So I ended up here, /fringe/.
From /pol/, through /fit/, to abandoning halfchan altogether, and finding this board while looking for books.
I am looking for knowledge. I want to reach my highest potential, physically, mentally and spiritually.
I've stopped using social media, playing videogames, masturbating, eating anything outside of my strict diet. I started exercising, reading a lot (theory), sleeping on the floor, I use a fluoride filter for water, stopped drinking caffeine, alcohol, any other drugs. And I've ran out of ideas. Currently I'm beginning to meditate and trying out the exercises I found in "Forbidden Parapsychology", which was recommended in one of the threads here.
So, I'm here to ask for book recommendations, practices I can add to my routine, anything that can improve my physical, mental and spiritual health. I just begun my quest for knowledge.
My current booklist is:
>Prometheus Rising
>Quantum Psychology
>Works of Evola and Guenon
>The Will by Atkinson
>Liber Null
>How to Know Higher Worlds by Steiner
>The Kybalion
>Angel Tech by Antero Alli
>The Art of True Healing by Israel Regardie
>Lazy Man's Guide to Relaxation
>The Secret Teachings of All Ages
>works of Gurdjieff, Collin and Ouspensky
>Kali Kaula by Jan Fries
>Science of Breath
>Futhark, A Handbook of Rune Magic
>The Gnostic Bible
>Works of Savitri Devi and Miguel Serrano
Anything worth adding/removing from the list? It's obviously chaotic, as I'm just a beginner.