True enough many Catholics have abandoned the faith and believe in Marion apparitions, magic talismans and other heretical beliefs than in the teachings of the Bible and, per the Bible (Matt 16:18) the teachings on faith and morals from the Chair of Saint Peter.
It's okay to go to a priest who is a heretic, but if because of his heresy e.g. preaching the false Gospel of Aquinas and not the Encyclicals of Pope Pius X the priest will not give the sacraments to the true faithful then there is no use in him; his intentions are false.
I've had my fill of Mary Worship. That was never mentioned in the Catechism. We are told in Catechism that all things come from God; yet here they are praying to Mary that she gives them this or that. Many Marion apparitions are infamous for the promises of Mary. She can give you nothing. God gives everything.