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Anons Fringe Archive

 No.139859 [Open thread]

Hello, mundane skeptic here.

I'm here because as the title suggests, I want to awaken and believe in the para'normal. Mostly, I somewhat believe in this 'nonsense', but I want sometype of proof, I suppose? I'm honestly not the smartest around, but it's hard not to notice with the UFOs going somewhat mainstream. I'm just asking for two things, although I have nothing to offer.

Is there a place to get started? Possibly get a mentor? For now I'm just interested in opening my third eye, to be able to see/nse energies and whatnot. I do have trouble mediating, as recently I mediated for two straight hours without entering the meditative state, trying to ce-5, which failed.

I'm also asking for outside personal proof that magic exists. Such as remote viewing, or scrying, and providing information that I'd only know? Something like that.

Sorry, I don't have anything to offer. I'm also bad at wording, so apologies if the above sentences seem disrespectful.

Just lookin' to awaken

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>You want to know what the truth is? You want material wealth, bitches on your dick


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File: 2b0522796aee445⋯.gif (775.17 KB,700x764,175:191,1589945380769.gif)


There's no proof gravity is real, but you drop a rock and it falls to the ground. There's no proof magic is real, but you do a sigil ritual to have a easy day at work and it happens.

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File: 22ca25098a8313e⋯.jpg (1.22 MB,1308x8818,654:4409,primacy_of_consciousness_v….jpg)

Your welcome.



based upon materialism the particle has to go back in time. If that's true you should be able to build a time machine by launching people at detector screens.

According to the primacy of consciousness a back history is loaded in the present.

Sorry it's not any magic tricks it's just proof that it's real.

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File: b64025197f994fa⋯.png (4.8 KB,685x624,685:624,wizard_doing_shit.png)


>mundane skeptic

There's your primary issue.

Belief is a huge factor in all magic work. Keith Raniere, currently serving a 120 year prison sentence, built an entire cult with his own personal celebrity sex slaves using borrowed techniques from Amway, NLP, and Scientology. No one would have cared about his bullshit if there wasn't an actual result involved in the practices that he wrapped it in.

It's funny when people say this is all a larp. All of life is a larp. It just depends on the depth of your internal larp that determines your outcomes.

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Good example, anon.

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File: 3c878f833dfa1e0⋯.jpg (13.97 KB,266x400,133:200,41sEL56iY_L_AC_SY400_.jpg)

 No.140637 [Open thread]

Is he?

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Absolutely not, I've been applying his teachings in my life for 8 years now, and I am genius compared to the brain fogged mental midget I was originally when I started reading his works. Everything he writes about works whether it's cultivating memory, cultivating will power, using your subconscious, etc.

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No, he is legitimate. Anyone who writes books about intelligently cultivating mental powers is a good read. I loved Personal Power.

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File: 064ccc4159bb570⋯.png (705.83 KB,1280x801,1280:801,apocalypse.png)

 No.140721 [Open thread]

Post interesting and magically infused meme art such as picrel. I will dump some which I have saved.

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File: f35bae027fa3f08⋯.jpg (38.55 KB,680x410,68:41,saturns_drinks_the_sun.jpg)

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May I suggest 8chan.moe, they also offer board migration to rip all content.

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May be worth a try but the site looks hella suspicious. What's the story behind it? And just look at those top boards lol

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Hey [REDACTED] there's a new version of the Huion 610Pro that is now battery-free technology and supports tilt detection which makes it work more like a real pencil.


What is tilt recognition and rotation sensing:


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>/v/ - Video Games/b/ - Random/hisrol/ - Hispa Rol/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover/vore1/ - Vore/delicious/ - Cake/co/ - Comics & Cartoons/digi/ - Net Hangout/zoo/ - Zoophilia/interracial/ - Interracial/t/ - Technology/trapshota/ - Trap Shota/2dblacked/ - Blacked Hentai/404/ - Not Found/loomis/ - Art Gains/rule34/ - Rule34/ss/ - Straight Shota/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

Looks pretty normal to me. Also rather active. I only know v0xxe aka nyahposter has a board on it and there are some crossposters from kc/int/.

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File: b6819f5430475bd⋯.png (365.81 KB,439x550,439:550,nigger_soy.png)

 No.140862 [Open thread]

for you.

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Pretend I posted an image macro of Thomas the Tank Engine's face, with the text "I AIN'T CLICKING THAT SHIT NIGGA"

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Thank you very much for the resource, Anon, this will pair well with my wolf butter for the next ritual.

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File: 9cfd16ad25aa12d⋯.jpg (16.34 KB,389x216,389:216,explained_nine_angles_1200….jpg)

 No.140922 [Open thread]

Hmm there's new ONA guy around came across it on tumblr and it's on the o9a.org page see they added ToB Twitter too. Has autobiography and writing a book he posted.

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I just see the same old reasoning as before on the page

o9a.org, the stuff about how oldfigs start forums and the kids are on twitter. What is the point here? You think you can get people interested on tiktok by doing 15 sec rituals? Then do so.

It looks like whoever is writing that stuff is stuck in a mental loop. What active people I've seen are on discord, the rest I assume meet irl or use personal social media. Are you trying to create a public mass movement?

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File: 043cb5e8cd40e41⋯.jpg (973.18 KB,1952x1920,61:60,043cb5e8cd40e41a34d23189d9….jpg)

Are you talking about dark gnosis?

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>erotic image

>Dark Gnosis

Let's check out the site…

>dark gnosis

>of undeath

>Underneath a Sinister Moon

It's the whole edgy teenager scamming power tripping cult all over again, innit?

Damn you children are so tiring…

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It all make sense: 09A astroturfs on /fringe/ as an extremely out-of-touch attempt at generating interest in itself, because whoever (probably just 1 guy) heard the mosque shooter posted here. That's why the constant barrage of completely pointless satan threads ever since. >>140542 even namedrops "breadtube" because that's a hot topic among /pol/ zoomies

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File: 06a2aee2a51ca8a⋯.jpg (77.1 KB,1679x1132,1679:1132,12e057cbf10c8be7a8adf891e4….jpg)

 No.140449 [Open thread]

Hey gang, what is the best way to learn Latin on the internet?

I found this website hosted by the Vatican where the Vatican is saying they launched a foundation to try to keep the Latin language alive.

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Does somebody knows some imageboards or threads to talk and shitpost in Latin? Should I make a latin board?

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File: 98b108fb5d402ae⋯.jpg (320.79 KB,567x733,567:733,1630350115473.jpg)


there is a legit Latin discord server where we can all sound like cool intelligent scholars

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I think I found one a few years ago before the imageboard dark ages, but its almost certainly gone by now.

Please go ahead and make a Latin board. It would be an excellent learning tool and, with enough activity, great fun. Consider making it on a less scuffed site like anon.cafe.

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File: b1c3ab123e1f55f⋯.jpeg (11.08 KB,259x194,259:194,index.jpeg)

we speak the king's english 'round here boy

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The of the latin language the grammar so difficult is that I barely understand it am able. I as it to me seems firstly French instead to have learnt ought to

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File: 2cddf4b7d35a06a⋯.jpg (102.5 KB,1024x768,4:3,Meme_Magick_Fringe_Kingdom.jpg)

 No.140912 [Open thread]

Welcome to the Fringe Kingdom (Ontario Ottawa Trucker Protest)

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There was one time several years ago when I was told to get a blood test by a doctor, but I had reasons to believe the results could somehow be used against me. So I said "no".

This made my local community egregore go full haywire. I had never seen such an out of proportion reaction. YOU DO NOT SAY "NO" TO A DOCTOR. During the following few years media started all kinds of weird trends, like talking about the "winter vomit disease", the "swine flu" and all sorts of made up illnesses that no one ever has. No one I know ever had "winter vomit disease", no one I know has heard of anyone having it. Yet, supposedly hospitals are closed down and people told to stay home to not spread it. Those were just a few common examples. It all came down the solution:

>We have this vaccine against these flus…

>just come and let us put a needle in your arm

That's when I realized what this was about. My refusal to have my arm jabbed for a blood test, set off some alarm in this massive system, like I had put it off balance. They just had to get the "order" back. And as expected, suddenly my family members start telling me to get vaccinated for the "swine flu". I saw it from miles away, it was all coming down to this thing

>let us put a needle in your arm

So this covid thing came as no surprise to me. The intensity and madness which was provoked by simply not wanting to take a blood test back then, clearly demonstrated to me that something about this is VERY ABNORMAL. There is no way you're going to tell me what has happened in the past two years isn't just a repeat of this thing. It's just happening world wide this time.

>pls let us put a needle in your arm


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Definitely took a hit with all my sigils being disconnected.

Bummer, in a literal sense.

But, the Universe has it's own collective golden webbed agenda. And my role is to keep [stumbling blindly forward grasping for anything remotely resembling meaning] saying stupid shit on the internet.

As for the syrup chaos, literally Honkler.

Do better Fringe.

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>you can physically protect yourself from phone radiation

Is there anything you might not be afraid of?

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friendly reminder your embeds are unwatchable


nonsensical bot question

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You can see the video url if you right click and choose "View page source" on the embed.

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File: 17bfb6719d0845c⋯.png (1.45 MB,720x1301,720:1301,1612373799308.png)

 No.140291 [Open thread]

The Dead Internet Theory is a loose term used to describe a range of changes and oddities in the structure and content of the internet, which have become increasingly prevalent in the last decade. >A massive increase in bots, including the idea that their presence and activity may now be far greater than that of actual people, or at least to a much greater extent than people have been led to believe. >The homogenization and centralization of online content. >The death of a once-rich landscape of smaller communities dedicated to a vast array of subjects, hobbies, niches - all now replaced primarily by disorganized, impermanent, and easily controlled discussion on platforms such as Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, etc. >The idea that AI, considerably more advanced at present than we have been led to believe, is being utilized online for subversive or malevolent purposes, including the creation of increasingly bland and mindless media of the modern world. It's worth noting for those of you who are unaware, the aforementioned bots have a strong presence on 4chan. They, as well as apparent shills, have appeared in most or all /dit/ threads to date. The best thing you can do is not engage with any derailment or demoralization. Ignore them and most of their "power" over the discourse is negated. If you notice someone doing these things, call attention to it for everyone (especially lurkers) to see, but don't engage them. Educate yourself, and stay aware


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It's not even about /fringe/ themes only. It's about everything over the whole Internet. Look at the overboard, where are the people that posted in all boards listed there? Doesn't look like they are elsewhere on the Internet, doesn't look like they are outside either.

Did Internet control manage to drive all of them into self contained circles, ranging from zero to very few peers, where lack of interaction hinders dissent from growing? If the ideas don't go through exchange they don't get perfected, don't spread and easily cease to exist. People just consume fairly standardized content and keep conclusions incomplete, undeveloped and not shared.

That may be what happened to me. Remembered /fringe/ and came here, but looking at the site overall, it's like the digital version of a post-apocalyptic barren wasteland.

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>where are the people that posted in all boards listed there?

I don't know, but Telegram is absolutely full of "alt" channels. They are massively populated echo chambers about how the elites are injecting graphene to turn us into transhumanist zombies.

I think the wave of fear that consumes the world at the moment has mostly separated humanity into two camps. 1: those who hold on to something they blame for all the evils (vaccines, covid, anti-vaxxers, elites, right-wingers, left-wingers…) even more so than before and 2: those who have given up on life (they either kill themselves or simply get stuck on autopilot forever).

The suicide statistics are off the charts, and if you pay attention you will notice everyone around you who isn't drowning in existential angst has turned into the perfect NPC.

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>Never used it, but a chat doesn't seem like an appropriate platform for these subjects. It seems that people have chosen dopamine rushes in stead of effortposting and refinement.

Well, I like the fact that this is now effectively a text-only board.

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many such cases

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No I think we can learn from other people and there is a reason to communicate and organize. Awaken… Awaken is not a boolean, not to me.

But it's not the old west anymore, railroad is here. Is there a way to outrun this evolution?

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 No.140455 [Open thread]

I am new to fringe, is fringe open influenced for esoteric Christian and Martinist discussion? Anyone here practices Elus Coen magic?

Fringe always stricken me as a pagan-oriented, varg-tier, left-hand path, esoteric fascist type place but maybe I am wrong.

Anyway, since practicing this stuff I feel like the likelihood of me dying a virgin has increased, it’s worth it though.

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File: 4099b4572df9c53⋯.jpg (194.98 KB,948x958,474:479,a1fOagI.jpg)




Yes. WWA teaches good techniques and it's spiritually neutral so I never felt like I completely lost my desire to develop my belief in The Christ. Especially after researching gnosticism.

>Anyone here practices Elus Coen magic?

I'm going to look it up

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File: 8d7b3a0e8624064⋯.jpg (483.72 KB,1200x1652,300:413,future.jpg)


I'm very interested in the solo path of Rosicrucianism as I don't think I'd ever be able to trust another individual enough to allow them to guide me along the path. What's your experience with all of that?

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Not OP but I know about the Rosicrucians. It's not something you can really do solo per se, because then you wouldn't be a Rosicrucian, you'd just be your own thing, whatever that may be, and there's certainly nothing wrong with that. But they have a heavy emphasis on not just reading, but practising, and to learn their methods you'll need to learn from them directly.

The Rosicrucians are very conscious of egregores and to their credit, do all they can to prevent the establishment of an entrenched egregore. They won't take you by the hand and lead you every step of the way, just guide you and share knowledge with you. They come from all walks of life and there are a lot of scientists, doctors etc so they draw from a very wide pool of knowledge. The advantage to communicating with them is that you get to share that knowledge which can be hard to find elsewhere.

They are hermeticists, taking a somewhat pantheistic approach that I find correlates with all religions. If you want to find out more, find out who has been a Rosicrucian. Francis Bacon, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Charles Littlefield, Anton Mesmer - to name just a small few.

You don't have to entrust your path to the eyes of another, but you'd be a fool to turn down the knowledge possessed by others. Guidance and control are not at all the same.

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Max Heindel went as far as founding his own "Rosicrucians" but always maintained that it was inauthentic. Make of that what you will.

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Such a thoughtful response and educating at that. Thank you. I'm going to check out those that are individuals you named.

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 No.140886 [Open thread]

What is the definitive english translation of the Bhagavad Gita for esoteric study?

Had Satrivi Devi ever made a recommendation?

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>Had Satrivi Devi ever made a recommendation?

That's a good question. My guess is unfortunately no, because I was obsessed with her at age 16 and I ended up reading the Srila Prabhupada version

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>Psst, hey kid, wanna join Hare Krishna?

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 No.140668 [Open thread]

Need resources to study astrology and its influence over earths events. This is the only place I know to ask. Your help will be appriciated.

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Hellenistic Astrology by Chris Brennan

Anon in Question thread suggested it to me and it's good so far. Just skip the beginning filler.

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Thank you I will be looking into that book

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These may make better introductions

Astrology for Yourself


Douglas Bloch & Demetra George

The Real Astrology


John Frawley

There's another I can't find a copy of:

On the Heavenly Spheres


Helena Avelar & Luis Ribeiro

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File: b6819f5430475bd⋯.png (365.81 KB,439x550,439:550,nigger_soy.png)

 No.140861 [Open thread]


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Your pic is already 404'd

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File: bd551de983ea9d2⋯.jpg (361.14 KB,1024x853,1024:853,hermetist-passing-veil-of-….jpg)

 No.122837 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

allright, anyone has any ideas about how to stop reincarnating? I heard at one time some talk on /x/ about time lords and stuff like that, manipulating people emotionally to come back on earth again, about them needing us to run the simulation, about not going into the light. Does anyone have any clue about this? It's not in any older esoteric lore as far as I know.

any ideas about stoping reincanation from The tibetan book of the dead or The egyptian book of the dead? I read the ancient egyptian priests talked of a place called Rosetau were souls would get immortality but it was dangerous to get there. Osiris's sarcophagus was there or something like that.

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How many of you know for sure that you have stopped reincarnating? Did you willfully decide to be reborn in order to be a teacher or just to check things out? It seems like being willfully reincarnated in this timeline would be masochistic.

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This might be true, what if belief systems are just a hindrance or a trap? At the same time I have a hard time believing that hundreds of brilliant philosophers and theologians throughout history could've been fooled like this.

Anyone here read Robert Monroe's books?



This sounds so arbitrary and specific I have a hard time believing it could be true.

In the end I think McKenna was right when he said [about death] "it's probably not what anyone thinks it is".

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I’ve been told this is the case for me by several sources. I don’t understand how this could be, nor why I would come here in the first place.

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Vaiṣṇavas, who do not accept the materialist premise of Lord Buddha's philosophy, see his teaching as limited but not entirely untrue. Śrīla Prabhupāda gives this perspective:

When the spiritual spark, which is described as one ten-thousandth part of the tip of a hair, is forced into material existence, that spark is covered by gross and subtle material elements. The material body is composed of five gross elements—earth, water, fire, air and ether—and three subtle elements—mind, intelligence and ego. When one attains liberation, he is freed from these material coverings. Indeed, success in yoga involves getting free from these material coverings and entering into spiritual existence. Lord Buddha's teachings of nirvāṇa are based on this principle. Lord Buddha instructed his followers to give up these material coverings by means of meditation and yoga. Lord Buddha did not give any information about the soul, but if one follows his instructions strictly, he will ultimately become free from the material coverings and attain nirvāṇa… Unfortunately, unless the living entity has information of the spiritual world and the Vaikuṇṭhas, there is a 99.9 percent chance of his falling down again into material.

Text from Vanipedia.org

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Roswell Alien Interview by Lawrence R. Spencer

Journeys out of the Body by Robert Monroe

Far Journeys by Robert Monroe

Ultimate Journey by Robert Monroe

Nag Hammadi and other gnostic texts


Moksha Reincarnation Trap by Technical Intuition


The Death Traps by Farsight Institute (I uploaded it to this telegram channel)


The Escape by Farsight Institute (Don't have it at hand right now so you'll have to find a torrent. They put up the trailers of all their projects for free though.)




Also of interest:

Jerry Marzinsky on parasitic entities


The Cult of the Black Cube by Dr. Arthur Moros

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 No.139860 [Open thread]

I cannot for the life of me find the legit books and resources for psychic development.

I hear intelligent, constraited mental monologues of many peoples and I am having full on conversations with them.

They can do stuff I cannot and I can't get an answer from them because of how information flows in the psychic realm. (You'd know it if you knew it)

Thanks for any help.

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File: ade6e247bce82d1⋯.jpg (30.18 KB,223x310,223:310,how_to_scare_people_appare….jpg)

what do you want, exactly? to stop hearing them? it's very possible to learn and a key part of psychic development if you intend to keep going down this path.

Simply build the Wilderness of Mirrors.

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If you hear people's thoughts you are well ahead of most books you are going to find. What you need is a mentor. I suggest you take advantage of your clairaudience and find a spirit guide.

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Look into remote viewing. Methods you might want to try would be CRV, TRV, SRV and TDS/TDRV. Maybe you'll be the next Ingo Swann.

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Also all books written by Robert Monroe. Read them in chronological order.

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File: 8588d8cafd58f8b⋯.jpg (165.23 KB,1080x1082,540:541,schizo_neighborhood.jpg)

 No.140829 [Open thread]

ヽ༼𒀭ل͜𒀭༽ノ RAISE YOUR DINGIRS ヽ༼𒀭ل͜𒀭༽ノ

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