Friends, I have discovered a new method of self-brainwashing. This one seems much more simpler as it acts passively: It's about modifying the subconscious. By modifying the subconscious as we desire it to, it will in turn modify the mind and body: After all, the subconscious makes up for the majority of the brain's power. In my previous experimentation, I was doing the same thing, albeit less effectively. By not doing certain things and doing other things, I was teaching my subconscious what to do and what not do to. While this did work to motivate me to ACT, it did not make me BECOME anything.
This "new" method of self-brainwashing is not new at all, yet I shall vastly expand upon it here. It is the Law of Attraction. Now, the Law of Attraction/Manifestation by itself does a poor job at explaining you how it works. Neville Goddard, while he speaks about many self-brainwashing concepts, fails to provide practical advice. But through a discovery I made on /x/'s /LoA/ general, I have found both the subconscious interpretation and anecdotal evidence. With these facts combined, at last we can experiment with modifying the subconscious! Here is a method that I have come up with, please do expand upon it or suggest other methods based on the facts I have presented to you in this post.
>Three times a day, write on paper everything you want to manifest. Once right when you wake up, once in the middle of the day, and once before going to sleep.
>Write in the present and affirmative tense. You must believe that you already *are* handsome, tall, etc. You must believe that you already *have* money, a girlfriend, etc.
>Also, write in a way unique to you. Don't just say "I am x, y, z, etc". Be imaginative, say something like "O' Universe, I thank you for x, y, z, etc!". Anything to make your brain work harder. Don't keep it too short either.
>By writing this consistently at least three times every day, you're essentially imprinting on your subconscious all these things, "modifying" it in the process.
>According to anecdotal evidence, your body should change according to what your subconscious believes, and your mind will attract things according to what your subconscious Post too long. Click here to view the full text.