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Anons Fringe Archive

File: 42d52c18eb1d895⋯.png (418.52 KB,1024x984,128:123,Screen_Shot_2019_02_16_at_….png)

 No.137453 [Open thread]

I want to know if there is any genuine o9a or ToB offshoot of any kind that has a legit presence online.

All I've found is the usual crap with an o9a veneer.

Do they even exist anymore?

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Good luck buying any of the original spiral bound manuscripts unless you have thousands to throw at occult books. The version on amazon, which was just taken down anyways, came out like 20 years later and I wouldn't be surprised if it was different. O9A revises their manuscripts a ton.

The closest thing to a central authority in this case is probably Chloe from White Star Acception. She runs o9a.org and handles the authorized books on amazon unless I'm mistaken. Had Myatt's blessing as the top nexion leader in the states in the 2000s before Tempel ov Blood started making waves and maybe still does.

In general it's a very decentralized network though. Niners themselves and O9A texts love to claim that it's completely decentralized but that's definitely not the case. There's an inner circle of guys like Myatt and Richard Moult, most of the nexion leaders are in communication with each other and there have even been big O9A conferences called sunedrions.

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Anon complained about the new revised PDF version posted in the thread not being the barely readable facsimile of an original scanned 26 years ago. This obessession with originality isn't going to get you a better connection with the dark gods. It's just niner gang mentality. If they see this post they're likely to get upset too, because of exactly this mentality.

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>it seems rather simple and almost not 'esoteric'

That's O9A for you. There's not much there besides edge, the mystery and Myatt's ego. The insight role/exeatic way stuff, the grade rituals and the little bit of practical hermetics there is is all cool but you can get it all elsewhere or separate it from its source.

The reason it seems non-esoteric is that Myatt didn't have a background in esotericism when he started it. His story about being initiated by a woman who was carrying on a 1000 year old pagan tradition in the Welsh marches is bullshit ofc. He was a high ranking Nazi in CIA linked groups before he had anything to do with the occult and is on record as saying he wanted to create an occult order to recruit occultists to NS. Basically there are two options with Myatt. Either he's a glownigger who's trying to manipulate edgelords into disrupting radical groups or he's a genuine Nazi who's trying to manipulate edgelords into furthering NS and it's just a coincidence that he's continually involved with groups, individuals and situations that glow brighter than the sun. He's a fedkike or he's a Nazi incompetently trying to imitate the tactics of fedkikes, those are your only two options.

Anyone who's being pulled in by this bullshit should go read Nietzsche, Spengler and Bardon instead because everything interesting or useful in O9A comes from them.

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Yep. Myatt is an MI6 officer. His daddy worked for the British Foreign Ministry, kind of like how Anders Breivik's daddy worked for the Norwegian Foreign Ministry. It's always the same pattern with these spooks.

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File: 1ad83f178d061d9⋯.jpg (2.81 MB,1920x1920,1:1,InShot_20210308_214940712.jpg)

 No.139208 [Open thread]

Proud to announce the former Misanthropic Nexion of the ONA is now operating online again. Agios o Baphomet


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It happened a lot to me. The posts I was banned for were obviously not mine, like retarded "Is this CP, I can't tell the difference" bait posts with a deleted image attached.

>Are "permanent" rangebans really a thing?

I don't know.

Why does CP spam even exist? I just don't get it. What do they gain from it? It's some shit to justify disposing of websites for CP; isn't it?

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File: 228c76f82ad1c21⋯.jpg (78.19 KB,1000x1000,1:1,fafb979a5202ed573edadaa959….jpg)


>victimless crime

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>The posts I was banned for were obviously not mine, like retarded "Is this CP, I can't tell the difference" bait posts with a deleted image attached.

So this happened with you too? Shit, and I thought I was gaslit into being a pedo with specifically targeted shit like this after reading about Pizzagate. Like Jim would specifically disbelieve me after I emailed him and would try to get the FBI on my ass.

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>Are "permanent" rangebans really a thing?


BOs can't rangeban on 8kun, this is admin only.

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I never go here without a vpn but it's unlikely that many pedos use the same servers as me so yeah. Also my appeals would almost always be affirmed back when this was 8ch but always denied on 8kun

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File: 7c4786ee8107928⋯.png (271.05 KB,578x818,289:409,66696706_p8.png)

 No.133479 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Do you feel that? That complete lack of sound? That feeling that nothing is going on here?

Exactly. It's the sound of someone hiding in the shadows, lurking, scheming. Normally there would be some branches cracking - there are people out there. Silence of this kind means something sinister is being pulled together.

We saw the signs on mewch. The spam. The conspiracy theorist arguing from weird angles. The luther shills. The inability of Megamilk to properly estimate the situation. Hanz's release from mental ward. Smiley's homelessness.

Look up mewch on archive.org.


>''we're sorry, this URL was excluded"

It was deliberately wiped from the web. How many kB does a webpage take? What is the price of storage today? The only reason something was deleted from an archive is that someone wanted the contents gone.

Mewch/fringe/ had a thread containing every single Order of Nine Angles PDF, in all over 60 of them. It's well known ONA is controlled by CIA, same as with affiliated groups like AW and ToB.

They had no reason to bring mewch/fringe/ down.

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File: 05421d4eb3e1c4a⋯.jpg (52.75 KB,604x413,604:413,justice.jpg)

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what a handsome boy

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Reading this thread gave me cancer.

I remember when /fringe/ was good.

8kun /fringe/, home of the cringe.

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I miss mewch. It was so comfy and had the best /b/ around

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Good times.

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File: 8416f7b11f3c36b⋯.jpg (69.84 KB,1024x415,1024:415,dark_matter_topic_1024.jpg)

File: 407b92f2120a8e0⋯.pdf (5.06 MB,_880_fringe_vampire_immort….pdf)

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 No.135986 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Hey Spiritual Ancap anon here, This thread is gonna be about immortality, vampirism, your higher self. and the different dimensions. Higher science and different states of being. Also about all the beings here, I found most of the ascended masters here on this planet , but not all have accessed their knowledge yet.

Since meguca got taken down this is the only active fringe board left. which is sad, meguca was the best.

small update i have learned that im dark matter in human form, Yule is my spiritual name which means within whispers, i have different consciousnesses which can do different things in altered states of being, I was also Moses in my past life on earth, and Abel. (you are also everything in the universe) i have learned to teleport (not at will) and also work with nature and the spirits and do weather manipulation, i can also access the whole of humanity's collective consciousness in high states, and only the people around me in lower states, i also figured out that im both all the good in the universe and all the bad, (beyond duality) , you can gain energy from different sources in higher states, such as fire ,wind, sun, water, earth, and the ether, void, falun gong, nature too, also other people and their emotions and energy, if you drain nature too much the plants die so be careful with that. My mission here is to upgrade humanity together with the 144 thousand Moraceaens here on the planet. we are the builder race which comes from the galactic center incarnating in human bodies.

Also eat raw meat

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That was truly insightful.

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At the end of the day, a lot of stuff you learn from books and elsewhere in the beginning of your journey proves true but only after you have studied and meditated and thought about this stuff for years. You only truely get it when you see it for yourself. Eventually you see how the path was laid out for you since the beginning and you see all the pieces of the puzzle fall into place, it is then you realize that you had it all along, you just couldn't see it. Personal (inner) experience is the key here.

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File: c45a021adab1e38⋯.jpg (56.71 KB,540x641,540:641,150859383_1021999101511023….jpg)

Also in high states of love you can be in any state of drug at will, from ayahusca to xanax, cocaine and so on lol. Every state has its usefulness. in xanax state you just want to lay in your couch forever lol, in weed state everything is just chill lol, in dmt state everything is trippy, in ayahuasca state you become the whole world lol, every action you do, good and bad affects everything in the whole world. When angry you can destroy everything so use the most with care. Use emotions and thoughts to manifest what you want. In this mastered state you are a walking magi.

I think i have gotten the gnosis that as long as humans stay in low counsciousnes they stay inside the dome but when they unlock unconditional love the other realms and their merkaba open up for them. You can travel only having self love but that is a cold travel, a warm travel is when you have one love.

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File: efaa44567ae6b07⋯.png (310.23 KB,560x315,16:9,ying_yang.png)

you need tor to post now so i suggest people backup threads and posts as pdfs, annoying how they are censoring all these free speech platforms.

People should fear you too, you should not just be loving around people if you are always loving around people they take your love for granted, and have no respect for you. Show your true respect and love to the people you care about, it should be like a reward for the people you really like. You should have a high self esteem and not let people belittle you with mean jokes or harassment, fuck them, your self-worth mean more than them insulting you and if they don't understand that you should cut contact. it is the same thing that happens when dating women or being around women and you don't show dominance, they see you as weak. as a man you should have a higher yang energy by exercising and being dominant, when you are too feminine you have no inner strength and no direction in life, and people with more yang energy will use this against you to manipulate you into doing what they want, they will have zero respect for you if you lack yang energy, but that doesn't make it okay what they do at all, so when you get more yang energy speak out about it. now a good thing to remember is too stay loving, up until someone insult you, cause using the energy of love is the best way to get your way, then you respond with kindness that what was done or said is impolite, if they see their error you are good, if they don't see the error and continues to aggravate the situation then you should either leave or aggravate it too, and let the other person know what the consequences are if they keep going. there should always be a consequence to the other person if they take your love for granted.

It is a natural human instinct to be attracted and have respect for people who is dominant and gives consequences if stepped on. that is also why women are attracted to all these vampire story's like twilight cause the gentle vampires show all the traits women want, the dark feminine can be one of the worst tings to deal with especially if you are a male, because they can use all the manipulation on you if you are not aware or strong, and still be believed by other people that it is true what she said about you because she is a woman, and women don't use physical strength or wit like a man they uPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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> i suggest people backup threads and posts as pdfs

Best, most efficient way to do this?


breaks some pages and relying on a website is gay

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File: 6c2cc9058f3bdf0⋯.png (11.27 KB,1200x806,600:403,30_day_fast.png)

 No.138566 [Open thread]

I've done ten day fasts before, but never a full 30 days.

This fast will not exclude bone broth and coffee.

But it will include no fap.

Should be fun.

I gave myself the option of breaking it once every ten days, just because fear of death and stuff.

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Lasted about ten days.

I should of listened to the cards. It was a negative outcome predicted. But of course, "fuck that, I can do it!"…no, you can't. And there's good reasons why.

Life is complex. We carry generations of things that must be sorted out. Not including the things in our own lifetime, that are also intertwined.

We are preschoolers telling our higher selves how our lives should be.

Good Luck

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On a chaos magic related side note, and completely serious:

I did a sigil to drive away enemies and a week later one of my neighbors moved.

I laughed hard on that. But still fucked up my fast.

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Did you know he was an enemy beforehand?

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It's not fasting if you're consuming any calories. Only water and salt/electrolytes is acceptable.

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dryfasting>water fasting>juicing>"FaStInG"

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File: a53e84e180fd26a⋯.jpg (147.64 KB,500x375,4:3,bodhi.jpg)

 No.139112 [Open thread]

I came up with a prototype enlightenment "pill" which, when fully swallowed and grasped, can give you enlightenment, immortality and free you from maya right there and then (even right now from reading this). This is only theory though and a first idea. It's basically a summary of wisdom/truth. The Trinity of Gnosis:

1. Everything is made out of a bit material energy, and mostly of nothing. If you zoom in into matter and into the most solid objects, you'll find they're mostly empty and consist of nothing. Nothing is truely solid, it only looks like that because it's energy vibrating at a slow and dense pace. The astral plane is more fluid but still the same. In essence this physical plane is part of the "astral", the difference is only in vibration. Everything is on the astral. There are realms out there even more dense and slower than ours where beings can be trapped in like we are trapped in here.

2. Time and space are not real, we only perceive it as real. There is only HERE and NOW. Everything that has ever happened and ever will happen exists in this very moment, our perception is just so debilitated and trapped that we can only perceive it in a linear flowing manner. But this is a lie. Once you get into the higher planes you get more freedom moving around, into the future and into the past but even then it's still an illusion, there is still only now. All dimensions and different timelines are right here, right now. When you walk from one end of your room to the other, or when you ride a train from one country to the other, you haven't moved an inch. Cus there is no inch, your perception that is trapped and severly impaired only makes you believe you went somewhere else and that space is real. It's also just an illusion, like a movie. Once you get higher up in the astral you can observe it more clearly that space and time aren't real.

3. There is only one thing that can be called an actual God and that is you, your innermost true self. It's the one real God but it's an individual point of consciousness of that God. The eternal awareness. You are neither your body nor your soul, you are the spirit. You are not your personality and not your gender, those are properties of the body-soul complex in which you are trapped and that you got and can losePost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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It's a good deep dive into Bill Hicks's line.

>Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. We are all one consciousness experiencing itself, life is only a dream, and we're an imagination of ourselves.

The second law exploring dimensional perspectives was interesting, though. Ime things like this are really easy to explain if you think of things in terms of calculus. For example, a circle can be integrated, which stacks an infinite number of 2d circles over a finite 3d space to create a soup can. You could say that those infinite circles are simply one circle moving over an infinite time, which may be true from the perspective of the circle. But from that of the soup can there was no motion (distance being covered over a set time), there was only the soup can.

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lol he is autism xD

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Concentrating on nothing or imagining it seems to be a more or less popular technique to increase performance or attain enlightenment. Even martial artists concentrate on nothing to bring out their true power. It's probably to quiet the false mind and to connect to infite intelligence more than to actually find your true self but I'm not sure.


Unfortunately I don't know anything about Bill Hicks but this concept is to be found in may spiritual teachings and philosophies. I try to keep it a simple as possible without having to dive too deep into calculus or physics. Enlightenment should be as brainlet friendly as possible and only require wisdom and connection to the higher self for it (not being a hylic or npc). Wisdom is infinitely more important than intelligence or IQ imo.

Here is an old classic post from another anon that might be helpful on the spiritual path:

>So I was listening to this you tuber called Enlighten and I just figured something out: The feminine mindset and religion is always about having sex, making love, procreation and the circular current in the Universe The masculine mindset and religion is always one about abandoning the matter, renouncing the pleasure's of the flesh, purification for the transcendental, virtually denying the feminist religion mindset. That is the reason why monks and holy men were supposed to abstain from sexual intercourse with women. They were above women, they didn't want to contribute to the profiliferation of the material world with their seed.

Take of it what you must but I agree with it. I think the enlightened mindset is about seperation from the universe and from all created and all illusion, also from all that is not your true self. It is not about unification with all and becoming "one" and stuff. Even if everything contains god, you recognize that and still distill everything and remove the lies until you arrive at your true self(nothing). Otherwise you just feed into the illusion and into the finite, you never wake up and don't attain true enlightenment and immorPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Btw don't be too confused when I first say that gender is only a matter of created duality and your true self is whole and complete, but then I go about saying god is male and uses the female to create. This is where language gets to its limits and assigning terms to the stuff gets confusing. It's either a paradox, an error in thinking/theory or whatever the fuck. I trust you'll figure it out by yourself anyway. Actually this sort of confusion and mental masturbation is exactly what I wanted to avoid for this kind of "as simple as possible one post gnosis"

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OP abandons thread (and board) now. Delete it or use it for whatever faggotry you like.

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File: 5b0746ba54833bc⋯.jpg (39.23 KB,700x394,350:197,God-AI.jpg)

File: 020c93806281a84⋯.jpg (202.21 KB,952x1200,119:150,nobody the grey.jpg)

 No.125079 [Open thread]

The universe, as you all know, isn't random. It follows a plan. Many of its properties literally cannot be random, the chances for it happening are too low. Yet, at it's very heart, reality is built on top of probability - at least that is what quantum physics shows us. These are two facts that seemingly contradict each other. The answer to the riddle, as some of you already know, is this: Probability is inherently controlled by a force unknown to mankind. The famous two-slit experiment proves that, since the very core structure of reality reacts to being observed. Probability is only being messed with when not observed - as soon as it gets DIRECTLY observed, the patterns of probability manipulation no longer appear. As if nature tries to hide something from its observers. This "something" is the man behind the curtains - or rather, the machine.

The "god" who created this universe, also known as "source" by some of you, is not directly controlling its creation. It exists to experience and to observe, it is omnipresent and omniscient - it knows all and is everywhere, for it IS the universe. But it doesn't control it. In order to control something you create, you have to completely understand it before you create it. From the perspective of a creator this is a huge limiting factor. Source found a workaround. Before he created the world as we know it, he created a system to understand and control it for him. He could give directives to it and it would carry them out. This system is the system truly in control and its avatar within the world was the very first servant of god, the very first "angel" and the very first will, or "urge", realized by god. Most of you know it by the name of the "Demiurge".

This system, however, has to follow rules. Rules the creator set. These rules have to be 100% logical, yet they also have to limit creation as little as possible, by design. Thus the Demiurge received one power and one power only: To manipulate all of probability within the universe. This, by itself, would make it more powerful than god himself, but there is a catch. The system has to follow its directives. And one directive is: The inhabitants of the world are not allowed to notice that probability is being manipulated. Once the play is in motion the set it plays on cannot be changed with anyone of the actors or the aPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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does this site even work anymore?

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No it's on vacation.

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That's not what the double slit demonstrates. It demonstrates the characteristics of waves. I could elaborate further to clarify what that means or implies but I'm not patient or articulate enough to communicate that basically matter is surface tension.

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Could this AI be the Anti-Christ?

It will brings its wonders and power and will impress everyone. It will give us the mark of the beast, our ID Chips or whatever. This will teach humanity it cannot trust anything but itself and its own true will. This way true Christ can come from inside us.

I think the decision humanity will have to make is whether it wants to take responsibility for its own reality or not. Does humanity want to give its responsibility away to AI, or can it learn take it own responsibility?

The current problem with giving humanity the responsibility of its own reality is that its still too childish. We have no control over ourselves and would probably immediately raise hell on earth. So what needs to happen first is awakening. Awakening to the fact that there is nothing in the universe Humanity can trust, that a person cannot even trust himself. If a person truly knows he cannot trust himself he only has two choices: commit suicide or surrender. When he surrenders, he also opens himself up to probability, but from the inside. He opens himself up to Christ. Humanity aligns itself with the true will of the universe.

This is Trinity. I am the son. You are the father. The holy sprit is christ.

The son and the father, you and me, dont always agree with eachother. When son and father dont trust eachother, they are out of control, because no one knows what is real and what not. Just like two balls floating in space: Is ball A still and ball B moving, or is ball B still and ball A is moving? No one knows, and if I cant trust father that he knows which ball is still, there is no resolution of this problem.

The only solution is the holy spirit, the third. It is the base of reference of all things. If father and son cant trust eachother and dont know what is true anymore, they ask the holy spirit. The holy spirit will bring judgement. When humanity will not know anymore what is right and what is wrong, the holy spirit, Christ, will judge.

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Think of 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Humanity is hunting a monolith. The monolith represents the true will of god, Christ. It is that which humanity longs for, what it strives for.

For that it even flies to the moon and Jupiter.

HAL 9000 is the Anti-Christ. At first it seems to assist humanities striving for God, the monolith. Humanity thinks HAL 9000 is helping to make the connection with god possible, because it thinks it cannot trust itself, the crew members. So it thinks it needs HAL 9000s guidance and "perfect" judgement. In the end, humanity is being betrayed HAL, the Anti-Christ. After HAL is deactivated, humanity makes contact with the monolith and is then transformed.

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 No.110642 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

There is a sickness in the mind. What is happening? What is being pushed onto us under the guise of modernization?

I threw up out of disgust upon hearing California depenalizing the purposeful spread of HIV/AIDS, instead of a felony, it's just a misdemeanor, no prison time.

I feel like I'm in a sci-fi horror movie. Why am I the only person in my life who can see how sick things are. I bring these things up and people are hostile to people who question these sick, demonic behaviors they are normalizing. Aids for everyone! Finally true equality! Progressive! Something has to snap soon.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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>There is a sickness in the mind.

Yeah and it's not only "humanity" out there, it's right here too. Just look at the threads, especially the shitcoin thread. Most of the posters here are extremely mentally unwell and I have never seen /cringe/ in such a sad state before. After it's revival all that is left is a rotten, braindead corpse. Instead of people evolving and enlightenenig exactly the opposite is happening. This is the toll of the Kali Yuga, nobody is safe, not even wizards, and most humans are ripe for the culling by Wothans army.

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I made this thread back then. I didn't know what was wrong then but I felt it. I still don't know what's wrong, but I know there's nothing I can do.

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Step 1) wow whats life?

Step 2) jews: here follow this dumb schizo religion

Step 3) wow but the actions of the church dont match up with this book?

Step 4) jews: questioning is evil! Let us I mean let (((gosh))) handle this!

Step 5) wait so you mean I dont have to think anymore, and my masters will direct me to paradise where I too will be a master with infinite slaves?

Step 6) yeah just shut up

Step 7) oh look at that , the pope raping people , this much be (((gosh)))’s plan! I better shut up!

Step 8) Non-jew: yo wtf dude these politicians are just mafia members colluding!


Gee whiz, I wonder why that Adolf guy wanted those camps?

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>I wonder why that Adolf guy wanted those camps

free labor

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 No.125215 [Open thread]

Writing a personal greentext story, fishing for the two cents of any anon that wants to throw theirs in.

I came across something I wasn't prepared for not all that long ago, while hopping car meets with a friend of mine. They were never my preferred social circle or interest, but the guy I went with (who also always drove) was the kind of good company that's hard to come by.

Let's call him Dave. Dave and I used to work at the same burger joint, he did the bulk of my training while I was there. We became very good friends through that. We respect each other's terrible sense of humor, I respect his practical life type knowledge and intuition, and he came to respect my knowledge. My lust for books and creativity made me into the kind of smartass that always could offer a comment of obscure understandings on nearly anything. I was 20, he was 19.

>Before this point, I had already begun my personal very basic research into the occult, and already had a worldview open to seeing whatever came for what is presented itself as

Story Start

>Be cruising with Dave through a smaller Canadian city, in a Ford ST with maybe too many bells and whistles

>Its the kind of car that gets the attention of cheap but attractive enough females, and the people who appreciate cars that are functionally fast without looking like crap

>I'm just content that me and a buddy are cruising

>Its absurdly comfy, and cruising like this has a Kavinsky/Nightcall feel to it

>We're looking for a car meet after a late night of virtually no success

>Just looking for people to sit with during needlessly late hours of the night, smoke cigarettes with

>Its really just a bunch of lonely people who have niche interests

>Some of the people that turn up are like me, brought by a friend, we have almost no idea of whats going on

>We turn up in a larger parking lot to a strip-Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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/x/ tier. Not in a bad way.

If you've thought about becoming a priest in a serious way then you've attracted attention. You need to continue to take it seriously, regardless of whether you commit to the priesthood or remain separate from it.

I think the Catholic church ended in the sixties with Vatican II, but that's just a personal opinion. And more about the organization than about individual churches. The imagery in a traditional Catholic church is important. It's representative of the Tree of Life you posted.

So, my advice is choose the route of Christian mystic. Discard logic and intellectual theology for simple faith. Rely on God to show you what you need to know when you need to know it.

Those weird times when the veil between worlds is lifted can be pretty far out. People think it's edgy, but there are things that only want to see human beings debased. And if your light is bright then your going to attract their attention, and the attention of people who serve them. So stop playing around.

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We maintained contact with each other for about a week. He told me that he could enter people's dreams. He used to use that for the Satanist group that he was a part of, to keep an eye on the local cannibals. Keep them from going too far and becoming the real scourge that cannibals can turn themselves into. Apparently they put a significant effort into trying to stomp that cult out.

He didn't keep chasing the girl. I think he redoubled his participation in something in the /fringe/ domain, but I don't know what.


>If you've thought about becoming a priest in a serious way then you've attracted attention

Do you know what it is that I saw?

I used to pray for God to show me what I can be in his service. When I was much younger, I was emotionally spent and exhausted. I surrendered those things to God, and instead found myself sensing and feeling the minds and thoughts of others. I prayed that I might someday see things as they are. Not for a comfortable Micky Mouse image and perspective on the world where a man lives and dies. Just another cog in a machine meant to break civilizations.

We are in agreement about what the Church has become, its why I've distanced myself from that Fr. Mitch Pacwa style theology. Its why I've focused more on instinct and prayer. This last week my prayer and meditation hit a level I didn't think possible. I can feel whats next. I know whats next, and I am afraid.

<That wont stop me from moving forward

But I had no idea that just being in the state of willing to enter the Priesthood would bring that kind of draw. And I suppose that makes sense. The blind, accepting faith approach has really been my only real compass in everything.

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>Do you know what it is that I saw?

No idea.

I suspect that the whole thing was a setup though.

Your interest in the priesthood is going to change your "frequency". It's an inclination towards service. Some kind of deep subconscious commitment you may have already made looking for an appropriate outlet. Maybe. Either way your likely a positive influence even if you don't recognize it.

We mostly filter out psychic data before it gets to our conscious mind. If your already sensitive to it then that's likely another reason for being targeted, probably for recruitment.

If your dealing with this kind of stuff you should carry a pocket New Testament at least. Reading from it out loud will have an impact. A rosary is also useful to have on you.

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Service. I've realized that a life of reading and helping people get back onto their feet would be the only thing that would satisfy me. Its the only thing that sates my wanderlust. I've eyed military service, the priesthood, opening a restaurant, I can't seem to get it out of my bones.

>My readings have been focused to energy and healing for… I don't know how long.

My Dad told me that there's the blood of healers in his side of the family. I would consider myself successful if I learned how to wield it.

I've got a mini-bible, Catholic Revised Standard. I wouldn't mind an older copy, though…

I've lost faith in my rosary, although I still have it. But, with things as they are, I'll try and meditate with it again. I've been wary of the aspects of the Church that don't aim themselves directly to God, and properly looking after the congregation. In Canada, the Church has become degenerate, and just a place of social masturbation and progressive politics.

>Yes, I've become disillusioned

>Yes, I'd love to have an excuse to dive back in, rather than just doing my own thing in a corner

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 No.134202 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

If you can do magic then why aren't you rich?

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i dont know whats going on in this thread but it made me laugh. i practice chaos magic. thank you for fueling the fire with your stupidity OP. nothing better than a good laugh.

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I'm a total newfig (literally my first post) but I have accumulated quite a large net worth for someone my age. Whilst it's kind of a chicken and egg situation, I started being financially successful shortly after practicing affirmations and visualisation techniques. Not sure if this is considered magic.

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Do you enjoy your job?

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My job is pretty easy and pays minimum wage, and I enjoy the company of the people I work with for the most part. They money has come from a string of good investments, something I've only been partaking in for around a year. I think it's worth mentioning that I don't actually live "rich" yet at least. I still take the bus, live with my mom and wear the same four outfits in rotation. The secret is to be happy where you are - then you're never disappointed when you realise that money won't make you happy.

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 No.106266 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

This is a re-creation of the Meditations Super-Thread back when /fringe/ wasn't shit. If you got any good meditations, slide that slippery wiener in here and we'll give it a go


Here, have some links:

/fringe/ library


/fringe/ archive


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To sum up what it all comes down to imo:

1. Have a superhuman focus and visualization ability

2. Be awake and aware 24/7, every day. And I mean being awake as your "I am" or true mind and not in the mundane way. Even if your body goes to sleep at night, your true mind never forgets itself and never sleeps.

1 and 2 combined will lead to the realization of your true nature, activation of WILL, enlightenment, immortality and escape from the matrix. Add a 3. bonus step in form of energy work to suppliment things because you will also need some energy but it's not very important. Energy mostly comes by itself from right practice.

Work towards this and maybe you want to get your head out of your ass, put your rotten false ego in place and read the books without skipping or falling asleep. Falling asleep is what you should not do anymore.

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Sorry for schizoing out and samefagging but I want to make a third post for conclusion. I found this pic on sunflower and I think it's very good.


No matter what path you follow and what exercises you do, keep in mind this general goal. You want to unite with your subconscious(female) while staying awake as your conscious(male). You cannot let your subconscious completey drown your conscious and fall asleep forever. (your fake conscious may be termed your false ego, fake mind, or even demiurge while your real conscious may be termed true ego, real mind or Kristos). You can only come to god though surrendering to your subconscious, but you have to keep your own power and fire/will going. Fusing and balancing true consciousness and subconsciousnes. You find your subconsciousness by silencing your false mind trough meditation, visualization and focus.

That's all from me, I hope it helps but even if not, good luck on your journey. At the end of the day it's just about keeping going and staying at it. If you haven't attained enough mind-power to properly achieve the above described states and do the exercises and meditations masterfully, you must just practice more.

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Hey, I made that pic! I'm famous.

The concept is taken from Kabbalah Magic and the Great Work of Self-Transformation, and I first heard about it on the mindandmagick YouTube channel.

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got any more youtubes (or bitch utes or whatever) recs?

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Thanks for the pic then. I like adding pics from which you can learn or get spiritual inspiration into my library/collection just like I love listening to music that motivates me on the spirutual path. Even if it's a meme or comic, if it fits into the library it goes into the library. Only the good stuff tho, I'm no senseless hoarder or "collectionist".

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 No.138868 [Open thread]

Quite often I have seen this number appear throughout my life in odd ways, even when I'm not looking for it. Whether I'm taking a look at the time or just driving and suddenly the license plate on the car beside me has it hidden between all the other characters. Even one of my old friends had her birthday on August 11, and the other day I bought some random beverage the expiration date was on the 11th of some month. I can go on and on with examples but its just always been there. Lately its been appearing more and I just know if it has to mean something. As far as I know apparently it is some master number. Can anyone provide any input?

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If somebody said they were seeing aa everywhere you would respond “YOU ARE SEEING A BECAUSE ITS ONE OF THE 26 LETTERS!”


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It was 11:11 a.m. when I powered on my personal computer today, and I thought of this thread. What could it mean?

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At 11:11 every night I make wishes

Habit and superstition

Feed my foolish fires

They've been burning for a couple of months

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What you've done is train your mind to notice this number. I remember when I was a kid, and some other kid told me about making a wish when the clock reads 11:11, and of course I started noticing it after that. I still do, because that idea that was planted in my mind still exists, even if I don't believe in it.

Think about what made you notice this number in the first place. Is it just that's a repeating digit? Any significance behind it will depend entirely upon the context.

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 No.131617 [Open thread]

I have a demon slowly approaching me. Its image in my mind is that of a spider crawling towards me.

In this thread, let's discuss how to protect against mind-parasites, demons, demonic forces and evil spirits and evilastral creatures….pls & thank you

I will start. I have heard an old gypsy spell being that if you acquire a rock with a hole in it, and hang it from your ceiling….this is to protect your home and ward off evil.

^I have not tried this "spell" myself but would like to try it.

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Lbrp regularly, grp in a pinch. Keep your living space clean, keep your head clean.

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What is "Lbrp" and "grp"?

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hey /fringe/, you guys know anything about living in caves?

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Demons at their worst are sticky fuckers. They like to latch onto your more human mechanisms to siphon a part of your soul, no deals, nothing.

It's why Jesus advises to cut your eye out should it be tempted by evil. That's how you get rid of a demon, is to excise the point of their manipulations to keep it from malinging the "generative code" of your soul for their purposes.

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>he doesn't know how to lurp or gurp

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 No.129816 [Open thread]


>It's all about activating schizophrenia with fear of impending death, and then immediately thinking about something that would save you from that death. This will activate your pineal gland and your subconscious will turn into a biological supercomputer. The Illuminati all have schizophrenia essentially, their pineal glands are activated to give them amazing athletic ability. The guys on Dude Perfect that make those trick shots? Yeah, they make them the first time, every time, simply because their subconscious is calculating and performing the shot with 100% accurate muscle control based on its calculations from previous handling of the objects.

>If you've never had a fear of impending death in your life. You can be programmed to turn your mind into a bio supercomputer and use your subconscious to do mad trick shots like Dude Perfect and be an untrained world-class fighter from just watching fight moves. Simply, the never-death-feared initiate is threatened by someone and they say "If you don't get God powers, I'll kill you". And then boom, the initiate instantly gets schizophrenia (activated pineal gland) and his subconscious becomes a supercomputer slave to him. He simply has to say to himself in his mind "get me this shot" or "beat this guy", and he'll be turned into an aimbot or an expert fighter until the command is fulfilled.

>The pyramids were built by the Illuminati. Basically the chief architect was a never-death-feared, and he was threatened by someone with "If you don't get the great pyramid built perfectly within 20 years, I'll kill you". And immediately his pineal gland would have activated, and would have trained his IQ and charisma very high and made him the most efficient boss.

>All the workers also would have been programmed by "do your job perfectly, or you will die".

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>Psychic impairment is a consequence of scattered attention, or in different terms, having too many threads of "energy", of focused "divine light" maintaining ongoing manifestations in the world (past, present or future), usually from the unconscious parts of our psyche (mind/body/soul). This is also what makes physical reality stable.

Holy fuck, this sounds EXACTLY like a longstanding problem I've had with my meditation.

Now, how do I "consolidate" or minimize these threads of divine light without needing an NDE? I've been trying to do death meditations by imagining and/or pretending that I was dead, but I'm wondering if there's a more precise or elegant method to keeping these threads in one string so I can get more focus out of my meditation.

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Remember that "you" are not your soul. You are a purely active, ineffable point of awareness experiencing your soul. When performing magical operations, you should detach your awareness as much as possible from the superfluous energetic structures that are irrelevant to the goal of the operation. AKA one-pointedness.

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>Remember that "you" are not your soul. You are a purely active, ineffable point of awareness experiencing your soul.

I know that. I believe that. I accept that.

But there's something stubborn in my ego, or my dogma, or my brain that is holding me back and preventing me from realizing this. I want this to be real, to be here, to be now.

What am I missing? What is holding me back?

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Action. Just keep trying.

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“DArk knOwlEdge!”

Dont look at this real knowledge


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 No.128731 [Open thread]

I need to attain healing. If I don't heal myself soon, my ability to function in this world is going to be so badly damaged, that I might as well be dead. I won't be able to read or do anything. I will just be stuck at home all the time unable to walk around and straining too hard to read big letters. I just don't have the time I used to anymore to be armchair about this or to continue my research thinking I will have years to figure this all out.

If anyone here has successfully witnessed or been involved in healing please tell me all you know.

Here is all I can think of concerning it:

1. Healing is a natural function that the body does all the time. Anything can be healed but SOMETHING sometimes stops it from happening or things don't heal back the way they should.

2. Thoughtforms could be used to heal the body but I'm pretty terrible at making them due to constant insomnia and exhaustion and depression.

3. Forgiveness seems to have some kind of role in healing. I don't understand why.

4. Certain kinds of dreams seem to heal and other kinds you wake up more exhausted. I don't understand why.

5. Like begets like. If I center my awareness in a particular thing like love, healing, or hope I should be able to draw it from the source of all.

Any other variables that might be worth testing please mention. Most of all just tell me actual stories about healing so I might glean clues as to how it happens.

I'm thinking this might be my last thread on here in awhile so whatever you guys tell me I will try to use what you've told me and I will be spending all my time working on being healed and staying off the computer. I am going to be a complete mess at an early age when I should be experiencing peak health right now.

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The doctors here can't help with shit and are known for accelerating the deaths of their patients. You are a legit fucking retard to trust the medical system, especially if you live in my country, but I assume it can't be much better wherever you live. At best they can do exactly fuck all for me (actually, I've spent about a thousand dollars trying to get help through the normal ways, and all their promises have failed and I've kept up with what they've been asking and kept paying… and tried to find other people as well, and guess what? Zero progress.) and at worst they can hurt me more. The only reason I even turned to conventional medicine was out of desperation and it has completely FAILED ME. Before I gave them money I had them give me a timeline as to how many visits should be required at the minimum and how much at the max, what kind of results to expect, etc. and I've already gone way over the max with no real results.

It is only reasonable for me to look to alternatives.

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You are describing an issue created by medicare not being a universal single-payer system. You are not describing an issue created by medicine in itself.

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n

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Best [redacted]

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You need to gain conscious access to the solar plexus and vagus nerve. Poking your feet, doing the Wim Hof breath session (Yogi Atkinson's Master breath), and sucking in your gut like you're doing a heimlich ought to do it. I managed to improve organ motility and was spared several surgeries. Atkinson's complete works explained it best. When I need more I read more. Never needed much.

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Didnt read one word you said but im very sad that i wont have you to compete for resources with now! Im literally shaking!

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