back and rebuild? Is this a common process in all planets that bear life? How did He lift other people + Himself from the dead?
How can Matthew 24:34 still hold truth?
Wasn't the entire plan to ressurect from the dead after 3 days, rejoin the Christian secret society, prove to everyone he was truly the Messiah and take His place as king of the Jews? Why did He go back to heaven after showing His disciples that he was back? Why do we need to almost destroy ourselves as a species first?
What even is the experience of eternal life in heaven? The bible doesn't describe it, It's not possibly just singing as some people say, or absolute glory and holiness because those are adjectives, is it some sort of planet, spirit world or DMT-like 5D superstructure, i have so many questions.
Is the Catholic Church really the only true church and now holds the chair of Moses? Matthew 16:18-19 really seem to imply it.
Why could Peter and Paul still cure people from their illnesses as much as Jesus but that was about it? By John 14:12 more people should be able to perform miracles, and although Saints did, they are kinda convoluted.
Help me understand