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Anons Fringe Archive

 No.141275 [Open thread]

Can only achieve minor meditative enlightenment. Unique Yellow Emperor scrolls too difficult to find. Please help fill in my gaps in knowledge. I seek the Dao

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File: 36ad8865fca08aa⋯.jpeg (95.1 KB,840x560,3:2,70A4D869_2E2B_43FD_A95C_A….jpeg)

 No.141259 [Open thread]


Please and thank you. I wish to be driving a car titled and insured in my name in the future.

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File: 7b1540c24670a22⋯.jpg (73.79 KB,1280x545,256:109,1517139194916.jpg)

 No.115401 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Looking for resources on the darker sides of magick and mysticism. Spooky rituals, skulls, all that neat stuff.

I've been reading about the Aghori, so naturally I'm fascinated.

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>Do not fucking try any of it

>Not evoking anti-cosmic Titans from the outer darkness

It all depends on how much you can handle without getting completely destroyed.


>What is Selbst


>Behind them there is only emptiness of supreme consciousness

That's what they want you to believe ;) But you do have a point about "right hand" and "left hand" paths being a false dichotomy. What truly matters is something else entirely.


>come back and are in hell then kill themselves

Their actions attract the same kind of people to them, it's a hell of their own choosing.


They are doing it wrong. You have to understand that esoterics are like politics, too much controlled opposition, red herrings and poisoned wells to distract you from true knowledge/power.

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Cringe. I'ma stay out of your Semitic bitch fight and make my own universe.

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>That's what they want you to believe ;)

Explain your knowledge, then.

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There is no such thing as supreme consciousness, not a single, all-encompassing state of it at least.

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1. Black out a room (I mean total darkness, no light of any form anywhere)

2. Stare into the darkness. Look for things that you shouldn't really be able to see in the dark. (colors, shapes, white, images)

3. Stop any thoughts and focus your awareness on those things you eventually find.

4. Get scared as fuck

5. ????

6. Profit

Good luck, don't an hero.

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File: 4c6ff325d6bb4a7⋯.jpg (147.88 KB,1280x712,160:89,Screenshot_2016-10-11-18-1….jpg)

 No.85154 [Open thread]

I've seen a surprisingly large amount of redpilling in anime lately. Post ones you've seen.

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Power puff girls is good basted red pilled nigger faggot

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Ive. Been . Decoding tbe entire universe through anime its like college with usury and faggotry. Not gonna tell you fags my hand because most of you wre useless. Just here to brag and demoralize glow niggers by reminding them that I control the entire universe and reduced myself to this state to expand my highest self.

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File: c68f2f94ddb8260⋯.webm (15.6 MB,720x480,3:2,angelcop.webm)

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you're retarded

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you're a loser

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File: 49226282fbca81f⋯.pdf (1.07 MB,m99cgdw.pdf)

 No.141241 [Open thread]

You can always delete it, as everything I've posted. The older documents are certainly obsolete.

You say loose lips sink ships and you keep the old posts with the old documents here. The rest of things written are nice. I am always the same and I try to understand. There was much fuss, I actually wanted to reach out in the matter of the posts and so on, but do you think I would have any success. Everything can be explained. It is still not that bad.

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File: afacd8cc84f150b⋯.jpg (565.42 KB,1000x1200,5:6,junggallery_23371055ada4ac….jpg)

 No.141231 [Open thread]

So it all comes from Astrology doesn't it? Man stood below the stars inspired so he began to bring meaning to all the symbols that appeared to him. Everything that is above him and everywhere at once.

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This doesn't makes sense at all. I don't know how you reached that conclusion.

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File: 466e097f58995f8⋯.jpeg (459.67 KB,1920x1080,16:9,WHITE_POWER.jpeg)

 No.141236 [Open thread]

i hate niggers

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File: 947607072457365⋯.jpg (71.87 KB,600x580,30:29,IMG_20220824_051934_935.jpg)

File: b34679d3b754496⋯.png (77.11 KB,747x886,747:886,b66dd1bc64284b12e0051acb94….png)

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 No.141233 [Open thread]

I have been thinking about this for while and only just become motivated (intoxicated) enough to bring it up. I'm too dumb to do it myself but I think someone with the skill may like it, this is a proof of concept thing. Ever since I found Terry Davis and his TempleOS I have been drawn to the idea of occult technology, and basically anything occult that isn't dumb new age cum eating forest. What I have in mind is a sort of pocket resource for occultists, preferably highly customisable and open source for individual beliefs, aesthetics and goals.

Basically I want more of a merge between tech and occultism because the occult is low functioning schizo (dumb magic trick) and Tech is too autistic and sterile (imo). I have no idea how it would be done or if it would be worth it. I realise I won't be able to do it so I post this in case someone will like it

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File: f42986bb9aec22b⋯.jpg (1.28 MB,2592x1944,4:3,IMG_20220929_012515.jpg)

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File: 7a2a2ee953c6431⋯.jpg (1.27 MB,2592x1944,4:3,IMG_20220929_003919.jpg)

The main thing I thought of would be Bluetooth connection to a 'true random' number generator running off muons, cosmic background radiation or whatever. You can look up how to diy one, and it would be a simple matter to hook it up to Bluetooth. This could power Terry Davis's hymn creator, or God communicator. You could even modify the literature input/dictionary to 'talk' to different entities, also a coin toss or dice

This would fall under a 'creatives' category, alongside potentially an AI for illustrations or sigil creation, idk if that would be possible or too big. A background mantra, prayer or chant repeater for manifestation, maybe linked to the same thing as randonautica.

The second category would be 'resources', things like dictionaries, gematria, dream recorders, EMF capability, literature/theory. You of course would be able to customise whatever literature there is to suit your field. Anyway that's all I can think of ATM

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File: 7ebdcf34f50998c⋯.png (4.8 KB,225x225,1:1,images_2.png)

 No.141212 [Open thread]


Christianity sucks and should be replaced and don't belong in NatSoc imo.cause irs Pagan and Christianity is Judaic.

Islam is better but not great.

I have a solution here. It makes normies hate Judeo Christianity without having be Satanists and smart ones will move past it in 3 years tops realize hey its all BS except what I make of reality spiritually.

It's just to de fang Jews a bit more here as well

PS I'm a Pastor address me as Pastor Willy Skullmask III.

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File: b852168eabad8aa⋯.jpg (13.19 KB,197x255,197:255,images_jpeg_6.jpg)

First Gnostic Church of Cosmic Light Channel: https://t.me/+aHfxpY2rO5k2NjBh

John Skullmask Society - our Church group's militia wing and coed ie open to women fraternity and skinhead crew. https://t.me/+HXU7S2gHwj04YjE5

Our Mission: https://archive.org/details/our-mission_202208

How it works:

A Priest or Priestess starts a localized Church that is offline based. It grows to a limit of 5. When there's more than 5 another one is started.

A Pastor is in training be a Priest or Priestess or can be someone running a related group or "cell" of the First Gnostic Church of Cosmic Light. Usually guided by a Priest or Priestess.

Anyone can join a local church if they wish. However caution must be used and spot those agent provocateur types or journalists and such.

Loosely connected network of Churches and the main head or official governing body is in Denver and consists of a married couple Donald and Gwen Harding.

John Skullmask Society is a de centralized leaderless active resistance group. But usually members will identify with the FGC or the local chapter ran by a Pastor or Priest/Priestess.

In regards of O9A Hebdomian Way we promote it without Satanism, violence, crime, terror, etc. And are openly anti pedophile and anti degeneracy. But we are more Myatt influenced than O9A influenced. And we are universally hated by the O9A and have no contact with them. Nor are we open to O9A members due to the security risk and current state of affairs internally.


Pastor Kyle Coles

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>gnostic antis

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Stopping filling this board with cringe

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Haven't the Jews been trying to replace Christianity for a while now? Are you secretly one of them?

Jews are not all bad. It is the top % that you are complaining about, the ones who have all the wealth and influence, who basically own the internet and what we're allowed to say on it. It's not a racial issue, it's a class issue, it's classism. This is a problem in many communities, even for Arabs, Asians, and Europeans. You will never solve this problem if you focus on race, when it is really about elitism. If you tried to round of every Jew, the ones who had actual power would get away. That is why the Nazis failed at achieving their goals and why I wouldn't recommend repeating their mistakes. There were many wealthy people around the world who funded the war against Germany, who were not among the Jews sent to camps.

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Go be a glownigger over at /x/ or /pol/

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 No.141229 [Open thread]

Stop using this garbage site, friends, and come fringepost with us

https://8 chan.moe/ (REMOVE THE SPACE)

Board creation is available, they can also transfer the entirety of the board (pictures/replies/css) on their servers.

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File: b7c168e8b8225a6⋯.png (895.11 KB,638x636,319:318,ttt.png)

 No.115443 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

I want to keep this short and simple.

I have recently grasped the fundamentals of astrology. Now i am providing you with the opportunity to have your chart read for FREE (note that i am not a professional astrologer but i know shit). Wanted to get more experience reading birth charts, so it's a win-win for both of us. You can either post the chart in the thread or you can send it over at 1062@tutanota.com. The chart has to be western tropical, you can get one here: astro.com

If you want to get into astrology, i recommend reading "The Only Way to Learn Astrology: Basic Principles, Vol 1" to get into the basics. There is also a 2nd and a 3rd volume, which i was unable to find. I've found plenty of youtube channels which provide some useful info too.

This thread will also be dedicated to any stuff concerning astrology, tips, books, different systems etc.

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File: 33d7e15b8817cbc⋯.png (101.48 KB,670x471,670:471,mapa_astral2.png)

This thread is pretty old but I was banned or ignored in every other astrology community.

I'm the IT guy in a big company but I'm seriously thinking about changing my profession because I am unsatisfied and unhappy in this profession, I totally lost interest in informatics, I would like to know according to my chart which professions fit with my personality, I thought of some but I can't decide. I am willing to start over.

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File: 9d198b9be4e76e7⋯.png (50.22 KB,670x471,670:471,zoomer_natal_chart.png)


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>"The Only Way to Learn Astrology: Basic Principles, Vol 1"

Are there any like this that teach traditional astrology? I don't like how that one uses planets that were discovered more recently. Makes it seem inauthentic and reddity.

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File: 009d80c8c5082eb⋯.png (44.13 KB,670x471,670:471,astro_w2gw_demarc_32769_35….png)


Hit me

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Would anyone who's still around be willing to read my chart off-site? I don't feel comfortable uploading an image of my soul to a fed honeypot, and it'll just get deleted anyway.

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 No.141219 [Open thread]

Login: Alphapassword

passphrase: Tee Rhoa



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File: 61407c144aef6f6⋯.jpg (169.12 KB,1000x750,4:3,IMG_20220821_005021_575.jpg)

 No.141204 [Open thread]

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 No.132053 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Will be the time the great American Civil War takes off.

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We need to live to see a new world blossom form the ash of this sick one. We are being shut down, in turn becoming more radicalized. The whole reason I am here is to find those who are willing to devote their lives to creating a society we are fulfilled to exist in.

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The more shootings the better, we only need to weaponize those forgotten by society. If only we could brainwash the homeless to enact widespread terror. Suicide bombers let on the loose, this is the only way to rebuild, we must destroy first.

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File: 80cfb4daa9fdac4⋯.jpg (64.3 KB,316x423,316:423,1660886921895864.jpg)


If you didnt feel a pull to help out those still stuck here and just left to try and avoid darkness to reach a higher existence, you most likely just entered into an even lower reality as punishment for your own selfishness.

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File: 1aaa2295eef659f⋯.png (34.27 KB,846x648,47:36,BirthofChaos.png)

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>I can break the new captcha with my phone's character recognition.

No wonder /pnd/ got flooded with bots at the same time it was implemented lol Obviously on purpose

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File: 3436e2cfe730ef6⋯.jpg (30.79 KB,480x255,32:17,DEVNJD_1.JPG)

 No.141199 [Open thread]

this may be a WTF post but curiosity drove me down a rabbit hole of infamous crimes committed on the internet and i stumbled upon the story of makoto oya and im curious as to the extent and content in his cat videos. does anyone have copies of the videos? if so would you upload them to GD zippyshare anonfiles mega or 1fichter so i can down load them or do you know where i can find them?

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