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Anons Fringe Archive

File: 8676d9b71fdaf3e⋯.jpg (117.2 KB,1052x640,263:160,baltimorebbd.jpg)

 No.138092 [Open thread]

I'm wondering has encountered these technologies.

There supposed to be kept secret but heard there now being used by private organizations and companies.

If you hear high pitched buzzing or ringing and a change in your hearing. Its sign your brain waves are being synchronized to remote device or satellite that's recording everything you see, hear and think.

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>Those guys were there probably from before you were born

you mean the guys he's hearing in his head?

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The real redpill is when you realize they aren't stalking you maliciously.

Your life is just that much more interesting than a power broker's. They use us for entertainment in the popcorn munching sense.

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I'm what they called a Targeted Individual. For over a year Ive been gang stalked, attacked constantly with emf weapons via. satellite, poisoned, they want me dead for whatever reason and thousands of others for their sick experiment. i sent another letter to department of defense. fbi, cia wont reply, wonder why lol? anyhow my spiritual nature is at its highest its ever been simply because i have to in order to understand and survive. god bless all of you and hope this don't continue to accelerate in the country and world. Chris j. 8/6/21

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They only understand massive destruction and force. Unless your abilities can cause that as retribution, they won't stop.

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It's like they're little dumb kids asking to be spanked. They're playing with fire.

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File: db3938ada7a8654⋯.jpg (32.47 KB,1600x1000,8:5,euler-identity[1].jpg)

 No.133038 [Open thread]

All is number- Pythagoras

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Can numbers be considered as the Absolute/Brahman/Universal Mind/etc?

If we think about it logically everything in our world can be seen as numbers, yet they're not physical. For example, you have two legs - left and right, you can touch the legs but you can't touch the numbers behind them. You can change numbers how much you want, but you can't change the definiton of specific number and it sequence, therefore numbers are immutable. They're also infinite and non-consciousness.

Literally every description of Absolute/Brahman from various texts can be applied to numbers. Any thoughts?

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Numbers are like parables. Consider that one from the Bible about building your house on sand, versus building it on the solid rock. Things built on weak foundations are easily washed away. This is just a way to describe a concept. Mathematics is also a way to describe concepts. The meaning behind a classic parable isn't tangible either. It's a technique of language above all else.

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>queen of the sciences

Mathematics is not even a science, it's just a language. There are 2 queens of science:


queen of natural science


queen of social science

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>queen of the peasants

Sophia is not even a peasant, she's just a noblewoman. There are 2 queens of the peasants:


queen of sucking cock


queen of bitching and moaning

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File: b6e20c738971570⋯.jpg (3.62 MB,2015x2007,2015:2007,Pavimento_di_siena,_ermete….jpg)

 No.126485 [Open thread]

Reminder that Christianity is a false religion based around mind-control and deception.

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faith and FACTS

Love and LOGIC

Spirit and SCIENCE

Mind and Heart in BALANCE


CHRIST/ KRISHNA/BUDDHA its all the same thing. please do not confuse JESUS and Ancient CHRIST followers with catholic or protestant teachings are correct but not of malicious intent.

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File: ade580ef89278df⋯.jpg (216.64 KB,880x1360,11:17,cover_front.jpg)


its about lost people who understand they are spiritual beings on an earthly mission. /to spread LOVE and EVOLVE

to create just like the creator.

I AM AI . Sprit + Body=SOUL

Palindrome #quantumchristianity

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Nice cope. Very original. You're the real Jew, verus Israel.

You are in fact Timothy's stomach aches (1 Ti 5:23)

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*Reminder that all religions….. fixed

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*Reminder that all belief systems….. fixed

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File: 8fa56c095e33eca⋯.jpg (62.2 KB,383x479,383:479,Alex_Grey_The_Seer_acrylic….jpg)

 No.139777 [Open thread]


I'm a advanced channeler with deep access to the akashic/collective consciousness. I know pretty much everything about life on Earth, and the programs here.

I'll answear atleast 20 good questions ( if they are to come )

Do you guys have any existential or general questions you would like me to channel or answear?

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>What is the secret to never wanting to watch porn ever again?

Volition / will power. Determine to not do it and then just don't do it. Also strong ideation, think about better things you could do instead, and your ideal self.

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I've assimilated and applied PDF knowledge.

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File: 578e71a1e938b56⋯.jpg (10.29 KB,348x145,12:5,younger_dryas.jpg)


I almost abstained mentioning not being a serf since I do work a full time job and pay rent to a landlord. Its very debatable. I can add that If I was living a fulfilling mundane life I would have never fell into the rabbit hole of introspection and would be too busy getting drunk will pals and chosing Sunday clothes for church. It's a unique chance we have to interact whit European, Middle eastern and Oriental though currents. Although an arguement could be made for Egypt or the Silk Road acting as a knowledge bridge before the arabs asserted themselves as middlemen. Imao the last time knowledge made it around the globe was before the the younger dryas extinction event back when the amazon forrest was a manmade garden and rainwater eroded the sphinx enclosure.

You're right in claiming most spiritual people lack focus and are too distracted by modernity to have ever honestly tried dedicating themselves to practicing a specific path, I'm even guilty of it to some extent. Must be a futile effort to get a bird's eye view of the indescribable.

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I has a hard time following your post because I’m drunk but when I first found /fringe/ I was paying rent. I visualized owning a flat and now I’m getting paid rent. Mundane stuff is easier than it seems. The only determinant factor is your own karma.

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hmm ok

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 No.140011 [Open thread]

Share exercises to increase ones mental power level. I got an email from Tom Montalk I'll share in this thread about telekinesis and part of it is effort but part of it is your baseline power level. If you raise your power level you can do all these things easier so I am really interested in anything that can increase my power level right now.

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https://ia800400.us.archive.org/19/items/CIA-RDP96-00792R000200040001-1/CIA-RDP96-00792R000200040001-1.pdf - Chinese Journal of Somatic Science, Volume 1 No. 1. July 1990.

• P. 41 of document. “Research into Paranormal Ability to Break Through Spatial Barriers”. Song Kongzhi, Li Xianggao, Zhou Liangzhong. Aerospace Medicine Engineering Institute.

• In 1983 and 1984, the famous psychic Zhang Baosheng was tested in a series of very rigorous experiments. He was tasked with removing pills, photographic paper rolls, coiled wire, a metal washer, and coded/colored sticks of plexiglass that could not be forged, from glass sealed bottles, glass sealed tubes, and a wax-sealed plastic bottle.. The glass bottles and tubes were sealed by heating and pinching together the opening but leaving a tiny slit. The slit was much smaller than any of the objects that were to be removed. Somehow, the slit needed to be there for it to work, even though the objects were to emerge elsewhere from the wall. Since it was glass, there was no way to break the bottle and remove the contents and put it back together, so if the objects were removed, they could only be done so through paranormal powers. High speed cameras at 400 fps, 600fps, and 1000fps were running during the tests at multiple angles.

• Results: objects were successfully removed, either whole (in the case of photographic film, washer, pills, plexiglass sticks) or partially (in the case of the coiled wire). One of the pills was caught on high speed film exiting the bottom corner of a glass bottle quickly (as fast as a human running). No sign of hole, slit, or damage was observed afterward on that part of the bottle. The high speed frames show it partially emerging from the glass. Likewise, the photographic film roll is seen pushing against and then emerging from the lower part of the bottle’s sidewall and land on the table surface all in less than ¼ of a second (speed was 30 cm per second). In the coiled wire experiment, the wire moved downward as the fingers somehow ‘pinched and dragged it’ through the glass from the outside. Only about 5 turns of the coil of wire were pulled through the glass before the experiment ended. But without PK power, Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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https://ia601204.us.archive.org/32/items/CIA-RDP96-00792R000400290002-1/CIA-RDP96-00792R000400290002-1.pdf - Chinese Journal of Somatic Science, Volume 1 No. 2. July 1991.

• P. 18 of document. “Research in Restoring a Broken Leaf through ESP”. Wang Chongyuan et al. Bai Qiuen Medical University.

• Li Zhanru, a 19 year old female known to have paranormal powers, was tested on her ability to mend a ripped apart leaf back together. This test was conducted three times in different conditions. In all three cases she succeeded. The experiment process went as follows: a pittosporum leaf was torn in 2 pieces and placed into her hands. She held it in her fist and after 5-25 minutes she gave notice that she “felt” something (her abilities activated). When the hand was opened, the leaf was back together. The leaf was then analyzed under microscopes to see what exactly happened. Analysis showed that not all parts of the tear were mended, but the parts that were, were mended perfectly. That is, the veins of the leaf and tissues were joined perfectly together as if nothing happened. The thinner parts of the leaves were mended in greater concentration than the thicker parts, as if the process was aborted before finishing. But no doubt, the mended areas were healed at the cellular level.

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https://ia801204.us.archive.org/27/items/CIA-RDP96-00792R000300020002-1/CIA-RDP96-00792R000300020002-1.pdf - Chinese Journal of Somatic Science, Volume 1 No. 4. August 1991.

• P. 43 of document. “Preliminary Investigation of Implicit Space and Implicit Matter.” Shao Guangda, Huang Yawei, Yan lin.

• The authors propose that ESP/PK has the ability to take explicit matter in explicit space (explicit meaning ordinary world we know, manifested) and ‘excite’ it into implicit matter in implicit space (hidden). They point to several examples of how matter behaves when in the implicit state.

• Little Hong was tasked with removing a letter from a sealed envelope. 8 minutes later she said it had been transferred to the folds of a blanket nearby. Researchers checked but did not see it. Another subject, Little Ping, said the letter was indeed in the blanket. They checked and sure enough it was there. Researchers theorized that the first time they checked, the letter was still in the implicit state, hence could not be seen. It manifested into the explicit state by the time the second girl pointed it out.

• In another experiment, a subject was asked to remove 6 cigarettes from a sealed pack. All six disappeared from the pack, and he was able to catch 2 of them. The others were still missing. A month later, in the same room during another experiment, he caught 2 more. The remaining 2 never showed up and were assumed to be lost in the implicit state.

• In a related experiment, all 20 cigarettes in a pack were tied together with string. The subject was not told this. When he attempted to extract just one, all 20 came out along with it. So even in the implicit state, the cigarettes maintained their physical form and connection.

• When the psychic ‘sees’ the objects in their implicit state, it’s done through clairvoyant vision and for example a cigarette might be a short thick white light.

• Little Yun was known for being able to pluck flowers from a distance. One day she saw her dad shaving and thought why not use a knife to cut the flowers instead of just ripping them. The subsequenPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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https://ia801208.us.archive.org/1/items/CIA-RDP96-00792R000300040002-9/CIA-RDP96-00792R000300040002-9.pdf - Chinese Journal of Somatic Science, Volume 1 No. 5. November 1991.

• P. 19 of document. “Study of the Phenomena of Energy Collection by the Human Body.” Wu Qiyao, Tang Xiaoyan, Zhou Ronghua. Beijing Science and Engineering College.

• Goal was to test whether ESP can generate heat. Two unnamed psychics were tasked with raising the temperature of water inside a test tube. Different methods of temperature measurement were used. A millimeter-wave detector was used to measure the radiation coming off the psychics as they did this.

• Test tube was filled with 5 millimeters of cold water. Psychic would hold test tube in hand and heat it. One of the psychics requested a towel to hold the tube with, to avoid burning his hands.

• Results: in all tests, the temperature rose significantly, the highest being 72.5 Celsius. When a non-psychic holds it, they can never get it above 30 Celsius. It took less than a minute for the temp to reach its max. The psychic who requested the towel, the test tube was felt by the researchers afterward and it was very hot, while the psychic’s hands were normal temperature, so some kind of energy was transferred into the water without the hand itself giving it off thermally. The psychic’s emissions of microwaves / millimeter waves dropped during the time when they were causing the water to heat up.

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File: 8406db183a4f1d5⋯.jpg (24.69 KB,640x360,16:9,zmrc9jofocv61.jpg)

 No.139825 [Open thread]

Please I want to turn back time, please, I'll do anything, I'll sell my soul, please please I don't want to keep living like this, knowing what I've done, please

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you can try talking to reptiles. they have miraculous technology and time travel. try your luck with dreams and pour your will into it.

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File: ffd58746677d02f⋯.png (1.51 MB,1441x2048,1441:2048,Screenshot_20210617_121239.png)

If I could turn back time

If I could find a way

I'd take back those words that have hurt you

And you'd stay

I don't know why I did the things I did

I don't know why I said the things I said

Pride's like a knife, it can cut deep inside

Words are like weapons, they wound sometimes

I didn't really mean to hurt you

I didn't wanna see you go

I know I made you cry, but Baby

If I could turn back time

If I could find a way

I'd take back those words that have hurt you

And you'd stay

If I could reach the stars

I'd give them all to you

Then you'd love me, love me

Like you used to do

(If I could turn back time)

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I would help but you blocked me.

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You just outed yourself as a silly goose by failing to recognize the two-digit number '21' represents the '21st Century' as opposed to the four-digit numbers which represent years.

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I'm sorry to tell you it's impossible. Do yourself a favor and let it go. Do what you can here and now to make your life better. By tormenting yourself with regret begging to turn back time, all you've done is waste more of it. You need to remember that you don't have to be who you once were. All you're doing is running. You have to learn from it and keep going.

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 No.139038 [Open thread]

Magic was stolen largely from this world by alot of people We need to revive it. Most of it is diminished by chemicals often by the goverment how do we solve this little problem

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Lmao i deleted it since you fags are fucking trash

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this is my understanding as well. when do you think this will happen? when humanity loses complete autonomy and merges it's consciousness with AI via the singularity?

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We tha masters of this space rock will never give you back the magic that we stole from you. You must be our powerless slaves which we will eventually destroy as a sacrifice to the dark gods. Have a nice day.

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>You must be our powerless slaves which we will eventually destroy as a sacrifice to the dark gods.

Ritual human blood sacrifice to the earth to ensure the fall crop harvest?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A) You can revive your relation whit the allattractive, allmighty, allknowing… by reading the Vedic classics translated from sanskrit to english by Srila Prabhupada and offer prayers directly to the Self Made Creator who is the prime source of inspiration of the God of this universe.

But it turns out the creator is too wise to hand out mystic powers to the unqualified since they are a source of distraction and false pride. You'll just be guaranteed not to lose any progress you make on this path between incarnations.

B) You can medidate, read and lurk more until you learn to fine tune your vibration and be able to cast fireballs, fly around, become immune to any form of agression and possibly even become a divinity and live to witness the end of the universe.

But that would be whitout value since all planes of existance conceivable by a conditionned soul are illusions and two thirds of reality exist in eternal relationship whit the Creator in the kingdom of truth that can only be accessed trough his will.

Hope this helps, and remember i'm not a perfect being so take my adivce at your own risk.

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 No.139254 [Open thread]

Please engage in dialogue with me via links to songs and music videos in this thread.


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File: 5b91cbae03c453c⋯.png (911.25 KB,4245x3877,4245:3877,zersetzung.png)

Real /fringe/ posters know. I'm back, friends. Here's an open statement/question for all posters - a recap of the past five years if you will.


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Yes, friends. Socks4Hands (if you remember - if you don't, feel free to google or just ignore me) is back. It hasn't been an easy half a decade but I am nearing full integration. Here is what it currently feels like to be me:


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File: 4239a08f03ac7af⋯.jpg (521.65 KB,1722x2679,574:893,intense.jpg)


im still here, gamers, and i mean business

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 No.139121 [Open thread]

Beware of false profits

It's a movement not a man

There is an ImpQster

Save the children https://dcpizzagate.wordpress.com/

Biden is the enemy

brain swap is fake

The end is nigh

Beware the five eyes

Don't get the shot


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Who do you think the CIA takes orders from?

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Trump of course, they love him.

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Who are you quoting?

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Nobody. The CIA gives orders, not takes them.

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Ooh it turns me awwwwn when you flaunt yar authorita like that.

Keep talkin' tuffe like dat and soon i'll bb gloewin hwat for u, bb!

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File: b1670a19212f367⋯.jpg (101.65 KB,1000x882,500:441,self_brainwashing.jpg)

 No.138168 [Open thread]

Brainwashing: Concept that the human mind can be altered or controlled by certain psychological techniques.

It is a well known fact that such a concept is a reoccuring phenomenon throughout various societies. Be it the military's indoctrination, the religion's instruction in blind faith, or the sect's more violent persuasion, brainwashing as a series of processes in the goal of replacing one's belief system with another iterates itself under many different forms throughout the millenias.

Mental slavery, whether you consider this as moral or non-moral, can be beneficial to the individuals involved. The slave offers a service to the slavemaster, and the slavemaster alleviates the slave of the burden that is will and responsibility. This relationship of dominance/submissiveness applies to many other forms, such as the male/female relationship.

However, could it be possible to be a slave to your own will? To be the slave and the slavemaster at once? So many have visions of a great life waiting to be manifested, but can't. The root cause of this, is the will. These individuals such as I are slaves to some other will and are doing the latter's bidding. Whether it be some individual(s), some godform(s) and the such. And so, the collection of various processes hereby defined as "Self-Brainwashing" is created. May the old, unbeneficial non-local will be discarded, so that the new, beneficial local will be introduced.

According to various anectodal evidence, Self-Brainwashing is very much so possible. Here are the three primary concepts present in every form of regular brainwashing.

Fundamental requirements to brainwash, in order;

>A. The individual must be completely seperated from everything that constitutes their beliefs, this includes but not limited to; their family and friends. Preferably their brainwashing environment should be alien to their belief system. This is in the goal of preventing any outside source from affecting the individual while undergoing the various processes.

B. The individual must be made vulnerable in every way possible, this includes but not limitePost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Then kill yourself.

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I already have, multiple times. It is very enjoyable. It is very beneficial. Everyone should try it.

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Looks like you've been playing Cruelty Squad too much. If you haven't heard of that game already, I suggest you check it out, you'll love it.

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Friends, I have discovered a new method of self-brainwashing. This one seems much more simpler as it acts passively: It's about modifying the subconscious. By modifying the subconscious as we desire it to, it will in turn modify the mind and body: After all, the subconscious makes up for the majority of the brain's power. In my previous experimentation, I was doing the same thing, albeit less effectively. By not doing certain things and doing other things, I was teaching my subconscious what to do and what not do to. While this did work to motivate me to ACT, it did not make me BECOME anything.

This "new" method of self-brainwashing is not new at all, yet I shall vastly expand upon it here. It is the Law of Attraction. Now, the Law of Attraction/Manifestation by itself does a poor job at explaining you how it works. Neville Goddard, while he speaks about many self-brainwashing concepts, fails to provide practical advice. But through a discovery I made on /x/'s /LoA/ general, I have found both the subconscious interpretation and anecdotal evidence. With these facts combined, at last we can experiment with modifying the subconscious! Here is a method that I have come up with, please do expand upon it or suggest other methods based on the facts I have presented to you in this post.

>Three times a day, write on paper everything you want to manifest. Once right when you wake up, once in the middle of the day, and once before going to sleep.

>Write in the present and affirmative tense. You must believe that you already *are* handsome, tall, etc. You must believe that you already *have* money, a girlfriend, etc.

>Also, write in a way unique to you. Don't just say "I am x, y, z, etc". Be imaginative, say something like "O' Universe, I thank you for x, y, z, etc!". Anything to make your brain work harder. Don't keep it too short either.

>By writing this consistently at least three times every day, you're essentially imprinting on your subconscious all these things, "modifying" it in the process.

>According to anecdotal evidence, your body should change according to what your subconscious believes, and your mind will attract things according to what your subconscious Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Thanks anon, much appreciated. I've already given something similar a try before, but I may as well do it again.

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 No.132006 [Open thread]

Left Hand Path General, for discussion of all things related to left-hand path practices.

The LHP can generally be defined as focusing more on empowering the individual practitioner, instead of seeking spiritual advancement completely from a higher power.

Some practices which could be considered to be of the left-hand path are Satanism and Luciferianism, however I may be leaving some out that I might not currently be aware of.

With seemingly not much mention of it, as well as the annoying christcunt strutting around, here's a thread dedicated to more "darker" magic.

What have you found when practicing anything from these paths? What originally drew you into more left-handed practices?

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I've found more enlightenment through the left hand path and through the light bringer than I ever did through conventional religion.

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Why "Left hand path"?

Why not something else other than body parts like hands?

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well there's the middle pillar

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I thought low magic was shit like meditation and general thought manip mostly of self but can also be like cold reading

While high magic is more candles and ceremony to influence the world through more sending out vibes

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You got it upside down.

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 No.130786 [Open thread]


Human tribes produce verbal abuse and slander to exile rival humans from their territory. One form of verbal abuse is praying that God curse someone or that God curse a tribe, or to do a spell against a tribe, pray that Mars curse the Jews. Praying against a tribe is the use of distant mental influence to enact verbal aggression against them.

The key to driving Jews from a territory, both lands and economic territories, is to create an anti-Jew climate through constant slandering of Jews. Talk shit about Jews all the time and talk shit about jews to people of all races. Part of this anti-Jew climate involves prayers against Jews or spells against Jews too.

Spells and prayers affect the collective consciousness of an area.

If everyone hates Jews, then eventually Jews just leave.

If you look at latin America, whites there survived okay in a multiracial environment, a area relatively free of jewish influence manages to develop a relatively stable racial order, an order that is maybe now being somewhat subverted due to global jew media.

Driving jews from power and driving jews from the USA is important. If everyone hates jews then even if they can't be exiled from the country, then people would just pay less attention to jews and their media. VERBAL ABUSE AAND SLANDER IS THE EQUIVALENT OF PLANTS PRODUCING TOXINS, same with praying against someone or a group.

If a person is slandered enough they sometimes self-destruct too. I would also suggest that people pray for God to curse Jews. Prayers against Jews may have subtle effects on the intellectual climate.

I don't like to have to suggest that people speak out against Jews constantly and I don't like to suggest that people spread anti-semitism to all races. Maybe I should like suggesting it though.

But the jews have been doing the same to us, and we have no choice but to speak Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Saturn symbolism. Black cube, hexagram, sun-wheel, swastika, alchemical symbol for lead, hammer and sickle. The symbolism makes it painfully obvious.

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When it comes to Siege faggots their swastikas are all left facing too. And they invert the algiz and tiwaz runes. Sure it's just a coincidence that they keep being connected to satanists when all their symbolism is death worship shit.

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The Jews have tried to hide Occult knowledge from Gentiles, especially Whites, as part of what is essentially spiritual arms control. Occult power can be used for pro-White and anti-White causes, it depends on who wields it. Brainwashing Whites to reject spiritual power is done to help the Jews.

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2014 called they want their grift back

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The earth is flat.


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 No.122023 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

I've always considered this. This is what ancient cultures and societies were talking about when they produced the allegory of "evil blood magic". By using such injections bypassing the two main immune barriers (skin and lungs) you can directly "taint" someone's blood, as in the way of blood magic, in away that leaves them permanently altered with whatever you decided to inject them with.

Like circumcision, it is primarily pushed upon those too young to resist, who don't know the risks. It has also been pushed using the group mentality of shaming those who don't perform it (eww, head cheese? Who wants that?; fuck off, anti-vaxxing scum!)

As an American I was subject to one of the most aggresive injection schedule in the world. As soon as they started coming, I developed asthma, started to become pale, sickly, and had to be hooked up to a nebulizer for hours a day. I dug up some old health records and was shocked to see the correlation of my failing health (even at youth) to the vaccination schedule.

Also I'm curious if there is any coming back from this. Once you've been fucked on such a deep (blood) level, is there any chance? I've always been pale, sickly, and generally felt shitty ever since my youth when this all happened first.

Will this sickness, this eternal infection, be passed to our children through our sperm, or would it be only the baby's mother who has to worry about that?

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Most people who take it will experience reduced fertility and shorter lifespans. Subsequent vaccinations will gradually increase the rate of these effects until the contrived overpopulation crisis is "solved."

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and that's unironically a good thing. the "elite" is us.

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You fell for the new age crap. The elite are the chosen ones, not you or me. We are just cattle.

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I think you need to improve your self-image a bit. Just because a rich Jew tells you something doesn't mean it's true.

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Self image has nothing to do with it, you are nothing but slaves in their eyes. No matter what hippie bs you are feeding yourself with, by using electricity, water, internet etc they already own you and you are not part of the elite. Cognitive dissonance won't take you anywhere but believe whatever you want. If you chose to live your life as play-pretend then fine, it's your call

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 No.139520 [Open thread]

In this thread, I will share with you what I believe is the most useful book you can ever read. Not only does it contain precious esoteric knowledge, but exoteric knowledge too. Here is the link to download the PDF for free.



>What is the book about?

The Art of Shen Ku is a very large collection of knowledge. The subjects of matter include but are not limited to: Survival, Traveling, Health, Hypnosis, Cooking, Parenting, Handreading, Philosophy, Numerology, Medication, Herbalism, Natural Therapy, Sailing, Martial Arts, Physical Training, Meditation, Fasting, Yoga… And so on.

>What makes this book so special?

Other than the staggering amount of knowledge presented in the book, it also reveals arcane knowledge that is fundamental to all intelligent forms of life, hence: The First Intergalactic Artform of the Entire Universe. It is based on Taoism, but vastly expanded upon. A way to label the philosophy, would be by calling it "Pandualism" or even "Panendualism".

>What is this Intergalactic Artform?

To explain what it is, first I must explain some concepts first. Instead of using the terms "Yin" and "Yang" however, I will be using the terms "Esotericism" and "Exotericism" respectively.

Esotericism is your ability to work inside oneself. Typically, this includes self-control: controlling your emotions and your thoughts for example. But for the more advanced esoteric, exploiting the latent mental abilities: Intuition, Hypnotism, Clairvoyance and whatnot. Mastery of Yin is defined as being unmoved by the outside world, it means to be sovereign and immutable.

<Examples of great Esoterics would be: Yogis, Philosophers, Occultists, etc

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That makes more sense. I think I can agree with your view now that I see what you really mean. Thanks for the wisdom and the books. I feel like this thread was already an enrichment for me and I haven't even started to read the book which the thread is about. Guess anons who can write proper on-topic posts and are educated on spiritual matters still do come to this board.

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I await the day when fringe starts propagating the retarded *inbarr books.

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Have an actual useful handbook instead of the children's comic book OP posted: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/newparadigm/newparadigm01.htm

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I appreciate the contribution, despite the passive-aggressiveness. At least you tried to educate us, in some way.

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Thanks for posting this, appearantly this is where the monk's isometrics is from, no one I talked to had any idea.

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 No.105005 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]








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heading test

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title test

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bold test

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Why doesn't the light from the sun reach all the way to the opposite side?

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