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Anons Fringe Archive

File: c1bf8903aafcf97⋯.jpg (145.35 KB,900x900,1:1,Havamal Verse 127.jpg)

File: 4574c0314d53651⋯.png (2.26 MB,1710x1270,171:127,Star David.png)



Human tribes produce verbal abuse and slander to exile rival humans from their territory. One form of verbal abuse is praying that God curse someone or that God curse a tribe, or to do a spell against a tribe, pray that Mars curse the Jews. Praying against a tribe is the use of distant mental influence to enact verbal aggression against them.

The key to driving Jews from a territory, both lands and economic territories, is to create an anti-Jew climate through constant slandering of Jews. Talk shit about Jews all the time and talk shit about jews to people of all races. Part of this anti-Jew climate involves prayers against Jews or spells against Jews too.

Spells and prayers affect the collective consciousness of an area.

If everyone hates Jews, then eventually Jews just leave.

If you look at latin America, whites there survived okay in a multiracial environment, a area relatively free of jewish influence manages to develop a relatively stable racial order, an order that is maybe now being somewhat subverted due to global jew media.

Driving jews from power and driving jews from the USA is important. If everyone hates jews then even if they can't be exiled from the country, then people would just pay less attention to jews and their media. VERBAL ABUSE AAND SLANDER IS THE EQUIVALENT OF PLANTS PRODUCING TOXINS, same with praying against someone or a group.

If a person is slandered enough they sometimes self-destruct too. I would also suggest that people pray for God to curse Jews. Prayers against Jews may have subtle effects on the intellectual climate.

I don't like to have to suggest that people speak out against Jews constantly and I don't like to suggest that people spread anti-semitism to all races. Maybe I should like suggesting it though.

But the jews have been doing the same to us, and we have no choice but to speak against them the way they have spoken against us.

Being nice to them is not an option, if we are nice and philosemitic that just makes them stay here or stay in power, and they always have subverted our people no matter how nice we are to them. So they have to leave.

Even if we can't exile them, a climate of hatred of jews would result in them being dethroned.

Try to utilize leftist talking points and redirect them away from whites and against jews, also utilize any other talking point against jews, whatever strategy for any race to make them hate jews. Spreading jew hatred is the answer.

You don't need to do overtly physical things.

We need soldiers of the mouth, people who are engages in an information war against jews. A war of words against the jews. There is no other way. Each day resolve to say at least three anti-jewish things, whether online or whatever. That is your mission each day, that should be what your conscience says and your basis for moral self esteem.


Article above is plants defending territory with toxic substances.

A climate of anti-jew hate would remove them from positions of economic influence. This is called waging war by the mouth, an information war. Fight with your words.

Recruit others to do the same, encourage others to follow this program, either copy this or paraphrase it and share with others. Speak against jews constantly, eat, sleep, and breathe ant-semitism.

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File: ea31d17e077f00b⋯.jpg (48.88 KB,400x400,1:1,not-welcome.jpg)

No, just Fringe

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I already do this OP and I am one who is very fond of just living a peaceful farm life and wish the jews weren't such horrible pests that I have to fight an all out spiritual war against them but jews gonna jew there's just no helping it. They've been bred over centuries to be the way they are and they weeded out any that had any virtue.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We need to revive Martin Luther as a hero of our people. Reference him, use his talking points, spread the message.


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Hate is spiritually harmful.

Blocking the heart chakra, not a good idea.

Aim higher, don't get caught up in /pol/ nonsense.

Also, look at my post here >>130936 to see how you're falling for the old strawman - Jews are actually just a scapegoat.


Martin Luther was a paid spook (Intelligence) agent. Literally a shill.

>During the War of the League of Cambrai of 1509-17, an alliance of virtually every power in Europe >threatened to wipe out the Venetian oligarchy. The Venetians knew that France or Spain could >crush them like so many flies.

>The Venetians responded by launching the Protestant Reformation with two paid Venetian Agents - >Luther and Calvin, and badly advised - by Venetian Agents - syphilitic Henry VIII.

>At the same time, Cardinal Contarini created the Jesuits, "Soldiers of God" and gave them the >ancient techniques of Guided Meditation Mind Control which even today so strongly holds together >the Worldwide Jesuit Organisation of Secret Agents.

Excerpted from Against Satanism Vol 1 - History of the World - Swami Satchidanand

Do your research. Both the mainstream narrative and the alternative narrative are controlled and dictated to you. Choose the third option, thinking for yourself and not being emotionally manipulated into the extremes.

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Hate is only harmful if it overflows and comes to unilaterally control the ego. Same with its opposite, love. Utilizing such emotions in no way blocks the heart chakra; on the contrary, it exercises it. The notion that one must cultivate altruistic delusions in order to vitalize the energy body is yet another one of the so-called 'noble lies' that the arrogant hive of termites have invented in order to trick subhumans into developing into the right kind of larvae. The willful ignorance that such idealists engage in ultimately does more harm than the foulest of infant-crucifixions.

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>Think for yourself

>By the way I get all my material from one guy


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File: 4bccff000b7e4a0⋯.jpg (305.67 KB,1920x1344,10:7,Frodo Precious 2.jpg)


Nah, see, that whole emotional alchemy thoughtform has been purposefully degenerated.

I'm all for feeling and letting go of any emotions that arise, so as not to let them build up and stagnate, as they will cause harm in that way. I agree with you on that.

But, that is with the understanding that they're all coming from stuck negative energy that is being freed. Energy in MOTION, emotion.

If you can honestly tell me you enjoy it, or desire to feel those emotions, then, it's clear that your Heart is already blocked. Of course, as a Satanist, that is part of the package, whether you realize it or not - so you probably can't feel the difference.

Do you advertise that to new recruits?

"Hey, get your heart blocked over here! Trade in the one thing that's absolutely necessary to real spiritual progress in exchange for intellectual arguments as to why it's okay to do anything you want"

Any reasonable being would choose to feel joy, peace, calm, etc. which are the only emotions (though I prefer the term feelings to distinguish) that do not come from negative energy.

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File: 45c045597d0813e⋯.jpg (48.72 KB,1200x750,8:5,PassTheTest.jpg)



To practice being angry, sad, etc. because "all emotions are equal" which is how I've seen emotional alchemy sold these days, is completely psychopathic and defying reason. They're not all equal because some emotions are of higher vibration than others. And trust me, we each have enough built up negativity in us that it certainly makes no sense to cultivate the corresponding emotions further.

Hate (and even its less severe form, Anger) simply cannot coexist with the higher vibrational states and feelings that come from the Source connection. Your choice.

REAL emotional alchemy is trasmuting the negative energy from your undesirable emotions, by grounding it into the center of the Earth, and receiving back purified energy in the form of Kundalini.

In doing so, not only do you release the negativity, and even accelerate the cleansing of other unrelated negativity via Kundalini, but also develop your energy body. That will take you in the right direction.

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File: f35d3d797503d20⋯.png (562.27 KB,720x994,360:497,ClipboardImage.png)

This jew/nazi shit is such an obvious psyop lol

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Ok give us your reasons.

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Saturn symbolism. Black cube, hexagram, sun-wheel, swastika, alchemical symbol for lead, hammer and sickle. The symbolism makes it painfully obvious.

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When it comes to Siege faggots their swastikas are all left facing too. And they invert the algiz and tiwaz runes. Sure it's just a coincidence that they keep being connected to satanists when all their symbolism is death worship shit.

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File: 81c228b882c33da⋯.png (344.48 KB,1058x800,529:400,SatanisGoddotorg.png)

The Jews have tried to hide Occult knowledge from Gentiles, especially Whites, as part of what is essentially spiritual arms control. Occult power can be used for pro-White and anti-White causes, it depends on who wields it. Brainwashing Whites to reject spiritual power is done to help the Jews.

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2014 called they want their grift back

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The earth is flat.


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