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Anons Fringe Archive


Beware of false profits

It's a movement not a man

There is an ImpQster

Save the children https://dcpizzagate.wordpress.com/

Biden is the enemy

brain swap is fake

The end is nigh

Beware the five eyes

Don't get the shot


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>muh pizzagate

That's so 5 years ago. Don't you have anything new to share? You're just like the poltards harping on the joos year after year. Entirely worthless.

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Fuck off Qushner Ron and Jim, literally using as much black money as possible so nobody finds out you trump obama biden pelosi the pope gates musk clinton and everyone else are pedos

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Why would someone pay 100 million for an image board unless they were a pedo? Why would it be common knowledge that us politicians are blackmailed pedos, then this pedo looking mafia jew kushner comes along and helps his father in law who ran beauty pageants for children and is friends with epstein and maxwell become (((president))) then I am supposed to believe any of your retarded bullshit.

Hmmm, I wonder why they would be that obsessed with the only place where you can openly discuss criminals? Hmm, im sure this was just about maga, and not about getting charles a pardon or putting israel first! Im sure this had nothing to do with the terrorist assassination of a scientist! I’m sure this has nothing to do with the police state which has done nothing but target critics of kikes, the police state run by kike monopolies who send their data directly to israel where teams work 24/7/365 using military psychological warfare tactics against us citizens

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Lower age of consent to 4 years old, problem solved.

Now fuck off with this Q nonsense.

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File: 7a01f8138b25d02⋯.jpg (14.86 KB,640x602,320:301,islam.jpg)

File: 345efa0226ae448⋯.png (484.66 KB,643x562,643:562,Q_retards.png)


>Save the children https://dcpizzagate.wordpress.com/

This is from that blog. Do you live under a rock?

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Piss off we do magic and practice wizardry here, go to qresearch or some other site full of dumbasses where you're wanted.

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>send their data directly to israel where teams work 24/7/365 using military psychological warfare tactics against us citizens

Thank god the U.S. military doesn't wage psychological warfare against U.S. citizens on U.S. soil, because that would be illegal.

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QAnon is very real, just not in the way that anyone thinks.

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>Is It W-et Y-et

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Please elaborate. I know Tracy Twyman claimed Q ripped off her research on multiple occasions.


>is it wet yet

wtf is that even supposed to mean anyway?

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They actually made it legal.

What you have at this point can be barely considered a country.

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>wtf is that even supposed to mean anyway?

CIA or USAPO code, obviously. Like NT Tech.

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>Please elaborate.

Just one example of dozens:

A shooting massacre occurred at a black church in Charleston, South Carolina on June 17, 2015, one day after Donald Trump announced his 2016 U.S. presidential campaign. “Q” is the 17th letter of the English alphabet and the first letter in the name of the fictitious pro-Trump political conspiracy character “QAnonymous.” The man who committed the Charleston church shooting massacre is named “Dylan Roof.” Dylan Roof’s middle name is “Storm.” “Storm” is the motto / slogan of the pro-Trump political conspiracy cult “QAnonymous.”

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Here's something else for you:


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Ron, Jim you too better piss the fuq off you're not wanted on the magical wizard board

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Ron and Jim are Patriots. Show some respect, you globalist commie.

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stfu+kys, q boomer

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Q is the Truth.

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Q is a garbage meme for boomers

fite me

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Q is Truth.

Sheldon Adelson, Billionaire Donor to G.O.P. and Israel, Is Dead at 87


Republican Party donor Sheldon Adelson died on January 11, 2021. When added together, the digits of Adelson’s death date yield the number 17 (1 + 11 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 17). “Q” is the 17th letter of the English alphabet and the first letter in the name of the fictitious pro-Trump political conspiracy character “QAnonymous.” Adelson was the founder, chairman, and CEO of a company named “Las Vegas Sands Corporation.” The words “Sands Corporation” contain the letters “s-t-o-r.” “S-t-o-r” are letters in the word “storm.” “Storm” is the motto / slogan of the pro-Trump political conspiracy cult “QAnonymous.”

Rush Limbaugh Dies at 70; Turned Talk Radio Into a Right-Wing Attack Machine


Republican Party radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh died on February 17, 2021. “Q” is the 17th letter of the English alphabet and the first letter in the name of the fictitious pro-Trump political conspiracy character “QAnonymous.” The word “rush” is a synonym for the word “storm.” “Storm” is the motto / slogan of the pro-Trump political conspiracy cult “QAnonymous.”

Sheldon Adelson died at the age of 87. Rush Limbaugh died at the age of 70. The difference between their ages is 17 years. “Q” is the 17th letter of the English alphabet and the first letter in the name of the fictitious pro-Trump political conspiracy character “QAnonymous.”

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>Q is Truth.

Ok, let's say I believe you. What now? My life is still just as peaceful as it was without such knowledge. Do you expect me to do anything about it? Spread the word, perhaps? What is your intent, exactly? If it's to spread the truth out of altruism, then how exactly does anyone benefit? The ignorant stay ignorant, and the open-minded stay open-minded. In the end, everything is perfectly meant to be.

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File: 7160152494490c2⋯.png (20.19 KB,800x480,5:3,1581151027713.png)

>The ignorant stay ignorant, and the open-minded stay open-minded. In the end, everything is perfectly meant to be.


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Is it true that Trump is coming back next month?

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Just you wait. Two more weeks.

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Q = Truth

Nova Scotia Shooting Kills at Least 22, Police Say


A shooting massacre occurred in Nova Scotia, Canada on April 18-19, 2020. The location where the Nova Scotia shooting massacre began is named “Portapique.” The word “Portapique” contains the letter “Q.” “Q” is the first letter in the name of the fictitious pro-Trump political political conspiracy character “QAnonymous.” The letter “Q” is spelled “c-u-e.” The word “Portapique” is partly spelled “q-u-e.” The man who committed the Nova Scotia shooting massacre was named “Gabriel Wortman.” The geographical location of the shooting massacre is named “Nova Scotia.” The towns where the Nova Scotia shooting massacre partly occurred are named “Portapique” and “Wentworth.” The word “Wortman” contains the letters “t-o-r-m.” The words “Nova Scotia” contain the letters “s-t-o.” The word “Portapique” contains the letters “t-o-r.” The word “Wentworth” contains the letters “t-o-r.” When combined, these letters spell the word “s-t-o-r-m.” “Storm” is the motto / slogan of the pro-Trump political conspiracy cult “QAnonymous.” When added together, the digits of the Nova Scotia shooting massacre date yield the number 17 (4 + 1 + 8 + 2 + 2 = 17). “Q” is the 17th letter of the English alphabet and the first letter in the name of the fictitious pro-Trump political conspiracy character “QAnonymous.”

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Alphabet soup looking to hire outside firms to do civilian surveillance that they're prohibited by law to do.

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This is the worst attempt at fabricating synchronicities I've ever seen.

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So QAnonymous did the shooting?

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That's because it's satire.

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Say the /fringe/ tards, who claim to believe in "magic," yet when confronted with real life examples of C.I.A. black ops terrorist occultism go into ostrich mode.

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>being so ignorant as not to know that all mass shooters and serial killers are C.I.A. or U.S. military intelligence agents

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Who do you think the CIA takes orders from?

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Trump of course, they love him.

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Who are you quoting?

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Nobody. The CIA gives orders, not takes them.

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Ooh it turns me awwwwn when you flaunt yar authorita like that.

Keep talkin' tuffe like dat and soon i'll bb gloewin hwat for u, bb!

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