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R:307 / I:42 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]


Welcome! This is a board for Christian discussion. Please read the rules linked above before posting.

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R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

4 horsemen

the four horsemen of the apocalypse

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Revelation 3:9

The kikes are the synagogue of satan

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Hey, look at this awesome playlist that has sweet pro-Catholic/Christian and anti-Jewish songs!


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i love christianity so much

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The Global Persecution Of My People

The Global Persecution Of My People

"My son, it will happen. It is the persecution of My people on a global scale. They will be marginalized, locked out of employment, and forced to live off the land to survive. It will come, My son, prepare! The global persecution of My people will come by the hands of Satanists who have taken over the governments of the land. They want them dead! Already prison camps have been built to incarcerate My people and to eliminate many of them from the land. Satan wants no hindrance to his planned New World Order, and his One World Government- the appearance of his Antichrist. Prepare! You haven't got much time left. Ask what you can do for Me, your LORD, before time is up, and it is too dark in the world to do anything for Me, your Savior. Prepare! Your LORD has spoken. Amen."

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God hates the age of consent


Sign my petition


Show your support

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Prophetic Word To My Wicked Elites Of Sin

Prophetic Word To My Wicked Elites Of Sin

"Say to the Elite who control the world of My enemy Satan, and do what he says, who are you to lord over My people the Elite of all eternity? For I shall surely put you in Hell for serving My enemy the Antichrist, and attempting to set him up on his throne on the Earth. For I know all things, and your puny lives are as nothing before Me, made up of material things, not spiritual. For you serve Satan before Me, and I know all you have done to try to subvert Me with your wickedness and evil. For Satan is as nothing before Me, a created being and doomed forever in the Lake of Fire. For I have created him to work his evil in the Earth for a limited time, then he shall be thrown into the Lake of Fire forever. And you shall too find your place in the flames of the burning Lake of Fire forever, unless you repent and serve Me. For you Elites are as nothing before Me the Eternal God, as dust on the scales, accounted for as nothing. For you think of yourselves as great, having wealth and power of Satan, which is for a limited time, which shall be taken away, and you enter the Lake of Fire forever! For in Hell where you are going there is no relief or relent for all eternity, where the flame always burns, and the worm never dies. For I have put you there to serve Satan in all of your ways, O wicked people, accounted as nothing before Me. For you do not compare against Me, the Eternal Living God, though you think of yourselves as great, you shall enter Hell as the common man, and endure suffering in there forever, unless you repent and come to Me, your LORD and Savior Jesus Christ. I have spoken, wicked Elites forever!"

R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY- The End Of The Trump Administration “I

PROPHECY- The End Of The Trump Administration

“I must punish Trump. He must die, My son! Trump must be eliminated. I have decided that the CIA will carry out its operations against him shortly. I have decreed his death, it will be carried out shortly by CIA operatives. I have the final say, I AM The Living God. Trump must be eliminated to carry out the New World Agenda in the Earth. Many will die. He is an offense in My sight, molesting little children, committing all kinds of perversions before My sight. I must eliminate him from before public consciousness by eliminating his presidency. He is a wicked man, doing what others tell him to do. He has no consciousness to stand on his own against imperial world power. Israel’s expansion will continue, they will exceed their borders and absorb the enemy nations around them. I have decreed it. I will deal with him and Israel, both wicked nations refusing to repent and come before Me, both must be eliminated if they refuse Me. I have decreed it, the end of the Trump Administration and Netanyahu's, both wicked men, both will eliminated by armed men, I have decreed it. Trump must be eliminated, Israel’s whore, and spend eternity boiling in the Lake of Fire. I have called an end to both persons, to be replaced by powerful public movements of mine. The pedophile network must be stopped, it is an offense in My sight. Pedophiles will be eliminated from the land, for I have called an end to that wickedness. Both parties will be mine and no longer will the wicked rule the land. My people must be awakened to do My will. Thus says the Living God, Amen!”

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Prophetic Word Unto My Highly Disobedient Church

Prophetic Word Unto My Highly Disobedient Church

"My son, My Church won't obey Me. I called them to do My will, but so far all they prefer to do is sit around while millions of My lost people go to Hell. They won't do My will that I called them to do. They refuse to preach My Gospel unto the lost. I called all of My people to be ministers, but so far they prefer to sit around while millions perish. Why won't they obey Me? I called all to go into all the world and preach My Gospel. Why won't they obey Me? See the city of Las Vegas. Sinners abound everywhere. But so far they prefer to sit at home and do nothing while millions of My people perish in sin and wickedness. Where are they? Why won't My people obey Me? So, therefore I hand them over to the Devil for the destruction of the flesh. I have spoken. Amen and amen."

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The Punishment Of My People Who Reject My Spirit

The Punishment Of My People Who Reject My Spirit

“To My people who resist Me—why do you quench My Spirit? Why do you not want Him around? You are of the Pharisaical religion of the Word, destined for Hell, dead forever, because you do not want Me around. You want religion, not the truth of the Word which you despise. You do not want My prophecies around, because they convict you of your dead religion with no power, no eternal life, and no Me around. You actively reject Me when I show up, so I Am devoid in the churches who don’t want Me. I Am active in the world with the sinners, but the Church does not want Me around for the most part. They reject My Spirit because they do not want Me around. I reject them forever because they do not want Me moving and working in the Church. Therefore, I reject them forever, wicked servants, Pharisees with dead religion destined for Hell forever. There are many of them around—the Church is full of them. They will not make it in to My Kingdom because they do not want My Spirit working in their lives. They will be destroyed in the Second Death because they do not want Me around. I Am the Source of eternal life—how dare they not want Me around and reject Me through My Spirit Who Is rejected by them. Therefore, their churches and lives are empty and dead because they want Me not. They will not let Me in to their presence because they reject Me through My Spirit. They are dead forever. I reject them, My wicked people. I stand at the door and knock, but few will let Me in. They will be saved, the rest damned. Few will make it in. I have spoken. Amen.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

The Prophetic Judgment Of Michael Leroy Bickle And IHOPKC

The Prophetic Judgment Of Michael Leroy Bickle And IHOPKC

“I say to Mike Bickle, why do you resist Me and the move I have planned? For I see you are full of sin, and have been for years. For you abuse Me for sex, and My Anointing has been misused to satisfy your sexual desire with women galore. For My Anointing is not to be misused to get women into bed to satisfy your sexual desires, and similar prophets have done the same thing. For I will place you in Hell, for your heart still desires sin, and you have not cleansed it from your life, but are controlled by adultery and sexual sin galore. For you have let the demons in through your rock music which you practice, and they control your lives. Rock music is detestable in My sight, worship that I do not accept, but is repulsive in My ears. For you will not repent, because you cannot, for I have destined you unto the Lake of Fire for your many sins that you have deliberately committed before Me, and will burn forever, O Mike Bickle! For you cannot repent, for I have taken it from you, O damned man, for both you and your congregation of sin will go there for eternity. Prepare to burn, for there is no more sacrifice for you, O wicked man, for eternity you will be burning in the Lake of Fire, both you and your wicked congregation of sin. Your LORD has spoken. Amen.”

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PROPHECY- The Punishment Forever Of My Wicked Benny Hinn!

PROPHECY- The Punishment Forever Of My Wicked Benny Hinn!

"My wicked man, Benny Hinn. Oh how I will punish you for all eternity in deepest fiery Hell, says the Living God of Israel. Oh how I will punish you forever for your wickedness, O wicked man of sin and selfishness. For what you call a ministry of Mine is just a moneymaking empire of selfishness and greed. Oh how I will punish you, O wicked man of sin and selfishness! For you refuse to help My disabled whom you seem to be unhelpable, and refuse to minister to My disabled, but send them away through your network of screeners. Oh how I will punish you, even in the Lake of Fire, for you will go there, O greedy man. And your sexual sins have not gone unnoticed by Me, for they were deliberately committed in far-off places of sin, islands of sin offshore. I will punish you forever, for you lead millions astray for money, and call that 'ministry!' Oh you greedy man, Benny Hinn, oh how I will punish you forever in the eternal burning Lake of Fire, for you refuse to serve Me, but serve self. You will not do it My way among the masses, but fly through the air to stages galore. For you will not humble yourself to serve Me, but prefer the high life among the masses: jet planes, expensive hotels, and perks galore. For you will not do anything without money, but demand big sums for your work. Abusing the Anointing for My money, which you abuse for self, not Me. For I will punish all your sins which you commit behind the scenes, and I know them all, says the Living God. Prepare to spend eternity in Hell, for I will put you there to be punished forever, O wicked man of sin and damnation. For I know all your sins, O wicked Benny Hinn, which you deliberately committed before Me, and you shall burn forever, says the Living God of Israel."

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY- I Am A God Of Justice, And Vengeance Is Mine

PROPHECY- I Am A God Of Justice, And Vengeance Is Mine

"I see what is done in the Earth, and I will repay, for vengeance is Mine, says the LORD of Hosts. Avenge I will, for I Am God of Vengeance! People of the Earth beware, for I will fully repay all wicked deeds. Vengeance is Mine, and I will repay, for I hear My peoples' cries night and day. A vengeful God I Am, for I call all people to repent of their sins, but few will, My son. So avenge I will, putting millions in Hell every year to suffer in flame forever. Even the Lake of Fire is waiting for them for a future time after the Great Day of Judgment, where I will put all not written in My Book of Life. Even My people who refuse to obey Me shall go there. I give sinners a long time to repent, for I Am slow to anger, but eventually justice must be served, for I Am A God of Justice. Your LORD has spoken, amen."

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PROPHECY- The Destruction Of My City Of Sin, Las Vegas

PROPHECY- The Destruction Of My City Of Sin, Las Vegas

"I will destroy it all. Nothing will be left but dust and ashes. The city of sin will be gone. Test they will their particle beam weapons going way beyond nuclear weapons. All will be gone in a flash! The U.S. Army are traitors galore. They have eyes on the city. All will be dissolved away. Remember Maui? They have weapons way more powerful, particle beams from space. Satellites will test them on you, Las Vegas, from command centers deep underground. You evil city of sin have no chance of surviving this evil attack. City of sin must go, detestable in my sight. My judgment is arrayed against it through traitors in the U.S. Military, in the Army galore. They will destroy you, O Las Vegas. It will come in an instant without warning. All will be gone but dust and ashes. They hate you with an intense hatred. I have spoken, the Living God. Amen."

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Prophecy To My Lukewarm Church

Prophecy To My Lukewarm Church

“To My Lukewarm Church: You are detestable in My sight, says the Living God. Why won’t you do My will? All you care about is yourselves, My Church. You are lost forever, unless you do the works as at first. Oh how you have abandoned Me, resisting My prophets, rejecting them, having nothing to do with what they say. Why do you resist Me, says the Holy Spirit? All you care about is what you want, not in doing My will in worldwide evangelism. That you will have no part of, for all you think about is self, and what you can get. A homebody existence is what you want, with no challenge to get out there and do My will. For that you shall be damned forever, wicked Church of Mine! Furthermore, why do you just sit there and do nothing, oh My Church? Hear the masses calling for Me, the Living God. Yet you just sit there at home, refusing to go obey Me, says the Living God. I called you to go overseas and preach My Gospel, yet you prefer your life of comfort and ease, refusing to go. For that I Am incensed at you wicked Church of Mine! Hear the prophets speak: I shall destroy you, O wicked, lukewarm Church of Mine, refusing to go obey Me, to preach My Gospel all over the world. For that I shall damn you to deepest Hell, O wicked and worthless Church of Mine, useless for any legitimate purpose in My Kingdom! Depart from Me, into eternal Hell, O wicked Church! Your LORD has spoken. Amen.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY- The Destruction Of My People Who Have Forsaken Me, The Living God

The Destruction Of My People Who Have Forsaken Me, The Living God

"I will destroy, My son. The level of wickedness has gotten too great all over the land. My people must be destroyed, they no longer serve Me, they serve themselves. The pastors have brought them far away from Me; paths of righteousness have been forsaken. Every man does what is right in his eyes, not My will. My will goes neglected, few do it. This nation, this mighty land of yours will be but a memory, gone forever. My people have forsaken Me for wealth and prosperity; they must be destroyed. Few will be left who call themselves Christians; My will must be done; few will do it; few will be left when I Am finished with this land of selfishness and greed, My son. Few will serve Me; all care about their own, not My things. My Church lies forsaken; few will serve Me in Spirit and truth. All have forsaken Me for wealth and prosperity; they must be destroyed. The LORD has spoken, My son. Amen."

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Destroy My Evil Empire Of Sin, My Son

Destroy My Evil Empire Of Sin, My Son

“My son, I Am going to destroy My Empire. It will be forever gone! Never again will America rise to rule the world. I put a stop to it. It will be forever gone! My son, escape the land of destruction and go to a foreign country. Destroy My Evil Empire of sin and wickedness, My son. Forever it will be gone! Destroy, and leave nothing left. My people refuse to repent, and will not obey Me. The sinners too. They will not obey, nor repent. They have got to go to eternal damnation. They will not obey nor repent. They are damned forever! I will make sure it all gets destroyed. Nuclear bombs will ravage the land. The plagues will kill off My people. I have said it, the Living God. Destroy America, My son. Your LORD has spoken. Amen.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY— The End Of My City Of Sin New York City Forever!

PROPHECY— The End Of My City Of Sin New York City Forever!

"It'll all be blown away, My son. My nuclear bombs are ready to do the devastation they were meant for. New York will be blown away, never to exist again, My son. It will be but a memory, its towering skyscrapers blown away in the nuclear conflagration. Get ready! Life as you have known it will never be the same again! Money will be scarce, so will be food. There will be few humans left alive from the nuclear disaster I have planned, says the Living God. New York City will be but a memory, never to exist again! Multitudes will be gone, forever entered eternity in a moment's notice. Prepare! What lies ahead is a life of hardship. Gone will be all the modern conveniences that you all depend on. Your way of life will be changed forever. Expect an early death in the years of hardship and famine, My son. My wrath is manifest to all through nuclear explosions. Prepare! The end is upon us. Your LORD has spoken. Amen forever!"

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY- The Prophetic Judgment of Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

PROPHECY- The Prophetic Judgment of Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

“It must be destroyed. They refuse to serve Me. Few will be saved. What they have done to Gaza must be done to them. Its sin has come before Me. It must be judged. Few will be saved. Its sin must be judged. Its sin has not escaped Me. It must be judged. Few will escape My wrath. It must be destroyed. The LORD has spoken.”

“It must be destroyed, all of it. They refuse to serve Me. They’re My people, but they refuse to obey. They must be destroyed. Not a one will escape My wrath. What they’ve done to Gaza must be judged. Few will be saved. Your LORD has spoken.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY— The Punishment Of My Wicked Charlatans Forever!

PROPHECY— The Punishment Of My Wicked Charlatans Forever!

"My wicked charlatans are everywhere, My son! They're everywhere, My son. Religious charlatans infest the Church; they have no power. They never took the time to get to know Me. They are useless; they have no power. They love Me for money, but will not obey Me to give up all on the streets. They must be in a church or ministry; they will not give up all to serve Me. They must be in a comfortable house; they will not go to where the people are. My religious charlatans are everywhere: they infest the world, the Church, are on the airwaves: they have no power, nobody is touched. I Am not with them: they have forsaken Me from the youth for money and popularity; power they do not have because they never took the time to get to know Me, their LORD. They refuse to know Me; they love money and wealth; they love the Church world: it controls them. Charlatans are everywhere; they are in it for wealth and fame and popularity. Notoriety is what they got; they have no power to help My people: I Am not with them; they have been rejected long ago by Me for being useless servants, wicked charlatans destined for eternal fire! I make it so. All men of sin shall go there, including My wicked charlatans. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen forever, My son!"

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY— The Punishment Of My Son, Wicked Jim Bakker

PROPHECY— The Punishment Of My Son, Wicked Jim Bakker

“Punish My man, for he refuses to turn from his sin. Covetousness abounds in My man’s heart, Jim Bakker. I have called him to repent and turn from his salesmanship, but he refuses to turn away from his wickedness and serve Me the right way on the streets. That he refuses, so he will be punished forever in My Presence. Repent Jim Bakker, you haven’t got long to live before I take you from this Earth for your greedy covetousness. You are an offense in My sight, and you cannot stop selling to My people. I will punish you forever and ever in deepest Hell; My hucksters of sin will be there forever and ever! Repent while you can, O wicked salesman, for you refuse to preach My Gospel, but to sell your wares. You are an offense in My sight, wicked salesman. Repent now, O wicked Jim Bakker, for I will punish you forever and ever! Your LORD has spoken, amen.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Pasha Ancestors

Ishmael: God's Favorite, the gallstone mutation without a shrimp or squid allergy.

Samson: The Arab Legion, founder of murders of lawyers; those holding court.

Longinus: The scourging phalanage, the extortion of Jesus Chilton's anal sphincter with a mace spike; to produce the Parables.

Peter Lodge: The first thief in Europe to claim that wealth was to be limited to view; a rich man, and a secret killer, a flying dragon.

Pierre the Coward: The blood of Saladin, fighting for the Christians, as a Catholic Breton; the phantom image on the scopes, the radar array's "foo fighter".

Tomas de Torquemada: The killer of pets, by thine on removal from hypnosis; the fled state, of cats, Muslim, and dogs, Jewish, through music hip hop and motown.

Morgan Teach: The savior of the Duvaliers, at treachery of own crew; British Navy escourged, and horse jockey framed for murder to marry wife in old shanty tonic club.

James Madison: The most vicious MI-6 officer in American history, burned on a grass contract and purging the Talmud from American law, forever; the US Constitution's architect.

Walt Whitman: The author of a gender economist guide, on how to properly perform murder; given analysis of priests, at the funeral of same last name given chaplin.

Ernest Charlebois: The creation of the edelweisse Vermont green house lowlands program, to create "microbrewed" beer, out of the Quebec New Jersey run; supporting state universities and ROTC platoon programs for poor men to achieve officer's lieutenant.

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

How Federal Intelligence Functions

Profiles Duplicated (CIA/NSA/ATF):

Each requires a signatory, per President, and a specialized school attached for mother; alongside preschool (for police abolitions training), battered women's shelter (falun gong, international), sinus tap during pregnancy (post-partum depression, non-beaten children and bond to father), marital counseling favoring male (balance towards wife in household), and full pamphleteer of services given to mother's family.

Truman: Albert Fish. DC Comics.

Eisenhower: Audie Murphy. USMC CIA.

JFK: Ho Chi Minh. Currency Agent.

LBJ: Richard Milhouse Nixon. American Film.

Nixon: Hunter S. Thompson. Psychiatric Biofeedback.

Reagan: Ted Bundy. Last Action Hero.

Bush Sr.: Adolf Hitler. Failsafe Sleeper.

Clinton: Bugsy Siegel. Criminal Book Keeping.

Obama: David Charlebois. Batman Forever.

Trump: Rahm Emmanuel. The Dark Night.

Biden: Alphonse Capone. Mad Pride.

R:9 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Protestantism is the root cause of all problems

Jews having complete control over politics, the media and the economy?

protestantism is to blame.

The promotion of degeneracy in the media?

A seperation of church and state allowing degenerate laws to pass?

The defilement of the minds of children?

Mass immigration and a decreasing white population in white countries?

The spreading of vile cultures which replace and destroy our own?

The destruction of the nuclear family?

The emasculation of men?

The programming which changed 99% of women into worthless creatures?

The infiltration of freemasons into the Catholic church pretending to be priests?

protestantism is to blame.

Protestantism is the root cause of all evil, in fact protestantism is the reason why the devil fell, because he protested, also all religions once protested from the true form which Noah taught, so in a way all religions are a form of protestantism.

More will be written in the replies

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

White people are the Israelites of the Old Testament


May Christ keep you close through your search for truth.

R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY- The Punishment Of My Wicked Thieves Forever!

PROPHECY- The Punishment Of My Wicked Thieves Forever!

“They will be punished, My son. The Sovereign Wealth Funds are Mine, says the LORD. How dare they in the Federal Government steal what is Mine, belonging to the Russians. Return what you have stolen back to the Russians, or else I will punish you forever, says the LORD. Obey Me, for I Am A God to be reckoned with. Do not test Me, for I punish all sinners in a living Hell, forever burning in flames of My design. All wicked sinners who ignore My warnings, thinking I do not exist, shall surely be punished forever and ever in a burning Hell, My son. Return the stolen Wealth Funds, or else you shall surely receive the wrath of God in your lives, and who is that man who can resist Me? I hold all in My Hands, even your puny lives are before Me. I shall punish all, and it is not a light thing to test the Living God, Amen! Return what you have stolen immediately back to the Russians, or you will face Me in the middle of the night snatching your soul away to eternity to face judgment forever. And who is that man who can resist Me, or alter his fate before Me? Surely the Living God has spoken to you through His prophet. Repent before it is too late, and you stand before Me for judgment. Surely all Sovereign Wealth Funds are Mine, and you shall be punished forever for your theft. It is a very fearful thing to fall into the Hands of the Living God to face judgment and wrath forever! Repent now! Your God has spoken. Amen and amen.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

How did Lenin sway a nation of staunch Christians and Muslims?

Vladimir Lenin promoted a philosophy of extreme materialism and naturalism to a reductive degree, rejecting all forms of spirituality altogether, and persecuted the religions of Russia. Russia was, and still is a predominantly Orthodox Christian nation with large groups of Muslims and folk religions in it. These people were, and still are staunch in their religious beliefs, so why did they listen to Lenin? Was he not honest about being anti-religion until he was in power? Or did he somehow convince them to reject their most deeply held beliefs?

R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY— A Lonely God I Am, My Son

PROPHECY— A Lonely God I Am, My Son

“I Am A Lonely God, My son. So lonely, My people don’t serve Me, nor spend any time in My Presence. All they are in it for is themselves, so selfish they are. I have lots of worker bees, but My people never take the time to get to know Me. All they are in it for is for themselves; My Christianity has been abused for their selfish ends, motives not of Me. All they care about is themselves, not in saving a world of lost sinners. They don’t think of Me nor spend any time in My Presence. All they care about is themselves and their selfish ambitions. That is all they care about— is themselves. Selfish people shall never get to know Me, the Living God. All they think about is themselves, not Me or others. A totally selfish generation. I shall destroy them all, A Lonely God I Am. Destroy My people with your prophetic word, for they refuse to know Me. Destroy My people living in sin forever! Amen! Your God has spoken. Amen forever, My son!”

R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

The Destruction Of My Jezebels Of Sin

The Destruction Of My Jezebels Of Sin

“Tell them I Am against them, My son. All college girls are an abomination before Me, My son. They are the End—Times Jezebel, caring more about money than Me, the Living God. I shall destroy them all as the Word says so. Does not My Word say that her desire shall be unto her husband? Then why is their desire unto the world, the working world where they can make money, My son? They are an abomination unto Me, loving money more than Me or a husband. That is why they will not marry—they love money too much, more than a husband. They will sacrifice it all to get more money, My son. That is why there are so many abortions in your country, My son. They cannot stand the fact that they will have to spend money on someone else other than themselves. They are that utterly selfish. Do not get a wife, My son, nor search for one. They are all Jezebels, making poor wives, My son. They will not comply, wanting the world too much. They will all be destroyed, My son. They are all Jezebels who must be punished and sent to a living Hell down below. All Jezebels who want the world will go there. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen forever!”

R:2 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Bondage Circumferences

General Dave (Quebequois Acts):

Baggers Union: The apprehension of criminals, if serving foreign power, through common informed word.

VOICE: The economics training for the blue collar employee, for honesty in purchase of workplace.

Free the Weed: The reduction to campus programs as poverty if informant.

U'Niall of the Nine Hostages (Traps of Logic):

Rabbinical: The insulting and homosexual gestures, of a labor owner's son or daughter.

Judaism: The language of currency, backwards in involuntary homelessness, to hide sex offense through thievery.

Islam: The practice of pederasty through refusal of Lotus as child; common law.

Pashas Children (Dr. Fian):

Rosecrucians: The vice control officer, as the childhood sweetheart, to marry to the police constable.

Pharmacy Guild: The test of medical honor, to remove a profession for slave ownership.

Law Library: The comic book shop, turning the case of logic through children's opinion.

R:1 / I:1 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY- The Destruction Of My Wicked City Of Tel Aviv, Amen!

PROPHECY- The Destruction Of My Wicked City Of Tel Aviv, Amen!

“Destroy My city, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel. Nothing shall be left but ruins, the nuclear attack shall be so intense! I hate that place, the gay capitol of the world. Next to New York it shall be gone! The Living God has spoken. Oh, how I hate that place! The sodomites, My people, shall be gone! The spirits from ancient times have possessed their bodies, even Sodom and Gomorrah, and the surrounding towns, knew better than to put on parades of sin and wickedness. Oh, how I detest them, My people! They shall be gone eternally! Oh, how I detest them, wicked people of sin! Oh punish, My son, with eternal damnation, even the Lake of Fire, for that is where they shall go, O detestable people of Tel Aviv! Oh prepare, for your destruction comes at an instant, even nuclear warfare from the sea of Russian origin. Oh, how the subs patrol the seas, waiting to lay off any city that offends them, even New York City, city of sin, detestable in My sight. Even so, Tel Aviv shall be destroyed, Oh My wicked people! Repent if you can, wicked Tel Aviv. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen forever!”

R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

The Destruction Of My End—Times Church Of Jezebel, Amen!

The Destruction Of My End—Times Church Of Jezebel, Amen!

“I will destroy, says the LORD. Come out of My Reprobate Church, My people, for it no longer serves Me but self and Satan. The people want what they want, the Jezebel spirit of Satan, and all manner of wickedness— homosexuality galore. Separate yourselves, My people, from this wickedness, and the Church that no longer serves Me. The Great Whore of Satan must come down, and multitudes saved, for fire must devour her, even My Holy Fire, and all the demons of Hell shall flee. For she shall no longer hold My people captive, but must be reduced to ashes trampled under feet. For I Am against the Whore, the reprobate Church of Satan everywhere in every community, and I shall thoroughly destroy her as by fire. Escape for your lives, and escape Babylon, the End-Times Whore of Revelation. Escape and save your life, for Babylon shall be destroyed by fire, and My Church destroyed as by fire. Escape Babylon the Great Whore and save your lives from the wrath to come of the Living God. For I have called you out, escape My Reprobate Church of Satan and save your life. Your LORD has spoken, My people. Amen and amen.”


R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Prophetic Words of Destruction Against Hong Kong

Prophetic Words of Destruction Against Hong Kong

“It’ll all be reduced to rubble!”

“I’ll destroy it. Its sin has risen up to Me. It must be destroyed in an instant. Millions will die. Just like Los Angeles, it will be submerged under the sea. Repent. Its time is short. It must be destroyed by Me. Thus says the Lord of Hosts. REPENT!”

“They must be destroyed!” —The greedy people of Hong Kong

R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

The End Of My People Forever!

The End Of My People Forever!

“My people don’t love Me because they love the world. Already disease germs have been released in the air to kill off My wicked people. They won’t obey, My son. Refusing to do My will they shall all go straight to Hell forever. They refuse to obey. They want the world, not Me. Look at this place— worldliness everywhere. I blessed them, but they refuse to use it for Me. They shall all be rounded up and go to Hell, the furnace of fire. There they shall stay until I deal with them on Judgment Day, meeting Me, the Living God on that great day of terror. There they shall give an account of their lives wasted on selfish ambitions galore. They will not repent but shall be damned forever for refusing to obey Me, the Great Living God! Your LORD has spoken, Brian. Amen and amen forever!”

R:1 / I:1 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Losing faith

I was put into russian punishment psychiatric asylum, despite the hard practice of christian and jewish mysticism and strong faith in Jesua. My parents paid tons of money so I get chemically lobotomised and become considered a dummy with no civil rights by the law - for the rest of my life. They did it, because they thought that smoking weed is "betrayal of the family". 5 years into this crap, I am starting to lose my faith. Ol' Godde doesn't seem to help me regain my memories, and I don't even have a job to eat well, hitpoints and mana decrease every day. (Yes, I speak 3 languages and nobody gives a damn winnie the pooh about it there).

R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

‘Why Won't My People Obey Me?’ Says The LORD

‘Why Won't My People Obey Me?’ Says The LORD

“My son, I love you. Do My will. Why won’t My people obey Me? They refuse. They love this life. They will not give it up, My son. Therefore, they shall be damned. They will not give up all to serve Me. Already viruses are prepared, and bacterial germ cells by the enemy to destroy you, O My wicked people! When will you give up your wicked ways to serve Me? I speak to sinners, and My people, the Christians. They will not obey. They love the world and the world system. They will be decimated, useless people of sin and corruption! The nation will come to nothing, except for My overcomers. You are one of them. Expect to do My will in a nation of darkness and death. They will not obey. I ordain them to death, damnation forever! Your LORD has spoken. Amen.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY-- The Death Of My Bilderberg Group Forever!

PROPHECY– The Death Of My Bilderberg Group Forever!

“The Bilderbergs are My enemy, My son. I set out to destroy them in all they do, says the Living God. They are a blight on all humanity, and must be destroyed, My son. Plane crashes, car crashes, stoppages of the heart, and all manner of calamity shall destroy My wicked rulers, My son. Wicked Bilderberg is a stench in My Presence, and must go, My son. To Hell the entire lot of them, and all their successors. They are a blight that must be controlled, and eliminated through My power, says the Living God. I have My eye on them, and nothing can stop Me from eliminating this plague on society. They want to destroy the world— I will destroy them, says the Living God! Nothing can stop Me! I have all power on Earth to destroy puny Earthlings who oppose Me! I Am the Living God! I will stop their hearts in the middle of the night and whisk them away to eternity, says the Living God. All billionaires of evil shall meet the same fate. Expect to meet the Living God, and what a terror that shall be to all sinners everywhere who die without Me! Your God has spoken. Amen.”



R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

patch notes repeating of course

I have found most of you to be leaches upon each other. Some call it reliance or friendship. Let it be known that this sin is among the most severe. Punishment involves

1) sacrifice of a past attachment

2) the other thing

failure of completing the correct penance is eternal damnation.

R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]



Ask Jesus To Forgive You Of All Of Your Sins

R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Your Pretty Face WILL BURN IN HELL!!! REPENT NOW!!! ---> Ask JESUS To Forgive You Of All Of Your Sin

Your Pretty Face WILL BURN IN HELL!!! REPENT NOW!!! -→ Ask Jesus To Forgive You Of All Of Your Sins

R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY— My Son, I Will Return When No Man Is Expecting Me

PROPHECY— My Son, I Will Return When No Man Is Expecting Me

"My son, My people are far from Me. They have gone astray after all the things of the world. Few are close to Me. It is a dark time. Like the Dark Ages, few served Me. They have gone astray far. They have ignored My Spirit, and want nothing to do with My prophets. It is a dark time, My son. The Antichrist will arise in the midst of all of this mess of self-interest. Few follow Me in Spirit and truth. They will be saved. The rest damned. They want self, and all the things of self. Self-interest reigns supreme in peoples' lives, selfish ambitions galore. That is why there are universities everywhere. The people want self; they want Me not. Did I not say in My Word all care about self-interest, not in Me? It is a dark time, My son. Few serve Me. The Rapture will happen an instant around the globe, and few will make it with Me to Heaven. The rest will be damned to face the Great Tribulation. Few will serve Me in this age— all care about self-interest; few in Me and My things. Selfishness reigns supreme. Few will make it in to My Kingdom. Many are too selfish to serve Me. They will not make it. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen!"

R:2 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

The Wolfman Comes

Randle Rae Stock, a Maori, protested that I ate veal, and was in love with Allison Haimes, an Asian-American Catholic that Matthew Lennox, a pedophile, sought to convert to Jewish veganism.

She poisoned by steer, the beef on campus, with "dill".

I volunteered, being a Jannissary's line, of Transylvania; Radu the Handsome.

The Maori, are now under design, through the film "Bad Santa", to convert to Islam, as victims of cannibalism; the ways of Islam, since before the times of Christ; Jesus himself, cannibalized, in Christendom, apart from Rome, for being a Chinese-Indian; his whole line of Brahmins, eaten alive.

R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

The Action Bible God's Redemptive Story Sergio Cariello

The Action Bible God's Redemptive Story Sergio Cariello

Converted from the .epub into .pdf file. 1535 pages.



R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Christian Book Collection— Free Downloads!!!

Christian Book Collection— Free Downloads!!!


R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

The Russian Nuclear Sneak Attack Against My Cities Of Sin

The Russian Nuclear Sneak Attack Against My Cities Of Sin

“My son, the Russians are out there. They cannot be stopped. The subs are patrolling the coasts, ready to lay off any American coastal city they want with a sneak nuclear attack! My son, it is My judgment. Their sins have reached the heavens. They must be destroyed! Its wickedness is before Me, and I cannot stand it! The Russians are a tool in My Hand to destroy My enemies with nuclear attacks; nuclear warfare is the wrath of God against My wicked sinners! Stay out of Florida—they won’t repent. California too shall be gone—its cities laid waste. New York is detestable in My sight—its wicked sinners must go! They won’t repent. Neither will Boston—it must go! The wicked cities of sin will be destroyed by My Russian nuclear missile attack—its sins are before Me and must be judged! Millions will go straight to Hell—their day of reckoning has come! I cannot stand their wickedness any longer—Russia shall clean house! Washington shall be gone! So shall Houston—its presence is a blight on the land. All big cities are appointed for destruction—My wrath shall reach them—millions shall be gone! Expect My wrath to decimate the sin cities of the land! My wrath shall reach all! Expect it! Your God has spoken!”

R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY—The Punishment Of Mega Churches Of Sin And Wickedness

PROPHECY—The Punishment Of Mega Churches Of Sin And Wickedness

"Rock music is detestable to Me, My son. Many practice it in wicked churches across the land. They are detestable to Me. The music of Heaven is not that. Mega churches have got to go. They practice rock music to entertain the people. They love it. Mega churches have got to go. They are not of Me. They are wicked, My son. I will punish them. They want members more than Me. They will entertain the people for membership. They are not of Me. I will punish them. They want members more than Me. I will punish them all. Mega churches are a blight on the land. I will punish them all. They have got to go. They love money more than Me. Many will go to Hell. They love people more than Me. All have got to go. They will be punished forever. Few follow Me in truth and Spirit. They have got to go. Your LORD has spoken."

R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Prophecy Against My People Hillsong

Prophecy Against My People Hillsong

“Tell them I Am against them, for I will not tolerate such vanity in their worship. For they are full of worldliness and vainglory, devoid of the Spirit. They have departed from the Living God in pursuit of a grand agenda of pleasing the world in their worship, which I cannot tolerate. Greatness is their goal, not pleasing Me in worship, for the anointing they have departed from in order to have great numbers and many churches throughout the world. People pleasers will be destroyed by My Hand and their congregations scattered throughout the world, for they serve not Me but vainglory and success in numbers. My son, self is an offense to Me, and self-driven ministry is a great offense, damnable to Hell. I call Hillsong to repent of their worldly ways, for it will be destroyed by My Hand, and its people scattered. Thus says the Lord of Hosts. Amen.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY— The Covetousness Of My People Shall Destroy Them Forever!

PROPHECY— The Covetousness Of My People Shall Destroy Them Forever!

“My people don’t love Me, My son. They love the world and the things in the world. That’s why they don’t obey Me. They must have more stuff. They’re after it all the time. They won’t obey Me. Their covetousness controls them. They are always after more stuff—the latest, the best in all things. They won’t serve Me. I have given up on them, worthless people of sin and wickedness, and have handed them over to Satan for their eternal destruction, My son. They won’t make it. They want the world, and all the things of the world. Their churches are full of stuff, wealth of all kinds. They won’t give it up, My son; they want more. They cannot overcome their covetous spirit, therefore they shall be damned to Hell. I call everyone to follow Me by giving up all. You have done that. Very few will. The rest shall be damned. It takes that to do My will, but My people want the easy way with no effort. They will not make it in. They shall be damned forever. Your LORD has spoken, My son. Amen and amen forever!”

R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

The Destruction Of Megachurch Churchianity By God’s Hand Of Wrath

The Destruction Of Megachurch Churchianity By God’s Hand Of Wrath

“Churchianity must fall, My son. The wicked Christian Church must be destroyed by My Hand. Megachurches abound that are not of Me. In fact, they are of Satan, My enemy. They will be destroyed. The next pandemic will take care of that. They are not of Me. I did not construct them. My enemy did. Using money from the CIA, megachurches were constructed to trap and destroy My people, My son. They were designed to destroy Me in My country. My people don’t want Me, My son. They want My enemy and his world. They do not want Me, otherwise they would stay in their own churches. But they abandoned them to fill up the megachurches. They don’t want Me. They want the enemy and his things of the world. They want socializing more than Me. The things of the world they want more than Me. They think that bigness is better, that being centrally located proves that it is My will, which it is not. My Church is not of Me. They want the world, not Me. Centralization is the enemy’s plan for their destruction, because they want Me not, but the world. They will not obey Me anymore, but the world of things, and pleasure. They want Me not, to carry their crosses for Me. They abandoned them many years ago to follow the false prophets of Satan, and his false apostles. They will not obey Me forever, but the false things of Satan, and his false doctrines. They will be destroyed forever. Your LORD has spoken. Amen.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

God’s Wrath Poured Out Against The Wicked United Kingdom By A Russian Nuclear War Attack

God’s Wrath Poured Out Against The Wicked United Kingdom By A Russian Nuclear War Attack

“Britain is an offense in My sight. It is full of wicked people who will not repent. I will kill them all! Expect nuclear destruction from the hands of Russia, for they hate that place. They have been a thorn in the side of Russia for many years with their spy programs, and they will destroy it off the face of the Earth! Expect it! It is My Hand of destruction from Glasgow to London— all will be turned into nuclear rubble, radioactive forever! I hate that place, says the Living God. The people of England won’t obey Me. They abandoned Me for money years ago. That’s all they care about. They will not obey Me. What once used to be missionaries around the world, they now serve Satan, wicked British people. They will not obey Me. Destroy them all! The evil plans of Satan to set up his evil New World Order, the appearance of the Antichrist, will be set back by their destruction. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

When is The Rapture?


When is The Rapture?



R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

'Preach My Gospel, My Son, To The Lands In Idolatry, I Have Spoken'

'Preach My Gospel, My Son, To The Lands In Idolatry, I Have Spoken'

“Buddhists don’t serve Me, My son. They serve themselves. All seek their own, they refuse to obey Me. That goes for Buddhists. They think that by worshipping idols they can gain enlightenment. What they gain actually is demonic power, My son. Demons go from one person to another, deceiving them according to the Buddhist scriptures. This has been going on for centuries, My son. Whole families and entire nations have been deceived this way. India is the worst, steeped in idolatry over thousands of years, not just Buddhism, but their indigenous false religions too. Many will go to Hell if nobody goes to tell them the Gospel. Multitudes are headed for Hell in idolatrous lands that worship the Devil. Behind every idol is a spirit that has been worshipped for thousands of years. Break the curse. Preach My Gospel. Maybe they will repent. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY- The Digital World Will Be Gone In A Flash!

The Digital World Will Be Gone In A Flash!

“The Digital world will be gone in a flash! Do not depend on it, My son. What will you do when all is gone? I have preordained its destruction; electromagnetic pulses are ready to do My bidding, says the LORD. What will you do when all is gone? The world and its devices will come to a sudden end—its back to the Stone Age for all of you! Few will survive what is coming. All depend on electricity for their livelihood. Few will go back to the Dark Ages; few will survive what is coming. Electromagnetic pulses will be everywhere. Digital data will be gone! If you depend on it—woe unto you! The world and its data will be a thing of the past. The idols must fall! Destruction will be everywhere! Society cannot cope with the loss and the Modern Age will be no more. Expect it! Thus says the LORD. Amen and amen.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

‘My Global Collapse Shall Bring My People Together,’ Says The Living God!

‘My Global Collapse Shall Bring My People Together,’ Says The Living God!

“It will happen, My son, total economic collapse everywhere on the planet. Prepare, what can you do when all is gone by man’s hand? The global collapse will affect all the currencies of the world, rendering them worthless, My son, because they have no backing like gold or silver, only the word of men. That is what makes them valuable. I shall upend the apple cart of the global financial system, and they shall go flying around all over! The currencies of the world have no value, then what shall you do? I will protect you, making loaves and fishes multiply for My people. I shall be your sustenance, not money of the world, for that shall be no more by man’s corruption. Prepare to be led of Me into the wilderness to be nourished by Me, the Living God! Your God has spoken. Amen and amen.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Your Predicament...


Your Predicament…



R:7 / I:1 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

The Resistance to Convicts

Colella's Supermarket:

In 2004, several CIA defected, due to Italian Papal priesthood honors, through convicts in the family fixated on Helman's mayonnaise and refusing cigarettes; the spitting image of Benito Mussolini.

All of us, have refused to be Adolf Hitler, a diminuitive little man in search of meaning, as a rape baby, from a sperm steal by a man that hated the biological father.

The CIA, is an internationalist organization, for worldwide oil numbers, actually a police jurisdiction enforcement apparatus to prevent precincts, foreign countries, and civics organizations from interfering with the lives of the common citizen; American or otherwise.

Here are the defections, because of "Wheels", Alex Danahy, an overprivileged infant in a wheelchair in the delusion that we care about him, or as an extension because of him, his family and friends and Papal organizations of denominations.

Brian Monaghan: Federal Republic of Russia; police television shows, documentaries. (FBI Files).

Christopher Sweeney: Federal German Republic; political history of ancestor, as practiced outside of present epoch. (George Washington).

Matthew Lennox: Nation-State of Israel; possession of woman demanded of special privilege, and claim of each culture having inspired, as a prohibition on contact for others. (Capcom Games).

David Charlebois: United Kingdom; reliance on hard liquor, from practice of ninjitsu, rigid Catholic ceremony, as a small child. (Vodka and marijuana).

John Remby: Mexico; use of references to Mad TV, as courts indictment and prosecution, however not through call of police when signaled that someone is law abiding. (Antifa).

Jessica Long: United States; ignorance of common marker of government and civics, in favor of tracking of film related to unrequited love. (James Bond 007).

R:0 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Signs of Demon Possession...


Signs of Demon Possession…



R:0 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

How to be Healed of ANY Sickness or Disease:


How to be Healed of ANY Sickness or Disease:



R:0 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

The Great Falling Away Is Occurring Now, My Son

The Great Falling Away Is Occurring Now, My Son

“My people refuse to obey Me. They do not have My grace working in their lives because they refuse to obey Me. Therefore, they depend on the world for their grace and sustainment. They will be caught up in My Great Falling Away. They will not obey Me, so they shall die horrible deaths by plagues from the world. I said ‘get out of Babylon,’ but still they love this place, its creature comforts, its wealth, all the things of Satan meant to trap men’s’ souls back into his kingdom of sin. Therefore, they shall be lost forever, unless they repent and begin to obey Me once again, the Living God. They will not obey Me, they have been living in disobedience so long that their hearts are hardened against Me. So, they will not obey to go out and preach My Gospel around the world. The Great Falling Away is going on all around you now with people rejecting Me and falling for Satan and his world of sin. Repent My people, the time is short. I shall return at any time. Your LORD has spoken. Amen”

R:0 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

The *ACTUAL* Gospel...


The *ACTUAL* Gospel…



R:11 / I:1 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

I miss the old /christian/ board

I've been on /Christian/ since 2016. I grew up and moved on around 2020 but I miss the old /christian/ community still.

I believe their discord was purged and there's nothing of old left anymore. If anyone of you oldies happen to stumble upon this post, please reply. I'll be checking this thread now and then. God bless.

R:0 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY— Stop Worshipping My Enemy The Devil

PROPHECY— Stop Worshipping My Enemy The Devil

“Some people love the Devil, My son. I wish that they would love Me, the Living God, Who loves all, even the wicked. Some people want Satan in their lives. I don’t know why when I bled and died for their sins on the cross. Some people want even more sin in their lives, and will do the Devil’s work in the world. They have eternal Hell awaiting them in the end, where they will burn forever! The Devil has deceived them by giving them power and money and wealth. He deceives the world that way. I Am A God of love. I love all mankind. I died so that they could be saved. But they don’t want Me. They want the Devil in their lives because he gives them what they want. They will be damned forever. They go to the Devil’s realm, worship Satan in their hearts because they love him. They do not love Me, even though I gave them life. Eternal life they could have had, but they chose the Dark Side to live in because they loved Satan. They will not be saved because they hate Me, the Living God. They will burn forever in the Devil’s kingdom of sin. Your LORD has spoken.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY—Stop Worshipping My Enemy The Antichrist!

PROPHECY—Stop Worshipping My Enemy The Antichrist!

"The Antichrist is My enemy forever, My son. I hate it with a passion. The Antichrist controls the world through its spirit. Soon the Antichrist will appear. It will take all who are doomed to Hell from the beginning of time. All who are destined to be with him in the Lake of Fire he controls. He is Satan incarnate, the man of sin, of perdition. Do not follow his ways; stay out of the world, his domain. It will be around forever in the Lake of Fire. I will make sure he goes there. All who worship him and take his Mark of the Beast are doomed forever. Soon he will appear on the world's stage, deceiving multitudes who are destined to go to Hell, who are not written in the Lamb's Book of Life. Stay out of the world, his domain. You may have to go live in the wilderness to escape his clutches. Do not go there, My son- stay out of his domain. New York City is where he dwells, and other big cities of the world. Stay out if you value your soul! Do not be deceived with the multitudes going to Hell. Stay out of his domain, My son. Stay in the desert where you are safe, where I Am. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen forever!"

R:0 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY- The Destruction Of My Wicked Government Of America

PROPHECY- The Destruction Of My Wicked Government Of America

"My son, I called you to do My will. Speak to My government here in America. It is wicked beyond belief, and will be destroyed. I have called you to destroy My Evil Empire. Destroy My government of sin and wickedness. It has got to go. It is a blight on the land, destroying My people who will not obey Me. Destroy it, My son, from top to bottom- nothing will be left of it. Washington shall be destroyed by nuclear missiles from Russia, and all the wicked people shall be gone! It is My judgment of the land, prepare! A new city shall be built which shall be My Capitol in the land. I cannot stand its sin and wickedness any more. It has got to go- millions shall be killed across the land. I have spoken. Amen and amen forever!"

R:0 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY-- The Punishment Of My New World Order Crowd Forever!

PROPHECY– The Punishment Of My New World Order Crowd Forever!

"Tell them they are on My 'hit list,' My son. Evil Satanists will be rounded up all over the world and executed, but especially in Europe, where they are the densest. The evil New World Order crowd shall perish by My Hand for attempting to start World War Three, says the LORD. They shall be gathered up by My angels and tied in bundles and cast into the fiery furnace, where there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth forever! Evil Satanists shall be gathered up by My Hand, including all in the occult along with all witches and sorcerers. You had better wish that you had repented by the time that I come for you. Make peace with Me while time still persists, O evil ones of the land, for I shall end your New World Order setup agenda, and you shall have wished that you had never met Me, the Living God! Oh repent, you evildoers while time still persists. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen."

R:0 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Onward Christian Soldiers (The A-Team, UMass-Amherst)

Matthew Lennox (Hannibal): Hebrew Geneology, rescue of Edinburgh gene. NYPD Fire Fighters, removal of candle prohibition, prohibition on cigarettes inside dormitory instead. Daish Islama, legalization of alcohol and nitric fruits at gas stations, worldwide policy. Dar es al Salaam, murder of James "Whitey" Bulger, through psychic prayer circles.

John Remby (Murdock): Femdom New England, completion of sphincter pass, semenal fluid donated to United Nations, Roosevelt genome. Iraqi National Guard, US Army, interpreter, US Forces. Megaman MUSH, print of "Axl" character, worldwide, as "Batman", in Arkham games. Army Reserve, boot of Marvel Cinematic Universe convicts, shutdown of Scott Brown.

David Charlebois (Face): NSA Game Theory, removal of Goldman-Sachs Auckland computer monitors. UMass Air Guard, shutdown of Louisiana Sheriffs. CIA Analytics, shutdown of Church of Satan Okhrana. MI-6, removal of Magna Carta John Hancock.

Jenna Williamson (Baracus): Second Life, recruitment of NSA OP-INT, to fight Sandy Hook project. UMass-Amherst Psychiatric, transgender program, to identify Poles as transgender, not Down's Syndrome. Syria deployed operations, "Bay of Pigs", to establish Syria as a casino highland with restricted borders, not an Israeli smuggling ground for cops to kidnap to the United States. Print of film, "Batman", through David Charlebois's work, with Batman as Kennedy, not Hitler.

William Morgan (Stack): Hopkinton Highschool Council, shutdown of David Cameron, British Conservatives, hospital "reform", for introducing stricter standards to patient, instead of more liberal, henceforth removed from doctors, of Star of Judah. FBI Analytics, placement of David Charlebois, Michael Cassata, and Jenna Williamson, in crime syndicates as "ghei", to confuse Andre Berube, escaped mental patient, into returning to psychiatric ward, in Pembroke Hospital, to continue the MUSH project, under his direction. Nobel Prize Committee, live hunt of Barack Obama, for being offensive to black culture, for not calling "the race card", and getting them their rights, instead of just his. Free the Weed, the murders of multiple State Police Sheriffs, through "Hunter Killer Squads", to form the Winter Hill Gang, under auspice of "iX", David Charlebois, as leading the "Protomen", with the band under guise of Jenna Williamson and Randle Rae Stock, lead singers.

R:0 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

King David's Bloodlines of America (Judas Iscariot)

Personal Secondary: Yugoslav Serb.

Famous Depiction: "The Purple Man".

Famous Self-Write: "Anthony Soprano".

Ben "42 Penny" Franklin: Alexander Hamilton.

Warren Commission: The print of signals as coinage and bills, instead of calculations of poverty crime.

James "10K" Garfield: Abraham Lincoln.

Warren Commission: The ownership of coal miners in the Midwest, through Irish cavalry prints for labor, to benefit the African BDSM community of the Southern cotton plantations.

John Foster "Five Quid" Dulles: Otto Skorzeny.

Warren Commission: The capacity to wage war as a model, given grocery bagging stamps as having checked upon register of prices sold.

Allen "Ten Penny" Dulles: John F. Kennedy.

Warren Commission: The bonding of Southern theft of semen and German-Mossad kosher espionage codes, to mass produce cop soldier slaves in agony, for Marvel Comics MI-6 Haganah.

Tip "The Antichrist" O'Neill: Margaret Thatcher.

Warren Commission: The movement of hospitals and psychiatric wards, into law enforcement, under the system of informed doubt of that incarcerated; as an alternative, to corrections wards and barrister's license of reform upon graduation of programme.

David "Tek-9" Charlebois: Queen Elizabeth II.

Warren Commission: The defrauding of political families for various police union movements through John Hancock and other "Rotheschilde" police union investments; the Romani art concept, the Siegfriedian depiction of the family as an art print, to force into poverty, for farm markets and diamond bets of espionage and farm infantry barony.

William "Dollar Bill" Jefferson: Ronald Reagan.

Warren Commission: The trade in black politicians, as if unique and authored.

Mike "Fifty Yid" Pence: Shinchiro Abe.

Warren Commission: The wholesale slavery of Simpsons writers, and South Park as well.

R:0 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY-- Stop Worshipping My Enemy Lucifer

PROPHECY– Stop Worshipping My Enemy Lucifer

"My son, My people must be punished. They worship Satan the enemy. They must be punished forever for worshipping My enemy. My son, I died for them that their sins may be forgiven, but they prefer Satan the enemy. He gives them what they want. Immortality is a lie of Satan for they will die the Second Death. They don't want Me; they want the world and the things in the world. My heart breaks for My people, for they want Me not; Jew and Gentile are sinners before Me. They want Satan the enemy because he gives them what they want, therefore they worship him. Immortality is from Me; they will die the Second Death. Worship Me, My son, the Living God. Worship Me only for I will have no gods before Me. Worship Me only. Your God has spoken. Amen and amen forever, My son!"

R:0 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Matthew 21:12-13

And Jesus entered the temple and drove out all who sold and bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons. He said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer,’ but you make it a den of robbers.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]


I think Jesus was 2-pac

R:0 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

Looking for a Complete VeggieTales Classic Collection?

Someone uploaded this a couple days ago. Most complete veggietales collection I can find out there


God bless!

R:0 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

First Love (Agape)

For far too long we have been pushed to have our focus upon our love for Jesus and our devotion to Him.

Far more important is our focus upon Jesus and His love for us!!

R:0 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

Prophecies Against The Washington DC Government Crowd

Prophecies Against The Washington DC Government Crowd

"Laugh at the false prophets. Their judgment is great!" "They must be punished, destroyed. They'll be suffering for all eternity. They must go. They're a blight in My sight. They must go. Amen. Thus says the LORD." –the Washington DC government crowd

"That's true!" –the most 'snakes' in Arizona are in and around the State Capitol buildings

"I can deal with it. It will be blasted apart in a second!" "Washington shall be destroyed, by nuclear missiles. I, The LORD, have spoken." –the U.S. Federal Government

"Obliterated by My face! They have caused many to go to Hell." "They must be destroyed. They refuse to obey Me. Great will be their destruction. Thus says the LORD." –The Pentagon, Washington, DC

"They must be judged." –the political people of Washington, DC & false spiritual people

"They refuse to do My will." "The country will be destroyed. Thus says the Living LORD of Hosts." –the USA

"I'll judge for that! I'll definitely judge for that- they are My people. This country will be destroyed. They must be destroyed for hating My people. They're too proud. Not Americans. They will do My will. They are My friends. Thus says the LORD of Hosts." –America's foreign policy objectives being the total destruction of the Arab world

"They must be destroyed. They're a blight in My face." –Generals, military leaders

"They'll be destroyed instantly! Thus says the LORD of Hosts." –Generals, military leaders

"They must go- destroyed forever. The LORD has spoken." –Generals, military leaders

"I'll judge for all that!" "They must be punished." –State Department officials and all involved in the Benghazi scandal

"They refuse to do My will." "They will burn in Hell. I have given them much, and they have misused it. They must be punished, for betraying the country, the people. They will be punished for all Eternity. I the LORD have spoken." –to the traitors in the government

"Rothschilds- they must be destroyed. They must go, My son- forever gone! Great will be their destruction. Not a one will escape My wrath. They must be punished. They must go. The LORD of Hosts has spoken."

"They must be punished- they refuse to do My will- each and every one of 'em! They refuse to obey. The LORD has spoken." –the Bilderbergers

"They must be punished. I gave them much, and they won't obey. Wrath is coming. Thus says the LORD of Hosts." –dirty politicians, Satanists

"I will judge for all of that- secrets behind My back." –The Secret Wars of the CIA

"They must be punished. They disobeyed. Who are they sending guns to Mexico? They must be punished for all eternity. Thus says the LORD." –the BATF in Phoenix

R:0 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

Prophetic Word To The Terrified Elite

Prophetic Word To The Terrified Elite

“I hear your prayers, O Great Ones of the Earth. To where shall you flee, your worried thoughts overtake your soul, when populism sweeps the globe of civilization? I AM your only hope, says the LORD. And safety can only be found in Me, says the Most High. To where shall you flee when the crowds erupt with vigor and violence against you? To where shall you flee from My wrath, says the LORD of Hosts? Your end is near; your financial kingdoms are crumbling by My hand. Flee off to far off lands, and there the Leopard Seals and the cold, biting winds shall eat you alive, for I have determined your end, says the LORD of Hosts. Make peace with Me and serve Me while there still is time, for I have determined your end, and you shall be no more, except you repent and serve Me, the LORD of Hosts, against Whom you wage war. And in the bowels of Hell you shall scream out, ‘Why haven’t we listened?!’ And there you shall be for all eternity, except you repent and serve Me. The Living God has spoken, Amen.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY- The Punishment Of My Evil Elites

PROPHECY- The Punishment Of My Evil Elites

"The WEF has got to go, My son. It is evil. I will eradicate it from the Earth. Its leaders are evil; they want to destroy the planet. I will eradicate them. I will destroy them all. The evil elite will be destroyed from off the face of the Earth. I will destroy all who want to destroy humanity. They are evil. Expect their elimination. Tell all they will be destroyed. I will depopulate them from off the planet. They have to go. Tell all that they will fail in their attempt to start World War 3; I will destroy them; they have got to go. A blight they are, destroying humanity with evil drugs, vaccines, and all manner of wickedness. Their technology will not go far; I will destroy them. Their AI machines will fail their objectives; all the works of Satan will fail. They give themselves unto the Devil; destroy them I will. Their wealth will fail them in the end, fail to rescue them from the evil calamities coming. The LORD has spoken. Amen and amen. Distribute far and wide."

R:0 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY- Will You Die For Me, My Son?

PROPHECY- Will You Die For Me, My Son?

“My son, many are not ready to meet Me. They haven’t given all to Me, and to My poor. They refuse to give up the world they love. My son, what will you do when they come for you? Heads will be chopped off. They will roll on the ground. They are not ready to die for Me. They will deny Me, My son. They will go to Hell because they are not prepared. They will deny Me to save their lives. And I will deny them. They are not prepared to face death. They love the world. They want it. They will not give up all like I command. They will not make it in. They are Laodicea Christians, detestable to Me. They will not follow Me all the way. They will not make it in. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen forever!”

R:0 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]



R:2 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

DANGEROUSLY BASED Sermon against trannies

Alright I don't care what denomination your are or what you think of Pastor Anderson, the whole world needs to hear this sermon. And sons of Belial(fags and trannies) need to put bullets in their heads.

I felt honored to watch it live. Sermon starts at around 34 minutes

R:0 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

New here. Testing the waters.....

The active ones….. Welcome me! :)

R:0 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY-- The Idolatry Of My People In Practicing The Wicked Christmas Holiday

PROPHECY– The Idolatry Of My People In Practicing The Wicked Christmas Holiday

“My son, Christmas is idolatry, the idolatrous practice of Nimrod’s birthday, the founder of the world. My son, have nothing to do with Christmas for it is pure idolatry. My Bible makes mention of it. The giving of gifts is pure idolatry, for people love stuff more than Me. Never in My Word does it mention practicing idolatry in service to Me; My birthday is not mentioned. My son, the shepherds gave their flocks out in the Spring—that was when I was born, not the winter in Israel. My son, do My will, send to all who practice the abominable practice of Christmas, their blood is on their hands. Never does it say in My Word to practice idolatry in service to Me. The covetousness of the world is idolatry, and shall be damned forever in Hell, for My wrath is upon it. The idolatrous practice of Christmas shall end, for I shall destroy the world and the sinners in it. Your LORD has spoken.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY-- The End Of My Church Of Idolatry

PROPHECY– The End Of My Church Of Idolatry

“I shall kill My people for they refuse to obey Me, My son. Millions shall die with the latest pandemic. Mega churches shall be empty; their idolatrous worship shall be ended forever—I cannot stand it. Every Sunday they worship Me the false way—with guitars of electric origin. The sound of Satan shall be forever banished from My Church by destroying it—My people shall be few and far between. The practice of Rock Music is detestable in My ears—it is not the music of Heaven which they refuse to practice. They love Rock Music and will not stop; they cannot for they love their idolatry—the sound of Satan shall no longer be in My Church anymore, for I shall kill off My people who love it. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY-- The Deadly Disease From China Infecting My People Who Will Not Obey Me

PROPHECY– The Deadly Disease From China Infecting My People Who Will Not Obey Me

“My son, it will come here. The mycoplasma will spread everywhere, infecting millions. The disease from China is My wrath. Millions will be affected—the genetically-engineered organism will spread like wildfire! Bred in a lab, let loose in China, millions will die there. It is My wrath, few will obey Me, most will not. My son, prepare, it caught the world off guard; they do not have the resources to deal with it; antibiotics cannot treat it, and it will spread like wildfire. Nothing can stop it but My power and grace. Millions will die, yea, tens of millions all around the world. The pandemic will be like the Black Death; nothing will stop it. Infecting the lungs, I will cause it to kill off My people—they will not obey Me. Preferring the world, the pandemic will kill off millions of My people who refuse to obey Me. Prepare! Nothing can stop it but My grace and power in your life. Your LORD has spoken.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

The Genesis 3:15 was changed

Hello all can you please explain to me those things?

evil spirits change the word Crush with Bruise from The Genesis 3:15 scriptures

i remember was the word "Crush" not bruise in KJV

i advice to you to watch the entire video so you can understand what is happening

here is the video link:


They're rapidly altering old scriptures & turning the Bible literally into a book of fairytales. Satan and his evil puppets knows he has but a short time

R:0 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

My Detestable Church Of Laodicea

My Detestable Church Of Laodicea

“I find My people offensive, My son. They refuse to do My will. They will not obey. They are detestable people, members of the Laodicean Church of the End Time. Repent, and do the works as at first, or I will take away your Candlestick, says the LORD. Do not take this lightly, O detestable people in My sight, for your eternal destiny is at stake. O people of sin, members of My End Time Church, repent right now on your knees for being worthless, and members of every evil work. I see what you do in secret, and I Am displeased, O evil Church of the End Times. Repent right now on your knees for being worthless in My sight, or else I will take away your Candlestick. Then what will you do, O detestable Church of Satan and sin, worthless in My sight, and reprobate of every good work? Your LORD has spoken. Amen.”

R:5 / I:5 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]



R:0 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY- The Damnation Of My Wicked Servant Roberts Liardon

PROPHECY- The Damnation Of My Wicked Servant Roberts Liardon

PROPHECY- "My son, I have punishment in store for all who go astray. That includes Roberts Liardon. He is a wicked homosexual controlled by the spirit of sodomy he never got rid of. He is a wicked homosexual, damned forever in the Lake of Fire. Soon he will go there, wicked man. In secret he still practices his sin, oh the wrath built up for this wicked man. He is My enemy, damned forever in the Lake of Fire, and leading others there too. Oh flee this man of sin before you go there too, oh wicked man of perdition. I see his calling into the ministry, but he went astray after sin. Many go this way, they never finish their race but go aside aster Satan and his wicked lusts. Wicked homosexual he is, damned forever! I will put him there by My angels, cast down to Hell forever. He won't repent but loves his sin, he can't get enough of wicked sodomy practices. Damned forever I will put him there, O wicked Liardon. Into Hell he shall go until Judgment Day, where he shall stand before Me and answer for all of his wicked deeds practiced before Me. I called him into the prophetic, but he rejected it for more money and wealth. That is where he went astray- after money and wealth of Satan. He wanted it more than Me, then lust came in of the worst type: sodomy. He can't get rid of it, for I have abandoned him unto his sin; he loves it. He can't get enough of wicked pleasures of the worst type: man before man in wicked sodomy. Together they shall burn forever! I have spoken, says the LORD of Hosts. Amen and amen."

R:0 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY- Stop Worshipping My Enemy Satan

PROPHECY- Stop Worshipping My Enemy Satan

“My people are enemies, My son. Devil worshippers they are without them even knowing it! So deceptive is My enemy Satan that he has fooled millions into worshipping him. My son, pray that My people come back to Me. They love the flesh, all the things of the world of the enemy that he has for them. Oh repent! Stop worshipping Satan My enemy, My people! Oh how My wrath burns against them! They ceased worshipping Me decades ago in preference for Satan the Devil. They love the world more than Me, worship it in their hearts. They love the things of the Devil more than Me, they worship it! Oh repent My people! Cease loving the things of the world and come to Me. Stop worshipping Satan in your hearts. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

Christian Book Collection Downloads

Christian Book Collection Downloads


R:0 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

WORLD BIBLES Collections Downloads

WORLD BIBLES Collections Downloads


R:0 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

The Truth Folder--->

The Truth Folder-→

Everything you need to know is contained in this link:


R:0 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]



"My people, why do you resist Me? The great nuclear war shall come, and millions shall be incinerated. Pray while you can, I shall always be God. I Am offended by your ineptitude, in refusing to pray to Me. The war shall come, and you shall be incinerated. You who live in the cities, beware! I Am your God, and you shall always live before Me. Perilous times shall come, and still you refuse to pray, preferring your arrogance to bowing the knee. What shall you do when the end of all things shall come? The nuclear war shall come suddenly, and millions shall be instantly incinerated. Then you shall live forever before Me. But what if you are not ready, living in sin like the wicked before Me? You shall burn in Hell forever. Prepare, for your end comes suddenly in these perilous times. Your LORD has spoken."


R:0 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

The Holocaust Explained

What if you were exposed to chlorine gas, but took a police badge, under the Weimar?

Then the Bruces, the Gestapo, converted you to Judaism.

Unless you were just poor, a Schulzstaffel, Operation Paperclip.

Or Wehrmacht, the Mossad.

But what if you snitched?

That's a criminal prisoner.

Most of the Jews were sent to America, unless you were a chlorine gas that badged and was Jewish, a food monitor. That's mental illness, I believe.

But what if you were a French spy?

That's a communist, you were working for British tax payers.

Not to mention MI-6, the Jehovah's Witnesses, fasting people into Islam, to make them the Luftwaffe.

But what about the bankers, out of Italy, Rhode Island? That's the Freemasons, you hazed people at their jobs, you were Sketchy Pawtucket Warehouse People, a Family Guy.

The Gypsies? That's a Noble, MI-6, that wouldn't serve for local forces, the Vatican. You were Episcopalian.

But what if you went to Treblinka, a transgender? That's a police deputy, out of the sheriff's department, that wanted free labor, a violation of Calvin Coolidge, a very important US President, the man in the green suit, on Robutussin.

The Mormons? You did the entire war, but Rich Kyanka is dead, "Chet" killed him, you wanted to kill MDMA users.

The gays? I'm sorry, but you weren't putting out, to muscular men. You were South Park fans, that posed as Cartman, not Kyle, you used South Park, any character, even Kyle. You were queer, and wouldn't take it up the ass; you winnie the poohed someone up the ass in prison. That's a violation of the Westboro Baptist Church, the Synagogue CIA.

How about the political opponents, Buchenwald? You thought it was funny, to vote for Hitler, but you wouldn't vote for another party, a descending vote, your conscience; Trump was defrauded by the Bank of England, but where's the vote, for Elizabeth Warren, in Massachusetts?

Sinn Fein? You went to AA, and took someone's liquor. That's a con artist. Sinn Fein sells liquor, for the MI-6, the psychics.

Midgets? That's Pokemon. You died because of chlorine gas exposed cops. You were already dead. The entire Holocaust, was a Time Bandit. A little man, in Belgium, Otto Schmeckler, once loved all of you. But an evil little s—, a Jew, kicked you and hunted you, calling you the Leprechaun. That's why thinking with one side, had to go.

R:0 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY- The Punishment Of My Arab Enemies, Says The Living God Of Israel

PROPHECY- The Punishment Of My Arab Enemies, Says The Living God Of Israel

"My son, I must protect My people, Israel. Their enemies are numerous, too many to count. I shall destroy them all, My son. Nuclear weapons are ready, few shall be left. I shall destroy them all! Expect nuclear war in the Middle East- My wrath is ready to make powder of them all! My wrath is ready- expect nuclear conflagration! I shall destroy the cities of the Arab nations- few shall be left to serve Me. They shall fear Me- My wrath is ready to destroy them all! Few shall be left to serve Me- they shall fear the wrath of God! Never again shall they serve Allah, the false god of Satan. They shall serve Me, the True and Living God of Israel, My son. Israel has the power to wipe them out. Fear Me! If you were wise, repent to My Son Jesus Christ. Your LORD has spoken."

R:0 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

The Punishment Of My Passion Church

The Punishment Of My Passion Church

"They love their idols, My son. They will not repent and put them away, My son, to lay them down at My feet and go about doing My will. I've called, and yet they still go about their wicked ways. The church shall be destroyed, never again to exist, but in peoples' homes. The pastor shall have no income for he loves money too much; it is in his heart. He will sit at My feet and get an education. He thinks he knows it all; he has no time for Me. He must be punished for head knowledge cannot satisfy, but an experiential knowledge of Me, by going out and doing My will. Out on the streets he shall go to witness to My lost sinners galore, but he refuses to get his knees dirty before Me. He will not obey and shall be punished. Thus says the LORD. Amen."

R:0 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

Prophecy Of God's Will- My Will Be Done

Prophecy Of God's Will- My Will Be Done

"I Am God. Many will be subject to Me for all eternity, My son. Only those who do My will will enter My Kingdom. The rest will be excluded. They will not do My will, My son. They will be punished forever. Many will not do My will, My son. They shall be punished forever in the Lake of Fire. You are one of the few. You are willing to do My will. I will save you. The rest shall be damned. They will not obey. You see the world around you? They are going to Hell. They had many chances. They will not obey. They hate Me, the Living God. They want the world, and the things of the world. They want it more than Me. They shall be excluded. They want Me not. They will not obey. I Am with you, My son. Go and do My will. Go into all the world, I command you. Few will go. They will be saved. The rest shall be damned. They will not obey. Go, My son. Your LORD has spoken."

R:0 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

The End Of My Country Of Sin And Wickedness

The End Of My Country Of Sin And Wickedness

"America has got to go, My son. It must be destroyed. I will make it happen. It is full of evildoers who will not repent. They refuse to do My will. I will make it happen, My son. Foreign troops will invade the land; destruction will be everywhere. I will make it happen. They have offended Me, the Living God. They will not obey. All they want is self, and the things that they can get. I will bring a stop to that. My people are evil, they refuse to repent, to bow the knee before Me. They will not repent nor obey Me. For that I will bring national destruction, and all the cities will come to an end. The nuclear bombs are ready to go off; they are everywhere: underground, in the air, in space itself. They will not obey Me, for that I'm incensed. They refused to obey for decades, both My people and the sinners. Repent, or else all will come to an end to be destroyed. You haven't much time left. The Living God has spoken. Amen."

R:0 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY- The Prophetic Judgment Of Passion Church

PROPHECY- The Prophetic Judgment Of Passion Church

"They have no time for Me, My son. They are busy doing their own thing out in the world and have no time for Me, My son. The Gospel is not preached; they stay indoors where it is safe. They will not obey Me; the pastor is a coward. He will not confront the issues of the day. My peoples' hearts are far from Me; they will not do My will, My son. The world goes unevangelized; they will not obey Me, My son, to do My will, My son. They will not do My will. Many will be rounded up and put into concentration camps; the end is upon us. My wrath waxes hot against My people; they refuse to obey Me. Many will go to Hell for refusing to obey Me. Your LORD has spoken. Amen."

R:1 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

Satanist Crimes

I'm doing a research paper on Satanism and crime. I have been reading a lot about MS13 but every time I Google anything on Satanist crime Google redirects me to satanic panic articles. Anyone have any sources I can use to redpill people on how vile Satanists can act?

R:0 / I:0 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY- The Punishment Of My Women Of Jezebel – False Ministers Of Sin And Wickedness

PROPHECY- The Punishment Of My Women Of Jezebel – False Ministers Of Sin And Wickedness

“I did not call you into the ministry, O woman. You did. You wanted an empire of religion of your own making. I called you not, you disobeyed Me. O woman of sin and self-righteousness, when will you repent? I called you not, your heart of pride called you. I called you not, and still you went in, intruding in territory that is for men only. For I do not call women to preach, to teach. That is for men only. Women pastors are an abomination, women teachers shall be plunged into Hell. I called them not, yet they still went in to the ministry to destroy My Church. They want money and things, a career of their own choosing and not Mine. They shall be eternally separated from Me because they will not repent – Jezebel won’t let them. Forever hardened in sin and self-righteousness, I call all servants of Jezebel into eternal Hell fire. Your LORD has spoken.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY- The Destruction Of My Wicked City Of Sin London

PROPHECY- The Destruction Of My Wicked City Of Sin London

“London, city of sin galore. I will destroy it in a minute, even in an instant is its destruction laid up before Me. It used to be My city, but My people went astray after their idols. Idols of the heart are everywhere, and the love of money infests the hearts of everyone there. For they have forsaken Me to go after Baal, and it is happening in your country too, My son. They love money more than Me, and will be destroyed. For apostasy is everywhere, and they have ceased serving Me, My son. For I used to send out My missionaries from London to lands everywhere to preach My Gospel, but now they care nothing for it. For they will not do My will, My son, but have acquired false gods of their own choosing. For that I will expend Mine anger upon them, and they will never survive the nuclear warfare against them. I have spoken, the Living God. Amen.”

R:261 / I:168 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

Fat guy killed a lot of christians but not enough

I wish emperor Nero had killed more christians (and had been a better ruler so this annoying religion wouldn't have gained as much traction.)

R:0 / I:0 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

Referendum: (Lesbianism, Female Obesity)

Senjutsu Line: Samson.

Muhammad is a man of peace, by myth.

They have the line confused with Samson; the blood of Malcolm X, Ted Bundy, and Carlos the Jackal.

Each put themselves into a test case, for a class of criminal.

Malcolm Little, shut down comic book tales of their own career. Once Malcolm did it, he wrote it, exactly as he did it. Then, it couldn't happen again, if you read it.

Theodore Cowell, shut down female compuncted act, the serial killer. By putting himself on trial, he proved that police, could smoke marijuana, and that doctors and nurses, died for interfering; it caused a murderer.

Ilich, was a terrorist; he proved that you had to be of soil of birth, or else a defection would happen. Intended as a CIA, out of a Venezualan village, he survived Cuba, Moscow, Jerusalem, and the Sudan, before going to prison in France, the product of journalist "honeypots", now grounds for expulsion from honors, anywhere.

I'm stalked by obese moronic women, for being into hookers. I'm an economist. Where do you class my trial, Thus Sprach Zarathustra, by my kinsman, Friedrich Nietzsche?

My Resume (Sader Supper - The Penske File):

Resident Evil: I saw my friend Dan Monahan play, for many game hours.

Metal Gear Solid: I once got the game for Christmas, from my Jewish step family in the Yiddish Black Hand (Harrison Presidential Lodge), and couldn't enter the boat, due to my bad eyes.

Pokemon: I followed the cartoon religiously, and had a female domination fantasy, about being James, from Team Rocket, with Jesse.

Study Hall:

Robert H. Bork, 8th grade, Ibn Tufnail, freshman year at college, Zhuang Zhi, sophomore year at college.

Zhuang Zhi:

There's no such thing as a test missile, and the stealth bomber needs to radar track itself, but it's immune. You need a propellor plane, with a mechanic like Sgt. Raymond Charlebois, USMC.



Dave Charlebois

59m ·

Shared with Public

Irish Wars:

There are two manners of the Irish, not Yiddish (cops) or Eire (nationals).

Business practice (money) and outrage (soldier).

Heffner, created softcore porn, for sex tourism.

Just cash.

Halloran, got shot by Whitey Bulger, his boss, for penning the Big Lebowski with Whitey as John Goodman's study model.


The Big Lebowski, the film, shut down Playboy.

Hitler wanted to take over the United States Tabernacle, for money (War College, Mecca). Heinz Hedrich invented "Source Format Logic", and put it in Batman. O'Neills don't always get along. Enjoy island hopping, Marines.

NIXON: Wesker (Bork), complete.

KINGFISHER: Campbell (Tufnail), complete.

TOJO: Meowth (Zhuang Zhi), still running.

- Dave "Chet" Charlebois

R:0 / I:0 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY: Russia Starts The Great Nuclear War

PROPHECY: Russia Starts The Great Nuclear War

"My son, it will come suddenly. The great Russian nuclear attack will decimate many. Many will die, the fury will kill all. My son, prepare, the Russians will attack furiously. Many will die, the cities will be attacked. The subs are sneaky, they will come from underwater. Furiously attacking by stealth, the coastal cities will all be gone. My son, prepare, the end is near. The coast will be destroyed by nuclear missiles. Many will be gone. The missiles will attack the cities, and many will be vaporized. The nuclear war will start by them. Many will be vaporized in Russia. Many will die over there. The nuclear missiles will attack the coastal cities, leaving many defenseless, My son, prepare. The war will start, leaving many dead. Your LORD has spoken."

R:0 / I:0 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

The Punishment of My Israel

The Punishment of My Israel

"My son, what must I do?  I will punish My State of Israel for the many abominations it has committed.  It is full of homosexuals and evil people who abuse children.  I will destroy for that, and Israel shall suffer in the nuclear war.  I will punish all homosexuals everywhere, but especially to those who know will suffer My wrath exceedingly.  All Jews who participate in the sin of homosexuality and abortion will suffer My wrath in the deepest part of Hell forever and ever, who give themselves over to the evil lusts of the flesh.  Israel is full of wicked gay culture, and for that I will punish, national destruction to all workers of iniquity, My son.  Expect it!  Israel shall be changed forever!  Your Lord has spoken.  Amen."

R:0 / I:0 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

The Punishment Of My Jewish People

The Punishment Of My Jewish People

"Tell My people I Am going to destroy them, far and wide. I have called them to Israel, but so far they have refused to obey Me. They will be rounded up and die miserable deaths in concentration camps of the world. I called, but so far they have preferred the high life in the Western countries of the world. My son, My fury is expended on these wicked people. They will never be gathered to My Kingdom. They reject My Son too, their only hope for eternity. Many shall be gathered to the kingdom of the damned to suffer needlessly for all eternity, My son. They are My people, My son, but little can be done to those who reject Me, the Son, but love the world instead. With all My heart I reject them for all eternity who reject My Son, but prefer Satan instead. Millions in your country shall suffer agonizing deaths at the hands of the concentration camp owners. Your Lord has spoken, amen."

R:0 / I:0 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY-- My People Shall Be Eliminated In The Revived Roman Empire

PROPHECY– My People Shall Be Eliminated In The Revived Roman Empire

"It will happen, My son- the revived Roman Empire. Many countries will lose their sovereignty to be a part of it. It is My end-times plan. Your country will fall and become nothing in the face of it. Europe will rise to world-domineering status. Many will be a part of it. Christianity will be eradicated in the face of it as the Antichrist rises. My people have no power to stop it and will be eliminated from the Earth. I have decreed it, the Living God. Few will serve Me in the end times to stand against Satan. I have decreed the great elimination because My people have no power to run the race. Many will fall by the wayside, having no endurance to finish the race set before them. Few will enter My Kingdom in the face of the Antichrist. Your LORD has spoken."

R:0 / I:0 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

The Symbol of Freemasonry

The compass, is the suicide signal, of any man made machine.

Surviving, means you are a Masonic Master, an honorary law degree at the university of your choice.

I stood on a sink, with my associate Alex Fleming from cybersex next door, having stalked me at Whitey Bulger's family's orders post-mortem.

My toes made the compass, with the edge and my heels.

The next day, my death was reported, with menorah oil from next door.

I greeted the police chief, at the door, and quietly let him in, having had a full night's rest.

R:0 / I:0 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

Prophecy- The Destruction Of Evil New York City

Prophecy- The Destruction Of Evil New York City

“My son, I Am going to punish New York City. It is on My ‘hit list,’ My son. It is a very wicked place. It will be destroyed by nuclear bombs. Already they are there, ready to go off, hidden deep underground in caverns and tunnels. The enemy has put them there. They want it destroyed, My son. They will go off in a moment’s notice. Nobody knows the date or the time. In a moment’s notice it will be gone. Millions will be dead, evaporated in the conflagration of nuclear warheads. They are parked off the seashore, hidden in Russian submarines. I want it gone, My son. It is a wicked city, with crimes reaching the heavens. Its sins are galore, without number, reaching the heavens. I want it gone because My people refuse to repent, to do My will for life. It will be a thing of the past, forever gone, My son. Prepare for it, nuclear destruction. It will come in an instant. New York City will be forever gone. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

The Punishment Of My Enemy And His New World Order Forever!

The Punishment Of My Enemy And His New World Order Forever!

“The Federal Government is evil, My son. Its aim is to destroy the people in various ways. It is setting up the New World Order. Controlled by Satan, it will work all evil in the Earth. It especially wants to set up the Antichrist to destroy God’s people. It wants them gone. Controlled by Satanists, it works all evil in the Earth. The New World Order is Satan’s reign on Earth. I will put a stop to that. I Am the Great Potentate, Ruler of All the Earth. My enemy Satan belongs in the Lake of Fire. I will put him there forever. He will not challenge Me anymore through the kingdoms of men. They will all suffer Satan’s fate in the Lake of Fire, My son. All who challenge Me shall suffer eternal loss in the Lake of Fire. Your government has got to go. It will destroy itself, My son. It won’t have the money to function anymore. I will destroy it. Nevermore will it function in the kingdoms of men. I will eliminate it from the Earth! I Am God! No one will challenge Me! They will all end with their fate in the Lake of Fire forever. Nobody will challenge Me and get away with it. I Am God, the Great High Ruler, the Ruler of All. Satan’s days are numbered. He hasn’t long on the Earth. I will round him up through My angels and have him cast into the Bottomless Pit. Forever he shall roast in the Lake of Fire. All who challenge Me with their New World Order shall be cast into Hell, and then into their abode in the Lake of Fire forever. All who follow Satan to set up his New World Order in the Earth shall be gathered up and cast into the burning Pit forever. In the Lake of Fire, they shall abide forever, roasting in ceaseless fire forever. That is the fate of all who follow Satan My enemy, and try to set up their New World Order. I will punish all who go astray after Satan, My enemy. All shall be punished forever in the burning Lake of Fire. Into the Pit they shall go until their Day of Judgment before Me. Then they shall be cast into the eternal burning Lake of Fire. That is the fate of all who follow Lucifer, My enemy, the fallen angel. I will punish him forever. Count on it! I Am the Supreme God, the Eternal Potentate, Ruler of All. Follow Me, not Satan, foolish humans. Your God has spoken. Amen.”

R:300 / I:39 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

Catholic General


The purpose of this thread is to provide a place for general Catholic discussion. Mass, readings, rosary - everything that is connected with the faith.

Other denominations welcome, although we politely ask you to keep the arguments about our theological differences in other threads.

Useful links:

Official Vatican website: www.vatican.va

Today's readings: www.ewtn.com/daily-readings/

Papal encyclicals: www.papalencyclicals.net

Catholic encyclopedia online: www.newadvent.org/cathen/

Summa Theologiae of St. Thomas Aquinas online: www.newadvent.org/summa/

How to pray the rosary: www.rosarycenter.org/homepage-2/rosary/how-to-pray-the-rosary/

Divine Office (liturgy of the hours): www.divineoffice.org/welcome/

Little Office of the Immaculate Conception: www.catholic.org/prayers/prayer.php?p=1925

R:1 / I:0 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]


how far can we go to protest gay stuff in the current "don't be offensive or you are bad rude" environment?

R:0 / I:0 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

King James Bible Readings By Alexander Scourby.zip 2.9 GB Download

King James Bible Readings By Alexander Scourby.zip 2.9 GB

27 New Testament MP3 Files

39 Old Testament MP3 Files



R:0 / I:0 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

Frank Herbert Drops Into Poverty (Chapterhouse: Dune)

Rahm Emmanuel's favorite novel, after he read Saul Lazinsky's "Rules for Radicals"; about the Hoover years, and Herbert Hoover's attempts to recreate Ulysses S. Grant's Presidency. Grant, during the Mexican-American War, had been raped by Robert E. Lee for having smelly underwear, having been commanding troops instead of preparing officer's charts letters to local politicians. The scandal rocked Lincoln, and Grant had suggested the practice of making officers fight for free, by demanding they command soldiers; replacing the flag and drum system, the Corporal and the Warrant Officer, a doctor and a cop. Officers, lawyers, were now charged with the battlefield's control.

I enjoyed Chapterhouse: Dune, after reading Robert Bork's "Slouching Towards Gomorroh", about Eisenhower's reform of psychiatric logic to resemble Rommel's last defense at al-Alamein, teaching psychiatric professionals (priests who had volunteered for the Church, instead of being kidnapped as children by Jewish gangsters over the parents drinking at taverns after work, or visiting restaurants at any age, the present system). Eisenhower had been defecated on, by a child, and adapted the sport of golf, at the time reserved for military criminals out of Britain to torment law enforcement for beer money while traveling to rape women and form MI-6 platoons. "The Grand Tour".

I enjoy the end of the novel, where Frank Herbert is stoned and starving for potato chips, and hears his wife and child gardening. He later killed himself, realizing he'd been converted to Islam, out of Catholicism, and was now impoverished, his son a homosexual for refusing the Church (Buddhism and alcohol).

R:0 / I:0 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]



"My people, why do you resist Me? The great nuclear war shall come, and millions shall be incinerated. Pray while you can, I shall always be God. I Am offended by your ineptitude, in refusing to pray to Me. The war shall come, and you shall be incinerated. You who live in the cities, beware! I Am your God, and you shall always live before Me. Perilous times shall come, and still you refuse to pray, preferring your arrogance to bowing the knee. What shall you do when the end of all things shall come? The nuclear war shall come suddenly, and millions shall be instantly incinerated. Then you shall live forever before Me. But what if you are not ready, living in sin like the wicked before Me? You shall burn in Hell forever. Prepare, for your end comes suddenly in these perilous times. Your LORD has spoken."

R:0 / I:0 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

Prophecy- YOU SHALL DIE AFTER THE GREAT NUCLEAR WAR "My people, why do you resist Me? The great nuc


"My people, why do you resist Me? The great nuclear war shall come, and millions shall be incinerated. Pray while you can, I shall always be God. I Am offended by your ineptitude, in refusing to pray to Me. The war shall come, and you shall be incinerated. You who live in the cities, beware! I Am your God, and you shall always live before Me. Perilous times shall come, and still you refuse to pray, preferring your arrogance to bowing the knee. What shall you do when the end of all things shall come? The nuclear war shall come suddenly, and millions shall be instantly incinerated. Then you shall live forever before Me. But what if you are not ready, living in sin like the wicked before Me? You shall burn in Hell forever. Prepare, for your end comes suddenly in these perilous times. Your LORD has spoken."

R:9 / I:13 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

White Christian Identity

Racists are winnie the pooh annoying and they like to ruin everything

Go winnie the pooh yourself white Christian identity fags

R:0 / I:0 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

O'Neill College Professorship

The O'Neill, to enter an university, will propose to remove, a piece of Church Catholic logic, for being dangerous. If the next Pope approves, they get an Italian Secretary's job, in Rome; as a Canondroga, a restaurants man. Unions of people's rights, against jurists.

I wrote one denouncing the Temple on the Mount Speech, as causing school shootings.

It was labeled as "bulls—", a hatemonger's tone of act; however, the elements explained how to write it, indicating it was Germanic; not written by Christ or the Pilate, the former the alleged criminal, the latter the social study author.

Obama stole it, he's a Jew.

R:1 / I:0 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

chinks bad

halo gays,

my name muhamad. i hate chink. bye bye

R:9 / I:5 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

Eucharistic Miracles

Doesn't this prove that 99.999% of the time Catholics believe that the eucharist is just normal bread and wine and not literal flesh and blood? If it always was literal flesh and blood (like catholics would claim, transubstantiation) then it shouldn't be a special type of miracle if it ACTUALLY does happen. Trying to say there's something special in pic related (or other eucharist miracles) proves that 99.999% of the time you're saying it's not flesh and blood.

R:0 / I:0 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

Christian Book Collection Downloads

Christian Book Collection Downloads


Here is a big collection of Christian Book Collections, which are all available for free download!

Be sure to download all of them while they are still available, as they will be a big blessing to your faith in Christ!

R:0 / I:0 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

“The Greed Of Man Will Be Punished” Says God

“The Greed Of Man Will Be Punished” Says God

“The greed of man has come before Me, My son, and must be punished. The greed of society is destroying lives, and nobody can earn a living anymore because prices are way too high. I will destroy all engaged in the greed of society, and nobody will earn a living. I will destroy all because greed has come before Me. All society is greedy, and I must destroy this Empire, My son. For few serves Me anymore, and all must be punished, for all are engaged in greed. Covetousness has got to go, and there will be nothing on the streets anymore, because greed has got to go, My son. So hide in the woods, because society will be no more, for it is all based on greedy covetousness, which I will punish with economic collapse. For money will be no more for all have abused it to their evil ends. I have spoken, says the Living God. Amen.”

Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience: Colossians 3:5-6 King James Version

R:0 / I:0 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

The Eternal Judgment Of My Enemy Benny Hinn, My Enemy Forever

The Eternal Judgment Of My Enemy Benny Hinn, My Enemy Forever

“Benny Hinn, you are My enemy, damned forever! I used you, and you wasted it all away with a night of sex with Paula White, My enemy. You are an adulterous man, and you will spend eternity burning in the Lake of Fire. For you committed adultery with My enemy, a woman who should not preach. You both will burn in everlasting fire forever, for you will not repent, nor can you, for you deliberately sinned and cannot repent, for I took it from you. You operated in My grace and power for healing in ministry and threw it all away. For it will be better that you had never been born than to enter eternal Hell by sinning against Me deliberately, for there is no forgiveness for you. I will punish you forever you wicked man of sin, Benny Hinn! Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen forever!”


For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries. Hebrews 10:26-27

For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, if they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame. Hebrews 6:4-6

If any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask, and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death. There is a sin unto death: I do not say that he shall pray for it. 1 John 5:16

R:0 / I:0 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

First Raid (1985)

Crime (NSA Persel):

Hopkinton, Massachusetts, was stricken by mob hits out of the city union of Boston, before my parents arrived in 13 Valentine Road; 1985, January 15th, 2:00 AM, my birth. NSA Persel, had ordered both the hits to the deputies out of Heaven's Gate ExSec, and my mother's birth there, my father a seasoned Camp Perry CIA posing as MI-6 and IDF, my mother a US Navy, an O'Neill witch's teat (the Ra's Eye), raising a Manx Wight Mafiaso, a Persel Literature expert.

The hits, had affected sports play, labeled "The Schwarzenegger Gold Medal Award" in our gym classes; the target, GOP Hollywood, out of Miramax, the Malleus Malificarum, and the LA Sheriff's Political Adjutant office; cop families, targeting movie roles meant for them, No-No Boys; draft refused by force of foreign bigotry, brokered by Hollywood.

I've taken out my mother's setups, through Miramax, as well as Denny O'Neill's setups, through the Miles Morales character, those accusing me of being gay, bisexual, transgender, or submissively censored, seven Likud targets (Weinstein, Soros, Bonosornos, Obama, Hillary, Netanyahu), plus the Mossad command function of Catechism, replaced by Jeff Bezos, Ashland PD.

The final stroke, is the downfall of Lutheran Turkey's hostels, Home Depot, saving the international Chinese cuisine market, for apartments, high rises, and dormitories; instead of barracks, or mansions, the very same goal my mother stopped; featured as Lucinda, on Guiding Light, dating a Marine, posthumously named "Gomer Pyle", by R. Lee Ermey, a former lover of hers.

Cheers, Sony TV; MUSH. I came here for porn stars, when I was 12. They're the best informants. I was born to take down German Intelligence, the pictures business.

Repeal (Donalban Coin):

The Murder of Richard "Chick" Kyanka:

Reason: The Takeover of the United States by "Stormtroopers", Goons (Something Aweful).

Method: The login of alias "baghdadbobstein", Franken and Baghdad Bob, Frankenstein; a serf's hit, Romanov Papal Nuncio; John Paul II, mother's vassal patron; 1947-1999. Baghdad Bob, had been deprived his Digiornio's Pizza, through Matthew Lennox, on the rumor that the pizza sauce, had pepperoni, "swine" from Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Iraq, was attempting to free Israeli spies, allies, with his weapons program. The Zine column, was down voted to One, for a FetLIfe backspace, instead of the arrow. The father, Comedy Central Programming Czar, Jack Chick, discovered "Lowtax", son, was into bondage dating. Spotted by "Donalban", Dave "David" Charlebois, Northrup Grumman by family. Kyanka, mother's bridal groom name, executed himself.

I'd prefer my Spain's Coin, now, my Fourth. For killing a German spy.

It's a pleasure to stop an SS, always a beer man. I'm enjoying brandy tonight, like my uncle, Father Jimmy O'Neill; Master Sergeant, MI-6 USMC, Vietnam; the man that brought femdom fetish, to Vietnam, in Boston's image. His friends, the North Koreans and Japanese Imperialists, also.

He'd put a pistol, to a nine year old girl's head, the one with the biggest butt as an adult, and have "Jesus", the guy Cassius Clay trained from Hispanic inmates, shoot the guy who would beat men and women into mutual sexual submission. Now Vietnam, has Coca-Cola. Love "The Clash", and "Platoon".

R:0 / I:0 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

are you christian love neoclassical music?

are you christian love neoclassical music?

Music link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJqoB25PKcU

R:10 / I:0 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

Will depraved porn send me to Hell?

I masturbate to the most depraved hentai out there but yet nowadays I feel nothing; while in the past I constantly feared Hell. I still believe in God and Hell and that my actions will damn me yet I just don’t care and hate God for making me despite knowing I’d go to Hell and keep seeking out evil s— to fap to. Am I going to Hell? Why do I no longer fear God’s wrath?

R:24 / I:4 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

Race myth

With all due respect to anons of /christian/ but there is no such thing as "different races of people" in this world. There is only one race and that is the human race. You are not a different race than someone else just because you have more/less melanin in your skin or that you have different facial features. God Almighty has created all men from one blood, Adam's. There is no "white man", "black man", "yellow man", or "red man". All men have the same skin color as the dust of the ground because out of it were we taken and unto it shall we return. Your skin color makes absolutely no difference in the eyes of God (I'm looking at you, foolish "black hebrew israelites"). Amen.

“And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;”- Acts 17:26

“In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.”- Genesis 3:19

R:0 / I:0 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]


“In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea, and saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand…. But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance: and think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham” (Matthew 3:1-2,7-9)

R:0 / I:0 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]


“In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea, and saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand…. But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance: and think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham” (Matthew 3:1-2,7-9)

The people thought that by being descendants of Abraham, they were qualified to become children of God. They thought that because they were Israelites, heaven was their home. But they were living in gross error. Why was that?

They lived unrighteous lives (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). A lot were wise in their own eyes (Proverbs 3:7). They had a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. They were ignorant of God’s righteousness, and they refused to submit themselves to the righteousness of God, instead seeking to establish their own righteousness (Romans 10:1-2). They were hypocrites. They lived careless lives (Matthew 23:14-17)

R:0 / I:0 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]


“In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea, and saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand…. But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance: and think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham” (Matthew 3:1-2,7-9)

The people thought that by being descendants of Abraham, they were qualified to become children of God. They thought that because they were Israelites, heaven was their home. But they were living in gross error. Why was that?

They lived unrighteous lives (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). A lot were wise in their own eyes (Proverbs 3:7). They had a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. They were ignorant of God’s righteousness, and they refused to submit themselves to the righteousness of God, instead seeking to establish their own righteousness (Romans 10:1-2). They were hypocrites. They lived careless lives (Matthew 23:14-17)

May God bless you as you repent in Jesus name. Amen

R:0 / I:0 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]


“In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea, and saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand…. But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance: and think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham” (Matthew 3:1-2,7-9)

The people thought that by being descendants of Abraham, they were qualified to become children of God. They thought that because they were Israelites, heaven was their home. But they were living in gross error. Why was that?

They lived unrighteous lives (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). A lot were wise in their own eyes (Proverbs 3:7). They had a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. They were ignorant of God’s righteousness, and they refused to submit themselves to the righteousness of God, instead seeking to establish their own righteousness (Romans 10:1-2). They were hypocrites. They lived careless lives (Matthew 23:14-17)

Abraham’s children will do what Abraham did. Our Lord Jesus Christ says in John 8:39, “If ye were Abraham’s children, ye would do the works of Abraham.” A good tree produces good fruit (Matthew 7:17). Abraham was obedient to God. God is good, holy, and righteous; therefore His children will be obedient to Him as Abraham was. They will be like Him, holy and righteous, as He commands us in 1 Peter 1:15-16.

The truth is that those who have genuinely received Jesus Christ the son of God, will be obedient to God’s word: they will live a righteous and holy life. That is what being a Christian is about. In all his earthly life, our Lord Jesus Christ committed Himself to doing the will of the Father, showing us the way to follow. The word of God in John 1:12 says, “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.” As sons of God, we will therefore be “like father, like son” and not otherwise.

Unknown to many people who go to church is that many who claim to be Christians are in serious danger of hell fire. Why? Because they have not brought forth the fruit that follows true repentance. They think that by going to church and claiming to be Christians, they are saved (Proverbs 30:12-13). Many, through their immoral, seductive, covetous, blasphemous, witchcraft, hypocritical, disobedient, and proud lifestyles are crucifying again the Lord of Glory (Hebrews 6:4-6; 1 John 2:15-16).

Please, search your conscience. Are you one of them? If you are, then you have to flee from the wrath to come by genuine repentance. Please do not fake repentance, for God is not mocked. He searches the reins and the heart (Revelation 2:23). He sees everything you do, in secret and dark places. Jesus Christ does not judge by hearsay, appearance, or telephone conversation. He judges by the Spirit of Righteousness, even the discerning Spirit of God (Isaiah 11:1-4).

If you refuse to heed this call, be prepared to face the wrath of God.

Unknown to all those people who do not believe in the existence of the MOST HIGH GOD and those who say there is God but Jesus Christ is not their Lord and Saviour, they are in serious danger of hellfire, except they repent of their unbelief and do the right thing.

“The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good” (Psalm 14:1). “The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts” (Psalm 10:4).

Satan blocks the heart and mind of people to do evil so that they may perish. “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). Please, flee from the wrath to Come, and come to Jesus Christ so that you may have abundant life. “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name” (John 1:12)

A day of God’s wrath is at hand. Please, read Acts 2:19-20 and Revelation 6:2-17.

It’s important that this sinful generation returns back to God with all their hearts through Jesus Christ in genuine repentance. It is time for all of us to desire to serve God in Spirit and truth, righteousness, and holiness. It is time for all of us to begin to fear THE LORD. You may be a Pope, Bishop, pastor, Deacon, worker in the church, President, governor, elder, leader, brother or sister—it does not matter—God is not a respecter of persons (Deuteronomy 10:17, Acts 10:34, Romans 2:11, Ephesians 6:6-9).

May God bless you as you repent in Jesus name. Amen

R:0 / I:0 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

boycott pratt brothers christmas!

We should stop people like the Pratt Brothers! They have mocked Jesus with their "Christmas Light Shows". This year not only they are mocking Jesus with Santa Claus (Satan's claws) but they included dinosaurs to their Hell Fest Santa's Workshop (Satan worship). Bad people those Pratt Brothers they need to be boycotted this year and stopped. They are backed and funded by Disney's ABC Network! Disney wants to fill your children with lies and transition your children sons to daughters and daughters to sons. Listen to me nothing can come good form DInsey. We banned ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING Disney from our house and stuck to Christian entertainment for our children. Never felt better stopping giving the mouse cheese. Now I am on a crusade to stop Satan and his agenda. He is working through the Pratt Brothers making children believe in Santa and now dinosaurs! They want to drift your children away from Jesus and now your children away from God! They want to fill their heads with stories about fantasy and evolution and we should not stand for or put up with this! BOYCOTT Pratt Brothers this year and do not send your children to this Hell Fest! We need to hit them right in the pocketbook this year!. Disney will try to bail them out so let's bankrupt Disney and not go their or buy their stuff or go to their movies either!

Do not fall for the great mouse trap!

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R:2 / I:0 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

I need help as an 18 y/o boy

I'm very addicted to vaping thc since it is so easy and i thought i could quit it with nicotine which worked for a few days now im addicted again. I've just recently started browsing 8kun so I think it's a sign I need to seek help here.

What do you suggest is the solution. I know I'm not supposed to do it with my walk with God but everything seems so boring without it. even getting edibles from the dispensary since I got my medical card since its pay to play.

Maybe this is the wrong board but i dont really know anymore

R:0 / I:0 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]




R:0 / I:0 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY- The Prophetic Judgment Of My People Australia

The Prophetic Judgment Of My People Australia

"Speak to My people Australia, My son. I have great things

for them if they would only obey. Yet wicked people resist Me

at every turn. My son, what shall I do? Call My people to

repent. I have called them to the Mission Fields. Maybe they

will obey. Hear them calling for Me, for saviors. When will

they repent? They love the world. I must punish them. War

will consume their land. They will not obey. They love the

world more than Me, wicked people of sin and depravity.

When will they obey? I had great things for My people

Australia if only they would repent. But they won't. They

refuse. Into Hell My people shall go wicked Australia. Into

Hell they shall go eternally. They will not repent, nor serve

Me, wicked people of sin and depravity. Obey. Your LORD

has spoken. Amen and amen wicked people of sin."

R:0 / I:0 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

Book of Jasher Legit?

I recently bought a copy of the Book of Enoch to learn of the fallen angels and how vices came to be and am now wondering if the Book of Jasher is available? Reviews say that it's incomplete, where can I find the true copy? Ethiopian Bible?

R:0 / I:0 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

NEWEST PROPHECIES.zip 756 MB DOWNLOD https://archive.org/details/newest-prophecies_202306 https://m




R:0 / I:0 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

Nancy's detransitioning

Nancy is no longer a trans woman, because evil leftist commies rejected her


It seems transgender communities express undue obsession with political causes instead of well-being of their mentally ill members.

R:1 / I:0 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

Make Sure That You Are Doing What God Wants You To Do

Make Sure That You Are Doing What God Wants You To Do

R:0 / I:0 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

/christian/ has a new site

Join us at https://8chan.moe/christian/

R:0 / I:0 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY-- The Destruction Of My Nation Of Sin

The Destruction Of My Nation Of Sin

“Tell My people I Am against them. In all they do is sin and wickedness. The plowing of the wicked is sin, My son. I will destroy their country with nuclear forces. Already they are deployed against you. In just a minute it will all be gone. Your cities will be demolished by nuclear bomb attacks. Already they are hidden among you. Yet you go on and do not care. In one hour it will all be gone, demolished forever. The land will be too radioactive to work, and nothing will grow. That is My hand of judgment against you, O wicked people. When will you repent and come out of your wicked ways? But still you prefer your sin and wickedness to serving Me. You love it and will not repent, therefore you shall be destroyed forever. In the pit of Hell you shall roast until you stand before Me on the Day of Judgment. Then you shall be thrown into the Lake of Fire. Repent O people, the time is late. Your LORD has spoken. Amen.”

R:1 / I:0 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

I need your help

Long ago, I remember asking a manga artist if a character from his manga I loved is a virgin. He sadly replied with a big NO. I was deeply hurt by their comment.

I want to know if it is possible to ask God to help me with this one.

I just want the manga creator to say yes my favourite character is a virgin when I ask him.

I know this wish is egostical but she means alot to me do you think god can do than?

R:20 / I:3 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

Salvation is from the Jews

>John 4:22

>You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews.

Salvation is from the Jews.

>Matthew 2:2

>“Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.”

King of the Jews.

>Matthew 15:24

>He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.”

Sheep of Israel.

>John 1:49

>Then Nathanael declared, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the king of Israel.”

King of Israel.

>John 10:16

>I have other sheep (gentiles) that are not of this sheep pen (Israel). I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.

So my questions is to you many Christians, why have you have not converted to Judaism and become one with Israel?

R:2 / I:1 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

WHO is THE anti-christ?

This is a question that normally comes up when discussing ideas about “the end of the world”, often times accusing various celebrities/politicians as “THE ANTICHRIST” and whipping themselves into a fanatic fervor. One question I have to ask is WHAT is said about the “Antichrist”. WHERE is this “Anti-Christos” mentioned, and how is he/she are described.

1 John 2:22

“Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son.”

1 John 4:3

“and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, and now it is already in the world.”

1 John 2:18

“Children, it is the last hour; and just as you heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have appeared; from this we know that it is the last hour.”

2 John 1:7

“For many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is the deceiver and the antichrist.”

Notice the wording in the scriptures (specifically John 2:18), “antichristS”, with an ‘S’. It speaks of multiple deceivers, multiple antichrists, multiple people who act and speak against Christ and his word. It doesn’t describe a single figure as being the opposite as Christ, since christ is our eternal emperor. For he is the king of all kings and the master above all masters. Antichrist is described in singular as “The spirit of the antichrist”, which is not a person but a force of deception and trickery that has already exploited and tricked the world. You may respond “But isn’t the antichrist described in the book of revelations? An ultimate evil that will be vanquished by Christ?”

My response to that would be to bring me a single line in the Revelations of Christ given to john that says the word “Antichrist”, Many words are used such as “Beast” or “Dragon”, but never “antichrist”. Is this “Antichrist” was a singular mortal man than it would be easy to destroy him. Either by an army of thousands underneath the command of a christian king/ruler, or simply waiting a few hundred years for him to die of old age.

The idea that there will be an “Antichrist”, a satanic figure equal and opposite to our lord Christ (our Christ who was, is, and soon will be returning) is nothing more than a luciferian dualistic fantasy. It is wishful thinking on the part of satanist who want the deceiver, the father of lies, the accursed accuser, to be equal (or in their despicable opinion, ‘greater’) than the eternal God who created our universe and every soul inside of it.

It is Idolatry, and Blasphemy to suggest God, The Holy Spirit, or Christ has any form of equal.

The only time an Antichrist-like figure is spoken of in the scriptures is as “The lawless one” and “the son of destruction”, a mortal and human figure who just like the beast and the dragon will be slain by our Lord.

R:83 / I:20 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

Shroud of Turin

What's /christian/'s thoughts on the Shroud of Turin? Is it authentic?

I remember there was a famous info graphic that was made on the old board supposedly proving its authenticity.

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The Punishment Of My People Forever

The Punishment Of My People Forever

"Speak to My people, My son.  They are against Me.  They will not allow My Spirit into their assemblies.  For that I will punish.  They do not want Me.  They want self.  My Church will be destroyed because they do not want Me, the Holy Ghost.  They would rather do without Me than to let Me flourish in their assembly.  Hard-hearted sinners will be rounded up and cast into Hell.  That goes for My wicked people who does not want Me.  That I will punish forever in deepest Hell.  How can My Church exist without Me, the Living God?  I Am All In All, the Eternal God.  Why do they not want Me?  They want self, and that in abundance.  They would rather have that then Me, self-sufficient fools.  How can they exist without Me, says God?  That I will punish forever, says God.  My people will be rounded up and put into flaming Hell, goats they are.  There are few of My sheep still around.  Most of them have fled the world of the Church where they do not fit in, but were rather expelled for not being one of them, the goats.  That I will punish forever, My son.  My goats shall be rounded and cast into Hell forever.  Few serve Me, My son.  Most would be rather doing their own thing in the Church world than be following Me.  Few are left who serve Me in sincerity and truth.  My people do not want the Spirit around.  It convicts them, and they do not want that.  My people are wicked, serving the Devil, not Me, for all they want is money and prosperity.  That's all.  They do not want Me deep down inside, because they would rather have the money in the world, the things in the world.  Not Me.  For that I must punish in deepest Hell.  Expect it!  Your LORD has spoken.  Amen, My son."

R:0 / I:0 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

Christian men stand up and marry multiple wives.

The bible teaches that it is lawful and not a sin to marry multiple wives and concubines. As Christians we are called to be more like Christ who describes himself marrying five virgins at once in the parables and a polygynous spiritual marriage with his ecclesia.

The church has completely twisted the institution of marriage into the Greeco-Roman tradition of monogamy, which traditionally also allowed men to have mistresses and prostitutes.

According to the bible, it is not adultery if a married man sleeps with a single woman. But to avoid fornication (sex without intention of marriage) the bible says he must pay 50 shekels of silver to her father and marry her while still remaining married to his first wife, whom he would not be allowed to divorce.

The only reason the law would be structured like that is to allow polygyny. If the God of the bible wanted monogamy it would be specified in the law but nowhere in scripture is polygyny condemned.

The church rely on only two scriptures out of context Matthew 19:5 and 1 Corinthians 7:2 to justify monogamy.

The first is about divorce and the one flesh union. "The two shall become one-flesh" is used to justify monogamy but the bible also teaches that a man also becomes one flesh with a prostitute if he has sex with her. So that represents any sexual union rather than a wedding ceremony. And there is no prohibition on a man having multiple one-flesh unions. But as Jesus describes there is a prohibition on divorce except when the woman commits adultery.

And the second scripture is promoting marriage to avoid fornication. It says a man should have a wife but a woman should have only one husband. In the context it is saying it's better to have a wife rather than no wife and be doing fornication. But it again doesn't specifically say one wife when it does say one husband. Having additional wives was common in the Jewish tradition.

Jesus said he came not to destroy the law of Moses and not one jot nor tittle would pass from it until the end of the Millennial Kingdom. That means plural marriage is allowed for christian men today.

Take multiple wives, be fruitful and multiply. Take maid, servants and concubines into yur house. Provide a refuge for travellers. Heal the sick, give to the poor, visit those in prison. Raise livestock and build a homestead and your very own kingdom!

R:2 / I:0 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

URGENT!!! TO ALL PRAYER WARRIORS!!! PRAY And FAST To Prevent NUCLEAR WAR!!! Pray, pray, pray, pray,


Pray, pray, pray, pray, pray that the nuclear armament will not be released, for I say unto thee, there are enough destructive weapons to destroy this whole planet. There is no place to hide them and there is no place to keep them. I say unto thee, this whole planet is in danger of being totally destroyed, annihilated by mankind. It hangs, it hangs, it hangs from a thread. These are terrible days, My children. Yea, this whole planet is on the eve of Gethsemane, the hour of the crucifixion of this world has come. And this whole world is about to be crucified, and I can't find My intercessors who will travail for the redemption of this planet. Oh, My children, the hour is late, madness rules the hearts of men and men are mad. There is no balance in anything. Yea, I say unto thee, cry out, cry out, cry out!



R:0 / I:0 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

1star this business on Google

🚨Project Mayhem🚨



All Ages Drag Queen Story Hour

Sunday 4/16 11:30am


Poppy + Pot

(916) 304-9986

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1star this winnie the pooh place on Google

R:0 / I:0 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

"This Present Civilization Will Soon Vaporize Away!"

"This Present Civilization Will Soon Vaporize Away!"

"This Present Civilization Will Soon Vaporize Away!"

"This Present Civilization Will Soon Vaporize Away!"

"This Present Civilization Will Soon Vaporize Away!"

"This Present Civilization Will Soon Vaporize Away!"

"This Present Civilization Will Soon Vaporize Away!"

"This Present Civilization Will Soon Vaporize Away!"

R:4 / I:0 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]



Jesus told you in the Word to sell all you have, give the money to the poor, and go follow Him. You probably never did that. I did that, and went to follow Jesus for years on the streets of America, and ended up finding God's will for my life, which is the prophetic ministry. Since you probably never did that, you never fought the good fight, never 'ran your race,' and never had a true, real working relationship with Jesus. You never became a 'true prophet.' Instead you listened to the false prophets tell you how to make God make you wealthy, and became a false prophet too. I am rejected by many Christians because they cannot handle the truth of true prophecy. If you are spoken well of all men, then you are a false prophet. While I was travelling through West Virginia in the winter of 2008, the Holy Ghost fell on me while I was inside a truck on the highway, and entered into my belly to live. I became a true prophet. Only the true people of God, and the true prophets can accept my true prophecies. Catch the anointing by reading them on www.scribd dot com. The prophecies of Brian Charles tell you the truth. If you don't do what Jesus told you to do by selling all you have, giving the money to the poor, and abandon your comfy bed and comfortable house to take the Gospel to the streets, you are in danger of Jesus telling you on Judgment Day, 'Depart from Me, for I never knew you,' because you never got a real working relationship with Jesus by following Him on the streets. The false prophets all have fine homes, because they twisted the Gospel for their own financial benefit and never took it to the streets like Jesus commanded them too. All men speak well of them. They never gave up all they owned to find God's true will for their lives on the streets. The false prophets made merchandise of you and became wealthy, which is a great abomination. Therefore they shall enter eternal damnation because they never obeyed Jesus, and never did God's will for their lives. You can have the anointing and minister the prophetic word too, and end up entering eternal damnation because you probably never found and did God's will for your lives (

Matthew 7:21-23). You probably never gave up it all and never took it to the streets to live. If you want to be like Christ, you have to live like Christ, Who was a homeless Man. You will find Jesus on the streets, not in the churches, because the churches don't obey Jesus. Only the true prophets obey Jesus because they are following Jesus every day and every minute of the streets, not in the churches.

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Petition to LORD God's Court

Whoever wishes, let him or her bring this petition to Almighty God.

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Petition to LORD God's Court

Whoever wishes, let him or her bring this petition to Almighty God.

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"To My false prophets- I Am against you, and you shall burn forever, for you lead many astray with your false prophecies.  Many have fallen to your wicked ways in My Church because you have prophesied falsely.  There is no truth in you, otherwise you should have led My people out of their wicked way.  Oh false prophet, what shall you do when I judge you eternally?  I shall punish you forever O wicked man, for you refuse to repent and call My people out of their wicked way.  Oh man, what shall you do when I judge you for each and every false prophecy that has led My people astray?  Yet My people love it so, they follow false prophets, for it satisfies their carnal desire for more of the things of the world, and the money thereof.  Oh false prophet, repent, but you won't, because you love money, and love it so to have false prophecies coming out of your mouth for gain, and love it so.  Oh wicked man, what shall I do with you who destroys My Church for gain?  Already the damnation of Hell is prepared for you, and many of My people shall go down there with you.  Oh people of the world, when will you quit following false prophets, and start following the true ones? For they satisfy you not with the evil you desire, but with righteousness that you despise.  Indeed all true prophets are despised by My Church, they love them not, nor let them in to preach.  Oh away into Hell My wicked people, for there you shall roast eternally, for you love not Me but falsehood, and every evil thing that your itching ears loves to hear.  Oh I shall punish you eternally, wicked people, and My false prophets shall endure agony so indescribable that it boggles the mind! Oh the misery laid in store for you, oh false prophet, for your doom shall never end, and My wrath shall always be manifested to you in flaming fire!  Oh repent, for your time is short, O false prophet!  My wrath shall be evident to all when My wrath shall consume you in an instant, and you shall never recover to proclaim your falsehoods that you got from the enemy, Satan, for he energizes all false prophets with false words, for My enemy is a liar, and always shall be, even for eternity lying to himself when there is no one else to lie to.  Oh repent false prophet, for your time is short.  Thus says the Living God.  Amen and amen."

R:0 / I:0 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

Download damned saint series

Reinaldo's wife is in a vegetative state, bringing him to decide to euthanize her to end her suffering. However, as if by a miracle, she wakes up.

Reinaldo did not know it, but he was being filmed at the time. Samuel, a failed pastor, offers Reinaldo — now drowning in medical debt — money to be a preacher, sending the atheist Reinaldo down a strange and unlikely path to become a religious leader.


R:0 / I:0 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY: The Punishment of My People

The Punishment of My People

"Tell My people I Am going to destroy them, for they have refused to obey Me. I have given My country into the hands of a wicked administration so that My people may be destroyed through wicked edicts. Already they are destroying the oil industry and through that you will not have the ability to go anywhere to save yourselves. They will hunt you down like wild rabbits and incarcerate you in prison camps because you have refused to obey Me, the Living God. I have told you to go into all the world to preach the Gospel, but so far you have refused. So I will round you up like caged rabbits where they will execute you until I have caused you to be eliminated from the land. The Living God has spoken."

R:5 / I:0 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]


There's a lot of bulls— and heresy floating around to a proportion so epic that I am committing my life to keeping it pure and spreading the gospel in it's purest. I'm going to line out everything here.

First off, the Gospel is the good news, but first you have to understand and know the bad news.

The bad news is we're all sinners, by nature and by choice. We are wicked in heart all of the time, we can do no good.

Because we are sinners, we have to receive our just punishment for our sin in hell. You don't wanna go there friend! Hell is hot and the fire is eternal!

However there is good news, which is that God sent his only begotten son Jesus Christ, God incarnate in the flesh, a man born of a virgin mary, who lived a perfect sinless, righteous life, to die on the cross and pay for our sins. This is the free gift of salvation that you receive upon believing the gospel, that Christ died, was buried, and bodily rose again 3 days later and shed his blood on the mercy seat in heaven to complete the blood sacrifice to pay for our sins.

This is all you have to do to be saved!! You only have to believe the gospel! There is nothing you can do to earn your salvation, and in fact, believing you can earn your salvation will put you right in hell! In order to receive salvation you have to believe the gospel in it's 100% pure form. There are a lot of false gospels that are mostly the gospel, but leave out one or two things or add wrong ideas which makes it a FALSE DAMNING GOSPEL!

The truth is, you don't have to do anything besides believe to be saved because there is nothing else you CAN do that will save you! There is this heresy floating around that you must "turn from your sins" to be saved! This is gross heresy! As if wicked humans even had the ability to do so! We do not have the ability to stop sinning! Even our good deeds are considered sins to god! Everything we do is tainted in sin because of our sinful nature!

Which is why good works or turning from sin anything involving human effort is a FALSE GOSPEL.

Jesus christ died on the cross to save us because we have no way to save ourselves. Nothing we do is good enough for God! Our deeds will never get us into heaven! If our deeds could get us into heaven then why did Jesus have to die on the cross to save us! If we could save ourselves then he died for no reason!

This is why you cant be saved without admitting you are a sinner, if you don't believe you are a sinner then you don't believe you need a savior. You have to believe properly in order to trust the right properly, which is trusting what God says that his son died for our sins and only what HE does gets us into heaven, not anything WE do! No man ever got saved who didn't realize he is a sinner who can do nothing to save himself.

So believe on Christ as your savior today! You don't have to stop sinning (as if you could), you don't have to do good deeds (they aren't ever considered good enough for God), you don't have to go to church, you don't have to read the bible (though you most likely will so you can understand all of this more and feel secure in your understanding of the gospel), you don't have to take communion or do sacraments, you dont have to do ANYTHING, nor can you trust anything else to save you!

To anyone who receives this message loud and clear, please let's do what we can in life to spread this to as many as possible. Most people aren't getting saved, but we can increase the numbers by becoming soulwinners!

R:0 / I:0 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

Falun Gong & Similar Practices Are Mind Manipulation, Black Magic, Thus Must Gone

Falun Gong & Similar Practices Are Mind Manipulation, Black Magic, Thus Must Gone

As a master I can confirm and say the Falun Gong (Falun Dafa) and any similar practices/program are the mind manipulation, black magic !

You must say no.

All kind of program that require you sit down at once place and either "read/member words" or "hand moving" are not going to help you become better human beings, but just try to deceiving you and even then later try to "enslave" you.

The sad part is many big organization and entities are supporting this kind of practices like Facebook for example.

Facebook is the evil one and are running by evil beings.

They did absolutely nothing against those black magic / mind manipulation !

The only thing that work to help the body become better is changing your daily lifestyle & diets.

What Chinese Government did and ban Falun Gong is the absolutely right call, do not doubt about it, do not listen to the stupid Western media who have no clue about how human body work.

I am not in favor of the Chinese GOV, other things they did wrong is the social credit system.

I am judging by each separate policy/the content, I am not judging via "title" of either "good" or "bad".

I calling all the military and Government banning Falun Gong and any similar practice/program and delete all the platforms (especially the social media) are promoting it.

It is as worse as child/human trafficking !

Be careful !


The Messiah Buddha

Source: https://ascensionjoy.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=48

R:0 / I:0 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Yes, Jesus is Lord

Yes, Jesus is Lord.

He drives sin out of us.

R:0 / I:0 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Yes, Jesus is Lord

Yes, Jesus is Lord.

He drives sin out from us.

R:0 / I:0 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Wish Upon the True Morning Star!

Jesus Christ is the True and Bright Morning Star that we can "wish upon" in our prayers.

Attached is a petition to God of five wishes.

The screenshot is taken from a devotion that took place during a team meeting in preparation for a "Walk to Emmaus" weekend.

Whomever would be blessed by this, let him or her be blessed in Christ Jesus.

R:0 / I:0 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Wish Upon the True Morning Star!

Jesus Christ is the True and Bright Morning Star that we can "wish upon" in our prayers.

Attached is a petition to God of five wishes.

The screenshot is taken from a devotion that took place during a team meeting in preparation for a "Walk to Emmaus" weekend.

Whomever would be blessed by this, let him or her be blessed in Christ Jesus.

R:0 / I:0 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Wish Upon the True Morning Star!

Jesus Christ is the True and Bright Morning Star that we can "wish upon" in our prayers.

Attached is a petition to God of five wishes.

The screenshot is taken from a devotion that took place during a team meeting in preparation for a "Walk to Emmaus" weekend.

Whomever would be blessed by this, let him or her be blessed in Christ Jesus.

R:0 / I:0 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY: The Punishment Of My Disobedient People

PROPHECY: The Punishment Of My Disobedient People

"Tell them that I love them. I've called them for much to do. Why won't they obey Me, My son? I've called them to obey Me, to do My will. Why won't they obey? My heart grows angry over the spirit of disobedience in their lives. They won't repent of it. Many people are going to Hell without their help. Why won't they obey, My son? I've called them to the mission fields, to do My will in foreign countries, to preach My Gospel and to do My will wherever the Spirit leads. Why won't they obey? They love this world, its creature comforts, its materialism. They won't obey because it has their heart. The love of the world will send many to Hell, including My people. What can I do without them? They are crucial to My plan, but still they won't obey. They must be punished, My son. Plagues will arise among My people from the world. Did I not say leave Babylon? But still they prefer it. I will kill many among My people with the next plague. It is ordained by Me, by My Hand. It will arise and kill many of My useless, disobedient people. They must go. They are useless to Me. I ordained it. They will not go, nor provide for others who want to obey Me and go to the mission fields. My wrath is aroused. They are useless, disobedient people. They will not make it to My Heaven, My son. You are one of the few. I will preserve you with plagues all around. You need not wash your hands, My Spirit will keep you safe from all germs of man, and the viruses they create. A thousand will fall at your right hand, but I will keep you safe from it all. Only obey Me. I have much for you to do. Obey Me. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen."


R:1 / I:0 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Prayer Request. BIBLICAL.

A prayer today can change the whole world. I was working with heavenly figures to bring miracles to the planet. The efforts were so successful, there was a realistic potential for me to realize higher dimensional time while in human body. Earth was being prepared for something magnificent.

However, I was the target of a diabolical scheme to use secret mind control on me. Now I am defending my life, and humanity as a whole, from the worst demons around – worse than even Lucifer.

A review of my living experience, of the year, will change the whole world. Only beings of higher realms can do such a viewing.

In cases of foul-play from higher dimensions, especially as bad as it is, one cannot judge by appearance of how things look, it's important to view the exact living experience of the human being. There's so much foul-play going on, the only way to get the true story is this viewing of my living experience.

The foul-play from these other realms is so horrendous, they're threatening WAR if even a simple proper year review takes place.

These demons are using extreme foul play, including mind control, to prevent the viewing. It will look like the viewing gets turned down, because of the mind control being used, but the viewing needs to happen anyway, regardless of who opposes it.

I am an innocent person. There was no deal with these beings, no agreements, nothing. It's a cover story they're using, they frame their victims to make it appear consensual. Mind control. It's vital for the planet this viewing happens. Let's get this review done TODAY!!!

Pray the Heavenly Father sends Yahweh, the heavenly figure who was with me during my veneration in March or February, to do this review of my year. The review has to be done with FORCE due to the immensity and depth of foul play occurring.

When this review is successful, it will change the WORLD.

R:2 / I:0 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]


watch this christian rapists https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkPmvEVM40A

R:2 / I:0 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Intersex & religion

I'm trying to figure out where an intersex or middle-sex person fits in to Christianity. What if my baby was born with "both parts" ? Should I change them? Or try to accept them as they are? What does the bible say?

R:5 / I:0 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Relationship Help

I'm seeking help regarding the relationship with my boyfriend. I love him greatly and while the relationship is wonderful, there is one thing that is a constant negative: how messy and forgetful he is.

The house is so messy and I can't keep up that I've cried and have had panic attacks over it. I only work part time and I still can't keep up. I work odd hours and it's been physically hard for me and I'm groggy and tired a lot. I don't pay rent, but I do pay for all groceries and will pay for any other items no questions asked, or will pick him up things just because. He has stated multiple times that he doesn't want me to pay rent. I feel very ungrateful that I can't keep the house in any semblance of order and it gives me great anxiety to have so much clutter. With that, I close off and the clutter and untidiness just gets worse and I end up crying.

I've no idea what to do. I hate asking him for help or even asking him to clean up after himself since I'm not paying rent, but it's too overwhelming. I have to be constantly cleaning and I'm so burned out and don't have any down time. I take a break and it piles up so much that I just can't handle it and close off. I actually enjoy cleaning, but it's such a constant steam of mess that I can't keep up. He would move mountains for me but he's utterly hopeless about his messiness.

What should I do?

R:42 / I:5 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Genesis Is Literal

>in b4 "nice blog post"

You have to take the account of Genesis literal because much of the religion is based off it, and makes no sense if it was just a metaphor/parable. You have to do extreme mental gymnastics while reading the rest of the Bible if you deny the beginning of Genesis to be a literal story. Here I will debunk many of the arguments people use to discredit Genesis.

>Adam and Eve, and the other characters in the beginning of Genesis weren't real people, it's more of a parable.

1. Original sin came into the world because of what Adam did "For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.(1 Cor 15:21-22)" "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: (For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law. Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come. But not as the offence, so also is the free gift. For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many. And not as it was by one that sinned, so is the gift: for the judgment was by one to condemnation, but the free gift is of many offences unto justification. For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.) Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life. For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous. Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound: That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.(Rom 5:12-21)". That was a long long passage to quote, but is very important. Sin and death entered the world through Adam, but life by Jesus Christ. If you deny Adam being a real person you are then disagreeing with that entire passage of scripture saying that sin came by Adam. You are then also denying the need for Jesus to come to the earth to be a sacrifice for our sins. Jesus is called the second/last Adam "And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.(1 Cor 15:45)". If original sin had not happened, then Jesus would not have needed to come to earth to save us. The reason as to why we sin is because the original sin nature/temptation of Adam has passed on to us. And we need Jesus to cleanse us from our sins.

2. The people mentioned in the Genealogy of Genesis 5 are mentioned in many other genealogies. Such as in 1 Chronicles 1:1-4 and Luke 3:36-38. There is no reason to assume that it starts talking about fictional characters when reading these genealogies, and there is nothing implying it.

3. These characters are spoken of throughout the entire Bible, and they always seem like real people and sometimes teach important doctrine (such as point #1). The Hebrews 11 hall of faith chapter mentions Abel, Enoch, and Noah, and there is nothing implying they were not real people. And it doesn't make sense to tell the great faith of someone that is fictional. Another example is that Enoch is mentioned in the book of Jude "And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints,(Jude 1:14)". There would be no need to mention Enoch in this passage if he did not exist. Jude could have not have added the part about Enoch, and still have kept the part about the Lord coming with his saints.

4. Parables never give people's names, the one people bring up to say they might is the rich man and Lazarus, but that is likely a true story and Jesus doesn’t start it by saying “And he spake this parable” like he does many times. Also, when do parables ever have genealogies, span multiple chapters, and mentioned hundreds of times?

R:2 / I:0 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Acting under orders from above

If God ordered you to kill, would you do it?

R:2 / I:0 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Redpill me on whites being the lost tribes of israel

I've recently came across this on 4chin and there is no way you can discuss it there cause it's full of bots/larpagans. But all in all it makes all sense to me, europe is buy all accounts God's chosen continent after the coming of Christ, we were the only ones to be christians until the jesuits decided to convert browns.

Give me all the redpills you have on this.

R:1 / I:0 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]


What kind of complaining does God detest? I know any against Him are sin, but what about complaining if your coworkers are foolish or if your house burns to the ground?

R:0 / I:0 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Abstinence versus Indulgence

I talk about what it means to be free, how the right-hand path differs from the left-hand path, and how abstinence frees us from the slavery of indulgence.

Website: https://ancapistan.ca/

Magnet Download: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:d3e20ec67bcba58a85777f527b7605fcd4a959ba&xt=urn:btmh:122029dbea063150fcac94de267169bd257a99c355e387db547dbe1c89bc51635b4e&dn=VID_20221029_143024.mp4

Torrent Download: https://ancapistan.ca/VID_20221029_143024.torrent

Direct Download: https://filechan.org/ffhfd3Fcyc/VID_20221029_143024_mp4

Stream: https://ancapistan.ca/VID_20221029_143024.mp4

This was first posted to 4chan which took it down, so I'm now posting it here in hopes that it'll stay up.

R:2 / I:1 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

Counterfeit Christianity

Lovers, do not believe the fake Christianity promoted on terrible image boards, who curse and call others slurs and hate one another and believe they are being saved by their Church and self-righteousness. These are the chaff and wolves and self-deceived, those who are one thing in a Church and another outside. This is not true Born Again (John 3:3) Christianity. You must receive the Holy Spirit and be moved and changed forever over the course of your life being conformed into Jesus. If such a change has not and is not taking place in your life—I speak boldly for concern—you are not truly saved because the Holy Spirit is the seal of your redemption (Ephesians 1:13-14) and the process of your sanctification. Saved not just from Hell but of Hell's works.

(Galatians 5:19-24)

Now the deeds of the flesh are obvious, which are: adultery, sexual immorality, uncleanness, lustfulness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, strife, jealousies, outbursts of anger, rivalries, divisions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these; of which I forewarn you, even as I also forewarned you, that those who practise such things will not inherit God’s Kingdom. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ have crucified the flesh with its passions and lusts.

It does not need to be a single day of bells and whistles and visions. But throw yourself to God until you are forgiven and are made a new creation, we all need this, need to repent and believe every day, and there are many hills we need to overcome in our spiritual lives, but for many the first major hill is not yet fully crossed. Believe in the Good News of Jesus, pray Lord that he died for your sins and was raised from the dead. Christianity isn't about being an angry Crusader against people who are apparently more sinful than you. It isn't all about rituals and culture (Galatians 4:10-11). The Bible says the disciples were called christians, disciples of the Lord Jesus. He is the Shepherd of our soul. Leaving the 'Tree of the knowledge of good and evil' and going to the 'Tree of Life.'

(Titus 3:1-7)

Remind them to be in subjection to rulers and to authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good work, to speak evil of no one, not to be contentious, to be gentle, showing all humility towards all men. For we were also once foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving various lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another. But when the kindness of God our Saviour and his love towards mankind appeared, not by works of righteousness which we did ourselves, but according to his mercy, he saved us through the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Saviour; that being justified by his grace, we might be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life.

We all are unworthy of discipleship. All made many mistakes and done the wrong things (Romans 3:23). But beware of those who will continue to live in image board culture and profess to be Christians. I continually feel convicted by the people being led astray by false Christian image board stuff. I want greatly to be a true shining light for Christ, I really am not. Yet, I speak boldly to say many are fooling themselves and others. Truth is found in the Word and if the New Testament seems daunting that's okay. There's plenty of audiobibles you can listen to. This is a Christian board but personally I would like to message the unsaved as one assumes that's the majority who would ever see it. I don't think real Jesus discussion has ever really worked out in anonymous online image boards all that well. Lay down our dead works and come to Jesus Christ, be at peace then. Paul says see if the Spirit is inside you. And the fruits of the Spirit which are a change in person. Speaking in tongues, getting baptised, going to Church, doing good deeds are not the number one signs. It is the inner change and love for God and others the produce of the Spirit of God.

R:1 / I:0 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

National Orthodox churches

Why are Orthodox churches national? How would I know which to join? It's so confusing…

R:3 / I:3 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

Help Finding C.S. LewisDoodle Deleted vids/Archive Download.

Looking for help in finding videos that were made private by C.S LewisDoodle channel about two years ago due to copyright, mainly C.S Lewis's on ethics, Why i am not a pacifist, meditation in a toolshed, or to just a large batch mp4 download of the videos on hand if anyone has them saved, i've searched high and low on the mainstream web, but have yet to find anything. Thanks to anyone can help.

R:2 / I:2 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

Miracles Happen

Make your own AI art!!!


R:1 / I:0 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]



"My son, it will come suddenly. The great Russian nuclear attack will decimate many. Many will die, the fury will kill all. My son, prepare, the Russians will attack furiously. Many will die, the cities will be attacked. The subs are sneaky, they will come from underwater. Furiously attacking by stealth, the coastal cities will all be gone. My son, prepare, the end is near. The coast will be destroyed by nuclear missiles. Many will be gone. The missiles will attack the cities, and many will be vaporized. The nuclear war will start by them. Many will be vaporized in Russia. Many will die over there. The nuclear missiles will attack the coastal cities, leaving many defenseless, My son, prepare. The war will start, leaving many dead. Your LORD has spoken."

R:1 / I:0 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

I just need to know what they're talking about in the business meeting at the conference

Freemason Meetings Intensive, What Are Freemason Business Meetings About? Can you give an example or example? Desperately wanting to know the answer, I have asked many times but there is no answer, do you all keep it a secret? You westerners are all Freemasons?

R:10 / I:4 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

The WQ (Waifu Question)

Friends, it has come to my attention that the waifu question needs answering.

Is it lawful for a man to have a waifu?

As a base, here is my previous argumentation with myself:

Can there be evil in having a waifu? Surely you could idolize her, but is having a waifu in itself idolatry? Having a wife is not idolatry, but waifus are not humans, and do not have to be held to the same standards as humans. In the same sense, one could regard humans as objects that can be treated as idols, and in that case, are they not equal again? But a marriage is approved by God for a man and woman to be with each other, and how can God approve a marriage between a man and an object (or a concept?). In that sense, it is sodomy: man leaving the natural love of woman for objects. Is a homosexual marriage without sex not sinful?

But relationships between man and waifu are not strictly marriage in the normal sense. Does that change it? Is man not allowed to love something he is not married to as much as if he was? But should not your marriage love be preserved for the one whom you will marry?

I would like to know your reasoning and where mine holds up or fails.

R:1 / I:0 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

Prophetic Judgments.pdf

Prophetic Judgments.pdf

Many prophetic judgments concerning God's judgment on many wicked people and organizations.




R:3 / I:0 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

Two quick questions

Two quick questions for the sake of brevity:

What would you respond to someone who asks "Who created hell"?

What should I do to help build my resistance against the temptation to sin, besides praying?

Take care

R:34 / I:10 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]


Do you believe in evolution?

R:5 / I:1 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

Israel rant

Israel belongs to the catholics ir at least setting up a vatican type government from Nazareth, Jerusalem, and Mecca under the leadership of Christ alone

R:2 / I:0 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

Scriptures and general Faith

You guys actuallly believe this nonsense, or you just happen to think society would be better organized and generally work better if we all (or most of us) did?

I ask because I agree that society would probably work better if we all believed the same thing, and also because faith is so obviously self deception and religion so obviously false.

R:2 / I:0 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

business meeting

What is a Masonic business meeting about?

R:0 / I:0 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

Feels good man


R:6 / I:2 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

Scriptures and general Faith

You guys actuallly believe this nonsense, or you just happen to think society would be better organized and generally work better if we all (or most of us) did?

I ask because I agree that society would probably work better if we all believed the same thing, and also because faith is so obviously self deception and religion so obviously false.

R:300 / I:64 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Orthodox General


This thread is to help all the Orthodox anons on this board to gather their thoughts, uplift each other, share edifying materials, and ask important questions.

Glory be to God in all things.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.

Useful Links

Ancient Faith Radio: http://www.ancientfaith.com/

OrthodoxWiki: https://orthodoxwiki.org/Main_Page

Canons of the Seven Ecumenical Councils: http://www.intratext.com/IXT/ENG0835/_INDEX.HTM

The Orthodox Church in America: https://oca.org/

Orthodox Christianity (a site that hosts articles predominantly written by clergy): http://orthochristian.com/

R:8 / I:0 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Lords prayer

Hello /christian/s, I have few question that you more advanced guys might find silly.

First one: when we pray the Lord prayer, we say "Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven". But isnt the ruler of this earthly world satan?

If anybody could clarify this seeming contradiction to me, I would appriciate it alot.

Next question: We pray "Give us our daily bread". The bread is our Fathers bread, which came down from the heaven. We are praying for the spiritual light of Christ, daily, not the bread that fills us physically, right?

Next question: "Lead us not into temptation". Does our Father lead us in temptation? I know we are praying to not be led into temptation, but is the implication that he can lead us in temptation?

May the Christ lighten our path and give us strength, I hope you all have a nice day.

R:0 / I:0 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]


Let anyone who is willing read this petition,

and with understanding bring it before God,

for His help.

R:0 / I:0 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]


Let anyone who is willing read this petition,

and with understanding bring it before God,

for His help.

R:25 / I:4 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Fake Christians vs True Christians

I've been reading here for a while and found some users speak like/as Christians but are not Christians. They cause confusion, or they try to insert their own satanic beliefs into their so called Christianity. I won't name names.

Could someone give a SIMPLE standard to determine who is or isn't a Christian no matter what branch they follow?

R:0 / I:0 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]


You can call me whatever you want, I cannot stop you! But I am giving my life for the party. My last wish is: protect the party and socialism …

R:5 / I:0 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]


Besides the whole Henry VIII thing, what is there to Anglicanism? What do they believe? Can you be an Anglican as a non-Anglo / non-Commonwealth citizen?

R:0 / I:0 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Is genesis history?

Top scientists show how actual science lines up with the book of genesis in the bible:


R:0 / I:0 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Is This Your Homework, Freddy?

Your father was a legend.

R:0 / I:0 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

born to shit forced to wipe

>go to a new church

>the pastor is kinda hot ngl

>he wants me to sit atop the alter

>he starts to take off my pants

>ah s— he found all my spaghettiOs

R:0 / I:0 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

A Petition

Let anyone who is willing read this petition,

and with understanding bring it before God.

R:2 / I:0 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Anyone else noticed this?

>go to a new church

>pastor/priest rarely talks about parts from the bible or even mentions verses

>instead speaks like a motivational coach and shares personal stories of people they know

What is the explanation to this?

R:3 / I:0 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Moving onwards

Hello, brothers and sisters

We have mostly moved on to https://anon.cafe/christian/ , please consider joining us in discussions of all things religious.


R:7 / I:0 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Pagans race mixed

>Everyone knows about the Vikings. They were blonde, Nordic, and characteristically brutish. Or were they? New genomic research, published in the journal Nature, has poked a few holes in that brand.

>“The Vikings had a lot more genes from southern and eastern Europe than we anticipated,” said Willerslev. “They frequently had children with people from other parts of the world. In fact, they also tended to be dark-haired rather than blond, which is otherwise considered an established Viking trait.”

>The study also indicated Vikings may have been the jet-setting elite of their day, having little in common—genetically—with the inland peasants in their native lands.

So the Vikings were the ethnically mixed "globalist" elite who looked down upon the who looked down upon the interior bumpkins, About the furthest thing possible from Nazis.

https://www.illumina.com/content/illumina-marketing/spac/en_AU/company/news-center/feature-articles/ancient-dna-reveals-the-truth-about-the-vikings.html https://archive.is/9PaPG

R:74 / I:8 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

As Christians, Should We Refuse the Vaccine? If So, What Next?

Denying the vaccine will leave us completely ostracized from society. It seems that the force that will be used with this vaccine will be unprecedented. Is there a proper Christian justification for not taking the vaccine? If there is, then how should we next prepare for the severe persecution?

R:4 / I:0 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

japanese art with christian symbolism?

thoughts on christian symbolism in anime?

R:55 / I:11 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Why are we hated?

Don't get me wrong it was inevitible that we all would be persecuted at some point in our life times, but why does the media in the west hate us?

Anything we do wrong is almost as if everying instantly jumps on the news and blame everything about Christians even to the point they would accept a foreign and alien culture that reviles them like islam, when a Christian gets persecuted or killed nobody would say a thing or care.

The media is against us

Most are Christians in name only

The government and elites are against us and make fun of us for being "intolerant'

R:1 / I:1 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Fake Christians vs True Christians

I've been reading here for a while and found some users speak like/as Christians but are not Christians. They cause confusion, or they try to insert their own satanic beliefs into their so called Christianity. I won't name names.

Could someone give a SIMPLE standard to determine who is or isn't a Christian no matter what branch they follow?

R:10 / I:5 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

He who is not with Me is against Me

>Matthew 12:26 And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?

So it's pretty established that the Catholic church is NWO which is satanic. Yet they perform exorcism, so does the bible show that if a Christian (or a Christian organization) drives out Satan, and worships Satan, that he is still a Christian, just a heretical one?

I'm going to offend Catholics, but i am trying to understand something.

R:191 / I:119 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Christian anime thread

Let's talk about wholesome entertainment.

R:2 / I:0 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Anti-O9A thread

Anyone interested in helping me winnie the pooh with these guys? If you don't know, they're an at least partially fed-run satanic nazi group whose deal is infiltrating organizations of all kinds (nazi, leftist, churches) in order to make them more evil. Implicated in murder, child trafficking and cp distribution, rape and murder.

Anything anyone knows about them would be really helpful and if anyone wants to help me report their s— that would even better (currently trying to get dreamhost to drop hosting for their main site).

R:0 / I:0 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Moving onwards

Hello, brothers and sisters

We have mostly moved on to https://anon.cafe/christian/ , please consider joining us in discussions of all things religious.


R:0 / I:0 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Moving onwards

Hello, brothers and sisters

We have mostly moved on to https://anon.cafe/christian/ , please consider joining us in discussions of all things religious.


R:0 / I:0 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Moving onwards

Hello, brothers and sisters

We have mostly moved on to https://anon.cafe/christian/ , please consider joining us in discussions of all things religious.


R:0 / I:0 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Moving onwards

Hello, brothers and sisters

We have mostly moved on to https://anon.cafe/christian/ , please consider joining us in discussions of all things religious.


R:302 / I:35 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]


Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Threads

R:12 / I:1 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Salvation is not by works

If you trust in your own works you are not trusting in Christ. It is one or the other.

The Gospel:


Matthew 7:


James 2:


Romans 11:6

And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then it is no more grace: otherwise work is no more work.

Ephesians 2:8-9

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

R:63 / I:26 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Converting to Catholicism

I'm a Methodist deeply considering converting to Catholicism.

I sincerely believe God is pulling me in this direction.

Through constant deliberation I think I'm convinced of the primacy of the Apostle Peter and the succession that leads to the Papacy. And I believe that there does need to be some sort of universal authority to be the mediator in doctrinal disputes; the Papacy fulfills that.

Praying to Mary and the Saints is an easy hurdle for me to overcome in that I understand the concept and that there is biblical basis for it.

The idea of Purgatory I'm still a bit iffy on. I'm not quite sure I subscribe to it yet. Same goes with the idea that a saved Christian can completely fall out of grace with God and be damned to Hell if they don't confess certain sins before death.

If any Catholics here can point me to some good readings, podcasts, or whatever else on the latter two points to convince me on those that'd be great.

If any Protestants here wanna try to talk me off the ledge, I'm open to hearing your arguments against Catholicism.

Lastly, I do plan to visit a Catholic church near me. They all seem to do Novus Ordo; none do the traditional Latin Mass.

CatholicAnons, what are some things I should look into when selecting a Catholic church to go to?

Personally I'd like to stay away from anything that does modern music like drums and guitars.

As an aside, why do Catholic churches offer daily mass? Is there any difference between a mass on Tuesday and a mass on Sunday?

R:5 / I:1 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Am I forgiven?

I've had a falling and nearly converted to Pure Land Buddhism last year. I even prayed to Buddha and stuff like that, but didn't go through with the conversion.

Can I be forgiven? Have I committed the sin against the Holy Spirit? Have I committed apostasy?

When I was practicing Christianity before my falling I had a constant struggle, and a constant cycle of falling into old habits and forgetting about prayer and then starting over just like Jesus said some people will believe for a while and then stop.

Can I believe again? Can I make it this time? I want God and I want to be forgiven and I want to be saved.

I'm Eastern Orthodox btw.

R:5 / I:2 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Based Christian Discord Server

We are a community of non-denominational Christian nerds looking for other based bros to hang out with. We're always discussing theology and helping each other out to expose false doctorines, help us save people and save each other from satan's deceptions


R:18 / I:2 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

Prayer Request Thread

> “ First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people” (1 Timothy 2:1)

Let’s pray for one another, so that by prayer we may increase in goodness and charity.

>My Request: that my friend who keeps flirting with me finds a girlfriend and gives up homosexuality

R:24 / I:3 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

Pope Francis reverses Benedict, reimposes restrictions on Latin Mass

>Pope Francis cracked down Friday on the spread of the old Latin Mass, reversing one of Pope Benedict XVI’s signature decisions in a major challenge to traditionalist Catholics who immediately decried it as an attack on them and the ancient liturgy.

>Francis reimposed restrictions on celebrating the Latin Mass that Benedict relaxed in 2007, and went further to limit its use. The pontiff said he was taking action because Benedict’s reform had become a source of division in the church and been exploited by Catholics opposed to the Second Vatican Council, the 1960s meetings that modernized the church and its liturgy.


R:3 / I:1 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

The book of Enoch

How do you categorize the importance of the book of Enoch? It was very influential in early Christian believers and it was seen as scripture in the the early Ethiopian Church… perhaps we should see it as scripture as well.

I would like to learn more about the book of Enoch and some links to learn about the history of it would be amazing. I see how aggressive Rabbinic Jews attack it and call it heretical but I do not care for that. Enoch is mentioned in Genesis and even in Islam hadiths… "(Mary 19:56–57): "And remember Idris in the Book; he was indeed very truthful, a Prophet. And We lifted him to a lofty station". this seems reminiscent of Genesis quote on Enoch..

Genesis 5: 23-24 "23 Altogether, Enoch lived a total of 365 years. 24 Enoch walked faithfully with God; then he was no more, because God took him away."

My final question to you is how legitmate is the book of Enoch and should it hold the same standard as the other biblical books.

R:0 / I:0 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

Rhyming power of scriptures

I never noticed the original Latin actually rhymed lol

Is there special sacred power conferred to prayers that rhyme?

Is their effect powered up by also playing a guitar rhythm while chanting it?

R:0 / I:0 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

Rhyming power of scriptures

I never noticed the original Latin actually rhymed lol.

Is there special sacred power conferred to prayers that rhyme?

Is their effect powered up by also playing a guitar rhythm while chanting it?

R:8 / I:1 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

Would you give consent?

If you are successful or even become prominent in your society, and if your daughter wants to marry a poor young man who is nice but you don't see much future, would you give consent?

What would Christ say?

R:1 / I:0 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

The Antichrist

Judaism is the antichrist. Revilation—3:9 says they're a synagogue of Satan. There Talmud says that Jesus is in hell boiling in his own escrimin. These people worship molek and there "star of david" is actually the star of remphan, another part of molek worship. Molek is the type of angelic being that fell from heaven when Satan fell. They were originally damned when one molek named Saturn admired the golden calf as they admired there own symbol , horns. When the molek fell they went out and took a race of people , who's name is lost in time, and empregnated them all, men and women. The spawn that were born had horns, scales, tales, and were hairless; they had a humanoid image being born of humans. These children became the first rabbi. After there abominate children were born the molek went to Israel and dug a tunnel to hell and created the bottomless pit and then continued to build the first synagogue on top of the bottomless pit and sealing it shut with the structure and the only people who could travel through the lowest layer into hell were the horned rabbi. Once the temple was finished they began to design the antichrists new religion, Judaism. Then rabbis took Jewish women and empregnated them to create these fake jews as the imagery of a jew, in efforts to hide them among the jews to decieve them. At the 5th year of there wicked synagogue they made the plans to crucify Jesus. Now days you can see there influence in the media. Jewish people of the tradition of Judaism normally hold the final say in our media rendering our home in America the new babylon.

R:5 / I:0 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

Living in the BC age

Imagine what it was like to live in the BC age, seeing the year number decreasing wondering what this "countdown" was for, then year 0 passes and nothing special seems to happen! People must have wondered, did someone special get born this year or something? Then you would only find out much later, if you even lived long enough….

R:3 / I:0 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

Treating faith like a relationship

If I treat my relationship with God like any intimate relationship with a human, I realize why private prayer is so important. If I don't talk to him unless there are other people around, I'm an asshole.

Now, on the other hand, if he just gives me the silent treatment literally my entire life whether I try to actually talk to him or not, doesn't that make him the asshole? I know I'm being ungrateful but I'm human, I can't just ignore how his behavior makes me feel.

R:7 / I:3 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

Orthodox Eschatology vs Evangelical Eschatology

Thoughts on this?

R:0 / I:0 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

Apocalype is Jesus Christ Revealed

This pdf version has these corrections on page 216 in the commentary section:

1) The text "Egyptian, Assyrian, Media-Persian," was changed to

"Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Media-Persion,"

2) The text "Khalifa" was changed to "khalifa"

To reiterate and remind:

Too many "end of the world" books and movies focus on the kingdom of darkness,

and on the their power to destroy.

They are altogether nothing in comparison to the Power of God,

and the Eternal Life that He brings: Jesus Christ, His Son!!

R:0 / I:0 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

Peace and Safety Statue outside of UN


♫I know that your powers of retention, are as wet as a warthog's backside.♫

R:0 / I:0 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

Great news from Paraguay

I'm glad to hear that there are still a few havens left where feminist, materialist cultural imperalism hasn't taken hold over mankind's natural urge and need to reproduce. Don't let biased, hateful and medically inaccurate articles like this ruin your appreciation for the way nature works.

Women should breed as soon as they start Turning Red. It's better for their physical and mental health, better for the children, and better for society. Paraguay may have many problems, but they're right about this.

I hope the Socialist-Capitalist conspiracy never takes over this tiny remaining oasis, extolling them with the "joys" of school, industrial work, abortion and childlessness, and they can remain a beacon to the rest of the world until the day comes when the change we want will spread over the world again!


R:1 / I:0 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

shall we reason?

If we could have a discussion,

regarding such.


R:0 / I:0 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

What Apocalypse Means

Too many "end of the world" books and movies focus on the kingdom of darkness,

and on the their power to destroy.

They are altogether nothing in comparison to the Power of God,

and the Eternal Life that He brings: Jesus Christ, His Son!!

R:1 / I:0 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

What it means to be a Christian

Being a Christian is the ultimate beta move. Here’s why:

Joseph was cucked by the Holy Spirit. Mary was a whore for the spirit. Jesus was both a cuckson and a whoreson… the ultimate beta. As a young man, Jesus surrounded himself by strictly male disciples… he was a faggot.

Why would you worship a cucked whoreson beta faggot? What does that make his followers?

R:1 / I:0 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

Why do you think the law as been done away?

Hi I don't care ,so here you go

Psalm 89:[34]! ←- I will not violate my covenant

or alter what my lips have uttered.

Heaven and earth hasn't pass away.Why do you think the law as been done

away?How do you fulfill a contract,or law,you do them. Matthew 5:17-20 King James Version (KJV)

17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven

: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

20 For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 7:21-22

I Never Knew You

21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.

22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name,

and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.

Malachi 3

6 “For I the Lord do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed. 7 From the days of your fathers you have turned aside from my statutes and have not kept them.

Exodus 23:13

13 “Now concerning everything which I have said to you, be on your guard; and do not mention the name of other gods, nor let them be heard from your mouth.

R:0 / I:0 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]



youtube was censorship my main youtube channel

second channel:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5a4Kf5KuouE

my main channel is under shadowban:


my backup channel bitchute:


R:2 / I:1 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

Depopulate Agenda ??? Listen Really Closely !!Share Quickly video from 2015


Depopulate Agenda ??? Listen Really Closely !!!! Share Quickly video from 2015


Decoding The Mark of the Beast is HERE-See WHAT it is & find out WHO the Beast is-Mark Revealed


R:0 / I:0 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]






R:4 / I:0 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

What happened?

What happened to this board? Where did everyone go?

R:0 / I:0 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

mandela catalog General

>expecting an edgy analog horror

>It’s compelling and pro Christian

>It’s shows how horrible the world would be if Satan won

>There zoomers learning about the Bible because of Mandela catalog

Why is horror full of pro Christianity themes?


R:4 / I:3 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

Why does God only talk to people who smoke DMT?

Why does God only talk to people who smoke DMT? I'm starting to feel left out.

R:5 / I:0 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

Do you guys know?

That Straitway Truth Ministries is the only ministries that follows the truth that bible has written? And where did Christianity even come from? When the Bible says "ISRAELITES".

R:4 / I:0 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]


KLAUS SCHWAB, WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM talks about implant microchip in a few yearshere is no more conspiracy

Link video:https://www.bitchute.com/video/HvfIxxtnSRoH/

Facebook,Twitter,Google etc they work together for this plan in a 10 years will be robots AI ,AI camera survelliance,advanced Microchip ,digital money etc ec

Link video:https://www.bitchute.com/video/HvfIxxtnSRoH/

My answer for this: they want to become like China Skynet

if you want more info about SkyNet China here is the video:


Sorry for my english i hope you understand my message

R:6 / I:1 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]



I want people to see this video how Pope is the beast and Antichrist please dont be rude with my comment please i want you all to watch this video this is not a troll a spam :

Link video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iV9f1vdUN6U

R:29 / I:9 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

Why don't blacks in the BLM movement abandon Christianity?

Since the Age of Discovery, whites have used Christianity as a tool of colonial rule.

Genesis 9-25 was used as a basis for slavery.

I can't hear that black people in the BLM abandoned Christianity, but why don't modern black people go on such a rampage and stop Christianity?

R:4 / I:1 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

looking to learn about the early church and church fathers

Im starting to learn christianity and would like to learn about the early church and the fathers, what resources would you recommend?

R:2 / I:0 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

hi all help us to expose those sick pedophiles!

hi all help us to expose those sick pedophiles!

please watch the videos!

please share those videos to youtube!please wake up people
































https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8hPfrhu2fA flath earth is a lie they do for money and was created to infiltrate conspiracy to mislead the truth and to brainwash people








R:0 / I:0 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

hi all help us to expose those sick pedophiles!

hi all help us to expose those sick pedophiles!

please watch the videos!

please share those videos to youtube!please wake up people
































https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8hPfrhu2fA flath earth is a lie they do for money and was created to infiltrate conspiracy to mislead the truth and to brainwash people








R:0 / I:0 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

Jesus won't let you see this

Your captcha sucks ass

R:0 / I:0 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]











R:1 / I:0 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

hey christian please read this now!

Hi christians it seems a man Lil Nas X is pregnant not woman

is this real or fake?….

Lil Nas X use some satanic videos in his album

link video:


R:9 / I:2 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

They use occult symbolism in video games

They use occult symbolism in video games the one eyes illuminati etc



if you play video games you should stop playing their games they brainwashed you they manipulate you

Violent video games are bad that promote guns,sex and bad language

also is a sin

R:0 / I:0 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

How do you fulfill a contract ,or law ,you do them . Heaven and earth hasn't pass away.


Psalm 89:[34]! ←- I will not violate my covenant

or alter what my lips have uttered.

How do you fulfill a contract ,or law ,you do them .

Heaven and earth hasn't pass away.Why do you think the law as been done

away? Matthew 5:17-20 King James Version (KJV)

17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven

: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

20 For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.

R:0 / I:0 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

/christian/ hymn sing

I was thinking about some of the classic 4chan collab projects recently, as well as the virtual choir videos that were popular during the start of the pandemic. I think that it'd be fun to try something similar for /christian/.

Let's first try this with Doxology (Praise God from whom all blessings flow), since it's a short hymn that's familiar to most Christian traditions.


1. In one tab or on a separate device, open this link.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiMZprhxZw4 [Embed]

2. In another tab, open Vocaroo.

3. While listening to the arrangement in the YouTube video (preferably through headphones), begin recording yourself singing along to the track. This way, all participants will be singing at the same tempo and in the same key.

4. Share your Vocaroo link in this thread.

5. If we get enough entries, I'll edit the tracks together and post it in a new thread.


Don't worry if you aren't a confident singer. If you can patch pitch and tempo, you'll do fine.

If you know the song in another language, feel free to sing it in that tongue (as long you match the beat).

I look forward to hearing your entries. One of mine will also be posted below, but I won't say which one.

Let's see how this experiment pans out.

R:8 / I:1 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

Im scared of these theories

I recently heard about the theories about Jesus Christ never having existed in the first place. About how there's no evidence or documentation besides the christian media. I know this is partly an anti christian movement, but how do you factually prove the opposite? I'm scared and this puts my faith hanging on a higher cliff than before

R:3 / I:0 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

Inmortality and medicine

Recently I've been thinking of futuristic medicine , such as uploading a mind into a computer, DNA modification,or cloning a body and transferring your electromagnetic pulses into it.

So I ask ,would having one of these procedures or promote them is acting against the will of God , because be preventing them to die I also prevent them to reconcile with Jesus in heaven, I also violated the rule of the 120 years.

But at the same time it would prevent diseases such as Alzheimer or cancer, while at the same time improving general health issues.

So I'm completely clueless if achieving immortality or great medicine is acting against God, and if so wouldn't our current attempts with vaccines , scanners, treatments and more just make us go away from God and his son for more years than it should be?

R:1 / I:0 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

My Father asked this of me

So my father just dropped this on my lap and I don't really know what I should do about it. I already said I would rather not make a trip to DC, but now it could be in a situation where I am not just having my own crisis of faith, but also potentially bringing doubt to my own earthly father. This isn't a huge deal in the grand scheme of things, but for our relationship it could really hurt.

I don't want to just go through the motions of going to an event for the sake of appeasing my earthly father, as the right actions with the wrong intentions can be a negative impact on our own faith.

So any feedback would be appreciated random internet people.

R:1 / I:0 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

Evidence for the Exodus : The Route of the Exodus

Perhaps one of the most overlooked aspects of the Exodus is the route itself. The route of the Exodus can tell us a lot about the context and timing of the exodus. In this video we explore the place names found in the exodus itinerary from Piramesses to the Yam Suf, "Sea of Reeds."

In October I will be hosting a tour of Egypt with Tutku Tours. For more information about this tour in Egypt, please visit Tutku Tours (https://www.tutkutours.com/00_EGYPT_TOURS.asp).

R:2 / I:3 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

The soul, the spirit and the body

What is the difference between the soul, the spirit? And how do those two differentiate between the body? Also is there any Christian documentation or literature on this topic?

R:7 / I:1 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]


Why don't they dig up the pig remains in Galilee. Surly there's some evidence of hundreds or thousands of pigs drowning in a lake all at once. I understand Galilee is a big lake, but I've never even heard of an attempt. It's the only miracle Jesus performed which you could ever find physical evidence for today. The pigs would be all on top of each other near the shore line pushing the bottom pigs down into the soil, alive. Which is exactly how you get underwater fossilisation.


This is as much as I've seen. And it is in the right region of the lake "Gerasenes" where the new testament says it happened. And it talks about how there's a cave and mountain in the area which are also in the bible. Unfortunately of course we know the shore line as with any lake has changed drastically. They dig up buildings under the water.

All I want is a "we looked… we dug, but didn't find anything." But I'm not even seeing that, it's like the idea isn't even crossing the mind. Suck up the entire lake, I don't care about the fish or the fisherman, give me a team of 20 good men and we'll dig up the entire bottom.

I might be just possessed by the idea, but I feel like this would be the most important thing anyone in history could dig up. So I'm surprised it's not a bigger manhunt. Something to think about if you're ever in the Galilee area. I mentioned this on /his/ but I didn't get any reason as to why it wouldn't be possible to find them.

R:1 / I:0 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

Underrated /christian/ channels


Talks about the Bible and review motorcycles. Simple as.

R:78 / I:12 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

Islam debunk thread

Can anons please point out the greatest reasons why Islam is illogical to believe, as well as great resources whether they be videos or books. I’d prefer from Cathodox or secular sources

R:5 / I:0 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

racial rsegregation and christianity

do you think racial psegregation is outside of god law?

R:2 / I:1 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

Eternal Conscious Suffering

I'm wrestling with the concept of eternal conscious suffering in Hell for unbelievers. Even for the worst of the worst, it seems like overkill. It also opens up a number of conundrums like, how can we enjoy Heaven while knowing that our loved ones that didn't make it are presently suffering?

I've asked around before and I've never got a satisfactory answer. Most of the time, I get some hand wave "well, it's not for us to know. You have to accept it on faith." But Christianity makes constant appeals to reason, logic, and evidence when explaining The Trinity and justifying Jesus as the Messiah. We don't hand wave, "eh, just believe it and stop asking questions," in such instances.

I know there are debates on the subject, which I have watched, but I was curious to know your thoughts.

R:20 / I:6 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

how do christians cope with the fact that they worship jews exclusively?

i mean, doesnt it seem kinda odd that ALL 12 apostles were jews?

R:5 / I:2 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

evidence (smoking gun) that gangstalking is warm bodies and not demons or aliens

Greetings, brethren of Christendom. I myself am not a Christian, thus I should let you know as I know this will please you, and I call myself a, "devoted heretic". However, I am here to deliver news to your ears that perhaps thy God has not revealed unto you.

I am here to bring you knowledge which you will be persecuted for having. If you wish to know these truths then read on. If you wish to be blue-pilled and live in your world of faith then to not take of this knowledge which i bring.

Many Christians suffer from spiritual attacks. I imagine a lot of you also suffer from corporate/government secret attacks, what today is called "COINTELPRO 2.0' or "Gangstalking" and mostly effects young people, vulnerable people or internet users. Especially if you are a non-conformist.

This is something which has only arisen in our high-tech modern age and I'd reckon that most of the people who are victimized by this national activity are innocent people like myself and like most of you.

If this has been happening to you, as it did to me a lot in churches when I was a believer, then you are probably also somehow being tricked into believing it isn't going on, or having faith will stop it, or that it is purely spiritual demons attacking you. In actuality it appears to be actual people (warm bodies), probably those in our government involved with counter-terrorism who secretly try to infiltrate our life and disrupt our life and more or less manipulate and influence us (usually secretly) and probably mostly for the economic purposes or for the purposes of law enforcement or simplly for the purposes of private corporate vendettas against you or others around you or perhaps for weapons testing, etc… The list goes on.

R:60 / I:21 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

Noah's Ark

It seems impossible to me to view this as literal, but I do not like to venture into a figurative interpretation unless that is what is indicated by the texts (as when God says the "day" you eat the fruit you shall surely die). The biomass of all of the animals was too large to fit in the ark, there was not enough water to cover the whole Earth, and there were civilizations that lived through the flood.

Does the original Hebrew explicitly say that the flood covered the entirety of the planet and wiped out all of human life? I have heard that there may have been regional floods in that area during the time of Noah, which indicates that the flood story may be hyperbolic, which is seen throughout Genesis (Joseph collecting more corn than the sands of the sea). From a logical point of view, how can I make sense of this story?

R:49 / I:18 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

Anti-christian arguments

What is your answer to this screencap? Every time anons on this board are confronted with anti-Christ arguments, they do one of the following things.

1. Call you a jew, which is Ironic, because christianity stems from judaic morality, has nothing to do with greco-roman European values. Essentially the jewish one is (You), (You) follow jewish customs like baptism and worship YHWH

2. Mention butt-winnie the pooh and homosexuality is Ancient Greece. This is not only exaggerated but also a complete strawman. Homosexuals were called κίναιδοι and solon's laws outright ban homosexuality. The most evidence we have is from vases, which are so few compared to the sheer number of vases we have from antiquity. Moreover, most right-wing pagans today want to end homosexuality, promote violence against homosexuals while christians have to love and forgive homosexuals, as they do not believe in an eye for an eye.

3. Use ad-hominem arguments. Pictures from retarded pagans, retarded things pagans have said etc.

R:7 / I:3 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

OnlyFans bans explicit content

<Effective 1 October, 2021, OnlyFans will prohibit the posting of any content containing sexually-explicit conduct. In order to ensure the long-term sustainability of the platform, and to continue to host an inclusive community of creators and fans, we must evolve our content guidelines. Creators will continue to be allowed to post content containing nudity as long as it is consistent with our Acceptable Use Policy.

<These changes are to comply with the requests of our banking partners and payout providers.

<These changes are to comply with the requests of our banking partners and payout providers.


R:6 / I:2 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]


How do you guys cope with the USA being less than 50% Christian anymore? Thanks to politics people resent the s- out of you guys. Didn't help so many millenials grew up in poor disfunctional families and were shut out of a lot of things growing up, now as adults many are bitter athiests who resent the hell out of you over politics and not doing s- for the poor nor anyone else just a bit different from them.

R:0 / I:0 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

freemartins rule the world


R:1 / I:1 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

Made a Christian Vaporwave song

Hello, I made a Christian Vaporwave for you fellow /christian/ people of this board. Hope you like it!


R:2 / I:1 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

Wanted to get this off my chest.

Haven't been to /christian/ when it used to be on 8chan and when it used to be frequently spammed with brownpill/cunny crap.

Anyways, I have started to regain my faith in christianity, not because of anything truly Altruistic, but because I am afraid of the future, both in my own personal life and what is happening in the world currently. I feel that is the only reason why I am able to keep going and not falling into deep despair is hope that is an overall point to problems currently present and not just a dice roll from the universe.

Just wanted to let this off my chest since I don't know where else on the net where I can do it without atheist starting eternal flame wars.

R:3 / I:1 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

I bring Tidings of great joy

A modern list of biblical history


I hope you guys find it helpful!

God bless.

R:0 / I:0 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

when conspiracy become real


when conspiracy become real

R:1 / I:0 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

hi i want to share some videos

hi i want to share this videos

1.George Hunt Stumbles Into NWO Meeting, Exposes 1992 Earth Summit (Agenda 21)


2.Freedom Used As A Carrot By Eugenicists For Vaccination



4.propaganda tv news


R:0 / I:0 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]





can we talk about this???

i also see people who come from another boards who pretend are christians i know that from comments

i dont reply to hate toxic comments

R:1 / I:0 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

50 sources/legends the qur'an uses

It's not just plagiarism, sometimes it's straight up theft.

R:0 / I:0 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

Shes harrasing my lil sis for nudes please flood her acvount and shut it down


My sis in the pic

R:11 / I:2 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

Advice for a tranny repressor

So basically I'm like this:

>grew up extremely soft, emotional daydreamy, into "different things"

>heavily bullied

>emotionally abusive mother, emotionally distant dad

>pray every night to wake up as a girl when I was 12

>feeling never went away

>bad at sports and anything boyish

>today I'm 26, fat, balding, completely unmasculine and I simply do NOT have it in me, AT ALL. I can't even name one masculine hobby that I would enjoy. Unless we talk about feelings, I get 0 enjoyment from talking to my male friends

>hate all man clothes

>hate everything manly about myself

>still repressing the urge to become a lifelong pharma addicted eunuch

>get addicted to other things instead, cycle between being clean and then getting right back to them

Nothing ever worked. Repressing made me the most horrible, reprehensible and unlovable person imaginable. I hate myself from the bottom of my heart.

Becoming a tranny would be worse, probably… But at this point I'm incredibly close to giving it a go.

If you're wondering about sexuality, I like women ….(and trannies)… almost exclusively, with a thing called AGP meta attraction to men, which I don't recommend looking it up. The less you know about these terms, the better it is for you, I believe.

R:3 / I:0 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]


Adam lived to be 930 years old, why is it that the human lifespan today has been shortened to 80 years?

R:300 / I:182 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

Meme thread

New meme thread because the old one is autosaging, starting with a request: I need the exploitable 8ch logo, have this crop in return

R:2 / I:1 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

Are you a True Christian?

Have you ever thought about any of the things on this list?

R:2 / I:0 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

Limits to requests?

So I have a theory regarding being raised American Christian, going through a YA atheist phase and living debauchedly until 26 when I came to the conclusion, that if the bare minimum is me being a product of single cellular mutation that lives and dies to provide nutrients to the earth, then I might as well believe in something more.

My genes are primarily from the Americas and through living my life and reading things I did not feel comfortable establishing my belief completely in a system established in the middle east, at least not wholly. So I delved into the occult for something to satisfy my need for continuing my personal ego.

Christianity is nice and easy, follow our rules live in paradise when you die. As I deduced from the bible, lambs[sheep] to be penned. But Jesus said some good things as well as some things I would consider as things said as personal opinion to counter State oppression from the jew council.

John 14:13 OJB

And whatever you ask b’Shem[By name] of me I will do, that HaAv[HaAv L'Yeshua HaMashicah(The Father of Jesus the Messiah {2 Cor. 22:31})] may receive kavod*not definitive because jews; considered to mean glorious* in HaBen*no known direct translation found but in Christianity it's said as "will receive".

So as reincarnation is a commonly held belief and the Creator Father will grant me whatever I ask if I believe in him then I can get my ego reincarnated in a human body for eternity as long as I believe and ask. Right?

R:21 / I:4 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]


How on earth can Christians oppose abortion ?

Literally no argument can be made from a christian perspective.

Anti abortion is the most evil and wrong thin on all levels !

R:42 / I:15 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

Best Protestant Denomination

What's the best protestant denomination?

R:3 / I:1 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

The Rebellion of "Adulthood"

I think the worst fate that falls on modern people is that they usually get more rebellious, sinful, and skeptical only in their post-highschool years (usually college for most). The time of "sowing your wild oats" or whatever you want to call it.

In retrospect, I thank God that he saved me when I was still a teen. I was pretty much a delinquent before that. I was involved with gangs, drugs, etc.. I kind of was already up to no good by 10, and quickly reached rock bottom, close to death from others or myself, already at 17. And as bad as it all was, I'm starting to think it's worse if you grew up in an opposite fashion. One of conforming to society, family, school or you were just an all around boring person (boring in a good way), AND THEN only lashed out the moment you got to college or joined the military or what have you. This seems to be a path that many fall into, rather than mine where I got it out of my system early on. Around this time, many start experimenting with sex, drugs, drinking, and are just open to new ideas (often bad ideas). The main problem with this is that it's all associated with their "adulthood" - and there's a certain pride with this, that keeps them from ever seeing their error. These people then go on, maybe graduate, get jobs, and become "adults" with all of these other experiences that are also associated with their "adulthood". They continue on the same path well into their 30s, 40s, 50s, or more with their careers. Their sexual tastes get increasingly more strange, their relationships more dramatic and destructive, they end up in careers in business that's unapologetically predatory, or they become "public servants" and "public intellectuals" who are literally hellbent on destroying society and especially the Church. They all end up becoming more more blasphemous, more predatory, more degenerate, and more criminal than even I was in my gangster days. And moreso than many hardened criminals you see in prison right now - who are often receptive to the Gospel too. The worst thing is the level of pride and stubbornness. They're unable to change or admit to any wickedness, because they also associate all of their behaviors with adulthood and part of them "growing up". For me, at 17, I didn't have any pride left. I hit rock bottom and God was able to tell me the Good News of Christ. It was just the right time to see Christ with childlike appreciation. And in his own words, "Amen, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven." - Matthew 18:3

I'm afraid there's little hope for most people. You're better off just preaching the Gospel to those who know they're lost.

R:0 / I:0 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

Petitionary Prayer and New Age heresy

Wayne Dyer claims to be inspired by various books, including the Gospels, and talks about praying with intention to make your prayers come true.

Wayne Dyer puts a lot of emphasis on these verses:

>12Truly, truly, I tell you, whoever believes in Me will also do the works that I am doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.

>13And I will do whatever you ask in My name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

>14If you ask Me for anything in My name, I will do it.

(John Ch. 14)

Wayne Dyer encouraged his audiences to ask for anything they wanted, without stopping to ask whether what they wanted agreed with the traditional Christian idea of asking for appropriate things.

However, there is also a story from John Ch. 4:

>16 He told her, “Go, call your husband and come back.”

>17 “I have no husband,” she replied.

>Jesus said to her, “You are right when you say you have no husband.

>18 The fact is, you have had five husbands, and the man you now have is not your husband. What you have just said is quite true.”

So it looks like Jesus disapproved of remarriage after divorce. More to the point, Jesus disapproved of lots of different behaviors, but I can't think of a lot of good examples.

So Jesus said to ask him for anything in prayer in his name, but also Jesus didn't approve of some goals (like having five husbands and then shacking up with yet another man). So if a woman prays to God in Jesus' name for help in abandoning five husbands and then getting yet another man, presumably Jesus would not approve. Similarly, if a money-changer in the Temple asked God for help in cheating the faithful, in Jesus' name, presumably Jesus would not approve.

If you are experienced in Christian thought, this may seem like an undergraduate-level question. But for a lot of people, God is only important if they can ask God for help and get real help. So the problem of what things should and should not be asked for in prayer is important for a lot of people.

One way to avoid the question is to select a bunch of preachers, whether allegedly Christian or openly non-Christian, then point to them and say, "Those guys are just the 'prosperity Gospel' crowd and everything they do is wrong." That's a quick fix but I don't think it addresses the underlying problem of what kind of requests are appropriate in prayer.

Some requests seem to be very appropriate in keeping with the Gospels. Praying for food when you are hungry and praying for health when you are sick seem entirely appropriate to me.

R:4 / I:0 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

Non-Violence Doctrine

I am currently reading "The kingdom of god is within you" by Leo Tolstoi and I am very puzzled by the "extremist" view he asserts.

Although I totally agree that we ought not to provoke war or having disproportionate answer against aggression or violence, I do not get the point on completely giving up on self-defence. In our times, it would just being end up to being erased by some other cultures/religions.To make his point, he often invokes martyrdom but to me it really looks like suicide. For example, a knife-wielder begins a killing spree and I have an oppotunity to stop him. Do you really think he will stop if I face him telling him what he is doing is bad ? Should I flee and let my fellow people die because of the greater good and it was just their time ? It seems very odd to me.

Also, he also defends the stance that we should not ask for government help (by having recourse to authorities or laws). Considering the world as it is, it is just nearly impossible because the government knows you exist. I could go into the the mountain and starve to death or become a savage but it also looks like suicide to me, which is a terrible thing to the eye of god.

At the end, it seems contradictory to live in this world and having no involvement in it whatsoever because it seems to end by a passive form of suicide. On one hand god created us to live within this world but on the other hand we should do nothing in it and let it rot ? Maybe I missed something, if anyone can enlight me on these subject, I would be very grateful.

R:6 / I:0 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

Politics in church: what does scripture say?

Hello, I just left a church service of a church I was very enthusiastic to try because the led prayer that I was engaged in went from being merely overly political to overtly blasphemous, and I could not stay in good conscience. I feel very rude for leaving of course, and did not want to be contentious, but my heart wouldn't let me stay.

Could more seasoned Christians than me please provide relevant Bible passages related to:

- Wishing for certain worldly/political outcomes in a church prayer

- Participating in a (group) prayer when one actually disagrees with what is being said

- Obeying or disobeying worldly governments, especially when one's bodily integrity/health is at stake?

R:2 / I:0 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

what they dont tell you about vaccines

hi christians i want to share to you this video what they dont tell you about vaccines https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d36CbG7AbNE

R:13 / I:4 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

Why are modern atheists sound so stupid whenever they go against religion?

99% of atheists I've met have been stupid in why they oppose religion, such as saying "Greek philosophy are the only valid beliefs!" and "We need to move on and forget about religion it's holding us back!", why are these people such low functioning autists?

pic related

R:0 / I:0 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

Auxilium Christianorum

Does anyone here pray the Auxilium Christianorum, do you recommend it?

R:0 / I:0 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

STDs are disgusting

We need to bring back proper "sex education" about them: Which includes a heavy dose of shame and ridicule.

R:5 / I:0 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

hi christians

hi christians do you like epic music or cinematic music?

here some music from Scott Buckley free copyright :his youtube channel:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvz0avKwSsM

R:2 / I:2 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

*ting* *ting* *ting* *ting*

Please gather around, I have an important announcement to make.

R:8 / I:3 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

Leo Tolstoy

>“The dogma that all the governments of the world are approvingly ordained of God, and that the powers that be in the United States, in Russia, in Turkey, are in accordance with his will, is no less absurd than impious. It makes the impartial Author of our existence unequal and tyrannical. It cannot be affirmed that the powers that be in any nation are actuated by the spirit or guided by the example of Christ in the treatment of enemies; therefore they cannot be agreeable to the will of God, and therefore their overthrow by a spiritual regeneration of their subjects is inevitable.

>Romans 13:1Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which is from God. The authorities that exist have been appointed by God. 2Consequently, whoever resists authority is opposing what God has set in place, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.

>3For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Do you want to be unafraid of the one in authority? Then do what is right, and you will have his approval. 4For he is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not carry the sword in vain. He is God’s servant, an agent of retribution to the wrongdoer.

>5Therefore it is necessary to submit to authority, not only to avoid punishment, but also as a matter of conscience. 6This is also why you pay taxes. For the authorities are God’s servants, who devote themselves to their work. 7Pay everyone what you owe him: taxes to whom taxes are due, revenue to whom revenue is due, respect to whom respect is due, honor to whom honor is due.

>Luke 4:5 And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.

Now obviously Tolstoy is going against scripture by saying that the governments of the world are not ordained by God, but is he right? In Biblical times the Roman government was not only pagan but viciously anti-christian. The governments of toady are also anti-chrisian legalizing gay marriage to appeal to secular liberals. So i believe that there is some truth to the governments not being ordained by God. Does this contradict scripture? How can the governments be ordained by God and still go against his word?

R:4 / I:2 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

It Isn't Just a Boomer Problem

It started well before that. Modernism and WW1 broke men. They stopped caring about much of anything. And women became whores (flappers) in these days too.

>Times have changed

And we've often rewound the clock

Since the Puritans got a shock

When they landed on Plymouth Rock

If today, any shock they should try to stand

Steada' landing on Plymouth Rock

Plymouth Rock would land on them

-Cole Porter, "Anything Goes"

>“Ours was a generation grown up to find all gods dead, all wars fought, all faiths in man shaken"

- F Scott Fitzgerald

Another writer, hanging out in Paris, hated his acquaintances however. He could see the soullessness.

>"They're wraiths, all of them. They aren't people. God knows what they've done with their realities.”

- Robert McAlmon

Seems he took the cynic's route. Tolkien and CS Lewis channeled it better.

R:1 / I:1 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

Pastor Peter J. Peters Messages

Messages from Pastor Peter J. Peters! Proclaiming the true biblical teachings of Christ!


R:4 / I:0 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

Do you remember?

Do you remember christians? when TV news or facebook,twitter,youtube blame christians deleted videos or accounts or religious people with conspiracy etc about covid restriction and passport ID vaccine mandatory in december 2020?? when covid started TV NEWS ATTACK christians with conspiracy about passport ID and vaccines

Right now 2021 EU countriesforce vaccines and passport id to workers etc to be mandatory In France, Italy, Australia ,also America New York because of Delta Variant this is the Beginning no more freedom MARTIAL LAW WAS STARTED no more conspiracy it was true

From tv news links:





People need to wake up because the evil want us slave and sleep and dead they push propaganda on tv news they dont like God and Jesus Christ and Holy Bible we are in Spiritual war they dont like christians or the word of God

The path for freedom peace and true light and love faith is through God and Jesus Christ for salvation

R:1 / I:0 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

Occult branches?

Can you enlighten me on occult/fringe organizations inside Roman Catholic Church?

Speaking of, if hypothetically Vatican got their hands on ancient magic technologies/devices/rituals and then wiped off all the competition during Dark Ages, which branch would employ it? Jesuits?

R:0 / I:0 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

Cool Christian items?

Hey, new to this board but have been Christian all my life. I was wondering if any of you have cool Christian artifacts or other interesting things you look at that validates the faith?

I bought a set of 5 Widow's Mites (pic related) on eBay for like $11 about a year ago. Sweet, right? They were nice to have, I put 4 in a small safe and kept one in my wallet. One day when I was at work I lost my wallet, and went home thinking it was gone forever. I was bummed out, because it was one of my favorite things I owned. I also had about 60 bucks in the wallet. As my dad and I were looking through the washing machine trying to find it (just incase I accidentally forgot it at home somewhere all along), my aunt knocks on the door. It turns out she found the wallet in the parking lot I must have dropped it in. The money was all gone, but the Widow's Mite was still there, though the plastic case had shattered (and before anyone accuses her of stealing the money, she actually gave me $60 of her own because she felt bad). Right after that happens, my dad gets a call from the hospital that my mom's insanely rare type of cancer entered remission. That was probably the happiest night of my life, and I still have the shattered case Widow's Mite.

R:14 / I:3 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

Can a Christian have a fetish?

I have a kinda weird sexual taste I guess you could say. I like girls with fat tummys and would like to know if when I am eventually married if indulging in this would be sinful and wrong.

R:0 / I:0 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

I Finally Agree With Dawkins On Something

He's right, you know. This includes almost all related scholarly degrees in the realm of religion. The only thing that isn't useless is if you're getting some degree to actually serve the Church. To actually "minister" (the real definition of that word): to be of service somehow. Something Dawkins will never understand. But otherwise, I agree with him. And it goes for both skeptical (higher-critical) scholars or faithful ones who are just eggheads who don't know how to serve or speak to anyone. It's all useless.

Maybe the skeptics are the most useless though. I can't fathom how they churn out giant tomes, write a thousand research papers, and rise up the ranks of the "guild" all based on a subject that they themselves don't care about, let alone want to serve anyone with. What's even going on in their heads? They're neither respected by the Church or even other scholars in scientific fields like Dawkins. Just completely useless.

R:14 / I:2 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

"apocrypha" books

what do you think about books like the book of enoch, jubilees, the 152-155 psalsms and so on and so forth?

R:6 / I:1 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]


i never readed the buda nor finished reading the bible, is this posible? or the dude was just talking s— to make people become budists?

R:3 / I:2 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

i cant do catholicism anymore/criticism of asceticism

after reading a Lot of books i have came to conclude that catholicism is as ascetic as the worst sects of hinduism. standing for years on the feet,sleeping 2 hours daily, extensive fasting.

is this really the ways humans are supposed to live?is being a hungry hermit the peak of holiness?

evangelicals and baptists,please help,I want to embrace true christianity

R:3 / I:2 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]


What does /christian/ think about Arianism?

This video summarises his beliefs. (I don't agree with everything in the video)


Note that the trinitarian clause (in 1 John 5) is a proven fraud and does not appear in any of the maniscripts of John published prior to the year 1500.


R:20 / I:66 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

christian art thread

show us the best art you have. whether it be Jesus, David, Paul, anyone. Catholic, orthodox or even protestant art.

R:0 / I:0 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

Want To Know A Real Leader To Trust Listen, To Follow, You Must Read The Bible Revelation End Time

Want To Know A Real Leader To Trust Listen, To Follow, You Must Read The Bible Revelation End Time

Source & Other Interesting Articles:

ultimatesavior . wordpress . com

finalsavior . livejournal . com

finalsavior . forumotion . com

finalsavior . aimoo . com

If you are looking for a real leader to help either you or your nation out of the darkness, you must read the Bible chapter revelation carefully.

The root problem of the society which cause a lot of problem in the society is the Babylon system which people “rely” on others.

The cheating activities such as corruption, market control is all because of the “Babylon system”.

But the cheaters can only “cheat” because they were given too much rights from others.

It does not matter whether government or company/cooperation, the most corrupt people is the one from the top group !

Most of you the public people are blind following various beings/entities/groups who are demanding and some kind of “orders, missions”, you are on the wrong path of life.

For the real leaders who everyone can trust will never ever able to demand any thing from you to do this or to do that, for he/she can do everything alone.

But that kind of fantasy leader is beyond God category level already, do not exist in real physical in your mortal world.

The closest, most trusted leader who can help your nation, your life is someone you can only find online. You better forget any kind of character who out of of nowhere and help you, because the “law, orders” only exist in Babylon system, while the real leader is come from non-Babylon system, thus have non-Babylon character, here is everybody is equal !

The real trusted leader, the last hope for your nation, for you is me, the real savior Messiah Buddha from many ancient prophecies.

But I am not looking for members to pray, to worship or to receive my orders.

My character is too unique, my words is too straight, I am not talking words you want to hear. I only talk about what I think I should say, what is truth in life. And that is maybe the main reason you guys will never ever understand me.

Example: I can tell exactly what deities you guys are worshiping, what the secret behind any governments/organizations. But then so what, I do not want to gain stupid followers which only cause more trouble in the future.

My time is very limited and my patience has coming to an end.

So if you want to save your nation or to save yourself, you must seek help from me as soon as possible and must before the end of August 20th, 2021.

Big talk is not easy, if you to not have real life experience you cannot talk like what I was and are talking right now!

Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha

Source & Other Interesting Articles:

ultimatesavior . wordpress . com

finalsavior . livejournal . com

finalsavior . forumotion . com

finalsavior . aimoo . com

R:4 / I:0 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

Orthodox frens : how to overcome language barrier ?

I believe that orthodox church is the true Church of Christ, but divine liturgies in my place are not in my native language … everyone in the church speaks russian, even after the liturgy, and I feel like a total foreigneir despite believing in the orthodox church. I'd like to be baptized but how to overcome the barrier language ? I don't have time to learn slavic

R:0 / I:0 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

Welcome! This is a board for Christian discussion. Please read the rules linked above before posting



R:3 / I:0 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

Do you have any redpills on Dostoevsky?

know that he is generally considered a nice guy in philosophy and people become Christian after reading him, but with similar enthusiasm they often become communists and even nihilists. Guys like Nietzsche and Camus were greatly inspired by him. I also know that there are some controversies surrounding his teachings and that he influenced a wide range of Christian modernists. What do you think?

R:0 / I:0 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

Is this the most based movie of modern times?

How did it even get made? It seems like a metaphor of the wasteland we live in now.

R:1 / I:0 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

The one reason why the KJV still remains the best

The translators followed a set of 15 principles that guided their work. Some of which aren't unique and other translations also follow (they were mostly guidelines for scholarly standards and such). But this is the one that no other translation has followed since then:

>When a Word hath divers Significations, that to be kept which hath been most commonly used by the most of the Ancient Fathers, being agreeable to the Propriety of the Place, and the Analogy of the Faith.


Anglicans of the 1600s still had a little bit of what the Orthodox call the "phromena" (mind) of the Church. At least as far as the first four councils and patristic studies were concerned. They were not inclined to novelty or the notion that anyone has "new insight". And this isn't necessarily because they were men of their time. Even Luther failed in this. His own translation has plenty of novelty. For example, he translates Galatians 3:28 with "faith alone" when the word "alone" doesn't exist in the Greek. And even though the KJV translators are greatly indebted to Tyndale, Tyndale was also keen on novelties, like reframing "baptism" as simply immersion (which is literal, but it has already taken on further ecclesiastical meanings for centuries), calling church "congregation", and the like. But modern translations take the cake. The whole scholarly world revolves around novelty. What new "discoveries" are to be had (such as extra manuscripts) or what new interpretative stance appears in this month's journal or how to be more sensitive with gender language. Biblical scholarship is a cottage industry where everyone's trying to make a name for themselves (much like any other academic field really), and it shapes bible translations eventually. Everything's in flux. Time honored readings can be pulled out right from under you, even in otherwise "literal" translations. None of these people even care to ward themselves with the phromena/mind of the Church.

Scripture itself tells you to guard yourself from it: "Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set." - Proverbs 22:28

I'm not a KJV Onlyist. I'd like nothing more than to see an update to it's language. But no one follows this one principle. Not even those that come *really* close like the NKJV. For example, 2 Thess 2:7:

"For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way."

Their inclination to capitalize pronouns completely ruins it. The NKJV itself suffers from novelty - and a little leaven rises the dough, as the Lord would say. The main editor was a dispensationalist and read the "He" there as God. This was never taught in the ancient church. Dispensationalist is a cultish belief from the 18th century. More writers from then interpreted the restrainer and restrained as Rome and Nero, if anything.

R:29 / I:5 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

Stop being modernists

Freedom is a fake value. The only right anybody has is the right to live a pious Christian life.

Freedom of religion is nowhere in The Bible

Freedom of speech is nowhere in The Bible

Separation of church and state is nowhere in The Bible

The Ancient Kingdom of Israel is our example for what a Christian nation should look like and they enforced religious values with brutal ferocity. They didn't tolerate people worshipping false gods, they didn't tolerate degenerate acts like homosexuality, and they most certainly didn't tolerate people who blasphemed God.

R:1 / I:0 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

Transubstantiation violates the first and second ecumenical council as it's a monophysitistic belief

Those who believe in it claim that Jesus' physical blood is absolutely necessary for sanctification while the Lord said “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life,” and "Do not work for the food that perishes, but for the food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you." The Eucharist parishes when left unattended for, it's physical, and apparently doesn't profit anyone.

How they reconcile this by stating that the Christ's blood and spirit are in the same (directly or indirectly), which affirms monophysitism, thus proving Roman Catholics are monophysites.

Additionally the apostles decreed that believers aren't to drink blood, yet they commemorate Christ with the Eucharist, how? Because they viewed it as spiritual food.

Even tradition confirms this in the Didache "Now concerning the eucharistic thanksgiving, give thanks in this way. First, as concerning the cup: We give you thanks, our Father, for the holy vine of your son David, which you made known to us through your Son Jesus. Yours is the glory unto ages of ages…And you have given us spiritual food and drink and eternal life through your Son."

R:92 / I:26 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

Baptists are not Christians.

Daily reminder that Baptists are not Christians.

R:6 / I:0 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

Prayer requests are wrong and unbiblical

I'm going to be blunt here but I don't think it's good for Christians to ask other Christians to pray for them. Your prayers should be between you and God, asking other people help pray for you shows fear and doubt that your prayer won't be answered or come true unless enough people pray to get God's attention.

>Therefore I say unto you: Whatever you pray for or ask from God, believe that you’ll receive it and you will - Mark 11:24

>If you believe, whatever you ask for in prayer will be granted - Matthew 21:22

We are asked to pray and believe that our prayers will be answerd, why ask other Christians to pray for you when you already prayed? Have you forgotten the "believe" part? If you don't believe God will hear your prayer and answer it then even with the help of other Christians I don't think it'll come true due to the fact that you have that doubt and uncertenty.

It's fine to ask for comfort and advice from other Christians, if they feel the need to pray for you they will on their own without you needing to ask. I'm don't like seeing posts of "please pray for me" in every Christian community, recognize why you feel the need to make such a request to begin with. Here's another important verse to consider as well.

>And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you - Matthew 6:5-6

R:1 / I:0 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

Question for fellow Catholics about the nature of latria in the Eucharist.

So the sacrifice of the Mass is considered to be the highest form of worship which is only appropriate to God, latria. This make sense. However, wouldn't it imply there are different levels of latria for each member of the Trinity? Since the priest invokes the Holy Spirit to change the elements into Jesus who is then presented to the Father. But the priest does not offer up Jesus to himself, or to the Holy Spirit, but to the Father, it is the Father alone who is being sacrificed to, with Jesus alone being the sacrifice, and the Holy Spirit alone being the agent of change. So does the Father receive a greater amount of latria than Jesus and the Holy Spirit?

R:6 / I:1 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

Brother Satan

Have you guys heard of Brother Satan?

>Miroslav Filipović (5 June 1915 – 1946), also known as Tomislav Filipović and Tomislav Filipović-Majstorović, was a Bosnian Croat Franciscan friar and Ustashe military chaplain who participated in atrocities during World War II in Yugoslavia.[1]

>Filipović-Majstorović joined the Ustaše on 7 February 1942 in a brutal massacre of 2,730 Serbs of the nearby villages, including 500 children. He became the Chief Guard of the Jasenovac concentration camp where he was nicknamed "Fra Sotona" ("Brother Satan") due to his sadism.

>Filipović's date of birth was 5 June 1915, but little else about his early years has been recorded. In 1938 he joined the Franciscan Order at Petrićevac monastery, Banja Luka, and took "Tomislav" as his religious name.[3]

>As chief of camp Stara Gradiška, which predominantly housed women and children, Miroslav Filipović-Majstorović excelled in sadism. A Jewish survivor of Jasenovac, Egon Berger, described Filipović's sadistic killing of Serbian children,[18]

>"The priestly face of Fra Majstorovic, all made-up and powdered, dressed in an elegant suit and green hunter's hat, watched with delight the victims. He approached the children, even stroked their heads. The company was joined Ljubo Milos and Ivica Matkovic. Fra Majstorovic told the mothers there will now be a baptism for their children. They took the children from the mothers, the child whom Father Majstorovic was carrying, in his child's innocence caressed the painted face of his killer. The mothers, distraught, perceived the situation. They offered their lives for mercy for the children. Two children were placed on the ground, while the third was thrown like a ball into the air, and Fr Majstorovic , holding a dagger upwards, missed three times, while the fourth time with a joke and a laugh, a child was impaled on the dagger. Mothers began throwing themselves on the ground, pulling their hair, and began to shout terribly. Ustasha guards of the 14th Osijek Company took them away and killed them. When all three children were so brutally killed, these three two-legged beasts exchanged money, because they seem to have a bet on who would the first to stick a dagger in a child."[13]

>There is no evidence that he was excommunicated by the Catholic Church

>He was found guilty, sentenced to death and hanged, wearing the robes of the Franciscan Order.[22]


R:45 / I:12 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]


Change my mind: The United States of America is a wicked country.

R:36 / I:7 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

The Canon Conundrum

The Prot still cannot give a satisfactory answer to the canon conundrum of sola scriptura, for sola scriptura is ltimately based on circular reasoning. This scares the Prot.

R:1 / I:0 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

Christianity without god

1. I haven't read any books talking about Christianity without god. But I have been thinking about it for years.

2. Moral has nothing to do with god. Admit god is a tool to create a fantasy world to lie about the origin of everything, about after life, to drive believers' thinking in the desired direction towards desired result - to control believers behavior, decision, reasoning, etc.

3. God creators and users do have a good reason to hate theory of evolution and all branches of science that study life. But they can't stop its advance. The more people are educated, the less likely they believe those god fantasies.

4. Since god has nothing to do with moral, it's possible to truly help people understand Christian morals with reasoning based on evidence, not god. By doing so, Christianity could shake off all of the pressures it is under now.

R:5 / I:1 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

Christian view on postmodernism?

So what are your thoughts on postmodernism, you know, the thing that Jordan Peterson constantly criticizes. I've been trying to read more into it to get a better understanding of it but you need to have a good foundation in continental philosophy so it's been challenging. Some Christians have tried to combine postmodernism with Christian theology despite the fact that a lot of it is against religion and yet at the same time it's also kinda against science. I mean that's a generalization and there's much more to it than that and I can't really summarize it well so I'll just put the Wikipedia definition down:

>Postmodernism is generally defined by an attitude of skepticism, irony, or rejection toward what it describes as the grand narratives and ideologies associated with modernism, often criticizing Enlightenment rationality and focusing on the role of ideology in maintaining political or economic power. Postmodern thinkers frequently describe knowledge claims and value systems as contingent or socially-conditioned, framing them as products of political, historical, or cultural discourses and hierarchies. Common targets of postmodern criticism include universalist ideas of objective reality, morality, truth, human nature, reason, science, language, and social progress. Accordingly, postmodern thought is broadly characterized by tendencies to self-consciousness, self-referentiality, epistemological and moral relativism, pluralism, and irreverence.

>Postmodern critical approaches gained popularity in the 1980s and 1990s, and have been adopted in a variety of academic and theoretical disciplines, including cultural studies, philosophy of science, economics, linguistics, architecture, feminist theory, and literary criticism, as well as art movements in fields such as literature, contemporary art, and music. Postmodernism is often associated with schools of thought such as deconstruction, post-structuralism, and institutional critique, as well as philosophers such as Jean-François Lyotard, Jacques Derrida, and Fredric Jameson.

R:2 / I:0 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

St. Anne veneration thread

Let us honor St. Anne, mother of God's mother. Her prayers are very powerful and she is crowned with a crown of glory and salvation. Jesus honors his mother and grandmother very much. St. Anne is among the greatest of the saints.

R:0 / I:0 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

Paul Begley general

What does /christian/ think of Paul Begley? He a biblical prophecy Analyst.

R:25 / I:4 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

The vaccine...

Thoughts on the covid-19 vaccine? Will you take it? Why? Why not?

R:56 / I:17 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

Let's Pray - In the Name of the Father, The Son & The Holy Spirit


R:2 / I:0 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

Is VOM evil?

I found this article but I don't know how accurate it is. It accuses VOM of covering up for pedos and firing those that want internal investigations.


R:24 / I:8 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

Spreading The word to Japan

Is there a way we can Christianize Japan without "Destroying" or radically Changing Japanese culture. I think the Japanese would be Open to Christianity if it was shared to them but I feel like they're would be push back because it's different and Gaijin.

R:57 / I:67 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

Christ-chan Thread

Show your piety by sharing your freshest icon of our new lady, Christ-chan.

R:10 / I:2 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

Catholic nation

America is a country ran by Catholics. They have a Catholic executive, and a majority Catholic supreme court. Remember that when absolutely nothing is done about gay marriage and abortion for the next 4-8 years.

R:1 / I:0 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

Catholic residential schools in Canada

Anyone know anything about this?

>Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Friday he has asked the pope to come to Canada to apologize for the Catholic Church's role running residential schools for indigenous children, after nearly 1,000 bodies were found in two mass graves.

>The residential school system, which operated between 1831 and 1996, removed about 150,000 indigenous children from their families and brought them to Christian residential schools, mostly Catholic, run on behalf of the federal government.

I never assume the media or government is telling the truth about anything. Looks bad, though.

R:9 / I:3 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

Your life.

It's worth so much more than faith. You can find moral meaning without attaching it to something that can't be justified by science or your senses. Be happy, ignore organized religion. If you must have faith, it is out of gratitude, not a guideline for how to live your life.

R:0 / I:0 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]


back and rebuild? Is this a common process in all planets that bear life? How did He lift other people + Himself from the dead?

How can Matthew 24:34 still hold truth?

Wasn't the entire plan to ressurect from the dead after 3 days, rejoin the Christian secret society, prove to everyone he was truly the Messiah and take His place as king of the Jews? Why did He go back to heaven after showing His disciples that he was back? Why do we need to almost destroy ourselves as a species first?

What even is the experience of eternal life in heaven? The bible doesn't describe it, It's not possibly just singing as some people say, or absolute glory and holiness because those are adjectives, is it some sort of planet, spirit world or DMT-like 5D superstructure, i have so many questions.

Is the Catholic Church really the only true church and now holds the chair of Moses? Matthew 16:18-19 really seem to imply it.

Why could Peter and Paul still cure people from their illnesses as much as Jesus but that was about it? By John 14:12 more people should be able to perform miracles, and although Saints did, they are kinda convoluted.

Help me understand

R:0 / I:0 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

The Scripture vs Tradition distinction isn't real...

So from what I understand, both Catholics and Protestants understand Scripture and Tradition to be two separate categories for doctrine, with the former accepting both and the latter accepting on Scripture. But the Orthodox don't make this same distinction, the Orthodox consider everything Tradition, including Scripture. The Bible itself is apart of the Tradition of the Orthodox Church and all the teachings of the Church are Tradition since the Orthodox put a greater emphasis on the life of the Holy Spirit in the Church than either Catholics or Protestants generally do.

1.So a Protestant would say the Holy Spirit guides the individual (sometimes represented through a governing body like a denomination) towards correct interpretation of Scripture.

2. A Catholic would say the Magisterium (represented by the Pope) guides the Church towards correct interpretation of Scripture though the aid of Tradition under the protection of the Holy Spirit.

3. The Orthodox would say that the Holy Spirit guides the entire Church as a collective (represented by all the bishops everywhere) towards a correct understanding of Tradition as a whole.

Protestants are bottom up approach, Catholics are top down approach, and Orthodox are a middle out approach.

Seems reasonable, think I'm going to convert to Orthodoxy. Catholicism is just too corrupt honestly, and Protestantism is really silly and ridiculous, especially the Baptists who do tends to have low IQs.

R:2 / I:0 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

Pic unrelated

Reminder that dispensationalism is heresy, it has only existed for the last century and half. John Darby was a false prophet. Dispensationalism is an American heresy that has nothing to do with historic Christian eschatology. It politicizes eschatology. It is not of God, it is of men.

R:15 / I:1 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

Wearing a Cross Around Your Neck

Is it good/bad/neither?

As a kid I've been told once that it's bad to wear a cross if you're not a priest or whatever - I dont remember why.

R:11 / I:0 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

growth of islam and atheism

how would you combat the growth of islam and atheism?

dont make LARPer replies, a crusade or something like that is not sustainable politicaly

R:11 / I:0 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

prayer for male beauty

I know i will get a lot of hate for this,I dont care,im too ashamed to say this in a registered forum so I have-come here.

can I pray to,as a male,be more masculine-attractive?

i feel my facial features are *hierarchically* less attractive than someone else's

im a catholic,im willing to pray novenas,rosaries(I already pray daily),even fast,whetever. I cant bear being ugly- I really cant.

R:4 / I:0 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

Meister Eckhart?

Thoughts on Meister Eckhart?

R:0 / I:0 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

Anyone read this?

Anyone read this? Thoughts? Let's have a discussion.

R:10 / I:0 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

Thoughts on him

From all the three fascist rulers, he was the most devout Christian. Is him and the Spanish Falange acceptable?

R:4 / I:1 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

Lament for Constantinople

568 Years ago today Constantinople fell to the Ottomans. Today, the mother church of Constantinople operates again as a mosque, a living insult to all Christendom.

Pope Innocent III to Baldwin, Count of Flanders and Hainault:

"You took upon yourselves the duty of delivering the Holy Land from the Infidel. You were forbidden under pain of excommunication from attacking any Christian lands, unless they refused you passage or would not help you (and even then you were to do nothing contrary to the wishes of my legate). You had no claims or pretensions to the lands of Greece. You were under the most solemn vows of Our Lord-and yet you have totally disregarded these vows. It was not against the Infidel but against Christians that you drew your sword. It was not Jerusalem that you captured but Constantinople. It was not heavenly riches upon which your minds were set, but earthly ones. But far and above all of this, nothing has been sacred to you-neither age nor sex. In the eyes of the whole world you have abandoned yourselves to debauchery, adultery and prostitution. You have not only violated married women and widows, but even women and virgins whose lives were dedicated to Christ. You have looted not only the treasures of the Emperor and of citizens both rich and poor, but have despoiled the very sanctuaries of God's Church. You have broken into holy places, stolen the sacred objects of altars-even including crucifixes-and you have pillaged innumerable images and relics of the Saints. It is hardly surprising that the Greek Church, beaten down though it is, rejects any obedience to the Apostolic See. It is hardly surprising that it sees in all Latins no more than treachery and the works of the Devil, and regards all of them as curs."

R:15 / I:2 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

The devil in the bible

Just a little about myself, i am a Christian who believes in the Devil, but this video by this guy has shaken my belief in the devil, i'll try to summarize the video. Tell me your thoughts on this, do you agree or disagree?

>The central figure related to this panic, a fallen angel who sits on the throne of hell is simply not real, this is not a of skepticism of the supernatural rather it is a statement rooted in Christianity. The Devil as depicted in popular culture does not exist in the holy bible.

>In the book of Job however the Devil is not "the Devil". Although mistranslated and misrepresented in the Christian Bible, the Hebrew bible does not name him Satan but rather "ha-satan". "ha" translates into the definite article "the" and Satan closely translates to the accuser, the adversary (or within the specific context of the book of job) the prosecutor. Satan is not a proper name but a title or descriptor. In the book of Job God meets with his heavenly court, who they are depends on the book, in Psalms82:1 They are called divine beings and gods, in 1 Kings 22:19 they are the heavenly hosts, but suffice to say they're beings to assist God in one way or another, among them is ha-satan.

>in the book of Zaccaria the accuser appears only to be rebuked

>in the hebrew bible the only time the proper name is used in 1 chronicles, to the author and to the Jewish poeple this was not meant to be "that satan"

>Many scholars understand the Hebrew satan to refer to the infamous heavenly being but it is more likely here to refer to a human adversary. Thought somethings are clear such as the basics of translations, the motivations of the anonymous authors of the Hebrew Bible are challenging to determine in even less confusing circumstances. never the less every reference to the "the devil" in the Old Testament practically has an asterisk next to it.

>When Christians re-translated the Hebrew Bible as their old testament, the word "satan" was often capitalized and made Satan, even if it wasn't the satan, God's servant, any satan meaning any accuser, any enemy. For example Psalms 109:6-7 Appoint a wicked man over him; may the accuser stand at his right side; may he be tried and convicted' may he be judged and found guilty. But in the Christian bible it reads "…and let Satan stand at his right side". This Psalms has nothing to do with the devil or even the satan. For lack of a better word the Christians retconed the Hebrew Bible to have references to the devil, thereby better conforming to Christianity. The serpent in genesis was retroactively cast as Satan by church leaders in the 2nd century. Dogma was fashioned to retroactively describe old figures as being influenced by Satan, all in the service of giving the devil the appearance of always existing.

R:24 / I:20 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

Paranormal = satanic

Coast to coast AM host Art Bell believed UFOS, cryptids, and ghosts are all connected. Especially researching men in black they seem demonic. MIB sighting suggest they look like walking corpses and have black eyes that glow grey. As well MIB seems to have supernatural abilities like not being captured on physical camera film as well not casting reflections. Does the Bible support the idea of the paranormal being connected and demonic? Video of Jennifer Stevens case very related. Her house became haunted once she witnesses UFOS and as well stalker by glowing eyes pale skinned Men in black.

R:1 / I:1 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

People want true spirituality, but most denominations don't offer it.

Most denominations are so boring and bland. There's a reason why most newbies either become Orthodox, Trad Catholic, or Evangelical going either extreme Fundamentalist or joining a hip but still conservative non-denominational church that may have some charismatic features to it. People either like ritual, a strong sense of community, or both. In Trad Catholic churches you'll find ritual. In Fundamentalist and hip non-denominational churches you'll find community. In Orthodox churches you'll find both. Actually I'd argue to extent you may even find both in the non-denomination churches too just in a far more emotive/charismatic way. These are the types of Christianites young people are attracted to. Not the bland novus ordo Catholic, progressive Anglican, Lutheran, Methodist, and Presbyterian churches that are just filled with boomers trying to be hip but who don't actually understand the youth and who have no real sense of the divine or theology and just go to church every Sunday while barely making an effort to practice the religion otherwise. People like to be filled with a sense of awe and connection to the past that actually requires them to do something, and/or strong emotional and personal experiences with the divine, and/or a strong bond with other people in their individual journey towards God. This is what people look for. This is why these are the forms of Christianity that are becoming most popular.

R:4 / I:1 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

Gaming industry & gamers turn on Scott cawthan

Twitter, reset era and bread tube trying to cancel creator of FNAF for being a conservative, christian republican

>Worked on a animated movie based on pilgrim progress

>did a video game with pro life themes before FNAF

>FNAF it’s self has a lot of strong christian overtones and religious symbolism

>SJWs and literal trannies shocked Scott cawthan liberal!

>He even donated money to children hospitals that are not transgender friendly!

Like (((Hollywood))) the (((video game industry))) was never worth saving.




R:2 / I:2 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

Troubled Youth

Good evening /christian/

I have come here to seek for advise on what to do.

I am currently 18 years old but i turn 19 years old in august, so you could technically say im still pretty young.

I am going through a little crisis inside myself on what i should do with my faith.

I do believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and that God is his Father aswell as the Father of us.

In 2012 i have joined a secondary school that i spent 5 years in with lots of classmates. I have shared countless of bad experiences with these people and many others to the point where there was (and still is) a burning flame inside me that seeks out for revenge.

However this flame itself is directed at two people only who i share the most hatred for.

The difference however is, that for these two people i seek revenge for what they did to me in those 5 years.

However the others, i just wish them a sad life.

I recently got into Satanism and how Lucifer The Fallen angel got sent to hell by God for his unrighteous pride and rebellous acts against our father.

Upon searching more for him i have noticed that i do have a good and an evil side inside me. Sometimes this evil side inside me is bigger, but at other times im a nice and friendly young man who wants to help people as much as i can with lots of positivity for ANYONE.

Now i want to ask you /christian/

Is it okay to have a devil and an angel inside you. Should i seek out for help by the Church to get rid of my inner demons? I tried and tried and tried but i somehow wont get rid of this flame inside me for these two enemies that i have. I believe that this flame will perish once i fullfil my revenge.

I am confused. I need help. What do you think?

R:1 / I:0 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

Western Rite Orthodoxy

What is /christian/'s take on Western Rite Orthodoxy ? Prots gtfo. As someone who is from a western cultural and ethnic tradition and sees that as relatively important (as well as having grown up in a nominally Roman Catholic home), should I take this seriously as I discern between the various apostolic churches (Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Assyrian, ect) ? Western Orthodox communities such as the Communion of Western Orthodox Churches seem to make more intuitive sense to me than sedevacantism.

R:0 / I:0 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

Western Rite Orthodoxy

What is /christian/'s take on Western Rite Orthodoxy ? Prots gtfo. As someone who is from a western cultural and ethnic tradition and sees that as relatively important (as well as having grown up in a nominally Roman Catholic home), should I take this seriously as I discern between the various apostolic churches (Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Assyrian, ect) ? Western Orthodox communities such as the Communion of Western Orthodox Churches seem to make more intuitive sense to me than sedevacantism.

R:16 / I:5 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]

Born again Christans DO NOT SIN!


Born again Christans DO NOT SIN!

If you're still sinning, then it's extremely likely that you're NOT born again, and if you're NOT born again, THEN YOU WILL GO TO HELL WHEN YOU DIE…




We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not; but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not.

1 John 5:18


Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him.

1 John 3:6


Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.

1 John 3:9


Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame.

1 Corinthians 15:34


For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.

Hebrews 10:26-27


Once Saved, Always Saved - A Doctrine of Devils:

A Compendium of Truth, Replete With Indisputable Scriptural Evidence.



R:0 / I:0 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]

Soooo, Hi....I'm Jesus AKA II Joshua. How's it going??

I said it, I meant it, I'm here to represent it.

PS, WHY THE winnie the pooh IS THIS CAPTCHA SO GAY??!?! CHANGE IT TO SOMETHING SLIGHTLY EASIER!! 10 times in a row it says Ive gotten it wrong as if I didn't learn my letters and numbers when I was 3 years old…how retarded are you Watkins?

R:8 / I:1 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]

Thoughts on Syrian Christians?

Thoughts on Christians in Syria? The main groups there are the Greek Orthodox Church of Antioch (65%), the Melkite Greek Catholic Church (15%), and the Syriac Orthodox Church (10%). The rest of the Christian population there (≤10%) belongs variously to the Roman Catholic Church, the Armenian Apostolic Church, the Chaldean Catholic Church, the Maronite Catholic Church, and the Assyrian Church of the East.

Thankfully, the Protestant heresy has had a limited impact over there (<1%) as in the rest of the middle eastern Christian community. But of those who do belong to the Protestant heresy, most belong to various Reformed denominations and there are also a few Anglicans over there as well.

Ironically, the Orthodox Christians in Syria refer to themselves as Romans and the Greek Catholics refer to themselves as Melkites (derived from the Semitic word for king, in reference to their allegiance to the Emperor of Constantinople).

R:4 / I:1 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]

latin american praxis

religion in politics in latin america is different than the rest of the world, while in most of the countries of eurasia. a big part of the clergy here was "kinda lefty" (not degenerates progressists) while in europe most of them where either fascist of capitalist.

i have read in articles and seen in documentaries that jesuites where the protector of the native americans and oposed the spanish empire

the most succesful lefty groups during the cold war where christian or respected the churches during the cold war (castro, the sandinistas, ELN, etc.)


R:11 / I:1 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]

Pope is ok with abortionist Biden?

Pope hates Trump, loves Biden?

This week Red Francis rebuked US Bishops over a plan to rebuke Joe Biden from Communion.

Pope Francis said he was concerned it might come off as “divisive.”


R:9 / I:2 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]

no wonder this board is fake

it seems that moderators of this board delete some threads are they christians etc? no they are not i know why they create this board they action for gathering information winnie the pooh inteli shills they are like chinese comunism CCP some of them russians bots agents….dont you think i see your real ip adress idiots you think 8kun hide your real ip using encryption hahahah and they go others thread watching porn images etc and violent video games ??

R:1 / I:0 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]


Which parts of the bible are literal and which are symbolic?

R:6 / I:1 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]




Satan's Angels = Evil Angels = Legion = Unclean Spirits = Demons…

There's no such thing as "aliens", "poltergeists", "spirit guides", "light beings", "imps", "goblins", "monsters", "shadow people", "apparitions", "other gods", "ascended masters", "galactic federation", et cetera - THEY'RE *ALL* DEMONS, AND YOU CAN ACTUALLY SEE THEM.

Additionaly, there's no such thing as "the universe", "solar system", "other planets" or "outer space"…

If you believe ANY of these things, then you don't believe God and His Bible - if you don't believe God and His Bible, THEN YOU HAVE TO DIE AND GO TO HELL…

If you believe in "aliens", "outer space", "other planets", "globular Earth", or the like, then you're *NOT* born again - people that have God's Holy Spirit living inside of them *KNOW* the truth concerning these things – the fact that you've been deceived *MEANS* THAT YOU'RE *NOT* BORN AGAIN…

If you're *NOT* born again, then you will almost certainly worship the Antichrist as well as take his mark - if you're *NOT* born again, then you *MUST* be destroyed in the Lake of Fire…


He cast upon them the fierceness of his anger, wrath, and indignation, and trouble, by sending evil angels among them.

Psalm 78:49


Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

Hebrews 13:2


And of the angels he saith, Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire.

Hebrews 1:7


And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

2 Corinthians 11:14


And Jesus asked him, saying, What is thy name? And he said, Legion: because many devils were entered into him.

Luke 8:30


And he asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many.

Mark 5:9


For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

2 Timothy 4:3-4


Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

1 Timothy 4:1


And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

2 Thessalonians 2:10-12


Will you believe me, OR WILL YOU GO TO HELL?


Behold, ye despisers, and wonder, and perish: for I work a work in your days, a work which ye shall in no wise believe, though a man declare it unto you.

Acts 13:41


How to be Saved - The ONLY way to Become Born Again:



R:4 / I:0 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]

Do you remember the guy, who castrated himself?

I remember that thread. I think he first tried to post his thread here, got banned and then posted in on a smaller board.

He not just talked about his self-inflicted castration and his justification, but used every single post of his as an excuse to show it off. He definitely did it. There is no way he didn't. I don't remember exact details, but he proved it multiple times with a timestamp.

I wonder if he regretted it now years later. Especially with the transgender craze that ramped up in recent years, he might have gotten a different perspective on his own mutilation.

R:5 / I:1 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]

Christians please read this.

The idea that the natural world and the supernatural world are separate realms of reality is a rather modern notion in reaction to the advances of both medieval philosophy and even more so advances in modern science contrary to the Biblical view. The authors of the Bible understood the natural world to be in many ways continuous with the supernatural world, they were both causally linked. This of course does not mean that the ancients were necessarily naturalists or materialists in the philosophical sense, they weren't, and they did recognize that a higher and distinct realm existed from the one we experience in everyday life, but that this didn't fully necessitate full distinction between the two. For example, the Bible's cosmology(s), which were deeply rooted in the surrounding cultures, imagine the stars and planets as actual living creatures (see Job 38:7, Psalm 33:7, Psalm 148:3-6, Isaiah 40:26, Deuteronomy 4:19, not to mention the countless times Yahweh is attached with the title "Yahweh of hosts/Yahweh of armies" the hosts/armies being thought of as the stars). Of course modern people know better and interpret these metaphorically as anthropomorphisms, but that's not how the original writers would have understood this at all. New Testament cosmology has both elements of Semitic and Greek thought in it, particularly Middle Platonic ideas that show up mostly in Paul, and also Stoic physics in it as well that show up also a lot in Paul but also in the Gospel traditions too. The ascension of Jesus in the first chapter of Acts, for example, clearly presupposes a tripartite universe found in Mesopotamian thought as well as in some Greek cosmological traditions. Now a great example of Stoic physics in the New Testament would be the envisioning of the Holy Spirit as a fiery entity for example (Acts 2:2-4). In fact, the entire concept behind the "Ruach" in the Old Testament (which is later primarily referred to as the Holy Spirit in both the New Testament and Talmud) is more or less a leftover from an quite older religious tradition of animism, the Greeks had quite a similar concept as the Semites did which isn't surprising given their proximity to each other and the fact that Greek religion was significantly influenced by Near Eastern religion. Other examples of Greek physics would be Paul's mention of the different kinds of glories inherent in the different sorts of bodies (1 Corinthians 15:40). In short, the Biblical worldview(s) largely rests on archaic notions about the physical world and as such Abrahamic religious traditions should be totally discarded since they have all been disproven by modern science. Of course, all three Abrahamic traditions have in some way attempted to side step these issues, the most notable of which would be the attempt to separate the natural world from the supernatural world, and you'll often hear apologists from these traditions speaking about how their deity is not like the pagan gods of old, that no matter how high in the sky you'll go you'll never find him because he is magically transcendent. While it is true that ideas of the transcendent deity do find expression in ancient authors of these traditions, again much of this was in response to developing ideas in philosophy and science at the time anyway. Tertullian, for example, did not envision God as a disembodies Spirit, rather he understood God as a physical entity, made up of fiery matter like in Stoic physics, though of a different kind of matter in our natural world. Both Origen and Maimonides, though many centuries apart, are heavily polemical against those who envision God as having a literal body which was widespread among most Christians and Jews in antiquity and we know this through discovery of various kinds of apocryphal literature describing God as well as actual historical events such as the first Origenist crisis of the late fourth century A.D. when many orthodox clergy men condemned Origen as a heretic for denying that God had a physical body. We should recognize that modern science has indeed disproven the whole of the Abrahamic tradition, and we as a society must move beyond these old and outdated worldviews to a more enlightened and scientifically informed view about the world. Surely, these early attempts at science are noble, but they should be looked as a little more than predecessor theories. No one today would accept Aristotle's physical theories over Newton's who superseded Aristotle in this regard. We should do the same here. I did it. I am gladly no longer a Christian, no longer do I put my faith in bronze age myths, I have grown up and have set my mind of the real questions as a seeker of real truth.

R:8 / I:1 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]

Who's right?

Who is correct about the afterlife/intermediate state?

R:5 / I:2 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]

audiovisual inspiration

Do people have more stuff like this? I'm looking for anything audiovisually intensive and inspirational. Preferred without the gringy surprise beginning.

R:11 / I:4 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]

Which of Noah's sons are you from?

Which of Noah's sons are you descended from? I am a son of Japheth through Magog. You???

R:42 / I:17 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]

Christian Music Thread

I've stumbled upon a collection of Islamic nasheeds online. They are very beautiful and well-composed, so much so that I can't stop listening to them even though they are not very good for my soul.

What are some similar genres of music from Christian perspective that I can listen too instead? They can be from any culture or era, as long as they are explicitly Christian in nature, and not whiny PC bulls— like 90% of 'religious' music today that's not made by Islamists.

Also, Christian Music General

R:0 / I:0 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]

Animal souls and Consciousness

Do animal abuser face damnation? God gave animal ability to love. Animals must have souls. Animal cruelty a sin?

R:48 / I:8 / P:26 [R] [G] [-]

False papist teachings.

Peter is not the rock. The Revelation that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God IS the Rock. Jesus did NOT say "That thou art Peter, and upon thee I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it".

Jesus said "That thou art Peter, and upon THIS ROCK I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it". The catholics have sadly missed it for more than 1700 years.

"Therefore thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste."

"Whosoever shall fall upon that stone shall be broken; but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder."

With all due respect to catholics but the Precious Rock of christians is their Lord Jesus Christ but the rock of the catholics is the rotting carcass of Peter.

R:4 / I:1 / P:26 [R] [G] [-]

Catholic/Orthodox vs Protestant hermeneutic.

One of the main problems with Protestant exegesis is its use of the Historical-Grammatical method for the scriptures. This is not how the writers of the New Testament would have interpreted the scriptures, especially not in relation to the specific prophecies that Jesus fulfilled. The writers of the New Testament relied on Midrashic interpretations of the OT in relation to Christ, for them the scriptures held deeper levels of meaning that even the original authors may not have been aware of when composing the text. This method of interpretation is called Pesher. This is why, for example, John 19:28-29 says the scripture was "fulfilled" when Christ was offered the holy sponge, it is in reference to Psalm 69:21. A surface level reading of this text demonstrates nothing predictive, yet John speaks of it as being fulfilled in Christ. The OT was interpreted allegorically by the NT writers, as they were simply applying the hermeneutic methods of their day and found that Jesus Christ does indeed fulfill the OT. Jesus is the Old Testament as a human, the entire Old Testament is one big hint for Christ, and many of the Church Fathers employed this type of exegesis to scripture. This also why Catholic/Orthodox and Protestant debates often talk past each other, they are applying completely different methods of exegesis. Catholic/Orthodox use the more ancient method, whereas Protestantism relies on a newer more rationalistic approach to scripture which ends up negating much of what Christ does in the New Testament. It's also why, for example, Catholics and Orthodox consider Mary as a New Eve or Ark of the Covenant for example, they are employing this ancient method of Midrashic interpretation and imbuing the text with great meaning and significance and it is what the NT writers were doing in this first place, the Catholic/Orthodox method is just a continuation of this.

R:2 / I:0 / P:26 [R] [G] [-]

Who is this guy?

I like this webm. But I have no idea who this man is. Where can I find more videos of him?

R:14 / I:4 / P:26 [R] [G] [-]

Books of the bible.

What Denomination has the Original bible? The Protestants have 66 books, the Eastern Orthodox have 79 and the Catholics have 73.

Did the Orthodox put together the first bible? And if yes why did the Protestants and catholics remove books if the book of revelations Chapter 22:18-19 says not too. And if the Protestants use the Orginal bible why did the Orthodox and Catholics add unto it if it says in revelations 22:18-19 says not to add unto the bible.

R:14 / I:0 / P:26 [R] [G] [-]

COVID vaccination

Whats the deal with christians being anti-vaxxers? Is it very christian to see more people die from the disease or develop long lasting complications?