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 No.111382 [Last50 Posts]

Mirror Method

1. First things first, you're going to need a mirror. The bigger the mirror the better.

If you could theoretically walk through the mirror all the better.

Small mirrors will still work but for whatever reason, the bigger the better.

2. Best times to do this are at night. Most success happens at around 12-3, although you can still do it in the day time. Just harder.

3. Turn off all the lights, get rid of as much noise as possible, and sit facing the mirror.

Have a candle between the mirror and you.

Candle might or might not needed, but we started having a lot more success once the candle was involved.

Everything else around you should be dark.

4. Relax, clear your mind. BE POSITIVE HERE. If you're scared or think something is going to jump out at you, just stop and try again when you can relax.

Remember, that you in the reflection represents another you.

You can trust YOU. It's not another entity, it's not some demon, it's just YOU.

Remember that above all else!

5.Concentrate on your reflection. There is nothing else but you and the YOU in the mirror. A YOU from a different place a lot similar to your own.

Call out to that YOU, whether it is out loud or in your head.

Concentrate on switching places with that YOU.

It often helps if you can imagine poring as much emotion and energy as possible when imagining you're switching into that other dimension.

6. It takes awhile, and some get it faster than others, but if you "shifted" from your current universe, you should feel something.

Some of the signs for small shifts have been a brief feeling of movement, a moment of disorientation, or even your reflection blinking at you when you didn't blink.

Bigger shifts include your reflection moving on it's own or even the feeling of you literally moving into the side. The bigger the shift, the more you feel.

7. If you feel any signs, STOP! Take a few days to note any changes.

The signs can be small, like a scar on someone that has mysteriously disappeared or something being a different color.

The more you shift, the bigger the differences you see.

Other signs you may notice when the switch occurs; a feeling of euphoria, slight shivers for a few seconds, movement, reflection moving without you moving, feeling of falling, bursting of light across your vision, slight static shock.

8. Optional, but it works better if you have a "destination" in mind. For example, you can focus on you switching places with the YOU that has more money, or slightly better off in general. Harry did this and he had the most positive results.

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2. Two Glasses Exercise

Here are the instructions, which you should follow exactly:

- Choose a specific situation that you want to change, but one that you don't necessarily have much influence over.

- Decide clearly what the current situation is, and what the desired replacement situation is.

- Get two glasses.

- Get two bits of paper or labels.

- Fill one of the glasses with water.

- On the first label, write a word that summarises the current situation, and stick it to the filled glass.

- On the second label, write a word that summarises the desired situation, and stick it to the empty glass.

- With the two glasses in front of you, pause for a moment, and contemplate how your life is currently filled with the first situation, and empty of the desired situation.

- Then, when you're ready, pour the water from the first glass (the current situation) into the second glass (the desired situation), while really noticing the sounds and feeling and shifting of the water from one to the other.

Sit back and see the glasses in their new state; allow yourself to take deep breath and feel relieved.

- Drink the water and enjoy the satisfaction of having made the desired change.

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I asked my Tarot cards if doing this is a good idea or to stay away. Its answer was "The Sun"

I guess I can handle working with portals such as this with proper protections and then closing afterwards.

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Looks like copypastas from /r/dimensionaljumping before it was shutdown.

Anyone have the others? I think there was more methods posted than these.

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What if change sides with a shittier version of myself?

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Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I think this is literally what just happened to me. Did the mirror experiment. Mother fucker on the other was probably a better version of me and he took my shit. Fuck me. Literally. Fuck me. I'm an asshole.

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So I tried this but with my own ritualistic twist to it. Instead of using a physical mirror I used a different kind of reflective surface as a portal. I opened a portal in a pool of water in a hallowed sanctuary in the astral plane. Since it already has access to powerful beings, I had them help me with tuning in to the desired entity… I chose my millionaire self for now since money would fuel a lot of magical pursuits in the physical plane. After several ugly versions of myself I was able to contact my target. I wasted no time to do the swicheroo then instantly barred the portal and shut it down. The new, mirror me meandered around the sanctuary for a bit while the old ones inspected me. I was then sent sent down to earth and possessed my tranced body. Once I snapped out of it I felt like I shouldn't be here and was relatively disorientated until reality set in. I will continue this practice with the backing of my order.

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The idea behind Dimensional Jumping is there is only one you that is having countless possibilites of events at the same time (like having tv with hundreds of channels). You just shift your consciousness to "jump" into scenario you like the most. So you don't change sides with another version of yourself.

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truth & get

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>before it was shutdown

What? I came to this thread to make fun of OP for being a faggot redditor, but let's get real here. Why the fuck was the reddit shut down??

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>meme meme meme meme meme meme meme meme meme meme meme

>muh order

Got ego problems, kid?

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>As per our recent announcement: we will be temporarily closed for a short time to make some changes to the subreddit and catch up on general maintenance.

>Apologies for the delay in us returning to public. We'll be back soon. Thank you for your patience!

Literally nothing. Go back to reddit faggot.

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What? There were no memes. Are you trying to say that portals aren't real? On /Fringe/ of all places?

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It's been shutdown for like 3 months now… that's a lot of "general maintenance". Don't think it's coming back and if it does it will be scrubbed clean. Someone posted some shit that (((they))) don't want us to know.

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So after a bit I decided to have a staring contest with myself but I would never fucking blink, I usually suck at staring comtests btw, have I jumped into a reality where I'm good at them now?

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So basically we're trying to swap our world out for a superior one, correct? Well why would the version of myself on the other side of the mirror want to switch with me into my present shitty world? Something isn't adding up.

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There is only one "you". Every unit of time that passes, you splinter off into different "demensions". One for every possible event down to the sub atomic level. In the closest demension, everything is exactly the same except for the spin of a single electron on a different planet. In the furthest, you might seem like a totally different person living a different life with different friends, a different job, etc. These different demensions are like TV channels. No matter how different, they are all "you ". They are like TV channels. You are just tuned into the current you. In these exercises, you are just trying to change the channel on the TV.

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sounds like we should jump into the dimension where that didn't happen :^)

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File: e941d5455ddad65⋯.jpg (86.24 KB,600x939,200:313,highcastle5.jpg)


I'm jumping into a dimension where Germany won WWII. Aiming for pic related.

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>implying the nazis and the japs didn't win WWII

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So does this works?

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>Implying WWII actually happened

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File: 607e36f5c76b498⋯.jpg (75.61 KB,850x400,17:8,Blood of the Sun.jpg)


>Implying Hitler the Fuhrer didn't lose the war for Europe

>Implying Hitler the Avatar isn't winning the war for Earth

>Implying the Vril Society and their secret Aldebaran allies aren't covertly crushing the NWO reptilian scum

Satya-Yuga forth coming, friends.

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only a sick fuck would switch with a better off version of themselves. you are literally ruining the life of another you. holy shit how depressing.

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I haven't masturbated a single day so far in November. Can I give emotional and sexual energy?

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Except the other you is also in front of that mirror that very moment and he also wants to change something. He may want something you have, you may want something he has. In the end, the switch could turn out to be beneficial for both.

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Do I really need the mirror or the candles? Can't I just make al the process entirely mental?

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How dark does the room need to be? I have a fairly dark complexion so it's a bit difficult to keep myself in sight in the mirror. There's actually times where I lose sight of myself completely in the mirror and I swear there's just an empty jacket in front of me and I'm just looking at the curtains. Like I'm secretly some kind of vampire or something.

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Yes. I can jump though dimensions by myself, but I'm not very skilled so I've only done it by mistake.

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So is it hard but possible with practice? The mirror and candles are just an easy way to do it?

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The only light in the room should be candle-light according to what I've read. You could probably use two candles if you really needed to… however… see below.


No you don't NEED to use a mirror and candles. The power that allows the phenomenon to occur is your own mental energy. The mirror and candles are merely a tool. The mirror, the candles, the ritual, etc. they all help you to increase your belief that the change will occur.

It's like asking… do I need to use a hammer to pound a nail into a piece of wood? No you don't but it's definitely helpful. I mean you could use your fist to pound the nail into the wood but it would probably hurt and take a long time…. unless you happen to be pic related.

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How do I get rid of my fear?

The trick to dealing with fear is to accept that the thing you fear is indeed a possibility. Just accept that. Accept that the risk exists. Accept that the possibility exists. But if I do that then surely I risk messing up the entire ritual?

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lets say that wild long shot of an assumption is true, its a HUGE risk for both of you and a very dumb risk at that. how do you even know you're going to a better place? how does the other you know that?

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FWIW, I've done the ritual a few times and experienced positive results.

Is it risky? Yes. Not going to argue against that. However, everything is risky. Driving to work is risky. You could get into a car accident. Walking to grocery store is risky. You could mugged. Everything has a risk attached to it. Including staying in your current reality. Who knows… maybe you get hit by a bus next week in your current reality? There are a lot of unknown unknowns in dimensional jumping. If that scares you then the dimensional jumping isn't for you. Don't feel bad though. It isn't for everybody.

How do you know you are going to a better place? You don't but, as long as you don't end up a reality where you do not have access to candles and mirror, then you could just keep jumping until you find one that you are satisfied with. You'll probably never be able to go back to the exact reality where you started though… So if you are very satisfied with your current reality then you probably shouldn't risk it.

However, it's definitely not a wild long shot for there to be another "you" who wants to switch. If you subscribe to the quantum theory of infinite dimensions, it's actually an almost sure thing. I wouldn't worry about the moral aspect of "stealing" the reality from another "you".

Consider this:

A = Current "you" who wants to switch to a reality where X is true. Also an unknown variable Y is true in current "you"'s reality.

B = Some other "you" who lives in a reality where X is true. This "you" wants to be in a reality where Y is true.

I = the infinite set of realities/dimensions each being a different combination of the infinite number all possible things.

Is A in set I? Yes, it must be since I the infinite set of realities containing every possible combination of all things in infinity.

Is B in set I? Yes, for the same reason a A in I.

In my mind if two individuals willing make a trade and neither item was misrepresented then it's a fair deal regardless of either person's satisfaction after the trade is done. Chances are, the other "me" shares my opinion on that as well. However, this is subjective. If the chance that "you" or the other "you" could end up regretting the switch bothers you then once again… dimensional jumping isn't for you.

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Have you ever skipped forwards or backwards in time?

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Just make sure you crouch, launch and tuck.

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Don't think that's how it works anon. Dimensional jumping is about going sideways in time.

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>But if I do that then surely I risk messing up the entire ritual?

You could still have a successful ritual. Successful in the sense that you do make a jump. However, you are increasing the probability of ended up in a world line where your fear is a reality.

I recommend you spend some time meditating and only allow thoughts to persist if they are positive thoughts about the world you want to jump. Once you have a good grasp of nipping the negative thoughts in the bud before they fully materialize in your mind then go forth with your ritual.

Bonus Tip: A sign that you made a successful jump is experiencing deja vu. The deja vu events will happen within plus or minus a few days of your ritual. (Yes, minus means they might happen before you actually do the ritual).

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Can you recommend some meditations to me regarding this?

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I can describe how I would do this from my perspective and experience.

Get comfortable physically. Body position doesn't matter… unless you believe it does. If do you then do whatever it is you believe is best. Otherwise, you can sit cross legged with your spine erect, relaxed in a recliner or even laying in your bed. You don't want to get too comfy though or you might fall asleep. Falling asleep while meditating is good for your overall state of being but it's not exactly productive for what we are trying to achieve here. So if you find that you are too comfortable trying introducing a slight amount of discomfort by propping you head upright with a pillow or something like that.

After you are in a comfortable position, you want to reach a deep state of body relaxation. I use a method I learned from Robert Monroe's hemi-sync material. If you want, go find a copy of Robert Monroe's Hemi-Sync Deep 10 Relaxation CD. That always gets me in the right state to rewrite my internal scripts. I don't need the CD anymore but I still use it sometimes.

Start by focusing on each of the main muscle groups in your head (jaw, lips, eyelids, eyes, forehead, scalp, ears, etc.). Go through each one and imagine that you are sending a signal to them to relax, to go limp, to let go. After the muscles of your head are totally relaxed, imagine that this feeling of relaxation is sinking inward into your head and then into your brain. Imagine this relaxing feeling sinking into your brain until you feel like your brain is totally and completely relaxed.

After you feel like your brain is relaxed, imagine this relaxation spreading down to your neck. Send a signal to your neck telling it to relax, go limp, let go. After it relaxes, imagine the relaxation moving to your shoulders and send the same signals. Then repeat the process for your arms, your hands, your chest, your midsection, your hips, your legs then your feet. By the time you are done, your body should be in a deep state of relaxation. It's okay if you deviate from this, do things in a different order, etc. The important part is achieving fully body relaxation.

At this point, your done with your body. You no longer need to think about your body at all but you can itch or whatever if you feel the need that's no big deal. Now, go into a state of mindfulness meditation. You will now observe your mind as it is thinking while also trying not to actively think. When a thought comes into your mind, you acknowledge that you just had a thought but you don't react to it. You don't continue the line of thinking that you normally would do after having the thought. You just let the thought go and return to quiet observation of your mind. It's okay if you don't suceed with this right away. No big deal. You are observing your thoughts and you are doing it right.

I like to visualize myself laying on my back in a grassy meadow watching the clouds pass in the sky above me… where each cloud is a thought coming into and out of my awareness… but that is totally optional. I'm a visualizer, so this is helpful for me.

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After observing your thoughts for a while, you will notice that there is a point in time when a thought is "materializing" in your mind. It has not yet been fully translated into your human thought language but you have a general sense of knowing of what the thought is about. Then, after that, it quickly transitions into a fully actualized thought into your mind. You are trying to get the point where you can consistently observe thoughts transitioning from an idea into a fully translated and actualized thought in your mind.

If you are new to mindfulness meditation then this might take a few sessions. Doing this is only as difficult as you believe it will be. So do yourself a favor and set a strong intention to catch a thought in this state and give yourself some affirmations about how you are able to do this. It is easy for you. It comes naturally to you. You will just know how to do it.

After you can consistentently observe thoughts in that state of transitioning from idea to fully translated thought, you will start trying to stop those ideas from becoming fully actualized in your mind. For now, try to do it every single time you observe a thought in this transitional state. Once again, it's okay if you don't have a 100% success rate. If you can this one time during a session, then you just had a successful session. Actually, if you a beginner, simply being able to observe a thought transition between states makes successful session. Like I said, I picture myself laying on my back watching clouds in the sky. When I get to this point in the meditation, I imagine that every time I observe a cloud it disperses and fades into clear blue sky behind it.

After you reach the point where you can stop a thought during this transitional state, then it's time to start filtering thoughts. When you catch a thought in that idea state, you will have a general idea of what the thought is about even though you haven't fully had the thought yet. So if the thought feels like a positive thought about your goal (in this case, the ideal reality that you would like to jump to) then you allow it to become fully actualized in your mind. If it is not a positive thought about your goal (this includes random thoughts about random things unrelated to your goal) then you don't allow it to materialize in your mind.

In terms of the visualization that I use, the positive thoughts about my goal are white clouds… they don't disperse when I observe them. I allow those thoughts to materialize in my mind. Every other thought is a grey cloud and the grey clouds disperse immediately when I start to observe them.

You can come up with your own visualization. That's just what works for me.

If you practice this meditation regularly, then you will eventually be able to apply this "thought filter" to your every day thoughts whenever the need arises. You are building the neural pathways in your mind to do exactly this. I use this filter in my every day life to overcome things like anxiety and just negative/unhelpful thoughts in general.

This meditation has a lot of applications. I also use it whenever I need to focus my thoughts on a specific thing for brainstorming or problem solving. Positive solutions to my problem are allowed in and everything else is dispersed before it materializes… or when I tried the mirror technique I only allowed positive thoughts about the reality I want to jump to materialize in my mind.

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How does this differ from "Quiet Mind Meditation"? Despite receiving your advice back when you posted, I thought QMM would be all that was necessary so I went back to that. I'm considering your "relax the body first" approach though.

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Also, there's one final thing I've been meaning to say for a while regarding this.

I attempted it I think a day or two after you made those brilliant meditation posts however I had a reoccurring issue: I disappear in my own reflection. When I gaze at myself in the mirror and I try to remain unreactive to any thoughts that appear in my mind and are known to be irrelevant to what I'm choosing to create, I notice that I actually disappear in my own reflection. All I see are my clothes. I can literally see things behind myself that should be blocked. Is this normal?

I think it's worth noting that I spend excessive time daydreaming and a lot of my daydreams are heavily self-destructive in my mind. They consist of scenarios where I am a victim of poor circumstance, a slave, a thing of pity or derision, forced to perform for the entertainment of others and I, despite my better awareness, have continued to indulge in such thoughts. Is it possible that such thoughts are literally killing me?

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File: 1a41dd468af932b⋯.pdf (820.07 KB,Sync-TV Owls of Eternity.pdf)


>Looks like copypastas from /r/dimensionaljumping before it was shutdown.

Yep that's what this is. This is only a tiny fragment of the material that was there.

Luckily for you, I have archived the important material and made a PDF.

Even more luckily, the subreddit is now back up, but it is read-only.

See linked PDF for the material I compiled. I recommend reading it, if you're thinking of doing these exercises.

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You have to be very very sure of your chosen reality. If you are not, you could accidentally jump into a world where (((they))) are stronger or have even "won" (for the moment being).

As you also could jump into a reality where (((they))) never existed at all.

Each reality is different. For example, this one has a helpful time traveler who retunes music to be in the harmonic of 444 Hz and of a very high vibration. Your next reality could not include him.

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Or are you mostly jumping timelines instead, and calling it "dimensional"?

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Stay here or don't but our music is going to be toppestshelf 444. And music is one powerful, concise, reality jumping method.

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I thought 432 was the good one.

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what "choice"?

I mean, why not just feel like it's always the one that serves you best, and then it should be the best one?


like I imagine any universe I vibe into will have this 444 thing if it's that good.

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Seems like my post with the PDF has been slid off the front. Posting this for visibility.

I have the full dimensional jumping exercises, theory and content saved in my PDF. See my linked post.

Also, the actual dimensional jumping subreddit is back up, so you can go read the wealth of info there now.

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FOOLS, 432hz is a reduction of vibrational tendencies that fit our makeup and reality a few thousand years ago, it's consistently going up increasing in vibration to eventual peak, where it will fall again like the last few times. In order to get the throat of humanity to speak in key and unison, the climb to proper wavelength has to be gradual.

432hz is excellent for dreamwork or innertravel as it would slow you down enough to enter and exit safely.

fuck 440 tho

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our? do you know AedifexResources by any chance?


432 is good and 444 is even better:

4+3+2=9 4+4+4=12 1+2=3 9+3=12

the distance between 432 and 444 is 12 1+2=3

12+12=24 4+2=6

Nikola Tesla said that if you understood the nature of 3, 6 and 9, you would have the keys of the universe.

Also, 444 vibrates C5=528 which is the Universal Love Frequency.

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So this will seriously fuck up my timeline?

I'm on a pretty good path that I believe will end up like I want it to.

So let's say I want to make myself have more money. Will that fuck up all other future eventes in my current timeline?

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Can I use multiple words or sentences with the two glasses method? If not, how can I make sure that my intent is understood?

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is it possible to jump to a reality similar as we seen in sci fi movies or more fantastic worlds like Middle Earth?

Just asking

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yes, you can travel to every reality your imagination can conceive of, aka to any reality as our Divine Sovereign power allows (aka any).

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Yes (in theory) but I think it's more effective with a single word or a very short phrase. This isn't some system with a rigid set of rules that you have to follow. I mean you could write A and B on the glasses and as long as A means something specific to you that you know in your mind like "unemployed" and B means "employed" then it will work just as good as writing two words. If it had to be one single word then it would be stupid because some languages have single words for concepts and ideas that other languages don't have a single word for. Anyway, if you are trying to something that is so complex that it can't fit a small note then you should use a different method. The Mirror method would be better because you think through all the stuff while you staring into the mirror.

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Don't know what happened, bur i ended up staring at myself for two hours.

As i drifted away i came to a strange discovery, that i'm damn beautiful. Frankly it's precisely the thing a was looking for all the time.

As a side note i think i'm a demon, but that's not a problem right now

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Your idea of "best" could be very different from what whichever part of your mind that does the actual navigation considers "best" for you.

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Not him but yes, this occurs to me aswell. The thing is, people can never answer me the obvious follow-up question: Is it possible to orchestrate a mutiny, to take the wheel?

If you could you would be free to intend totally without the interference of "higher" selves.

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If I were to dimensionally jump towards a time when I wasn't infected by a parasitic entity, would that cure me?

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I believe that would work anon. Probably pretty well.

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That sounds wonderful!

OP, I have another question: how many times should one attempt the two-glasses method in a single day?

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the way this works means that you will drag the parasite with you, better use cleaners, hold on…

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I hope that you like this.

I have some good resources. The threads this was on were suddenly archived or just deleted.

This video here, https://youtube.com/#/watch?v=CpH_rXGHX1w , is a remote "soft kill shield" for targeted individuals of all kinds. It will work to destroy many harassments. This other, https://youtube.com/#/watch?v=OZCgOoGSLdQ , is the second version of the targeted individual scatter frequency. I hope that they help."

"Dive deep within yourself, speak to your Higher Self (read Why I am no longer a Lightworker 1 and 2, by Cameron Day), enter your Akashik records, and you shall Know. We are One with the All (Infinite Source) as the All (Infinite Source) is One with Us. If you need more guiding, read from Bibliotecapleyades and Montalk. Finally, listen to the following videos https://youtube.com/watch?v=RQIO9cqwgcE [Embed] , https://youtube.com/watch?v=pSyUT2p4H24 [Embed] , https://youtube.com/watch?v=feilxGTQkow [Embed] , , https://youtube.com/watch?v=XvyPscRD1ss [Embed] , (commas are flying so they do not become part of the link).

Each has instructions, and the last one is particularly important; only watch it 1 time per day for 5 days, then rest for 2, and then you may repeat it. Beware that sometimes channels will try to brainwash you; the ones I have listed are safe. Reclaim your Divine Sovereignity, Fight the Parasites, STS/Duality Low Vibration/Frquency/Density Beings and the different Matrix Control Systems.

Remember always, do not go into the light when you die."

Demons and archontic parasites absolutely hate the last video!

Also merging one of my other comments:

"The DrVirtual7 has made these amazing videos:https://youtube.com/watch?v=YVDGY5BKT5k , to help you with making a Shield of White and Golden Light, and https://youtube.com/watch?v=MrvQ-YNThDg [Embed] , to protect yourself from and dissolve black magic, also cleaning the Space of Self."

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I'm the guy posting in the main Enlightenment thread regarding my curse. I've been using your content already. You gave me a particular set of recommendations for my situation and even gave me a "become sovereign" video in order to purge my victim complex. I have to say, I do feel it is all working and that I am progressing and recovering but it seems to not be the case just yet. I think I need to take that two-day break in order to avoid overusing the therapies and as I purge my victim complex, I am indeed getting better at managing my thoughts and reclaiming my energy throughout the day.

Btw, the problem with the links is the /#/ in the middle. That's what stops it from working. By manually removing the /# (thus leaving behind: https://youtube.com/watch?v=CpH_rXGHX1w), it's all fine.

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the subconscious purger is REALLY powerful, do not abuse it, really, i began to abuse it without knowing it and it literally sapped the water as it came in, 4 glasses and it wanted more and more, the things it does are so deep and profound that it constantly takes water from every nook and cranny available.

it caused something temporary on my brain that was solved with Sapien Medicine's PERMANENT BRAIN ENHANCEMENT.

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Tried this for a few weeks in the summer. My goal was to become more intelligent. Didn't work.

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When I maximise silence, can I just wear earplugs? Or do I literally need silence?

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tfw too intelligent for it to work

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I don't think it'll differ that much/to a degree I dislike, since the feeling I have regarding "best" would be my guidepost as much as the idea of "best".


> The thing is, people can never answer me the obvious follow-up question: Is it possible to orchestrate a mutiny, to take the wheel?

really, no one has answered this? I'm pretty surprised.

I've heard several times that so long as you affirm your desire to steer away in defiance of your greater good, you can steer away.

That said, I don't think this would be a good idea.

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use it every day do not skip… will that its function is improved! you have the power…

the temporary thing was like a draining of brainpower that was instantly solved with the ENHANCER.


it always works

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it can also be subtler for some individuals… it's working always

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Ok, so maybe I'll try it again. Is one time per day enough?

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Ye, make it two if you want to see results faster, but 1 is sufficient

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Ok, one last question. In the description of the video it's written that you can listen to it either on headphones or through speakers. I use speakers mostly and I noticed that the music that accompanies the vibrations is barely audible and through headphones or my laptop's speakers the music is as audible as the sounds (especially on my laptop when the sounds are weirdly quiet). I don't think it should make a difference which way I listen to it (especially on PC's speakers since the music that is quiet doesn't matter in the long run I think and is just an addition to make it sound more pleasant) but do you think it'll give worse effects when listening on laptop when the sound quality is worse?

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It may, but it may also be that your PC's speakers are farther away from you than your laptop's.

I have had a pulse of happiness while pondering this. Truly, this is a labour of love!! Quadible, Sapien and DrVirtual7 at least, do this with true love in their minds. I've heard that you can really feel Quad's love as a warmth (depending on your way of processing love), and once, I felt the Universal Love with Quadible, and another with Sapien.

I'm glad to be helping.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I can't speak for these particular videos as I haven't listened to those, but in my experience with other similar recordings, headphones suck.

Hearing isn't enough for most of these, for maximum effect, you need the sound waves to vibrate your entire body and your chakras, not just your eardrums.

Same reason a shamanic drum playing live will always be better than a recording of that same drum playing in your headphones.

So basically you want to avoid binaural beats as those require headphones, and use speakers, the bigger the better.

Double post because apparently I can't into embedding videos.

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Binaurals are transformed into monoaurals when played through a speaker.

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that's why you use multiple

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I was making a joke sorta. about the other guy's experience

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Let's say I live in a nearly third-world-tier shitshack where it doesn't seem possible for the one thing I want to manifest. Dimension jumping, would I eventually find myself living in a new place? If so, would I enter the new world in my current living space with someone else living there, or directly in the new place? The latter doesn't make much sense considering it's a reflection of where I am now.

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jus do it bro

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jumps jumps jumps JUMPS. Is this all you ever talk about? Fucking jumps? Is your existence so trite and pathetic that on a website with individual boards devoted to a litany of diverse interests you choose to fixate on the most trivial, ephemeral aspect thereof? I can just picture you: a fat, pallid, slovenly excuse for a human bathing in the glow of your dusty monitor–the only light thereof in the ill-kept basement belonging to your parents who long ago became disillusioned with their child's future prospects. I bet your mother is thinking right now about what the fuck went wrong, and your father is ashamed that his seed spawned such a lowly organism. How many years of your life have you wasted with your ass glued to your chair, expending all your energy in forcing your inept fingers to type in an ineffectual attempt to discuss fucking jumps? How many opportunities to do something more with your life have you turned down because you thought discussing jumps made you cool; how many jumps have you bemoaned the death of when they became common, as if you penned their inception when in reality you were only a tool of their inevitable spread?

I'm serious, you may be the most pathetic person I've ever seen witness of in existence; there may not be a more accurate representation of a waste of life than you. If I were you, I may have killed myself years ago. Frankly, suicide is the only route left open to you. You will be happy. We will be happy. Your parents will be happy.

Kill yourself.

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more likely the other you isnt an asshole ans switched with you out of his own free will

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Oh it's the master of the game again with his retarded shitposts. Fuck off demiurge.

>Kill yourself.

You be a good example and go first. Probably would do the whole board a favour.

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Could guys give me a example of this exercise?

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You are beyond retarded, OP. The light that bounces off of you also hits walls and everything else around you, but because their pigment absorbs some of the light and the refraction is more scattered, you don't see your reflection everywhere. A mirror just doesn't absorb the visible light that is always bouncing off of you, and it doesn't randomly scatter the incoming light. There's nothing special about a mirror, you might as well stare at a wall. You're just forcing yourself into a whole-body rubber hand illusion.

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Do we keep our memories? What could I do if I'm friends with people I never met before the shift?

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Seconding this. It seems what to do after a big jump should be vital information.

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How can there be parallel universes if everything proceeds from the first cause?

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splits from differing choices in a timeline. a set number of parallel universes is inexistent. there are Infinite parallel universes. many end up dying as individuals discover time travel and go to meet themselves or such, causing a ripple effect that ends up killing that universe. even during this death an Infinite amount of new universes springs up.

the amount of universes that die every second is too large to be calculated in this math.

this means that most universes are very similar clones.

this timeline, from what i know, is stable and unlikely to fail because an error caused by a Being.

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still, (((they))) have technology to overlay false timelines over the real one, for many and for a certain Being. and (((they))) are losing (imo) the power to directly alter this timeline through mass power usage, as it was demostrated by the closure of the "dark-duality" portal thanks to the help of many meditators (most of which accidentally getting played into the false duality of darkness/false light)

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Here's a better way. This might work but I just tried and it didn't.

Drink a bottle of cough medicine. They are town portals. Or I guess runes that let you cast teleport they aren't town portals cause that would suggest they are taking you back to a home base.

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Close! One thing does occur to me though; an infinite number of parallel universes, being truly infinite, would mean that even if 99% of them are alike, there's still an infinite number of universes in the 1% that are not like the rest. This trend nests forever (if 99% if that 1% is alike, that 1% if 1% is still infinite) until the very concept of "most" of infinity bring alike loses all meaning. Even if there are a million times more Universe As than Universe Bs, there are still infinite Universe Bs.

The stability of a universe seems difficult to fathom, given that a dead universe would be one that for all intents and purposes did not occur. Why? Consider that time distorts around a black hole such that if you could remain at the event horizon, you could watch the rest of the universe play out within an extremely compact span of time relative to you, depending on your distance to the black hole itself. Over a lunch break, the universe could live and die. If a universe has a structure whereby it interacts with other universes in a measurable way then it stands to reason that if you interrupted this temporal fast forward and stepped away, you could note changes in those interactions unless universes are fixed, and we know that space is not fixed in this fashion, so that doesn't really hold up. Therefore, if a universe has a collapsing event, it would still exist, but it would exist as an event bounded in time. If it truly 'died,' it would cease to be temporally and we would have no evidence of it at all. In fact, it would not have happened in the first place, and could not have died at all, since it was not created.

You are right, this universe is stable, and we can see as much by noting that it exists. If anything exists, it exists as a real event bounded by spacetime. Although we are generally one-directional in time, of course with exceptions as most on this board ought to know, if we could go in any temporal direction, we could see that these events are not lost. They are almost certainly not fixed, that would undermine quantum uncertainty, but they are not lost.

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All has Existed, is Existing and will Exist. All the time is just one instant which is the Eternal Present.

>dead universes remain thanks to the all-ness of time and everything

this is true. even dead universes can be revisited at any moment.

your answer is good. thank you for adding it.

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A manga I was eager to read was cancelled because the author became blind.

is there are any universe where he DIDNT become blind and continued the work?

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Eh, i was doing this through sex, during climax, first time i was pretty lost since some things changed and I didn't know wtf happened, then i looked all over and found nothing. Then every time it occurred, i just choose to change to something better. And now i found that "here" people actually think about it, when on my original place, this topic don't exist… This is nice, you people gave me a lot of new insights on how to do it right. Thank you.

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Could you elaborate on your experiences with that? Sounds interesting, if it's not just some larping.

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Are celibates able to jump dimensions freely due to semen retention?

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If i use the 2 glasses method will i get results?

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If you aren't transgender you aren't a real cultist. How can you claim to understand the universe when you cut off half of it? The only way to escape hell and reach true enlightenment is paying whatever price you have to to avoid living the cookie cutter REPRODUCTION life, and using your time to figure out what is really happening and how to transcend this. The reason this is blocked is because the creator of life is fucking OFFENDED by people not giving a fuck about gay ass sperm and egg rigged world. Sad!

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Im afraid of the concept of ALL possible posibilities.

Is there an universe where im a gay serial killer?

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yes, there are infinite realities where you are a gay serial killer.

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But! Is there a reality where im a billionarie fashion model and astronaut pioneer?

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>tfw anime becomes real

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on acid i saw my reflection everywhere and if i moved my body the reflections superimposed on my surroundings would like a domino effect from myself outwards to the ceiling change to match whatever movement i made

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Well the 1st time, when i climaxed with my wife i felt a strong discharge of electricity beginning at the top of my head, like if I was hit by a lightning bolt. Then some discussions with my wife became awkward because what i discussed was one thing and she denies because it never happened…For example: My son birthday, we agreed to do it on weekdays at night because a friend of him made the party on a weekday at night because it was cheaper and she went and brought candies and tmnt masks and all. But she said we never had such discussion because the party was on a weekend with the same candies and masks…Wait a minute…what?! Then some time after a client of mine, old one, came to the store and said (in the middle of a talk and all) her name was "Jenny xxx" and I was like wtf?! I remember said name but it's not her!!

To me it looked like I jumped, searched the net for someone with this sort of experiences and nothing was found. Then i kept jumping randomly while i climaxed and some times i think without it and then i found here ,even with the very same term that I was using by myself, could you imagine my surprise? It happened more or less like that.

But, I came here today for a question to the people who jumps:

-What if the world is completely still all the time and what we perceive as movement, passage of time, is in fact because everything are jumping to the next world that is completely equal to this but a micro change of placement? Like a cartoon where every picture is still but we perceive movement because of a collection of pictures with little changes of placements swapped quickly gives the sensation of movement? And what we call “jumping” is actually that we change the collection of future “pictures”? If this is right then we can consider our ability as completely natural because everything does it, we just came to realize the possibility of changing future sheets of reality, but everyone can do that. Also if this is right time travel is completely possible since we can backtrack the sheets of standstill realities behind us and in front of us.

What do you guys think?

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No one ever answered these questions, so I will.

You'll have both, and gradually things will fall into place. Eventually you'll almost only remember the version you're in, but you'll probably run into quite a few instances where you talk about some experience (esp. childhood memories) and several people who were there remember it differently or claim you weren't there.

No reason to try to force them to accept your version, that's a waste of energy, just something to be prepared for. Those different events are (part of) what led to a different reality.

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>What if the world is completely still all the time and what we perceive as movement, passage of time, is in fact because everything are jumping to the next world that is completely equal to this but a micro change of placement? Like a cartoon where every picture is still but we perceive movement because of a collection of pictures with little changes of placements swapped quickly gives the sensation of movement? And what we call “jumping” is actually that we change the collection of future “pictures”?

Also this would make sense to explain why wormholes are connected through space but not time, you could go to another time by just passing through a wormhole, you can go to the future or to the past and we could “move” there because every consciousness, I forgot to say that only the consciousness is what actually passes on the jump, your body is not exactly your body right now but the body on the next “picture” of reality and so on, anyway, every consciousness on that reality is there too, this could be called a “big jump”? Idk…

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I refuse to believe there are realities where I am a furry.

I accept only a limited version of the multiverse theory

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So I was reading One Piece all over again, I like to do this sort of thing, re-reading stuff to compare versions. The last time I read chapter 600, when they leave the island where they were separated, it was so cool because everybody were expecting to see Luffy new Haki powers, so there comes a time when they are all surrounded by the Marines and pirates wishing to take his head and then he goes to fight more than 10.000 people and Zoro asks him: - Want some help? Then Luffy replies: -No need. And then he does the haki thing and fells almost all of the enemies at once. It was such a cool moment… It is really a shame that over here things occurred very differently…I was really expecting to read that part again…Oh well…

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Are you from a universe with a different manga?

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Problem is, a manga that I never knew, i can't possibly know, what I could do and you gave me an incredible idea, is if there was a manga that i read and it's not here, then i could make some serious money… But i would have to search the entirety of batoto wich is dead, but I could use mangareader or something…What a really great idea you gave me here…

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Sounds a bit overkill, don't you think?


The infinite multiverse is hilarious when you really think about it, but that just makes existence that much more interesting

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I used the two glasses method and no changes so far.

what do?

I want to use my semen retention powers to finish my damn manga

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We are constantly shifting timelines.

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What if all reality manipulation is dimensional jumping?

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There is no difference.

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Everybody makes micro jumps all the time, get more conscious of your surroundings to start realizing the little differences, start forcing to visualize a little improvements every day until you begin to see, the more you do the better you get, until you feel the sensation. Then you will start to realize that you do several minor jumps each day, totally unconscious. And how to make big jumps? Well, idk that either…

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>your reflection blinking at you when you didn't blink

>Bigger shifts include your reflection moving on it's own

Fucking nope! Dropped. This shit aint for me, man.

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I just had a thought.

What if I blink and my reflection didn't and my reflection started flipping shit and ran away?

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Can i wake up in the past?

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Of course.

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How do I do it?

So far I discovered that wet dreams interrupt jumps

I am able to recall my dreams but I need a method to wake up phsyically in the past.

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Stop thinking of it as "the past" first. There is only "the now" and your existence consists of changing dimensions all the time. Everything is vibration.

There is no difference between a "dimensional jump" and "time travel". If you perceive a difference it's an illusion that can limit you.

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Do you have any results with dimensional jumping? If so, could you describe it?

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Finally got around to trying this. Saw myself age and the face of my own father. Eventually I had a subtle realization of unity with my reflection and decided to stop there. Ring any bells for anyone?

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You didn't quite jumped anon, to jump is to go to another reality, not visualize something

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Today I discovered that this reality that I jumped don't have a board that I visited, much like this one, but on my language…There is a board there with the same name but it's used by neets who wants to whine about life… Well at least there is here, that wasn't there where I came from… A shame…

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>What if change sides with a shittier version of myself?

Nothing's free mate. This ain't socialism.

If you move to a better universe, the "other" you that was doing the ritual moves to your shitty universe.

On the other hand, your shitty universe and shitty self might already be the best you can possibly accomplish. As shitty as you are, all the other selves doing the ritual might be even shittier. Is it really a risk you're willing to take?

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The obvious solution is to jump to a reality where your life is better but your counterpart is shitty at rituals and thus gets sent to your craphole of a universe

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I am beginning to understand more about magic and came to realize that, magic is not quite bending reality but jumping to a reality where you get what you wanted in the magic ritual… What I did before with wife was through tantra. What I occasionaly did randomly whas through some sort of magic that I still don't know how to reproduce it but I am getting there….

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Is there a precedent for having major discrepancies in personal history before actually trying the ritual, but during a long period of hypothesizing and mulling it over?

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File: 053dfc4a6c18194⋯.png (188.58 KB,841x705,841:705,yes.png)


Now think this trough:

If the other self is performing the ritual, how good can his life really be? Don't kid yourself.

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You probably already jumped anon. Like magic, no ritual is actually needed. Ritual is is a way to guide you to get it.


The same as above.

>If the other self is performing the ritual, how good can his life really be?

There are infinite possibilities, think trough more.

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The rich suffer because they're rich, the poor suffer because they're poor. It's not about finding a life without bullshit. It's about finding the bullshit you like dealing with.

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This is a naturally occurring phenomenon and absolutely nothing you ever want to fuck with. You want to avoid it as much as possible and stabilize your reality as much as you possibly can.

I remember this happening to me constantly, lots of little mandela effect type things, like remembering a friend's name with a different spelling. Here's the problem, it's controlled by your memories. This is also why someone with Alzheimer's or dementia will report seeing dead people and get angry at people for things they've never done, poor souls are in constant flux between realities.

At first I would only see the extreme changes within dreams, and sometimes it would be hard to come back from them. Like I'd keep waking up still in the dream. I've been to realities with chronovisors, robotic/clone servants and several where family members were murdered in horrific ways. As long as you can remember how things are supposed to be you can eventually snap back, but those small mandella effect things, you weren't really paying attention at first, so you only have a vague memory of it, but now this new reality has a solid one for you to grasp onto, so you're stuck there.

Now here's where the real danger lies. Let's say you've had some insane fantasy for years that would be impossible to go through with. Robbing a bank or something. If like me you're constantly swapping timelines, eventually you're going to land in one where you go through with it. There are numerous problems with this, but chiefly is that this will be so dramatic and imprinted a set of memories that you will permanently lock yourself to timelines where this happened.

In my case, I'm currently awaiting trial for doing something that should have been impossible for me. As my brother put it after I was arrested "you went from zero to hero overnight, what the hell happened?" Imagine a stable, functioning recluse who has never once been in trouble in their life who was employed and growing in success yet rarely left the house and had not even a driver's license suddenly going through with a plan so bold it included cross country travel and resulted in nearly 20 felony charges. And the motivation? Love.

Once you're sitting in that cell you're not going to wake up back in your bed like it never happened. That shit is going to form a lasting impression.

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>realities with chronovisors

<As long as you can remember how things are supposed to be

Implying reality is not supposed to have chronovisors.

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Nice larping there, really impressive.

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First bit could all just be dreams, but I really did do something impossible for me and am on trial for it.

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I am learning to direct the jumping. My life is steadily getting better and better. The most important thing is to visualize yourself on a better reality. Fear is like black magick, the more you fear, the real it becomes, this is a possible outcome, specially if you don't have some occult knowledge. Start learning hermetics, then daoism, then mix both with the jumping thing. If you have someone, you can try tantra to. Can't tell you more because I am learning and can't have people get screwed with my assumptions, specially since most people that visits the board seems to lack on basic knowledge and this kind of info can be really damaging…

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Ok, so if you're saying you're not making this up, can you tell more about your experience? What happened that made you do all this crazy shit?

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Don't try this unless you want to be possessed or controlled.

Do you know why in Disney cartoons the mirror is promoted?

The mirror or the looking glass is where evil spirits want you to go through. If you repeat it enough times you forget in which world or dimension you really are. You forget reality itself.

This is known as the creation of the Joker (the Joker in the latest Batman movie is a fucked up character……. he went through the looking glass too often which is why he became bipolar and schizo).

I'm in spirituality for 25 years and I came to the conclusion that most of it ties to demonic activity (demons are entities) and people promoting this are satanic (they feed the demons, they recruit souls on forums like this). The satanists are in a soultrap and they are rewarded with some "pleasure" for every sacrifice. It goes really deep and many occultists and online people are trying to lure you in…. Most occultists I know in real life just like the air of feeling special or knowing something others don't. But the reality is they have lost the connection to the source and they are lost sheep.

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He probably is but it is a possible outcome nevertheless


You are mistaken, the mirror thing is not needed

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So, this weekend I went to the cemetery to tend to my father's tomb and notice that in this reality he actually died 30 days later than he died on my late "reality"… Hmm…

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do the cups have to be glass

can i write more than one word

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no rules other than intention.

the form merely serves as a focus to convince you it's real/a correspondence to abide by "as above, so below"

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Yes. Semen is power.

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No. Sorry.

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So what is real spirituality and where do you find it?

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File: 0216aa2a9304618⋯.jpg (14.39 KB,236x236,1:1,a23r2rfqfweaf.jpg)

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Board owner should cast a spell to banish discord niggers.

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Would any candle work?

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No. It has to be a candle made out of both black and silver wax in a spiral pattern.

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Why that?

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Because without that candle, the tormented spirit of Tyler Durden won't appear to give you the Unholy Chalice of Unveiling.

No, fucktard, you don't need a candle, do whatever the fuck you want, it'll work as long as you believe

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I think you guys made it just in time, things are about to pick up in speed over here.

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>You are mistaken, the mirror thing is not needed

This. But I can see the first tool as being of great use and the candle the light guiding the way.


This is also possible.

So don't do this if you aren't at least magus.

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Welcome here to the now people, where were you in your journey?

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Work on your comedy skills a bit more, faggot.

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Naturally, the Bang bangs in a slightly different way.

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He was doing good until he jumped the Shark with the tyler durden thing.

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It can be proved mathematically. Pic related shows a scientist with an interesting proof of the existence of multiverses.

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Periods of stress.

Unnatural and profound sleepiness, comes on fast and without warning.

Missing time, associated with both mpd/did and abduction experiences.

Vivid dreams.

Altered behavior in friends and associates.

Complete change in personality, including moving to a new place and starting as a completely different person.

Hypersensitivity to extrasensory input.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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So is this process one that can be done once and that's it or should I perform this ritual every night so as to intensify its affects upon my life.

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File: 649202913636787⋯.gif (2.94 MB,430x334,215:167,Did you ever slav so hard ….gif)

You know when you dream something absolutely tragic happened, and then wake up relieved that it didn't? Could it be that you merged with yourself as an escape?

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Of course. You cannot die. You can, of course, experience death, so I advise against testing this theory.

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I will find the reality where we are so technologically advanced,

to make copies of some technologies, make them public domain and stop this enslaved world

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So I've tried the two glasses method 3 times over the last year and it's worked all three times. The things I changed were personal traits (that I've been trying to change for years) and something career related. I haven't seen any large side effects. I can't say for sure that I altered the timeline I would be experiencing otherwise but a lot of synchronicities were involved with all three changes. It just seemed to flow smoothly from one state to the next. I worked out several new target areas for my next round of rituals over the next year. I'm thinking about combining it with Servator magic since these seem to be the most effective rituals that I've experienced since I started down this path.

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The universe isn't just cause and effect, randomness is necessary too. One is the force of stability (order), the other is the force of change (chaos).

If the universe were all order and no chaos, it would be the programming equivalent of nothing but 000000000000… or nothing but 1111111111111…, either "completely full" or "completely empty".

Likewise, if it were only chaos nothing would be able to exist (as it would be instantly destroyed right after coming into existence)

You need a little bit of both to get a universe proper.

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Don't think of it like going to a different world, that belief is only useful for big changes. Think of it like selecting whatever elements you want from an infinite pool of possibilities and putting them in your reality.

You are constantly creating your reality whether you are aware of it or not. Doing it consciously is merely taking conscious control of the process

(vid related)

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You are getting at the lesson of maxwells daemon and quantum physics, information weighs on the universe and its mechanisms. Not only that, you could say unknowns and chaos are the reason the universe can exist. Like you say 1 bit of information has a weight, but no matter how many numbers you have you can't represent the universe. To do that you need a concept of infinity. For example if atoms are bits then what is the limit I can compress them into one area? How far can I spread them apart? How many angels can I fit on a match head?

The planck length is supposedly the amount a black hole expands by absorbing 1 bit of information. When we think in terms of binary we are making an abstraction. What really happens is an uncertainty, in 1s and 0s we get an approxamante answer of 0.5. But an unceartainty isn't the real state, it has to be 1 or 0 right? Nope, for all intents and purposes the answer is 0.5, multiple possibilties are all equally true.

The amount of information is infinite in anything that is real. Order and chaos exist in harmony because they aren't bound by what is observed or exerts a force. They are also infinite. We have a state of 2 infinities, more than that really. I need to come up with a better concept than infinity lol. The universe might better be described as infinity to the power of infinity. What helps in this situation is an abstraction of infinity. 1inf + 1inf =2inf so order and entropy are equal and we don't lose infinity. Binary works again kek, But each 1 or 0 is also infinity.

What of cause and effect? It isn't lost, we just have 1 effect having infinite possible causes.

Sorry for schizo posting, I am tired and always come up with shit like this when I am tired. Mainstream science might not be everyones cup of tea but there are important lessions about magic in it, I think so anyway.

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That's pretty interesting.

So 2 cups would probably be best for small changes, whereas actively thinking of something and injecting strong emotions into it would be for bigger ones.

Did I get that right?


>Is it possible that such thoughts are literally killing me

I'm no expert, but I think you should stay away from those either way.

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Why not just jump into a reality where you are omnipotent?

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I'm not too sure about that, considering the paradoxical issues that arise from such a feat. However I wouldn't discount it from being entirely impossible. As it was discussed earlier in the thread, the larger the feat, the harder and more complex it becomes to achieve it. I think that to even achieve such a jump, one would already have to have some level of all encompassing knowledge. Shit scales increasingly fast, and in order to get to that state you would need to have knowledge and abilities that would far surpass a mere "method" of jumping. Once again just speculation but the concept is interesting to say the least.

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So it would be better to start jumping with small changes and keep slowly increasing the scale of them?

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>How do I get rid of my fear?

Become a leftist. You'll lose many fears rooted in your instinct driven animal brain such as self preservation in the process.

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What is that picture of?

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Alright, I did the cup thing since i'm too much of a pussy and laze to do the mirror method. Is this just symbolic like that one wiz said or is it real? Does it carry a high risk of complications like demonic possession/poltergeist or transportation to a hell dimension? Can I do this more than once? I simplified my goals down to one word for each cup and used more than half a cup of water (or goblets as they were the only fully transparent glass cups I had).

I kept a gun near me when I did it and heard a faint boom a few minutes afterwards, but that could have been my AC or freezer.

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i did the glass method as well

my life just became shittier i think im in hell

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I remind you that this is just one way of doing magic. You're still doing magic nevertheless. So do the ritual of your choice, and let go of the desire.

For the record, the glass method worked for me, but it took almost a year.

Think of it this way: the transition between dimensions is gradual, not instant. Every time you are not paying attention, your timeline shifts a little, so to speak. So within enough time big changes end up happening.

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File: bcb651103acdeed⋯.png (157 KB,935x1027,935:1027,Screenshot_2018-12-09 Sync….png)

Has anyone tried The Owl of Eternity method yet?

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>What's On TV?

>One way of thinking of your current experience is that you are a conscious being who has tuned into one of a billion different TV channels. Each TV show has been filmed from a 1st-person perspective viewpoint. You are a viewer who has forgotten that he isn't actually the character onscreen.

>Doing a "jump" means to select a custom channel which fits your desires. The selection mechanism operates by using your thoughts. You imagine part of the content of the destination channel; the mechanism then autocompletes the selection!

>The problem, though, is that without realising it we have our thoughts firmly fixed to the control panel at its current settings. So before a change can happen, we need to loosen that and detach from the scenes we're watching now. Only then can the channel mechanism perform the autocomplete.

>This makes it clear that there is no other "you" who gets left behind when you "jump", and nor does anyone get displaced:

> - When you change the channel on a TV, do you leave behind another "you" still watching the previous channel? Obviously not.

> - When you change the channel on a TV, does the previous channel still "exist" even if nobody is watching it? Does it matter? Surely not.

>Synchronicity TV

>We can modify the TV metaphor and make it more subtle, to help us imagine how selection and synchronicity works. Instead of switching to another channel, we are going to modify our current channel to make the content more pleasant. By doing this, we're in effect creating or shifting it into a customised channel.

>In this example, we really want to experience more owls in our life, apparently without regard to the constraints of time and space and causality.

>For this, you draw a picture of an owl on your TV screen. From that point, the owl picture always there, but its visibility depends upon the rest of the imagery onscreen. When the dark scenes of the TV show switch to a bright white scene, suddenly the owl "appears" - it is "manifested".

>Now we adapt this to daily life. Imagine an owl idea being dissolved "holographically" in the space around you, and replace the notion of dark/white scene with appropriate contexts. Having "drawn" the owl into the space, you go about your day.

>Mostly the owl isn't anywhere to be seen, but wherever an appropriate context arises then aspects of the owl idea shine through and are manifest: A man has an owl image on a t-shirt, the woman in the shop has massive eyes and eyebrows like feathers, a friend sends you an email about a lecture at the zoo highlighting the owl enclosure, a newspaper review of Blade Runner talks extensively about the mechanical owl in the interrogation scene, and so on.

>The Owls Of Eternity™

>Note that the manifestations occur from the point of thought onwards - and that the owl pattern is overlaid on all subsequent experience regardless of prior observations.

>Hence, owl-related events might arise which, in the standard view, must seemingly have their origins in external events prior to your act. You may also notice, say, lots of owl-related items in your house which surely must always have been there. You may even find yourself noticing owl-related aspects when you recall events from your (apparent) past.

>In fact, you may well start feeling uncertain as to whether these things always have-existed or whether they only now have-existed as a result of your act.

>These owls are spatially agnostic and have no respect for temporal matters! (8>)=

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I found this new plebbit by mistyping the old one, entirely by accident. Apparently the old one was frozen so as to prevent it getting diluted by mundies. The fear was warranted, as I've seen terms like 'alt-right pipeline' used in this new one.

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You still in Hell, buddy?

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I haven't tried it but owls started manifesting in my life plenty right after I have read those two posts.

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File: 4c7ae14bd2b68e2⋯.jpg (6.47 KB,260x194,130:97,images.jpg)

If I go to another place?

Who maintains my old station?

Am I just a shadow person NPC there?

Does my subconscious maintain all other dimensions only bringing the actual one into consciousness?

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irrelevant because all you ever are is consciousness

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File: 7c9289148bd5fc8⋯.jpg (39.32 KB,465x331,465:331,last_pic_of_hendrix.jpg)


>Harry did this and he had the most positive results.

Who is/was Harry?

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Character in the little story he uses for an example. Not as interesting as you're probably hoping lol

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