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File: cf3ebd6902658c2⋯.png (1 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, iwo.png)

de36c0  No.10681307[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 09.16.2020

>>10672384 ——————————————— Mickey Mouse Clock pic

>>10672339 ——————————————— Bill Clinton pic

>>10672336 ——————————————— Prince Andrew pics

>>10672321 ——————————————— Victoria's Secret models/Epstein

>>10671976 ——————————————— MIL SAT application(s) (Caps: >>10671992, >>10672014)

>>10671395 rt >>10671145 ———–––——–— Q#3788

>>10669931 ——————————————— Why did it take an 'outsider' to finally deliver the 'start' of peace in the middle east? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Evil and corruption @ highest levels.

>>10669719 rt >>10669567 ———–––——–— The media is complicit. Mission: keep the public controlled and in the dark

>>10668955 ——————————————— Add it all up. Playbook known.

>>10668820 ——————————————— Tucker interview Chinese Virologist (Cap: >>10668832)

>>10668751 ——————————————— Esper confirms Russia and China have DEW satellites (Cap: >>10668768)

>>10668640 rt >>10668566 ———–––——–— Confirms water is their cover

>>10668478 rt >>10668433 ———–––——–— Banks with truck filled to set fire

>>10668357 ——————————————— "Spread Fire."

>>10668326 ——————————————— antwiththecut phone message convo

>>10668162 ——————————————— @FBIPortland graphic (Caps: >>10668203, >>10668258)

Monday 09.14.2020

>>10650666 ——————————————— Hold the line, Riders. Justice is coming

>>10650577 rt >>10650561 ———–––——–— Already done (Cap: >>10650561)

>>10650480 ——————————————— Guccifer 2.0

>>10650472 ——————————————— John Brennan

>>10650468 ——————————————— Seth Rich

>>10650466 ——————————————— Julian Assange

>>10649121 ——————————————— Who is financing? Follow the pen. @CBS_Herridge tweet (Cap: >>10649148)

>>10648988 ——————————————— Why are they provided safe haven by [D]s? @MrAndyNgo tweet (Cap: >>10649041, >>10649060)

>>10648459 ——————————————— Domestic terrorism

>>10647825 ——————————————— Patriot: noun

>>10645618 ——————————————— Antifa graphic w/mug shot ID

>>10645165 rt >>10645144 ———–––——–— Congrats to autist who made the graphic Q'd

>>10645120 rt >>10645101 ———–––——–— Graphic: Portland FBI says no credibility

>>10645017 ——————————————— 'Very dangerous': Police and FBI investigate power poles cut with chainsaw in Snohomish County (Cap: >>10645061)

>>10644532 ——————————————— Worth remembering [think what you see today]. Counterinsurgency ….. (Cap: >>10644548 pdf)

>>10644371 ——————————————— What is a ‘safe zone’? Infiltration not invasion. (Cap: >>10644382, >>10644449)

Sun 09.13.2020 >>10670979

Sat 09.12.2020 >>10646690

Fri 09.11.2020 >>10645924

Thu 09.10.2020 >>10624972

Wed 09.09.2020 >>10608732

Tue 09.08.2020 >>10605481

Monday 08.17.2020

>>>/projectdcomms/110 —————————— [Placeholder - Indictments Tracking > Non_Civ] (Cap: >>10322497, >>10322510)

Q's Private Board

>>>/projectdcomms/ & Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

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Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html

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Questions & Practice Thread: >>9901078

How to screenshot, insert MP4's, embed videos (YT & Twitter) >>>/comms/9658

Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown<<<READ THIS IF YOU ARE NEW HERE

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de36c0  No.10681310

Global Announcements

>>10678016 BO - Activated the RSS Setting for following tripcodes. Tripcode RSS Feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

>>10582798 Memefarmer announces resignation. Mega has removed the Meme Warehouse. Memefarmer suggests each anon collect memes on one topic, put on cloud, and publish a link

>>>/qresearch/10660694 New thread for Digital Camo for twat techniques

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>10681232, >>10681243 anon buns up wray testimony dialogs

>>10681140 List of Arson Crimes in Oregon

>>10680972 Nevada is now the 7th state to quietly reverse their decision to block HCQ prescriptions for COVID-19...


>>10680943 HUFFPO PANIC

>>10680863 Campaign staffer, 17, for Ilhan Omar's Republican congressional opponent is shot and killed in Minneapolis

>>10680845 INDIANA GOVERNOR: "MASKS A FACT OF LIFE RIGHT NOW" despite having no evidence to support mask mandate

>>10680833 Deutsche Bank Gold Manipulator: "Spoofing Was So Commonplace I Figured It Was OK"

>>10680786 Netflix is running the "Social Dilemma" to convince normies that censorship is needed.

>>10680693, >>10680884 planefag reporting

>>10680687, >>10680737 Chuck Ross w/CAP: Comey will testify before Senate Judiciary on Sept. 30; Mueller declined an offer because he "doesn't have enough time."

>>10680677, >>10680698 Sen Kennedy twat vid: 'I think Nancy Pelosi is one of those people who tried Tide pods'

>>10680649 Guard pulls gun on ICE protesters inside FBI building in NYC, video shows

>>10680634 USA TODAY PANIC

>>10680615 US DOJ and US Senator Graham and recently also the US Secretary of State have my SWORN Statement under the penalty of perjury that TRUMP

>>10680597 Sec. Pompeo w/CAP: Today, 233 years after our Constitution was signed, we reaffirm our founders' ideals, strengthening our steadfast efforts...

>>10681252 #13669

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de36c0  No.10681312


>>10680448 Graham calls out Mueller for declining to testify amid phone 'wiping' revelations

>>10680457 Biden is a criminal suspect in Ukraine

>>10680277 moar dog comms??

>>10680276 COVID-19 emails from Nashville mayor's office show disturbing revelation

>>10680269 New Catherine Herridge w/CAP: More on AG Barr’s speech @Hillsdale and lengthy Q + A

>>10680260 (cspan) Wolf and Wray Testimony on National Security Threats. Chad Wolf no show

>>10680214, >>10680227 Opinion: Democrats' plan to abolish election night.

>>10680207 important: Recently Released FISA Court Response to DOJ Reveals Direction of Durham Probe – DOJ Requested FISC Approvals

>>10680099, >>10680142 New Grenell w/CAP: You are reckless, @SallyQYates. But we already knew that. Barr isn’t demeaning all DOJ staffers. Stop manipulating facts...

>>10680098 MA Man Installs Electric Fence to Guard Trump 2020 Sign. “It’s a shame I have to do this,”

>>10680082 Boris Johnson contradicts ministers and says only snitch on neighbours if they are having 'Animal House' parties. Like when the germans bombed pearl harbour

>>10680011 10 Years Ago WHO "faked" H1N1 pandemic for behavioral and monetary data?

>>10679937, >>10679981, >>10680105 New DJT bun w/CAPs

>>10679924 ActBlue raises millions in donations, but suspicions mount

>>10679876 Hussein twats new book for release Post-Election. 'I try to provide an honest accounting of my presidency'

>>10679827 All 'ass'ets deployed: Former model alleges sexual assault by Donald Trump: 'I feel sick, violated

>>10679804 U.S. Air Force Has 'Built' the Future Sixth Generation Fighter. Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter

>>10680486 #13668


Baker Change / Muh Collector

>>10679459 Anti-Maskers march through Target urging other to liberate their faces.

>>10679437 OAN - Hourly play of Biden touching Kids Video - MP4

>>10679409 Portland Protesters' lives upended after Mug Shots posted - sadz

>>10679298 Patriot stands up to tyranny (vid)

>>10679283 Ex-DOE employee David Hag pleads guilty to CP charge

>>10679230 On how to dump Biden post-election theory (TownHall)

>>10679213 Gamer Mall attorneys "looking at" DoJ indictment papers re: extradition to US on 23 counts

>>10679206 Victorian Govt. to debate a bill which would forcibly dtain conspiracy theorists and people "likely to spread CV"

>>10679119 Quebec's Anti-Mask Conspiracy, QAnon hitz; bonus - caller was near gun! shop!

>>10679114, >>10679120 Obama’s Man in China Now Beijing’s Man in Washington - reliable Trump critic

>>10678954 Anthony Weiner, Huma Abedin in the news - 3 articles

>>10679689 #13667

Previously Collected Notables

>>10677359 #13664, >>10678175 #13665, >>10678928 #13666

>>10675076 #13661, >>10675843 #13662, >>10676604 #13663

>>10672760 #13658, >>10673546 #13659, >>10674310 #13660

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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de36c0  No.10681314

War Room

>>9967715 Q Research Meme Warfare Operations <- go here for current up to date ops

Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current HOTTOPICS

[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area htps://www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Post meme or Cap

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.

[7] RT other's tweets

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information WarFare https://archive.is/E0oJm


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>10660694 Meme Overlay Thread - Bypassing Meme Censorship

>>6867253 Clockwork Qrange #10

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

>>>/qrb/42185 Boatfagging Q&A

>>>/comms/12299 Oregon, Washington, I-5 Corridor: Turn the Tide

International Q Research Threads

Australia #9 >>10099681

Brasil/Portugal #1 >>10479225

Canada #7 >>9725975

France #1 >>8331823

Germany #66 >>10534771

Mexico #1 >>9133907

Nederland #5 >>10497699

New Zealand #5 >>10524823

Nordic #1 >>5290557

South Africa #1 >>8033191

UK #21 >>10507852

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

QProofs.com Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w - https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

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Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more: https://bad-boys.us/


All Resignations Website https://www.resignation.info

All Posts Search Tool https://qresear.ch

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

META (for board admin queries) >>6064510

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

All of the following except the last are in order on the same thread on /comms/

GMT Thread link: >>>/comms/283

Q Graphics all in GMT #001 - #020 >>>/comms/486 through >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #021 - #041 >>>/comms/1119 through >>>/comms/2274

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Q Graphics all in GMT #091 - #111 >>>/comms/5811 through >>>/comms/14626

Q Graphics all in GMT #112 - #118 >>>/comms/14870 through >>>/comms/16930

Q Graphics all in GMT #119 - #124 >>>/comms/18630

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de36c0  No.10681316

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE / 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t / 3: pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

* Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.3: https://pastebin.com/EDmx2iEr

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

>>10582798 Memefarmer has resigned and Mega removed the Meme Warehouse. Will other anons pick up the torch?

>>10660694 Meme Overlay Thread - Bypassing Meme Censorship

>>10639500 Social media warrior reports success: black box corner images not being censored

>>10601626, >>10602025, >>10602056, >>10602059, >>10602928 Meme Filter Busters.

>>>/qresearch/10660694 New thread for Digital Camo for twat techniques

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

LIVE Baking Classes Thurs 7pm ET: Baking Seminar #32 >>>/comms/25718

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

E-bake instructions: >>>/comms/9252

Iwo Jima video TOR posting: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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de36c0  No.10681333

File: cc69e90ce3df097⋯.jpg (261.38 KB, 1200x789, 400:263, constitutionday.jpg)




233 Years

ready for kitchen doodie cakes?

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fe02e2  No.10681338

Is Wall Mart really playing PRO - BLM , anti police shit over loudspeakers ?

Comment at CT daily says yes.

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b272d4  No.10681339

File: dd2485838b91551⋯.jpg (1.64 MB, 2320x3478, 1160:1739, Screenshot_2020_09_17_Q_Re….jpg)

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."

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bfd9a5  No.10681342

File: 22a92ecf9b868da⋯.png (603.89 KB, 457x453, 457:453, 22a92ecf9b868da26766d89df1….png)


you betcha wakes

confirm handoff

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b6cdd4  No.10681351

File: 60cd882a837a050⋯.jpg (29.78 KB, 380x320, 19:16, YesJewSanders.JPG)

File: cb85b33d93b957e⋯.jpg (30.89 KB, 501x313, 501:313, YesJewSoros.JPG)

File: 0fe5b555a709891⋯.jpg (41.76 KB, 509x380, 509:380, YesJewsSackler.JPG)

File: 0e78196f40f7a65⋯.jpg (32.05 KB, 410x336, 205:168, YesJewWassermanSchultz.JPG)

File: a0648e9e7ea6dc2⋯.jpg (38.3 KB, 461x363, 461:363, YesJewWeiner.JPG)

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b6cdd4  No.10681357

File: 701ef615c4fba1a⋯.jpg (29.49 KB, 373x304, 373:304, YesJewAllen.JPG)

File: bbfb275b669f4b7⋯.jpg (24.89 KB, 361x259, 361:259, YesJewKatz.JPG)

File: 5b046c7088e6eda⋯.jpg (47.82 KB, 562x500, 281:250, YesJewMarkle.JPG)

File: b48036e8f9a0cd3⋯.jpg (49.93 KB, 506x372, 253:186, YesJewMarx.JPG)

File: bcdb0392e29ddd9⋯.jpg (52.25 KB, 671x397, 671:397, YesJewWeinstein.jpg)

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7809ad  No.10681358

Fresh Bread Captcha,

( I Hate Wednesdays)

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488435  No.10681361

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Biden Points and Waves to Empty Field While Leaving Airplane

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31b708  No.10681362

File: 30aa578015d4fc4⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1080x810, 4:3, midafternoonshiftinvasion.png)


nice trips, baker

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de36c0  No.10681363

File: 881b8c2b99349f1⋯.png (786.16 KB, 734x489, 734:489, sharing_bread.png)

File: a15fe1990c6f3f0⋯.png (767.2 KB, 740x458, 370:229, w_n_b.png)



have sum fun fam. czech in l8tr.

Handoff Confirmed

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89bee2  No.10681364

File: 3e987bdd630db20⋯.jpg (19.28 KB, 193x255, 193:255, d6ae5a29d3e943af0255a60939….jpg)

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38cecb  No.10681365

File: d28239d717e3bbe⋯.jpeg (182.52 KB, 1841x634, 1841:634, 1F088C95_361F_4167_9D3F_6….jpeg)


The agonist…



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f4b9ed  No.10681366


Decades-Old Fire Lookout Towers Are Still Crucial to Stopping Wildfires in the U.S. West

The Forest Service saw the need for early detection following deadly wildfires in 1910 in Idaho and nearby states that merged

Only about 400 of the original 5,000 lookouts remain, mostly in the West, after the Forest Service decided aircraft could replace them.


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79f075  No.10681367

>>10681341 lb

Flacid. It's a grower. Depends how hot you are.

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13afa2  No.10681368

File: 7f3f13a5bd6958d⋯.png (43.65 KB, 1055x419, 1055:419, ClipboardImage.png)

We aren't done with Disney yet.

Tick Tock

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7064de  No.10681369

File: 38191c250ab23f6⋯.jpg (162.13 KB, 530x681, 530:681, time_so_many_questions.jpg)

>>10680687, >>10680737 Chuck Ross w/CAP: Comey will testify before Senate Judiciary on Sept. 30 (pb/notables)

it's about Time

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f0830d  No.10681370

Barr Told Prosecutors to Consider Sedition Charges for Protest Violence

Attorney General William Barr told federal prosecutors in a call last week that they should consider charging rioters and others who committed violent crimes at protests in recent months with sedition, according to two people familiar with the call.

The highly unusual suggestion to charge people with insurrection against lawful authority alarmed some on the call, which included U.S. attorneys around the country, said the people, who described Barr’s comments on the condition of anonymity for fear of retribution.

The attorney general has also asked prosecutors in the Justice Department’s civil rights division to explore whether they could bring criminal charges against Mayor Jenny Durkan of Seattle for allowing some residents to establish a police-free protest zone near the city’s downtown for weeks this summer, according to two people briefed on those discussions. Late Wednesday, a department spokesman said that Barr did not direct the civil rights division to explore this idea.

The directives are in keeping with Barr’s approach to prosecute crimes as aggressively as possible in cities where protests have given way to violence. But in suggesting possible prosecution of Durkan, a Democrat, Barr also took aim at an elected official whom President Donald Trump has repeatedly attacked.

A Justice Department representatives did not respond to requests for comment. The Wall Street Journal first reported Barr’s remarks about sedition.

During a speech Wednesday night, Barr noted that the Supreme Court had determined that the executive branch had “virtually unchecked discretion” in deciding whether to prosecute cases. He did not mention Durkan or the sedition statute.

“The power to execute and enforce the law is an executive function altogether,” Barr said in remarks at an event in suburban Washington celebrating the Constitution. “That means discretion is invested in the executive to determine when to exercise the prosecutorial power.”

The disclosures came as Barr directly inserted himself into the presidential race in recent days to warn that the United States would be on the brink of destruction if Trump lost. He told a Chicago Tribune columnist that the nation could find itself “irrevocably committed to the socialist path” if Trump lost and that the country faced “a clear fork in the road.”

Barr’s actions have thrust the Justice Department into the political fray at a time when Democrats and former law enforcement officials have expressed fears that he is politicizing the department, particularly by intervening in legal matters in ways that benefit Trump or his circle of friends and advisers.

The protest zone in Seattle became a flash point in the national debate over issues of race and policing this summer. Officers had abandoned the police station there for weeks before retaking it in late July amid escalating violence, including deadly shootings. Durkan said at the time that she had been forced to act because of the lawlessness.

Days later, federal Homeland Security officials sent tactical agents to the city. Durkan protested that their arrival would potentially exacerbate tensions between residents and local officials.

Trump has called the people who lived in the zone “domestic terrorists” and warned that Durkan and Gov. Jay Inslee of Washington needed to regain control of the area. “If you don’t do it, I will,” the president wrote on Twitter. “This is not a game.”



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25acc1  No.10681371

File: 3357d02c35af6c1⋯.jpg (868.8 KB, 2982x1614, 497:269, BidenArsonist.JPG)

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4c4616  No.10681372

File: b1b10edd4593f34⋯.jpg (204.36 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, b1b10edd4593f34461259bdf3b….jpg)

Thank You Baker

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0f5aa4  No.10681373

File: 7fcd552026123ca⋯.png (480.2 KB, 549x317, 549:317, thank_you_bakers_cookie_ic….PNG)

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bfd9a5  No.10681374



great start huh


like they don't know

have a smooth one

tty peekin in yo

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25acc1  No.10681375

File: 298b8beb34a0a92⋯.jpg (563.81 KB, 2048x1444, 512:361, WatergateX1000.JPG)

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5318f7  No.10681376

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gates Honored Doctor: "We’ll just get rid of all the whites in the United States"

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7064de  No.10681377

File: 2d4dfc1e9bb8f93⋯.jpg (83.67 KB, 640x640, 1:1, mickey_wicked_mug.jpg)

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25acc1  No.10681378

File: 0b44f6999f061a8⋯.jpg (191.68 KB, 1079x911, 1079:911, BidenClintonCCP.JPG)

File: 72072190e11c6cf⋯.jpg (381.3 KB, 1450x1080, 145:108, BushCCP.JPG)

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871482  No.10681379

File: 9b55ac4fe383d22⋯.png (676.67 KB, 730x730, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef6f39e314d8d5b⋯.png (270.18 KB, 1282x1498, 641:749, ClipboardImage.png)

Landing soon.

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2fee05  No.10681380

File: ff86b8c6a1980fb⋯.jpg (27.8 KB, 345x199, 345:199, ff86b8c6a1980fb0e161fbce5e….jpg)

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c0b81e  No.10681381

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Good 9 min from Styx today.

You can tell he's a closet QAnon Anon.

But the brand can't admit to it.

Many such cases.

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5c3a7c  No.10681382

10 till 2

Major John André and Brigadier General Benedict Arnold

On October 2, 1780, British intelligence officer Major John André was hanged as a spy in Tappan, New York. Captured on his return to New York City by American militiamen fighting in the War of Independence, Major André was found to have papers hidden in his boot concerning Continental army Brigadier General Benedict Arnold‘s negotiation for the surrender of West Point. (Arnold had recently been appointed commandant of the fort at West Point.)


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25acc1  No.10681383

File: 31530a91515237c⋯.jpg (49.13 KB, 590x430, 59:43, DisneyMouse.JPG)

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488435  No.10681384

File: 8139af96935e4e4⋯.png (288.41 KB, 1069x1366, 1069:1366, ClipboardImage.png)

Antifa doxxing


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871482  No.10681385

File: 1c65ce73fd12da2⋯.png (57.37 KB, 342x400, 171:200, ClipboardImage.png)

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6e4eae  No.10681386

sandy must've borrowed juan's 'ed stuck pig buck' butt plugg cause the lady named Devine is throwing down the rhetoric sandy casually pushes every morning as vile demonic and leading to the ambush seen this weekend on deputies and she's got the plug amped up to juan's super grimace levels

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125e09  No.10681387

File: 3a045ad67ca1c8b⋯.png (831.19 KB, 630x844, 315:422, pepe_at_the_kissing_rocks_….png)


Nice trips.

Thanks Baker.

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3f195f  No.10681388

File: f7ef7b8883b5f42⋯.jpg (66.86 KB, 747x500, 747:500, 4fb4fv.jpg)

One billion in damage so far in America because of the Marxist BLM monkey garbage.

Alicia Garza is much more than just another negroid with a wig.

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de36c0  No.10681389


kek. got that right as i was baking. always a little curveball here and there.

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8e9de6  No.10681390

File: dab10c9ed417d81⋯.jpg (218.57 KB, 2392x1571, 2392:1571, birbrifle.jpg)

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b6cdd4  No.10681391

Karl Marx was a rich spoonfed Jew who never had to work a day in his pathetic life. and now there is an entire population of losers who follow his Dogma.

Fucking kikes are cancer. Marxism was the Tumor.

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6b9dca  No.10681392

File: 3c0cb2b8c24699f⋯.png (68.53 KB, 612x344, 153:86, ClipboardImage.png)

Dan Coats and Soros trending on Twatter.

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9d619e  No.10681393

File: 571f34443e5bc25⋯.jpg (13.7 KB, 255x193, 255:193, Q4414.jpg)

>>10680984last bread



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de36c0  No.10681394


cuaght that. gonna be a guud irl day!

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9733ba  No.10681395



Good find anon

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7809ad  No.10681396

File: 748e7ff495eeae5⋯.jpg (807.29 KB, 604x481, 604:481, AQ1.jpg)

Happy Constitution Day!


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25acc1  No.10681397

File: be404b8756d8d46⋯.jpg (159.77 KB, 998x884, 499:442, CommieAntifa.JPG)

File: 7211a62f266fb2f⋯.jpg (152.15 KB, 1124x1081, 1124:1081, CommieBLM.JPG)

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4730fa  No.10681398

File: 365d20f97d48531⋯.png (2.04 MB, 1600x800, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 167d64373b1a50c⋯.png (296.2 KB, 485x340, 97:68, ClipboardImage.png)

[CCP][PLA] + Portland [Antifa][BLM] = Same Type Weapons | Same Tactics

(freebeacon.com May 3, 2018)

Pentagon Confirms Chinese Fired Lasers at U.S. Pilots

Incidents near Beijing's Djibouti military base injured American air crews flying nearby

(thepostmillennial.com Sep 17, 2020)

Portland rioter indicted by grand jury for allegedly shining laser into cop's eyes

On Sept. 3, detectives re-arrested Kelly and served a search warrant at his residence.

Schmidt's office and PPB's Detective Division worked jointly to determine the strength of the light and the extent of the victim’s injury.Law enforcement tested the laser on a piece of paper, burning a hole straight through and causing dry material to catch fire.



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79f075  No.10681399

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Dog comms"


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b1b6d5  No.10681400


GOOOOD MORNING! and thank you Baker

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501b4d  No.10681401


oh my

Didn't Wray do a stint at King and Spalding - where RR and Q Yates are currently employed?

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25acc1  No.10681402

File: c748cfa38a37f5a⋯.jpg (24.94 KB, 255x252, 85:84, BidenBlame.JPG)

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1141a6  No.10681403


you know what, I don't give a shit about congressional so-called "investigations" it's grandstanding for the normies

how about some justice, instead of just us

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bd6e7b  No.10681404



she's jewish

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83911d  No.10681405

File: efb56676982ce1e⋯.png (490.88 KB, 537x499, 537:499, blind8.png)

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2fee05  No.10681406

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>10681240 LB

Sounded like a DEW coming thru the sound system.

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5af4ab  No.10681407

WTF was that delusional BS Green spewing? Democrats are scum.

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5394d8  No.10681408


POTUS Tweet this morning about Trending Items on Twitter. Drawing attention to Soros and Coats?

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25acc1  No.10681409

File: ad5ea292ee5ba7c⋯.jpg (489.16 KB, 2048x880, 128:55, BidenKerry.jpg)

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662484  No.10681410

File: 27e9308acd02606⋯.png (352.05 KB, 676x380, 169:95, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e2c9c54d97b9fe⋯.png (916.62 KB, 999x554, 999:554, ClipboardImage.png)

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9892ff  No.10681412

File: 077325aad48fadf⋯.png (2.01 MB, 1080x1423, 1080:1423, Screenshot_20200917_025841….png)



Thanks bakers. Included pic is relevant imo. Have a blessed day.

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ab9c64  No.10681413

File: 32587711575bca9⋯.jpg (282.95 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200917_084012.jpg)

File: 8ddf1df8df05e6e⋯.jpg (346.21 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200917_084030.jpg)

File: 6d2603e6fe22bf9⋯.jpg (229.07 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200917_083820.jpg)

File: 52d2c8332181bf9⋯.jpg (259.24 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200917_083957.jpg)

File: 25985b27c307356⋯.jpg (248.72 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200917_084057.jpg)


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9c5fad  No.10681414

File: 8b3ce3862bd14da⋯.png (10.81 KB, 431x147, 431:147, ClipboardImage.png)


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c3aa9e  No.10681415


Watergate is a little granny's tea party compared tot this.

The amount of Americans that lost everything over the dnc lie is astounding.

The democrats are lucky they face prison. The American public's patience is finite and the military also knows this, they are also patiently waiting.

The president is also patiently waiting. So. Countdown continues. The most terrifying thing for a deep sate tratior is death itself. Their power is in this world, not the next one.

That was the deal they made.

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77eb4e  No.10681416


Not "Endless War"

It's "The New Norm"

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fe02e2  No.10681417


Reminder , Wall Mart pulled all lives matter shirts off shelves

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2ae7b4  No.10681418

File: 4e222adb39ecce1⋯.png (250.84 KB, 586x345, 586:345, PGW2.png)

File: db22d1cf8878bed⋯.png (166.16 KB, 392x262, 196:131, GWL.png)

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1141a6  No.10681419


ok, not gonna look it up for you but Marx lived off his rich buddy Engels. but yer right, taking from other people was and is the Marxist MO

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7617fb  No.10681420

File: f0f368e21f2bca6⋯.jpg (174.51 KB, 600x450, 4:3, Obvious.jpg)

File: 68ddab594ce276a⋯.jpg (152.96 KB, 500x706, 250:353, Merve_Kahraman.jpg)

File: b79a8017ba6e386⋯.jpg (163.07 KB, 500x706, 250:353, The_designer.jpg)

Pedophilia even in furniture designs

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a6ef63  No.10681421

Just a reminder that the last update to indictments list was on the 17th of last month.


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3f195f  No.10681422

File: c5754acfc8e5640⋯.png (697.76 KB, 629x473, 629:473, c5754acfc8e5640d446f45ebfb….png)




He use to show his cock on 8Chan's /b/ board, total perv.



Yea and Donald Trump is a nigga.

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019d72  No.10681423

File: 09e31efc9154d4f⋯.jpg (24.84 KB, 255x198, 85:66, 6b687292484608ac659febdd36….jpg)

File: 284f2d91882a5c7⋯.jpg (161.19 KB, 1536x817, 1536:817, halloween_full_Moon_AdobeS….jpg)

File: ff6c0a777cfeecd⋯.jpeg (152.8 KB, 1800x2160, 5:6, red_october.jpeg)

File: a85c51c30ecf089⋯.jpg (161.11 KB, 1208x841, 1208:841, MoonPhase.jpg)

>>10681018 lb

>>Epstein Island Clock vs. Mickey Watch from QPOST

Anon's sundial-clock meme got me almond milk flowing...

There are Two (2) Full Moons in October (10) = 10-2

Mouse clock HAS Multiple meanings?


The 2nd Full Moon in October falls on one of [[[Their most sacred ritual days-Halloween]]] October 31st, and It Is RARE

The Harvest Moon is said to be the full Moon which occurs nearest to the date of the autumnal equinox (September 22, 2020) meaning either September or October’s full Moon may take on the name “HARVEST Moon” instead of its traditional name...

The HUNTER'S Moon is the first full Moon to follow the Harvest Moon (ooccuring in either October or November)

Halloween 2020 is going to be one for the history & astrology books - we'll be treated to a particularly spooky sky on Halloween night.

According to Farmer’s Almanac, aFull Moon on Halloween only happens once in a Blue Moon - Every 18 to 19 yearsto be exact

For this reason, when a full moon lands on October 31,Halloween & astrology lovers get pretty excited. And, when that full moon is, quite literally, a blue moon, the excitement only increases

October 2020's TWO Full Moons are Also called: MICRO Moons = When a Full Moon or a New Moon coincides with apogee, the point in the Moon's orbit farthest away from Earth.

October’s 1st Full Moon rises on Thursday, October 1, reaching peak illumination at 5:06 P.M. Eastern Time


October’s 2nd full Moon rises on Halloween—Saturday, October 31—hits peak illumination at 10:51 A.M. Eastern Time




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1cfca1  No.10681424


I luv your memes day counting anon.

Keep em coming.

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bfd9a5  No.10681425

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2e7223  No.10681426

Under Barr's leadership

The DOJ, has a completed and authorized and published IG report on the FBI covering the time Comey was in charge.

If you have faith in Barr please consider this>

Comey searched = zero times

Corney searched = 400+ times

rn in small type = m

If you believe Barr is for Justice, law and order, and by the book, you are a fool helping your enemy take down this country even further

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a9f8dc  No.10681427



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7809ad  No.10681428

Side-stepping the USPS, eh?


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7eb446  No.10681429


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b78506  No.10681430

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

this guy is a weirdo

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193da3  No.10681431


Big Ten Football will be played. Psycho killer got involved in a death match with POTUS and lost.

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2fee05  No.10681432

File: 095b87225b94eb0⋯.jpg (12.15 KB, 254x255, 254:255, 095b87225b94eb00dcb73e8cd6….jpg)

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7eb446  No.10681433



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aa22c6  No.10681434


and you are a shill. Thx for self identifying.

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de36c0  No.10681435


roger that patriot. carry on.


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7809ad  No.10681436

File: e66a0d90ed162b4⋯.jpg (807.29 KB, 450x556, 225:278, AQ1.jpg)


Pic didn't load.

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ab9c64  No.10681437

File: fe8b255880a6053⋯.jpg (51.44 KB, 1000x1214, 500:607, Disney_Playboy_15670.jpg)

File: 17d0347054a85df⋯.jpg (52.22 KB, 785x500, 157:100, James_Woods_Hades.jpg)


James Woods on disney?


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0063e0  No.10681438

File: 910b32ef4458084⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1394x1476, 17:18, Screen_Shot_2020_09_17_at_….png)

>>10681327 (lb)

Moar dog comms.

and now DRONES

grabbed from last bread, as this is



Rise of the sniffer HONEYBEES: Scientists are 'scent-training' insects like search dogs

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dc2119  No.10681440

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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355fde  No.10681441


seems more likely he's already in custody

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3f195f  No.10681442

File: a2d8ff98bd6a537⋯.jpg (44.1 KB, 492x325, 492:325, c185fcfb_e1a1_4c92_9070_e5….jpg)

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73538e  No.10681443

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Remember the calm?

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0f5aa4  No.10681444

File: 02298ebcf434778⋯.png (256.14 KB, 841x479, 841:479, EXEC1F_USAF_C_32A_departed….PNG)

File: a1fc0375177cdb7⋯.png (1.23 MB, 913x719, 913:719, FLOTUS_pilot.PNG)

File: 7a137adb5734707⋯.png (285.74 KB, 802x465, 802:465, 82_8000_USAF_747_back_to_J….PNG)

EXEC1F Executive One Foxtrot USAF C-32A departed JBA to the south and currently ne

recall FLOTUS had to return to JBA after a smoke issue in Oct '18-same call sign

82-8000 USAF 747 headed back to JBA with VENUS60 USAF G5 doing fly-bys at Johnstown-Cambria County Airport, PA

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7064de  No.10681445

File: 5234bd402c73a85⋯.jpg (242.86 KB, 494x720, 247:360, pepe_KEKS_the_time.jpg)

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b6cdd4  No.10681446

File: 4ff44a06c0f15bf⋯.png (673.18 KB, 438x624, 73:104, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 66f71d7294cb8e3⋯.png (463.73 KB, 342x471, 114:157, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3a4119abd3996c5⋯.png (830.71 KB, 473x616, 43:56, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4cc4cf37e2d718c⋯.jpg (76.92 KB, 658x670, 329:335, SaddleStoryIII.jpg)

File: 3430f419b4ac71a⋯.jpg (47.24 KB, 660x375, 44:25, SaddleStoryIIII.jpg)

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7c9258  No.10681447

File: a1723406d980f7a⋯.png (187.52 KB, 1067x1080, 1067:1080, Screenshot_2020_09_17_0833….png)

File: 31cbd78b253a2b6⋯.png (505.83 KB, 1212x1018, 606:509, Screenshot_2020_09_17_0829….png)

File: 13c195da52db0fd⋯.png (175.72 KB, 837x1077, 279:359, Screenshot_2020_09_17_0829….png)

File: 04069400f0f2066⋯.png (180.38 KB, 898x1072, 449:536, Screenshot_2020_09_17_0828….png)

Cyber Threat Groups APT 10,39,41

Two Chinese Hackers Associated With the Ministry of State Security Charged with Global Computer Intrusion Campaigns Targeting Intellectual Property and Confidential Business Information


Seven International Cyber Defendants, Including “Apt41” Actors, Charged In Connection With Computer Intrusion Campaigns Against More Than 100 Victims Globally


The United States Sanctions Cyber Actors Backed by Iranian Intelligence Ministry


67 Presidential Document "cyber" search results


Irregular Warfare

Iranian Hackers Indicted for Stealing Data from Aerospace and Satellite Tracking Companies


Two Iranian Nationals Charged in Cyber Theft and Defacement Campaign Against Computer Systems in United States, Europe, and Middle East


Nine Iranians Charged With Conducting Massive Cyber Theft Campaign on Behalf of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps


Former U.S. Counterintelligence Agent Charged With Espionage on Behalf of Iran; Four Iranians Charged With a Cyber Campaign Targeting Her Former Colleagues


Two Alleged Criminals – A Hezbollah Associated Narco-Money Launderer and a Computer Hacker - Extradited from Cyprus to the United States


United States Files Complaint to Forfeit 280 Cryptocurrency Accounts Tied to Hacks of Two Exchanges by North Korean Actors


Chinese Military Personnel Charged with Computer Fraud, Economic Espionage and Wire Fraud for Hacking into Credit Reporting Agency Equifax


Two Chinese Hackers Working with the Ministry of State Security Charged with Global Computer Intrusion Campaign Targeting Intellectual Property and Confidential Business Information, Including COVID-19 Research


Two Chinese Hackers Associated With The Ministry Of State Security Charged With Global Computer Intrusion Campaigns Targeting Intellectual Property And Confidential Business Information


Chinese Intelligence Officers and Their Recruited Hackers and Insiders Conspired to Steal Sensitive Commercial Aviation and Technological Data for Years


Leader Of Three Worldwide Cyberattacks Sentenced To 8 Years For Computer Intrusion And Access Device Fraud Conspiracies


International Hacker-For-Hire Who Conspired With and Aided Russian FSB Officers Sentenced to 60 Months in Prison


U.S. Attorney Brady Announces Charges Against 7 Russian Military Hackers


Canadian Hacker Who Conspired With And Aided Russian FSB Officers Pleads Guilty


Federal Government Contractor Sentenced for Removing and Transmitting Classified Materials to a News Outlet


WikiLeaks Founder Charged in Superseding Indictment


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bfd9a5  No.10681448


take the notable out of the post and happy to notable

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ee4653  No.10681449

File: bcdfda69bd73762⋯.png (789.08 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


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ef5bb4  No.10681450

File: a98787e4f43a0e4⋯.jpg (475.33 KB, 1440x3120, 6:13, Screenshot_20200917_103909….jpg)

Future mayor anon mcanon here goys. Gunna need anons help. If anyone recalls about people getting more pissed off and involved i have an update (pic related). This anon and others are pushing for recall. Our mayor start talkin that shit to my guy here. I know some anon somewhere as an extensive collection of archived links in regards to not only cdc lying but also with masks being bullshit.

Ima need the whole enchilada. Its time anons. Taking out country back one city at a time. And i intend to co-author this mans recall petition. Anonymously or otherwise referencing usc 241, 242, 245, etc. Q gave us that color of law shit for a reason. Help a (future) mayor out

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ab9c64  No.10681451

File: 54fd6604e598f95⋯.jpg (263.79 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200917_083845.jpg)

File: 9a4355e25bf4d17⋯.jpg (294.01 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200917_083905.jpg)


Kanye pissing on Grammys.

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a6ef63  No.10681452

File: b30f2565457c115⋯.png (487.86 KB, 598x683, 598:683, ClipboardImage.png)



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5af4ab  No.10681453

She is virtual in a room by herself, and keeps adjusting her mask to cover her nose. I can't.

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1141a6  No.10681454


Endless war is so 2002

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ca6859  No.10681455

File: ed9ae618c3ec051⋯.jpg (342.71 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, BLM_china_funding.jpg)


REPORT: Black Lives Matter teams up with Chinese Communist Party


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31b708  No.10681456


Drop the fucking hammer on 'em.

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193da3  No.10681457

File: e8720e88d867375⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1517x887, 1517:887, orfires.png)


Thanks Baker

My new name for just beaten again fake Governor Whitmer is 'Psycho Bimbo'.

Too much?

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7eb446  No.10681458




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89bee2  No.10681459

File: 9ee3a7f1319956d⋯.jpg (81.72 KB, 640x760, 16:19, D2IjOTFXQAAy7_0.jpg)

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c0b81e  No.10681460

File: 8ccb122edffafad⋯.png (149.41 KB, 411x582, 137:194, MC_BD.png)


sure glad there's no cock on this board

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b6cdd4  No.10681463


His maternal grandfather was a Dutch rabbi, while his paternal line had supplied Trier's rabbis since 1723, a role taken by his grandfather Meier Halevi Marx.[23] His father, as a child known as Herschel, was the first in the line to receive a secular education. He became a lawyer with a comfortably upper middle class income and the family owned a number of Moselle vineyards, in addition to his income as an attorney.


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ee4653  No.10681464

File: 25a87cd2f3a2a75⋯.png (1.87 MB, 1346x660, 673:330, ClipboardImage.png)

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77eb4e  No.10681465

File: 8565336533a8a63⋯.png (130.19 KB, 401x379, 401:379, Puppy.PNG)

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7eb446  No.10681466



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501b4d  No.10681467

File: ace3003d2e917be⋯.png (706.02 KB, 742x667, 742:667, ClipboardImage.png)


reminds me of this


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b1b6d5  No.10681468


Not trending on my feed

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8192e4  No.10681469

If the American government cared about it’s people it would limit time on the interwebs. It would also mandate vigorous exercise for a minimum of 90 minutes a day. Tax incentives provided to those able to squat 2 times their body weight for a set of 10 reps. Another good thing for it’s people would be rationing of food. I hope our government loves us and brings my vision of America forward.

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7c9258  No.10681470

File: 4eafc3c6cf6c61d⋯.png (1.54 MB, 740x1079, 740:1079, change_of_heart_by_masterr….png)


federal register link https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/search?conditions%5Bterm%5D=cyber&conditions%5Btype%5D%5B%5D=PRESDOCU&order=newest

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2e7223  No.10681471



do you have a reasonable explanation for this oversight in the most educated and competent country in the world?

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74cc67  No.10681472

File: 09c76e11f649dc7⋯.jpg (79.37 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 4ethd4.jpg)

I bestow upon thee anons knowledge:

Uncle Joe's orderlys will find a bias excuse to skip the Fox debate.

Hidin' Biden will do the CSPAN debate on 10/15.

Then, (they) will find any excuse to skip the final debate scheduled for 10/22 with NBC/Concast.

One debate - that's it.

(change my mind)

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de36c0  No.10681473


what a retard.

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3f195f  No.10681474




The Jew's didn't cause one billion in damage from Looting and rioting the black ass negroids did.

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aa22c6  No.10681475


sorry we don't do communism.

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f36a41  No.10681476

File: 973300fee4c9a6d⋯.jpg (42.51 KB, 640x539, 640:539, 1b9.jpg)

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7eb446  No.10681477



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bfd9a5  No.10681478


fits fine I think

much stronger than half-Whit I use


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2ae7b4  No.10681479

File: 6f7b9f7d181bbfa⋯.jpg (226.33 KB, 1000x677, 1000:677, trumpwins.jpg)


And she has to live with it for the rest of her life.

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1cfca1  No.10681480

File: 068d195ec72e349⋯.jpg (8.07 KB, 236x174, 118:87, f66939f1b529e6bdb153846daa….jpg)


He has 666 in his name, just sayin.

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1141a6  No.10681481


just when you thought you'd seen stupid from these people, it reaches a new high


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5394d8  No.10681482


Refresh it? Still on mine.

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c0b81e  No.10681483

File: 3cc8f2892efb060⋯.png (252.51 KB, 494x586, 247:293, MC_Mike.png)



you asked for it

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a9f8dc  No.10681484


You should be able to limit YOURSELF, faggot. Go back to tik tok.

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7eb446  No.10681485


>do you have a reasonable explanation for this oversight in the most educated and competent country in the world?


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bd4d7e  No.10681486

>>10681469 Still looking for daddy, huh?

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5318f7  No.10681487

File: ed44cca32c7ef1a⋯.png (99.29 KB, 526x347, 526:347, ClipboardImage.png)

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8192e4  No.10681488


You don’t care about people.

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de052c  No.10681489


And she's a nurse

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aa22c6  No.10681491


I didn't make the claim. you did. without sauce it is bullshit and you are a shill.

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ca0c45  No.10681492

My theory on the Micky Mouse clock is that Amazon is using their Echo devices to communicate with their useful idiots, such as Antifa and BLM. Perhaps others like corrupt politicians, or just people doin' dirty work.

I googled a part of the image's file name (61aiBqOMPAL) and found this website. (https://techcrunch.com/2019/12/18/heres-a-mickey-mouse-version-of-amazons-echo-wall-clock/). The clock has the same hand positions as the Q drop. Which makes me believe that the position of the hands isn't what's important here. What's important is the fact that the clock's an Amazon Echo device.

Q's been saying the word 'echo' a lot, in recent and long past posts.

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7064de  No.10681493

File: 0cd4577859d049d⋯.jpg (338.48 KB, 1022x578, 511:289, barr_reclaims_his_time.jpg)


ask this guy

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7eb446  No.10681494


>The Jew's didn't cause one billion in damage from Looting and rioting the black ass negroids did.



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c3aa9e  No.10681495


So you think he's actually going to do one?

I don't think we'll see sloppy joe for any debates.

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79f075  No.10681496

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Giant Cuttlefish Migration - Behind the News

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aa22c6  No.10681497


only those that don't care about people support socialism/communism.

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8192e4  No.10681498


I do. Others never gained a proper quantum of self discipline.

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7eb446  No.10681499






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2e7223  No.10681500



paid shills always act in unison

you revealed yourselves

your employer will tell you that fighting with me will produce harmful results for the Soros crowd

my arguments are to informed and well thought for you low level idiots

better get the supervisor, before you wake to many

fishing is fun

fish on

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6e4eae  No.10681501

delusion takes on a new mask over on msdnc as the black dude is forced to sell flu shots as a vaccine against an unknown strain of flu to hit but take the shit, anyways.

but don't take the RONA vaxx orange man bad is selling - cause he's orange and bad and a white man to boot

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7064de  No.10681502

File: 610efa77b9edd49⋯.jpg (59.14 KB, 640x480, 4:3, trump_walks_bibi_cartoon.jpg)

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b6cdd4  No.10681503

File: 60526ea285353e5⋯.png (734.82 KB, 819x637, 9:7, ClipboardImage.png)


I know, let at all them black folk.


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d5dedd  No.10681504

File: 4404940a3ba2da8⋯.jpeg (600.87 KB, 1206x1404, 67:78, 18BF2BFF_21DB_4D96_A7E8_6….jpeg)

It’s happening during final 8 days of September ?

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4b4f26  No.10681505

File: 60c316cc552a535⋯.jpg (148.2 KB, 596x467, 596:467, cooler.jpg)

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529068  No.10681506


echo stood out to me as well

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c0b81e  No.10681507

File: 0e1223536ef494d⋯.jpg (77.18 KB, 865x568, 865:568, Styx_ComeAtMeBro.JPG)


attacking styx is a healthy tradition but even many of those still watch his stuff all good just bash him and not his hot Dutch wife and everything will stay copecetic

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aa22c6  No.10681508


perhaps you are the douche and just got called out by more than one anon. Reflect much?

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2e7223  No.10681509


you are a fucking idiot

suck and fuck some more asshole faggot

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8192e4  No.10681510


No. He lives in my head. Always. Saying “Work harder pussy, be best.”.

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7eb446  No.10681511



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fe02e2  No.10681512


what is 13 day delta Before 10 / 2 ?

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83911d  No.10681513


They all look retarded.

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0063e0  No.10681514

File: 2229969c685744c⋯.jpeg (18.4 KB, 474x246, 79:41, bee_dog.jpeg)



>>10681327 (lb)

Moar dog comms.

and now DRONES

"Like search dogs."


Rise of the sniffer HONEYBEES: Scientists are 'scent-training' insects like search dogs


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193da3  No.10681515


Kek - Half Whit the psycho bimbo. Now there's a name that fits.

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7eb446  No.10681516



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7064de  No.10681517

File: 2c65ed08a4fbb75⋯.jpg (2.79 MB, 5149x893, 271:47, kony_vs_blm_useful_idiots.jpg)

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cb949c  No.10681518

File: 82aaea1487c5081⋯.png (23.21 KB, 1225x406, 175:58, ant.PNG)

I've been out of pocket, but I am sure Anons covered…..

FireFaggot called out by Q deleted his Insta!!



Archived: https://archive.is/vfntS


Archive/Download: https://files.catbox.moe/7s5f3j.mp4

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488435  No.10681519

File: 1a5a05fb8d66e7b⋯.png (239.23 KB, 1056x877, 1056:877, ClipboardImage.png)

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51f316  No.10681520


Someone posted this video from a different angle yesterday. He is actually waving at what appeared to be about 3 firemen standing by a big yellow truck. It's still sad, but he's not actually waving to thin-air.

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023ee6  No.10681521

File: 6ae2f73280d67f9⋯.png (71.15 KB, 1321x735, 1321:735, black_china.png)


It's True!!!

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5394d8  No.10681522


I wonder how much meth you get to start a fire?

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83911d  No.10681523


That guy making videos in a bathrobe?

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65d806  No.10681524

Muh white supremacy reeeeeee!

Can anyone link to any recent examples of this since Roof?

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7eb446  No.10681525

File: 3cba6410d8e2247⋯.jpg (288.51 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 2013_04_21_13_25_IMG_8511.JPG)


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2e7223  No.10681526


maybe you cant fathom the truth of my OP and must deflect because their is no good explanation other than hiding the truth and covering for the criminals

go fuck your whore of a mother

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bd4d7e  No.10681527

>>10681510 Was his name Marx, by any chance?

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9892ff  No.10681528



o7. I actually took that last night at the end of the night. A favorite place of mine for vets and active duty to hang out and shoot the shit. Thanks again.

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c3aa9e  No.10681529


yup. The deep state targets those for their agenda.

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e2b08c  No.10681530



Barr Told Prosecutors to Consider Sedition Charges for Protest Violence

This is a HIT PIECE from Yahoo based on anonymous sources who won't reveal their names "for fear of retribution."


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7064de  No.10681531

File: 14a32507edc2540⋯.gif (209.15 KB, 800x1017, 800:1017, crumb_brain.gif)


>He lives in my head

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3f195f  No.10681532

File: 2137c56493c2a71⋯.jpg (24.42 KB, 474x286, 237:143, downloadfile_1_2_.jpg)




Soros's district attorneys are not arresting the black ass negroid looters.

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c0b81e  No.10681533

File: 6ecda27598a2922⋯.png (1.08 KB, 14x22, 7:11, MC_2.png)


now even the clock has cock in a clock

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c53837  No.10681534

File: b99401c9248d091⋯.png (231.91 KB, 1022x2304, 511:1152, disneycruise.png)

File: 19a50ce0ff4af1d⋯.png (1.96 MB, 750x1125, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Well, we fucking shouldn't be.

We need those archives of the young Disney stars meeting requirements to be featured roles.

I'm sure Dan knows what we're talking about.

Even then, we really need to get a firmer grip of what exactly is going on under Florida.

Why is Mickey such a central figure to splitting children?

Why the Mouse worship?

What if The Bible had a clue?…

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4c4616  No.10681535

File: fc43b753ef038d0⋯.jpeg (179.52 KB, 1440x818, 720:409, 1546028880.jpeg)

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8d4fa7  No.10681536

File: 4ab8362fd2dcaf1⋯.png (1.03 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, 45880F6C_12DF_4402_BBFE_77….png)

https://amgreatness.com/2020/09/16/fox-news-outnumbered-hosts-cut-off-newt-gingrich-after-he-links-george-soros-to-violent-riots/ Fox News ‘Outnumbered’ Hosts Cut Off Newt Gingrich After He Links George Soros to Violent Riots

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7fcc07  No.10681537

ffs anons

just heard the Newt clip when Soros was declared "verbotten" for discussion.


What next? FB banning mentions? Twitter freezing accounts of mentions of the "S" word? Deplatforming?

Like The Virus, Soros is the subject about which the truth must not be known.

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2e7223  No.10681538


so you have not read the FBI IG report?

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bfd9a5  No.10681539


got one at the legion

all salute when they walk by

such a sight

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2c597e  No.10681540

File: c464d73dad49936⋯.png (1.76 MB, 2208x1242, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


or his hot tranny alter ego

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73538e  No.10681541


Where do I fucking buy one?

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d5dedd  No.10681542

File: f7b6557c208e18b⋯.jpeg (375.93 KB, 1242x1660, 621:830, A7A2639D_B3EF_4802_A2E1_7….jpeg)


Nice catch, anon

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8192e4  No.10681543

File: 1bef7f165e1458e⋯.jpeg (230.26 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, BE197203_DB89_42E2_8891_2….jpeg)



Married one.

My poor children!


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a9f8dc  No.10681544

File: 057b68db623ee24⋯.png (6.67 KB, 776x110, 388:55, ClipboardImage.png)

Newfag triggered by eBot


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488435  No.10681545

File: 25b89866de6afab⋯.png (1.88 MB, 978x932, 489:466, ClipboardImage.png)

Here's a good graphic about sex trafficking…too big to upload here


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67cf24  No.10681546

File: 597b3143facdae3⋯.png (79.65 KB, 458x438, 229:219, ClipboardImage.png)

BRAKING: Obama to release book. Where will the book go?

Status on Obama library: Never going to happen!

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2c597e  No.10681547


This is why normies call us insane. nice job

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8d3026  No.10681548



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7782ce  No.10681549

File: 329bbff568d7b22⋯.jpg (334.34 KB, 1180x1497, 1180:1497, WW.jpg)

File: 2661de2300929f3⋯.png (491.34 KB, 716x695, 716:695, 2661de2300929f3f46f00d497c….png)

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b26706  No.10681550

File: 32d65befd4f0afb⋯.png (33.93 KB, 881x266, 881:266, Screenshot_2020_09_17_Fox_….png)

Paul Ryan protecting his master

Awkward video in article linked below


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7fcc07  No.10681551


important graphic

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1cfca1  No.10681552

File: 6f24c8ec5d4e9a5⋯.jpg (52.4 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault_1_.jpg)

File: 8dc7caf0f0eaf89⋯.jpeg (7.03 KB, 300x168, 25:14, images_10_.jpeg)


Sometimes in his skivvies.

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c3aa9e  No.10681553



The democrats do hate consequences for actions.

Retribution happens in functioning justice.

n. 1. Punishment administered in return for a wrong committed.


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ca0c45  No.10681554


that tranny shit made me stop listening to that guy forever.

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7eb446  No.10681555



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7fcc07  No.10681556


like she really painted that

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193da3  No.10681557


Has anyone else noticed they're back to 'anonymous' sourcing on their attacks? Jennifer Griffin just destroyed her entire career attacking the President on the Military with 'anonymous' sources who we all know was the Military Industrial complex pawns who were ordered (as well as her) to run with false information.

Now it seems they don't even care about sourced journalism anymore. That's some serious panic. Jennifer's career is in the dustbin.

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8192e4  No.10681558


Needs red and green arrows.

(Add blue ones too)

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2ae7b4  No.10681559

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Words of wisdom.

btw, John voted for Trump.

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92d95d  No.10681560

So what’s up with the Mickey Mouse clock?

You ever think it might be in military time?

That would be 22:10



Valerie Jarrett

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ef5bb4  No.10681561


2 days ahead of schedule. Brennan will not make it to be a senior citizen. Been tryna say it for weeks

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7eb446  No.10681562



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bfd9a5  No.10681563

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aa22c6  No.10681564


no truth in your post. Just opinion. Opinions are like assholes.

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5318f7  No.10681565


Is Styx fungus leaf?

That's some funny shite right there.

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0063e0  No.10681566

File: a95e30b2f8ea2ec⋯.jpeg (24.18 KB, 474x266, 237:133, checkem.jpeg)


Baker, notable

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2e7223  No.10681567

in the most advanced and educated country we get this:

Under Barr's leadership

The DOJ, has a completed and authorized and published IG report on the FBI covering the time Comey was in charge.

If you have faith in Barr please consider this>

Comey searched = zero times

Corney searched = 400+ times

rn in small type = m

If you believe Barr is for Justice, law and order, and by the book, you are a fool helping your enemy take down this country even further

what a joke

watch the shills go bat shit

read the FBI IG report and learn for yourself

If you can't find the report you don't belong here, you are a shill

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8192e4  No.10681568


The canvas is not the art on display.

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7fcc07  No.10681569

File: 8a0e2024a57be70⋯.png (310.63 KB, 606x485, 606:485, muhjoos.png)


pissing off all the right people

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250bfb  No.10681570

File: 77fe50be80cadb9⋯.png (3.03 MB, 1488x1925, 1488:1925, ClipboardImage.png)

sent to me this am……

Hey, will you share this info with your Q buds? This huge corruption problem adversely impacts their rights, too. Petitioning U.S. Vice Presidential candidates to pledge their support for the Rule of Law in America https://nocourtofficerisabovethelaw.com/

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9892ff  No.10681571


Yep. We do the same.

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f0830d  No.10681572


Who is Leaking?

That is the question.

How are these MSM whores getting this info?

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c3aa9e  No.10681573


The terms for that is "death blossom"

Watch for them to start dispensing much friendly fire closer to November.

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000000  No.10681574


painted what?

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dc2119  No.10681575


To hell with any government telling us what to do. Americans only answer to God.

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db9652  No.10681576



Like I said he would post pics of his cock on 8Chan.

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7782ce  No.10681577

File: 78d9a8c5b6fd503⋯.jpeg (351.61 KB, 988x1096, 247:274, a9614b2c205155015cf46a364….jpeg)

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7eb446  No.10681578


its a bunch of superstition for old faggots, cause danielfaggot carried willcocks watch up his pooper for four frickin novels

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0f5aa4  No.10681579

File: 4855c411a05a7c3⋯.png (26.78 KB, 605x225, 121:45, FLOTUS_twitter_New_Hampshi….PNG)



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16c4cc  No.10681580

[Deu 6:5 KJV] 5 And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.



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4b4f26  No.10681581

File: 616c1864ab3538c⋯.jpg (668.39 KB, 747x535, 747:535, kalki4.jpg)

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74cc67  No.10681582


Potus could use numbers and specifics against Uncle Joe in any debate that is held.

Even if Potus were to throw numbers at Joe about just two or three issues at the beginning fo each segment on which Joe comes up short, it could throw him off in every segment, stumbling to figure out whether those numbers are the right ones.

The numbers in this meme are one of the tops.

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17e57c  No.10681583


Had to look feltcher up.

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79f075  No.10681584

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c0b81e  No.10681585


old school tranny styx still hotter than 20% of the mutt fatties here in yankburgerland

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8d3026  No.10681586


2way conversations?

Could be used in a lot of ways.

“Those you trust the most”

Talking mickey clock grooming children?

“Come meet me here, it’d be fun!”

Those you trust the most..

“Slipped her a mickey”


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7eb446  No.10681587


>in the most advanced and educated country we get this:


>Under Barr's leadership


>The DOJ, has a completed and authorized and published IG report on the FBI covering the time Comey was in charge.


>If you have faith in Barr please consider this>


>Comey searched = zero times


>Corney searched = 400+ times


>rn in small type = m


>If you believe Barr is for Justice, law and order, and by the book, you are a fool helping your enemy take down this country even further


>what a joke


>watch the shills go bat shit


>read the FBI IG report and learn for yourself


>If you can't find the report you don't belong here, you are a shill

trannywhpre tries to force flase light righteousness of cult members stuck in satan flesh matrix

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bfd9a5  No.10681588


I think it was meant to be an eye opening ice breaker and you know news people talk about each other's talk about the news they make so they can report on the news

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8d4fa7  No.10681589

File: f9828bdeaec3b09⋯.png (2.45 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, 79E855D2_F5E7_426A_92CE_B8….png)

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/09/huge-latest-study-finds-false-coronavirus-mortality-numbers-risen-29-total-reported-deaths-last-8-weeks/ HUGE! Latest Study Finds False Coronavirus Mortality Numbers Have Risen to 29% of Total Reported Deaths in Last 8 Weeks

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488435  No.10681590

File: 4c1575717da05c0⋯.png (254.2 KB, 400x388, 100:97, ClipboardImage.png)

somebodies starting to glow

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db9652  No.10681591

File: 9a7aa7aac208d3e⋯.jpg (47.73 KB, 506x418, 23:19, 4f6lzs_1.jpg)

White man is destined to battle with the Jew.

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193da3  No.10681592



We've got enough God fearing Patriots throwing the serious heat. We don't need Satan worshiping drag queens telling us what's what.

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8192e4  No.10681593


But why do Americans fail at following God’s rules? Even simple one's like “Be sober and upright.”

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8a24fd  No.10681594

File: 2b77d4cfb04a4c8⋯.jpg (28.88 KB, 679x516, 679:516, 2b77d4cfb04a4c89ebe7d94c71….jpg)

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0063e0  No.10681595

File: 430096e062d61fb⋯.jpeg (242.46 KB, 1080x903, 360:301, 1_Corinthians_2_9.jpeg)

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7eb446  No.10681596


india offers pony show jokes and placebos for fake beer disease

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1156e7  No.10681597

File: b4754ea092d631e⋯.jpg (64.56 KB, 365x366, 365:366, b4754ea092d631e6115b3fd739….jpg)

File: 1181247e9501bf6⋯.jpg (564.8 KB, 2392x1592, 299:199, Washington_Monument_Desere….jpg)

File: fd28cab31727461⋯.jpg (88.07 KB, 418x638, 19:29, P8300009.jpg)

File: c5a42a3bf7e5299⋯.jpg (424.64 KB, 936x772, 234:193, fetus.jpg)

File: 2d08e451e473015⋯.jpg (132.53 KB, 700x575, 28:23, mark_ryden_012.jpg)

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c0b81e  No.10681598

>>10681492 Legit

>>10681542 Mouse Cock Diggs


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8192e4  No.10681599



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2e7223  No.10681600



so you have not read the FBI IG report and are unable to find it or search the document?

you are elementary and do not belong here unless you are paid shill

the majority of free thinkers know which is true

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92d95d  No.10681601

File: 1c890303382b002⋯.jpeg (30.74 KB, 255x255, 1:1, AADDBF3B_54FE_49A5_96F9_D….jpeg)


Thanks ebot

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339b46  No.10681602

File: 2c9c820befd356a⋯.png (180.58 KB, 500x647, 500:647, crying.png)


>replies to ebot

>you are a fucking idiot

hi edgelord newfag

here's an upboat

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fe02e2  No.10681603


Apply VJ matrix to CFR flow chart


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16c4cc  No.10681604


[Rom 7:22-25 KJV] 22 For I delight in the law of God after the inward man: 23 But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. 24 O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death? 25 I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.

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bfc6e6  No.10681605

>>10681534 Deuteronomy 28

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e0ec4d  No.10681606


Confirm active [DS] target.

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c53837  No.10681607


Styx is a generally beneficial voice.



Learn about what things actually mean.

The three, six and nine are not numbers to be afraid of.

Look to Tesla.




>>10681540 (alright, this one is pretty funny actually)

He's actually very interesting to listen to. I generally don't agree with everything he says, like vaccinations, his reluctance to call out homos and maybe a few more things.

Ultimately, he's pretty helpful for the most part.

Keep in mind, he's a former anon that chose to reveal himself. No one should really be surprised that he's pretty weird.

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488435  No.10681608

File: 133050e3b4fbb7d⋯.png (41.17 KB, 990x349, 990:349, ClipboardImage.png)

anyone remeber this post? or is not relevant anymore?

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8d4fa7  No.10681609

File: dbffaf5eec269f5⋯.png (2.32 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, BC1861E9_F095_4B46_802E_55….png)

File: e105e93f01f8a65⋯.png (1.79 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, F7676F30_ED9D_48AE_BA58_06….png)

Drudge fuckery

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7eb446  No.10681610


talmud says: "willcock just kept on expanding its homo for xenujews"

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c0b81e  No.10681611


One on the left is when we called him our vermont tour guide in the comments he hated it but was cool about it.

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73538e  No.10681612


Maybe Q is pointing to an example of the many unsuspected wireless listening devices we bring into our homes. Fly on the wall clock.

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9c5fad  No.10681613

LOL I sometimes laugh at SOME of the "anons" on here. Small minded limited rigid thinkers. They are worse than liberal leftist bigots in HOW they think. "oh no there are no other possibilities, we solved that puzzle long ago and there is only one answer, now go away bigot" ROTFLMAO

"Expand your thinking" also means always entertain ALL possibilities, especially when none are completely void of conjecture. There are MULTIPLE meanings and possibilities. BRAINSTORMING leaves all possibilities on the table. Amazing. Q should stick a "Expand your thinking" yellow stickie on their heads

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2e7223  No.10681614



reconcile these two posts

research and think for yourself

truth hurts the paid shill

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51f316  No.10681615


A disease so scary and deadly they must artificially inflate the death tolls…. smh.

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38cecb  No.10681616


When you wish upon a Star…

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dc2119  No.10681617

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b807bb  No.10681618

File: bca6cbdb335dfc4⋯.png (95.1 KB, 900x1127, 900:1127, Screenshot_2020_09_17_Incr….png)

File: 5ad1d20bed80275⋯.png (90.57 KB, 960x1298, 480:649, Screenshot_2020_09_17_The_….png)

File: 0abc45ada67b598⋯.png (290.38 KB, 714x658, 51:47, Screenshot_2020_09_17_Ultr….png)

File: 9fdf115a2330858⋯.png (528.1 KB, 1421x1123, 1421:1123, Screenshot_2020_09_17_Norm….png)

File: 9d67a4ef9862349⋯.png (1.02 MB, 648x4817, 648:4817, Screenshot_2020_09_17_Anti….png)


If you guys would like some amazing proof that the counter-attack to the color revolution attempts in america are on full speed just run a simple search for

-Norm Eisen Color Revolutions.

It's everywhere.







Antifa riots may be part of Democrat power grab: Devine

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74cc67  No.10681619


This was the second time as Fox did the same thing to Newt last week, too?

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7fcc07  No.10681620


umm so the article used the same stock image which was acquired by right-clicking + "save image"

did anon miss something?

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4f95b6  No.10681621

Profile Photo




42 minutes ago



Unbelievable… I have been suspended from Twitter for 3 months and they continue process BS DMCA takedowns… BUT REFUSE TO RESPOND TO MY COUNTER CLAIMS.

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1141a6  No.10681622


Marx did not work as a lawyer. He got money from Engels while writing das capital, and earned some from journalism.

"He was heavily supported by his friend, Friedrich Engels. Engels worked as an administrator at the Ermine and Engels cotton mill in Manchester, and he was a son of one of the proprietors, as well as a shareholder. He was never poor and gave away lots of his money to support Marx's family (wife and three daughters). Many say he pilfered heavily from the accounts of the company to help Marx and he also ghost-wrote many of the articles on current affairs that Marx 'wrote' for money.

Marx's wife was Jenny von Westphalen, a German aristocrat. She had relatives who helped at various points, as did members of his own family. Marx never held down a regular job."

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7eb446  No.10681623


"and throw three kids in a furnace then prance around like a faggot to impress the nambla gold old faggots" book of danielfaggot

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db9652  No.10681624

File: 6b26489e84d8b93⋯.jpg (53.94 KB, 507x477, 169:159, 4f906a_1.jpg)

The 5th Column turned out to be just a whole lot of shit.

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7809ad  No.10681625

File: f40920e0f7d357f⋯.jpg (112.52 KB, 540x960, 9:16, AQ1.jpg)

Slow news, going check past Notables.

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6b9dca  No.10681626



Q has been communicating to us through the file names of the images he posts.

I encourage anons to go back and search the file names. See what top hits appear. (Most of which can be found in Notables.)

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7617fb  No.10681627

File: ab0d42ebced4ed7⋯.jpg (533.27 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, contagion_movies_wallpaper.jpg)

File: 3b3ab0df70beb31⋯.jpg (299.05 KB, 1908x1146, 318:191, Contagion_the_movie_compar….jpg)

File: ab9d15f84bd35e1⋯.jpg (118.45 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, contagion_movie_comparison.jpg)


Events almost IDENTICDAL to movie Contagion.

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c0b81e  No.10681628


Styx has a sense of humor soBIG RED NOon that one sweetie~

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193da3  No.10681629


Norm Eisen is what demonination? (((yep)))

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8a24fd  No.10681630

File: 3b9b3341b4850e7⋯.jpg (278.71 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 3b9b3341b4850e7ff9bc24dba0….jpg)


Who touched you?

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a74b23  No.10681631


>But why do Americans fail at following God’s rules?

Yeah its only Americans….Good grief.

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a9f8dc  No.10681632

File: 44393e2fa3fe337⋯.png (14.99 KB, 850x108, 425:54, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 196eb6b86ca211d⋯.png (72.63 KB, 848x569, 848:569, ClipboardImage.png)

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2e7223  No.10681633



try reading the FBI IG report for yourself

the shills want you distracted

you are not a free thinker if you do not go check for yourself

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a6334f  No.10681634

Have anons seen this video?

Absolutely hilarious. Watched this like 10 times already kek


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2c597e  No.10681635



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7eb446  No.10681637


you butthole is gonna hurt

when your gay mom

drives some corn up your asshole

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92d95d  No.10681638

File: 8db39559c11a490⋯.jpeg (4.4 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 29EB10B2_232F_4767_9EB8_B….jpeg)

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16c4cc  No.10681639


Thank God Tucker gave us the drop on Norm otherwise ….crickets

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8d4fa7  No.10681640

File: ebcf2664ce772be⋯.png (2.1 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, F2C99B85_FFEF_46FB_9811_87….png)

https://nypost.com/2020/09/17/oregon-couple-helplessly-watch-looters-break-into-evacuated-home/ Oregon couple helplessly watch as looters break into evacuated home

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7ba679  No.10681641


don't tell him what he is.

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7fcc07  No.10681642

File: 895929d628e1b23⋯.png (70.31 KB, 419x286, 419:286, q_rabbit.png)


az in the X-hairs.

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c964b6  No.10681643

Hope you guys aren't fooled by that Delaware senate nominee is a real Q believer. Obviously an attempt by them. Delaware is spook central, like they couldn't have picked a worse state to try this from

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505b31  No.10681644



of course it is relevant, it covers a massive proportion of Q material now

don't forget that virtually all of the photos and images Q has posted have turned out to be disinformation

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8192e4  No.10681646


And lo, they did not burn up in the furnace stoked up thrice…

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66e221  No.10681647

File: 2906d84d480e012⋯.png (750.45 KB, 1140x570, 2:1, Screenshot_2020_09_17_Anti….png)

File: 7f73d35e77423e5⋯.png (30.9 KB, 1140x216, 95:18, Screenshot_2020_09_17_Anti….png)


It wasn't long ago might Commander Red was caught with a flamethrower.

GREEN BAY, Wis. — An Antifa leader known as “Commander Red” was arrested carrying a flamethrower to a Wisconsin Black Lives Matter rally. As he was taken into custody he “dropped into the fetal position and began crying,” officials said.

Matthew Banta, 23, is “known to be a violent Antifa member who incites violence in otherwise relatively peaceful protests,” a criminal complaint in his Green Bay arrest record asserted, WBAY reported.

He was carrying stickers and a flag for the hate-filled group along with “military-grade 5-minute” smoke grenades, fireworks rockets, and a flamethrower, according to the Green Bay Press-Gazette.


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7eb446  No.10681648

File: 8079fb04b7d181c⋯.jpg (49.86 KB, 384x576, 2:3, 2008_12_11_06_12_IMG_1347.JPG)

spurious egregious homo arrest warrants indicted

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92d95d  No.10681649


Leave ebot alone

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1141a6  No.10681650


what's turned out mean? the 5th column is still there

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5318f7  No.10681651

File: 1a3270bd48c6824⋯.png (466.92 KB, 520x347, 520:347, ClipboardImage.png)

White Supremacy

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c0b81e  No.10681652

File: 77cef744163b37b⋯.jpg (83.26 KB, 500x500, 1:1, SVT_B.jpg)

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fe02e2  No.10681653


ANTIFA = Earth First mirror to " army of 12 monkeys " Brad Pitt , AKA Tyler Durden

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bfd9a5  No.10681654



>>10681444 PF updates

>>10681514 Search dogs and sniffer honey bees

>>10681492, >>10681504, >>10681506, >>10681542 My theory on the Micky Mouse clock

>>10681447 Cyber Threat Groups APT 10,39,41

>>10681366 Decades-Old Fire Lookout Towers Are Still Crucial to Stopping Wildfires in the U.S. West


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7fcc07  No.10681655



wondered where "event 201" got its name

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2767d6  No.10681656

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7064de  No.10681657

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7eb446  No.10681658


and danielfaggot went on to larp about human traffickers roboticaly on twitter, and with the fbi, etc

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5af4ab  No.10681659

Let's end this hearing on a Q question…

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000000  No.10681660

For believers, the Book of Mormon builds you the foundation of the English language.

It's a must for all non-English speaking believers of God who really want to learn English.

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16c4cc  No.10681661


[Dan 3:18 KJV] 18 But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.

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c53837  No.10681662

File: e270c003e671c9e⋯.jpg (27.03 KB, 810x539, 810:539, Jesus.jpg)


I was thinking the Revelations verse that explains what Jesus looks like.

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2ae7b4  No.10681663

File: a91660b28eea052⋯.png (262.75 KB, 342x455, 342:455, aka.png)


I knew you were going to say that.

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b807bb  No.10681664





>Thank God Tucker gave us the drop on Norm otherwise ….crickets

Something I find even more interesting though is that most of these stories all started around the same time someone started spamming information on board about color revolutions and all the bakers called it a slide and called the poster a shill.

Reminds me of that meme that's like -

"High level insider drops information on /pol/ anons dismiss as Fake&Gay"

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92d95d  No.10681665

File: 9f300d682b20c90⋯.jpeg (145.38 KB, 750x710, 75:71, AB73AA3F_C3DA_470E_96D0_5….jpeg)


Dubs checked

Thanks for the graphic


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bfd9a5  No.10681666


been notalbed yet?

when did he erase?

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1141a6  No.10681667


it's so ironic that the BLM is mostly white and are screaming about white supremacy

projecting their own guilt onto others

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7eb446  No.10681668

File: b4462f2d85f3da9⋯.jpg (334.84 KB, 600x416, 75:52, Frankie_4.jpg)


>your gay mom

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97e337  No.10681669

Yesterday Melissa Francis interrupted Gingrich saying " Soros doesn't need to be part of this conversation".

Today, right now, she is wearing antifa's colors of Red and Black.

Nothing to see there, right?

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8192e4  No.10681670


All of man is driven for the world, and worldly things. Sin incentivizes men. They are slaves one and all to it.

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d44881  No.10681671

File: c316b1055088967⋯.png (565.36 KB, 688x595, 688:595, sawant_recall_proceeds_jud….PNG)

Efforts to recall Seattle Councilwoman Kshama Sawant can move forward, a judge ruled Wednesday.

Four of the six charges filed against Sawant are legally sufficient, King County Superior Court judge James Rogers ruled.


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5318f7  No.10681672

File: 9d84001b533062d⋯.png (224.45 KB, 324x330, 54:55, ClipboardImage.png)

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db9652  No.10681673


Just another baseless Q riddle.

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7782ce  No.10681674

File: 82e54f1fe1a515a⋯.jpg (9.44 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 82e54f1fe1a515a762cbece327….jpg)

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4d68e2  No.10681675

Even SB2 bailed on this BS and he was a chief BSer.LOL

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1141a6  No.10681676


yes there are flawed humans on both sides. imagine that

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ba75ca  No.10681677

File: a50139e0c62164e⋯.jpeg (412.46 KB, 457x1202, 457:1202, 984D5D42_3ED0_4CCC_8056_1….jpeg)

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38cecb  No.10681678

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a3ac4c  No.10681679

File: 33b852ad6efb3e8⋯.jpeg (122.95 KB, 2179x479, 2179:479, 10AA8BF0_3694_4EA7_B1F9_D….jpeg)

File: 9bef8723ca90e4c⋯.jpeg (4.59 MB, 4882x10546, 2441:5273, 755B14AD_043F_45AF_8B29_C….jpeg)

Joe Biden born on day 324 of the year.

Kamala Harris born into day 294 of the year.

324 + 294 = 618

Mickey Mouse Echo clock.

10:10 = 610 minutes.

8 minutes highlighted.

610 + 8 = 618

618 -5 code = 163

618 days -365 = 253

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d44881  No.10681680

File: c2942c8d435da20⋯.png (93.2 KB, 831x596, 831:596, most_want_blue_lives_matte….PNG)


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1141a6  No.10681681


yet here you are. nothing more important going on in your life than whining about baseless riddles? ok.

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97626e  No.10681682



It’s not actually all about the base moron.

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e2b08c  No.10681683



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c0b81e  No.10681684


> former anon that chose to reveal himself

he was talking about half in his vidyas way before the hacker known as 4chan was even thought possible as a catchphrase

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db9652  No.10681685




I don't like or associate with black and brown people.

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453eed  No.10681686

File: fde895a7df51aa6⋯.png (120.99 KB, 342x280, 171:140, ClipboardImage.png)

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7ba679  No.10681687


he could say 'ditto on you writing about him'.

calling him out for being just like you?

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2e7223  No.10681688






read the FBI IG report find out for yourself

prove to yourself how fucked your government and the people are

if you are unwilling to find out for yourself then you can only be a paid shill

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7617fb  No.10681689

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The truth has always been in front of us. (((They))) have been openly telling us about it.

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eb70d5  No.10681690

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Is Donald Trump the 1st Woman Us President?

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7c9258  No.10681691

File: be5b9e3ea9293fb⋯.jpg (37.29 KB, 1119x629, 1119:629, BB198RCP.jpg)

File: 82bf67f9432e98a⋯.jpg (13.47 KB, 378x472, 189:236, BB197pwA.jpg)

File: 5009ee97ed51b87⋯.jpg (13.92 KB, 300x225, 4:3, 5f6260100b251_image.jpg)

File: e1e119c21188eaf⋯.jpg (33.86 KB, 764x432, 191:108, clown_preformer.jpg)

2-year-old beaten to death by stepfather for urinating on the floor


Alamance County deputies arrest Hillsborough man accused of sex offenses with a minor


Three men charged with sex crimes against children: Gary, Merrillville and Portage men named


Missouri Christian boarding school probed over abuse claims


Horry County man accused of distributing child sex abuse files


Buffalo man sentenced to 9 years in prison for distributing child pornography


Employee at Utah youth therapy center charged with posting child porn


CHR denounces alleged sexual abuse committed by NPA rebels vs. minors in Leyte


Woman faces capital-murder charge in child's death on I-30


Tip leads to arrest of 60-year-old Aberdeen man for possession of child pornography


Marshals: Suspect in Florida child sex abuse arrested in Branford


Alexandria man arrested on 9 counts of child molesting


East LA clown performer arrested, accused of sexual assault on minor


Wisconsin man allegedly sexually abused Michigan minor


Somerset Man Charged with Sexual Assault


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79f075  No.10681692

File: d210ed02cd274bb⋯.png (17.35 KB, 255x206, 255:206, DankMeme.png)

File: 5541827b7909d28⋯.png (15.81 KB, 255x245, 51:49, KekkageBoomChikkaLa.png)

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7b47c1  No.10681693

File: 57ceb0567c0b2a4⋯.jpeg (37.63 KB, 323x409, 323:409, 2954C355_654E_4932_A31C_4….jpeg)

File: 04f411fbc134c96⋯.jpeg (287.36 KB, 750x764, 375:382, 368595D3_E1D6_4F32_BCF9_A….jpeg)

File: e7db7d1bb4e28d4⋯.jpeg (371.13 KB, 750x645, 50:43, D10CF2CB_7328_4214_814C_6….jpeg)

File: cdf7c8a255384da⋯.jpeg (407.39 KB, 750x625, 6:5, 53581980_E742_4A0E_957F_6….jpeg)

File: b9af0f4a2aa2b82⋯.jpeg (671.39 KB, 655x1179, 5:9, D12F9FF2_8E5B_44CF_9886_5….jpeg)

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8d4fa7  No.10681694

File: 1eba8c176c30de9⋯.jpeg (470 KB, 828x963, 92:107, DF6565F3_818B_437E_A0B0_7….jpeg)

https://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/sep/17/fbi-opens-new-chinese-investigation-every-10-hours/ FBI opens new Chinese investigation every 10 hours

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193da3  No.10681695


I agree 100%. The next round of subversive rebellion is underway and this time they're not using the law or even trying to make it look fair. It looks like this time they're coming at POTUS with a 'by any means necessary' strategy. Big time panic.

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88df09  No.10681696

File: 6082b57f2586ef3⋯.jpg (3.69 MB, 5358x6429, 1786:2143, Antifa_Fire_Fighters_AKA_A….jpg)

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51f316  No.10681697


IMHO new laws isn't what we need, just enforcement of laws we already have. Assault is already against the law, murder, arson, etc. Just enforce the freakin' laws already on the books.

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8192e4  No.10681698


The FBI carries the mark on the forehead “KFR”. It is works of their hands serving darkness and making a blackened heart.

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eb70d5  No.10681699

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Roseanne believes Trump is the 1st woman Us PRESIDENT. Which is interesting because she is a Trump and Q supporter.

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aa22c6  No.10681701


if you are unable to provide sauce for any of your claims then GTFO. this is a research board. Not plebbit.

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d5dedd  No.10681702

File: ab8ad056a7e67d0⋯.jpeg (315.72 KB, 960x1440, 2:3, 799B62AF_C54C_487D_B149_4….jpeg)


SB2 decoded always reminded me of a Beautiful Mind.

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e2b08c  No.10681703


>who is leaking?

Bingo. Although the way things are going these days, could have been made up whole cloth.

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a9f8dc  No.10681704


Fuck off Anjel.

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7dc110  No.10681705

>>10681639 Yeah anon. I find it incredible that Q never mentioned him from the very start if he has always been the chief play caller, since he is the owner of the playbook.

If Q really did have it all, why did he not tell us?

We could have dug on him years ago. Maybe prevent some of this chaos happening right now.

Or was the chaos part of Q's plan also? Order out of chaos! And we all know what that would mean…

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1141a6  No.10681706


I don't mind baseless riddles. in fact, maybe that's why I'm here. What I don't do is whine about it

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7ba679  No.10681707


anjel G is a woman?

anjel, you're too cute to be a guy . . .

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92d95d  No.10681708

File: 173972418fde21e⋯.png (6.22 KB, 201x250, 201:250, 4F75AB93_3A94_471C_987A_EC….png)


Ebot did nothing wrong

The weak must fear the strong

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9ff7db  No.10681709

File: 8dea96c1bc1bcbe⋯.png (34.11 KB, 954x302, 477:151, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f26f12db9c5267c⋯.png (90.42 KB, 467x480, 467:480, ClipboardImage.png)

I confirmed.

Why has @jack blocked the #pedowood hash tag?

Maybe @rickygervais knows.


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000000  No.10681710


but john nash was smart

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eb70d5  No.10681712

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Joe Biden we are all seeing is CGI.

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505b31  No.10681713


There are plenty of decent people from Latin America

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2e7223  No.10681714


no but he is the 2nd Hollywood president for new world order reshuffling

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c53837  No.10681715



He had a spiritual awakening of sorts and although I'm not too keen on where he ended up I think I appreciate his insights for the most part.

I do tend to laugh when I hear people make fun of him though. He is a pretty weird dude.

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4b4f26  No.10681716

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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db9652  No.10681717


Women have been publicly talking about Trump's dick for decades.

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7ba679  No.10681718


Of course I'm making fun of him, he's just a cute guy.

but enough of this crap about that stuff.

who cares?

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eb70d5  No.10681719

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The 1st Hollywood Celebrity To Admit That JFK JR IS ALIVE

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a3ac4c  No.10681720

File: 423cb9ae26583c7⋯.jpeg (745.83 KB, 1125x1626, 375:542, A17170C8_51E8_4A86_B5D1_E….jpeg)


Notice both 253 & 163 = 10

2+5+3 = 10

1+6+3 = 10


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b807bb  No.10681721

File: 77a41e47d218c1e⋯.png (31.2 KB, 500x300, 5:3, Screenshot_2020_09_17_fake….png)

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062ce4  No.10681722

File: 103fd4d0777babd⋯.png (83.62 KB, 655x451, 655:451, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ad0bb20d686a690⋯.png (416.11 KB, 675x799, 675:799, ClipboardImage.png)

How ‘End Mass Incarceration’ Became a Slogan for D.A. Candidates


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4ca701  No.10681723

File: bc15a6703c507c5⋯.png (812.47 KB, 846x571, 846:571, ClipboardImage.png)


congress' role isnt to investigate and issue indictments or criminal charges. their job is oversight. the most they can do is make a criminal referral to the DOJ.

if all the crossfire hurricane coup leaders are now being brought before congress to explain themselves, its because the durham investigation is complete. grand jury's have been convened and indictments are ready to go. i wouldnt be surprised if we see some major decalss/indictments made public in the days leading up to these traitor's testimonies. putting them on the hot seat under oath for the whole country to see.

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a9f8dc  No.10681724


Dubs says she did a YUUUGGE line of coke before turning her camera on.

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a2313f  No.10681725

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4c4616  No.10681726

File: 6a24a98eba0feb7⋯.jpeg (234.59 KB, 1080x1270, 108:127, 1600297022.jpeg)

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eb70d5  No.10681727

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Q Responds To Donald Trump Jr tweet.

What did Q say?

Watch this 10 minute video.

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7fcc07  No.10681728


end mass criminality.


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8192e4  No.10681729


Yes, yes. Pay attention and dig.

My teachings are by route of the mighty shitpost.

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5af4ab  No.10681730

Jackson Lee entering a Q article into the record.

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fdf039  No.10681731

File: de4ac1bbee2a6a9⋯.jpeg (266.99 KB, 677x715, 677:715, 06F2C8A5_CB6F_4DD0_A066_6….jpeg)

File: 2bfd0aa2ca72a2d⋯.jpeg (147.5 KB, 573x692, 573:692, 3F789FA4_5E72_468C_89E1_F….jpeg)

File: 946d8114bcfe9cf⋯.jpeg (411.6 KB, 750x735, 50:49, 548E5326_68B9_49AF_991A_F….jpeg)

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c0b81e  No.10681732

File: eecc6f1ec36a10f⋯.png (101.41 KB, 501x236, 501:236, QR_BEP_17.png)

File: a24eb53afbe31e9⋯.png (9.44 KB, 759x57, 253:19, StalePasta.png)


cakerbaker here's the finished product for Anon-reviewed multiple shifts bread changes discussion

hopefully freebs sees it and hauls it away to comms but if not I guess I'll figure out where to paste it there thx


Q DROPS CAN BE FOUND HERE:QAnon.pub - qresear.ch/q-posts - QAlerts.pub - operationQ.pub - QAgg.news - QPosts.online - qanon.news/Q - 8kun.top/qresearch/qposts.html

Backups/Alts to above: qntmpkts.keybase.pub - QAlerts.app - QAlerts.net - douknowq.com/134295/Q-Anon-Pub.htm - we-go-all.net/q.html - douknowq.com/134295/Q-Anon-Pub.htm

qresear.chPB Search Tool - use it before asking newfags-n-lazyoldfags

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7ba679  No.10681733


>▶Anonymous (You) 09/17/20 (Thu) 12:14:597ba679 (4) No.10681707>>10681718


>anjel G is a CGI

anjel, you're too cute to not be a CGI.

wait, I'm just kidding, of coruse I know you aen't just CGI, are you?

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505b31  No.10681734


Q has not talked about Brock, Oliver Willis, etc either

Not because they are meaningless but prolly because they are very big fish whom Q has no business fucking with

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3e86e8  No.10681735

Wray gives me the impression that he is nothing but a shitty actor only playing the role of FBI figurehead.

Director in name only- Q who is really in charge of the FBI right now, it certainly isn't Wray.

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6bab71  No.10681736

File: 03b067389c8ea0e⋯.png (374.25 KB, 837x886, 837:886, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eda263d91d487ff⋯.png (674.91 KB, 645x368, 645:368, ClipboardImage.png)


For context - Remember FOX kicking out Judicial Watch Chris Farrell for stating facts?


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5318f7  No.10681737

File: 424771f556e40f5⋯.png (357.51 KB, 480x314, 240:157, ClipboardImage.png)

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662484  No.10681738

File: 487624003290265⋯.png (500.61 KB, 540x610, 54:61, ClipboardImage.png)


thank you


>He has 666 in his name, just sayin.

there is that

and the name boardinhamR


oddly part of his charm

he's a likable weird.

I'm not a "fan" but a cautious, occasional viewer.

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d44881  No.10681739

File: 6d553e9a4aacf8a⋯.png (405.6 KB, 433x437, 433:437, sheila_jackson_lee_mask.PNG)

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e2b08c  No.10681740


>The clock has the same hand positions as the Q drop.

But anons have previously mentioned that most clocks are advertising with the hands in this position because it's balanced.

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fdf039  No.10681741

File: 5a1861635d6d3d5⋯.jpeg (357.89 KB, 750x763, 750:763, A3CB2C95_A979_4D6D_B647_3….jpeg)

File: b9c468452d3239d⋯.jpeg (39.05 KB, 600x375, 8:5, 5ABBE218_F6C9_4207_A924_9….jpeg)

File: c2182d2de53fd65⋯.jpeg (201.52 KB, 470x627, 470:627, C57F903A_6941_4593_AED5_B….jpeg)

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5e010a  No.10681742

File: 8ec700e9739c98c⋯.jpg (245.13 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200917_110838….jpg)

Fake books liars trying it again

Trying to say harris didn't say take the guns and blaming that comment on POTUS

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bb2f35  No.10681743


We call people like you ignorant, you are dismissed from society.

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2e7223  No.10681744


if you can't find and read the FBI IG report I think that tells us all we need to know

you are a GS liberal level retard paid shill

read it and see the fuss, is for the hiding not for the truth

but you are part of the fuss and don't realize you are being used to get more attention to my point for those who will be intrigued and look to see that I spoke truth and they found out for themselves on a government server

thanks for your help

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0063e0  No.10681745

File: 7138381380242ba⋯.jpg (12.25 KB, 255x193, 255:193, Barr_bleating_bagpipes.jpg)

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40cf0a  No.10681746

File: 753835836ec086a⋯.jpeg (372.96 KB, 828x1109, 828:1109, 29286BAF_9907_4499_871D_6….jpeg)

10/02/08 Biden vs Palin VP Debate

Segmented into almost digestible chunks on utoob

12 year time travel of any politician gives plenty of ammo to show their hypocracy.

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ca0c45  No.10681747


Honestly wondering if he deleted because he was told to by someone higher in the hierarchy.

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c64100  No.10681748

>>10681260 (lb)

No but I do need to leave this Q stuff behind, I support the mission and wish you all the best but the place is not for me anymore

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aa22c6  No.10681749


you made the claim. not I. You obviously are ignorant on how things work.

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609532  No.10681750

File: a6ff445f53220c7⋯.jpg (57.32 KB, 730x730, 1:1, a6ff445f53220c7fdf53319dfb….jpg)

File: 33c29f6ae136f74⋯.jpg (43.98 KB, 827x200, 827:200, hfz.JPG)

File: 6351f8e6089acaa⋯.jpg (48.78 KB, 547x335, 547:335, kzhfjhgf.jpg)

Disney, amazon, apple…. mickey





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7fcc07  No.10681751

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Not to belabor the issue but this is the end of the matter for anon.

Although it never really ends.

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f05e6e  No.10681752

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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7617fb  No.10681753

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c97b79  No.10681754


Talking about thick smoke and fires months before.

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8192e4  No.10681755


Vanity is ascribed to the feminine.

You convey some truth by this question.


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7809ad  No.10681756

File: 20d9156fb475ebe⋯.jpg (36.22 KB, 680x383, 680:383, AQ1.jpg)

Another Allegation.


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7fcc07  No.10681757


let's see how long you can go, anon

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1141a6  No.10681759


Q's clock had red lines not in the original pic

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a3ac4c  No.10681760

File: 98172ef99b221b6⋯.jpeg (893.67 KB, 2525x1525, 101:61, E957744E_D7A7_4046_8843_0….jpeg)


Sometimes a kindergartner can see it

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fdf039  No.10681761

File: ce0be1faa5b48c5⋯.jpeg (394.78 KB, 750x979, 750:979, F97D8CCD_130B_4625_9EC3_A….jpeg)

File: 7c63f83964f6f92⋯.jpeg (416.19 KB, 750x625, 6:5, EA1037D7_FE62_4BE0_8B26_A….jpeg)

File: 9c685ee58cad701⋯.jpeg (339.24 KB, 750x660, 25:22, 25BF4EB8_24E8_4B94_9EF0_3….jpeg)

File: ff2981bd2d963a0⋯.jpeg (477.05 KB, 656x903, 656:903, 3AEC8018_B7AE_44FE_BB90_0….jpeg)

File: d5528d32c16eff7⋯.jpeg (430.68 KB, 750x902, 375:451, F18DC801_063B_427F_A7BE_2….jpeg)

Anyone else think these BLM white boys are just closet cuckholds and/or fags?

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35ca7b  No.10681762

File: 7105297f44d09f3⋯.png (445.87 KB, 600x689, 600:689, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 147bfbebac1856f⋯.mp4 (7.77 MB, 640x360, 16:9, yV831tZkn0clbSai.mp4)

Prepare to get pissed off.

"Disgraceful what police are being forced to do for the statists.

Force and a taser because a free American doesn’t want to wear a face Burka.

This is not America."


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dddfdb  No.10681763


The number of markers that light up "adapt". So if there's hours left then each mark represents one hour. When there's less than an hour then each mark represents minutes. And when there's less than a minute left each mark represents seconds. So a 30 second timer will start with 30 marks lit and you'll see it countdown to zero. see less

By Stephen Harris on January 8, 2020

yes, and does so by lighting up the corresponding number of LED lights at each second mark on the clock face and turns off an LED at each second of the timer.

Makes it very easy to see how much time is left on your timer.

By runCMD on December 26, 2019

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aa22c6  No.10681764


not true.

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db9652  No.10681765

File: 3ab02cb9c2446d5⋯.jpg (57.01 KB, 500x545, 100:109, 4ed32y_1.jpg)

This black guy is an ultra retard and he has no association with Jewish Jared Kushner.

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0f5aa4  No.10681766

File: 1b6cfb5de669a5f⋯.png (224.77 KB, 817x475, 43:25, EXEC1F_USAF_C_32A_on_final….PNG)

File: 5189aa14955c4e8⋯.png (453.57 KB, 680x295, 136:59, USAF_C_32A_98_0002_landing….PNG)

File: ca9e218e2f46b59⋯.png (217.21 KB, 459x607, 459:607, FLOTUS_hi_cut.png)

>>10681444, >>10681579 EXEC1F Executive One Foxtrot USAF C-32A on final approach for Manchester-Boston Regional Airport, NH

on ground now

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a9f8dc  No.10681767



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e2b08c  No.10681768

>>10681671 Judge rules that recall effort against radical Seattle Council meme Kshama Sawant can go forward


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8a24fd  No.10681769

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2f0d1f  No.10681770

File: 617c8a3864e4365⋯.png (47.66 KB, 990x663, 330:221, ClipboardImage.png)


Plenty of posts & notables on color revolutions on qresear.ch

> someone started spamming information on board about color revolutions

And therein lies a problem, anons shouldn't spam something, else they risk it being ignored.

Shills will also take good info and spam it like mad to acheive the same result.

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c53837  No.10681771



Also, he's mentioned that he does not associate with those perspectives anymore and doesn't see much point in changing the name now since he'd have to create a whole new channel and shit and he'd rather just keep it the same to avoid any confusion.

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bfd9a5  No.10681773


drop this in kitch meta

he watches it pretty well

class bread is locked till tonight


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676330  No.10681774


Those cops had a choice. They are part of the problem.

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766778  No.10681775


Christ Jesus wasn't a bubble head…..but Apollo was.

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5af4ab  No.10681776


Now you are thinking anon….. give me a few seconds though, I might have some questions.

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7ba679  No.10681777

Anjel G is the first AI dubiously metro-sexual mexican-american bohunk

or is he?

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e2b08c  No.10681778


then mebbe u should post elsewhere

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c53837  No.10681779


soy definitely will make you more effeminate.

turning gay wouldn't be too surprising.

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cc0d40  No.10681780


This is why normies call us insane. nice job


On 8chan they lumped us all together as being killers when the Saturn-worshipping Leftist displayed his Saturn-worshipping Leftist rituals in Christchurch.

Nowhere to go but up, I'd say.

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97626e  No.10681781

File: 3ae721cae06efcb⋯.jpeg (74.54 KB, 505x459, 505:459, EF5C459C_9D1A_4EFF_922B_5….jpeg)


It’s such bull shit. They would ignore the store of the century, just like any other station, if it involved their overlords.

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dc4a7a  No.10681783

File: 145eaf223c248b1⋯.jpg (143.01 KB, 800x800, 1:1, FrenulumTickler.jpg)

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2e7223  No.10681784




again look for yourself

thanks for calling more attention to my post

flood posting warning is overcame with your help

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e9ca72  No.10681785

File: 86f1f17e156f8a1⋯.png (223.5 KB, 481x386, 481:386, ClipboardImage.png)


see you tomorrow

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74cc67  No.10681786



>So you think he's actually going to do one?

You may be right. Would guess for certain they've got an out for the first one because there is no argument from most all about Fox's slant (which is actually pretty much center outside of prime time).

Will risk only one at the most.

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5318f7  No.10681787

File: e450d0564ee001a⋯.png (774.08 KB, 949x306, 949:306, ClipboardImage.png)

Muh White Supremacy

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09f4ab  No.10681788

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Collins Discusses the Senate's Subpoenas of Obama Officials and the Mueller Team's Wiped iPhones

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db9652  No.10681789

File: bf7cb3460d1e6a6⋯.jpg (61.12 KB, 532x800, 133:200, downloadfile_2.jpg)



Maybe you should eat black ass.

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5e010a  No.10681790


Speaking from RL experience, a REAL victim does NOT publish their name or pic! And most cases are listed as Jane doe.

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9892ff  No.10681791

File: e71f147f9c50554⋯.png (310.2 KB, 360x540, 2:3, anjel_slut_tits.png)


Your trips would suggest it might be so.

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af1a92  No.10681792


he didn't delete, just set it to private, I believe

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6b9dca  No.10681793

File: 55a5631ecb74d25⋯.png (217.75 KB, 514x544, 257:272, ClipboardImage.png)


Is it possible that Q is referring to [tracking] events that occurred in September, 2001? In the wake of the attack?

Just a thought, anons.

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7809ad  No.10681794

File: c5f154882565af6⋯.jpg (39.04 KB, 680x340, 2:1, AQ1.jpg)

Widespread fraud, huh?

But widespread Mail In Ballot Fraud can't happen…


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1cfca1  No.10681795

File: 6d5dc96b9403ace⋯.jpg (105.41 KB, 660x494, 330:247, IMG_20200917_180939.jpg)

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79f075  No.10681796

It's a real skill I reckon for some news speaking people on TV to spiel and not crack up or just walk out. Bloody mortgage.

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f93d54  No.10681797

>>10680839 lb

attn: error in transcript. Melissa Gilbert said soros comment FIRST then Marie HarffBarff chimes in with a second. HARRIS was shocked by the shut down of Newyt Gingrich.

Note: Melissa Gilbert was the littlest girl on HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE show … she is tied to HollyWierd !!!

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c0b81e  No.10681798

File: c03db81debb56ac⋯.png (1.01 KB, 13x22, 13:22, MC_1.png)



>anjel aaaaaaaaanjel where will it leads us from here?

mouse cock

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609532  No.10681799

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339b46  No.10681800

File: 10d5764dffb1aac⋯.gif (1.08 MB, 1234x694, 617:347, billybarr.gif)



i have read it, dont worry.


do you understand the role of the IG?

do you understand that both Barr and Durham both disagreed with the Report's finding that the FBI had adequate reason to investigate Trump re: Russia?

do you understand the IG has a limited scope in which he can work?

if you think Barr/Durham are covering for the deep state then you don't understand how building a criminal case works.

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1141a6  No.10681801

File: c27261268cf3719⋯.jpg (18.32 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 20200917114620.jpg)

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97626e  No.10681802


Middle East peace deals and wuhan lab work isn’t enough?

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fe02e2  No.10681803


They did it first with the books and authors, back when thinking citizens still read that is.

Now we are becoming the Eloi.

HG Wells wrote New World Order in 1935, NWO was never a Bush only phrase.

Orwell and Huxley printed soon after.

All in " The Club "

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c53837  No.10681804


The "halo" was used to signify "ascension".

You're looking for biochemical alchemy to explain why biblical figures were adorned with Golden halos.

But I'm curious to see what you think a "bubble head" means.

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8192e4  No.10681805








In laws contrived through this method life is made worse as human rights are eroded away.

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dd6a14  No.10681806

File: 6d58694a5c3c17b⋯.png (119.98 KB, 320x180, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Stealing money…as per usual.

City launches guaranteed income program using federal coronavirus relief funds


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7fcc07  No.10681807


really need to see this guy do something besides yuk it up on the lecture circuit.

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2e7223  No.10681808



have you read or searched the government server to find if true or not

10 minutes for such a big answer is not that difficult>>10681567

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c0b81e  No.10681809


He's shrewd.

It's good branding to have haters and he invites them with his look.

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8d4fa7  No.10681810

File: 7f2e1f2a654e6ca⋯.png (1.94 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, 4D06A8B2_699B_4B57_BE21_12….png)

File: a60d6d27126ec6e⋯.jpeg (178.11 KB, 561x565, 561:565, 6DDE909C_B38B_4072_AEBE_1….jpeg)

https://www.wsj.com/articles/oregon-fires-show-power-lines-pose-threat-beyond-california-11600353002?mod=mhp Oregon Fires Show Power Lines Pose Threat Beyond California

Electric lines downed during high winds contributed to the spread of this month’s explosive fires>>>>>>and what about the chainsaw massacre angle

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aa22c6  No.10681811


This……but shills won't budge. They are paid to discourage and spread bullshit.

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7809ad  No.10681813

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0063e0  No.10681814

File: 4807b0d53d116be⋯.jpeg (28.09 KB, 316x317, 316:317, halo_hero.jpeg)

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e9ca72  No.10681815

File: fa52efdeb005651⋯.gif (520.1 KB, 244x146, 122:73, nobodyl.gif)

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db9652  No.10681816



No all my white friends and family live in peaceful upscale gated communities.

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bd6e7b  No.10681817

File: 7d21aeb0e5557ae⋯.jpg (102.81 KB, 901x532, 901:532, cath.jpg)


DOJ Spokeswoman Kerri Kupec confirms that at some point DOJ pursued bringing civil rights charges, either criminally or civilly, against Portland City officials. These discussions apparently took place long before last week’s call AG Barr had with U.S. Attorney’s where he

encouraged bringing federal charges against violent demonstrators. Kupec would not comment on the status of whether charges would in fact be brought. This confirms story first reported by @MikeBalsamo1

with AP. @ClareHymes22



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74cc67  No.10681818

File: 3e9b1bac7127faf⋯.jpg (24.75 KB, 570x428, 285:214, meth.jpg)


does meth have anything positive about it?

what a rotten f-ing drug

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c53837  No.10681819


You're doing great, anon.

Now you need to understand the positive aspects of Saturn.

Before he was Father Time, before he Harvested, what role did he play?

How sure are we that Saturn is all bad and cannot possibly be good?

What do you think the rings that bind him indicate?

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28cce3  No.10681820


Cops blindly following orders are the most dangerous sheep.

Traitors to their oath.

They should be arresting the politicians.

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a9f8dc  No.10681821



You are stuck. F5 F5 F5.

You need to reset. AI is bungled.

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6b9dca  No.10681823


I think it is plenty.

Just curious if/how 9/11 could be tied back into it. How that could resurface in mainstream discussion.

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fe02e2  No.10681824


The CFR runs the big 6 MSM corporations

and US State Dept, Hillary admits it on vid.

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db9652  No.10681825

File: 58efcb6e792204a⋯.jpg (71.34 KB, 404x316, 101:79, downloadfile_2_1_.jpg)



Your Hispanic life has went nowhere hasn't it poncho?

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bd2ef4  No.10681826



>Those cops had a choice. They are part of the problem.


Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, … shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.


We do have legal remedies. We just need to do it. If no atty's will take this on pro-bono, we need to set up go fund me to collectively go after justice. Justice costs money in this country, sadly.

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cf5046  No.10681827

File: 35a7a8178b1a20e⋯.png (1.13 MB, 810x914, 405:457, WildTrumpGirls_001.png)

File: 21d5373c08f1236⋯.png (1.79 MB, 960x1280, 3:4, WildTrumpGirls_002.png)

File: e8681370fbcb047⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, WildTrumpGirls_003.png)

You Imagine Gods Light Shine Upon Us Because

Invite God In


Trump Girls Crave Fighters~!~

Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

Our Father, which arte in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God clean our depths.

We pray God enflame our Vitality.

We pray God sharpen Our Truth.

We pray God Expose our enemies.

Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

Amen 🤜🙏🤛

Patriots 👏 Trust 👏 The 👏 Plan!

She curioux=Qbabies.

(𝙵amilies are our Qure)

ᴍake Babιes again!

Destroy Satan's lies

The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Imagine the Success🥳 of our bright future.

Repeat Remember

Pray Dream

Remember the smell ໐f childhood

Millions silent together I banishk(belial)k

Blacklist BlackHats

Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

Relax, we are strong with God.

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9a26e7  No.10681828

File: 690383ab4b9aa92⋯.png (445.08 KB, 817x847, 817:847, Lou_dobbs.png)

Remember this? Is this why Harris Faulkner looked sickened and Maria Barf looked delighted?


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dc4a7a  No.10681829

File: c45c504dd10a34f⋯.jpg (149.93 KB, 604x800, 151:200, SuicideWeekEND.jpg)

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7617fb  No.10681830


What pisses me of is how (((they))) always flaunt it in our faces and we were too blind to see.

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7ba679  No.10681831


That's not a real picture of him!

his breast are much bigger, and they don't petrude like that.

He's actually a rather remarkabley sexy guy but . . . that's probably why he's all fucked up.

Anjel: you're a good person in you soul, you just got it too easy in some ways it made you lazy.

he doesn't see any of his blessings, and only deals with imagined curses from others.

he's a snarly bitch and will spit on his fans.

but we still wuv him anyway which is why we don't let him (ok, so sometimes people do, look obviously I care bout the bitch, but he pisses me off. He disrepsects POTUS and that sucks.


anyway, wahtver, anjel tries to be a star.

not realizing how well loved he already is.

you were always a star, anjel. You never needed the Internet to verify it for you.

but you are also a cold hearted slandering bitch, for which you need to repent.

and apologize to Donald, Melania, and all the anon.

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5cd819  No.10681832

File: 2187a1ec3050515⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1043x785, 1043:785, ClipboardImage.png)

that watch!

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c0b81e  No.10681833



start of nb will do if still need to

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8192e4  No.10681834


Ensuring the need for dentistry and oral care products market.

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f93d54  No.10681835

>>10681797 Oooops


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9ff7db  No.10681836

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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193da3  No.10681837


These LEO's SWORE to uphold the Constitution and they JUST VIOLATED this Man's (American) Constitutional rights. Why? Because THEY DON'T CARE about the Constitution. They CARE about the paycheck.

Blind ignorance. The LEO's should be arresting the people making UNCONSTITUTIONAL LAWS.

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2e7223  No.10681838



so you admit that I am right and Comey is hidden? and a reasonable doubt misspelling was allowed into a major government document?

thank you for the confirmation

maybe others will see this and not keep extending excuses to the lack of justice and believe that any is coming

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1a4c46  No.10681839

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

francois mitterand (ex president of france) was a high level freemason

1- contracted the pyramide du louvre > davinci code > mary magdalene > architect of that building > Ieoh Ming Pei

2- architect Ieoh Ming Pei also did Place Ville-Marie in montreal > ville-marie is the original name of montreal > means city of mary > in honor of the virgin mary

one building is a pyramid associated with jesus's wife, the other is in the shape of a cross associated with jesus's mom, same architect, Ieoh Ming Pei, liked by a high level freemason, president of France…Québec is a french nation ( yes it is, status affirmed by the Quebec government and…Ottawa - Quebec by the way never signed the Canadian constitution, it could leave Canada by referendum if it so chosed )

i think that is interdestinG:)

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40cf0a  No.10681840


They’re paid to take and execute orders. It’s the shitstains above them. You are asking them to be moral? That’s not their role.

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ca0c45  No.10681841


fucking kek. that used to be me when i first started coming here.

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dd6a14  No.10681843

File: 2d7477724f1d39c⋯.png (124.52 KB, 348x196, 87:49, ClipboardImage.png)



Read yesterday where they did not mention any of this kind of shit at DOJ.

US attorney denies report that Barr asked prosecutors to consider criminal charges against Durkan


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16c4cc  No.10681844


What concerns me is if there ends up being violent chaos as a result of an undetermined election (via mail in ballots ) it appears POTUS will have only one option available and that is insurrection act and what if US Mil brass says no we will not help.

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716c33  No.10681845

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

White House on American History Live!


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c53837  No.10681846


He really is /ourguy/.

He will be revered for hundreds of years. Maybe longer.

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bfd9a5  No.10681847

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fc7890  No.10681848

File: 7f2362c31d05242⋯.jpeg (121.08 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 99415FD2_A6EB_4E91_B2DE_B….jpeg)


September 14, 2001

[they] COMMS

george w bush born on day 187 of the year.

187 = Police code for murder.

george h w bush born on day 164 of the year.


Was Q JUST KIDDING when he said it’s been right in front of us the whole time?

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7809ad  No.10681849

Just realized. Today (9-17-20) is Constitution Day.

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e2b08c  No.10681850



> someone started spamming information on board about color revolutions

<And therein lies a problem, anons shouldn't spam something, else they risk it being



Anything that looks spammy will tend to be dismissed by bakers/anons - as it should be.

The way to get noticed is to

- present well-organized & sauced arguments

- format posts so they are easy-to-read

- if not noted, repost after seeing whether you need to up your game (revise OP in some way)

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1141a6  No.10681851


we're watching a movie

the clowns have been using movies to show us what they are up to

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fe02e2  No.10681852


radio newz reporting Oregon officials are calling the downing of power poles by chain saw a " conspiracy Theory "

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5318f7  No.10681853

File: d5b1105fa3f2fac⋯.png (233.93 KB, 476x347, 476:347, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4ab5c6740447d8a⋯.png (353.45 KB, 470x347, 470:347, ClipboardImage.png)


You're as stupid as the left.

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38cecb  No.10681854


Role- teacher?

Before harvest- garden?

Rings- can be loosened?

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0f5aa4  No.10681855

File: 819fcea5ffbb0c7⋯.png (109.08 KB, 740x470, 74:47, GTMO845_US_Navy_Beech_Huro….PNG)

GTMO845 US Navy Beech Huron appears over Bahamas (in it's usually place) and heading to NAS Jax

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505b31  No.10681856


Life is too short for that kind of bullshit, anon

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e9ca72  No.10681857

File: d2ef4e10459e00b⋯.png (886.05 KB, 1748x1240, 437:310, kys.png)


nice try faggit

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9892ff  No.10681858

File: 52688f504fcb43b⋯.png (334.51 KB, 540x360, 3:2, anjel_jonesy_tits.png)


You're right probably bigger. I'm sure you dig him either way you dumb faggot.

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14d09b  No.10681859


just realized my magazines hold 17 bullets

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1a4c46  No.10681860

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e5709b  No.10681861

>>10681848 might be in front of us but it isn't obvious. Especially to those that speak the peasant language.

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6b9dca  No.10681862



Perhaps the better question is why September 19 + 20 are omitted? Why is it referenced as two separate time-windows, rather than September 14-25?

Wouldn't the stories be developing on the 19 + 20 as well?

Just thinking out loud. The way it is posited seems to imply conclusion, or at least specificity.

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79f075  No.10681863

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1141a6  No.10681864


where all the maids and gardeners are invisible? what about the black professionals?

liar and shill

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6b9dca  No.10681865

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bb6c9a  No.10681866


Two campaign aides shot in Minneapolis

A teen killed in a north Minneapolis shooting Monday was an outreach coordinator for a Republican congressional campaign.

Minneapolis police say the 17-year-old male victim died at the scene of the shooting on Fremont Avenue North. Another man was also shot but was hospitalized with non-life-threatening wounds.

Both were members of the campaign team of Lacy Johnson, who is challenging Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar.

Johnson said he was saddened by the incident.

“It is shocking and unnecessary acts of violence like this that prove why change is needed now more than ever in our community,” he said. “The shooting did not occur during a campaign or outreach and we do not believe it has any connection to their work for the campaign.”

Police say a preliminary investigation found the two were standing outside a service station when they were approached on foot by the assailant. The shooting suspect fled on foot.

Police are continuing to investigate the shooting. Identities of the men who were shot have not been released.

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062ce4  No.10681867

File: ba6d97f806b67ad⋯.gif (2.77 MB, 550x550, 1:1, 1595983207116.gif)

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7ba679  No.10681868


honestly I think he's doing a larp to save his ass.

Pheonix is a hotbed of cabal, and he's in the heat.

I don't care what his deal is and I do disrespect his slander, but I don't want bad shit to happen to him.

and , no, your picture is horid.

not cool

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8d4fa7  No.10681869

File: b1d2746b5373ee9⋯.png (2.18 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, E3F54581_C3BA_40F2_AF6A_5E….png)

https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/ahead-of-deadly-july-crash-state-patrol-emails-show-debate-and-frustration-over-protest-freeway-closures/ Why the State Patrol repeatedly shut down I-5 for Seattle protests. Emails shed light on internal debate.

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5cd819  No.10681870

File: c859c35d8c02aa7⋯.png (607.46 KB, 621x352, 621:352, ClipboardImage.png)

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125e09  No.10681871

File: f60a75524c06887⋯.png (334.84 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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c0b81e  No.10681872

File: 6cf6c233501f60f⋯.png (348.43 KB, 489x287, 489:287, PoorHarris.png)

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aa22c6  No.10681873


weekend days. no conspiracy here.

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bb6c9a  No.10681874

File: 03cf62cb599cad1⋯.mp4 (1.93 MB, 608x1078, 304:539, SpadeHanks.mp4)

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dd6a14  No.10681875

File: 331d437d01b2e47⋯.png (200.79 KB, 348x196, 87:49, ClipboardImage.png)

This guy deserves death.

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee gives maggot-infested apples to wildfire victims, regrets 'mistake'


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cbcd60  No.10681876



@Bakers -

A link to the new meme board should be prominent in the dough. I can't find it. Now that we are not doing Meme Warehouse, the new meme board would appear to be the logical successor.

I am seeing questions about where to deposit memes, and whether they should be plain regular memes or digital-camo-"modified" ones, in the Camo bread.

>>10660694 OB

Also maybe talk about it tonight at seminar, there are duplicated links and info within the main dough. Should remove duplications and put them in logical places.

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fe02e2  No.10681877


Pissed off is gud

Keeps you sharp

Aeon Flux , MTV cartoon , means ' age of change '

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b807bb  No.10681878


I was here through the entire the thing. The poster wasn't spamming it until the bakers refused to notable it and started calling the poster a shill as happens way too often. Those posts if given the spotlight they deserved were full of information and evidence of the situation. Anons would have had a 10-15 day head start on digging if bakers/anons hadn't ignored it and accused the poster of being a shill.

No matter how you try to spin it the bakers should not have reacted to the information the way they did. Especially considering the timeline

1. Poster starts posting information not in general about CR's but directly linking BLM/ANTIFA to an ongoing CR

2. Media starts to pick up CR's and Norman Eisen

3. POTUS points to Revolver in tweet

4. Tucker invites Revolver article author on show

4. Q posts about CR's, "The Playbook" which was authored by Norm Eisen.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was the author of the article in revolver that was posting the information. The anons that attacked the poster should be ashamed of themselves and reconsider their motives for being here. Now spin away.

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92ce12  No.10681879


how long does a tongue need to be for it to reach the throat area of another person? wouldn't they gag?

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339b46  No.10681880

File: 4ba823748c73acd⋯.jpg (393.98 KB, 2000x1420, 100:71, 1586816777038.jpg)


i agree anon


>so you admit that I am right and Comey is hidden?

yep the Comey/Corney thing is real.

unfortunately its not a big enough of a crime to take down this 1000 year old death cult.

expand your thinking.

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bb2f35  No.10681881


I don't give a shit what a ignorant racist has to say. You are dismissed….For good.

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638611  No.10681882

File: ec3428e80f258a2⋯.jpg (453.74 KB, 720x1560, 6:13, Screenshot_20200917_102114….jpg)

>I'm sure the majority of filers here are in California & Oregon Washington, New Mexico… All the Western fire states.


https://www.ctmobi.com/articles/100088/another-860000-americans-filed-for-unemployment-benefits-last-weekhttps://trulytimes.com/another-860000-americans-filed-weekly-jobless-claims-last-week.htmlhttps://www.westernmassnews.com/general/another-860-000-americans-filed-for-unemployment-benefits-last-week/article_11f6a242-547b-5d0b-ab4f-237097370329.htmlThe number of Americans filing new claims for unemployment benefits last week ticked down by 33,000 from the previous week to 860,000, as the labor market continues its grueling recovery from the COVID-19 recession.

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000000  No.10681883

this is starting off pretty good


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7809ad  No.10681884



Massachusetts Trump supporter puts up electric fence to protect lawn sign after thefts


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ffdf36  No.10681885

File: bf473366b0f5131⋯.png (174.96 KB, 756x385, 108:55, House_Homeland_Security_He….png)


SLJ text of 3:10:50 mark

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9892ff  No.10681886

File: a2a5025a10c7fcc⋯.png (375.58 KB, 720x405, 16:9, anjel_salad_tosser.png)


Yeah that one does suck. I think this is more your style. Enjoy faggot.

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7ba679  No.10681887

File: 71b7353e43cf380⋯.jpg (92.75 KB, 408x408, 1:1, anjel_montage_001.jpg)

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c0b81e  No.10681888


>Barr asked prosecutors to

ahhhhhhh, but what if:

Barr never asked BUT they considered it without him having to ask?

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dd6a14  No.10681889

File: 1ab6f33901731d6⋯.png (316.32 KB, 474x315, 158:105, ClipboardImage.png)


Ask Gene Simmons.

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17e57c  No.10681890

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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595a1c  No.10681891

File: 855a42168a09c68⋯.png (24.55 KB, 738x266, 369:133, ClipboardImage.png)

FBI Director Christopher Wray: “We view QAnon as less of an organization and more of a complex set of conspiracy theories”.

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fe02e2  No.10681892


holy chitt , where did you find boolits ?

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28cce3  No.10681893

File: 6f13b18c13893f8⋯.png (167.03 KB, 498x208, 249:104, America_Fuck_Yeah.png)


Indeed, it is.

Calling out the college indoctrination system

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51f316  No.10681894

File: 010cff65b13dfda⋯.png (22.33 KB, 1150x217, 1150:217, ClipboardImage.png)


Trump campaign denies ex-model’s allegation of sexual assault in 1997.

"The allegations are totally false," Trump campaign legal advisor Jenna Ellis said in a statement. "We will consider every legal means available to hold The Guardian accountable for its malicious publication of this unsubstantiated story. This is just another pathetic attempt to attack President Trump right before the election."


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79f075  No.10681895

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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dd6a14  No.10681896


That would show that the DOJ is starting to get cleaned out then.

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3ebf2b  No.10681897

File: 45970dd205aff0d⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1856x1220, 464:305, Screen_Shot_2020_09_17_at_….png)

File: 4c8afce4ee7674b⋯.png (7.25 MB, 2770x1316, 1385:658, Screen_Shot_2020_09_17_at_….png)

File: ee4b38b0b334cca⋯.png (2.46 MB, 1870x1272, 935:636, Screen_Shot_2020_09_17_at_….png)

File: ca3acefad21df97⋯.png (2.47 MB, 1898x1232, 949:616, Screen_Shot_2020_09_17_at_….png)

Ok this is super creepy. Celebs are promoting a brand of masks called " We Evolve Together". Seeding the consciousness that masks are a part of our evolution. Also has a pic of the bieber holding a baby. Spoofy. The coordinates on google earth is an address in NYC. Anyone know what this building is or how I can get the address and what is in that building? Seems like it needs more digging.


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0f5aa4  No.10681898

File: 3ebdeaf73dc523c⋯.png (235.14 KB, 416x583, 416:583, anjel_mound.png)

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766778  No.10681899


Isaiah 66:

17 “Those who sanctify themselves and purify themselves, To go to the gardens After an idol in the midst, Eating swine’s flesh and the abomination and the mouse, Shall be consumed together,” says the Lord.

The point here was that they ate them in religious ceremonies because they worshiped them as gods.

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6b9dca  No.10681900


>>10681862 (me)

Good point.

I still think the break-out is significant.

In the past, Q has merely referenced "this week" or "next week" in very vague terms. He rarely (if ever) date-fags.

Q date-fagging is significant, bigly.

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31b708  No.10681901


old fat Gene Simmons

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dc4a7a  No.10681902

File: bfac8743bcac824⋯.jpg (189.5 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Frazzled.jpg)

File: 2176fddfc5011f3⋯.jpg (22.81 KB, 480x360, 4:3, RIP.jpg)

I could eat a peach all-day!

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c53837  No.10681903


MOST LEOs merely facilitate debt seizure.

This is not a "all cops are bad" argument.

With that being said, significant PDs around the country are bloated, over-funded and comped.

The one thing the dumb trust fund pussies get right (well, half right) is about over policing.

We have too many laws and too many people to enforce them.

Maybe you could make a case that plentiful numbers are a blessing right now considering the riots, but that's about the best that an argument like that could get.

I do think we all deserve Justice, just not bloated and overbearing Justice by having too many people around to enforce imagined "Justice".

The big thing you'll notice, however, is that when you start to understand Admialty/Maritime laws, you understand very quickly that LEOs simply exist to secure taxation is followed and the the flow of money from the [C]attle to its rulers is facilitated.

Do not be fooled though. I love /ourguys/ and wish them the best. My gripe is with LEOs that don't actually follow the oath.

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db9652  No.10681904

File: 36268cfe4e263e6⋯.jpg (95.19 KB, 908x500, 227:125, 4f88i8.jpg)


Q is scared to mention BLM, Q is a fraud.

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fe02e2  No.10681905


Mr. Wray …. what would you say Ya Do around here ?

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5cd819  No.10681906




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7ba679  No.10681907


like below your post. you love him!

isn't he a handsome man when he's contrite and realizing that he's fucked up shit, and done bad things?

you wish he was really your friend.

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2767d6  No.10681908



Someone called out earlier

Account was put on private, not deleted, sometime yesterday I think.

It's the first I've seen of any archive of the account, it's not much but there are a few pics and videos that hold evidence. Need to check out our archives to see if anyone else snagged more

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5394d8  No.10681909


Notice how Francis was hosting today and Faulkner not?

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5af4ab  No.10681910


You have covered several holes I had regarding their public testimony. Will keep analyzing. I like your thinking, anon. :)

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662484  No.10681911


Everything has been disclosed in plain site under the guise of fiction, or big words that are really just multiple smaller words, idioms, etc.

explosion at 4:19 sure reminds me of a repeat-theme qdrop.


intercept reminds me of A LOT of media and politician types lately.

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14d09b  No.10681912


> boolits

They was in the magazine

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4c4616  No.10681913

File: d73d3ab5b919ba8⋯.jpeg (81.71 KB, 1080x982, 540:491, 1597683120.jpeg)

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89d459  No.10681914


Complex indeed.

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e2b08c  No.10681915

>>10681869 New emails on why Seattle police allowed protesters to close down I-5 repeatedly


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dd6a14  No.10681916


These numbers are bogus.

Even wifeanon in HR where she works, is getting letters from the unemployment commission asking about guys who are STILL working there.

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bfd9a5  No.10681917


I thought they were under meme ammo yesterday


had dough play last night

might have been lost

promise to bring up discussion tonight

leave this post in kitch meta as dough is our subject tonight


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fe4b86  No.10681918

File: 8218ca3542f89dd⋯.jpg (61.99 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 4e6009.jpg)


"I shall quote exactly what Candour [a rightwing British journal edited by A K Chesterton] said in its June 1984 issue (vol. XXXV, no. 6):

BIOGRAPHICAL details of [Rupert] Murdoch's past are sketchy and often contradictory. One reads that his grandfather was an impoverished Presbyterian minister who migrated to Australia from England, that his father was a low-paid reporter for a British newspaper in Australia, and yet, young Rupert divided his time between his family's suburban home near Melbourne and the family's sheep ranch in the country. He was educated first at the fashionable Geelong private school, and went on to the elitist and aristocratic Oxford University in England.

"Rupert's father Sir Keith Murdoch [see below] attained his prominent position in Australian society through a fortuitous marriage to the daughter of a wealthy Jewish family, née Elisabeth Joy Greene. Through his wife's connections, Keith Murdoch was subsequently promoted from reporter to chairman of the British-owned newspaper where he worked. There was enough money to buy himself a knighthood of the British realm, two newspapers in Adelaide, South Australia, and a radio station in a faraway mining town. For some reason, Murdoch has always tried to hide the fact that his pious mother brought him up as a Jew…

And that, as I am"I shall quote exactly what Candour [a rightwing British journal edited by A K Chesterton] said in its June 1984 issue (vol. XXXV, no. 6):

BIOGRAPHICAL details of [Rupert] Murdoch's past are sketchy and often contradictory. One reads that his grandfather was an impoverished Presbyterian minister who migrated to Australia from England, that his father was a low-paid reporter for a British newspaper in Australia, and yet, young Rupert divided his time between his family's suburban home near Melbourne and the family's sheep ranch in the country. He was educated first at the fashionable Geelong private school, and went on to the elitist and aristocratic Oxford University in England.

"Rupert's father Sir Keith Murdoch [see below] attained his prominent position in Australian society through a fortuitous marriage to the daughter of a wealthy Jewish family, née Elisabeth Joy Greene. Through his wife's connections, Keith Murdoch was subsequently promoted from reporter to chairman of the British-owned newspaper where he worked. There was enough money to buy himself a knighthood of the British realm, two newspapers in Adelaide, South Australia, and a radio station in a faraway mining town. For some reason, Murdoch has always tried to hide the fact that his pious mother brought him up as a Jew…

And that, as I am sure you know, makes him a Jew according to the law of the Talmud, and indeed according to the present laws of Israel. sure you know, makes him a Jew according to the law of the Talmud, and indeed according to the present laws of Israel.

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ffdf36  No.10681919

File: a78f59c7a0dc076⋯.png (64.36 KB, 672x364, 24:13, _7_Nicky_Seven_on_Twitter_….png)

File: ca5ab4bebbb3e20⋯.png (81.43 KB, 669x358, 669:358, _7_Delta_Airlines_Is_Still….png)

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e2f7bc  No.10681920

File: fddfb677ecc5022⋯.jpg (31.04 KB, 478x269, 478:269, ht_2_barack_obama_satan_hi….jpg)


muh legacy

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7fcc07  No.10681921


about babies.

so, babies don't wear masks. why? is it because they are immune to the wuflu? wonderful. But is it proven they are not asymptomatic? Can they not also be carriers?

just another inconvenient inconsistency in the narrative.

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ca0c45  No.10681923


only 46 days until election night. I'm assuming SOMETHING has to pop off before then. And I mean public shit everyone will notice.

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b89324  No.10681924

Wake up Wanderers, try to remember.

45.3 Questioner: Can you tell me if a large percentage of the Wanderers here now are those of Ra?

Ra: I am Ra. I can.

45.4 Questioner: Are they?

Ra: I am Ra. A significant portion of sixth-density Wanderers are those of our social memory complex. Another large portion consists of those who aided those in South America; another portion, those aiding Atlantis. All sixth density and all brother and sister groups due to the unified feeling that as we had been aided by shapes such as the pyramid, so we could aid your peoples.

52.8 Questioner: I sense, possibly, a connection between what you just said and why so many Wanderers have selected harvest time on this planet to incarnate. Am I correct? This is a vague notion.

Ra: I am Ra. It is correct that in the chance to remember that which has been lost in the forgetting there is a nimiety of opportunity for positive polarization. We believe this is the specific thrust of your query. Please ask further if it is not.

52.9 Questioner: Well, I would just include the question as to why time of harvest is selected by so many Wanderers as time for incarnation?

Ra: I am Ra. There are several reasons for incarnation during harvest. They may be divided by the terms self and other-self.

The overriding reason for the offering of these Brothers and Sisters of Sorrow in incarnative states is the possibility of aiding other-selves by the lightening of the planetary consciousness distortions and the probability of offering catalyst to other-selves which will increase the harvest.

There are two other reasons for choosing this service which have to do with the self.

The Wanderer, if it remembers and dedicates itself to service, will polarize much more rapidly than is possible in the far more etiolated realms of higher-density catalyst.

The final reason is within the mind/body/spirit totality or the social memory complex totality which may judge that an entity or members of a societal entity can make use of third-density catalyst to recapitulate a learning/teaching which is adjudged to be less than perfectly balanced. This especially applies to those entering into and proceeding through sixth density wherein the balance between compassion and wisdom is perfected.

53.6 Questioner: Thank you. Can you tell me of various techniques used by the service-to-others or positively oriented Confederation contacts with the people of this planet, the various forms of and techniques of them making contact?

Ra: I am Ra. We could.

53.7 Questioner: Would you do this please?

Ra: I am Ra. The most efficient mode of contact is that which you experience at this space/time. The infringement upon free will is greatly undesired. Therefore, those entities which are Wanderers upon your plane of illusion will be the only subjects for the thought projections which make up the so-called “close encounters” and meetings between positively oriented social memory complexes and Wanderers.

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1141a6  No.10681925

File: f892e579c5f3e93⋯.jpg (8.57 KB, 255x141, 85:47, bff58280edf8985c85ad068b83….jpg)

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7809ad  No.10681926

Awareness of QAnon jumps in latest Poll.


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dd6a14  No.10681927


Yep, but still has his tongue.

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7617fb  No.10681928


Have you noticed that all the Marvel/Avengers series of movies, that concludes with Agengers: Endgame….all the actors and actresses are:

1 - Pedophiles = Patrow, Gowdy Jr etc

2 - Suspected Pedophiles = Samuel L Jackson, Ruffalo, Portman etc

3 - Witches = Olsen, Pfiffer etc

It's like the entire series is nothing but a huge list of pedophiles and potential pedophiles….and WHO owns Marvel? = none other than…..

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9892ff  No.10681929


I wouldn't piss on him if he were on fire. Your projecting doesn't work here anjel groupie. Kys.

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e2b08c  No.10681930

>>10681875 Washington Gov. Jay Inslee gives maggot-infested apples to wildfire victims, regrets 'mistake'


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16c4cc  No.10681931


perhaps he could have used a Ven diagram

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6b9dca  No.10681932

File: aa6717801229fa7⋯.png (654.75 KB, 840x712, 105:89, ClipboardImage.png)



So Wray is saying that we is smart?

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0f9b4d  No.10681933


Win at all costs, pa liberal as fuck supreme court tosses green party candidate off ballot

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0063e0  No.10681934

File: e0199679c09475c⋯.jpeg (72.41 KB, 736x552, 4:3, saved_by_truth.jpeg)


Rosh Hashanah (Jewish new year) and Feast of Trumpets occurring on Sept. 19 and 20.

Many Jews are preparing for the coming of the Messiah, while many Christians are preparing for rapture.

These dates are significant days.

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7eb446  No.10681935


talmud says "let danalingus danielfaggot devil lick your pooper and for an extra $50 he can watch too."

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db9652  No.10681936

File: 50a018218cd05ac⋯.png (103.65 KB, 828x1400, 207:350, Screenshot_20200915_132649….png)

File: f29aa03b4feae38⋯.jpg (70.26 KB, 620x500, 31:25, 4f2pdd.jpg)

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250465  No.10681937

File: fb0fe6162f2dca7⋯.png (216.52 KB, 474x612, 79:102, dccuties.PNG)




’s Cuties is a disgusting film that will only serve to please pedophiles.

There's no doubt it qualifies as obscene, which is why I'm urging the


to ensure it never sees the light of day on public broadcast.

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61ca6e  No.10681938

File: 340d3ad93977361⋯.png (629.27 KB, 621x783, 23:29, ClipboardImage.png)

Dog comms

San Bernardino County Sheriff


Level 1:

It’s with heavy hearts we announce the passing of K9 Deja. Deja passed yesterday surrounded by her handler Deputy Stone & family. Deja & her handler worked tirelessly during her career tracking down criminals & missing persons until her retirement last year #11K92





10:54 AM · Sep 17, 2020


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f23699  No.10681939

One thing I'm concerned about is how there can be a "Great Awakening" if all these theories all over the net imply POTUS/Q are "sneaking in" cures/etc cloak and dagger style.

Wouldn't the public NEED to know Cancer Cures/etc existed and have been hidden from us?

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8d4fa7  No.10681940

File: ccfe9fe483ec021⋯.jpeg (170.53 KB, 570x431, 570:431, 02DAF310_5BFA_4017_A691_7….jpeg)

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c0b81e  No.10681941


Great answer.


Didn't say we were a shamfur dispray like others do.

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3ebf2b  No.10681942


Oh, just noticed they change the coordinates.

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bb2f35  No.10681943


Sure you do..You have no friends, you have no home you have nothing..I hope in your last breath on earth you have a black doctor standing over you…

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6ab976  No.10681944

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062ce4  No.10681945

File: 286bb72b601a0c1⋯.jpg (36.93 KB, 379x401, 379:401, 1598151192326.jpg)

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b89324  No.10681946


>Well, I would just include the question as to why time of harvest is selected by so many Wanderers as time for incarnation?

The Harvest?

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2574a6  No.10681947

Hey, HuffPo & Al Jazeera: Even pretending is nearly impossible now, yes? Love the fires, doncha? Soon, very soon, for all y'all.

Attention Indiana Governor: Pathetic & infuriating. KYS desperate dark side lackey.

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7fcc07  No.10681948


anon views chris wray as privileged butt-kissing hairboy.

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cbcd60  No.10681949



Relief baker here watching the dough. Never participated in seminar, but want to help maintain the integrity and usefulness of our board.

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1141a6  No.10681950


because there is no organization, you fuck, and you know it

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eb70d5  No.10681951

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Feels Good Bro.

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766778  No.10681952


The description of Jesus Christ in the Revelation is symbolic, each part standing for something. The "brass feet" for instance, was reminiscent of the brass in the inner court where the blood of the sin sacrifice was spilled to collect and to be sprinkled by the high priest first on the golden altar of incense before the veil and then behind the veil toward the Mercy Seat on the Ark of the Covenant.

The description of His feet of brass, therefore, relates to His having conquered, trampled upon, sin. Jesus does not have literal brass feet. He still has the same body with which He arose from the dead as He sits on the right side of the Throne of God in Heaven, awaiting for all His enemies to be destroyed.

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ca0c45  No.10681953


lotta fuckin' Jews too. Every tv commercial has a black in it, and every movie has jews in it.

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eb70d5  No.10681954

File: 000ff96ba9269a6⋯.gif (2.56 MB, 500x204, 125:51, 295d3e559a2e8095dc11100e03….gif)

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7ba679  No.10681955


oh, come on!

you're glad, aren't you, that he didn't end up like Nasime?

would you really want to hear about someone kys because they were told to do it bye some groupie of anjels who makes pictures of him in mock porn poses.

My stuff was making fun of his pod casts and not trying to disrepsect him.

and that was long before I figured out that he's liquored up sometimes and a truculent fool other times.

that's fine.

it sucks he disrepsects our Pres so that's why I give him a hard time.

maybe he'll snap out of it?

his last episode will be 'fooled you all along, I voted for Trump'

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16c4cc  No.10681956


of course he is and Strzok was well up his way on the corporate ladder

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db9652  No.10681957

File: c9df4c92f631beb⋯.jpg (179.29 KB, 1001x882, 143:126, downloadfile_7_1_.jpg)



I can tell you got owned bigly….. lmao

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595a1c  No.10681958

File: dc52ad3e68334ed⋯.png (705 KB, 727x737, 727:737, ClipboardImage.png)

Campaign staffer, 17, for Ilhan Omar's Republican congressional opponent shot and killed in Minneapolis


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eb70d5  No.10681959

File: 99ca08bc2770735⋯.gif (1.62 MB, 450x711, 50:79, 99ca08bc2770735a4c0678a9b3….gif)

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2e7223  No.10681960


it goes to the intention of justice (lack of) and accountability and putting faith in a system that many are believing will correct itself while also wanting to maintain authority and control over it's people

my point is the whole DOJ is corrupt, and the DOJ cannot fix a wholly corrupt DOJ, only overthrowing the current structure of our government for a better government as our original constitution affords not the fake 1871 version coupled with maritime admiralty law and Crown ownership of our serfdom citizens of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA as opposed to our United States of America as demonstrated everyday someone (including POTUS) calls us a democracy and stands before a gold fringed flag with tassels.

thank you for your consideration

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40cf0a  No.10681961

10 two 8

10 to 8

10 2 8


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7eb446  No.10681962

"with three kids in the furnace, get negro cock to invade your poleland for namblajew gold lies and swear to jesus" book of danielfaggot

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fe02e2  No.10681963


Who owns Marvel ? , dunno , Disney ?

Star Drek , Enterprise ship hull # is NCC - 1701

Thats 14 - 33 - 18

Fellow Traveller key numbers

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1141a6  No.10681964


maybe a good thing we get to see who's on the side of a rotting corpse and riots

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dd6a14  No.10681965


Great Awakening is happening right now.

Silent Trumpers are every where and alot of them are D's switch parties.

In San Diego, they are Trumpers but don't post or say anything because they know that they will get tires slashed, windows busted, and worse kick-back from publicly acknowledging their switch.

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eb70d5  No.10681966

File: 2637b9d1f608534⋯.gif (186.81 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, photo0.gif)

Last post was error.

Lol still cool though.

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7809ad  No.10681967

File: b3749f7f8c99043⋯.jpg (51.68 KB, 591x501, 197:167, AQ1.jpg)


FBI Dir. Wray: Get your voting information from official websites, not social media


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5318f7  No.10681968

File: 524aa962eb4db99⋯.png (28.74 KB, 728x518, 52:37, ClipboardImage.png)


con•spir•a•cy (kənˈspɪr ə si)

n., pl. -cies.

1. the act of conspiring.

2. a plan or agreement formulated, esp. in secret, by two or more persons to commit an unlawful, harmful, or treacherous act.

3. a group of persons for a secret, unlawful, or evil purpose.

Someone should send them the meaning, because they don't seem to know conspiracies exist.

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b89324  No.10681969


The methods used to awaken Wanderers are varied. The center of each approach is the entrance into the conscious and subconscious in such a way as to avoid causing fear and to maximize the potential for an understandable subjective experience which has meaning for the entity. Many such occur in sleep; others in the midst of many activities during the waking hours. The approach is flexible and does not necessarily include the “close encounter” syndrome as you are aware.

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e2b08c  No.10681970


In the dough THREE times:

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>10660694 Meme Overlay Thread - Bypassing Meme Censorship

Meme Ammo

>>10582798 Memefarmer has resigned and Mega removed the Meme Warehouse. Will other anons pick up the torch?

>>10660694 Meme Overlay Thread - Bypassing Meme Censorship

>>10639500 Social media warrior reports success: black box corner images not being censored

>>10601626, >>10602025, >>10602056, >>10602059, >>10602928 Meme Filter Busters.

>>>/qresearch/10660694 New thread for Digital Camo for twat techniques

Also a Global Notable.

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1141a6  No.10681971


jeez not the 1871 shit. even if true, which is most definitely is not, it has zero to do with anything

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bfd9a5  No.10681972


appreciate it


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d41b5b  No.10681973

Man physically removed from meeting for not wearing mask. https://twitter.com/ArtValley818_/status/1306452092811321345 Enough is enough. This has to end.

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fe02e2  No.10681974


FBI is pissed they have to keep reinventing their cover stories as anons dig up truths

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7e0e19  No.10681975


ABA set up offices after each color revolution of the Arab Spring

American Bar ? Why are they part of Arab Spring ?

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f0f0ed  No.10681976

File: b1861270ea860c0⋯.gif (1.88 MB, 400x500, 4:5, tfw.gif)


Conspiracy theory + Evidence = Conspiracy

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db9652  No.10681977

File: dc10fe7d190aa30⋯.jpg (74.35 KB, 749x499, 749:499, Monkey.jpg)

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fe4b86  No.10681978

File: 557a7836a731d18⋯.jpg (133.69 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 4f7xso.jpg)

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bfd9a5  No.10681979



>>10681444, >>10681766, >>10681855 PF updates

>>10681891 FBI Director Christopher Wray: “We view QAnon as less of an organization and more of a complex set of conspiracy theories”.

>>10681869 Why the State Patrol repeatedly shut down I-5 for Seattle protests. Emails shed light on internal debate.

>>10681866 Two campaign aides shot in Minneapolis

>>10681845 White House on American History Live!

>>10681817, >>10681843 Herridge: DOJ Spokeswoman Kerri Kupec confirms that at some point DOJ pursued bringing civil rights charges, either criminally or civilly, against Portland City officials….?

>>10681810 Oregon Fires Show Power Lines Pose Threat Beyond California

>>10681806 City launches guaranteed income program using federal coronavirus relief funds

>>10681694 FBI opens new Chinese investigation every 10 hours

>>10681691 Child abuse CP arrests

>>10681671 Efforts to recall Seattle Councilwoman Kshama Sawant can move forward, a judge ruled Wednesday.

>>10681518, >>10681908 arsonist instag acct called out by Q

>>10681514 Search dogs and sniffer honey bees

>>10681492, >>10681504, >>10681506, >>10681542, >>10681720, >>10681750 My theory on the Micky Mouse clock

>>10681447 Cyber Threat Groups APT 10,39,41

>>10681366 Decades-Old Fire Lookout Towers Are Still Crucial to Stopping Wildfires in the U.S. West


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000000  No.10681980

clap clap clap

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0f5aa4  No.10681981



they will eventually become moar vocal

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58574b  No.10681982

RE: >>>> POST # 10672497


What do these clocks mean? Possible ans >>>

going with the pattern 10/23 (24) at 3:05 … October Surprise

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ca0c45  No.10681983


I love when MSM says "Qanon members believe…"

It's like hearing someone say 'marijuana cigarette'.

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ffdf36  No.10681984

File: 1abd19665460e27⋯.png (60.29 KB, 672x271, 672:271, _3_Rob_Reiner_on_Twitter_I….png)

Streisand Effect: Meathead Edition


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b66f35  No.10681985

File: 538114dde1636b2⋯.jpg (391.22 KB, 1079x1191, 1079:1191, Screenshot_20200917_123420….jpg)

File: f1e9cd59df9a219⋯.jpg (589.07 KB, 1078x1720, 539:860, Screenshot_20200917_123347….jpg)


According to one of the patrol officers, the woman was putting something unpleasant in the mailboxes of people who have Trump signs on their front lawn.

“She has been picking up dog feces and putting it in mailboxes, specifically of people who have Trump signs outside and she has been also defacing Trump signs, writing comments on the signs,” said Alyshia Canwell, a pratol officer with Hampden Public Safety.

She says defacing political advertising and vandalism is a crime and putting feces in mailboxes is not legal either.


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7809ad  No.10681986


Left wing media is loving him, no doubt


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7ba679  No.10681987

File: 4d10d1144bda311⋯.jpg (735.56 KB, 978x1154, 489:577, dont_meme_about_me.jpg)

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9892ff  No.10681988


Just stfu and show your tits hooker. That'd be a better contribution than all of your posts combined.

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b1b6d5  No.10681989


Regarding leakers:

Interesting ending to POTUS presser yesterday. The press was asking about ceremony attendants who were recently diagnosed with the virus. When POTUS confirmed he ended the presser…hmmmmm

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3706b1  No.10681990


So we are belittled with the "Conspiracy Theorist" moniker…….to make us look crazy.

We know whats up, Too many connections that dickweeds like him WON"T pursue and prosecute!

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8348e8  No.10681991


> they are Trumpers but don't post or say anything because they know that they will get tires slashed, windows busted, and worse kick-back from publicly acknowledging

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5f0f9d  No.10681992

File: 12f0de500b12361⋯.jpg (94.21 KB, 706x387, 706:387, Qviol2.jpg)

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cf5046  No.10681993

File: a84a37eae1a0fd3⋯.jpg (323.17 KB, 898x701, 898:701, IMG_238.jpg)

File: 02c7a2a7165abb4⋯.jpg (203.2 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, IMG_239.jpg)

File: c38d30fdad934a5⋯.jpg (67.14 KB, 500x517, 500:517, IMG_240.jpg)

Patriots Deserve Endearing Love!

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e2b08c  No.10681994


In the dough 3x and also Global Notable, see


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1141a6  No.10681995


and there is nothing wrong with theories. it's the conclusions that they don't like

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7ba679  No.10681996


"It's a dude, so . . ."

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dd6a14  No.10681997


Once arrests start happening, most likely.

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7617fb  No.10681998



Wasn't Movie 2 from Q posts called: The Guardians of the Pedophiles?

I think we are transferring slowly into that Movie once Panic in DC ends

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7e0e19  No.10681999


Qanon help Wray in portland ?

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f05e6e  No.10682000

File: f613030ba551478⋯.jpg (164.32 KB, 1024x979, 1024:979, EiHeS8CXkAEjiET.jpg)

Waking up yet?

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f0bf58  No.10682002


Yeah, prob. a total coincidence or something.

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dc4a7a  No.10682003

File: 1185a6eb5d16686⋯.jpg (130.61 KB, 800x533, 800:533, Suck.jpg)

File: 02cccf47c433d85⋯.jpg (132.22 KB, 527x800, 527:800, My.jpg)

File: 67e3cafbfa523af⋯.jpg (138.14 KB, 800x658, 400:329, Dick.jpg)

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dd6a14  No.10682004


An auction?

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2fee05  No.10682005

File: c1dd5c0791b58db⋯.jpg (6.98 KB, 246x255, 82:85, f569c5468eab156732e286ed20….jpg)

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8d4fa7  No.10682006

File: 2a6289337adce64⋯.jpeg (209.04 KB, 828x895, 828:895, ECDCB062_9B59_4BC2_AE2A_D….jpeg)


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newsweek.com/trump-supporter-pointed-shotgun-blm-protest-arrested-1532668%3famp=1 Trump Supporter Who Pointed Shotgun at BLM Protest Outside His Home Arrested. Officers were first called on Monday after reports that a 56-year-old man from Milwaukee had threatened to physically harm his neighbor while wielding a chainsaw.

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4a2c97  No.10682007

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Because… Why not

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74cc67  No.10682008

the emaciated black thang on Fox just apologized for nuking Newt

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79f075  No.10682009

File: 1bb26ac68ff8688⋯.jpg (39.65 KB, 801x311, 801:311, GoodThangs.jpg)

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6cdcbd  No.10682010


The "caring" and "tolerant" left at it again.

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0063e0  No.10682011


May God Almighty deliver us from evil and grant us peace.

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db9652  No.10682012



Wray seen the theory about him being a Deep State stooge.

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8d68d0  No.10682013

Harris Faulkner apologizing for the others saying Soros couldn’t be brought up yesterday! That’s a nice change!

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b807bb  No.10682014


Harvard Law



Infiltration not invasion.

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ffdf36  No.10682015

Now that I think about it, today's the 17th.

Don't we usually get some BOOM-type habbenings on this date, each month?

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8d4fa7  No.10682016

File: 13295f6349b0ea5⋯.jpeg (104.29 KB, 318x687, 106:229, 30D4DF96_2EFF_4A33_A754_7….jpeg)

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7eb446  No.10682017

File: aa1cfadf546ea9f⋯.jpg (585.04 KB, 600x850, 12:17, aa1cfadf546ea9fbbe314f559e….jpg)

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595c41  No.10682018

File: b71b951dc8d6b1e⋯.png (996.66 KB, 524x937, 524:937, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8af9bb423a73c72⋯.png (566.53 KB, 507x936, 13:24, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6fd53d531c4e301⋯.png (409.16 KB, 593x681, 593:681, ClipboardImage.png)

I like how this dude (assuming more friends of Banks) captions his pic with "WHY WOULD I POST THIS IF I WAS GOING TO START FIRES" - even though we now know they fill the containers NOT with water.


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7e0e19  No.10682019


Arson started the fires in Oregon is a conspiracy theory ?

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0f5aa4  No.10682020


I've already had shit done to muh car and can understand the reticence.

Don't agree with staying silent but get why they do

We'll get there

stay frosty sdanon

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8aee22  No.10682021

File: 8ef86a42cd13bd2⋯.png (101.75 KB, 203x256, 203:256, 8ef86a42cd13bd28e959e74c77….png)



yeah, but then there's this…


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fe02e2  No.10682022



>Wray We Have You Voting Information

Files on Millions of Americans held in Mt. Weather , Bluemont Va.

Sauce - Behold a Pale Horse

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c0b81e  No.10682023


>not watching listening to el rushbo

wait wut?

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7ba679  No.10682024


if you watch videos of 'walk throughs' invariably there are children that someoen has, mom and dad, and they are also strolling through.

that's how children are supposed to be, not like is shown in these photos.

and the kids run and skip and hollar, and chase each other, and greet strangers, and climb on the statues, and interact with everything, not like this!

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595c41  No.10682025



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5b9fd8  No.10682026

File: e37f09d1feb31ba⋯.png (546.26 KB, 639x888, 213:296, ClipboardImage.png)

My thoughts exactly, Juan.

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bfd9a5  No.10682027



qool watch yo

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edaa83  No.10682028



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3c5c50  No.10682029

Harris addressing the 'dust up' w/Newt yesterday … she says "We don't sensor." uhhhh Well-

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83911d  No.10682030

File: 696979038c66247⋯.png (23.12 KB, 471x242, 471:242, complacent4.png)




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f0bf58  No.10682031


man is Minneapolis a fucked up place. Wouldn`t have guessed it was that bad just a year ago.

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7eb446  No.10682032

sure glad i didn;t buy that condemning god with the cheap symbols like the jews did

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ca0c45  No.10682033


sort of feels like when the bible contradicts itself and you're not sure what to believe or do

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a9160f  No.10682034


You start your scree as a division fag. That makes you noise instead of signal. You defeat yourself.

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b807bb  No.10682035

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7e0e19  No.10682036


>Arson started the fires in Oregon is a conspiracy theory ?

any questions on this from portland office ?

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61ca6e  No.10682037

Treasury Sanctions Cyber Actors Backed by Iranian Intelligence Ministry


“The FBI, through our Cyber Division, is committed to investigating and disrupting malicious cyber campaigns, and collaborating with our U.S. government partners to impose risks and consequences on our cyber adversaries. Today, the FBI is releasing indicators of compromise attributed to Iran’s MOIS to help computer security professionals everywhere protect their networks from the malign actions of this nation state,” said FBI Director Christopher Wray. “Iran’s MOIS, through their front company Rana, recruited highly educated people and turned their cyber talents into tools to exploit, harass, and repress their fellow citizens and others deemed a threat to the regime. We are proud to join our partners at the Department of Treasury in calling out these actions. The sanctions announced today hold these 45 individuals accountable for stealing data not just from dozens of networks here in the United States, but from networks in Iran’s neighboring countries and around the world."

Washington – Today, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) imposed sanctions on Iranian cyber threat group Advanced Persistent Threat 39 (APT39), 45 associated individuals, and one front company. Masked behind its front company, Rana Intelligence Computing Company (Rana), the Government of Iran (GOI) employed a years-long malware campaign that targeted Iranian dissidents, journalists, and international companies in the travel sector. Concurrent with OFAC’s action, the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) released detailed information about APT39 in a public intelligence alert.

“The Iranian regime uses its Intelligence Ministry as a tool to target innocent civilians and companies, and advance its destabilizing agenda around the world,” said Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin. “The United States is determined to counter offensive cyber campaigns designed to jeopardize security and inflict damage on the international travel sector.”

These individuals and entities were designated pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 13553.

Rana advances Iranian national security objectives and the strategic goals of Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) by conducting computer intrusions and malware campaigns against perceived adversaries, including foreign governments and other individuals the MOIS considers a threat. APT39 is being designated pursuant to E.O. 13553 for being owned or controlled by the MOIS, which was previously designated on February 16, 2012 pursuant to Executive Orders 13224, 13553, and 13572, which target terrorists and those responsible for human rights abuses in Iran and Syria, respectively.

Rana is being designated pursuant to E.O. 13553 for being owned or controlled by MOIS. Forty-five cyber actors are also being designated pursuant to E.O. 13553 for having materially assisted, sponsored, or providing financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of the MOIS. The identification of these individuals and their roles related to MOIS and APT39 comes as the result of a long-term investigation conducted by the FBI Boston Division.

The 45 designated individuals served in various capacities while employed at Rana, including as managers, programmers, and hacking experts. These individuals provided support for ongoing MOIS cyber intrusions targeting the networks of international businesses, institutions, air carriers, and other targets that the MOIS considered a threat.

The FBI advisory, also being released today, details eight separate and distinct sets of malware used by MOIS through Rana to conduct their computer intrusion activities. This is the first time most of these technical indicators have been publicly discussed and attributed to MOIS by the U.S. government. By making the code public, the FBI is hindering MOIS’s ability to continue their campaign, ending the victimization of thousands of individuals and organizations around the world.

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4b4f26  No.10682038

File: 223613bec46e1cc⋯.jpg (83.03 KB, 764x398, 382:199, DEATH.jpg)

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8d68d0  No.10682039


Said she was sorry and they “do not censor”, which is bs

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c53837  No.10682040



It's better to not let anger control you.

Learn about Loosh.

You may benefit from abandoning your attachment to emotional investments and learning to see past what's supposed to trigger you to discover knowledge. Once you better understand what they're doing, why they're doing it, what they think will result, etc. you can begin to benefit from the insight.

I'm not saying you shouldn't be upset. It's good for you to have emotions and react.

However, there will come a time when you will realize that you can look past your emotional reaction and discover certain objective truths about the situation we're in or the way things are being communicated that can benefit you.

For instance, the vast majority of media has plentiful elements of disclosure in them once you begin to understand how to look at things without abiding by the intended reactions.

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dc4a7a  No.10682041

File: ac9df162b0315e6⋯.jpg (115.45 KB, 800x571, 800:571, Big.jpg)

File: 4c43815e38e63f9⋯.jpg (92.79 KB, 800x415, 160:83, Hairy.jpg)

File: 692b7675b4cd5bf⋯.jpg (115.62 KB, 800x515, 160:103, Pussy.jpg)

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fe4b86  No.10682042



Do these celebs always bring three pizzas cut into ten slices? 30 slices 3 pizzas 33. The Masonic butt sex number

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89bee2  No.10682043

File: 65f6bdf67129e37⋯.png (280.06 KB, 563x382, 563:382, dd609454521e6d994282c9452a….png)

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83911d  No.10682044

Longest bread ever.

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f05e6e  No.10682045


This is insanity.

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c0b81e  No.10682046


kek be on the lookout for clips later

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0063e0  No.10682047



Sessions certainly was comped.

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ffdf36  No.10682048

File: 1dfb277053d6b8a⋯.png (1.18 MB, 956x743, 956:743, ClipboardImage.png)


Isn't that homeboy from yesterday? Check the 2 kerosene containers.

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ee4653  No.10682049


She talked like a black supremacist.

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716c33  No.10682050

File: ab6efe1dfdc896f⋯.jpeg (60.23 KB, 504x527, 504:527, 1639A7C9_4E2C_48A2_AF3D_8….jpeg)


Fuken meathead!

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ab9c64  No.10682051

File: a2558f9e76287d6⋯.jpg (54.69 KB, 640x480, 4:3, gates_disney.jpg)

File: 24ac60d9cfb8ed2⋯.jpg (81.55 KB, 548x548, 1:1, Disney_Microsoft.jpg)

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7eb446  No.10682052


i shit in that dudes hot tub and he made an fbi report

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2e7223  No.10682053

Q chose Christian conservatives for their proven ability to sit sidelined by faith and hope in a corrupt system just as they practice a pagan religion while heeding the words of the bible the points to their pagan ways as displeasing to God

a well thought out mission the MI is placating and pacifying the patriots to do nothing but exercise a useless vote and remain divided so as to not act in time, having faith that the government that did these evils wants to rectify and hold to account the evils it performed.

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2b13cc  No.10682054


Weird, or maybe not, is the local news is pretty mum about the 17 yr old. Haven’t seen anything in connection to politics:


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5354a8  No.10682055


Sounds sinister but it isn't. We are seeded here by the aliens - the gardeners. They were here for a very long time until the planet was in a state that could sustain life without their input. After many incarnations many are harvested on a cycle i.e. ascend to the next density.

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1141a6  No.10682056


fifth column

the no trumpers (left) have joined the never trumpers (right) to get the guy they think will limit their power

IMO the left loves power for its own sake and loves to tell the rest of us what to do

while the right just wants to get on with the job of stealing your money and keeping you blind

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3c5c50  No.10682057


>Wray: “We view QAnon as less of an organization and more of a complex set of conspiracy theories”.

*cough "conspiracy" FACTS!

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e2b08c  No.10682058


so you mean this faggot?

>>10668326 ——————————————— antwiththecut phone message convo

If so, check out the same bread where Q posted this on antiwiththecut, there were a lot of CAPS grabbed by anons. a few are in notables but there are probably more in the bread. Get em before they disappear from Catalog.

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2fee05  No.10682059

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Threat being exposure [which is habbening]… not violence!

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339b46  No.10682060

File: 6650333fa3457d9⋯.png (61.58 KB, 458x235, 458:235, trump_real_nigga.png)


i understand your frustration, corruption runs deep.

it has for a very long time.

i agree that agencies cannot investigation and remedy themselves.

however one has to take into account all the resignations/firings that have been going on throughout the many alphabet agencies since Trump took office.

i see evidence of the corruption being rooted out and progress being made.

i also see there is a long way to go.

>gold fringe admiralty

have you noticed the absence of the gold fringe at many POTUS events? very telling.

enjoy your day anon, i'm going to the pool.

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bfd9a5  No.10682061


>>10681444, >>10681766, >>10681855 PF updates

>>10682037 Treasury Sanctions Cyber Actors Backed by Iranian Intelligence Ministry

>>10681891 FBI Director Christopher Wray: “We view QAnon as less of an organization and more of a complex set of conspiracy theories”.

>>10681869 Why the State Patrol repeatedly shut down I-5 for Seattle protests. Emails shed light on internal debate.

>>10681866 Two campaign aides shot in Minneapolis

>>10681845 White House on American History Live!

>>10681817, >>10681843 Herridge: DOJ Spokeswoman Kerri Kupec confirms that at some point DOJ pursued bringing civil rights charges, either criminally or civilly, against Portland City officials….?

>>10681810 Oregon Fires Show Power Lines Pose Threat Beyond California

>>10681806 City launches guaranteed income program using federal coronavirus relief funds

>>10681694 FBI opens new Chinese investigation every 10 hours

>>10681691 Child abuse CP arrests

>>10681671 Efforts to recall Seattle Councilwoman Kshama Sawant can move forward, a judge ruled Wednesday.

>>10681518, >>10681908 arsonist instag acct called out by Q

>>10681514 Search dogs and sniffer honey bees

>>10681492, >>10681504, >>10681506, >>10681542, >>10681720, >>10681750 My theory on the Micky Mouse clock

>>10681447 Cyber Threat Groups APT 10,39,41

>>10681366 Decades-Old Fire Lookout Towers Are Still Crucial to Stopping Wildfires in the U.S. West


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8d4fa7  No.10682062

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1156e7  No.10682063

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>on 9/17

Revelation 9:17

"The horses and riders I saw in my vision looked like this: Their breastplates were fiery red, dark blue, and yellow as sulfur. The heads of the horses resembled the heads of lions, and out of their mouths came fire, smoke and sulfur."



I thought about lion memes and brave browser, but i'll include jewtube link as shoutout to any south africanons.

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1691df  No.10682064

File: f1632f4d2cf9104⋯.png (613.22 KB, 666x500, 333:250, ClipboardImage.png)



#Qrop 4730 - Possible Decode ?

Most anons are looking at the hands of the clock trying to find some sort of date or meaning to the time, date or other meaning?

Here are the some of the decodes?

1) 10 = J 2 = B = J.B (JOHN BRENNAN)?

2) 10 /2 = 2nd October?

3) Alexa speaking clock? sold by HYPER BEAST ?


4) I googled a part of the image's file name (61aiBqOMPAL) and found this website. (https://techcrunch.com/2019/12/18/heres-a-mickey-mouse-version-of-amazons-echo-wall-clock/). The clock has the same hand positions as the Q drop. Which makes me believe that the position of the hands isn't what's important here. What's important is the fact that the clock's an Amazon Echo device.

5) A penis shaped heart right above the number 6 and between mickeys legs?

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7809ad  No.10682065

Listening to Limbaugh, at the moment. No mention of Newt or Faulkner.

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595c41  No.10682067


I think so plus some others who may have helped?

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e00d75  No.10682068

File: 924b676dfc9842f⋯.jpg (32.3 KB, 480x477, 160:159, scrabble.jpg)

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9fe77e  No.10682069


Is this Human Meat Pizza or AdrenoChrome Pizza or wtf?

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c0b81e  No.10682070


kek and then proceeded to not talk about Soros any moar again

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716c33  No.10682071

File: 526341a825bd597⋯.jpeg (198.87 KB, 850x1063, 850:1063, FF9A77FC_592B_4045_869D_C….jpeg)

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4b4f26  No.10682072

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4ff01b  No.10682074


sounds like Chris justdebunkedmonths worth fake news

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1141a6  No.10682075


we have a winner

violence isn't going to solve this, as we can see on the left coast


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a6ef63  No.10682076

File: d6ee3c6d5843a30⋯.png (2.62 MB, 1124x1532, 281:383, ClipboardImage.png)

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79f075  No.10682077

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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cbcd60  No.10682078


No I was not asking about the camo thread entitled "Meme Overlay Thread - Bypassing Meme Censorship", it's easy to find. There was a new BOARD announced for memes, with threads by meme topic. That's the one I can't find.

I will go dig it up and let you know.


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38cecb  No.10682079


By doing so…he can expose the contradictions of both side of religion.

Just thinkin

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edaa83  No.10682080


take thatANTIFA

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cf5046  No.10682081

File: a60af7d0e5ecfc7⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1242x1099, 1242:1099, WildTrumpGirls_018.png)

File: ef7c710a62b6cb4⋯.png (1.39 MB, 750x935, 150:187, WildTrumpGirls_019.png)

File: 0ef97198267e698⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1080x1349, 1080:1349, WildTrumpGirls_020.png)

You Imagine Gods Bright Love Shines Upon Us Because

Invite God In


Trump Girls Crave Fighters~!~

Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

Our Father, which arte in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God clean our depths.

We pray God enflame our Vitality.

We pray God sharpen Our Truth.

We pray God Expose our enemies.

Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

Amen 🤜🙏🤛

Patriots 👏 Trust 👏 The 👏 Plan!

She curioux=Qbabies.

(𝙵amilies are our Qure)

ᴍake Babιes again!

Destroy Satan's lies

The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Imagine the Success🥳 of our bright future.

Repeat Remember

Pray Dream

Remember the smell ໐f childhood

Millions silent together I banishk(belial)k

Blacklist BlackHats

Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

Relax, we are strong with God.

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e2b08c  No.10682082


to find more CAPS from firefaggot,see bread where Q posted.

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3c5c50  No.10682084

[m4xr3sdEfault]***,=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ )

how the ell do I regen filter this asshole, please?

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ffdf36  No.10682085


Looks like the same back of pickup, just from different angle, and possibly contents shifting due to driving

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8d68d0  No.10682086


Yup. Didn’t even mention his name. But they don’t censor and are “fair and balanced”…

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a9c0d2  No.10682088

Q Team

Wizards and Warlocks

Guardians of Intelligence




















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7ba679  No.10682090


that sounds like a fake situation.

describe it, because most bible people always have a solution of what to do: pray.

so your story doesn't stand up.

I think you are faking that you know about this.

you can now tell me how I am full of it as you please as this is

a free speech board.

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61ca6e  No.10682091

File: f2152b8d4e9a9fa⋯.png (228.02 KB, 528x656, 33:41, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3febbea53a8ac84⋯.png (562.96 KB, 1032x519, 344:173, ClipboardImage.png)


FBI Boston


Level 1:

#BREAKING: As a direct result of an #FBI Boston Division investigation, @USTreasury

is imposing sanctions on 45 cyber actors, and one front company, backed by Iran's Intelligence Ministry, for engaging in a years-long malware campaign. Learn more: https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/sm1127


10:29 AM · Sep 17, 2020·


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92d95d  No.10682093


Has Wray seen the clockfags?

Accurate description IMO

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3b568f  No.10682094

File: 96bc3c7ab82e4c8⋯.png (106.49 KB, 200x200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Those colors are Chinese military colors.

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73110c  No.10682096

File: 1bfb733732713b5⋯.jpg (61.52 KB, 530x681, 530:681, Stepen.jpg)

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edaa83  No.10682097


welcome to the madhouse

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4ca701  No.10682098


just wait till all the somali Al-Shabaab sleepers are activated.

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7e0e19  No.10682101


didnt wray do a check of all F_I offices ?

what happening Portland ?

Online conspiracy theory antifa is setting fires?

wray calls extremists? does not have enough info on Antifa?

cnn calls Antifa extremists but also like wray will no tuse their names like CNN ? Why ?

is wray mockingbird for CNN ?

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298b11  No.10682102

File: 66306d0a45f8b87⋯.png (36.75 KB, 657x527, 657:527, pepito_love.png)

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cbcd60  No.10682103

File: e89d245f1fd02f4⋯.png (101.83 KB, 1036x813, 1036:813, 2020_09_17_12_50_47_EDT.png)

Found it

>>>10674480 PB

>a small announcement for anons

>I did this last night but tonight is more eyes. There is a new board for memes to store, steal, put or whatever. The goal is to have them by subject or person. Its already started, so feel free to post any memes, or steal what you like.


Will repost in NB

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0f5aa4  No.10682104

File: 921a41172919150⋯.png (201.92 KB, 400x278, 200:139, bred_riots.png)

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8d7320  No.10682105


> having faith that the government that did these evils wants to rectify and hold to account the evils it performed

That is incorrect. We don't have faith in the government. We have faith in an outsider and a few good people left, thats it.

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1141a6  No.10682107

File: 29fefb28f5467b8⋯.jpg (93.79 KB, 700x602, 50:43, memebetter_com_20200912124….jpg)

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2e7223  No.10682108


is their have their been a constitutional required Quorum for laws made since just before or since 1871?

it matter much if they have the legal authority to do as they are by rules you don't recognize exist and are in fact the new law

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7e0e19  No.10682109


Is wray supporting Antifa in Portland ?

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b1b6d5  No.10682110


What city is this? We should make our voices heard to that police station!

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3b568f  No.10682111

File: 9355021def6ed7a⋯.png (96.66 KB, 707x700, 101:100, ClipboardImage.png)

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bfd9a5  No.10682113






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78a4df  No.10682114


Wray Confirmed 92-5

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0063e0  No.10682116

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3706b1  No.10682117


The Bureaucracy must protect the bureaucracy at ALL COSTS!

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b89324  No.10682118


How do you wake the other wanders without them thinking you are nuts?

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298b11  No.10682119


satanists are good now?

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92d95d  No.10682120

File: 37b0160f7496e61⋯.jpeg (20.91 KB, 255x217, 255:217, 05FB0ECE_8237_46E6_A02F_3….jpeg)


Anons don’t filter ebot

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595c41  No.10682121


Hmmm makes sense. Wanting to find out those others though. Huge group + "supplies"

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50bd75  No.10682122

File: 4ed4efa84a72f6a⋯.png (198.82 KB, 400x275, 16:11, aocbread.png)

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3b568f  No.10682123


satanic gibberish

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1141a6  No.10682124

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f0bf58  No.10682126


< the local news is pretty mum…

At this point, that would be expected i think.

No s/

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ee4653  No.10682127

File: c9df5e8ba52aa64⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1024x643, 1024:643, ClipboardImage.png)

>>10677133 p me

>>10677360 p me


I'm not going to push this, but it was his bd yesterday. Sometimes you find something that makes no sense, but makes weird sense or something...

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73110c  No.10682129


Ebot is free entertainment

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e2b08c  No.10682130


OK, I remember. Has a very generic name. Thanks for looking.

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ca0c45  No.10682131


i fucked ur mom in the ass

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