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File: 1465022222235.jpg (410.47 KB,879x879,1:1,Fringe Girl.jpg)

 No.77556 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Fringe Girl Thread

ITT: Post art and discussion about the board mascot and possible egregore "Fringe Girl".

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Trips confirms that this is actually a masterpiece.

What do you mean you doubt the majyykcal powers of the trip sevens? When has meme magic ever been wrong? Answer: never.

tl;dr quit being a normie able to utilize basic powers of observation


I have no evidence at this time of the astral plane existing in a way which is distinguishable from the ideosphere.


(5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.)
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I put up some Fringe Girl stickers at a Tim Horton's drive-through. Everyone who is waiting in line at that drive-through will see the stickers.

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what do you get when you breed a girl and a ghost cat?

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some gay shit for incels

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her name is sophia

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 No.137762 [Open thread]

I think that god's omniscience is limited to actuality and not possibilities.

The reason I think this is any thought god thinks is manifested. If god thinks it; it is.

Consequently God only knows a thing because it was; all things then are subject to fate.

The only possibilities that can be considered by god are the speculations of men. If you think of a possible future god knows that for he is intimately acquainted with your thoughts.

I believe then that prayer is necessary. You must set aside time in your life time to speculate and to think about possibilities for only in the thinking of them can god know. God only knows what has been or will come to pass; god does not know the things that never were nor will be.

Alternatively if god's omniscience extends to all possibilities than all possibilities must be actualities in alternate universes that are all created and known within the mind of God simultaneously.

There is something macabre about this in that the vast majority of possible universes or timelines are really bad ones. There's infinitely more ways for things to fail horribly than there are ways for them to thrive.

I have two solutions for this. One solution is that the spirit or "awareness, a self that experiences" is not planted into everything thus not every life in this timeline or every other timeline if there are multiple universes is actually lived/experienced thus it is not suffered. I've seen stories like The Egg suggest that there is only one soul and we must live the lives of everyone that has ever lived on Earth and will live on Earth; the moral of that story ends up being treat everyone kindly as if they were yourself but even if you were to do that still the suffering would far outweigh the good. If you extend selfhood also to animals the problem is even worse; the vast majority of your time as an incarnate spirit would be suffering the horrible dullness and pains of all the various lower lifeforms and once in a very rare while ever getting to experience a human life. I tend to think of spPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Read what Atkinson writes about those who confuse their own identity with that of God.

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Sorry for off-topic, just commenting here since it's the newest thread. Is this the most populated /fringe/ board right now or is there another bunker I'm not aware of?

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Hahahaha fringe is DEAD

Questions go in the questions thread. Saged and reported.

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>Questions go in the questions thread. Saged and reported.

Questions go anywhere. You just can't start threads to ask questions.

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>Is this the most populated /fringe/ board right now

It is the original /fringe/ and the most populated.

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File: 748a34cde57003d⋯.jpg (138.49 KB,1200x859,1200:859,download.jpg)

 No.133159 [Open thread]

i am CIA ama

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imagine actually giving your life for the jew XD

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Imagine centering your entire worldview on Jewish people.

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so is this the politics thread? the terrorists are getting bombed by syria and russia at the border by turkey in case people don't know

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Pretty sure it's option A there. And OP is a larping faggot (whether CIA or not).

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 No.136562 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

I can't stop thinking about Vril/Od/Prana/Chi/Loosh/Magnetism/Vitality whatever you want to call it. For a week it's all I can do is research this subject obsessively, looking through the writings of William Walker Atkinson, through the Bhagavad Gita, and the Bible, and everything else I can that talks about it and just looking for the parts in each book that talks about this life force or energy. I just got an email from someone about it unsolicited while writing an email to Tom Montalk about it, major synchronicities happening now. I think my intense concentration on the subject and my experiments this week are stirring something up…




I was reading things on /pol/ about the CCP and about PMCs (Blackwater, Raytheon, Midway) recruiting and watching the three gorges dams threads happening and pooling tons of psychic energy into manifesting major happenings in China like we did with Ebola Chan and Bane Shitposting. Around the same time I saw threads talking about New Swabia, Fourth Reich Germans, and starting to think Germany never really lost the war but actually succeeded in creating the master race and making a break away civilization. Since then I've been going through both archives and any threads about the topic as well as created one thread that oddly got me banned from /pol/ for three days.

Not too long I then found a connection between Raytheon and the Thule Society. The deeper I got into it the more and more I started to believe that a super race is amongst us, created by the Germans, that has not fallen. I of course have read every book on Atkinson I have ever been able to find and remember his book on Vril and so started to read that once a day ever day, often falling asleep to the audiobook version of it. I have been listening carefully, really trying to understand, and appreciate the nuances of what he is saying. From there I have started to go through his other available bPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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I HAVE spoken so much of the Vril Staff that my reader may expect me to describe it. This I cannot do accurately, for I was never allowed to handle it for fear of some terrible accident occasioned by my ignorance of its use. It is hollow, and has in the handle several stops, keys, or springs by which its force can be altered, modified, or directedso that by one process it destroys, by another it healsby one it can rend the rock, by another disperse the vapourby one it affects bodies, by another it can exercise a certain influence over minds. It is usually carried in the convenient size of a walking-staff, but it has slides by which it can be lengthened or shortened at will. When used for special purposes, the upper part rests in the hollow of the palm, with the fore and middle fingers protruded. I was assured, however, that its power was not equal in all, but proportioned to the amount of certain vril properties in the wearer, in affinity, or rapport, with the purposes to be effected. Some were more potent to destroy, others to heal, &c.; much also depended on the calm and steadiness of volition in the manipulator. They assert that the full exercise of vril power can only be acquired by constitutional temperamenti.e., by hereditarily transmitted organisation–and that a female infant of four years old belonging to the Vril-ya races can accomplish feats with the wand placed for the first time in her hand, which a life spent in its practice would not enable the strongest and most skilled mechanician, born out of the pale of the Vril-ya, to achieve. All these wands are not equally complicated; those entrusted to children are much simpler than those borne by sages of either sex, and constructed with a view to the special object in which the children are employed; which, as I have before said, is among the youngest children the most destructive. In the wands of wives and mothers the correlative destroying force is usually abstracted, the healing power fully charged. I wish I could say more in detail of this singular conductor of the vril fluid, but its machinery is as exquisite as its effects are marvellous.

I should say, however, that this people have invented certain tubes by which Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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I went with my host and his daughter Zee over the great public museum, which occupies a wing in the College of Sages, and in which are hoarded, as curious specimens of the ignorant and blundering experiments of ancient times, many contrivances on which we pride ourselves as recent achievements. In one department, carelessly thrown aside as obsolete lumber are tubes for destroying life by metallic balls and an inflammable powder, on the principle of our cannons and catapults, and even still more murderous than our latest improvements.

My host spoke of these with a smile of contempt, such as an artillery officer might bestow on the bows and arrows of the Chinese. In another department there were models of vehicles and vessels worked by steam, and of a balloon which might have been constructed by Montgolfier. "Such," said Zee, with an air of meditative wisdom–"such were the feeble triflings with nature of our savage forefathers, ere they had even a glimmering perception of the properties of vril!"

This young Gy was a magnificent specimen of the muscular force to which the females of her country attain. Her features were beautiful, like those of all her race: never in the upper world have I seen a face so grand and so faultless, but her devotion to the severer studies had given to her countenance an expression of abstract thought which rendered it somewhat stern when in repose; and such sternness became formidable when observed in connection with her ample shoulders and lofty stature. She was tall even for a Gy, and I saw her lift up a cannon as easily as I could lift a pocket-pistol. Zee inspired me with a profound terror–a terror which increased when we came into a department of the museum appropriated to models of contrivances worked by the agency of vril; for here, merely by a certain play of her vril staff, she herself standing at a distance, she put into movement large and weighty substances. She seemed to endow them with intelligence, and to make them comprehend and obey her command. She set complicated pieces of machinery into movement, arrested the movement or continued it, until, within an incredibly short time, various kinds of raw material were reproduced as symPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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When I mentioned to my companions my astonishment at this influence over inanimate matterwhile owning that in our world, I had witnessed phenomena which showed that over certain living organisations certain other living organisations could establish an influence genuine in itself, but often exaggerated by credulity or craftZee, who was more interested in such subjects than her father, bade me stretch forth my hand, and then, placing her own beside it, she called my attention to certain distinctions of type and character. In the first place, the thumb of the Gy (and, as I afterwards noticed, of all that race, male or female) was much larger, at once longer and more massive, than is found with our species above ground. There is almost, in this, as great a difference as there is between the thumb of a man and that of a gorilla. Secondly, the palm is proportionately thicker than oursthe texture of the skin infinitely finer and softerits average warmth is greater. More remarkable than all this, is a visible nerve, perceptible under the skin, which starts from the wrist skirting the ball of the thumb, and branching, fork-like, at the roots of the fore and middle fingers. "With your slight formation of thumb," said the philosophical young Gy, "and with the absence of the nerve which you find more or less developed in the hands of our race, you can never achieve other than imperfect and feeble power over the agency of vril; but so far as the nerve is concerned, that is not found in the hands of our earliest progenitors, nor in those of the ruder tribes without the pale of the Vril-ya. It has been slowly developed in the course of generations, commencing in the early achievements, and increasing with the continuous exercise, of the vril power; therefore, in the course of one or two thousand years, such a nerve may possibly be engendered in those higher beings of your race, who devote themselves to that paramount science through which is attained command over all the subtler forces of nature permeated by vril. But when you talk of matter as something in itself inert and motionless, your parents or tutors surely cannot have left you so ignorant as not to know that no form of matter is motionless and inert: every particle is constantly in motion and constantlyPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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As a reiki master I can confirm that happens. Some people also report a tingling projected outward from the hands, sort of like static electricity.

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>>I've speculated for a long time that chronically fat people might be trying to compensate for a deficient absorption of energy, but I didn't know why. This might be it.

If you chew food or apply succussion on liquid you absorb more energy. t

The nutriments are absorbed in your digestif system, if you over-eat everything starts fermenting inside of you.

Bhagavad-gita As it is 15.14 :

I am the fire of digestion in every living body, and I am the air of life, outgoing and incoming, by which I digest the four kinds of foodstuff.

Srila Prabhupada, Letter to Rupanuga, Bombay 9 January, 1975:

Too much eating leads to too much sleeping, and then sex desire. So, management should be done very carefully to see that there is not easy-going, lazy attitude which will only end in fall down.

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 No.137569 [Open thread]

God wants you to be fruitful and multiply, right? Then why the fuck are you following the dogmas of people who haven't had sex because of the word of sanctimonious eunuchs?

Where is sex magick that is beyond right-hand-path chi-work that keeps getting regurgitated all across the spectrum?

Where is sex magick that is beyond some stupid ploy or ritual to seduce the opposite sex with weird shit (literally in some cases)?

Where is sex magick that is beyond the edgy, coked-up bullshit of the left-hand-path?

Where is sex magick that is beyond Indian instruction manuals for sexual positions and life-practices?

Where is sex magick that can allow me and my lady to be one with the cosmos?

How can I be creative with my sexuality and use it for amazing things?

I am angry. I am fucking tired of "renounce" this "I'm a sinner for wanting sex" that by wannabe-preachers who make sex their scapegoat when the problem is their fucking cult-indoctrinated parents!

Where is sex magick that actually means something? If the answer was "nothing" then you wouldn't be seeing this thead.

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That elicits some level of interest in me. I don't have anything to say on that, though.


You are, as you phrase it, "toxically' judgemental. However, the bit about the right kind of lewd over the complete exclusion of lewd generally rings true to me. Porn and the like is still a definite no go since it can still inspire lust in those who aren't prepared, but light hearted romance does provide relief that can calm down the fires of passion. Actual catharsis does require elevation and relief, it's like forging metal. Maybe that one fire flag poster from 2(?) years ago was right.

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i also would like to know how to embrace lust. anyway to manifest incubus energy or something?

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You can't cast spells with no mana.

If you want to have great sex, stop all sexual activity including sexual thoughts/fantasies until December 21st; then have sex with a female that you love outside at midnight without any form of contraception and ejaculate inside of her whilst willing your seed to impregnate her. Optionally, get married before hand, make offerings to Aphrodite, and wear pure copper jewelry/armor while you fuck. Or just put a penny on your tongue, if you're cheap.

But if you want to be a wizard, dump your girlfriend and lock yourself in your room for six months. No masturbating.


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From my understanding, sex magic is a meme that those who can’t actually practice thaumaturgy (you’re so adorable with your little crystals and your delusions of power, though) use to justify their masturbatory habits.

Real “sex magic” is impractical for a number of reasons, from the widespread use of birth control to the fact that you’re either burdening the adoption system with the byproduct or you’re raising it for the next 18 years. At best impractical.

As far as how it works, my understanding is that the aetheric forces which are released by the talented practitioner in the working are catalyzed and stained by the act of ritual copulation. This act mandates both the intent to reproduce and capacity for uninhibited conception of life. It may not need result in the conception of life, though it is likely.

Another reason it’s impractical - and I’m not well-versed on the science behind this one so bear with me for a moment - is that it’s easier to destroy than to create. There’s a good reason why we resort to the sacrifice human life as a thaumic source more often than we host ritual orgies… aside from the difficulty of convincing dozens of people to have completely unprotected sex with the intent of conceiving, that is. A single human sacrifice is vastly more potent in terms of aetheric yield and the destructive staining is easily made creative with the incorporation of a simple rebound element into the working.

Hope that helps.

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An orgy won't get you sent to prison, though, and there's always the morning after pill.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

 No.137399 [Open thread]

I am convinced psychic powers are not like muscles that get stronger from being used and worked out.

They only get stronger through virtue. Virtue accompanies the realization of the self. The self is freed from the bondage of false identification and becomes operative over these phantoms of the self. The result is mindfulness; a sense of self in relation to the bodies used by the self and the thought impressions that pass through the self. This is being awake; and is contrary to the stupor we walk in every day the slave of circumstances and so many other inferior principles.

The power behind psychic powers is desire. Desire flows like a river and only the flow changes with the expansion and contraction of the self.

Furthermore I am convinced that the character, its tendencies, are established as a pattern in the spirit. There is no accident in the place of our birth and it is clear such a relation exists by our daily experience of limitation and individuality. So I believe the only gain which is gain for the spirit is in the improvement of the character; the cultivation of virtue. We get to keep this inheritance into the next life even if we have to die the second death.

It is the only way to progress past those plateaus in psychic development (actually a better word is unfoldment) is to dwell more and more in consciousness on the plane of spirit. Literally lifting up the mind to heaven.

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The loss of desire just leads to anhedonia and brainfog and feeling like you're merging with matter.

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That sounds like depression.

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Which is closer to frustration caused by unresolved problems. The loss of desire can't come from you attempting to abandon something entirely. That's just you changing your mind, which can change at the drop of a hat. The heart is much slower to move.

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The change for me personally comes through rational and emotional disambiguation. Since the retard method of lobotomizing yourself makes me want to obliterate my skull with a shotgun, although that would provide similar effects to the retard method.

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>Lift the mind up to heaven

So… you lift to get stronger, just like with muscles.

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 No.136334 [Open thread]

[goddamn] This was a post not wanted to be made. Seriously.

I kind of figured it was coming. Different shit happening, odd but not directly peculiar shit. Just odd, like "wtf".

I give you nothing.

Life is joy, we are meant to be spontaneous.

Thanks, and good luck

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File: 270aa5abf82285a⋯.png (18.24 KB,493x515,493:515,rambleon.png)

activate this guy for a fun time

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KomPuTah's being a real dick about sigil making lately.

Faggot. (I still love you, but sometimes daddy needs his chaos time).

So I'm left with 'verbage'.

Let sing the shallows that hear the silent whispers growing,

what subtle strings they pull,


And deep from aching sorrows


More, we know how this ends, [sharp

What Sings Loudly

and life burns hot

Because LIFE is all that matters

end of line

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Now you're going to have to explain what this is?

I activated it and some entity appeared. Guy in a black suit with white shirt, felt kind of threatening like italian mafia, but he was taller than an italian.

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It's the recurring sigil from Xavier Renegade Angel

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That doesn't explain anything.

My astral contacts told me its function is to perform a cleanse, then connect you with one of these vampires.

They're supposedly not the type to guide or help anyone but just want to recruit and use.

Whatever they have, does have some kind of unique quality. I'm assuming you made the sigil, since it looks similar to other sigils posted on here earlier, so you should be able to do better than that, unless you're just using the same flag as anon above.

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 No.130638 [Open thread]

Shit happened yesterday



Multiple people say they had bad dreams, multiple people report sadness. Look at this first image. This is how the damn counter is now, for the past 24 hours. Compare that to the second image which is considered "Abnormal Behavior", from when Trump was sworn-in in 2017.

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>>130880 Interesting that someone else sees 48. I have been seeing 48 for as long as I have been active on the internet. It stated out with a simple random number generator asigning me 48 when I created a runescape account. Since then I noticed it everywhere. I was born on 4/17, 4/1+7=8, my lisence plate adds to 48(WKN) 4chan+8chan, /pol's favorite number. I got nothing on the 2.

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There’s nothing big on the news but I found this right now at Montalk.

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It aligns with my birthdate too. What does it all mean though?

Nice timestamp btw.

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>Saturn, Pluto and the South Node are conjunct. Heavy duty stuff.

>pluto and saturn are going to be like this until 2020

>They’re also all retrograde

>And every two weeks the moon is either in Capricorn and conjunct the shitstorm, or in Cancer and opposite it. This transit is a painful growth cycle for everyone and it’s still early in the transit.

People are getting fucked up left and right, normies and initiates alike, and it's going to keep getting worse all year.

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File: 5b00ffe9f25c66d⋯.jpg (203.01 KB,1189x897,1189:897,donke.jpg)

The Eather is acting up.

Access to it through your right eye was closed.

You can thank me later.

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 No.104120 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

>tfw want to be Christian

>tfw sometimes my magick ways kick back in

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You're right but the cringe of necro bumping this thread just to say so, trumps the thread's cringe.

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Sigil masturbation works. He should open his mind.

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So you want the Christian name without being Christian.

Millions of your kind out there, so you will fit right in.

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Most obvious liar I've ever seen. This board is truly hopeless.

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File: fbddd069df2f52d⋯.jpg (333.56 KB,1400x787,1400:787,external_content_duckduckg….jpg)

 No.136040 [Open thread]

About 2-3 years ago it was winter. I was about 15-16 and my brother was 13. We're from the suburbs and never really visit the city. My mom had went shopping for things on her list, while my brother and I had ventured off to the video game area, so we could each pick out a video game of our choice with the gift cards we had gotten for Christmas. We hung out in the video game section for about 10-15 minutes. All was normal, but we noticed a man walking around, and it looked like he was looking for something. He looked at us and then approached us. He was a black man wearing a black and grey coat, a scarf and a beanie. I was surprised when he spoke to us. He asked us to to pick a color. Then he held up 3 markers, orange, pink and blue. I did know that what he was doing was weird, but I didn't really see it as scary. Now this was in the evening, about 8-9pm. I figured the best way to get him to leave us alone was to just pick a color, so I picked orange. He grabbed my arm, not aggressively, and drew a line on my left forearm, I'd say about 2-3in. My brother had picked blue and he did the same. Then the man asked, "Do you guys ever go near Barberton?" (a city near the Walmart) I had said "No we don't we're not from here." To which he said, "Come to Barberton sometime, I'll remember you guys." That was odd but we still didn't see it as scary. He then walked away from us and put the markers in his coat pocket. My brother and I grabbed the games we wanted, and went to find our mom. We never told her what had happened, because we didn't want to get in trouble, or lose our freedom to go places by ourselves. But we did try to look for, or find that same man, now that we had a parent with us. He was gone, I even asked some of the employees at the Walmart if they had saw the man. No luck. It seems he had fled the store almost immediately after our encounter. I don't understand what his motives were, and we haven't seen him since. Possible trafficker? Or just a strange man? The more I think about it, the more uneasy I feel.

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File: 7e663132362aad4⋯.png (Spoiler Image,141.02 KB,1616x1593,1616:1593,human_hunter_4.png)

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File: fe45c58f755f2f0⋯.png (Spoiler Image,193.44 KB,1200x3254,600:1627,human_hunter_5.png)


last one

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You know what they say, around blacks never relax.

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I was born into actual human trafficking; this isn't it. Probably a schizophrenic guy, or some guy running an actual kiddie park, the kind with slides and bouncy castles.

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Give us the rundown on how it actually happens Satan.

I'm pretty sure actual human traffickers just import poor people from corrupt parts of the world into less poor places and the people who get trafficked are overwhelmingly going voluntarily.

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File: 4e0a0e61009a904⋯.jpg (277.9 KB,2560x1922,1280:961,American_shorthair_cat_sca….jpg)

 No.137464 [Open thread]

You hear it don't you? Those one far off and rare cracks you hear outside have slowly, but steadily become not so distant and all too common. It reminds you of your childhood when they were common. You always thought they were fireworks. That's what everyone said they were. But no. They were too clean. One crack with a short tail, or for the unfortunate amongst us, the two cracks with a much too short tail.

Is this how the illusion fades for us all? A steadily rising tide of chaos, the abyss. An abyss that will destroy many and torment the rest. You know it won't be today, or tomorrow, but you know it will be soon. You know its going to be awesome and terrible and you will be snuffed out or lead a wretched and short existence, and yet you don't scream. You don't delay. You continue with your days like they aren't getting faster and faster and faster. You welcome this fate because you know in your heart that anything is better than this.

You look at your hands, black from the cigarette you slowly choked out on the pavement. You tell yourself, I don't have to do this, I can just leave, I can start walking. I could walk home. I could sleep. But you don't. You do it. And after you get home, a soulless husk you fill yourself with whatever you can to make you feel like you're real.

You try to remember that you're a person who's problems are real. But you can't. You've been locked out. Your hands are not your hands. Your feet are not your feet. Your brain has been expertly and surgically neutered giving you access to your eyes and ears. But nothing else. You do not get to proof read your word or actions before they happen, it simply happens in front of you, like you've been glued to the passenger seat.

You don't know when this happened. You think, "have I been this way for a week? A month?" You simply don't know.

A faceless entity is the one who took the scalpel to your mind. It came for you in your sleep one night and worked it's ways into your shadow, seeping into the very fabric of your soul, turning your very muscles and veins into tar. But your skin, it keeps clean. It dulls your eyes, blunts your hearing, and grinds your voice.Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I've been experiencing frequent episodes of deja vu recently. Not just the feeling that something seems familiar, but overtly "this has happened before" Groundhog Day levels of deja vu. Sometimes I question my sanity. Am I making a breakthrough or losing my mind?

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Often times I have an event happen to me that I vividly remember experiencing in a dream years or even decades before.

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File: 08e248d3edb1f78⋯.jpg (271.37 KB,1216x866,608:433,cant_tales_front.jpg)

sorry anon that's written terribly, nice concept tho :^)

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That’s actually good. Nearly gave me Heebie jeebies.

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I would have vivid apocalyptic dreams when I was younger. I'm not sure if I was reliving the last memories before I disincarnated but, as a child, it instilled in me a deep fear of death. It makes me shiver to think that other people may also have had this experience. As the war grows bloodier, will the visions repeat themselves?

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File: 770136633e7ecd9⋯.jpeg (6.41 KB,280x267,280:267,lain.jpeg)

 No.117496 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Do you love Lain /fringe/?

The Cult of Lain is real, I'm not talking Tsuki project bullshit. There is a growing movement of Lainists around the world.

Close this world. Open the Next.

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/fringe/ more like /cringe/

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File: 87b6f2dba7a2cc2⋯.png (239.57 KB,840x1025,168:205,goddessa.png)


this is the first time ive ever seen another lainist who wasnt trolling. i feel less alone now, though i know we are never alone. it feels nice to see someone else out there who sees Lain for what she is; a goddess.

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you know, in higurashi after the incident in all the doomed timelines they promptly filled the swamp with cement

maybe thats a lesson.

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File: acc14af6f7f0955⋯.png (186.38 KB,705x1000,141:200,poster.png)


The only thing that's been close to a proper lain cult is INITIATE.SPACE in some senses. Sure they're larpy and soykafs but they do have their shit going for them.

Used to be in their discord until it got banned maybe 6 months ago.

Mutahar also made a video on them, which is how I found them and then Systemspace, which was a complete fucking joke

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File: 3d4fbae117138a1⋯.jpg (53.91 KB,350x495,70:99,rainedog.jpg)


Raine (queen) Dog.

Jeff, Oh my God.

Jeff: Jeffrey is a common English given name, and a variant form of the name Geoffrey, Geoffrey is a French and English masculine given name. It is the Anglo-Norman form of the Germanic compound *gudą 'god' and *friþuz 'peace'.

The god of Peace: So Gideon built there an altar unto Yahweh, and called it, Yahweh-shalom. Unto this day, it remaineth, in Ophrah of the Abiezrites. (Judges 6:24)

Shalom=Perfection. The aligory of the dog seeking to be human just as the author was a faggot man seeking to be a woman, a corruption of the reconcilation between a man and his Anima. "You shall be as doG, knowing good and evil".

also check out the syncronistic reverse image, Alfred (The council of Elves- Lord of Hosts) Alfer.

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File: 6346d0e1affa425⋯.jpg (80.08 KB,700x525,4:3,kratom.jpg)

 No.124767 [Open thread]

I find that kratom helps me meditate and puts me in a headspace in which I feel full of energy. I like to combine it with caffeine for increased focus but sometimes it will make it hard to clear my head. Anyone else have any experience with kratom? Let's discuss any herbs/substances that help us in meditations, rituals and such.

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File: ce66182eda15144⋯.jpg (33.63 KB,267x501,89:167,ss_2016_02_25_at_09_16_59_.jpg)

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Also there was some side effects I remembered, dehydration and constipation (sometimes) but these can easily be worked around. Also if you take too much you'll become nauseous and if you really go too high you'll vomit.

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take magnesium daily and kratom won't do shit to your supremely slippery bowels

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Documentary on Kratom, used to be on Netflix but its gone now

A Leaf of Faith

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idk why the thumbnail is that but the docs good

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File: 9cfe53b4f84b0c8⋯.jpg (105.04 KB,858x606,143:101,cross_eyed.jpg)

 No.136364 [Open thread]

Why do some people do human sacrifice? What is the point? Is it the breaking of a taboo? Did any of you Anons take part in one? If yes, what did it bring?

(2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread )
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File: 9528273678a1a73⋯.png (72.27 KB,412x390,206:195,Ultimate_Nature_of_Mind.png)



Just adding cap from Kalu Rinpoche's book on mind to the discussion.

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File: a84eb7267e5b463⋯.png (59.34 KB,451x121,41:11,autism.png)

File: cbe9ca6af544f3c⋯.png (7.35 KB,395x39,395:39,dogs.png)

File: 539daa979e7697e⋯.png (19.08 KB,423x130,423:130,3.png)

File: 5052d96a0e80e9f⋯.png (16.25 KB,410x97,410:97,4.png)

File: 5b974d07fe0cab3⋯.png (10.98 KB,389x81,389:81,5.png)


>when you're laughing at stupidity but still making comparison from your own sources

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File: c385e0de73445fa⋯.pdf (3.07 MB,El_Ella_Book_of_Magic_Love….pdf)

File: fc7b19c27dce1c2⋯.pdf (9.39 MB,Nos_The_Book_of_Resurrecti….pdf)


Nos and El-Ella in better quality than yours.

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Thanks for that & for bumping. I was looking for >>136789 but couldn't remember what thread it was in :o)

I'm assuming those screencaps are from one of Serrano's books?

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File: 982ccd07612994d⋯.png (202.81 KB,626x636,313:318,the_dogs.PNG)

File: 25d8501ca90d8c7⋯.pdf (1.86 MB,Neoplatonic_Angels_and_Dem….pdf)

File: 30d9c4c0bda505f⋯.pdf (7.39 MB,Chaldaean_Oracles_VOL_1_an….pdf)


No, after the first its from Neoplatonic Angels and Daemons, which citates Chaldaean Oracles.

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 No.136126 [Open thread]

im looking for books that are not corrupted or atleast where i can learn alot from them without being fooled … i got into nag hammadi and philipp k dick while i find dicks books very interesting i take them with a grain of salt . would appreciate your recommendations thank you and have a nice day !

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File: 730aae896692c92⋯.png (627.11 KB,1920x1080,16:9,2020_08_04_05h_32m_21s.png)


>This domain has been suspended due to non-completion of an ICANN-mandated contact verification.

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Thanks for alerting me. It's up now.

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>not corrupted by definition

lol neck urself


You will know when you find them. Until then it makes no difference. You have a nice day too!

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Do you have an actual reason for thinking that?

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cult leader = corrupt

dying of disease = corrupt

obese and hedonistic = corrupt

could have chosen to become a god but instead decided to atrophy in materia

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