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File: c480c18cbc7657e⋯.png (28.54 KB,1407x657,469:219,Push.png)

 No.111380 [View All]

Here is a sigil about fulfilling ones goals.

Its a mixture of both discovering what one really wants and finding the path to that goal.

It should be on fire, while resting. Ignoring it would be best because it feeds on silence.

Also it likes to break things.

Thanks and good luck.

103 posts and 31 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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File: 7a5b5edaaf452a0⋯.png (21.97 KB,1883x853,1883:853,uwlnvrundrstnd the ride.png)


to add explanation would be pointless to those not connected to the specific energy involved. Insulting to those in the know.

Life gives life.

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File: 6856cab7373f23b⋯.png (43.22 KB,1240x1244,310:311,to give.png)


lost in placation

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Does consistently creating, charging and burning the same sigil increase its effectiveness?

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Probably not.

I view my work more as a monkey in a zoo, flinging shit at spectators on the other side of the bars.

Not that the other denizens of /fringe/ are the viewers. Pretty sure we are all in the same zoo, with unknown viewers enjoying the spectacle.

But I'm probably wrong.

I'm a high trauma individual and do a lot of stuff based purely on intuitive/instinctive impulse. Hard to pin a solid reason on my actions.

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Does anyone know of any groups that would be interested in buying sigils for specific purposes? I absolutely hate bringing magic and money together, because of how often people have used this kind of thing for personal gain. But I'm living hand to mouth at the moment.

I just want to help other people, but it would be nice if they could buy be a coffee or something in return, you know?

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Can someone give me the steps of how to do sigil magick? I am new

Is there any method without masturbation?

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Actually most methods of sigil use do not involve masturbation. Masturbation as the means of charging it is simply a way to try to teach new casters how to get into altered states and how to recognize their own altered states and how the mechanics of casting work. In fact all of sigil magic's elements are malleable.

But, here's the basic outline:

1. Write your statement of intent. Make it a positive statement (nothing with "no" or "not," you want to assert only what will be the case instead, always describe a positive scenario for you).

2. Add "This my will" or something to the effect to the front, NOT "wish" or "want" or "desire" or "would like," nothing that indicates thirst. You must be clear: This event will happen. This will be. This is the case.

3. Cross out any repeat letters, or any vowels, this is a matter of choice. Or scramble the letters if you like big, complex sigils, but best to start small.

4. Using the letters that didn't get crossed out, make a monogram that includes all of them. No matter how warped or distorted, you should be able to justify to yourself that all the letters are in some form included or could be extrapolated from the shape. Overlaps are encouraged but not to the point of the design being too simple. You don't want it so simple as to be memorable later if you can help it, not until you overcome lust of result, and you haven't yet. That's okay, you can still do cool stuff!

5. Put it in a circle or triangle or square or some other outline shape that will make it look more like a seal. Add some weird details to make it look more magic. This is where it's really arts & crafts, have fun.

6. Charge it by orgasming while looking really intently at it, or meditate with it as a focus. Staring at it until it disappears from your vision is also a winner if you can really get into a trance state. Drug use is allowed if you're really in a pinch, but it's a bit tasteless.

Now, you've charged it. Turn it over and go about your life. Neither remember nor try to forget it because either will fuck you up. Just, do anything else. As much as possible, consider the matter finished. Don't look at it again if you can help it until you get your result.

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File: 19b90b8f8788b2a⋯.png (101.59 KB,1522x819,1522:819,wylfiwyn.png)


Everything this poster has stated is accurate.


what you look for isn't what you need


also, run.

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Image looks lovely and appropriate for its goal.

Did it work? Been a while since your post.

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File: c49fb4cf44b1143⋯.jpg (2.91 MB,4032x3024,4:3,20190601_144608.jpg)

File: 1315cdea4203d8c⋯.jpg (3.06 MB,4032x3024,4:3,20190521_002039.jpg)

Can anyone help me charge these?

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For casting in general or charging sigils you don't really need a trance state, you just need energy (yours or external) running through a symbolic ritual set up with intent.

Trance is only required for perception, not projection.

I'm not parroting dogma, I'm speaking from experience.

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Correction. You can use a trance state because it will help you detach from the ritual and forget it easier, not muddling the magic later with unwanted energy.

However, once you get to a certain level of skill in energy manipulation, you don't need to forget about sigils or rituals in order for them to manifest. All you need is to make sure not to interfere with the spell energetically.

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File: e2823f142f6ee43⋯.jpg (81.92 KB,1148x2040,287:510,37.jpg)

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


burns a hole

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File: baed2eef728320e⋯.jpg (47.35 KB,474x592,237:296,le_mage_ic.jpg)


Super charging sigils, hold my esoteric beer…

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Blood Machines is pretentious, hollow, and snobbish just like Carpenter Brut's music.

It's also symbologically lazy and shallow. The kind of shit that makes normies and mundanes pull a soyface.

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that is grody my man

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File: d5eb028dd455ba2⋯.jpg (79.51 KB,1484x990,742:495,Fun_Times.jpg)



Pure coin incidence

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In my experience the jerk off method doesn't really work. It simply isn't a deep enough trance.

The best way I have found to activate sigils is to simply gaze at it while opening your passive perceptions and imagine energy blossoming from the sigil saturating all of reality. Keep in mind that you don't need to direct energy at it – the universe is made of energy, it's infinite. What you're directing is intention, intention is the limiting factor. If you do this right you should feel definite sensations coming from the sigil. Make sure to include permanence in your intention as this will decrease the rate at which the intention is "forgotten" by the sigil. Also make the intensity of the emanations as powerful and dominating as possible. Remember that energy is infinite, all you're doing is adjusting the nozzle.

At first check on the sigil every day or so using the same passive method, reinforcing the intention. Eventually when you go to check on it you'll immediately feel the reality bleeding out of it. You get better at this as you practice, eventually you don't need to check them and can tell just by intuition or feeling the energetic signature of your ongoing existence whether or not the intention is still attached.

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What do you think of putting sigil on the wall right in front of my face whenever I lay in bed? Then it's getting burned with intention both actively and subconsciously whenever I fall asleep (which is like a trance state anyway)

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Try not to think of intention as some substance that is depleted over time… you can get to the point where you can just command a construct to act in a certain way and it will do so indefinitely until you tell it to stop or certain criteria are satisfied. Immersing yourself in the vibrations coming off of the sigil is definitely a good way to reinforce the intent if you're having trouble using other methods.

Oh, and you don't have to have the actual physical sigil in front of you in order to activate it. Since the astral counterpart of the shape is not confined to space, you can just imagine it and work the desired changes there, the etheric counterpart will reflect the change. Of course you need to get the entirety of the essence of the image correct in order to do this, connecting with it should happen naturally after some time of working with the sigil but if you're completely untrained it can be difficult.

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newfig sigil maker here, instead of "this is my will" I said "I Require"

Did i nut on a piece of paper for nothing? Also when I'm erking off for a sigil am I allowed to think of sex to speed up the process or am I only supposed to think of the intent I'm feeding it?

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Did i nut on a piece of paper for nothing?

Absolutely, and since your blew your chance at semen retention you wasted yet another batch of jing energy, of which you will never get back. So now that you reduced your lifespan a bit, you're going to have to either increase your qi or shen energy to balance out. You got yourself in work of hurt. Why were you not practicing the death posture to begin with when doing sigils? Jerking the ween is so 1840.

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>death posture

Resources on where to learn this?

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thanks bud

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Are but meat, animated, occupied.

The soliloquy

z stumbling through thoughts pretending



Shadow sings and we stumble along [through thoughts pretending]


Formative. reflective

Point interest

where a line is drawn

Sorry for the late…was it

formative. deflective


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I'm a little strapped for loosh and since you faggots are likely ready to kill each other (or selves depending on gender identification issues), here's a triggering song to activate those soft parts of your brain.



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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


copy/paste accident.

Fire up that Loosh! Elections and shit!

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Reminder that this is the most straight forward explanation of sigil magick use for normies, advanced normies, and slightly retarded adept normies.

song related

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File: 4589b03b8c225d1⋯.png (23.78 KB,996x426,166:71,Specific_collective_whole.png)

[I draw shit and forget where i saved it or what fucking name I saved it under. Shit happens more than you would believe. Creative expression. Joy of life. Kind of shit. Life is Joy, and anyone who thinks otherwise has exceeded their time, and they are being dealt with]

Be happy.

A sigil. From the Collective.

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haha! joke's on you! I just fapped.

You ain't getting shit out of me.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I don't really pull any loosh off of these. That's mostly marketing/being edgy but full of shit.

My goal is simple, forward.

Life gives life.

And what obstructs life, well, that's why God gave us bullets

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Rly hate these dork "charge my sigullll" threads. Like stop being a nerd and do something other than posting, you leech

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File: d7885e978387af6⋯.png (43.96 KB,2008x928,251:116,habbening.png)


Goddamn, have some fucking respect. Every post I make is tangential to a greater goal.

I rarely [pretty much never anymore] post anything that isn't some aspect of a sigil towards a goal.

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File: e65704cb3df16fd⋯.png (63.18 KB,918x1136,459:568,responivorial.png)


Argue with the African Goddess you ignored.

[just fucking reflecting what i'm getting, hate not the messenger]

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Apologies for board readers not familiar with shcizophrenia/operating on multiple timelines/existences.

This is a clenching.

Good luck.

Long live whatever refuses the fucking machine.

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in answer to your questions


And fuck you

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File: 4b8d9521b3f6e8a⋯.png (12.07 KB,918x1136,459:568,this.png)


More than any of you cock smoking dick sucking shit fuckers deserve.

Be thankful.


Fuck you faggots, your marked.

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Listen for the "Choppers"

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Seriously though

fuck the dumb shit


Jason bourne style

forget everyone you know

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That was a lot of Jameson's.

No threat. Be happy. Life is as it's meant to be, joyful and idiotic.

No matter how smart you can potentially become, you are not going to get it.We aren't here for that.

This is a rollercoaster ride on acid with the ride engineers designing it as we go.

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Babby's first sigil. Well actually no, I've made a couple before but with this one I felt good afterwards.

So I basically made a sigil: "It is my will to be happy/content every single day." In my own native language of course. Then I meditated while staring at it and thought about good memories from the past. I experienced some very short trance like states/microsleeps. I stopped when I felt good about it and then I burned the sigil.

Now I'm wondering what I should do with the ashes?

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File: 46050c8e5fdd1c4⋯.png (30.33 KB,900x699,300:233,Interactive.png)

Not wanting to be a shitsplainer, but I keep pulling the towers on random pulls. Usually before or after the Fool. Usually before which tells me [personally] not to lose my shit but crazy shit is in the pipeline.

This is on a full deck mind you. Just saying. Those of who that are you, might want to do what we all should do if the fan attracts the poo.

Think WWII.

Prolly nothing. Doubt the fuck out of that, but anyway. I would be remiss to at least not acknowledge it in the current climate.

Trust your higher self. Face the unknown with faith. Hard to say, harder to do, but actually works based on personal experience.

Good Luck.

[an oldie but goodie]

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Technically it's the Tower card.

Guess I keep associating with the moon card. Weird that it's singular for that card. Prolly some deep association with the splitting of male and female from some greater aspect. Fall from glory into singular identities separated from blah, bleh, fucking blah.

Neg points to me for always equating that image with two towers, in spite of it being obvious. Wronk timeline likely.

Good Luck.

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File: 2628d5bbbe9051a⋯.png (47.37 KB,1200x806,600:403,High_Energy.png)


Apologies. My dickness is excessive.

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It's whatever you want. Literally. Energetic presence with animal. Missing Orange, but that's how it pulled and so how it came out.

Again and as always Good Luck. Live free and do shit.

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I refuse to have sex or any sexual thoughts for eternity i will focus on becoming the air and the trees and sheit

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File: 32c8775eab0585e⋯.png (8.21 KB,881x858,881:858,open_the_door.png)

Deep ache

Resonance [thrum]

the sound of the garden growing

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