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File: 433bbb03be89b4c⋯.jpg (25.28 KB,400x400,1:1,joyblue.jpg)

 No.142298 [Open thread]

The Forbidden Personal Human God Evolution Document Offer Is Reopen Again Till The End

Source, More Info: www. ascension joy .com/11/2023/the-forbidden-personal-human-god-evolution-document-offer-is-reopen-again-till-the-end/

So I have shared and revealed the divine world peace solution document with all of you, especially the top entities. Whether they read it or not, whether they have send/forward to all top national government, world military or not, I am do not know at all.

Now all I have to do is wait and maybe some other related articles about that Society Civilization Development Vision.

Even some of my articles about that solution got deleted in many big forum, which mean they are too sensitive and not a joke for sure.

It is pretty boring to wait and I do not sure and do not have official access to know the current all world affair.

So I have decide to reopen the special offer: Forbidden Personal Human Evolution Offer to all of you.

Because some of you may want and like it.

But this time, there is some change:

– Not guaranteed selling offer.

– The price is set by you.

– The using rule are still the same which mean not allowed to buy/sell/share/trade under all circumstance.

This offer will end after either my final departure of the internet or get contact by world military, national government of this realm or I no longer need money/wealth.

So it is very open but very limited time offer. Whether I decide to sell or not, it is up to me but not you.

If you really want to buy this sacred forbidden document, then contact me as soon as possible with your proposal, the sooner the better because the time is running out quick.

If the recent Divine World Solution Document are great, then the personal human evolution is probPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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File: b7241ff5d74abd3⋯.jpg (25.42 KB,400x400,1:1,joyred.jpg)

 No.142296 [Open thread]

Only The Old Religions Can Save This Civilization From Total Collapse Destruction

Original Source, More Info:


www. ascension joy .com/11/2023/only-the-old-religions-can-save-this-civilization-from-total-collapse-destruction/

I was absolutely correct about the overall solution to end the corona virus COVID pandemic event at the very beginning.

I still remember I had made some article telling about using multi religions to end that events.

For various reasons like I did not receive enough financial support, got attacked by many stupid low level beings entities both inside and outside my living country, that is why I did not spend more time to go deeper to craft more new unique strategy.

My old strategy can only have a small number of population while if want to work for the mass public then must using new method.

With the new war in the Middle East between Israel vs Palestine, Jews vs Islam, then I can confident to say that “only old religions that can save this civilization from total collapse destruction”.

There won’t be any other working “tools” for this dying society.

Even before the new war in the Gaza, I already crafted and found a new method to save this civilization and I have just shared it yesterday “The Sacred Divine World Peace Solution Document”.

Religion is great, but if want to make it work for the mass public useless eaters then you must merge it with financial economy system for the mass public people only care about money.

All other “language” such as evolution, development, ascension are pointless !

All the old religions such as Islam, Jews, Christianity, Buddhist, Hindu, etc. have their own unique lesson about life which people should learn, whether about protecting the Earth Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Your life becomes ashes before our eyes. Attempts to ignore the pain of your flesh rotting only speeds the sepsis. Your flesh falls off the bone, feculent and rotted. You look down and there's only bones now, your impotent body rendered into dead meat. You attempt to retreat back to fantasy and are met only with the flames of Hell. This is it, there's Nowhere else to go.

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File: 433bbb03be89b4c⋯.jpg (25.28 KB,400x400,1:1,joyblue.jpg)

 No.142291 [Open thread]

I The Savior Legend Is Going To Release The Divine World Solution In November 2023

Source, More Info: www. ascension joy.com/10/2023/i-the-savior-legend-is-going-to-release-the-divine-world-solution-in-november-2023/


So this is the point of no return now.

It is not “Will” but “IS GOING TO” statement !

I the real Savior Messiah Buddha Legend from ancient prophecies have decided to release the divine world peace solution in November 2023.

5 years late (should be in 2018) due to the attacked from many corrupt low level beings entities of this civilization.

There are only few questions left now for me:

– When, specific date ?

– Offline or Online ?

– Private or Public ?

– Short version or Full detail version ?

– Encrypted with password or Open ?

– Who will received that important document/book ?

Of course I prefer to do it with the world military, top referee group in offline mode.

But if not that happen then my must try other route.

The divine world peace solution won’t be about Israel Palestine, won’t be about Russia Ukraine but about the whole society as ONE nation.

I will focus on topic of world economy, jobs businesses, global currency reset, ideology of living (for the mass public), introduce new game of life for all groups nations, etc.

The divine world solution document/book will be around 50-100+ pages, I not yet sure since I have not written yet and I have not yet decided which content will be.

The place/city/nation I will choose to write, to publish this divine world solution is not yet known.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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You will end yourself, slime-eating squib.

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File: b7241ff5d74abd3⋯.jpg (25.42 KB,400x400,1:1,joyred.jpg)

 No.142285 [Open thread]

To Terrence, Your Team Have 72 Hours To Choose Between Death Or Live (Please send forward to him and his group)

Hey Terrence,

I think it is only fair to give you and your team a chance to save yourself.

It is possible for me to release the divine world peace solution without travel to other nations but some people, some entities must be the "sacrifice".

All people are equal, so if the poor people can die so as the rich people !

Since your team did not believe in me and also often attacked me, did not give me enough support in the past so I have decided your team will be the "sacrificial lamb". I will make that official statement public to all the world military, royal militaries, top referee group and all other entities.

Now if you, your team want to avoid that fate then the only way is meet my request, the requirement is 1 million US Dollar donation instantly (one off payment).

The deadline is 72 hours immediately from now, so in the Halloween October 31st 2023 .

There are only 2 scenarios:

I am the real Savior Messiah Buddha with the divine world peace solution.

I am NOT the real SAVIOR MESSIAH BUDDHA but just a stupid cyber dude.

Now it is the time you must choose and make your own gambling that will directly be related to your survival.

Safe bet: send me 1 million USD so regardless of the result, you still alive.

Non-safe bet: do not send me anything.

There are no other options on the table.

I think 1 million USD is a very small money and that team can easily afford.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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File: b2bba24388d77be⋯.jpg (165.17 KB,1280x865,256:173,jesus_hell.jpg)

 No.142282 [Open thread]

The Nazarene Gene, by British Imperial terms, is the "Hellfire Gene", by their own consistent declaration, far prior to writings by comics or literature or social clubs, rejecting all.

Aristotle: First on record, a pugilist hunter of ladies men, the inventor of "sped" programs, women's industry for mathematics, to flunk rapists into poverty jobs.

Hannibal: Initiation of the priesthood system, of criminal advocates, "criminal enterprise" charges and the murder of a traitor to police code expected of all citizens, even criminal rings.

Boudica: The establishment of the five Roman pillars, the traps of Roman culture to admit women to Celtic positions, federal orders established for male spouses and children of all genders, martial arts.

Jesus: The Dark Ages, the time where the Jew was considered a Neanderthal's descent, except for the Hellfire gene, the Nazarene, both his term, unable to breed Jewish; 2.3 percent, a set of three pair alleles, a six, with a citrogenic gene, LSD base compound, on the spinal antibody, the T-Cell; not present in the Jew, hence blind minds, with kinesthetic memory, athletes, lacking the foresight of the Neanderthals.

Nietzsche: The MI-6 system, "Arkham Asylum". British Psychiatric.

Coolidge: Worker's wages, the ability to end the work day at home, instead of in a prison bunk (wage labor), and the opposition to German deputies kidnaps to France for the spice and isotopes trade, through money laundering rules in the drug community, "the underworld".

Heinz Heydrich: Spotted American baseball from Boston as pedophiliac, and Hitler's system. Used comics, to smuggle Jews to America, through "Batman" and early independent prints, Abwehr press agents out of Ireland and Sinn Fein.

Hugh O'Neill: Spotted Elizabeth I as having attempted to place Ireland under homosexual rules as mercenaries, Thomas More's "Utopia", however for Germans, not Slavics, the Nation of Germany. The gingers, offended him, due to their temptation of coaxing haiPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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File: ef962150a3c0138⋯.jpg (447.19 KB,996x1000,249:250,1698096396183810.jpg)

 No.142277 [Open thread]

Please, come join us over at https://8chan.moe/x/

Instructions on how to reach us:

1) Connect to either sites:



2) Look up the /x/ board, either from the board list or by adding "/x/" at the end of the url

3) Discuss all sorts of esoteric, conspiratorial topics with us!

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File: 8ef556c2aa4caff⋯.jpg (984.7 KB,5616x2092,1404:523,Wendelstein7X.jpg)

 No.142270 [Open thread]

Does anyone remember the old Sixth Sense/Seventh Sense astral projection/tulpa/reiki/lucid-dreaming/etc. discord server that adm1n ran? Where did they all go? He still keeps his reiki work blog tidy so you guys must be out there


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File: 491dd960153b5ed⋯.jpeg (103.51 KB,1024x768,4:3,bojck.jpeg)

 No.142252 [Open thread]

Beowulf: The ancient mead period, honey wine. An Irishman, Grendel, is recruited by the Snake, the Vikings, to battle the Bretons. The island is conquered, "Loser", but the recording of the proper solution is recorded by the Irishman, in the famous epic, "Beowulf".


The finest works of regret, are required, the warrior poet, to trap a new generation into service; so inspired by poem, but refusing the instruction, therefore prideful of service of own family.

Eire: U'Niall of the Nine Hostages, the Spaniard Caspian, the Black Dutch, conquers Ireland, Britain, and France. He takes hostages, one per kingdom, and establishes the dominatrix trade, the training sergeants for male assassins; spies. The island converts to Catholicism, under Roman rule, through St. Patrick; the Regency begins, of London, the whore house.


Each taken member, must be open to a trade deal, through country, with any other country reporting grief at loss of life, accidental or deliberate, through any reason of means, ends, or objective of military or police or medicine.

Vice cops, "Polacks", those Swedes and Poles, bred "Irish", through German boxing, are given the opportunity to hunt rogue spies, and if erroneous, zero tolerance in attempt, are then "houndsmen", granted family custody of law enforcement rights of water.

Holy Wood: The insurance trade, theater, begins through Robert the Bruce; Scotland, becomes the actor's chapel. The fable, the Euripedean concept of children's religion for adult science, is replaced with Sophocles, the explanation of family of ruler, to be duplicated by poor. Thespians (field research), actors (spies of peak athletic form), and set designers (engineers), begin in tradition, The Foreign Office.


The theater guild, must support the European Jewry, any such percentage bred, unless committing crime against Britain; the Goyim law of term, expectation of free labor, NPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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 No.142235 [Open thread]

When a fraudulent practice of an industry has become commonplace, demand the practice be followed among international intelligence cadres; then deviate, within sight of the cadre's leadership, but out of range of simple detection, marked as the individual that suggested the rule. The practice, illicit in courts, will be struck down, aside from the core of ideology of the corrupt industry.

Used with intellectual property of royalty contract at publisher house individual negotiated provisional, to remove application by petty publicists.

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 No.141093 [Open thread]

>believe in the Christian canon

>Don't want to serve God, but Satan is an annoying cringe faggot

What do? In Dante's comedy, virtuous pagans are spared hell kinda, what virtues should one have? If I fast for 40 days (entirely possible if drinking water), will I have some merit? Maybe I can somehow create a zero state pocket dimension deal and create my own universe from nothing, though I don't know where to begin with that.

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File: 3108f49325a378f⋯.jpg (1.02 MB,2226x2621,2226:2621,this_is_a_human_ecce_homo.jpg)

test to see if images are still getting deleted

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the bible is non canon and just a compilation of interpretations of jewish interpretations

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No such thing as true neutral, you either are a supporter of X or a supporter of Y in a true dichotomy. Fucking fence sitter thinks he can achive anytging without know the nature of the universe outside of the false dichotomies formed from human ingnorance, let alone how to create another universe.

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Not really. The Septuagent of the Christian Greek canon is far closer to what was used during the 2nd Temple than what is considered Jewish canon today. The Masoretic wasn't really completed until more than 500 years after the destruction of the temple and after they had to deep clean messianic prophecies out. Modern Rabbinic Judaism has far less in common both in theology and praxis to the 2nd Temple period in contrast to Christianity which has direct continuity.

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 No.142015 [Open thread]



Hope we'll be seeing you soon, mates

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Based 8moe emissary

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 No.140686 [Open thread]

To search for God is very loable and noble, but in order to have time and energy to pursue God and show God to others you need first food and shelter, stability, time, etc. All of which financial freedom can provide.

So, magick should be first and foremost practical, because albeit this world is a material illusion we are reincarnated here just to experience this material illusion, and we should be able to make the most of it through our Will.

Then, how do we use magick to become wealthy once and for all.

Any personal experience?

16 posts omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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Also disable creating new threads of course.

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Whoever did that would be the God-King of /fringe/

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Treating this thread as Sigil General:

When creating a sigil that I won't be able to destroy once it spreads, is it better to point to myself in the 3rd person, as the object of its beneficence? Or is my authorship enough to point its effect toward me?

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You will make more progress living a short and starving life searching for God than securing your physical existence/comfort.

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I concur

8chan (d0t) moe /fringe/

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File: bf3f04a7546ab4e⋯.jpg (336.33 KB,1212x682,606:341,Mix_Countdown_4321_v230701….jpg)

 No.142094 [Open thread]


What may mean the Countdown, that the LORD God displays on the Sun?

On a same place on the Sun there have been digits displayed recently, counting down 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 - one digit in 27.3 days on each rotation of the Sun… First the digits were hardly discernible, but the recent ones were huge and hard to miss… The 1 passed on St. Peter 2023-06-29… This way the Countdown points to 2023-07-26 on Saint Anne and Joachim feast…

With 1 in the Countdown, above a lackluster Czech inscription "do not judge" there has been in upper left corner a great hebrew inscription "(they) will die"… But that can be unintentional coincidence - most inscriptions on the Sun were in English, because with Hebrew inscriptions the mistaken interpretation is much easier to happen… I don't know…

What do we collectively deserve ?


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new schizo just dropped

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I'm used to people, who understand nothing and without any own thinking have an immediate opinion, that it's "schizo"…

Nothing new…


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File: 6ec00c16e8235dd⋯.mp4 (1.7 MB,1024x512,2:1,Desc_WhiteEx_Lon155_202210….mp4)

A short video, showing the 9 frames of the Countdown, together with the lines traced…

What can YOU do to help me to get this information out of the bubble where I can reach to publish it myself ?


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so is the sun saying anything now?

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File: 6f48f4fce50469e⋯.png (6.21 KB,880x880,1:1,eyesLarge.png)

 No.142166 [Open thread]

I noticed a few of the books in the /fringe/ Books & Files Package were password-protected without any information on how to unlock them. I was wondering if anyone would be willing to share the password(s)?

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most of the stuff in that library doesnt even seem to be available anymore.. i hope some wizard still has those saved and can upload them

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The collection I downloaded is the January 2022 reupload of the Books & Files Package, I figured if anyone knew anything about the password protection it'd be someone here.

Not sure if fringewizard lurks here anymore, but I'll send him an email and ask.

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I don't know about that package, but have you checked the links here?


Most of them still work.

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This is now an updated library thread

Collection Grand Library — 483GB+ Archive of Occult Material from the old Wizard Forums


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OP Here, turns out some modern PDF reading software can just bypass the passwords, some software can strip the passwords straight off the files also.



These are fantastic links, very comprehensive. Thank you both.

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File: 933f13fce8c770a⋯.jpg (115.22 KB,1024x768,4:3,c_17.jpg)

 No.142171 [Open thread]

Whitey Bulger (Capcom Yakuza): You have limited the freedom of play.

OJ Simpson (DC Comics): You have demanded profit from drugs.

Stan Lee (Israel Microsoft): You have guaranteed contract salary.

Johnny Depp (USA FBI): You have demanded Catholicism for minority.

Osama Bin Laden (IRA Psychiatric): You have removed judgement.

Benjamin Netanyahu (Likud Germany): You have removed privacy of computing.

Elizabeth II (MI-6 Scientology): You have forced gaming unless poor.

Isaiah Friedlander (Heaven's Gate France): You have removed university.

George Lucas (Russian NKVD Snuff): You have removed women's liberation.

Anton Lavey (Mexico CNI): You have demanded Jim Crow.

Jeffrey Lange (Shah's Iran): You have created God, in your own image.

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>You have removed women's liberation.


>You have demanded Jim Crow.


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