

>>11042659 Notable Graphcs

>>11042665 Follow the Pen

>>11042675 SCOOP #Durham:

>>11042670 A technical glitch at a voting supersite, hours-long lines, and a last-minute court ruling marked the start of in-person early voting in Georgia.

>>11042687 Hillary Auditions for SecDef in 5000-Word Pro-Biden Article Which Admits Massive Defense Jobs Cuts Plan

>>11042710 Supporters Line Up as Far as the Eye Can See in Sweltering Heat For President Trump’s Comeback Rally

>>11042753 Thousands Sign TGP Petition After Chris Wallace Smears Trump Supporters at Presidential Debate. Thank you!

>>11042783 Trump Supporters Drown Out Sleepy Joe Biden’s Ohio Speech with Chants of “Four More Years!”

>>11042812 About that so-called 'security guard' who gunned down a Trump supporter in Denver

>>11042843 After supporting coronavirus lockdowns for months, the WHO just made the reversal of the year

>>11042854 Augmented reality eyeglasses?

>>11042867 Biden says Americans have no right to know if he's going to pack the Supreme Court to counter Conservative Justices appointed by President Trump.

>>11043004, >>11043025 Twitter is developing new fact-checking tool, "Birdwatch"; it crowdsources "disinformation" notes from moderators

>>11042849, >>11042989, >>11043176 INTL

>>11043151, >>11043145, >>11043144 "We will take care of it (obama and biden treason) after the election" DJT 10/12/2020

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fb83d0  No.11043317


>anon loves to be a bitch ass shill subverting the breads

the post.


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08e3f5  No.11043318

File: 1dec37d21e0fbfa⋯.gif (1.92 MB, 240x389, 240:389, hot_222.gif)



every country has declined after they've been allowed to vote.

ultimately, it's men's fault for not training them well.


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6f01ad  No.11043319

File: 4b61c679a364193⋯.jpg (35.67 KB, 630x354, 105:59, tits.jpg)

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25f088  No.11043320

File: 0f12dfa151db707⋯.jpg (49.13 KB, 820x512, 205:128, pepe_copy.jpg)


Love you Anon. KEK!

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c7d11f  No.11043321

File: caeb68e1df21823⋯.png (11.57 KB, 777x153, 259:51, tech_wa.PNG)



TechWatch Report: Facebook Still Enabling Antifa, Far-Left Militia

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53d190  No.11043322

Your stupidity is showing.


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05edc1  No.11043323


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d6a150  No.11043324


>black men could vote fifty years before any woman could in the US ; what was up with that?

black men are men

women are emotional

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bbac9e  No.11043325


118,000+ on Rightside right now.

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3b64f8  No.11043326


It is YOUR DUTY to vote, commie.

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164f3a  No.11043327


YES! I just heard him say that as well.

I think that is definitely NOTEABLE.

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da1a12  No.11043328


The Bolsheviks not likey. Blacks were voting R. So they had to pander to woman for the D vote.

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ac4d6a  No.11043329


This is what concern fagging looks like.

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73cc75  No.11043330

File: 645c8d07b5d8b2e⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1336x640, 167:80, bf7bae900d0b3622e422e279b1….png)

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12a11a  No.11043331

File: c47606cfcab1573⋯.jpg (15.96 KB, 380x319, 380:319, Brain_here_you_go.jpg)


you misspelled 120,000

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186e57  No.11043332

File: abc19bf8aca7cd0⋯.png (453.82 KB, 736x552, 4:3, abc19bf8aca7cd0a714b44f32c….png)

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84f2b4  No.11043333


anon just proved to you that Big Bang requires the existence of God, doesn't deny it.

wtf is wrong with you? just feel like being an asshole?

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05edc1  No.11043334

File: fff890a6fe8f8fa⋯.png (303.17 KB, 888x596, 222:149, 255144e17af58170b076d542ba….png)

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89628b  No.11043335

File: 13f9167be0b97d2⋯.jpeg (68.32 KB, 828x661, 828:661, 6FA912AE_E413_4A07_B37C_0….jpeg)

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800d41  No.11043336


Hillary didn't looked worried either…

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ec25be  No.11043337



George Patton

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9949b0  No.11043338


>Buckle up buttercup!

>Here comes the pain!



The absolute state of newfags..

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d6a150  No.11043339

[H]illary comes first!

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7d4451  No.11043340


What could this mean other than Hillary?

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b58fff  No.11043341

I am so looking forward to the ruthless retribution. POTUS is so happy to be out again. He is going to knock the blocks off all these traitors when the election is behind him. It is going to be a blood bath (metaphorically speaking of course)

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25f088  No.11043342

File: 18fd2237c6cd97f⋯.png (84.5 KB, 259x194, 259:194, 18fd2237c6cd97f8b7114ff63f….png)


Bye bitch.

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3f14d3  No.11043343



Remember when Lt. Barclay got smart and suave and hit on Troi and Riker was jealous ?

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3b6df4  No.11043344


Clinton before Declass

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0eefc1  No.11043345


29,000 on Yahoo finance channel

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ee0d4e  No.11043346


>>11043216 Trump SCOTUS Nominee Amy Coney Barrett: “I Believe in the Power of Prayer”

>>11043200 Trump Supporters Line Up to Greet Joe Biden as He Arrives at Cincinnati Event

>>11043181 So just for shits and giggles I googled the GREEN_578cDT324-45785sd4DMP" stringer in drop #1037 amd got this

>>11043123 Andrew Cuomo: 'No Interest in Going to Washington'


>>11043099 Twitter censors Trump tweet saying he's immune from COVID-19

>>11043082 Oops! Biden just can't remember name of 'senator who was a Mormon, the governor'

>>11043059 Brain Freeze: Joe Biden Says He Is Running for Senate and President

>>11043037 Hawley, Sasse Unleash On Harris, Democrats, Media For Treatment Of Barrett

>>11043017 100k watching

>>11042977 Post #3011

>>11042963 9 Warning Signs of Democrat Radicalization

>>11042942 Schumer Says Democrats Will Try To Block Barrett Confirmation By Not Giving Republicans Quorum

>>11042922 Schumer: ‘We Would Certainly Be in the Constitutional Right’ to Pack Court

>>11042918 Proclamation on Columbus Day, 2020

>>11042904 281- lines up with the sharpie too (perpendicular)

>>11042903 US Forces hit Taliban with airstrikes in Helmand

>>11042871 World Health Organization Wrecks the Democrats' Narrative on COVID-19 Lockdowns

>>11042642 LIVE FEED of Trump rally without the annoying begging & screeching over the music.

>>11042659 Notable Graphcs

>>11042665 Follow the Pen

>>11042675 SCOOP #Durham:

>>11042670 A technical glitch at a voting supersite, hours-long lines, and a last-minute court ruling marked the start of in-person early voting in Georgia.

>>11042687 Hillary Auditions for SecDef in 5000-Word Pro-Biden Article Which Admits Massive Defense Jobs Cuts Plan

>>11042710 Supporters Line Up as Far as the Eye Can See in Sweltering Heat For President Trump’s Comeback Rally

>>11042753 Thousands Sign TGP Petition After Chris Wallace Smears Trump Supporters at Presidential Debate. Thank you!

>>11042783 Trump Supporters Drown Out Sleepy Joe Biden’s Ohio Speech with Chants of “Four More Years!”

>>11042812 About that so-called 'security guard' who gunned down a Trump supporter in Denver

>>11042843 After supporting coronavirus lockdowns for months, the WHO just made the reversal of the year

>>11042854 Augmented reality eyeglasses?

>>11042867 Biden says Americans have no right to know if he's going to pack the Supreme Court to counter Conservative Justices appointed by President Trump.

>>11043004, >>11043025 Twitter is developing new fact-checking tool, "Birdwatch"; it crowdsources "disinformation" notes from moderators

>>11042849, >>11042989, >>11043176 INTL

>>11043151, >>11043145, >>11043144 "We will take care of it (obama and biden treason) after the election" DJT 10/12/2020

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3b64f8  No.11043347

>>11043339 [H]unter.

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043ec9  No.11043349


Aha. That makes sense. POTUS has said H comes before N too many times for it to not have (at least) two meanings.

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91f09d  No.11043350

File: 6cb461ec7ef5fc3⋯.jpg (19.28 KB, 420x279, 140:93, panic_disorder_971.jpg)


FISA = Start.


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d6a150  No.11043351



>[H]illary comes first!

333 and 39

kek has spoken!

the power of 3 6 9 is real!

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73cc75  No.11043352

File: ade2229690776f0⋯.png (614.19 KB, 700x525, 4:3, 28fc760bdd79b4bab3ee0df8fc….png)

File: c6429c126c6c62f⋯.png (471.85 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 0ac8f9295068db1d81ddf77009….png)

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2490f6  No.11043353

Massive outbreak of "we love you" cheer

POTUS: "You're gonna love me even more"

He's going to turn loose a bunch of cures and once the neurotic Karens are won over, this damn election is WAY over.

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6f01ad  No.11043354

File: 83265f95dccaa7d⋯.jpg (15.5 KB, 474x259, 474:259, quadssss.jpg)

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da9726  No.11043355


They tried to kill him. Now he's immune. Now we fuck them all!

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3f14d3  No.11043356


Because the dumb skank believed her own press.

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53d190  No.11043358



press, "What storm Mr. president?"

POTUS, "You'll find out."

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35191a  No.11043359

File: 6d6f7930a126d5d⋯.png (1.07 MB, 940x705, 4:3, son_with_dad.png)


>"Biden was a lover of Castro." - POTUS

I thought Trudeau's slutty wife was a lover of Castro, she has a baby to prove it

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eb0935  No.11043360


good answer


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759cdb  No.11043361


Yep…Nothing action, no vote. Good to see I'm not alone in that.

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05edc1  No.11043363

File: f9172ccdcc08c20⋯.jpg (129.19 KB, 1024x466, 512:233, TheGreatestAmericanHeroOfA….jpg)

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c7d11f  No.11043364

File: 1913b802d55a1d0⋯.png (12.48 KB, 746x150, 373:75, sam_jack.PNG)

File: 0460bd3e8cbfe6b⋯.png (277.51 KB, 522x348, 3:2, hell_look.PNG)


Samuel L. Jackson Lays His Vengeance Upon Trump With Voter Suppression Ad

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800d41  No.11043365


I'm still voting TRUMP..

the amount of VOTER FRAUD is sick..

if you really think about it..

how will they PREVENT it..???

not sure they can STOP it all..

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abbbd6  No.11043367

File: 1c3306b15bda233⋯.png (82.47 KB, 217x267, 217:267, ClipboardImage.png)

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2f8a9b  No.11043369


He says that every time he talks about that. WTF IS GOING ON IN HERE


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ac45e6  No.11043371

File: 5c275eb209c3170⋯.png (8.13 KB, 250x202, 125:101, 1590537918652.png)


>Samuel L. Jackson Lays His Vengeance Upon Trump With Voter Suppression Ad

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8e3093  No.11043372


The "Big Bang" as defined by modern physicists denies the existence of God. I don't know how you are going to argue against that?

All modern atheistic (especially jewish) physicists completely deny God's existence, and use "The Big Bang" theory to push naturalism.

I don't know why you're so hostile, and calling me an "asshole" for stating the truth.

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433204  No.11043373

File: 5ba55007febe3b3⋯.jpg (18.42 KB, 328x266, 164:133, 5ba55007febe3b381fbd82e81c….jpg)

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486bdb  No.11043374

File: 56660231d530bae⋯.png (31.59 KB, 455x316, 455:316, ClipboardImage.png)

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25f088  No.11043375

File: b1c3276f0619bfe⋯.jpg (14.22 KB, 402x177, 134:59, Star_Trek_Insurrection_025.jpg)


Yes, but he got the girl in the end.

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f1bf0a  No.11043376

"Bringing things back to Puerto Rico"

How does that help American citizens?

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043ec9  No.11043377


Love wins.

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25a49a  No.11043378

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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91f09d  No.11043379

File: ffa7753356b34c5⋯.png (88.79 KB, 300x300, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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d66cf5  No.11043380


Go ahead. Vote for Chyna Joe. I'm sure you will fair well in the Bolsheviks remaking of America. You dumb fucking MORON.

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2603c5  No.11043382

File: 17845ce34b4706a⋯.png (1.61 MB, 991x748, 991:748, no_deals_w.PNG)

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25a49a  No.11043384

File: 4bdc278a3ff4451⋯.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1505x1792, 215:256, 07007699_04B1_47C4_8F16_6….jpeg)

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fb83d0  No.11043385


look at their other posts, anon.

they're a fucking kike.

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25d7ef  No.11043386

File: 7af667832b9dc82⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1956x1268, 489:317, Traitors_Justice.png)

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25f088  No.11043387


On a side note, go back and watch the episodes.

Lot of stuff is even more interesting now with Q knowledge.

Eye opening…

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3b6df4  No.11043388


extradition from where?

That means shes out of the country.

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d6a150  No.11043389


cry more shill

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35191a  No.11043390


>You dumb fucking MORON.

you spelt it wrong, moran

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2207f5  No.11043391

File: a482358c27ee08e⋯.jpg (596.89 KB, 1080x1512, 5:7, Screenshot_20201012_162257….jpg)

Experts consider the botnet a major threat to the U.S. election.


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569c3c  No.11043392

File: 7d75b64e9f2f0cf⋯.jpeg (99.73 KB, 959x714, 137:102, 7d75b64e9f2f0cfeeaecde8e9….jpeg)


only government-welfare-addicted Puerto Ricans hate Trump en masse (especially the ones up in NYC and surrounding areas) ; i suspect even some of the illegal aliens want trump so the construction job sites open up again

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84f2b4  No.11043393


I was wrong. You're a willfully ignorant self-righteous asshole.

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e579cb  No.11043394


He also said NOTHING will happen until AFTER the election about obamagate. TOTAL BETRAYAL by the DOJ, Barr and Durham. This will be the third election that will be moar tainted by our own government. The DOJ, FBII, etc, etc. need to be purged.

We/They never thought HE would lose.

Betrayal and Treason by the investigators investigating the investigators. Get it.

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ee0d4e  No.11043395



Q Research General #14125: Columbus Day Rally, 2020




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b58fff  No.11043396


Puerto Rico is a territory of the US and has endorsed POTUS, fyi

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eb90f2  No.11043397

File: 30ce750c5997861⋯.jpeg (42.51 KB, 609x515, 609:515, AA008A31_FAD8_4180_A5C0_9….jpeg)


It was clear since the midterms that nothing would come in the first term. And even after that… who knows.

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1afa7e  No.11043400

File: 1bf0629540047d5⋯.jpg (157.41 KB, 704x471, 704:471, 1bf0629540047d58b99473793e….jpg)

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759cdb  No.11043401


Q can lose Trump just as many voters as it gains. Oh, and it doesn't mean we're gonna go vote for that asshat Biden either.

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3b6df4  No.11043402

File: c0ac596d32832b3⋯.jpg (141.3 KB, 680x684, 170:171, dreams60450e57ff9f6e152c60….jpg)

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0c25b1  No.11043403

File: 427b4b4e6b8c0f7⋯.jpg (85.83 KB, 540x360, 3:2, JumpIn.jpg)

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412dc1  No.11043404



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8e3093  No.11043405


Should have looked it up, and not argued with the shill. My bad. Thank you anon.


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2ed9cb  No.11043407

File: 99d7b616f665d61⋯.gif (3.05 MB, 200x150, 4:3, GOD_YES.gif)

So posting anime will get me filtered? Well now I'm definitely going to do it

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2490f6  No.11043408

Gov. DeSantis and Kimberly Guilfoyle sighting

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eb0935  No.11043409

chek this thread on the reasons POTUS will win

it exactly matches the Q war plan

David Chapman


Thread on my election prediction:

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3f14d3  No.11043413


But Barclay got Voyager home. Besides, Dwight Schultz is a right winger. Johnathan Frakes is a leftist whiner.

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3b6df4  No.11043414

Beam Ships

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c7d11f  No.11043415

File: 0ba1132394bfbf0⋯.png (897.95 KB, 718x841, 718:841, I_O_keyb.PNG)

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d66cf5  No.11043416


No, you're not alone asshole. There are many of you fucks on this board. Perhaps you all should get together and circle jerk each other. and btw…………….Fuck You!!!

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77b4a3  No.11043417

File: de7ef594cba594a⋯.jpg (182.39 KB, 482x488, 241:244, schumers_wife_is_a_man.jpg)

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10fa68  No.11043418

He's not running against Joe, but the whole deepstate.

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66eefc  No.11043419

File: 56fa55ca36c6516⋯.jpg (488.75 KB, 824x969, 824:969, 56fa55ca36c651626bdc6b35f7….jpg)



Hivemind activated

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da1a12  No.11043420


Probably banged a young Justin. Sick pedo cult farm out their own kids for fun and games.

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91f09d  No.11043422



Aren't you you supposed to be massaging your grandma's feet, faggot?

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3f14d3  No.11043423


But Barclay got Voyager home. Besides, Dwight Schultz is a right winger. Johnathan Frakes is a leftist whiner.


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fb83d0  No.11043425


no worries.

at least they're not smart enough to change their filenames so you'll see them again pushing the pro filter line.

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236943  No.11043426


That's the catch in politics. You have to be in office in order to effect change. And what you have to do to get into office [usually] neuters you from actually being able to effect change.

Hence the Outsider.

Hence the Disrupter.

Hence Plato's Republic.

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f1bf0a  No.11043428


I know that but America first. Then take care of PR.

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529fac  No.11043429

File: fccb048cf659539⋯.png (897.87 KB, 831x625, 831:625, 1599061076.png)

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692391  No.11043431

File: 6c8ade170255f9e⋯.png (181.66 KB, 733x396, 733:396, youmirror.png)


I know right? Cuz socialism rocks!!!

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7d4451  No.11043432

File: 909d4af5fbd2755⋯.png (271.2 KB, 423x467, 423:467, 1586300849678.png)


The mindset of a true champion. Imagine being a grown adult and still giving into peer pressure.

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91f09d  No.11043433


We're watching it in real time faggot. Try to keep up.

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433204  No.11043434


Voting should be allowed

after passing a class on

advanced civics, critical thinking

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300e2e  No.11043435


she gots a long neck.

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800d41  No.11043436

screenshot this:

there will be a SHIT TON of counties…

with over 110% voter turn out..

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