modern society is the inhumane scarlet beast of revelations. a beast of iron concrete and steel that will devour the souls of men.
behold the Euphrates has dried up to reveal the omega.
The waters rise and the nations flood, a mouth open in africa that will take in water and make a new sea.
Wormwood (the green star) appeared and soon after the waters were made bitter by dioxin
This is why people say "who is like unto the beast? who can make war with him?"
who is like unto society?
the answer is nobody. no one man can stop every industry, every business, every government.
Who as a mortal man is greater than the world?
that is why our king christ is needed to slay the beast. for him all things are possible.
All we can do is wait peacefully and faithfully until his return, and of course avoid the WO2020606060A1666 chip which will use unicoin alt-666 crypto cash