>it was YOU who said that "society would be better organized and generally work better if we all did"
Because social cohesion comes from people all following an idea, even if that idea is wrong, as the Bible clearly is.
>And look at your Moslems…. they'd still be bronze age if it wasn't for the pagans
As would be the Christians if not for secular advances in moral and scientific thinking. Do I need to remind you that slavery is a concept the Bible supports? To whatever degree you oppose slavery, you're secular. And what about the constitution of the USA? The first amendement directly contradicts the first commandment.
If you were born in a Muslim country, you would make the exact arguments you're making, only using the Qur'an instead of the Christian scriptures, and your arguments would ve as valid.
Yes, I agree society would be better organized if we all followed the Bible, and I also think society would be better organized if we all followed the Qur'an. Neither book is true, though.