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/christian/ - Christian Discussion and Fellowship

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

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File: 99a5709443663bc⋯.jpg (903.88 KB,1240x1504,155:188,THE_END_OF_THE_TRUMP_ADMIN….jpg)

3ea3af No.857888

PROPHECY- The End Of The Trump Administration

“I must punish Trump. He must die, My son! Trump must be eliminated. I have decided that the CIA will carry out its operations against him shortly. I have decreed his death, it will be carried out shortly by CIA operatives. I have the final say, I AM The Living God. Trump must be eliminated to carry out the New World Agenda in the Earth. Many will die. He is an offense in My sight, molesting little children, committing all kinds of perversions before My sight. I must eliminate him from before public consciousness by eliminating his presidency. He is a wicked man, doing what others tell him to do. He has no consciousness to stand on his own against imperial world power. Israel’s expansion will continue, they will exceed their borders and absorb the enemy nations around them. I have decreed it. I will deal with him and Israel, both wicked nations refusing to repent and come before Me, both must be eliminated if they refuse Me. I have decreed it, the end of the Trump Administration and Netanyahu's, both wicked men, both will eliminated by armed men, I have decreed it. Trump must be eliminated, Israel’s whore, and spend eternity boiling in the Lake of Fire. I have called an end to both persons, to be replaced by powerful public movements of mine. The pedophile network must be stopped, it is an offense in My sight. Pedophiles will be eliminated from the land, for I have called an end to that wickedness. Both parties will be mine and no longer will the wicked rule the land. My people must be awakened to do My will. Thus says the Living God, Amen!”

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