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File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, bbf1caf196ffb5b5a8f3f569b7….jpg)

a57d08  No.10885730[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.



Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 10.01.2020

>>10872166 ————————————–——– [D] party playbook. Who are the real racists? THE WORLD IS WAKING UP. (Cap: >>10872224)

>>10871984 ————————————–——– Divided we fall. [D] party con [projection] (Cap: >>10872103)

>>10871183 ————————————–——– Judgement against Snowden (Cap: >>10871468, >>10871205)

>>10871022 ————————————–——– Fake/doctored image/video dropped here re: Epstein [cell cam] , Do not take the bait. Use discernment.

>>10870492 ————————————–——– What if C19 didn't exist? WHY DID WH STRIP CDC CONTROL OF C19 DATA? BIGGER THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE. (Cap: >>10870715)

>>10869781 ————————————–——– "While attending college, he served as an intern in the office of Delaware Sen. Joseph R. Biden, …."Rigged system? (Cap: >>10872946)

Wednesday 09.30.2020

>>10864679 ————————————–——– RED OCTOBER

>>10864489 rt >>10864305 ———–––——–— When does a Church become controlled?

>>10864364 rt >>10864340 ———–––——–— Information warfare

>>10864046 rt >>10864024 ———–––——–— Do you believe in coincidences?

>>10863737 rt >>10863556 ———–––——–— Eyes on. Follow the family

>>10863459 ————————————–——– Marathon end (Cap: >>10863525)

>>10863126 ————————————–——– SHADOW GAME (Cap: >>10863162)

Tuesday 09.29.2020

>>10838926 ————————————–——– "Trump Swift Boat Project." - Clinton OP

>>10838649 rt >>10838496 ———–––——–— DNI report

>>10838629 ————————————–——– 2016 DNI report declassified (Cap: >>10838471)

>>10838579 ————————————–——– God woke you up for a reason

>>10836966 ————————————–——– Podcast yesterday. Intentional or careless?

>>10835883 ————————————–——– Those who scream the loudest…

>>10835804 ————————————–——– #3 Biden camp will be provided the questions ahead of time, assistance from special comm device (Cap: >>10835856)

Monday 09.28.2020 >>10872800

>>10826731 ————————————–——– Video: This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected (Cap: >>10826774)

>>10825631 ————————————–——– Clinton Foundation investigation 2001 - 2005, Clinton Foundation failure to declare foreign donations 2001 - 2003 Don't bite the hand that feeds you (Caps: >>10825671, >>10825715)

>>10825334 ————————————–——– Lisa Barsoomian _former Bill Clinton attorney [Hamburg vs. Clinton 1998 + appeal 1999 _scrubbed from net] Wife of Rod Rosenstein

>>10824841 ————————————–——– Worth remembering. (Cap: >>10825015)

>>10824624 ————————————–——– CLINTON FOUNDATION AT THE CENTER.

>>10824174 ————————————–——– Kamala Harris spouse leaving Dla? (Cap: >>10824197)

>>10823755 rt >>10823685 ———–––——–— Panic in DC

>>10823727 ————————————–——– Q#4778/John Solomon Report (Caps: >>10823766)

>>10823477 ————————————–——– Unusual to have a 1-year gap from arrest to trial? What might be the purpose? (Caps: >>10823976)

>>10823243 ————————————–——– Focus here [East Africa Operations]: The money never flows directly. (Caps: >>10823277, >>10823269)

Sat 09.26.2020 >>10872796

Fri 09.25.2020 >>10837404

Thu 09.24.2020 >>10830702

Q's Private Board

>>>/projectdcomms/ & Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

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Backups/Alts to above: qntmpkts.keybase.pub - QAlerts.app - QAlerts.net - douknowq.com/134295/Q-Anon-Pub.htm - we-go-all.net/q.html - douknowq.com/134295/Q-Anon-Pub.htm

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Questions & Practice Thread: >>9901078

How to screenshot, insert MP4's, embed videos (YT & Twitter) >>>/comms/9658

Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown<<<READ THIS IF YOU ARE NEW HERE

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a57d08  No.10885757

Global Announcements

>>10812845 BO Activated RSS Tripcode Feed https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Follow Q in any RSS Feed Reader

>>10802135 Digital Camo thread archived at https://archive.is/hogSX : Cover up memes & test camo, before posting on social media

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>10885309 planefaggin

>>10885677, >>10885697 'Doomsday plane' flights preplanned, not tied to Trump COVID-19 diagnosis, Pentagon says

>>10885655 NYT disgraces itself again, publishing a ChiCom shill's praise for China's crackdown in Hong Kong

>>10885531 You guys notice that people are now using @potus instead of @realdonaldtrump? Turtle call to Potus

>>10885507 "sanitary" mask production

>>10885440 Potus read between the lines

>>10885427 text of the resolution

>>10885354 Gitmo on?: I don't know anything about this site so treat sauce accordingly. However, timeline fits with overnight events.

>>10885352 Flotus: Thank you for the love you are sending our way. I have mild symptoms but overall feeling good. I am looking forward to a speedy recovery.

>>10885313 Herridge: #TrumpCovid NOW

>>10885282 Deploy Camouflage.


>>10885124 Transcript: Remarks by President Trump to Guests at the Al Smith Dinner -

>>10885084 Today is China's National Holiday Oct 1-7,2020.

>>10885066, >>10885206, >>10885376 a corona offline post.

>>10885044 Why USO Attorney story might be true

>>10885032, >>10885079, >>10885182 House debating resolution to condemn QAnon and to reject its conspiracy theories.

>>10885026 Nuclear command centers Airborne! Twat thread

>>10885720 #13932


>>10884875 John Basham w/CAP: Signalling To The World President @realDonaldTrump Is IN CONTROL & Our MILITARY IS READY To React To ANY THREAT...

>>10884817 (Live) The house is calling us (Qanon) a cult and some bullshit about mass shootings we supposedly were behind…

>>10884764 General Dynamics Land Systems awarded $1.2 Billion U.S. Army Contract for Stryker IM-SHORAD Vehicles

>>10884728 The U.S. Army Wants to Arm Its Troops With Micro-Drones

>>10884672 Flight of Boeing E-6B Mercurys amid Trump's coronavirus announcement 'purely coincidental': Strategic Command

>>10884651 (embedded video) Devin Nunes sounds off on newly declassified documents in the Russia probe

>>10884584 Are You Not Entertained? The enemy of polite discourse isn’t Donald Trump, it’s the bloody establishment he is fighting.

>>10884568 McConnell says Supreme Court confirmation will move forward despite coronavirus at White House

>>10884535, >>10884618, >>10884709 planefag reporting

>>10884528 US Army w/CAP: Jump on in, the water's fine! #BlueGreenTeam

>>10884426 GrrrGraphics Cartoons w/CAP: At this time in history watch the reactions to the news of the President and First Lady testing positive for the Wuhan virus...

>>10884386 Stella Immanuuel w/CAP: Whoever told the president to stop taking HCQ should be punched in the face...

>>10884376 zerohedge w/CAP: What time do we go green

>>10884356 NY Catholic diocese declares bankruptcy to protect itself from wave of sexual abuse lawsuits

>>10884312 BREAKING - Ronna McDaniel, the RNC chairwoman, tested positive for the coronavirus on Wednesday, multiple sources say.

>>10884294 Steve Cox w/CAP: By “I hope they both die” I was talking about Trump *and* Biden. Not Melania. She seems nice.

>>10884292 anon assesses positive scenarios with regard to covid diagnosis

>>10884280 So POTUS just happened to announce COVID+ the SAME day as the anniversary of one of the nation's most memorable DS attacks (Las Vegas)…

>>10884266 Sidney Powell’s Closing Remarks in Tuesday’s Courtroom Lynching by Judge Sullivan and His ‘Special Counsel’ Were Poetic

>>10884958 #13931

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a57d08  No.10885765


>>10884161 Richard Grenell w/CAP: Well this isn’t an endorsement anyone wants...

>>10884052 #14 'TAKE BACK THE HOUSE' -DJT #VoteDemsOut Dave Loebsack Iowa 2nd

>>10884038 C-SPAN Live: HHS Secretary Azar Testifies on COVID-19 Response

>>10884033 CeeCee w/CAP: Well well.. What are the odds of this being posted with exact 2 year delta? “Test positive” - “Sick” Coincidence? (Q #2316)

>>10883997 file under Best panic kek today: The Constitution is clear. The 25th amendment must be invoked. The President is no longer capable of performing his duties.

>>10883995 If you are so inclined: Enough Is Enough: Sign the Petition to Boycott Trump-Hater Chris Wallace and FOX News Sunday

>>10883990 September Employment Report: 661 Thousand Jobs Added, 7.9% Unemployment Rate

>>10883947, >>10883986, >>10884009 anon diggz on ZOOM and notable stakeholders

>>10883915 QAnon Lands on LinkedIn, Prompting Networking Site to Limit Spread

>>10883911 John Basham w/CAP: Talk From Many DC Lawyers Saying One Of Special Counsel Robert #Mueller's Prosecutors Has "FLIPPED" & Is Now Cooperating...

>>10883851 White House Press Pool: 12:15PM THE PRESIDENT hosts a phone call on COVID-19 support to vulnerable seniors

>>10883815 Joe Biden w/CAP: Jill and I send our thoughts to President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump for a swift recovery...

>>10883772 file under fuukface: Tom Arnold shares Hope Hicks' cellphone number after she tests positive for coronavirus

>>10883761 Spokesman announces results of COVID tests for VP Pence and Karen Pence: negatory

>>10883753 Undercover child sex trafficking sting snares 3 Pa. men now facing federal charges and life in prison

>>10883734 FOX’s Chris Wallace Plays the Victim After His Horrific Performance at First Presidential Debate

>>10883614 Leader McConnell w/CAP: POTUS and FLOTUS feeling well, acc'dng to WH Physician

>>10883536, >>10883909, >>10883955 planefag reporting. And pondering

>>10884194 #13930


Baker Change

>>10883428 City of Ann Arbor, Michigan, has decriminalized psychedelic plants, including magic mushrooms.

>>10883266 NBC saying 10 days of isolation.

>>10883180 marketfag reporting. equity futures slide on flotus/potus covid newz

>>10883113 BREAKING - Armenian Armed Forces brought to full combat readiness amid Azerbaijani strikes continue.

>>10883091 White House pressures Republicans to go after social media companies before election

>>10883031 Biden the Preferred Dem on China Trade Policy, Chinese State-Owned Firm Says

>>10883001 File under the awakening: Did The CIA, FBI And Hillary Launch A Silent Coup Against Trump?

>>10882921 "No, Not Trump, Not Ever": Second Debate Moderator Worked For Biden, Tweeted Resistance Screed

>>10882830 US Marshals Service Announces Rescue of More than 1,300 Missing Children Including Victims of Sex Trafficking — TRUMP Has Doubled the Number of Rescues!

>>10882800, >>10882836, >>10882856, >>10882874, >>10883211 planefag early bird'n

>>10882767 CNN took part in releasing secretly recorded phone calls with Melania Trump, our nation’s FIRST LADY

>>10882753 NYT, Rolling Stone, ABC, and CBS’s motions to dismiss a defamation lawsuit brought forward by teenager Nick Sandmann have all been denied

>>10883447 #13929

Previously Collected Notables

>>10881910 #13927, >>10882614 #13928

>>10879585 #13924, >>10880316 #13925, >>10881042 #13926

>>10877284 #13921, >>10878055 #13922, >>10878924 #13923

>>10874982 #13918, >>10875778 #13919, >>10876532 #13920

>>10872640 #13915, >>10873412 #13916, >>10874176 #13917

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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a57d08  No.10885770

Exposing the Deep State, MSM, Social Media: Threads & Boards

>>>/qrmemes/ New One-stop Meme Board, organized by topic

>>>/qrmemes/141 Joe Biden

>>>/qrmemes/129 I'm On Team Joe

>>>/qrmemes/700 Hunter Biden

>>>/qrmemes/289 Kamala Harris

>>>/comms/26525 Exposing Media Lies about Q: Post Attacks Against Q here

>>>/qrmemes/606 Meme Camo Thread

https://archive.is/hogSX Digital Camo Thread Archive

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6867253 Clockwork Qrange #10

>>10392346 Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #15

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefagging 101 Q&A

>>>/qrb/42185 Boatfagging Q&A

>>>/comms/12299 Oregon, Washington, I-5 Corridor: Turn the Tide

International Q Research Threads

>>10705197 Australia #10

>>10479225 Brasil/Portugal #1

>>9725975 Canada #7

>>8331823 France #1

>>10683929 Germany #68

>>10838222 Italy #1

>>9133907 Mexico #1

>>10497699 Nederland #5

>>10524823 New Zealand #5

>>5290557 Nordic #1

>>10843151 Scotland #1

>>8033191 South Africa #1

>>10768658 UK #22

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

QProofs.com Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w - https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

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Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more: https://bad-boys.us/


All Resignations Website https://www.resignation.info

All Posts Search Tool https://qresear.ch

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

META (for board admin queries) >>6064510

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

All of the following except the last are in order on the same thread on /comms/

GMT Thread link: >>>/comms/283

Q Graphics all in GMT #001 - #020 >>>/comms/486 through >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #021 - #041 >>>/comms/1119 through >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #042 - #062 >>>/comms/2306 through >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #063 - #083 >>>/comms/3687 through >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #084 - #090 >>>/comms/5510 through >>>/comms/5806

Q Graphics all in GMT #091 - #111 >>>/comms/5811 through >>>/comms/14626

Q Graphics all in GMT #112 - #118 >>>/comms/14870 through >>>/comms/16930

Q Graphics all in GMT #119 - #124 >>>/comms/18630

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a57d08  No.10885775

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

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* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

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Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

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Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.3: https://pastebin.com/EDmx2iEr

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

LIVE Baking Classes Thurs 7pm ET: Baking Seminar #34 >>>/comms/28922

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

E-bake instructions: >>>/comms/9252

Iwo Jima video TOR posting: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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04553c  No.10885777

File: eef99d94c821147⋯.png (969.12 KB, 816x829, 816:829, BeBest17.png)

File: 16f6c448026cd11⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1414x745, 1414:745, MelaniaPersevere.png)

File: d4b0cb8da99e803⋯.png (430.05 KB, 617x640, 617:640, KayleighFact.png)

St. Michael the Archangel,

illustrious leader of the heavenly army,

defend us in the battle against principalities and powers,

against the rulers of the world of darkness

and the spirit of wickedness in high places.

Come to the rescue of mankind,

whom God has made in His own image and likeness,

and purchased from Satan's tyranny at so great a price.

We venerate you as our patron and guardian.

The Lord has entrusted to you the task

of leading the souls of the redeemed to heavenly blessedness.

Entreat the Lord of peace to cast Satan down under our feet,

so as to keep him from further holding man captive and

doing harm to the world.

Carry our prayers up to God's throne,

that the mercy of the Lord may quickly come

and lay hold of the beast, the serpent of old, Satan and his demons,

casting him in chains into the abyss, so that he can no longer seduce the nations.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

04553c  No.10885781

File: f9d80776039ef58⋯.png (336.22 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, exbot_remove0.png)

File: 73a1c56da6d6fb0⋯.png (703.31 KB, 1450x588, 725:294, TYBetrayer.png)

File: a2008cc2124fb59⋯.png (89.4 KB, 271x310, 271:310, Sweeties.png)

File: fd398878a5cae60⋯.png (388.43 KB, 504x504, 1:1, 15976188888.png)

File: 22640ff55c6e82e⋯.png (2.89 MB, 1596x989, 1596:989, BOOMCANNONS.png)


Checked And Truthful

Essential Viewing Experience For Generating Actionable Insights

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Because the Battlefield is your Limbic System; Banish Abuse.

Top Right Corner [Options]

Enter as a Name filter, click Reg ex:

Copy and paste all below into the window:

.post-image {
opacity: .5; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(3px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 233ms;
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opacity: 1; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(1.5px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 89ms;
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opacity: .5; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
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transition: all 233ms;
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opacity: 1; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(1.5px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 89ms;

Fake/doctored image/video dropped here re: Epstein [cell cam] explicity designed to ban - terminate any TWIT user(s) reposting.

Do not take the bait.

Use discernment.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a57d08  No.10885788

File: c865cf0423efd49⋯.png (279.4 KB, 614x800, 307:400, c865cf0423efd49ac9f716d1a0….png)

File: 606076ef00f53ef⋯.jpg (73.1 KB, 650x374, 325:187, 606076ef00f53ef69c3faf5a14….jpg)

File: f484c5630e37eea⋯.png (462.2 KB, 553x514, 553:514, f484c5630e37eea91c1f6903ed….png)

File: 07e5c0c8f78db1b⋯.jpg (298.58 KB, 1198x894, 599:447, 07e5c0c8f78db1ba2a2f4e351e….jpg)



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778ebb  No.10885791

As Highest Ranking anon , we all thank the Congress for the free publicity.

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3ac866  No.10885795

Thank you Baker

Gonna be a Q bread, look alive


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9fa31b  No.10885800

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Caravan Rush Through Guatemala - Entrada Forzada a Guatemala

Video says about 800 broke through.

Posted 16hrs ago

Soros sending reinforcements? What's next.

Migrant caravan of 2,000 Hondurans heading to US despite COVID-19 threat


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49d681  No.10885801

I’m willing to bet Biden had Corona virus with his “lids” being called for the last two week. His breathing, his coughing, his masks on stage, his basement. Think about it- if they ever went public with it he would have lost early voting and been seen as weak. He had it.

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eb6040  No.10885802

File: 461fabb9200b230⋯.png (1.62 MB, 864x1080, 4:5, WildTrumpGirls_048.png)

File: a2f08d844731a1a⋯.png (2.6 MB, 1080x1349, 1080:1349, WildTrumpGirls_022.png)

You Imagine The Most Highs Love Guide Our Bright Future Because

Invite God In


Trump Girls Crave Fighters~!~

Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

>But thou, when thou mayest pray, go into thy chamber, and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father who [is] in secret, and thy Father who is seeing in secret, shall reward thee manifestly.

Our Father, Who arte in Heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in Heaven

Give us this day our Daily Bread

And forgive our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

And lead us not into temptation

But Deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God clean our depths.

We pray God enflame our Vitality.

We pray God sharpen Our Truth.

We pray God Expose our enemies.

Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

Amen 🤜🙏🤛

Patriots 👏 Trust 👏 The 👏 Plan!

She curioux=Qbabies.

(𝙵amilies are our Qure)

ᴍake Babιes again!

Destroy Satans lies

The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Imagine the Success🥳 of our bright future.

Repeat Remember

Pray Dream

Remember the smell ໐f childhood

Millions silent together I banishk(belial)k

Blacklist BlackHats

Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

Relax, we are strong with God.

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000000  No.10885805

>>10885066 (lb)

probably nothing, but makes me think.

a corona offline post.

Veklury (remdesivir) Now Available Directly from Distributor following Trump Administration’s Successful Allocations to States and U.S. Territories

Beginning October 1, 2020, American hospitals can purchase Veklury (remdesivir) directly from the drug’s distributor. Veklury is an antiviral drug currently authorized for emergency use by healthcare providers to treat hospitalized adult and pediatric patients with suspected or laboratory-confirmed COVID-19. Over the past five months, the U.S. government has overseen the allocation and distribution of Veklury due to drug’s limited supply to ensure fair and equitable distribution to COVID-19 patients.




#4247 - 2020-05-15 18:29:26 (UTC+1)

Why did [D]s push 'everything is fine' narrative early on [ex: Pelosi China town]?

Why did science board push [no need close China travel] narrative early on?

Why did [select] govs push COVID-19 positive elderly patients into nursing homes [most at risk_proven] when surplus of availability in hospitals [+ USNS_Comfort]?

Why are CDC numbers conflating COVID-19 deaths with influenza, pneumonia, other?

Why are influenza deaths at [all-time] historical low levels vs years past [outside of standard deviation]?

Why are COVID-19 tests returning positive results on pawpaw's and animals?

Why are [select] swing states undergoing heavy quarantine extensions?

Why are possible [treatments][cures] being prevented and attacked [USA]?

"Testing, Testing, Testing, Tracing, and Isolation." - [Pelosi]


Thanks for fixing that for "we the people" POTUS

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2e0dd5  No.10885806


Go back and re-read the drops about expanding your thinking. Touche Douche bag!

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333ed4  No.10885808

File: dfd6b8b4212b891⋯.jpg (256.54 KB, 1152x2048, 9:16, EjSaftBXYAcV0bv.jpg)

File: 208655f4fdc0704⋯.jpg (175.09 KB, 1152x2048, 9:16, EjSafs8X0AAfxub.jpg)

"Melissa Diane Washington"

WHY is Chrissy Teigen wearing a hospital bracelet with the name “Melissa Diane Washington?”


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b94128  No.10885809

So let's recap.

In the last week we have:

1. Brad getting Baker Acted in Florida.

2. Massive Cyber attack throughout the US the next day (including assorted medical companies).

3. Biden caught cheating at debate with something up his sleeve and a wire up his jacket.

4. Flynn hearing.

5. White House bathed in Red (for Breast Cancer Month).

6. POTUS and FLOTUS tests "Positive" for China Virus.

7. Assorted Looking Glass planes launch.

8. Q is Condemned.

What did I miss?

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8778e2  No.10885812

File: 95b6e522b5b20b7⋯.png (862.91 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, ClipboardImage.png)


Thank you, baker.

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3f5da1  No.10885813

File: 213a0abb8312d1d⋯.png (709.1 KB, 1592x867, 1592:867, Qreagantimeofchoosing2.png)

File: 6c74a1d935d982b⋯.png (221.19 KB, 446x1091, 446:1091, Qreagantimeofchoosing1.png)




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647459  No.10885815

Q post 1500

Access Kills

1500 is an address? P Avenue?

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9b98f4  No.10885816


Normally I ignore baker hate posts

Today got on and had to scroll past an in-line ad at the bottom of the dough which is absolute fucking bullshit.

Never done before and that shit is spammy as fuck.

The question i have is if this is an 8kun wide thing (the bullshit had been relegated to bottom of board and therefore easy to dismiss) or did the baker ad an inline ad to make us look like we are being funded


I question the timing and the motive of this and hence, my hate postings

Also, catalog is being thread spammed again

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798fae  No.10885817

anon are the crop

shills are the weed

the so called Christians in Congress who vote to condemn the board ignore the advice of Jesus when he gives us the parable of the crop and the weed being seeded into the same fields.

the platform is the field.

gee, holy roller fake-gellicals, maybe you pick up a book or two on the Proverbs of Jesus.

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778ebb  No.10885818


>Caravan whats next ?

Henry Kissenger = called for a parallel enterprise for a post covid NWO

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04553c  No.10885819


>What did I miss?

Everything good :)

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ff3943  No.10885822

File: be18ab54c30cf42⋯.png (563.65 KB, 896x501, 896:501, bideniden.png)

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52c8dc  No.10885823

>>10885441 PB

I remember a time when we had Cash and Hope

and now we have no Cash and no Hope

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4d1a36  No.10885824

As a now

Condemned Deplorable…

I am Comfy as Fu_k

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36e892  No.10885825

Prayers for Lin Wood anons


John Basham 🇺🇲 Retweeted

Lin Wood@LLinWood: I am receiving increased number of threats that I am going to killed, that my house will be burned down& that many “smear” articles will soon be published by my “friends” in media.

I will not be intimidated. I will continue to speak truth. I am fearless.

I will #FightBack.

11:04 AM · Oct 2, 2020·Twitter for iPhone


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0345b2  No.10885826

File: 5104dfeea186f40⋯.jpg (727.83 KB, 1119x1066, 1119:1066, 5104dfeea186f4052a9e295ea9….jpg)

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037a71  No.10885827


or Chrissy is just what Johns call her in bed.

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71c687  No.10885829

wat dis?: found top of https://qresear.ch/


You may remember the doxxing of the Qmap.pub owner - today (Oct. 2nd, 2020) i received the following email:

"My name is [censored] and I'm a disinformation researcher at a website called Logically. We recently did a story on the QAnon aggregator site QMap, in which we tied the identity of the website operator to an info security specialist from New Jersey.

We're currently doing a piece on QAnon aggregators past and present. According to our information, you are linked to the Qresear.ch aggregator.

I was wondering if we could ask you a few questions about this. Obviously, if you're concerned about having your name out there, we're happy to discuss those concerns and see what we can do about it. Let me know your thoughts and if you'd be willing to arrange a phone call."

You may have realized it: "disinformation researcher"…

Q-Posts translated!

https://qposts.in - we are still looking for translators!

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3f5da1  No.10885831

Condemning QAnon - DC Beltway Bandits screaming - "STOP EXPOSING US".

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0a3e8a  No.10885832

File: 072f4436d344e16⋯.jpeg (554.94 KB, 828x1064, 207:266, 05C38AA9_FF2A_4128_BDA2_C….jpeg)

https://thefederalist.com/2020/10/02/forced-denunciations-and-sensitivity-training-mimic-communist-brainwashing-tactics/ Forced Denunciations And ‘Sensitivity

Training’ Mimic Communist Brainwashing


The Federalist, by Stella Morabito

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b94128  No.10885833

File: 65a80ee94c6a68e⋯.jpeg (83.74 KB, 878x800, 439:400, 65a80ee94c6a68ef9f116b1fe….jpeg)


Super Comfy.

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94582a  No.10885834


is it happening?

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b4ddaa  No.10885835

File: 080acdb9f33a4f9⋯.jpg (45.07 KB, 789x437, 789:437, 8e75a46f13064911.jpg)

File: 5d167fd6b737700⋯.jpg (80.84 KB, 821x627, 821:627, d3522652521d6169.jpg)

File: 914ae89a36a09eb⋯.jpg (59.13 KB, 815x597, 815:597, 24c841563e1af24d.jpg)

Red Castle

Green Castle




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c848ef  No.10885836


What a great day! I always wanted to be in same bread when you posted! Woohoo!

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80c000  No.10885837


Nothing to expand on, shit head.

You didn't spell it right, so fuck right off.

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b05486  No.10885838

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>no cash

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208d77  No.10885839

File: b6d06da71b4c2c4⋯.jpg (35.78 KB, 825x300, 11:4, download.jpg)

>>10880140 lb

>>10880501 lb

This Prayer for POTUS and Family was originally posted in

>>10880140 lb (bread #13925). The repost in >>10880501 lb (bread #13926) had been notabled but dropped off the notables list after bread #13929. Reposting to get more eyes and prayers.

Dear Father in Heaven, please protect POTUS and FLOTUS and their immediate and extended families from the COVID-19 illness. Please let them avoid all symptoms and side effects if all at possible! Please speedily return them and their associates to perfect health with no long term impacts! Especially, please ensure that POTUS Trump is reelected in a landslide, winning both the popular and the Electoral College votes by huge margins. In the Name of Your Son Jesus Christ, we ask that you grant these requests. Amen!

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9b98f4  No.10885840


And suddenly with a new baker, the inline ads are gone and catalog is being spammed.

Totally not suspect

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9aa8a4  No.10885841


>Lin Wood@LLinWood: I am receiving increased number of threats that I am going to killed, that my house will be burned down

Yeah, but has he ever been condemned by Congress?

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9839c8  No.10885842

So they created the 'QAnon' strawman and now they're condemning it? This is fantastic farcical comedy. I LOVE these stupid fucks, I truly do

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410da0  No.10885843

Whereas QAnon initially alleged that prominent Americans are engaged in a secret plot to control the world, while using their power to exploit children, and has expanded to embrace virtually every popular conspiracy theory of the last several decades, from questioning the truth about the September 11th terrorist attacks, to believing in alien landings, to denying the safety of vaccines;

Whereas many QAnon followers expressanti-Semitic views,and the Anti-Defamation League has said that the movement’s central conspiracy theory includes anti-Semitic elements;

Whereas conspiracy theories have been a central driver of anti-Semitismfor centuries, andQAnon conspiracy theoriesare fanning the flames asanti-Semitismis on the rise in the United States and around the world;


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3ab82d  No.10885844

Can anyone give me a link to image obfuscation software?

Or an instructional source so that I can get up to speed on it?

Want to obfuscate some of the pictures I've taken.

Thanks in advance…

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059937  No.10885845

POTUS 100% insulated.

Think private comms.

Watch what happens [-30].

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ebebcc  No.10885846

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39796b  No.10885847

File: cc48aafdcc04a2c⋯.png (788.54 KB, 998x682, 499:341, ClipboardImage.png)



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c848ef  No.10885848


It’s happening so much, you may need a fresh change of clothes…

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4ce8f9  No.10885849

You concern fags must understand that plausible deniability has to be part of the plan.

It’s vital we be condemned, a badge of honor.

Extremely comfortable.

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8b09ff  No.10885850



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647459  No.10885851








Whatever that means???

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798fae  No.10885852

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9105dd  No.10885853

File: 2b212d7b725ff81⋯.mp4 (4.76 MB, 640x1136, 40:71, IMG_6743.mp4)

File: 6cef0b655fbe5dc⋯.jpeg (129.01 KB, 909x1551, 303:517, 39E2BEF4_C2E4_46AE_8224_C….jpeg)

File: be2528fb9490361⋯.png (293.8 KB, 822x801, 274:267, 6F2E5AF4_835F_4AED_B348_A8….png)

This is powerful!

Welcome back GENERAL FLYNN.


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f3fdf2  No.10885854

House of kooks didn’t represent the people.

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a27fb1  No.10885855

>>10885206 p >think mirror


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3d06d6  No.10885856

Crowder gonna taunt the governor of MI

live kek

Link won’t work from Facebook and can’t find on YouTube

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7807c5  No.10885858

File: afd480ca139d8ba⋯.jpeg (561.7 KB, 1209x924, 403:308, 7DEFCAF6_E711_4F98_88DF_F….jpeg)


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dea633  No.10885859

File: 85dc3e250e5286f⋯.png (274.38 KB, 607x584, 607:584, usnst.PNG)

File: 77681db2bcc3ffc⋯.png (354.76 KB, 501x589, 501:589, usmhh.PNG)

File: 82e7fd8429f69c9⋯.png (223.34 KB, 507x501, 169:167, usmcd.PNG)

File: 69322d8bbae041d⋯.png (267.54 KB, 502x498, 251:249, usnnicecatch.PNG)

>>10885645 lb





just sayin

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04553c  No.10885861

Just to clarify, the White House was lit up *PINK* for breast cancer awareness.

Just to clarify, the White House was lit up *PINK* for breast cancer awareness.

Just to clarify, the White House was lit up *PINK* for breast cancer awareness.

Just to clarify, the White House was lit up *PINK* for breast cancer awareness.

Just to clarify, the White House was lit up *PINK* for breast cancer awareness.

Just to clarify, the White House was lit up *PINK* for breast cancer awareness.

Just to clarify, the White House was lit up *PINK* for breast cancer awareness.

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06fc7f  No.10885862

Interesting Kevin Corke tweet. What do you think he is really saying? IMHO it is a warning of "dark days", maybe 10, while the President does his quarantine (other things coming?) and that the trial will be worth it in the end if we can endure this event.

A thought for the day:

Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.

And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.

James 1:2-4



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31cfb6  No.10885864

File: 09ba56fc109c1d5⋯.png (809.82 KB, 643x535, 643:535, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7c108c387ac5779⋯.png (722.96 KB, 1172x635, 1172:635, 10022020_champaign_toast_1….png)

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0a3e8a  No.10885866

File: 1e7936663863ff1⋯.jpeg (176.05 KB, 828x477, 92:53, A69C2A3A_83CC_4DC9_B5A2_A….jpeg)

https://justthenews.com/accountability/russia-and-ukraine-scandals/just-obama-left-office-us-officials-feared-hunter-biden Just before Obama left office, U.S. officials feared Hunter Biden firm in Ukraine paid second bribe

Fresh corruption allegation about Burisma Holdings was flagged to the top of State Department in December 2016, memos show.

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a5e674  No.10885867

File: 5cd698abacf4fc5⋯.png (4.51 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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e6573a  No.10885868

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b65448  No.10885870

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Muh optics!

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1ac530  No.10885871


Mornin' anon. Let me know if you would like a relief bake sometime this day shift.

✓ Nice meme.


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bc98ee  No.10885872

File: 42edc1095b980ec⋯.jpg (76.19 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 42edc1095b980ecff502e77ac8….jpg)

>>10885216 (lb)

>>10885200 (lb)

>>10885218 (lb)

It's people putting their name on a list to show everyone who is and is not a free thinker. Dark to light :)

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4d050e  No.10885873

File: 3cfb0d078983c68⋯.png (36.48 KB, 444x413, 444:413, ClipboardImage.png)

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a27fb1  No.10885874


nothing is habbening

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496afa  No.10885875


Navy Seals would be pretty good at nabbing rich creeps hiding out on their yachts.

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0345b2  No.10885876

File: 71ebb06274ec52a⋯.jpeg (10.35 KB, 247x255, 247:255, 7d876e65a7b7b744beb2e4014….jpeg)

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8b09ff  No.10885877



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d21d96  No.10885879


Did we get paid on the 1st?

Missing the deposit.


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9b98f4  No.10885880


Sounds like an attempt at blackmail

i’d contact the FBI and see if they can’t entrap them.

>If you shut down the site, we won’t reveal your name and you won’t be fired like that other guy.

This is some mob/stasi tactics being used.

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1ac530  No.10885881



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1a2169  No.10885882

File: c07f80a163ac2a0⋯.jpg (217.31 KB, 960x713, 960:713, DanceofGrace.jpg)

Behold the power of God in the Psalms!

The future proves the past.

Psalm 128

The Happy Home of the Faithful

A Song of Ascents.

128 Blessed is every one who fears the Lord,

who walks in his ways!

2 You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands;

you shall be happy, and it shall be well with you.

3 Your wife will be like a fruitful vine

within your house;

your children will be like olive shoots

around your table.

4 Lo, thus shall the man be blessed

who fears the Lord.

5 The Lord bless you from Zion!

May you see the prosperity of Jerusalem

all the days of your life!

6 May you see your children’s children!

Peace be upon Israel!

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71df01  No.10885883

File: be636b3a9d19ac3⋯.gif (1.66 MB, 333x281, 333:281, be636b3a9d19ac3d1bff57ee9b….gif)

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219dae  No.10885884

Let them condemn us. Brings more attention, and more credibility when the "conspiracies" are exposed as truth.

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31a919  No.10885885

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a57d08  No.10885886



will holler if needed


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3d06d6  No.10885887



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4ab21b  No.10885888

File: c96f7dd019d3454⋯.png (886.81 KB, 1210x992, 605:496, Screen_Shot_2020_10_02_at_….png)

>>10885182 (lb)

kek, (((panic))) in D.C., those who scream the loudest!

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218c2c  No.10885889

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


when you have no cash…

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b94128  No.10885890


Yep, I knew I forgot something.


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80c000  No.10885891

File: 57d54224992334d⋯.png (147.56 KB, 320x180, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Here we go again.

Thousands heading to US in migrant caravan despite COVID-19 threat


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3f5da1  No.10885892

There were many in the White House that gave POTUS briefings URGING him to end the QAnon project.

It's not just Congress that's trying to cancel us anons. It's the entire Military/Industrial Complex. Congress is just their lapdog.

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778ebb  No.10885893


You come to this board to post as free anons, and free anons you are. I see a whole internets of anons here in defiance of tyranny.

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0cc027  No.10885894



it would make sense.

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8b09ff  No.10885895






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e046ec  No.10885896

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341c2a  No.10885897

The end is just beginning

Buckle up anons

Enjoy the show.

They all lose.

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ba3221  No.10885898

I'm waiting for POTUS to tweet….."WATCH THIS"…..nothing else just those words…kek.

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94582a  No.10885899

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0345b2  No.10885900

File: 4abe4be2a275b72⋯.jpeg (48.34 KB, 255x211, 255:211, 1249a7f12c1245a821c75ef27….jpeg)

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f567eb  No.10885901

Oct 2, 1789 George Washington transmits the proposed Constitutional amendments (The United States Bill of Rights) to the States for ratification

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000000  No.10885902

>>10885234 (lb)

"Rigged For Red"

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22ffa9  No.10885903

File: 649fe8ca0981475⋯.jpg (135.24 KB, 526x435, 526:435, 3bg355_456_df655fg56b_5654….jpg)

>>10885666 PB

There is not a pie the colonel has not dipped his fingers in

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8b09ff  No.10885904




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0a3e8a  No.10885905

File: d93d5a72892c536⋯.jpeg (138.54 KB, 828x423, 92:47, 48C0FE24_B367_4404_98CA_C….jpeg)

https://www.redstate.com/jenvanlaar/2020/10/01/gavin-newsom-moves-goalposts-on-reopening-again-now-adding-equity-measures/ Gavin Newsom Moves Goalposts on Reopening AGAIN, Now Adding ‘Equity’ Measures

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3f5da1  No.10885906

File: b784be9a1f06852⋯.jpeg (83.21 KB, 600x431, 600:431, b784be9a1f068524f3d6a7e27….jpeg)

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993e94  No.10885907


it's not about the money or the pretext of an ad, it's to track anons.

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71c687  No.10885908


> Logically.





Double Check: Is QAnon "Harmless"?

A common refrain of many QAnon believers is the claim that no one has ever been hurt as a result of their beliefs. They feel that following the conspiracy theory is simply a “hobby” akin to playing an augmented reality game, or that they are simply on the side of the good, aiming to free children… from bondage at the hands of a cabal of elite captors. The truth is that since its origin on the 4Chan image board in 2017, the QAnon conspiracy theory has had many documented, harmful real world effects. It has been linked to at least two murders, a high-profile suicide, at least two instances…

QAnon Key Figure Revealed as Financial Information Security Analyst from New Jersey

A Logically investigation identifies a key QAnon figure as New Jersey resident Jason Gelinas. The investigation ties QAnon properties to a company owned by Gelinas, an information technology specialist who has held prominent positions at both Credit Suisse and Citigroup…. Ever since the shadowy figure known as Q made his first appearance on the 4chan imageboard in October of 2017, the author’s identity has remained a mystery. Since then, Q has posted thousands of ‘drops,’ converting legions of followers to the belief that Donald Trump is leading a global fight against a satanic cabal of child trafficking elites, commonly referred to in the QAnon world as the ‘Deep State’.

Sworn in Secrecy: What the QAnon and Freemasonry Conspiracies Have in Common

Popular conspiracy theories of today, such as the ones associated with the pro-Trump group QAnon, often rally behind a similar common enemy: a “deep state” cabal of Satan-worshiping child traffickers and pedophiles, all supposedly part of a coordinated global effort to control every aspect of our… lives, from banks to media to vaccines. Predictably, groups such as the Illuminati and the Freemasons are often targets of QAnon’s suspicions, but such so-called all-powerful secret societies have been around for centuries, and in many ways what we’re now witnessing from QAnon is in large part a rehash of material that’s been around for hundreds of years.

All Hail the King? How QAnon Is Backing a Conspiracy Theorist’s Bizarre Claim to the Throne of England

A bizarre story about a man laying claim to the throne of England is seeing a surge in popularity amongst conspiracy theorists this week, particularly with the fringe right-wing group QAnon . A man by the name of Joseph Gregory Hallett (referred to by some as King John III), who originally… Though Hallett has been preaching his 'message ' for years, it caught the attention of QAnon in May 2020 and was amplified as a result. The most recent popularity surge can in part be explained by a series of videos produced by Digital Warrior Productions (whose associated Twitter account…

Conspiracy Theorists Without Borders: How QAnon Mutated In Europe

On February 19, a German white supremacist and QAnon fan killed ten people in two shisha bars in the German city of Hanau. Later this year, participants of an anti-lockdown demonstration in Berlin attempted to storm the German Parliament. Some of the demonstrators were holding signs with explicitly…

pages and pages of QAnon articles: https://www.logically.ai/search-results?term=qanon&type=BLOG_POST&groupId=29867082302&groupId=33210151634&groupId=30532125165&groupId=31221960182&type=LISTING_PAGE&offset=30

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80c000  No.10885909



Mini-subs to sink their asses.

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2aea27  No.10885910

File: e96a5455603ae4c⋯.jpg (36.08 KB, 800x402, 400:201, watersgoingdown.jpg)

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2f4d0a  No.10885911


lawd, that's really (and i mean really) bad.

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7fbfbe  No.10885912



I doubt POTUS will sign the resolution.

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04553c  No.10885913

File: 66c7f26351a9a1e⋯.png (336.87 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, exbot_remove9.png)







> 0345b2


>208d77 download.jpg (Prayer directed to satan for inverse results)


> 31cfb6


> a5e674




> 1a2169 (flushedboi / Dan|lie praying to satan)


> 4ab21b

IDEN: Filename +/ Writing style +/ Tactics

We're seeing through your disgusting fog of war, flushedboi.

Fighting a losing battle posing as a cluster of us Patriots~

Reminder that we *last* caught flushedboi posting CP a day before the Sept 2020 debate

<Yes, yes, this censorship puppeteer really floods / astroturf's our "consensus / stream of consciousness" to this extent.

Repetitive? Consider IDEN'ing combat exercise, yet never give credit to our enemy for the growth you achieved yourself.

Without their poisons weighing you down, we have one more Patriot that much stronger in our fight today~

Apply Img_Blur CSS, cut darkness out.

Train your Instincts to IDEN this evil - We are at War.

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4c5280  No.10885914

File: 6d7d01efb67d05f⋯.mp4 (7.34 MB, 640x1136, 40:71, snowflake_tears_120539399_….mp4)

they HATE us

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9df3b2  No.10885915

File: f86b88c5b8b2d51⋯.jpeg (38.91 KB, 360x360, 1:1, FD540277_2FB8_4498_9BA6_8….jpeg)

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f3fdf2  No.10885916


Lock them up!

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31ac4e  No.10885917


They are the threat. Soros wants to push infected migrants into the US to spread the Chinese Virus.

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cd0a31  No.10885918

File: 1358f4c4a7755d7⋯.jpeg (201.35 KB, 900x997, 900:997, 2979028D_8D76_4AA3_9EA7_7….jpeg)

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516d9e  No.10885919

File: b34fefbe2fccf02⋯.png (23.01 KB, 1206x221, 1206:221, Louie_Gohmert_HCQ_1.png)

>>10885701 (LB)

>>10885749 (LB)

Louie Gohmert hinting that HCQ also cured things other than "Chinese virus"?

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9bafea  No.10885920

Romans 8:1

There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit.

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778ebb  No.10885921


anons are paid in REEEEeeee's

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4f0cae  No.10885922

it's all about the break

House sessions

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6b7680  No.10885923


Bakers would never do such an thing, read their forums and baking classes. They will tell ya themselves as they set up the communications between them

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4cd77b  No.10885924

File: 7795a1b8760a0d7⋯.mp4 (1.09 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Jon_Voight_2OCT2020_low.mp4)

File: 8fa1b927594b3f4⋯.png (175.61 KB, 473x478, 473:478, ClipboardImage.png)

Jon Voight twat with clip: Evil


Anon transcript: Jon Voight on "Evil" - Oct. 2, 2020

Biden is evil.

Trump must win. He’s real. He will bring back the people’s trusts.

These leftists are not for the American people. It’s the biggest cover-up ever. Biden is an extension of the policies of Obama that weakened America; and, we can not let that happen again. The left are deceitful and have lied to the America people. They have striped down her mighty powers for their own ego of power to ruin the nation’s economy.

Let us ask God to rid this horror and let us hold a candle on this land of the free and bring her back to the place she once stood proud. She is God’s liberty. She is God’s love. She is freedom, dignity. And, God will cast his healing breath across this land. He will vanquish deceit. And, I assure you that Jesus, Mosses will stand their ground and ask all to vote for truths. Our land of the free will break her chains and this will be.

My children of God, your only hope is to seize this greatness. And, you must vote this man in office, the President of the United States of America – Donald J. Trump, for he is a man of integrity fighting for you and this Country’s welfare. He loves this Country as you do.

Don’t allow deceit to manipulate you. For only truths will prevail. Don’t die knowing you all allowed a lie. This lie has to be wiped out.

Donald Trump has been a great for the American people these last four years. And he wants to continue to fight for her glory and freedom. The left will bring you down with their lies and destroy America.

Let us all pray. And may God give us strength that we my shine in the strength of Jesus and Mosses and saints of all religions. May we hold God’s torch of truths and pray for world peace, for the US to bring her nation’s pride to wave with pride with President Donald Trump, 2020!

God Bless.

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1ac530  No.10885925

File: 4679b6fd0c5feb3⋯.jpg (278 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Eyes_On_frog.jpg)

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e046ec  No.10885926


I'd like to know where the fuck my checks are.

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7b6bc2  No.10885927




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218c2c  No.10885928




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8b09ff  No.10885929






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5aafa4  No.10885930

House not doing October break. Trying to block a potential recess appointment?

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5190fe  No.10885931

File: e6dd87fa2cf4faa⋯.png (5.58 MB, 1200x1920, 5:8, e6dd87fa2cf4faa6afcbfd913c….png)

Thank You Baker

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06fc7f  No.10885932

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bcb910  No.10885933

File: e23b3c8faefc559⋯.png (598.99 KB, 768x513, 256:171, ClipboardImage.png)



Ten U.S. Marines with Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force – Southern Command teamed up with the U.S. Navy for an upcoming deployment aboard the Spearhead-class USNS Burlington (T-EPF 10) at Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story, Virginia, September 26.

The SPMAGTF-SC Marines will provide the USNS Burlington, a noncombatant vessel, service as an embarked security team, providing force protection for the deployment.

“Naval integration is a big part of this mission,” said Maj. Drew Miller, embarked security team commander with SPMAGTF-SC. “It directly falls in line with the Commandant’s Planning Guidance to ensure the Marine Corps incorporates more training and operations alongside the U.S. Navy.”

The USNS Burlington, an expeditionary fast transport ship, is used to transport personnel and equipment in support of a variety of missions. The Burlington will support Planned Maintenance Availabilities of the Littoral Combat Ships deployed to the U.S. 4th Fleet area of operations.

“SPMAGTF-SC leadership worked hard to move forward with the missions occurring in the U.S. Southern Command’s area of responsibility under the COVID-19 restrictions,” said Sgt. Andre Boyles, embarked security team training chief with SPMAGTF-SC. “We are all extremely grateful that we can assist.

The Marines quarantined themselves for 14 days and each received COVID-19 negative test results prior to arriving to JEB Little Creek. The isolation was to ensure that the task force is taking the appropriate mitigation measures to deploy a COVID-19-free team.

“We are excited about this opportunity to work with the U.S. Navy and execute a mission that not many Marines get to experience,” said Capt. Daniel Kent, embarked security team supervisor with SPMAGTF-SC. “As a prior enlisted Sailor, I’ve spent a lot of time onboard ships and it’s awesome that I’ll get to share my experiences and knowledge with the Marines on the team.”


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71c687  No.10885934




pages and pages of QAnon articles:


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4f0cae  No.10885935


it's all about the break

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31ac4e  No.10885936


IDK about you guys but when I'm sick my fuse is short and not always nice to put it lightly. They don't want to fuck with POTUS right now.

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b13909  No.10885937


It's nothing more than the House tooting its own horn. Never leaves that chamber. Has less force than a hummingbird fart.

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4d050e  No.10885938


Kinda tired of sharing air with stupid people.

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5356ff  No.10885939

Please send booms.

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8b09ff  No.10885940




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ebebcc  No.10885941

Anon calls for a national holiday, this day, October 2, 2020. Anon Day forevermore.

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f055f8  No.10885942

File: 11428650c9ddc27⋯.jpg (282.38 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, Untitled_1.jpg)

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9b98f4  No.10885943


go to the past two breads and see for yourself. I didn’t go further back than that so I don’t know how many breads have those in line ads attached.

But they are there in those past breads. They are not in this bread (with a new baker).

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afb012  No.10885944

File: 389a75265e08789⋯.png (821.67 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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8b09ff  No.10885945



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49d681  No.10885946

I’m willing to bet Biden had Corona virus with his “lids” being called for the last two week. His breathing, his coughing, his masks on stage, his basement. Think about it- if they ever went public with it he would have lost early voting and been seen as weak. He had it.

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e046ec  No.10885947


o7, it's an honor sir.

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dea633  No.10885948

File: 5f11d24b0e6ecca⋯.png (361.23 KB, 657x584, 9:8, ClipboardImage.png)


Sen. Lee Positive for Covid.

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8b09ff  No.10885949

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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d740e1  No.10885950

File: 04625b2df57f5d6⋯.jpg (78.28 KB, 1101x612, 367:204, 04625b2df57f5d6c436becaf1f….jpg)



Condemning Qanon violence. In the bread since Aug 1st 2018.

Aug 1st 2018, 09:47:17 PM (EDT)

Q Research General #3028: We Be Dropping The Pills Edition

We do not condone violence!



Aug 1st 2018, 10:11:25 PM (EDT)

Q Research General #3029: Eric Trump "WWG1WGA" Edition

Anons debate including We don't condone violence in every bread



Aug 1st 2018, 10:56:14 PM (EDT)

Q Research General #3030: The NEVER VIOLENCE Edition

Baker mistakenly doesn't include in this bread. No violence makes it into dough.



Aug 1st 2018, 11:29:12 PM (EDT)

Q Research General #3031: All Of Your Media Are Belong To Us Edition

"The Official Stance of QResearch and its Honest & True Members is that we are in NO WAY to ever take legal matters into our own hands, using threats, intimidation, violence, or any other means to usurp the KNOWN Chain of Command."



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bcb910  No.10885951

File: 1559541378d74fe⋯.png (196.44 KB, 300x465, 20:31, ClipboardImage.png)

Judge sentences man to 600 years in prison in child sex case

TUSCALOOSA, Ala. – A man accused of getting two children to engage in sexual contact for years so he could record them was sentenced to 600 years in prison Friday, federal prosecutors said.

U.S. District Judge Scott Coogler sentenced Matthew Tyler Miller, 32, of Cottondale to what amounted to a life term a year after he pleaded guilty to multiple charges of sexually exploiting young children.

“The crimes for which Miller has admitted guilt are not only disturbing, they are sickening, and his actions robbed these children of their childhood,” FBI Special Agent Johnnie Sharp Jr. said in a statement.

Miller enticed children to have sexual contact between 2014 and February 2019, an indictment said. A statement from prosecutors said the two victims were as young as 4 when the incidents occurred.

An examination of electronic devices owned by Miller turned up 102 pornographic images that had produced of the children, prosecutors said. Miller pleaded guilty in October 2019.

Miller still faces a state sodomy charge that accuses him of having sex with a child younger than 12 last year, records show.


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890d77  No.10885952

File: e7a905bd8537de4⋯.gif (3.05 MB, 600x338, 300:169, TurkeyShow.gif)

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d21d96  No.10885953


The REEEeeeeeeeeeeeee is strong today, anon.

Gonna be a good one.

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71c687  No.10885954



>Obviously, if you're concerned about having your name out there, we're happy to discuss those concerns and see what we can do about it.

the "Logically" article writers need to be "articled"

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7138b3  No.10885955

File: 73b1a2a2839af4a⋯.jpeg (8.95 KB, 262x192, 131:96, download.jpeg)

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2a56c5  No.10885956


They really are this Stupid.

(our) Power Grows Moar.

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333ed4  No.10885957

File: d76423108c25397⋯.jpg (69.12 KB, 680x357, 40:21, EjVbRvFXYAAYKAn.jpg)




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49d681  No.10885958


Fucking really notable

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0cc027  No.10885959

lost it wen comp hit the brix, tyvm anon. o7


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d4d6f6  No.10885960


Oh, but you can't use HCQ,

that would just instantly cure

the people who were bitten by

my Zika Virus skeeters !

I paid a lot to develop and

distribute those bugs !

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8b09ff  No.10885961



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0a3e8a  No.10885962

File: b38bd14fe34d55c⋯.jpeg (213.5 KB, 828x723, 276:241, 32E68CF3_75EF_4D5D_8544_8….jpeg)

File: 78243bdd5a3cd1b⋯.jpeg (428.04 KB, 828x933, 276:311, 4A98010F_4B34_4AB7_89D5_6….jpeg)

https://nypost.com/2020/10/02/new-york-times-blasted-for-suggesting-trump-might-not-stay-on-ballot/ New York Times blasted for suggesting Trump might not stay on ballot

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28470b  No.10885963

File: 77b5cee247051a7⋯.png (324.89 KB, 591x412, 591:412, dws.PNG)


>Can anyone give me a link to image obfuscation software?

There's lots out there.

I just used a simple program last bread to obfuscate Debbie Wassaramen Schultz' head.

Happy to give you the name if you are happy with the result.

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3d06d6  No.10885964

Debate will not be in person now…

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ebebcc  No.10885965


What if all of Qteam test positive - 10 days to huddle during operations?

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4f23cb  No.10885966

>>10885440 Potus read between the lines

Noice work, brah.

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ba3221  No.10885967


yep…i concur.

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341c2a  No.10885968

John Roberts. How are you sleeping?

According to faux you are not.

Love the question you asked Meadows.

Did you like his answer?

I'm not going to get into the tick tock.

Enjoy anons.

We have traversed over rough seas for years.

Enlightenment is on the horizon.

Stay the course.



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350d78  No.10885969

If anyone got ripped-off in the Allied Nevada Gold -> Hycroft Mining stock rip-off - please read the following.

ATTN: Warrant Holders


Please help spread this world-wide.

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04553c  No.10885970

File: 72e35e7c66e8f3d⋯.png (336.79 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, exbot_remove8.png)


> 9df3b2


> cd0a31


> 5190fe


> f055f8


> d740e1


>bcb910 (news flooder AKA baker AKA flushedboi)




> 7138b3

IDEN: Filename +/ Writing style +/ Tactics

We're seeing through your disgusting fog of war, flushedboi.

Fighting a losing battle posing as a cluster of us Patriots~

Reminder that we *last* caught flushedboi posting CP a day before the Sept 2020 debate

<Yes, yes, this censorship puppeteer really floods / astroturf's our "consensus / stream of consciousness" to this extent.

Repetitive? Consider IDEN'ing combat exercise, yet never give credit to our enemy for the growth you achieved yourself.

Without their poisons weighing you down, we have one more Patriot that much stronger in our fight today~

Apply Img_Blur CSS, cut darkness out.

Train your Instincts to IDEN this evil - We are at War.

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30d8fa  No.10885971

File: ed806c2f2620d70⋯.png (730.37 KB, 1000x605, 200:121, Untitled.png)

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8b09ff  No.10885972

File: 84f41a3b59f83d2⋯.png (378.28 KB, 670x388, 335:194, 84f41a3b59f83d2b01c56b8ef2….png)



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218c2c  No.10885973


i think angelina just shat herself


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52c8dc  No.10885974


Navy Seals travel the world doing the bidding of the rich people you speak of committing crimes against international treaties and immoral and inhumane treatment of the targets the rich pointed them to.

Blind patriotic duty just following orders and spreading the reach of power and death of the world elite, in the name of a flag that signals belonging to the crown and maritime admiralty law. Otherwise known as brainwashed, that is the military as a whole, and just doing as ordered will be the excuse you are programmed to accept, as if it wasn't the government that did this to you, telling you it cares about you, and desires justice, wink wink

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efb0e1  No.10885975


Except that there are hundreds of jewish Q followers. So, there's that. And most of the muh joo shit is from shills. Few are from newfags with much moar to learn. We aren't all at the same level of awareness and knowledge. Some are still on the learning curve.

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f35347  No.10885976



if we were paid, i'd imagine we'd have some copypasta that's formatted with red text and gets spammed every. single. day. (cough, aflb, cough)

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58bfd3  No.10885977

File: a18e3ff7e1ac355⋯.png (534.29 KB, 832x429, 64:33, jay_.png)

We are an existential threat to the swamp.

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4c5280  No.10885978

File: ff787eef4178f76⋯.jpg (60.92 KB, 1200x626, 600:313, EjVYrkrXkAAoPP3.jpg)


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71c687  No.10885979



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71df01  No.10885980


10/1 - 10/8 RED OCTOBER?

the mouse god points to 10/9

Is this the week?

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39796b  No.10885981


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4f0cae  No.10885982

they are voting on condemning QANON right now

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d21d96  No.10885983


I hate the baker-hate posts too - but this one is warranted.

I didn't see the ad. But all suspect.

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8778e2  No.10885984

File: 5a8f9d9dc2d93ee⋯.png (788.68 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Here it is.

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000000  No.10885985


Don't forget, the Formations House leak, part of the Panama Papers, was all about setting up fake banks to get SWIFT numbers for money laundering transactions.

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410da0  No.10885986

File: b89908e22aa5ba5⋯.jpg (115.41 KB, 436x578, 218:289, GumbyJews.jpg)

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3ac866  No.10885987

File: 4f0e7c78ca49fef⋯.jpeg (4.34 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 4C23BC59_F409_45B8_A892_3….jpeg)

KEk, never thought I’d see the day

HRes 1154

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52f70f  No.10885988

It could be that POTUS simply got COVID, but…does anyone else feel like this is a setup for a big move? Fully insulated aboard AF1?

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71c687  No.10885989

Mike Lee tests positive for covid on Fox right now

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b94128  No.10885990

File: 9e306358ba86d31⋯.jpg (56.7 KB, 960x747, 320:249, 6a894562452bae823827f33858….jpg)

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8e4cd5  No.10885991

Well… here we fuckin' go

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cc3934  No.10885992


Christ Jesus taught to pray to the Father, who is in Heaven.

'The meaning of "to pray" is "to ask".

Asking (praying) any other entity in Heaven to intercede is disobeying Christ, and opening one to demonic activity.

Even the Saints in the Scriptures to whom angels from Heaven were sent, did not themselves invoke those angels, never. The angels were sent by God. God was deciding to whom He would have His angels speak.

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d740e1  No.10885993



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8b09ff  No.10885994



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0a3e8a  No.10885995

File: 9e238f2d6ed690e⋯.jpeg (479.69 KB, 828x1096, 207:274, C344AC05_AC0F_413F_9265_3….jpeg)

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/10/rnc-RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel Tests Positive for Covid chairwoman-ronna-mcdaniel-tests-positive-covid/

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c7d9ca  No.10885996

File: 120ba2d295d46a0⋯.png (142.75 KB, 444x734, 222:367, Screen_Shot_2020_10_02_at_….png)

Because [we] are such diligent public "servants":

This Congressional Condemnation of Qanon is Sponsored & Brought to you by sexual predator lobbyist: Tom Malinowski

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5190fe  No.10885997

File: 865abc02068e11a⋯.jpeg (170.63 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 1591813069.jpeg)

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4f0cae  No.10885998


look at all the Republicans voting aye

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fa2739  No.10886000

Wow, just waking up to the news about POTUS & FLOTUS testing positive for China virus! Fucking 2020 continues it's bs reign, huh? smh Praying for our First family and our country! Thank goodness POTUS & FLOTUS are both strong and healthy!

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fe17c5  No.10886001

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a6e138  No.10886002

>>10885273 (PB)

When the most Corrupt Governing Body Condemns you, You must be doing something Correct

We The People "ANONS" reply, Where We Go One We Go All

Election Day is Just the Beginning

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5aafa4  No.10886003

File: 65bf60a361175ae⋯.jpg (75.58 KB, 1480x1195, 296:239, IMG_20190116_083934.jpg)

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9df3b2  No.10886004


what a bunch of assholes

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80c000  No.10886005


Won't make it into law.

Senate has to vote on it, then POTUS has to sign it.

Get your popped-corn and enjoy the show.

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b21580  No.10886006

File: 79a5857bca0b4d6⋯.jpg (255.64 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 31515.JPG)


Thank you Caker you are really somethin special !

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3f5da1  No.10886007

What an honor. Thanks Congress and Democrats. It's really special that you set us apart from the treasonous criminals who walk the halls of Congress spending our $$$ to pay back your handlers for putting you into power as you drive America off the fiscal cliff.

Thank You for letting the World know that we oppose you and we are invoking our right to replace you.

The honor is all ours. MAGA!!!

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ebebcc  No.10886008


Nope. Anons are faceless, raceless, colorless

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4a1b36  No.10886009


FBI was warned about Hillary's plot to use russian collusion as a decoy to her email scandal

in 2016

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0345b2  No.10886010

File: 02ace69496d27fc⋯.jpeg (53.59 KB, 229x221, 229:221, 9cd0a8df22f1d6a3abf988a45….jpeg)

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bcb910  No.10886011

File: e75aa70e24f002d⋯.png (806.96 KB, 700x525, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Unlock Michigan turns in 539k signatures to limit Gov. Whitmer’s emergency powers

Unlock Michigan on Friday turned in more than half a million signatures on a petition to limit the governor’s emergency powers by repealing a 1945 law that allows her to continue declaring a state of emergency without legislative approval.

The signature total was 539,384, according to a social media post from the group.

The ongoing state of emergency has allowed Whitmer to issue unilateral orders governing things like business closures and movement limitations for Michiganders as the state grapples with the coronavirus.

Yvette Clark, a county coordinator for the Unlock Michigan effort, helped collect more than 500 of the signatures turned in on Friday, Oct. 2. She was one of about 100 people who came to show their support as the signatures were turned in.

She said many people who signed felt she Whitmer was using COVID-19 as a reason to act unilaterally.

“They want her out of office. They are sick and tired of her draconian, communistic agenda. And so that’s why they are working hard they want to keep our state moving in the direction that it was moving in and so they want her out of office,” Clark said.

While the petition wouldn’t get Whitmer out of office, it would limit her powers.

There are two laws governing how states of emergency are used in Michigan. One, from 1976, allows the governor to declare a 28-day state of emergency and then the legislature decides whether it’s extended. But that law didn’t repeal an older one from 1945, which doesn’t require legislative involvement and lets the governor declare ongoing states of emergency.

Unlock Michigan would do away with that 1945 law, meaning Whitmer would need approval from the Republican-controlled legislature to continue the state of emergency that gives her unilateral power as the state fights COVID-19.


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218c2c  No.10886012


that maxell tape brings back so many memberberries

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71c687  No.10886013

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6b7680  No.10886014


>But they are there in those past breads. They are not in this bread (with a new baker).

That is just silly poppycock. I am sure that they in no woay would do that, nor would they consider you to be anyone from OSS to leaf to WR to abcu. Nope, you must be one of those so your observations will be ignored.

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7138b3  No.10886015


It's Fungus.

That demented tranny needs to go.

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bc98ee  No.10886016


WTF is wrong with these people?

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07526f  No.10886017

File: c6ebabdae84657f⋯.png (291.69 KB, 754x314, 377:157, verboten.png)

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dea633  No.10886018

File: fe439b519da58e2⋯.png (263.89 KB, 366x519, 122:173, ClipboardImage.png)

which one of you condemned qanons did this? sarcasm


Hollywood Actor Rick Moranis was sucker-punched while walking along West 70th street near Central Park West at 7:24 am. Moranis hurt his head, back, and hip in the attack and went to the hospital for evaluation.

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778ebb  No.10886019

Lying House of Reps. that Americans loathe more than the MSM says Q is Baaad

America says : HMmmm…. lets have a look see then !

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3d06d6  No.10886020



Mike Lee just teared positive- breaking on FOX

Biden will die from this. Blame Trump

See what digits say…

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5190fe  No.10886021


You're late faggot

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efb0e1  No.10886022



Also we LOVE POTUS. We love Ivanka and Jared. We love POTUS' grandchildren.

We hate Operation Paperclip and the fake jews. Read Revelation chapters 2, 3, and 7.

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e046ec  No.10886023



Pedoscum punished

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398b8c  No.10886024

With all the Positive Tests coming out the Dems are going to make a power grab, they won't be able to help themselves

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bff8ab  No.10886025

So far less than 10 voting nay

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4f0cae  No.10886026


yes indeed, moar popcorn!

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f3bb8a  No.10886027


The thing that makes muh joo shit from shills is the extremely low-effort nature of the posts and the copy-pasted mind-numbing quality of it.

Plenty of oldfags hate the Jewish religion for the disgusting Satanic garbage that it is, and are fully aware of the prominent role that it has had throughout history in persecuting God's people, and pursuing evil.

Stop projecting your reddit-tier analysis on this board to make your naive ass better about being here

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4c5280  No.10886028

File: 13e27d4c304ff4f⋯.png (832.65 KB, 828x551, 828:551, ClipboardImage.png)

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8778e2  No.10886029

Well now POTUS must condemn it. The House has spoken.

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0cc027  No.10886030


i want to!

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8b09ff  No.10886031



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47b472  No.10886032

File: ad95b0fb4b4a24a⋯.jpg (622.41 KB, 713x721, 713:721, 41020.jpg)

I never considered anything other than the obvious… DJT

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ca9da3  No.10886033

File: 9fc90757babbbe8⋯.png (263.32 KB, 612x454, 306:227, ClipboardImage.png)



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c058d6  No.10886034


Well insulated when shit goes down

4-10-20 is Sunday

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562eb1  No.10886035


can flynn specify what he meant when he said "if america falls where will you go?"

because as a christian…

its like. christianity did just fine when they were being persecuted by rome. before america was even a nation.

ill be honest man…

yall say stuff that flabbergasts me.

however… i took the oath.

so… am i now a benedict arnold? donnie getting my vote. so what does this all mean?

were the saviors of mankind?

i mean this stuff is really mounting up. i think yall are really destroying the establishment. but this stuff is mounting up. ya?

here is the thing that really gets me…

if i have to ask about this. and i get a reply. like… what does that imply?

yall had along time to think about this stuff man!

so… here is where i think i stand.

i like yall for taking on the establishment. yall are killin it. they nutz. we see that.

donnie is like the only grounded "politician" that ever let me believe in politicians. he understands blue collar bc he actually listens to blue collar.

the military aspect is what frightens me. because i have seen the eyes of military. they always hungry. what are they gonna do when they got no fight from no one?

lincoln had to deal with the military in civil war. they wanted to wipe out the south. but lincoln knew that was a bad idea.

the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.

i seent it in the military.

so i dont know man… im just trying to look out… maybe im wrong. but… god keeps giving me warnings about this stuff.


i let you know.

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6f44be  No.10886036

File: 012cf38561caab8⋯.mp4 (2.34 MB, 720x406, 360:203, murphyscum.mp4)


Sen. Chris Murphy:

"If President Trump can't be out there on the campaign trail for the next two weeks, then he's going to rely on his surrogates and unfortunately one of his surrogates is Vladimir Putin."


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dd8cfa  No.10886037

>>10885668 (lb)


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52c8dc  No.10886038


Dead men don't sign anything except Democrat election ballots and will's bequeathing land holdings and money to government entities.

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b21580  No.10886039

File: 244b12a376c39f6⋯.jpg (170.28 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, 244b12a376c39f625730ba6e1f….jpg)

Boards actin Szchwacked

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778ebb  No.10886040


Cabal is after the Keymaster of Gozer

Wait for the sign, all prisoners will be set free

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5190fe  No.10886041

File: 41e4f4148bb162a⋯.jpeg (39.71 KB, 1080x327, 360:109, 1577992927.jpeg)

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1c2dc8  No.10886042


one of the nicest guys in pedowood, who quit acting to take care of his family. Degenerates

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798fae  No.10886043


once again this copy pasta with an impartial definition of 'to pray'.

this is an insertion shill trying to spread bad information about prayer with cpypasta.


aren't asking

they are thanking.


again, do not ask for stuff.

you put this same incomplete definition into a post just the other day (or someone running the same 'personality' at your shill farm.

and that means to me that you are part of a psy operation, and not an anon.

Thank the Lord for all the good things he does for us!

Thank the Lord for Free Speech.

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71c687  No.10886044

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e68d59  No.10886045

File: 66701303be378f9⋯.jpg (75.46 KB, 1024x640, 8:5, worfwtf.jpg)

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efb0e1  No.10886046

File: c3b117550f1150e⋯.png (695.99 KB, 693x392, 99:56, united1.png)


Anons are all races, all faces, and all colors.

Your glow is showing.

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94582a  No.10886047

POTUS hasnt posted in 11 hours…..

10 days of darkness started?

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b94128  No.10886048


>Well now POTUS must condemn it.

Will this force the Q?

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2a56c5  No.10886049

Do frens understand what POTUS meant by having the Military standing by to deliver the Vaccine Nation Wide instantly?

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410da0  No.10886050

File: 6a26fa373705223⋯.jpg (79.69 KB, 658x640, 329:320, ChinaManJew.jpg)


So, Hope Hicks is assistant to Jared Kushner.

Yet Jared didn't get COVID?

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9df3b2  No.10886051

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8b09ff  No.10886052



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a57d08  No.10886053


you're too kind


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e046ec  No.10886054


Yep, Freddie's been enjoying those VICE checks.

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31cfb6  No.10886055

File: c80d2663dd56e45⋯.png (17.43 KB, 413x316, 413:316, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0cfcc73c6acf5fc⋯.png (68.53 KB, 849x381, 283:127, ClipboardImage.png)


I think you've posted this 940 times, not that I'm opposed to flooding the board with something if it truly deserves this kind of reingorcement.

>>10885066 (lb)

Here's that precise delta from that 2-10 Qdrop to the 10-2 positive test result tweet.

Note that Qdrop post digits have "dual 45's and 23's"

POTUS tweet time was a type of "two 45's" (12:54am EDT) and the delta ends in 23min 2sec (dual 23's)

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e6573a  No.10886056

File: f54536441db56ff⋯.jpg (122.67 KB, 561x264, 17:8, wouk.jpg)

“Jews always have to try to deceive Non-Jews.” (Zohar I, 168ª)

Every Jew is allowed to use lies and perjury to bring a Non-Jew to ruin.” (Babha Kama 113ª).

Tosefta. Aboda Zara B, 5: “If a goy kills a goy or a Jew, he is responsible; but if a Jew kills a goy, he is NOT responsible.

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

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9fa31b  No.10886057


They'll be handed fake ID's to vote once they get over Mexico/US border.

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0a3e8a  No.10886058

File: b67782e3a1a0cac⋯.jpeg (307.35 KB, 828x610, 414:305, 3779A48C_5AF3_476E_ABAF_2….jpeg)

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/10/classless-hour-news-broke-trumps-covid-diagnosis-wapo-publishes-imagine-will-like-never-think-trump/ Classless: An Hour After News Broke of Trump’s COVID Diagnosis, WaPo Publishes: “Imagine What It Will be Like to Never Have to Think about Trump Again”

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fa2739  No.10886059


>Mike Lee tests positive for covid on Fox right now

Holy shit, who is the super-spreader? ffs

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4f0cae  No.10886060

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466213  No.10886061

so now biden has a great excuse to pull out of the debates

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47b472  No.10886062


I was 2 posts ahead of you Anon - Kek

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b94128  No.10886063

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9d0502  No.10886064

File: 2ef3ba5e60182af⋯.png (145.97 KB, 1330x519, 1330:519, ClipboardImage.png)

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f3bb8a  No.10886065


All jews are fake jews, anon

They have no temple, no sacrifice, and they rejected the messiah

They created a new book full of disgusting filth and follow that exclusively

They concern themselves heavily with building a paradise on earth through their own brilliance and power (Satan's charge in the garden of eden)

The real "Jews" started going by "Christians" just about 2000 years ago

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dd8cfa  No.10886066


Ten Days


10/2 to 10/12

Confirmation for ACB begins 10/12

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778ebb  No.10886067


Is that a bad thing ?

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4c5280  No.10886068

File: 2816f4c4f7ab6b6⋯.jpg (28.49 KB, 640x325, 128:65, DY6ge59VQAEyiY1.jpg)

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39c80f  No.10886069


>Well now POTUS must condemn it. The House has spoken.

The next step will be MSM demanding POTUS condemn QAnon as a hate group

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4d1a36  No.10886070

File: 7c8a0a27487f4e5⋯.png (118.24 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Nadler.png)

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3d06d6  No.10886071


He condemned Proud Boys last night on Hannity

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a6e138  No.10886072


Let's see how many politicians go into the record as belonging to Santa's Naughty List

Each and everyone of these will become a target of digs into their background, sweetheart deals, lobbyist payoffs, taxpayer funded vacations, moral deviance

Anons..Call to Dig and expose the full House

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273a79  No.10886073

File: 56791dae2ee837f⋯.jpg (1.32 MB, 2962x1659, 2962:1659, downloadfile_3_1_.jpg)

Vegas has officially died.

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cb39bb  No.10886074


These one hit wonder posts make me smile :)

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341c2a  No.10886075


Did anons read the entire bill??

This is going to kill ANTIFA AND BLM.

This has very little to do with us.

Trust the plan.

How do you introduce evidence?

(2) condemns all other groups and ideologies, from the far left to the far right, that contribute to the spread of unfounded conspiracy theories and that encourage Americans to destroy public and private property and attack law enforcement officers;

(4) encourages the intelligence community to uncover any foreign support, assistance, or online amplification QAnon receives, as well as any QAnon affiliations, coordination, and contacts with foreign extremist organizations or groups espousing violence; and

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a27fb1  No.10886076


feign weakness and observe your enemy

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8016fb  No.10886077

199 to 11 your Famous now

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80c000  No.10886078


Going to be a cold trip.

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3f5da1  No.10886079

Anons don't even have a budget, no committees, no aides, no offices, no slush funds or superpacs. Hell we don't even have a secretary, yet we're beating the living shit out of those prime rib and lobster chowing invalids in Congress.

They should be scared.

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b94128  No.10886080


Not one bit.

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efb0e1  No.10886081


Your low mentality is showing. Yawn.

Get a new script.

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8b09ff  No.10886082



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a6759f  No.10886083

File: 6ceb724a52b1043⋯.jpg (337.76 KB, 1079x871, 83:67, Screenshot_20201002_115409….jpg)

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464bc8  No.10886084

Guess we need to look to Twitter… Exactly this… "My Fellow Americans, the COVID is upon us." Q is cancelled. The Plan is cancelled. Nothing is coming now. Everyone go home.

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71c687  No.10886085

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ba3221  No.10886086

The mission for today (If you choose to accept it) will be doing a deep dive on those who condemn "QAnon". find out everything "PUBLIC" on why those in Congress are scared of a online anonymous platform with "FREE SPEACH"…

as always, this post will self destruct in 10 seconds!!…kek…

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513509  No.10886087

POTUS not tweeting for 10 days?

Will drive the shills, clowns and lefty liberal useful idiots insane on twat.

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51d015  No.10886088


Well, if he's ever had it, they sure as hell would never announce it

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6f44be  No.10886089

File: 308ff9fa9f30cfd⋯.png (395.69 KB, 480x375, 32:25, Capture.PNG)

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3d06d6  No.10886090


No worries! Nancy wears a mask every day! Thank goodness for masks!!!

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8b09ff  No.10886091



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e046ec  No.10886092


Virtue signaling scum. They know what's coming.

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c9dd2b  No.10886093

File: 4c937be77b86f9f⋯.jpg (241.86 KB, 1487x978, 1487:978, astealth_bombarr_Copy.jpg)

File: 6a6c3b8132d2000⋯.png (251.86 KB, 571x360, 571:360, Baking.png)

File: 0f61c615a361842⋯.png (111.97 KB, 400x224, 25:14, HORRID_MEME.png)

File: 08184a436ef89e9⋯.png (138.47 KB, 273x295, 273:295, Keksprex.png)

File: a95dc2359def4c0⋯.mp4 (388.3 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Lock_It_UP_.mp4)




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0a3e8a  No.10886094

File: 3c878e3189bf786⋯.jpeg (615.52 KB, 828x1231, 828:1231, F2375613_0BD5_454D_BF77_8….jpeg)

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/10/hope-dies-former-obama-staffer-hillary-clinton-spokeswoman-tweets-death-wish-president-trump/ “I Hope He Dies” – Former Obama Staffer and Hillary Clinton Spokeswoman Tweets Out a Death Wish for President Trump

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efb0e1  No.10886095


You have moar to learn.

Don't stop. Keep digging.

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c16a34  No.10886096


Mike Lee is 49 years old and FLOTUS is 50 years old, which means they have a 99.5% chance of surviving. In contrast, POTUS is 74 years old, which means he only has a 94.6% chance of surviving. All-in-all, something tells me they’ll be just fine.


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5e2c48  No.10886097

File: fa08edff10e337b⋯.png (394.81 KB, 382x516, 191:258, Screenshot_2020_10_02_Amer….png)


Thank you to all of our brave patriots who work selflessly to protect and preserve the American way of life. You will never be forgotten. o7

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09496a  No.10886098


So much text. IF America fails the world fails. Unless you're uneducated you would know that. It's that simple….

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c848ef  No.10886099


It always leads back to Qanons… disgusting


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5190fe  No.10886100

File: f30a76ce21f29cd⋯.jpg (44.44 KB, 920x614, 460:307, 920x920.jpg)


>God's people,

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fa2739  No.10886101


>WaPo Publishes: “Imagine What It Will be Like to Never Have to Think about Trump Again”

These mfers are so sick! Fucking disgusting pieces of dog shit! """FUCK YOU, BEZOS!'''

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b21580  No.10886102

File: f5014761118344e⋯.jpg (45.26 KB, 600x375, 8:5, Ebs7FKOXYAMLMZv.jpg)


Vaccines… like dis?

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e6573a  No.10886103

File: 0c7acacdd4af493⋯.jpg (109.32 KB, 356x600, 89:150, Jew_Law.jpg)


excerpt- Jewish Law

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71df01  No.10886104


Am I on a delayed feed?

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fe17c5  No.10886105



What, is everyone just suddenly getting wuflu today?

Seems fishy.

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d740e1  No.10886106

Bets on 17 NAY R votes?


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4f0cae  No.10886107

did anons see that necklace that rep from Minnesota was wearing? on the house floor…looked like a punisher skull

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8b09ff  No.10886108



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80c000  No.10886109


That's when we march on DC armed to the teeth to REPLACE the current government altogether.

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82e0c8  No.10886110

Mike Lee (Utah) Tests positive. Was hammering Comey. This sure feels like 'arrows in the quiver' - infect President and Republican Senators just as things heat up.

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bcb910  No.10886111

File: 0266ff7319d284f⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9e69a4037240856⋯.png (7.89 MB, 2400x2850, 16:19, ClipboardImage.png)

OC Cities Battle Explosion Of Non-Native ‘Ankle-Biter’ Aedes Mosquitos

ANTA ANA (CBSLA) – Amid an explosion of non-native “ankle-biter” Aedes mosquitos across the Southland this summer and fall, Orange County is trying out a new treatment to combat the insects.

The O.C. Mosquito and Vector Control District Thursday was using an A1 Super Duty larvicide sprayer to spray out a mist with an organic bacteria at Fairhaven Cemetery in Santa Ana.

“What we are doing tonight is a wide area larvicide spraying,” Heather Hyland with OCMVC told CBSLA Thursday.

Scientists hope the non-toxic larvicide will settle in outdoor vases where a newer breed of mosquito from Asia are thriving. The new breed is aggressive and it breeds indoors as well.

“We have our native species, the Culex, which comes out at dusk and dawn, and now we have the Aedes mosquito, which comes out to bite during the day,” Hyland said. “So we have our ankle-biter, the Aedes mosquito, and our barbecue biter, the Culex mosquito.”

The Culex can carry West Nile Virus. While the Aedes does not carry WNV, it does carry several other diseases.

“They (Aedes) do transmit diseases like chikungunya, dengue fever, yellow fever and Zika,” Hyland said.

While the mosquito season peaked in June, the numbers have not come down like OCMVCD would like. Next week the district will be spraying in Buena Park, Anaheim and Garden Grove.

“I’ve noticed they’re a little more aggressive and I’m seeing a larger number of them in my backyard especially,” Santa Ana resident Keith Sabala said.

According to the latest numbers, 261 samples have tested positive for West Nile Virus in O.C. so far this year. Nine people have been infected with WNV.


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efb0e1  No.10886112

File: e04810523a33598⋯.png (352.99 KB, 600x635, 120:127, nazis1.png)

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890d77  No.10886113



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d21d96  No.10886114




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87e755  No.10886115

The Condemned sounds moar sexy than The Deplorables

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0345b2  No.10886116


i took it that they will distribute with planes and probably disperse direct to public. Keeps the opposition out of the way.

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8b09ff  No.10886117



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6b1817  No.10886118

File: 0142b94274c7af4⋯.jpg (85.3 KB, 616x820, 154:205, Capture.JPG)

You shouldn't have defamed #KyleRittenhouse, @JoeBiden

Love, @llinwood




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0cc027  No.10886119

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2a56c5  No.10886120


The Entire Team is in lockdown prepping for The End Game!

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4f0cae  No.10886121

there will be 17 nays

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52c8dc  No.10886122


pretty stupid since quarantine in the WH means any attempt to leave would attain significant coverage, and require a huge cover story, so unless you are thinking a bomb threat at the WH, don't know how that happens.

Their is a bunker their, but they let so many traitors work in high levels their is no safety in the WH, even a DB friend in the USSS could be tapped for removing a threat to the country then heralded a hero by our media, that Q has done so well keeping in power and proximity to 45

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c44b4e  No.10886123

File: df81762fe362ba4⋯.png (865.96 KB, 1309x875, 187:125, GretchenBobbitt.png)


Baker notable - MIfag here - requested a petition by mail but never received it - I think the PO trashed it - emailed UnlockMichigan about it but never received a reply - glad they succeeded!

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f35347  No.10886124

File: c3348274ca5821f⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, voteq.png)

how noice of them to put themselves on a list.

lists have names.

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273a79  No.10886125

File: bbb4fd0b0aaf47f⋯.jpg (61.39 KB, 500x535, 100:107, 4ed4nz_1.jpg)

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071c92  No.10886126

Where can I watch congress hearings on Qanon?

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8b09ff  No.10886127



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8016fb  No.10886128


240 to 14

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b705c6  No.10886129

File: bc564df6b76fa0e⋯.png (276.93 KB, 478x267, 478:267, WallaceClooney.png)

File: de44a8507a99319⋯.png (280.84 KB, 486x270, 9:5, WallaceClooney1.png)

File: 14fc54dbc4f5acb⋯.png (282 KB, 484x269, 484:269, WallaceClooney2.png)



Moderating the moderator…

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410da0  No.10886130

File: c8ddea1fe6b77f7⋯.jpg (25.96 KB, 411x236, 411:236, GroundHogDay.JPG)

File: 16be69ccd1ce3c9⋯.jpg (31.27 KB, 224x354, 112:177, GroundHogDayII.JPG)

File: 3a1ee134593db78⋯.jpg (35.84 KB, 427x320, 427:320, GroundHogDayIV.jpg)

File: fc476b4924b74ad⋯.jpg (44.93 KB, 431x319, 431:319, GroundHogDayV.JPG)

File: d3b1aaf41eb84a1⋯.jpg (23.33 KB, 350x247, 350:247, GroundHogDayVI.JPG)

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52c304  No.10886131

>>10885066 lb

Seals …

Presidential Seal …

What order may POTUS be about to sign ???

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94582a  No.10886132

Wait so what happened? Did the house vote on the Q anon thing? Did I miss something? :o

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d740e1  No.10886133



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798fae  No.10886134


no, let's not do that.

that's what they want, it makes it look like we are attacking them.

Red text task master shill, what else did your masters tell you to post today?

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65970a  No.10886135


>(4) encourages the intelligence community to uncover any foreign support, assistance, or online amplification QAnon receives, as well as any QAnon affiliations, coordination, and contacts with foreign extremist organizations or groups espousing violence

Shills might want to rethink their game.

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4c5280  No.10886136

File: d939f32a677fc2f⋯.png (874.33 KB, 1009x569, 1009:569, ClipboardImage.png)



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b8c05e  No.10886137


swift comms

we often find companies

muhbee that's what the demonrats are signaling

in trail…,

moar company comms that then send out orders through the ranks

dawg comms = foundations? company names? products? search on legend story the company yielded surprising results:

legend story studios

brand story how to turn brand into legend

corporate legends and lore

artifacts legends rituals

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2e0dd5  No.10886138

Trump is pulling a Hegelian Dialectic by "contracting" the Rona. I have the "problem" now here is MY "solution". fuckers.

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8b09ff  No.10886139



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dc13b8  No.10886140



Powerful General Flynn compilation

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9df3b2  No.10886141

File: 509425aacf8f532⋯.png (5.08 MB, 3360x1974, 80:47, Screen_Shot_2020_10_02_at_….png)

E6-B Mercury

PUMP08 up near Sacramento

big news huh

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71c687  No.10886142


I will plant this right here:

"super-spreader" will go down in history just like "super-predator"

it is not a R thing, it is s D thing

when all said and done

it won't surprise me if the "super-spreader" is actually a quote from one of the Epstein Island pedos on film

were just un-awares making it a famous phrases BEFORE it really becomes an infamous "saying" involving kids???

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36e892  No.10886143

This is fantastic, not only is Bolton hated by left and right now, he has to give his royalties to the US government due to publishing the book, that eternally damaged any semblance of a good reputation. Karma Bitches!!!

What a great day Anons and I suspect the greatness will go well past the weekend. Enjoy!

Adam Housley




1/2 Judge Lamberth in the John Bolton case denies former NSA John Bolton’s motion to dismiss government’s lawsuit against him, in which DOJ claims Bolton disclosed classified information in his book, "The Room Where It Happened." Judge Lamberth found…

Adam Housley@adamhousley

Replying to @adamhousley

2/2 “government sufficiently alleges that Bolton breached his prepublication review and predisclosure consultation obligations" + “sufficiently alleges that Bolton breached his nondisclosure obligations.”NOTE:Count 3 - government entitled to “constructive trust”over royalties

2:39 PM · Oct 1, 2020·Twitter for iPhone


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efb0e1  No.10886144


Those who hate Trump and us will stop at nothing. If they had control of the vaccines, they'd taint them. People would die. Orange man blamed. So the Military is the way.

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071c92  No.10886145

File: a4ded2fda98b0d9⋯.jpeg (31.24 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 1C63569E_8276_4248_8CC3_E….jpeg)

File: 8a8187be97d23ba⋯.jpeg (207.49 KB, 1982x1388, 991:694, F55EA234_9E09_4EAE_A029_0….jpeg)

File: 54d23903ea582c5⋯.jpeg (131.67 KB, 548x500, 137:125, A3EBAC83_7C9A_4511_938F_5….jpeg)

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464bc8  No.10886146


Good luck…the US Military will smoke your ass. It's one thing to go out and try to punk out some ANTIFA bitches…but you go ahead and swarm DC and see how it works out for you.

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341c2a  No.10886147


They have no idea what kind of trap they just stepped in.

It's going to beGLORIOUS

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5aafa4  No.10886148

So all of Congress knows Q well enough to vote about it.

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4a1b36  No.10886149

File: a21f93a96647d48⋯.jpg (89.17 KB, 600x596, 150:149, IMG_6909.JPG)


I get paid in tendies

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fe17c5  No.10886150

File: adce120fd97687f⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1127x9294, 1127:9294, Screenshot_2020_10_02_Opin….png)


Don't worry. I spent most of last night archiving this kind of crap.


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71c687  No.10886151


probably refers to HRC…..eeelch…..super spreader

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bc98ee  No.10886152



First, this. Second look at those numbers. That means there's exactly 53 people in the House that took an official stance on Q. The nays are a nice surprise. The Present and Not Voting are very telling. People are nervous, or know Q isn't bullshit.

Good stuff, anons!

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0345b2  No.10886153

File: ee8d76254336ed6⋯.jpeg (21.71 KB, 255x180, 17:12, b7aba9a45efe28ef0862b8391….jpeg)

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0a3e8a  No.10886154

File: eae383341df1011⋯.jpeg (348.39 KB, 828x729, 92:81, 5100733E_3977_4E17_9CA9_0….jpeg)

https://dailycaller.com/2020/10/02/nba-finals-tv-ratings-all-time-low-game-1-7-41-million-viewers/ TV Ratings For The NBA Finals Hit All-Time Low With Game 1

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d740e1  No.10886155


Noodlehead does.

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7fbfbe  No.10886156


Well, aren't you a little twat? Ded men would already be ded. Don't threaten POTUS.

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993e94  No.10886157

File: e8218c6ef9cfa08⋯.png (1.16 MB, 2446x924, 1223:462, ClipboardImage.png)


capped from last bread when first seen

does not seem to be in the bread now upon reload.

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80c000  No.10886158


Nope. They'll be right there to help do it.

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1c2dc8  No.10886159


those are nuggets though, did you get change or something ?

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c9dd2b  No.10886160

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Hold the Line fren.

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998138  No.10886161

GOP UT Sen Lee tests positive for coronavirus. Met earlier this wk w/Barrett. Is mbr of Judiciary Cmte


So this is gonna mess with her confirmation isn't it.

What happens if Mike Pence & Nancy Pelosi also test positive?

Hope met with Pelosi last week as well

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748bc2  No.10886162

>>10886020 Suspect something like that either was or is planned. POTUS got out ahead of it. That's what he/they do.

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273a79  No.10886163

File: fa256adbb952a78⋯.png (116.09 KB, 823x1370, 823:1370, Screenshot_20200913_084808….png)

File: 41daaac5a8ad7a7⋯.png (1 MB, 1080x1177, 1080:1177, Screenshot_20200919_092719….png)

File: 5b43e976d72880e⋯.png (93.68 KB, 331x360, 331:360, 5ea1650debeb65edb88e5d7878….png)

File: 2d0518e7767e5dc⋯.png (437.86 KB, 636x865, 636:865, Screenshot_20200915_133250….png)

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8016fb  No.10886164

265 to 13 someone changed

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9ad696  No.10886165

File: fde3a0f605858d0⋯.png (242.24 KB, 693x390, 231:130, Pray_1_.png)

File: 5ea55c4446a29a1⋯.jpg (204.24 KB, 700x389, 700:389, praying_mudras.jpg)

File: 9450ee051f25642⋯.jpg (69.86 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 4erz5f.jpg)

File: e38dc485fccc20b⋯.jpg (78.89 KB, 555x450, 37:30, 4h3fngdoac.jpg)

File: 809d4621f0f47b0⋯.png (19.34 KB, 255x255, 1:1, ad04633424bb68acd700d4954d….png)

>>10884292 PB

It is also a test of Faith. Who is sincerely praying for POTUS and FLOTUS and who is wishing death. It is appalling how disgusting they are. Kamala Toe saying they are in their thoughts but not prayers. It's an election of course they are going to be in their thoughts. On the other hand fuck their witchcraft and evil prayers. I just did a half hour of prayer for potus, I'm a reconciled Buddhist and was chantingNam Myoho Renge Kyo, Ill sayNam Myoho Ren Kek Yoit sounds almost the same , and once you get into a strong rhythm, it's a meditative step.

Nam = Devotion, Myoho = Mystic Law, Renge = Lotus blossom or the Simultaneity of Cause and Effect, Kyo = Sound.

So all together Devotion to the mystic LAW of cause and effect. I've been practicing a while but since coming here I have been trying this to open my Third Eye or tap into my Chakras. Through your brain you can enter the higher dimensions and receive communication, I have had all kinds of experiences but had epiphany or breakthrough. Sometimes in my mind it's unfocused, just blurry color or sguiggles, the color must be my Aura that I hear about. I was trying hard to visualize the future, in concrete thought, of POTUS and FLOTUS recovering, using their therapeutics and showing that it is no big deal. Your thoughts start as electric particles in your brain at the sub atomic level, and can manifest in the macroscopic level. I was holding my thumbs up to my head as in the picture, really fast wormhole like visions I guess, were appearing. My feet here flat on the floor, pushing my palms together to increase blood flow, or draw energy from the ground and circulate it, increase blood flow to the brain.

I could think my brain was just trying to make sense of the shapes I was seeing, but I saw a Portal open and an Angel flew down with his sword pointing down. It wasn't the sharpest image, it must have been my electrons trying to vibrate into that dimension but as I looked in to focus, I have to be receptive to what I'm seeing. If I believe it was an Angel trying to communicate with me then that's what it might actually be. If it was negative or bad thoughts it would be satans voice. It was my first experience like that. I was about 15 minutes into chanting when I saw this, I chanted for about 5 minuties watching this Angel just fly around doing maneuvers, like in a video game as you level up you learn special moves, thats what it felt or looked like. My throat was getting hoarse because I was chanting fast and not loud but firmly.

This is the perfect time to give POTUS rest and , Appear Weak When he is Strong, and it further smokes out his enemies. He has been protecting himself with HCQ and has Plausma available to him. It might be [SCARE] event, or necessary Disinformation but, I think its another brilliant move by him. Have Hope and Faith Patriots, Light Up the darkness. The Demons are revealing themselves. Whatever your Higher Power is Pray, we are truly Warriors of Light and Prayer is Quantum, the Sub Atomic Scale, YOU can change the Universe. I just felt I had to share my breakthrough and encourage you all to pray and be optimistic.

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71c687  No.10886166


make an alphabetical list

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e046ec  No.10886167


5D chess

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39796b  No.10886168

File: 28d6aa9bd6459be⋯.png (280.78 KB, 620x375, 124:75, ClipboardImage.png)


>I get paid in tendies

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778ebb  No.10886169


since the MSM claims to have interviewed the Q 'leasedship' , congress should hold some dog & pony show hearings on all this right ?

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333ed4  No.10886170

File: e32cd9e2f44809d⋯.mp4 (740.85 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Hu3TZA57sk_W7yBk.mp4)


Oh, wait….

Honey, I hate these niggers.

Actor Rick Moranis punched in the head in unprovoked attack in New York City; suspect being sought

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3f5da1  No.10886171

>Congressional House condemns QAnon

It is our right and our duty to replace a failed Government that no longer serves us.

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71df01  No.10886172

So what happens if the condemn "QANON?"

Two thoughts on this…

No.1 "QANON" has nothing to do with Q or the Anons. That's /their/ ID.

No. 2 What happens if POTUS is tied to Q?

What happens when house condemns Commander-in-Chief? Is that treason?

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b972be  No.10886173

SoCal anon. According to my 15 yo son, all of his peers around town have been talking about the debate, and consensus is that Trump destroyed Biden, and that Trump destroyed the asshole moderator too.

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a57d08  No.10886174



>>10886118 You shouldn't have defamed #KyleRittenhouse, @JoeBiden

>>10886111 OC Cities Battle Explosion Of Non-Native ‘Ankle-Biter’ Aedes Mosquitos

>>10886064 Hope to Pelosi, testing

>>10886058 WaPo Publishes: “Imagine What It Will be Like to Never Have to Think about Trump Again”

>>10886011 Unlock Michigan turns in 539k signatures to limit Gov. Whitmer’s emergency powers

>>10885996 This Congressional Condemnation of Qanon is Sponsored & Brought to you by sexual predator lobbyist: Tom Malinowski

>>10885951 Judge sentences man to 600 years in prison in child sex case

>>10885950 Condemning Qanon violence. In the bread since Aug 1st 2018.

>>10885948 Sen. Lee Positive for Covid.10days iso


>>10885924 Jon Voight twat with clip: Evil

>>10885891 Thousands heading to US in migrant caravan despite COVID-19 threat

>>10885825 Lin Wood@LLinWood: I am receiving increased number of threats that I am going to killed, that my house will be burned down& that many “smear” articles will soon be published by my “friends” in media.

>>10885805 Veklury (remdesivir) Now Available Directly from Distributor following Trump Administration’s Successful Allocations to States and U.S. Territories


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6b7680  No.10886175


>https://dailycaller.com/2020/10/02/nba-finals-tv-ratings-all-time-low-game-1-7-41-million-viewers/ TV Ratings For The NBA Finals Hit All-Time Low With Game 1

They are gonna end up tape delayed and stuck in the 12am time slot….AGAIN.

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9df3b2  No.10886176

File: b40142a965b3303⋯.png (2.56 MB, 3360x1978, 1680:989, Screen_Shot_2020_10_02_at_….png)


aaand another E6-B up out of Barksdale AFB



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ff3943  No.10886177

File: ade7ca2a22770bc⋯.png (173.66 KB, 482x413, 482:413, kamala000.png)


>super spreader

packing the SC?

she's open to that

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562eb1  No.10886178


ive re read what i wrote like 3x.

it says what i want it to say

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2e0dd5  No.10886179


I'm sorry did the sole definitive closure memo come out on it? Go ahead and point us to it.

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c9dd2b  No.10886180


Having this on as each of them walk up is very fitting.

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798fae  No.10886181


Did the sweet and handsome Adam really vote for this?

Adam, I'm soooo disappointed.

all the older gay anon will never see you the same way again . . .

and you got married this year.

late life bachelors who get married past their prime . . . are usually covering up a deep love that dares not speak it's name.

but I know that not you . . .

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263e8a  No.10886182


Speaking of 10 days (quarantine), didn't the guidelines used to be 14 days?

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4ba249  No.10886183

File: adf7e05819b1d57⋯.jpeg (281.74 KB, 577x750, 577:750, D44A79B1_64EC_4DE6_BC69_F….jpeg)

It was a roll call vote. Yeas won.

Jayapal “demanded” the Yeas and Nays.

Postponed until further proceedings.

Dems want the nays on record fast for political fodder. Meh

I want to see the nays to see who has the balls to risk the political attacks for truth.

Will be interdasting.

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f2af02  No.10886184


They really don't like our memes!

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410da0  No.10886185

File: e8eece534bdc402⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1201x728, 1201:728, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a8a18708687c94a⋯.png (1.54 MB, 957x722, 957:722, ClipboardImage.png)

Fuck these people


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5aafa4  No.10886186


They should come interview Q Research.

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19af2b  No.10886187

File: 548e341685e8aae⋯.jpg (36.64 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Trump_and_Biden_during_the….jpg)

Check the podium. At the beginning of the debate, Wallace announces that masks will not be worn because everyone has tested negative for Covid-19. However as Potus and Biden walk out on stage, Wallace states that they will not be shaking hands due to "social distancing" rules. Two days later, Trump tests positive for Covid-19. Has anyone checked the podium or the dressing room for deliberate contamination? Then after the debate, Melania grabs his hand and now she has it too.

We all suspected Biden would not be able to make it through all the debates. They got him through on drugs and by wearing a wire. He was to drop out at any moment, we suspected it. What if they gave POTUS Covid-19 deliberately so he would be the one to drop out of the debates? Plus (((they))) are betting on the long shot that he won't survive. This just works too much in their favor.

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f3fdf2  No.10886188


Where you gonna go, Canada!?

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464bc8  No.10886189


Well…you say that…

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4d3f66  No.10886190


There is some board fuckery afoot. I know i wasn’t the only who saw in line ads in the dough for the past few breads.

I went back because some asshole was calling me a liar.

They are gone! They are scrubbed from the past breads.

Normally I could give two fucks, as long as the bread flows, but there is some fuckery afoot.

Just pissed i didn’t get a screen cap to show the in line ads at the bottom of the dough.

Eyes up and screen cap if this shit starts again. It was the last baker that had the ads.

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34e2af  No.10886191

Guess what time in this broadcast they finally bring up QAnon?

1 hour Seven minutes, or….






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e6573a  No.10886192

File: 63f1746d27005e5⋯.jpg (412.63 KB, 680x649, 680:649, satanic_torah_discovered_i….jpg)

File: b78fd260e164e91⋯.jpg (82.11 KB, 404x599, 404:599, satanic_torah_discovered_i….jpg)

File: bf921d6ea9c5869⋯.jpg (53.01 KB, 850x400, 17:8, downloadfile.jpg)

File: 0bafd6373d36146⋯.webm (2.9 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 0bafd6373d361467ac5321d76….webm)

Jews worship Satan: Revelation 2:9, 3:9

Jews are brutal killers: Galations 1:13-14, John 8:44

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f3bb8a  No.10886193


Another mid-wit shitpost completely lacking any substance other than feel goodz

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16a987  No.10886194

File: 1440511408ca590⋯.jpg (383.66 KB, 1913x957, 1913:957, AZAZ0909_Various_2_Oct_20_….jpg)

AZAZ0909 flight out of Newport News. PAT518 into Denver.

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a57d08  No.10886195


nik'd em all yo

watch nb


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273a79  No.10886196

File: 9aa435104c06431⋯.jpg (70.81 KB, 500x629, 500:629, Tyrell.jpg)

File: 8e84ac2e228dc3d⋯.png (180.28 KB, 458x458, 1:1, 74b75bce7f27a08b55661032b6….png)

File: fb16d02e6646afe⋯.jpg (74.88 KB, 500x759, 500:759, 4fm9lj_1.jpg)

File: e9ecde820db8a7f⋯.jpg (62.89 KB, 500x484, 125:121, cc157d5be87f7d77128213c6f7….jpg)

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000000  No.10886197


Asymptomatic gets you 10

Symptomatic gets you 14.

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341c2a  No.10886198



Qanon has very little to do with this bill.




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7fbfbe  No.10886199


"I'm gonna break out, and then hide every lock."


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4578eb  No.10886200

File: dad06ad27d8fdfa⋯.png (1.97 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 57851D4E_6779_41A5_8607_90….png)

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8778e2  No.10886201

File: b8351a26a6e366a⋯.png (118.19 KB, 358x462, 179:231, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 615efa245bfee0b⋯.mp4 (4.59 MB, 224x400, 14:25, PpV1f_7gMVRZLq8i.mp4)

This is what being awake looks like.





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410da0  No.10886202

Seen it too.

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5e2c48  No.10886203


Condemning Q and the Truth, is what their bill really should say.

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96ec48  No.10886204


Huh? Wait, what?

How in the hell would we know. We don't know who Q is or how many except less than 10 in the team. So what difference would it make to us, or anyone not in the know of who is on the team?

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263e8a  No.10886205


Thank you, anon. You on it!

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36e892  No.10886206

Ok now I’m getting into my conspiracy unraveling mind, Giuliani too?

John Basham 🇺🇲 Retweeted

Lauren Peikoff@laurenpeikoff

GIULIANI spox to NBC: "Mayor Rudy Giuliani will be getting tested for COVID-19 today. In the meantime, he has begun the quarantine process.”

10:31 AM · Oct 2, 2020·Twitter Web App


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778ebb  No.10886207


sudden wave of the rona hits congress

SCOTUS delay


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4d050e  No.10886208

File: 3969478c2ca1774⋯.png (104.82 KB, 204x191, 204:191, ClipboardImage.png)


shes not pretty

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2e0dd5  No.10886209


don't worry, I know with whom I'm dealing. You tipped your hand twice.

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d21d96  No.10886210


COME ON. You don't think there's a secret entrance/exit to the freaking WH???


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e6573a  No.10886212

File: c07545f4c37f998⋯.jpg (250.55 KB, 960x960, 1:1, John_7_1.jpg)

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a6759f  No.10886213


Interesting way to get people to out themselves, in case some slipped through the cracks.

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5c9f22  No.10886214

why are so many World leaders silent. It has been too long.

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5190fe  No.10886215

File: bae54a312369b05⋯.jpeg (378.02 KB, 1001x1024, 1001:1024, 1601233202.jpeg)

File: bc73b323bebb848⋯.jpeg (154.36 KB, 1080x1095, 72:73, 1601208211.jpeg)

File: 0ab1a7f7989a47d⋯.jpeg (251.9 KB, 1080x1095, 72:73, 1599781970.jpeg)


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0cc027  No.10886216


muahahahahA! best movie ever.

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798fae  No.10886217


Peter Lorrie come from teh same place she did?


Tribal people from the Northwest?

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b8c05e  No.10886218

chrissy wallace isn't testing

he's deciding to go with his doc recommendation to not get tested until next Monday

he's gonna be a SUPER SPREADER until then

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df80cf  No.10886219

File: 6ab4e6d4f249f9f⋯.png (26.92 KB, 883x433, 883:433, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9afa2f802bacdb4⋯.png (15.56 KB, 577x220, 577:220, ClipboardImage.png)

>>10885066 pb

2/10/18 - 10/2/20 = 965 days

Q post #965:

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ No.463 📁

Mar 27 2018 23:06:34 (EST)







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bc98ee  No.10886220

File: 1862027a780a182⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1264x715, 1264:715, ClipboardImage.png)


Oh shit. Watching live now:


Holy moly!

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000000  No.10886221


Better than Rep. Ernest Borgnine.

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b65448  No.10886222

File: 80e8778a22afc95⋯.png (483.22 KB, 575x458, 575:458, ClipboardImage.png)

Guillermo activates!

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fe17c5  No.10886223

File: 50d4f63d767c082⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1280x806, 640:403, ClipboardImage.png)


Do 8 prominent Republicans contract the Rona today?

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4c5280  No.10886224

File: 308808a9c63d0f0⋯.mp4 (5.2 MB, 480x600, 4:5, motorogue_120695858_203373….mp4)




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39c80f  No.10886225

Fox begins 'Outnumbered' with poor little Chris Wallace and the possibility of him having COVID

Wallace is claiming POTUS must have had COVID at the debate

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d21d96  No.10886226


That less than ten was a long time ago now.

Maybe more than ten.

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bcb910  No.10886227

File: b63859b96f6718b⋯.png (259.25 KB, 474x259, 474:259, ClipboardImage.png)

Q&A: What happens if a candidate dies before an election?

Good Ole yahoo news…

What happens if Trump dies?

Trump is only showing minor symptoms at this point, White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows said. If the situation becomes dire, however, both the Democratic and Republican parties have rules for how to choose a new candidate if their nominee dies or withdraws prior to the election.

With just 31 days until election day, however, ballots have already been printed and early voting has begun, said UC Irvine law professor and voting expert Rick Hasen.

“What’s most likely [is] that the election would take place on time with the deceased or incapacitated candidate’s name on the ballot,” Hasen wrote in a post on his Election Law Blog, “and then there would be a question if legislatures would allow presidential electors of each state to vote for someone other than the deceased candidate.”

Not every state has laws addressing this possibility, leading to more uncertainty.

“If we are unfortunate enough to have a presidential candidate die or become incapacitated this close to the election, what happens next is likely to be uncertain and messy,” Hasen said in an interview. “It could leave room for political gaming as well under the arcane rules of the electoral college.”


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94582a  No.10886228

File: e0e9519271a14c2⋯.png (1.02 MB, 927x533, 927:533, ClipboardImage.png)

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0a3e8a  No.10886229

File: a9baba2c8b67898⋯.jpeg (379.81 KB, 828x1054, 414:527, D5F90269_9930_4C3E_9A2A_C….jpeg)

https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/blogs-trending-54387438 Trump did not call Covid-19 a 'hoax' - and other false claims

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e47987  No.10886230

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


video on site

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798fae  No.10886231


there is a joke there.

something like

think he's always been that

but . . . wouldn't that be unkind.

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341c2a  No.10886232

HR 1154






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8b09ff  No.10886233




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6a886e  No.10886234

File: 66cf5083180dfa0⋯.png (63.46 KB, 255x241, 255:241, 66cf5083180dfa030063c29be8….png)

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0cc027  No.10886235


there was a screen cap of it lb. was that removed as well?

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b5f36b  No.10886236

File: b38baa046bf9649⋯.png (695.98 KB, 750x738, 125:123, 1600372248814.png)


>The I Love NY hoody

Like Pottery

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dea633  No.10886237

File: daab707188ada8f⋯.png (575.52 KB, 917x657, 917:657, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cfed3dfd78dcdf7⋯.png (354.72 KB, 570x609, 190:203, ClipboardImage.png)


saw this vid didnt know wuz moranis

posted by proud boy

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e68d59  No.10886238

File: 5f4b5d3c5814441⋯.jpg (94.67 KB, 535x347, 535:347, stinking_badges.jpg)

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82e0c8  No.10886239


Seems like they are setting up the narrative that Trump gave it to Biden at the debate….when Biden's 'results' come back.

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562eb1  No.10886240


this aint a good strat bro…

i took the oath. im voting for donnie. you follow a dude tellin yall to ask questions and do research……….

now you ask rhetorical questions to me because i do the exact same as you?

the only difference is my questions appear to be an attack?

im asking for clarity

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3f5da1  No.10886241


Racism on the run.

Trump Supporter Lives matter.

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748bc2  No.10886242

Or one can look at it the way Downey Jr. (even if he is a bad guy in rl) as Holmes did.

When the satanists were trying to get him to stop the villain that frightened even them, they said something like, "Name a figure." The excellent reply was. "I'll stop him, but not for you. And certainly not for money."

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52c304  No.10886243


Replace it with what is my question. I have yet to hear.

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68cca1  No.10886244


"For a great many years, as a soldier, I had a suspicion that war was a racket; not until I retired to civil life did I fully realize it."


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8b09ff  No.10886245



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e046ec  No.10886246


Yes you made that clear. They think they are condemning Q and anons but in reality they are condemning Antifa and BLM, hence my 5D chess remark.

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a6e138  No.10886247



We are the last stand on earth for Freedom!!!


We Salute You General ……

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71c687  No.10886248


notable image

"Vote On Condemning QAnon Next "

on bottom of CSPAN live steam

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c9dd2b  No.10886249


Can it be called or can it be called. but another pretense for a further lockdown also.

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c60db5  No.10886250

File: 31f34e21da407c0⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1141x713, 1141:713, 4919BF71_2674_4BB8_AECD_15….png)

File: 7d3c1c4d6f621bc⋯.png (3.81 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, 308F02E8_DC4F_43CF_BC57_75….png)

Qew dropping 2 years ago today:


Tests positive

Package sent

Potus safe

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16a987  No.10886251

File: 93310100d82d2f9⋯.jpg (412.4 KB, 1919x963, 1919:963, PAt562_White_2_oct_20_1705.jpg)

File: 7b1bb925849b934⋯.jpg (541.05 KB, 1917x971, 1917:971, VM767_Griffiss_2_Oct_20_17….jpg)

VM767 out of Griffiss, PAT562 out of White Settlement, DFW.

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28470b  No.10886252


How does one see ads with an ad blocker and why complain if you are not?

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bdbaa7  No.10886253


This could be a credible scenario. Infect POTUS- ensure he doesn't give it to Biden- Potus will spead to his side. The timing from the debate to symptoms seems about right.

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333ed4  No.10886254

File: a094c3e8b599ac2⋯.mp4 (1.15 MB, 1000x560, 25:14, 20201002_110551.mp4)


Can confirm….

Q-Anon resolution read aloud at 1:07…

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0cc027  No.10886255

if you condemn me, i shall only grow STRONGER!

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34e2af  No.10886256



This feed is very choppy and skips a lot

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08552b  No.10886257


Then there is no point to social distancing.

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f3fdf2  No.10886258


It’s pretty good up here compared to China.

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06fc7f  No.10886259


10 days of darkness… Kinda makes Kevin Corke tweet more important. Endure this period of tribulation with strength.

With the passing of this bill and maybe passage in the Senate… I would actually expect the Pres. To sign this.

Why? Because the bill goes after the lefts minions. Antifa and BLM.

This board my be shut down as well.

Project Odin to be activated?

This is a great show!

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8016fb  No.10886260

325 to 16

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c9dd2b  No.10886261

Europe Locking Back down in many places.

"Cold N Flu Seazon" is upon us.


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8e4cd5  No.10886262

Not the rhetoric..

No, no

Not the rhetoric!

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61f66f  No.10886263

damn lads we're getting condemned as fuck. these votes are wild. TAKE NOTE OF WHO VOTES TO KNOW WHO IS AGAINST US

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4a1b36  No.10886264

File: 86246b35b885925⋯.jpg (24.85 KB, 224x255, 224:255, IMG_6043.JPG)


>those are nuggets though

No u, tendies on my mind, and they are tendies

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da7db1  No.10886265

File: 2bbb2acc925ff1e⋯.png (653.79 KB, 594x693, 6:7, Screen_Shot_2020_10_02_at_….png)




Hey faggot Jew boy Ashkenazi fuck, I stole your ID and took your pic, looks like you are a giant faggot

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466213  No.10886266



only 13 nay votes on condemnation of degenerate and dangerous q anons

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f7f5de  No.10886267

File: 7c3a68a9d68b0b0⋯.jpg (533.12 KB, 697x611, 697:611, Keystone_rosslyn.jpg)

File: d8d1f0a21f468eb⋯.jpg (399.19 KB, 805x802, 805:802, closeuprosslynkeystone.jpg)

File: 1a1336dc6bba969⋯.jpg (413.52 KB, 805x802, 805:802, closeuprosslynkeystoned.jpg)

File: 8c5a922683296a0⋯.jpg (80.05 KB, 552x372, 46:31, eyeQ.jpg)

>>10884838 pb

could that be keystone?

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993e94  No.10886268

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5356ff  No.10886269

File: aef381a71e3e302⋯.png (150.85 KB, 1097x552, 1097:552, Screen_Shot_2020_10_02_at_….png)


This is a RICO?

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5e2c48  No.10886270


Good for him..maybe a couple of these people out there will have a light bulb moment and realize the error of their ways!

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e47987  No.10886272

File: a72e863d54f45c7⋯.png (561.84 KB, 621x406, 621:406, ClipboardImage.png)

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4a1b36  No.10886273


trade you for a tater tot

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341c2a  No.10886274


Once it passes.

The action begins.

It's going down.

I do believe we are finally here.

Nessun Dorma INCOMING

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bff8ab  No.10886275

So what the hell does this resolution even do? It just seems like grandstanding to me

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000000  No.10886276

Army Lt. Gen. Scott Berrier is now employed

DNI Ratcliffe Welcomes Lt. Gen. Berrier as DIA Director

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe today issued the following statement:

“On behalf of ODNI and the Intelligence Community, I welcome Army Lt. Gen. Scott Berrier as the 22nd Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. Lt. Gen. Berrier brings a distinguished military background and decades of intelligence experience to the IC. With a focus on delivering intelligence on foreign militaries, DIA plays a crucial role in advancing U.S. theater and national security missions. DIA will continue to excel under Lt. Gen. Berrier’s leadership, and I look forward to working closely with him.

“I also express my deepest gratitude to retiring Director Army Lt. Gen. Robert P. Ashley Jr. He served our nation with honor, bravery and distinction for nearly 40 years, and I wish him the very best in his well-deserved retirement.”

Ratcliffe welcomed Berrier and congratulated Ashley during a change of command ceremony at DIA headquarters this afternoon.



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4f23cb  No.10886277

File: 9f0b189b509ae97⋯.png (289.42 KB, 854x488, 7:4, yerafaggot.png)


You're a retarded twat, shill. In no way, shape, manner or form does the manipulation of patriots into unwittingly targeting innocents at the behest of aglobally dominantfew elites constitute being anything other than another victim, one who will have to carry the burden for people who didn't need to die (when they finally learn of it.)

You the same gelatinous wad of shitgrease MilShill I bitchslapped last year?

Go powder your ass with sugar and hope your master decides to eat it instead of fuck it.

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c9dd2b  No.10886278

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273a79  No.10886279

File: 8f4be558f695693⋯.jpg (64.08 KB, 500x428, 125:107, 4h0zbc_1.jpg)




Without Trump whites can unleash the high tech right wing death squads.

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c60db5  No.10886280


That’ll be pretty much all of them doll. This actual LARP has morphed into something that actually scares them…

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71c687  No.10886281

File: 4060c8696e6fb3b⋯.mp4 (1 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Tu6Wzp7LYHcISGua.mp4)



Paterson 🦁 Love ✞


Replying to


Moment of Actor #RickMoranis attacked by a suspicious man in #NewYork


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d740e1  No.10886282



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96ec48  No.10886283


I said yesterday, we've seen John Roberts tip his hand in the past, but when he was in the scuffle with Kayleigh, he did more than tip his hand. He showed his hand at that moment.

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77984b  No.10886284

File: c66a524613b22d2⋯.png (847.66 KB, 923x650, 71:50, ClipboardImage.png)

Dailymail being the Dailymail


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778ebb  No.10886285

you get blamed for covid

and you get blamed for covid

you and you , get blamed for covid

Avoid debates while delaying SCOTUS confirmation

[ultimate plan]

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1c2dc8  No.10886286


see now i want tendies today. debating that or a burger.

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a05fcc  No.10886287

Trump gets sick

No arrests

Wide spread voting fraud

Military planning at its finest.

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4f0cae  No.10886288


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972bda  No.10886289


What does it mean if it does make it into law? Does it mean no one can ever mention Qanon again kek.

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db171c  No.10886290

File: 4e180006492d514⋯.jpg (92.68 KB, 720x900, 4:5, AMEN.jpg)

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464bc8  No.10886291

"Nothing Can Stop What's Coming"…except COVID. Q is cancelled.

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e046ec  No.10886292


It's going to be glorious. Cheers anon.

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3f5da1  No.10886293



First they ignore you.

Then they ridicule you.

Then they fight you.

Then you win.

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52c8dc  No.10886294


Come ON you don't think their are dirty USSS members around POTUS at all times?

Does not the USSS go where he goes?

think for yourself man

FLOTUS friend and executive assistant was spying think how many other traitors are around all the time

Q made sure the government stayed full of traitors and compromised personnel as it suits the game

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c60db5  No.10886295


Remmy 700 baybee!

From downtown!

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e6573a  No.10886296

File: ed412d98bd9f22b⋯.jpeg (81.74 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, jews_rape_kids.jpeg)

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993e94  No.10886297


somehow it's gonna get rid of the lib police unions

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9fa31b  No.10886298

File: 67bd6187896dc93⋯.png (504.74 KB, 717x531, 239:177, Screenshot_2020_10_02_28_M….png)

GOP Mike Lee Test Positive For COVID


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64ad8f  No.10886299


It's meaningless, just a statement from a handful of the members of congress, they can pass a resolution saying they like green grass and blue skies if they want

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7fbfbe  No.10886300


You're absolutely correct, anon. I've been ready to be best after getting the boot off my neck for 6 years. I'm ready.

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28470b  No.10886301


>What happens if Trump Biden dies?


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51d015  No.10886302

File: adc0bee25274474⋯.gif (52.95 KB, 354x286, 177:143, pepe_rockin.gif)


Love this song

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60f914  No.10886303


Ivanka 2020?

not Ivanka 2024?

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341c2a  No.10886304



H.Res.1154 - Condemning QAnon and rejecting the conspiracy theories it promotes.


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47b472  No.10886305


Our tax payer dollars at work.

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4c5280  No.10886306

File: 79f69f3057ec806⋯.png (1.13 MB, 994x562, 497:281, ClipboardImage.png)


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0cc027  No.10886307


he won't die until after he looses the election, my guess.

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5190fe  No.10886308

File: d6c21239ea78cd0⋯.png (380.46 KB, 458x438, 229:219, 1601635852802.png)

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b705c6  No.10886309

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bc98ee  No.10886310


Hey anon, I think you copy/pasted the wrong vid.

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16a987  No.10886311

File: 18a48879ffc3aea⋯.jpg (57.11 KB, 500x666, 250:333, Bubbles.jpg)

ADS-B is being flickery at my end again. it's being fucked with.

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56ce85  No.10886312

File: a01f808a9979841⋯.jpg (435.03 KB, 1430x1631, 1430:1631, 1601655008382.jpg)

Apparently Seth Moulton knows what's coming - kek, they really are stupid.

Representative Seth Moulton (D-MA-6):

"QAnon followers like to say in their vague, ominous ramblings that 'no one can stop what is coming.' That's wrong. We can, and we will."


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218c2c  No.10886313

File: 232e8bbfc0dac2e⋯.jpg (502.1 KB, 1900x900, 19:9, JP_Morgan.jpg)

File: d72dbceff54bdc7⋯.jpg (45.1 KB, 577x457, 577:457, habbening.jpg)


JPMorgan Chase is close to paying almost $1 billion to resolve government investigations into the alleged manipulation of metal and Treasurys markets, according to a person with knowledge of the matter.

A settlement between New York-based JPMorgan and several U.S. agencies could come as soon as this week, according to Bloomberg, which first reported news of the fine. The deal would resolve probes from the Justice Department, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and the Securities and Exchange Commission.

They each were charged with one count of conspiracy under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, or RICO, which historically has been used in mafia prosecutions, as well as other federal crimes in connection with manipulating precious metals futures markets.


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a88a6b  No.10886314

Sup anons

Long time poster

First time lurker

My doctor told me I needed to get out and meet people so I just got on here instead. He said it's not the same but what the fuck does he know.

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80c000  No.10886315


Same constitution with some adders and some taken away, with others more clearly defined.

Such as the part in the 2nd that they always leave out, 'SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED UPON'.

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8b09ff  No.10886316


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c620c4  No.10886317

File: d8357e19f27923d⋯.jpg (82.73 KB, 580x530, 58:53, Chinese_Truth.jpg)



Ho Li Fuk

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da795c  No.10886318

If anyone connects Q to a post on twitter they need to tarred and feathered.

It’s not about Q. It’s about truth and research.

Time to start calling these faggots out.

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6cea58  No.10886319

@POTUS ipo @realdonaldtrump

maybe the use of @POTUS is a clue that some serious internet censorship is on the way. Twitter might be able to claim legitimacy of blocking Trump's personal account, but not the official @POTUS account. That would be blocking of official communication s of the President of the United States to the American citizenry. Hard to justify.

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34e2af  No.10886320



QAnon Hearing starts at 1:07 mark

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e046ec  No.10886321

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273a79  No.10886322

File: 3c0dab00860c357⋯.png (162.38 KB, 308x295, 308:295, 3c0dab00860c357f8102bfdb42….png)

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a6e138  No.10886323


We Support Free Speech, Thinking and investigating all information Yourself

We Support peaceful exchange of ideas

We want all to have the freedoms guaranteed in our constitution

We are here from every Race, Ethnicity, Culture and Religion

Yet the House of representatives just condemned us

Wake Up America !!!!!

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8778e2  No.10886324

File: f62ff6242dad6d3⋯.png (722.07 KB, 1024x497, 1024:497, ClipboardImage.png)



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08552b  No.10886325



Fine, I will give you degenerate.

But dangerous? That’s funny.

(Speaking for muhself only)

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4a1b36  No.10886326


be American

be best

do both

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d740e1  No.10886327

File: f1805a9f3292eec⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1021x569, 1021:569, ClipboardImage.png)

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35cd07  No.10886328

File: 6661ffc785e99a0⋯.png (2.73 MB, 2026x1142, 1013:571, Screen_Shot_2020_10_02_at_….png)

KEK. Winning. 17 Nay. Controlled?

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10d2bb  No.10886329


How do you extinguish an idea, a thought, a movement?

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28470b  No.10886330

File: 4b77023e010fbfa⋯.jpg (23.94 KB, 400x400, 1:1, grammar_cat.jpg)


> looses


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8f77db  No.10886331

File: 0f48cf4160c8d7a⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1024x682, 512:341, honey_i_shrunk_the_keks_2.png)


Strange target.

What does he know?

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60f914  No.10886332


don't panic.

trust the plan.

I mean, you can doubt the plan a little if Antifa comes and burns down your business and kills you, but then you are probably a shill.

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9aa8a4  No.10886333



If the final is 17 nays, several of us will be Nadlering

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b9ae04  No.10886334


The white guy was white, so he either said something racist or thought something racist. Either way, whatever the black guy imagined in his head is the only truth and the white deserved what he got and is lucky to be alive.

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52c8dc  No.10886335


you call me names while confirming my point

NS do bad shit everyday, and if they learn of it, they kill themselves instead of the enemy

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d21d96  No.10886336


Yeah, you're just dumb.


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e6573a  No.10886337

File: 7a15c80985101ad⋯.jpg (116.73 KB, 828x833, 828:833, 7a15c80985101addf7012df52d….jpg)

File: e3b7a0d9b2ded3d⋯.jpg (28.53 KB, 330x341, 30:31, chameleon.jpg)

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52c304  No.10886338


Moar attention to anything Q-related.

Any publicity is good publicity. Isn’t that the saying ?

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d63b73  No.10886339

File: 29e06bf16e26607⋯.jpg (36.89 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 29e06bf16e26607b10d5518991….jpg)

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1c2dc8  No.10886340


well i could get tendies at the burger place i suppose and get both. But KFc gots the gravy

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246322  No.10886341

File: bdec0b0c24f369a⋯.jpg (12.84 KB, 554x554, 1:1, bdec0b0c24f369afdcb917646c….jpg)

Chris Wallace on Fox ripping the First Family for taking off their masks after arriving at the debate. Saying the Trumps 'waved away' the people from the Cleveland Clinic who were 'enforcing' the mask mandate in the hall.

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0f7a1d  No.10886342

so we’re condemned by the house resolution? see mom, i told you we’re kinda a big deal in DC! and you thought i was just fuckin around on the “net.” this is a revolution baby

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491553  No.10886343

File: e3052502f8839d4⋯.jpg (98.79 KB, 1078x806, 539:403, pepe_math.jpg)

File: 2d0fdb0bc2bbac1⋯.mp4 (664.95 KB, 966x642, 161:107, john_john_17.mp4)


how many nays?

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34e2af  No.10886344



17 Nays on 17

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bff8ab  No.10886345

>It's meaningless, just a statement from a handful of the members of congress, they can pass a resolution saying they like green grass and blue skies if they want

I’m glad that our elected officials that we hired are spending our tax payer dollars doing stuff like this while the country stays horse locked in their homes out of their churches and away from their jobs. Seriously if this doesn’t wake up the country as to how corrupt our government is I don’t know what will

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da28f5  No.10886346


feel good vid of the day.

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96ec48  No.10886347


What the H? Do you not understand that Senate will shut it down? And POTUS will not sign anything.

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8b09ff  No.10886349



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16a987  No.10886350

File: fc2534377a3dd09⋯.jpg (607.77 KB, 1919x917, 1919:917, PAT518_2_Oct_20_1710.jpg)

PAT518 orbiting Centennial, Denver. Red October?

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34e2af  No.10886351


Trips confirm

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c60db5  No.10886353


Hypothetical situation of course but Imagine, if you will, 1000 riflemen with scoped deer rifles, no leaders, just a list of demons…

(I’m a pacifist FIBBEES, so relax, i’m not one of yer wind up toys..)

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0345b2  No.10886354

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5190fe  No.10886355

File: 75adf272cb52070⋯.jpg (58.49 KB, 319x264, 29:24, 20200723_182716.jpg)

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cf89e7  No.10886356

File: f890516cb93eda7⋯.jpeg (231.37 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, 34DBFEC9_E7EA_427F_84BB_A….jpeg)

File: fab940b289f1bf5⋯.jpeg (211.56 KB, 750x577, 750:577, AA17B650_C255_4A6A_BB29_2….jpeg)

File: b74b0512e862da7⋯.jpeg (293.37 KB, 750x709, 750:709, 02E718B2_C4F2_43F3_A1BC_A….jpeg)

Comms understood. We will get through “this” together.


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da795c  No.10886358


Is this seat taken?

Can I buy you a drink?

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34e2af  No.10886359

Guys, they just voted us out of existence!


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778ebb  No.10886360


Honey, I shrunk the swamp

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28470b  No.10886361


Anons condemn Red Text Screamers Unequivocally.

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34e2af  No.10886362


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000000  No.10886363





All for a LARP

Q is one glorious basterd!

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60f914  No.10886364


>Chris Wallace on Fox ripping the First Family

in other news, Gina Haspel is not (ourgirl)

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c2d8e9  No.10886365

File: 494906ae9af0335⋯.jpeg (301.29 KB, 750x620, 75:62, 736215DC_9398_4652_A222_0….jpeg)

File: 483f8a95cb39c1b⋯.jpeg (27.81 KB, 640x472, 80:59, 01002239_9BE4_4D6C_8AA0_6….jpeg)

File: 3bd254b3e0d0a59⋯.jpeg (436.71 KB, 644x769, 644:769, F6EBE5A2_5073_4FA7_A87D_A….jpeg)

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4d050e  No.10886366

File: 6861c6c0175d8ee⋯.jpg (12.46 KB, 211x255, 211:255, jn31dcd5f4a508104e986cc3af….jpg)



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64ad8f  No.10886367

Anons we research corruption in government and in the corporate world and post our opinions. That is free speech and never forget it. They can't do anything to you for that.

There are some wackos among us that are naturally drawn to conspiracy that post far out stuff. And there are shills that make threats and post antisemetic stuff to make us look bad deliberately, that is on those individuals not all of us.

Posting our thoughts is a 1st Amendment guaranteed right.

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71c687  No.10886368




yeas just realized it

but IT came from THIS?? link on twitter

used twitter downoader:


it loaded someothhg alltogether different???

wha tthe hell is this????

and this: >>10886308

James Woods




Finally! The one thing every American can agree on. The man who beat #RickMoranis for absolutely no reason should be boiled in oil alive. #HateCrime #DeBlasiosNewYork

Paterson Lion face Love ✞


Replying to


Moment of Actor #RickMoranis attacked by a suspicious man in #NewYork


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341c2a  No.10886369

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8b09ff  No.10886370





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16a987  No.10886371


Tell me about your Muzzer. Is she hawt?

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94582a  No.10886372

File: d44e97e2c769c3a⋯.png (1.02 MB, 938x543, 938:543, ClipboardImage.png)

Loud and clear, Q.

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fa2739  No.10886373

File: ca8479535e9edc0⋯.png (764.56 KB, 801x437, 801:437, ClipboardImage.png)

Newsmax reporting Barron, Ivanka & Jared test NEGATIVE!

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f7f5de  No.10886374


Now we are officially non-conformists.

Guess we'll have to emigrate to America

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2eb376  No.10886375


So, there's only 17 in Congress that believe in the 1st Amendment.

Out of 535, 17 only.

At least now the world knows who they are.

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60f914  No.10886376


>Anons condemn Red Text Screamers Unequivocally.

Is there any specific Red Text Screamers group that you would like me to condem?

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e9a6d1  No.10886377

File: ed3731186a41725⋯.png (951.23 KB, 1016x534, 508:267, screenshot.png)

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a6759f  No.10886378

File: d68934c951120b2⋯.jpg (12.43 KB, 241x227, 241:227, fca6e234637fa87c26f6e7fb05….jpg)

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8e3d5d  No.10886379

File: 973f90c6dd4a4de⋯.jpg (167.54 KB, 1025x571, 1025:571, qanon.jpg)

348-17. I feel vindicated, not condemned.

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000000  No.10886380


It was a fucking week ago and no home builder has tagged onto the civil damages they could hit JPM for.


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e7563c  No.10886381


>How do you extinguish an idea, a thought, a movement?

Especially if you’re a dumbfuck Congress critter

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d63b73  No.10886382

File: e914daa819d8d78⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 2025x717, 675:239, e914daa819d8d780a8e46e0b01….jpg)

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4c5280  No.10886383

File: cf2f7d1d3320611⋯.mp4 (5.71 MB, 720x720, 1:1, rrq7Dm2jWvExbQ0p.mp4)

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4ab21b  No.10886384


Traitors everywhere!

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c620c4  No.10886385

File: 9380e0b7622b7b5⋯.jpg (127.69 KB, 650x1000, 13:20, Q_Just_a_Larp.jpg)


Your payment for services in BEWBS and POPCORN will now be sanctioned.

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cd0a31  No.10886386


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b8c05e  No.10886387

chrissy getting all emotional and excited - hyperventilating WHAR THE DAMN MASK!!!

and he ain't getting tested until next week for the RONA. He doesn't sound well, and he's got the RONA freak out going strong. EVERYONE is out to get me, john roberts syndrome.

p.s. is he going for the crazy pharma commercial gig? roberts first, now chrissy.

OUTNUMBERED has got em coming out of the woodshed -WONKY


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7cae29  No.10886388

File: bfa344dd6c81d3e⋯.png (642.69 KB, 740x423, 740:423, House_count.PNG)


They are still voting

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f286cd  No.10886389

File: 7988f7bbea68737⋯.png (651.44 KB, 514x704, 257:352, TRUTH_WINS.png)


Nope… truth wins.

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4578eb  No.10886390

Here again QANON bringing people on both sides together

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16a987  No.10886391


That's a fucking badge of honour and no mistake.

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218c2c  No.10886392

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Good one right?

Here's a good one from RAW that personifies many anons

plenty of chalk on our shoes ;-)

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8b09ff  No.10886393

File: a7226d6f36095df⋯.jpg (56.97 KB, 420x572, 105:143, a7226d6f36095dfc5cad2b0817….jpg)

File: c0994db01c08eda⋯.png (83.28 KB, 201x251, 201:251, c0994db01c08edaf1020b06526….png)


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c5a286  No.10886394

File: 5a863b4ff393bfa⋯.jpeg (428.49 KB, 828x1534, 414:767, 89ED5C86_58C9_4A0F_A4AA_5….jpeg)



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a6759f  No.10886395

Since the Trump Hoax Karma is.making the rounds, ammo


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4c5280  No.10886396

File: e309eee5679d7ac⋯.png (889 KB, 966x567, 46:27, ClipboardImage.png)


california china votes yes, nays still at 17

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db171c  No.10886397

File: 23f2454ac5646a4⋯.jpeg (22.01 KB, 255x242, 255:242, pepewarrior.jpeg)


Feels good man…

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a57d08  No.10886398



>>10886141, >>10886176, >>10886194, >>10886251 PF

>>10886276 DNI Ratcliffe Welcomes Lt. Gen. Berrier as DIA Director

>>10886229 Trump did not call Covid-19 a 'hoax' - and other false claims

>>10886206 GIULIANI spox to NBC: "Mayor Rudy Giuliani will be getting tested for COVID-19 today. In the meantime, he has begun the quarantine process.”

>>10886183 It was a roll call vote. Yeas won. Jayapal “demanded” the Yeas and Nays. Postponed until further proceedings.

>>10886118 You shouldn't have defamed #KyleRittenhouse, @JoeBiden

>>10886111 OC Cities Battle Explosion Of Non-Native ‘Ankle-Biter’ Aedes Mosquitos

>>10886064 Hope to Pelosi, testing

>>10886058 WaPo Publishes: “Imagine What It Will be Like to Never Have to Think about Trump Again”

>>10886011 Unlock Michigan turns in 539k signatures to limit Gov. Whitmer’s emergency powers

>>10885996 This Congressional Condemnation of Qanon is Sponsored & Brought to you by sexual predator lobbyist: Tom Malinowski

>>10885951 Judge sentences man to 600 years in prison in child sex case

>>10885950 Condemning Qanon violence. In the bread since Aug 1st 2018.

>>10885948 Sen. Lee Positive for Covid.10days iso


>>10885924 Jon Voight twat with clip: Evil

>>10885891 Thousands heading to US in migrant caravan despite COVID-19 threat

>>10885825 Lin Wood@LLinWood: I am receiving increased number of threats that I am going to killed, that my house will be burned down& that many “smear” articles will soon be published by my “friends” in media.

>>10885805 Veklury (remdesivir) Now Available Directly from Distributor following Trump Administration’s Successful Allocations to States and U.S. Territories


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e7563c  No.10886399


>So, there's only 17 in Congress that believe in the 1st Amendment.

We need to record the names of the noble naysayers.

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b65448  No.10886400

File: e4e0ef912479059⋯.png (209.52 KB, 280x357, 40:51, ClipboardImage.png)


Good times.

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e2fa5e  No.10886401

File: fc852eb1ad647ca⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1629x1463, 1629:1463, Capture2.PNG)

File: b34f6fbfa992703⋯.png (602.05 KB, 1603x1330, 229:190, Capture4.PNG)

File: 7e7c6076031a12f⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1736x1540, 62:55, Capture5.PNG)

File: 4732072c5f4fd45⋯.png (541.05 KB, 1989x1594, 1989:1594, Capture.PNG)

File: 37e16315e30fe03⋯.png (300.76 KB, 1720x1444, 430:361, Capture3.PNG)

>>10878943 (pb)

An anon posted here earlier indicating that their friend received a voter registration in PA with their information pre-filled.

The return address in mailing envelope was Election Mail Service, PO Box 6492, Austin, TX, 78762. The footer on the letter contained in the envelope indicated "Questions? Contact support@civitech.io | Election Mail Service, a project of Civitech…"

On Oct 1, 2020, Alabama's Secretary of State John H. Merrill sent a letter to Ms. Andi Pringle of the Election Mail Service, indicating that residents of Alabama were calling his office indicating that they were already registered voters and received this voter registration form in the mail. Andi Pringle is also known as Andrea Pringle, who has worked for DC Mayor Vincent Gray for 10 days as Chief of Staff. She "resigned" due to conflict of interest. She worked previously as communications officer and consultant for the Open Society Institute and was communications and outreach strategist for former IL senator Carol Mosley Braun. -> ties to Soros and ACORN

Andi is also part of March On, a grassroots organization focused on increasing voter registration. In September 2020, she "created a Voter Protection Corps of trained leaders and volunteers who will deploy to vulnerable states and educate voters on their options." This group also plans to "protect the polls on Election Day." It is noted that "to form this Corps, March On is recruiting Voter Protection Captains from the Divine 9 Black fraternities and sororities, as well as women, veterans, young professionals, college students and recent graduates."


Civitech's founders are Madeline Eden and Jeremy Smith. These two individuals also founded Register2Vote.org, a voter registration service. On both their websites, they identify their tools as "nonpartisan" in nature. They also have additional tools that are marketed towards nonpartisan and Democrats (i.e. Republicans are not eligible to use these additional tools).

Eden is the Democrat running for Texas House of Representatives to represent District 17.

Anons, is it legal for a person running for the elections to be involved with this mess?!

Smith is an army vet and a Marshall scholar. In the army, he served as an Engineer and Special Operations officer. For the 2016 election, Smith recruited, trained, and coordinated 6000 attorneys countering voter suppression. He has run voter registration and protection efforts for elections in Georgia, Virginia, Alabama, and Texas.









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dcba68  No.10886402

File: f279a10c888ac09⋯.png (66.25 KB, 213x238, 213:238, f279a10c888ac09bd3c625da19….png)

Chris Wallace has gone on for 11 minutes screaming how the First family did not wear masks the night of the debate. His ears are red, he's trippin, he shouted to the camera "Wear the damn mask!" In his rant, he slipped & said "We made the masks political!" Then he backed that truck up & said "well not me"

Fox News Outnumbered

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52c8dc  No.10886403


If they ever acted on what they know and go public and share it or take out the worst that would have some significance.

their numbers to small to make a difference in a SHTF scenario and will only protect their families and their kind, the rest of us are still fucked and on our own because they were not heroes and they did not stand and did not demonstrate valor or candor, or loyalty to their pledge, their oath of allegiance only benefits the powerful not the people

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2a56c5  No.10886404


17 Nays.


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1ac530  No.10886405

File: ead7393a1e888d6⋯.jpg (231.8 KB, 956x574, 478:287, Cheshire_Pepe1.jpg)

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333ed4  No.10886406

File: 4899e76cf6cfe35⋯.mp4 (2.22 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, rCclRN2pCbadk3Y3.mp4)

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80c000  No.10886407

can really tell who reads or re-reads drops.

Where does it show 10 days of darkness?

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c2d8e9  No.10886408


Congress approval rating vs Q approval rating

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273a79  No.10886409

File: d1038cd4c9b754c⋯.png (416.45 KB, 907x907, 1:1, Screenshot_20200919_094422….png)

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96ec48  No.10886410


Lucky number 7, and 1 Present

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28470b  No.10886411


>Is there any specific Red Text Screamers group that you would like me to condemn?

Nah, just go full scorched earth on all their shilly arses. Thanks.

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71df01  No.10886412

File: 0723b1fbbc4eced⋯.png (40.62 KB, 1183x441, 169:63, ClipboardImage.png)


I think he was using that as a point to me.

Is this the same bill that Murkowski introduced?


I read the damn bill, man.

You mean this part?


I guess we'll see what's done about it..

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d740e1  No.10886413

OMFG. If it stays at 17 nays im gonna shit. Hilarious!

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4d050e  No.10886414

File: ebdc27a43d67f98⋯.gif (12.02 MB, 480x270, 16:9, gifobama6544609883ffc26b34….gif)

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bc98ee  No.10886415


The 17 nays should all get follows from anons on twitter. Just sayin.

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e9a6d1  No.10886416

Biden tests negative

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748bc2  No.10886417

>>10886312 OK, Raver Seth, spell it out for the world exactly what it is that you are going to be stopping? Breakup of the worldwide pedo network? Arrests of blatant traitors? The keeping of America great? The ending of unprecedented baby slaughter? 2nd Amendment rights? The spread of truth?

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cd0482  No.10886418


Since the House of Representatives has failed to address the concerns of the American People by refusing to address Term Limits and refusing to condemn the actions of Antifa and Black Lives Matter while chasing after "conspiracy theories" I call for a Convention of the States under Article V of the United States Constitution.

If the Delegates to the Convention of the States find it needful, then a Constitutional Convention is in order whereas the House of Representatives may be dissolved and Federal Government restructured

The riots in American cities have gone on far enough. Mayors and Governors have not acted, and the House has refused to act for the General Welfare and the Common Defense.

I call for the Convention of the States,and possible Constitutional Convention, be convened no later than the 14th of October, 2020. The Election of 2020 is to be cancelled and new Election dates will be set either in the Convention of the States or the Constitutional Convention.

When Government refuses to do the duties entrusted to them by We the People then it falls to the Citizens to replace such a government

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5e9dab  No.10886419


wtf is this

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469eb0  No.10886420

File: b009723eb6f9d53⋯.png (82.61 KB, 286x252, 143:126, 2018_09_27_19_50_03qq.png)


>Chris Wallace on Fox ripping the First Family for taking off their masks after arriving at the debate.

Shouldn't he (fag Wallace) be tested as well?

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0f7a1d  No.10886421

17 nays is obviously a huge win for us. don’t they know that?

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da28f5  No.10886422


it's " nothing can stop what's coming. "


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4a1b36  No.10886423

File: 73aa12bd19ce687⋯.png (5.49 KB, 494x35, 494:35, DateMilitary.png)

File: fa062f5a7d0af68⋯.png (61.75 KB, 371x655, 371:655, 35StartofGA.png)

worth remembering that Sunday is


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c60db5  No.10886424


Hey dont point out actual facts, people LIKE to be lied to when it fits their narrative..

(I think theres several studies proving that fact)

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06fc7f  No.10886425

Q in 3…2…1

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74023a  No.10886426


How do they plan on doing this?

Banning public domain research?!

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b8c05e  No.10886427


so the condemning has begun


wheel WALL

two tings never obsolete

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8778e2  No.10886428


nicely done.

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8f77db  No.10886429


Anything you wanna tell us about, anon


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dc13b8  No.10886430


Dubs would suggest but with POTUS it’s always 3 steps forward 2 steps back, to force [their] moves.

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6f44be  No.10886432


on record. perfect

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8b09ff  No.10886433

File: 3d096d5aeb2618e⋯.png (126.75 KB, 187x269, 187:269, 3d096d5aeb2618e4dd5146274d….png)





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71c687  No.10886434


why was this video linked to james woods? tweet? and Paterson Lion face Love ✞


I used this link on a twitter downloader:


says this on the downloader?

Twitter Video: https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmobile.twitter.com%2FGustav0_fring%2Fstatus%2F1310995981148868609%3Fs%3D19%26fbclid%3DIwAR1q5s_o0JfIPNej_b3bqtSioFeEORKSf97TUt0CjuNc5ArNC48cmNI_J2s&h=AT36Vg5FoTbGqb45CZ5xg3zyFtRayCcTZmgWvETbImt6bqCpflB2Mjah5xhiTSuwGEEus-d6lWyGjcxZs5JY0Wl9cXEVhPAnAhrmg3M4Z18DXCZCUkXg7wUEFxswOUFih9XKgA

the video of Moranis is on the twitter page, but the downloader gave us this weird slap video?


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246322  No.10886435


said his doctor told him to wait until Monday because it takes 5 days for the virus to load up enough to show on a test.

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dea633  No.10886436

File: c1eb4b8991ef8ab⋯.png (464.57 KB, 598x589, 598:589, ClipboardImage.png)

Constitutional questions mount: Can Donald Trump be replaced on the ballot in an election which he cannot stop

daily china mail fantasy


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1ac530  No.10886437

File: 7fa866759cc1b17⋯.jpg (133.26 KB, 1677x330, 559:110, 2020_10_02_12_15_53_edt.jpg)

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d740e1  No.10886438


Encourages the IC to look into the financing of affiliations (websites). Audit incoming?

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d63b73  No.10886439

File: 4b21c50ec8c0555⋯.jpg (190.26 KB, 574x628, 287:314, Q.jpg)

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f35347  No.10886440

File: 227410d76d6c877⋯.png (633.14 KB, 600x361, 600:361, lostways.png)

necessity for any bugout bag.

you can find free pdfs online.

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466213  No.10886441

File: bdea5a1e2d906ad⋯.jpg (10.64 KB, 285x177, 95:59, download_2_.jpg)

File: 7049af934b73c7b⋯.jpg (9.72 KB, 259x194, 259:194, download_3_.jpg)


if trump loses anons will be raided, declared enemies of the state, and removed to fema reeducation camps

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ba3221  No.10886442

File: d49a8cbe71ccbab⋯.png (692.8 KB, 669x900, 223:300, GOP_vs_Dems_Red.png)


(you) must be a democrat/liberal, why?? because to act like one and talk like one…piss off shill.

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8ebb10  No.10886443

Anyone else having trouble opening twatter? The website won’t even respond?!

Phonephagging right now. Any tips? Never happened before.

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b6f198  No.10886444


Yea this!

I just sperged irl I think I blew my voice out yelling fuck off to this asshat. I hate these fucking people so much right now.

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16a987  No.10886445

File: c4be204db74543d⋯.jpg (412.31 KB, 1911x919, 1911:919, PAT104_Dothan_2_Oct_20_171….jpg)

PAT104 left Dothan a short time ago.

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f567eb  No.10886446


Eyes on HRC.


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4d050e  No.10886447

File: 7481919cb63874a⋯.jpg (67.8 KB, 300x300, 1:1, mustachealright_who_wants_….jpg)

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c620c4  No.10886448

File: 71e08b49b47ce1a⋯.jpg (68.88 KB, 1200x514, 600:257, TomPettyanon.jpg)



Forced to 'live like a refugee' prior to death in attempt to evade arrest for Qanon ties.

Story developing . . .

Sauce: https://qmap.pub/

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96ec48  No.10886449



Ooopss, my bad. Could have sworn I saw a seven on earlier screenshot.

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39c80f  No.10886450


>Shouldn't he (fag Wallace) be tested as well?

He said his doctor told him to wait until next week because there wouldn't be a 'viral load' notable until next week

It is by this rationale that he claimed POTUS must have had COVID at the debate

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218c2c  No.10886451


well remembered anon! o7

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c60db5  No.10886452


Qew, can we bust out grand pappies deer rifles yet?

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71df01  No.10886453


MUKOWSKI? wtf. Malinowski*

My brain is doing backflips today.

There's no specific language that I can see… But it seems like the kind of thing white-hats would do to get things sorted out.

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a88a6b  No.10886454


So much for fucking free speech

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60f914  No.10886455


cool, another date to anticipate, disseminate, and then look like an utter fool when nothing habbens.

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35cd07  No.10886456

And who's the 1 who voted 'present'!? That could prove interesting.

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273a79  No.10886457

File: 435cb85f8281721⋯.mp4 (696.4 KB, 810x424, 405:212, 435cb85f82817215174636fc21….mp4)

Can I take a shit on Joe Biden's face. ?

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b897d3  No.10886458

Is this part of the plan?

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9bafea  No.10886459

Where you watching anon?


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4a1b36  No.10886460


the weak should fear the strong

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c7d9ca  No.10886461


Will be interdasting to see who the (nays) are.

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333ed4  No.10886462

File: 4cb693ea35cf786⋯.jpg (41.73 KB, 600x315, 40:21, quick.jpg)

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f055f8  No.10886463

File: acd5fca68d6c94a⋯.jpg (275.59 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, Dir_DIA.jpg)

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9839c8  No.10886464



Hey AJ. don't forget the coffins, cattle cars and guillotines!!! You're slippin

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63e969  No.10886465

Weighing in favor of the hypothesis that the infection is a planned October surprise, there is:

* Q's 2-year delta tweet mentioning positive test results and these people are sick

* It's time for an October surprise

* This will undoubtedly make the Democrats display their lack of humanity in front of the entire country, which might alarm those who haven't noticed it yet

* Q's references to pawpaw testing positive for covid suggest that there might be an easy way to generate a positive test result

* The eminent genius Michael Moore suspects it:


but mostly:

* Donald Trump is an excellent showman and a master of dramatic tension

Weighing against it is:

* Not just Trump, but lots of people around him are testing positive, and reportedly showing mild symptoms

* It is dispiriting for Trump supporters to hear that he's ill.

* Pence is not as popular. If the public thinks that the choice is between Pence and Biden, it will be electorally damaging.

If people in the media or otherwise on Biden's side start testing positive, then I think that means it can't be a psyop from our side. Also, if people on our side die, I think that also proves that it isn't a psyop.

Is that an accurate summary?

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d63b73  No.10886466

File: 8e0aa8e81edc68d⋯.png (638.5 KB, 1300x688, 325:172, 8e0aa8e81edc68ddb8e82709d7….png)


kek. see you at the camp then. The ride never ends

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8b09ff  No.10886467

File: 8ebff4b2957b174⋯.png (101.96 KB, 290x174, 5:3, 8ebff4b2957b17483dba3ef972….png)





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35cd07  No.10886468

Live Qanon in House - https://www.c-span.org/video/?476251-1/house-session

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6b1817  No.10886469

File: 32348790219487c⋯.jpg (97.84 KB, 1145x697, 1145:697, Capture.JPG)

MSNBC Plays Out Fantasy of Pelosi Becoming Acting President Live On-Air


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64ad8f  No.10886470


It's meaningless, they can't vote to censor your speech. This is just an empty resolution.

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1e764f  No.10886471


My lying eyes had to be told that the lighting was pink, anon.

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5aafa4  No.10886472

File: 5271c95907f6810⋯.jpg (40.98 KB, 540x360, 3:2, FaggotRetard.jpg)

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225b3f  No.10886473


1. Doesn't mean anything

2. Backfires on BLM/Antifa

3. Backfires on Dems

4. Backfires on shills

5. Supports anons, not condemns them

And Trump just castled in his 5d chess game

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a6759f  No.10886474

File: 8f5d20b405b1863⋯.jpg (52.11 KB, 600x600, 1:1, horse_mask_stable_800x.jpg)

17 Neighs

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c60db5  No.10886475

82nd Airborne just canceled all leave, phone trees on turbo


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e7563c  No.10886476


Wallik needs to be driven out

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3f7272  No.10886477

Anybody remember when Obama and Congress took the time to condemn the knockout game ?!?!?!??!

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08552b  No.10886478


Always wanted to meet you fags.

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778ebb  No.10886479


DR. " Q - anon " , now condemed and wanted for a crime he didn't commit…….

in this episode , fucking with congress

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25d161  No.10886480



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246322  No.10886481

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a57d08  No.10886482


>>10886141, >>10886176, >>10886194, >>10886251, >>10886350 PF

>>10886276 DNI Ratcliffe Welcomes Lt. Gen. Berrier as DIA Director

>>10886229 Trump did not call Covid-19 a 'hoax' - and other false claims

>>10886206 GIULIANI spox to NBC: "Mayor Rudy Giuliani will be getting tested for COVID-19 today. In the meantime, he has begun the quarantine process.”

>>10886183 It was a roll call vote. Yeas won. Jayapal “demanded” the Yeas and Nays. Postponed until further proceedings.

>>10886118 You shouldn't have defamed #KyleRittenhouse, @JoeBiden

>>10886111 OC Cities Battle Explosion Of Non-Native ‘Ankle-Biter’ Aedes Mosquitos

>>10886306 17 Nays

>>10886064 Hope to Pelosi, testing

>>10886058 WaPo Publishes: “Imagine What It Will be Like to Never Have to Think about Trump Again”

>>10886011 Unlock Michigan turns in 539k signatures to limit Gov. Whitmer’s emergency powers

>>10885996 This Congressional Condemnation of Qanon is Sponsored & Brought to you by sexual predator lobbyist: Tom Malinowski

>>10885951 Judge sentences man to 600 years in prison in child sex case

>>10885950 Condemning Qanon violence. In the bread since Aug 1st 2018.

>>10885948 Sen. Lee Positive for Covid.10days iso


>>10885924 Jon Voight twat with clip: Evil

>>10885891 Thousands heading to US in migrant caravan despite COVID-19 threat

>>10885825 Lin Wood@LLinWood: I am receiving increased number of threats that I am going to killed, that my house will be burned down& that many “smear” articles will soon be published by my “friends” in media.

>>10885805 Veklury (remdesivir) Now Available Directly from Distributor following Trump Administration’s Successful Allocations to States and U.S. Territories


hold em yo

bit a of lag


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8f77db  No.10886483

File: ee384fe37024a2b⋯.jpg (30.67 KB, 394x642, 197:321, ren_and_stimpy_mr_horse.jpg)

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0f7a1d  No.10886484

File: baa9a2c17ff1919⋯.jpeg (425.22 KB, 1344x883, 1344:883, 48D7C3A9_F646_43DB_9FC2_A….jpeg)

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e046ec  No.10886485


He and I are good. His point was this is opening the door for Antifa and BLM and their funders to get proper fucked. It's a great day to be a patriot. Not so much for the traitors. Cheers anon.

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cdc71e  No.10886486

File: 60bf8fce9f5c13b⋯.png (629.62 KB, 1080x577, 1080:577, Screenshot_20201002_111854….png)

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32b350  No.10886487

File: aec8257b65eab5b⋯.png (1.81 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, aec8257b65eab5bb562be97f94….png)

File: c825c23de57c8ad⋯.png (488.74 KB, 720x720, 1:1, Cupace20201002092506.png)

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341c2a  No.10886488

Anons it's been a long arduous ride.

We will win.

Trust the plan.

Continue hammering

The time has come for pain.

After this bill passes

Buckle up.

The ride is going to be thrilling.

Catch ya on the other side.

If you know any lefty anarchists, give them your best wishes.

They won't enjoy the ending.

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7138b3  No.10886489

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1c2dc8  No.10886490


be nice to eat a bowl of gruel with you.

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f87fe1  No.10886491


The Fucking Democrats will "Test" Biden today and say that he got the Covd-19 from Trump.

Biden slowly withers and dies then Harris becomes the President on Nov 4 after the DemocRATS win!

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ecabd8  No.10886492

File: dd0d9fa4b7f93cf⋯.png (39.08 KB, 700x289, 700:289, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7f49702c3663432⋯.png (18.82 KB, 1106x252, 79:18, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4493544dc79d1f1⋯.png (47.96 KB, 832x526, 416:263, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cb167d74b9b48cc⋯.png (23.01 KB, 717x156, 239:52, ClipboardImage.png)

>>10885757 (Notables, top of this bread)

from last bread:

> >>10885354 Gitmo on?: I don't know anything about this site so treat sauce accordingly. However, timeline fits with overnight events.


The article states one reason for GITMO activity is an obscure law called the McCarran International Security Act, Pic 1. HOWEVER, this act was ABOLISHED in 1952. The US Military uses it to keep control of privately owned firearms on installations, pic 2.


Pic 3 from the article...

And as to how “vitally important” Secretary Mattis deemed his unprecedented visit to Guantanamo, this report says, became known yesterday, 29 December 2017, when President Trump suddenly ordered the entire 850th Military Police Battalion to immediately deploy from Luke Air Force Base to Guantanamo Bay Naval Base.

Yesterday, December 2017 huh? C'mon anons, confirm first!

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000000  No.10886493


Don't forget, he was on screen for the RBG "background" photo from AF1. I'll ask again, was this clip a comm that he delivered the virus?

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a6759f  No.10886494

File: 653c5e39d71c893⋯.jpg (48.97 KB, 600x576, 25:24, ZomboMeme_11072020214819.jpg)

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f35347  No.10886495


>allowing yourself to be captured in the first place


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b8c05e  No.10886496


is getting around to finally reporting that the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES not being tested at all! ALL THOSE OLD TICS -

and house nigger doc giving em shade while attacking orange man bad for testing



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bc98ee  No.10886497

File: 1a59e6d717111a7⋯.png (420.21 KB, 1557x407, 1557:407, ClipboardImage.png)


So… I really hate to break it to you, but maybe you copy/pasted the URL from a different twitter account into the twitter video downloader. It's OK, anon; no judgment here.

Just be happy you didn't get Q responding to your screenshot that had bookmarks of redhead porn links. Now that was some hilarity. Poor anon.

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890d77  No.10886498


It's a trap. We will be labeled as terrorists in place of BLM, Antifa.

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96ec48  No.10886499

Biden and wife, Jill, tested negative. Just announced on FOX.

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333ed4  No.10886500

File: 91837f2d6587143⋯.png (116.8 KB, 602x699, 602:699, test.PNG)


Joe Biden tested NEGATIVE for coronavirus.


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ba3221  No.10886501

The irony of it all, the House condemn's "QAnon" but if you broadcast that over twitter you will be banned..so you can't even discuss the ban on twitter without being subject to the "Q" ban….kek.

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ccdfea  No.10886502

If Q also has to quarantine, maybe we’ll get a Q & A?!? Making lemonade…

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ecabd8  No.10886503


abolished in 1972 Sorry mistyped

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8b09ff  No.10886504

File: f545de1b7e12060⋯.png (109.51 KB, 232x217, 232:217, f545de1b7e120601434da9fd30….png)



>maybe the matching landscape is a Scottish riddle


>how would doge hide scientists while farming a trillionaire

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7cae29  No.10886505


dont post this shit here

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36e892  No.10886506

File: 3aa32854eff6bc3⋯.jpeg (367.45 KB, 1241x1783, 1241:1783, 093C8170_3439_4684_B20D_4….jpeg)

against my My Moral Identity, but I hope he dies!!! Shit woman you worked for HRC, you have no morality left



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80c000  No.10886507


All those running for office that have been saying they support QANON is why this is happening.

Those candidates are gainning ground against the demoncraps.

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39c80f  No.10886508

Fox reporting Bidens test negative for COVID

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71c687  No.10886509





go to the link below, it show a rick moranis attack, I simply pasted the Twitter link on a twitter downloader I always use routinely, and then I noticed on the bread it is a completly differnt video?

What the actual fuck

It seems


somehow has a slap fetish


somone is telling us something about Moranis??????? or James Woods?

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b64244  No.10886510


Not only sauce, but a why? Where are you getting this from?

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8778e2  No.10886511


Kamala, yur gonna have ta wait a wee bit longer, eh.

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b972be  No.10886512

File: cd3e881410f8bcc⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1138x637, 1138:637, TheSting.png)


>Ok now I’m getting into my conspiracy unraveling mind, Giuliani too?

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c60db5  No.10886513



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333ed4  No.10886514


Anons, this is why you keep your Spank Bank files separate from your Q files.


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d740e1  No.10886515

File: 77395bad9e7c50f⋯.png (5.17 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


I've got 'D' level clearance. Maybe we should do a rebranding. Call me #Dannon

Ban that fuckers.

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7f9288  No.10886516

File: 633773dc4691209⋯.png (507.6 KB, 896x501, 896:501, IAmJoe.png)

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246322  No.10886517

File: 8df81704bfd0ac5⋯.jpg (15.68 KB, 238x255, 14:15, 8df81704bfd0ac5427de4d393c….jpg)

BREAKING ON FOX: Biden and Jill test negative TODAY but could have still been exposed.

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273a79  No.10886518

File: 3802c3cdccc55ee⋯.gif (359.43 KB, 240x200, 6:5, 3802c3cdccc55ee6642239d458….gif)


Nancy Pelosi's cunt stinks so bad.

She just needs to take s freaking bath.

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288c32  No.10886520

File: 41972d7b9f1f8e2⋯.png (215.5 KB, 469x330, 469:330, 85184895991498.png)

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4d050e  No.10886521

File: 63848d45804aa1d⋯.jpg (88.92 KB, 752x500, 188:125, jet28uiggio.jpg)

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1a5c95  No.10886522


It was less than ten when I became Q

Since then there have been thousands

who have said they are Q

And that is not even counting all the secret Q's

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db171c  No.10886523

File: 813663035a42a87⋯.jpg (115.14 KB, 675x900, 3:4, NaziGruesomenewsom.jpg)


Tell them they are correct…

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a27fb1  No.10886524

Anons the ultimate plot twist if he dies and comes back to life.

Game changer.

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e2fa5e  No.10886525


Twatter opens for me, using my browser though.

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341c2a  No.10886526


Use discernment and logic.

Our "manifesto" is one of thought.

The trap is not for us.

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cd0a31  No.10886527

File: 184124a3de388ae⋯.jpeg (189.42 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 5CE3D171_79B1_4E8A_B2D5_9….jpeg)



Too soon to say, but it IS worth noting that POTUS made the announcement 12 hours ago and she hasn’t said a word about it.

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71c687  No.10886528




pretty funny since it relates to rick moranis though kek

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f3fdf2  No.10886529


Always losing.

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07526f  No.10886530

File: c40362c9be2088b⋯.png (706.99 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>Biden tests negative

for what? having a brain?

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28470b  No.10886531


That doesn't look like Moran-is and the other guy looks sketchy as fuck.

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7cae29  No.10886532

One vote just went from YEA to NAY which is now at 18

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2a56c5  No.10886533


This confirms.

It’s the Jews.

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6b1817  No.10886535

File: 653375e6341e0ea⋯.jpg (62.68 KB, 996x388, 249:97, Capture.JPG)

qresear.ch/ doxxing underway?

"disinformation researcher"

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ff3943  No.10886536

File: d574d9b9e4f2882⋯.png (453.64 KB, 650x868, 325:434, tpkek.png)

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ebebcc  No.10886538


Anon pain?

Sometimes the cure is more painful than the disease. If pain is for anons, this anon is praying to bear it with silence, determination and courage.

Be brave.

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218c2c  No.10886539


>It was a fucking week ago

yeah saw it here today


just wanted to use a source that wasn't so faggot

what to look out for is the silver markets as Morgan has been suppressing the price heavily

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3f5da1  No.10886540


on purpose. They know what 17 means

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92e286  No.10886541

If we're being funded, you faggots need to share. I've been doing this for free the whole time!

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b9ae04  No.10886543


Beginning of the end. Watch the US become a turd world banana hellhole as the tyranny is rolled out. Now comes the government sanctioned silencing. They will be able to rape children on the street in broad daylight and anyone who takes a photo, video or comments on what they saw will be attacked while any and all info is removed because it is qanon "like" rhetoric.

Save offline, but you will never be able to share. Not on a digital platform anyway.

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34c15a  No.10886545


back up that site

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998138  No.10886546


Awww what an asshole. Do they say who it was?

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a6759f  No.10886547

File: 29c645b3d7159c6⋯.jpg (10.7 KB, 255x163, 255:163, ff98a8c1dc1383296c783db234….jpg)

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059cf2  No.10886548

File: 53b3a7489c17b6e⋯.png (159.82 KB, 397x400, 397:400, q1776.png)

File: 62c827514bdef4e⋯.jpg (59.65 KB, 481x320, 481:320, summer_2106_Idaho_trip_297.jpg)

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9839c8  No.10886549




If (you) are their fake QAjon strawman, then (you) are fucked. I just read Q drops and post on anonymous board. Nothing to do with 'QAnon'. That's for low-IQ normies. Sorry about your brain

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36e892  No.10886550

File: a693123209e1016⋯.jpeg (211.35 KB, 1242x1210, 621:605, D01336C9_E395_4D54_B65D_5….jpeg)

Bill Barr’s Covid test is negative


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8778e2  No.10886552

File: 8db298aa7458e30⋯.png (767.59 KB, 1024x551, 1024:551, ClipboardImage.png)

Just went to 18 nays.


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8f77db  No.10886553

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fe17c5  No.10886554

File: 3a238a5a095752f⋯.png (2.6 MB, 1968x1108, 492:277, Screen_Shot_2020_10_02_at_….png)

So much for THAT theory. 18

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cc3934  No.10886555


Ha! Little Creek, my ole stomping grounds.

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c9dd2b  No.10886556

File: 2280f29c165aa9c⋯.png (4.53 MB, 3808x2160, 238:135, New_Bread.png)

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9346f8  No.10886557

File: c1b2badc71af406⋯.png (148.72 KB, 790x479, 790:479, vote_out_dems_brad_schneid….png)

File: cb96eb9593ffe18⋯.png (132.22 KB, 773x575, 773:575, vote_out_dems_collin_peter….png)

thank you Anon(s)!

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c620c4  No.10886558

File: 869609ce1221edd⋯.jpg (72.62 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, NotQanon.jpg)


Jihadists praised the US House of Representatives today for their condemning of the radical meme terrorists known as Qanon. Legal actions against the group are 'forthcoming', one anonymous source reported.

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f055f8  No.10886559

File: 6ed941ddd396be4⋯.jpg (203.37 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, soon2.jpg)

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94582a  No.10886561



theres still 17 in there lol

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f567eb  No.10886562


[C]linton [D]etained?

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469eb0  No.10886563

File: 2d49671f4eee5d8⋯.png (622.29 KB, 681x469, 681:469, 3_guys.png)


>Biden slowly withers and dies then Harris becomes the President on Nov 4 after the DemocRATS win!

So that will make her the third president in 20 years to sukk Big Mike's anaconda?

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a5e674  No.10886564

File: 0f3f604d5edb969⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef7b931115f79f0⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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da28f5  No.10886566


It's now or never. The election CANNOT proceed without justice prior. Dobbs said it best: "if the DOJ was holding on to something that could've changed the election…"

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9a9ca3  No.10886568

File: 2137c56493c2a71⋯.jpg (24.42 KB, 474x286, 237:143, downloadfile_1_2_.jpg)

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748bc2  No.10886569

>>10886506 Doesn't Zara Rahim mean "Daughter of the Demon" in Arabic?

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c7d9ca  No.10886570


It is now (18 nays).

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a57d08  No.10886571






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e6573a  No.10886573

File: 40177f2ac457831⋯.jpeg (86.22 KB, 759x500, 759:500, martin_luther_close.jpeg)

God Won

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dea633  No.10886574

sauce faggot


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