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Esoteric Wizardry

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Anons Fringe Archive

File: 97687becfb81ea3⋯.jpg (201.14 KB,640x480,4:3,1528362034011.jpg)


Hello /fringe/

I make this thread to upload books that are essential reading for every neophytes out there. Some of them might have been lost so I am here to put them back there. Feel free to add anything that  might be relevant to this thread. So let begins.

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File: 3bd7aff988c272e⋯.pdf (389.43 KB,The_Kybalion_Three_Initiat….pdf)

The Kybalion by Three Initiates

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I would tell you to kill yourself but your post already points to you already contemplating it.

Good thread.

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File: 79aa2e0abdf227c⋯.pdf (619.61 KB,_1909_The_Arcane_Teaching.pdf)

The Arcane Teachings

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File: 336be689316c585⋯.pdf (226.73 KB,_1909_The_Arcane_Formulas.pdf)

The Arcane Formulas

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File: dc8d21b74e6915d⋯.pdf (185.72 KB,The_Science_of_Breath_Yogi….pdf)

The Science of Breath

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File: 334ba487ebe4fad⋯.pdf (1.01 MB,_1912_03_Mind_Power.pdf)

Mind Power: The Secret of Mental Magic

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File: 1e9d5363bad972c⋯.pdf (286.15 KB,_1907_Psychomancy.pdf)


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File: a441f45de17ffcd⋯.pdf (284.55 KB,_1908_Mental_Influence.pdf)

Mental Influence

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File: 05887235f9d665e⋯.pdf (9.55 MB,2013_A_Series_Of_Lessons.pdf)

2013 a Series of Lessons

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File: 3887bf1b2b7a64b⋯.pdf (7.35 MB,Personal_Power_William_Wal….pdf)

Personal Power

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File: 82d5aee3599699d⋯.pdf (2.32 MB,Energy_Work_Robert_Bruce.pdf)

Energy Work

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File: 5e2d59025b116e2⋯.pdf (1.77 MB,Franz_Bardon_Initiation_In….pdf)

Initiation Into Hermetics

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File: 27e122725165d64⋯.pdf (3.86 MB,Franz_Bardon_The_Universal….pdf)

The Universal Master Key

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File: 8e36b731030c400⋯.pdf (488.53 KB,Fringe_Knowledge_For_Begin….pdf)

Fringe Knowledge For Beginners

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File: 7fc8a534e6c3a49⋯.pdf (1.03 MB,Robert_Bruce_New_Energy_Wa….pdf)

New Energy Ways

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File: dc153adb4305ead⋯.pdf (1.91 MB,The_Book_of_Knowledge_Anon….pdf)

The Book of Knowledge

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Transcending the Matrix Control System - Montalk


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The only ones worth being in this thread. The rest is either steaming shit or redundant.

Add The Secret Science Behind Miracles and you're set.

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The Emerald Tablets of Thoth in audiobook format. Good narration. The link expires.


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Do you have pdfs? This legit as far as practice is concerned.

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File: 6a56f33b79d47bb⋯.pdf (1.12 MB,The_Secret_Science_Behind_….pdf)


Will put it there just in case.

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This book is essentially an underrated masterpiece, but the PDF is hard to read comfortably on small screens.

Does anybody have an EPUB version lying around? Otherwise I might make it myself.

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I uploaded it to 1lib.eu

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Where do I find "adept" literature

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obviously, you find them by using "initiate"-tier abilities. most likely though, you've already seen that information/literature but dismissed it because you didn't put points into perception and intuition to detect it as such and make use of it.

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Thank you. In lieu of old Fringe Libraries, which for all I know are lost, this is nice to have.

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Guys join our chatroom

(d)iscord is pozzed and just nuked our (d)iscord for saying krishna is possibly christ and the bible is a book of shadows.

[d]iscord is a honey pot anyways and all x tier and right wing discords get nuked for bogus reasons while the antifa ones stay up preaching actual violence

join our element chatroom server


message me on there my username is christoxkrishna for the server invite if the link doesent work

my (d)iscord is Ra#0552

were cool and starting fresh so join the fun

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Ok, that definitely clarified what visualization is.

it's intentional imagining, which i guess makes sense with as many religions attach a primordial element of creation to humanity that our general means of invention is also apart of some greater complex system.

"perception" as a replacement for "see" and "imagine" for "visualize" would make learning for those coming from a open society easier, buy whether that should be done considering the potential issues errant practice can bring with inept hands with material subjects I can only dread what magical and spiritual subjects would lead to.


anyone can confirm this is a legit disc?

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This link is dead. Could someone be kind enough to reupload it? I'd very much appreciate it.

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It’s downloadable for free at montalk.net

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