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Illusionation is not enlightenment, and I'm going to tell you all this definitively: do not pursue enlightenment, it is equivalent to pursuing your own death. Likewise, DO NOT pursue raw illumination -rather, pursue something similar that is better for what you truly desire. To explain to you what I mean I must explain to you four concepts I have logically and categorically figured out and defined over time.

Enlightenment: To be enlightened is to see past the curtain at a cost you do not want to pay, an equivalent to the Faustian argument of trading your soul for a great power. It requires trading your free will for an all-powerful circumstantialness, meaning you get to be one with everything in an abstract vague sense, and achieve a greater subtle unified understanding of things, at the cost of no longer being a player in this game and losing your free will to absolute circumstantial tides of change in the universe. You come into a mystical contact with truth directly in a subtle abstract way, and in doing so destroy your own ability to not be directly influenced by that truth's agenda of sorts. For instance if our administrator of this particular universe made this universe to be built around something arbitrary like dark grey cats, you would forever have that at the core of who you are and have it permanently influencing all that you do, while your free will will be long gone by the time you finally come in contact with whatever arbitrary truths are governing this universal system. Enlightenment's pursuit throughout its teaching requires removing your sense of ego and desire, purifying yourself down to nothing more than a blank sheet of paper, and in doing so has you obsess with loving the unpainted canvas rather than enjoying the healthy pursuit of crafting yourself into a master piece. You trade your soul for truth, in other words. Don't pursue it. This is worse than being delusional -at least when delusional one has some iota of free will.

Illumination: To be illuminated is to know you are immortal with 100% certainty. It does not require throwing away your self in exchange for truth -but has a similar consequence of circumstantialness you also should not desire. To demonstrate this, let's ask a question: What would happen if everyone know upon their death, they would be immortal in some relatively desirable fashion? Answer: lots of suicides, lots of rampant doing whatever the fuck one wants, lots of overly-confident zealotous extremism, because everyone would be permanently influenced by this contact with the truth of their unendingness. And yes that is a theme illumination and enlightenment have in common: both have you eventually come in contact with a subtle abstract truth. Enlightenment lets you know the truth of how the universe as an abstract vague pattern intuitively functions, while killing your free will in the process and replacing it with that truth that happens to dictate this specific universe. Illumination has a less horrible, but comparably bad outcome as you are permanently going to be influenced by the truth that you will live beyond your body (provided you don't achieve enlightenment) -you don't want to be 100% certain of that beyond any iota of doubt in your mind. If you genuinely believed it, you would be unable to grasp the weight of not knowing you're immortal that is necessary to not becoming a total megalomaniacal apathetic douchebag. People literally cannot and SHOULD NOT know that truth with 100% certainty, it will ruin who they are and make them act just terribly. But even if you somehow kept yourself contrived in an ethical fashion, that wouldn't be good enough because once you know you're immortal, the cat's out of the bag and it will influence every decision you make. "Should I do this project? -nah I'm immortal it can wait five lifetimes" kinda mentality would be commonplace. Or alternatively "Should I kill 10,000 people because they believe in some stupid shit? fuck it they'll just respawn in some fashion anyway." If you genuinely know people are going to 'be okay' when killed, you become a fucking sociopathic psychopath when you really grasp the reality of that. Thus, illumination is a comparably bad idea and is essentially the opposite bad outcome of coming into contact with truth, which kind of makes enlightenment sort of make sense to a minute extent, because enlightenment likely has to extinguish your soul for this reason. In short: don't pursue absolute truth, you either become nothing or become evil.

(Part 1)

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Delusion: This one's pretty obvious it's just people by default. We choose certain things to obsess over, allow ourselves to relatively be influenced/dictated by circumstances, poverty, pain, disease, romance, chemicals, drugs, media, etcetera. We all by default are here. Important things to note however about true delusion: you are not sure if you're immortal, or if you say you are you only say so because of being strongly influenced by something that should not reasonably lead you to that conclusion with 100% definitiveness. For instance "I read it in the Bible," "I felt a strong divine warmth," "after a long peaceful meditation I felt-" would not be knowing with 100% certainty. If you actually know you're immortal you become nothing or become evil. You believe it's possible or probably not true that you are going to live on in some fashion once your body is dead.

Illuisonation: I had to invent this one but I can assure you of its legitimacy from firsthand experience. This is what you ACTUALLY want I promise unless you are genuinely seeking to ruin yourself via your soul's death through enlightenment or your soul's not literally but demonic, transformation through illumination. I was originally pursuing illumination thinking it would preserve my free will unlike enlightenment, while still providing me the peace of mind of knowing I am immortal. I do not 100% know I or anyone is immortal, and am glad not to know because it's necessary I do not know that with 100% certainty. Illusionation means you have reasonably concluded in a lasting manner that you are probably immortal, meaning you probably will live on after your death, though you are not certain. Why 'probably'? If you believed you are possibly or not likely immortal, you are still in a normal state of delusion which is not desirable because you lack both confidence and positivity when you actually have to stress over the strong possibility you are not going to live past your death. Meanwhile, if you know with 100% certainty you are immortal then you're either bullshitting, improperly concluded that like a retard, or you achieved illumination which means you are destined to become a horrible product of knowing this truth. On top of this if you believed you're probably immortal but did not conclude as much in a lasting manner logically, your belief is weakly founded and you are going to on some level reflect that weakness in foundation and may even toss the belief due to its weak conclusion. But if you reasonably conclude in a lasting manner you are probably immortal, you do away with the anxiety of thinking you'll be perma-dead upon your body's death, and simultaneously ward off in a fair and proper manner the competing logic that can sway you otherwise. This is the ideal endgame -you don't want to know you're immortal, you just want to logically conclude that you probably are without knowing 100% or thinking it's unlikely. This preserves your free will unlike enlightenment, preserves your ability to be righteous unlike illumination, and preserves for you an enjoyable lasting foundation in life unlike delusion.

As a result of achieving Illusionation, I no longer suffer the normal delusions of logically concluding an unlikely or nonexistent immortality, do not suffer the struggle for an illumination that would have otherwise ruined who I am, and do not have to feel as if I should have destroyed my soul just to achieve the enlightened truth of whatever this shitty universe was built by our stupid administrative God on. I don't need to be an overly humble ego-less animal like enlightenment prescribes, nor an over-confident psychopath as illumination would cause, nor a suffering child as delusion causes. I have achieved an acceptance that absolute truth is and will always be in direct opposition to free will, because our consciousness and existence is inherently built on an abstract imagined centralized categorical combination of thoughts we at times call our mind or soul. If you know absolute truth, then there is only 1 path for you predetermined and dictated to you by the 'truth,' and you become the ultimate NPC -that's not even an insult that's just how it is if you truly become nothing more than a product of exacting absolute code like a literal non-player character. Or in Illumination's case I suppose that would be a Boss NPC? Don't be an enlightened NPC, an illuminated NPC boss, or a delusional player character, -be the gamer.

(Part 2)

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So how did I logically conclude I am probably immortal, as in probably going to live past this body?

For starters, you can't leave this entirely to philosophical logic as a 'probably' requires a statistical likelihood and of course you can't prove numbers to something like that. So you have to believe in your conclusion with great confidence which requires a strong usage and incorporation of it into your life -though this bares the danger of picking an incorrect conclusion and incorporating it only to have to toss it later, so make sure you pick a really solid line of reasoning that can stand up in a debate without obvious bullshitting. I am aware this sounds illogical, but logically people should not seek the answer that provides them with great needless suffering. If you can pick an answer that makes you happier, is either equal or greater in validity than another answer in terms of philosophical merit, is from your perspective genuinely the best answer even if at best only technically equal to an answer to the contrary, and is not flat-out incorrect or destructive in notable ways, then you should just pick the answer that makes you happiest.

As for my chosen line of reasoning . . .

That is not important. You should discover through research or introspective thought the superior line of reasoning on your own. If its validity is equal or greater than the best answers you know, philosophically merited, makes you happier, and isn't notably destructive or incorrect in some capacity, that line of reasoning can with time and incorporation into your life and mind become your Illusionation. My answer will almost certainly be different from your own and is best left to a separate piece.


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This is a what someone with delusion posts.


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>do not pursue enlightenment, it is equivalent to pursuing your own death.

Enlightenment is a broad term and it seems like it can mean a couple of different things. If you mean enlightenment as the common "ego-dissolution" thing that new agers and currupt fake buddhists are so desperate about then yes, you are right. It will lead to your own death. It's a stupid nonse thing to do.

But if you regard Enlightenment as Gnosis and "Liberation" it is a good thing to strive for. In this case instead of dissolving your ego and "merging with the all(the demiurge)" you will look for liberating yourself out of the matrix/samara by strenghtening your own self/ego and not uniting with any other god, all or whatever the fuck. In this case you can still rise to godhood while staying a "player" if you will (and keeping your free will) and rise beyond the material plane or even the entire creation while keeping your individuality and staying yourself. This is the way to immortality. The bullshit enlightenment is only a way to death.

Did you come up with the NPC stuff yourself or stole it from (possibly my own earlier posts on this board) someone else? It seems like you are still trying, keep it up. It's alright to make up your own terms and theories as long as it helps you to understand and advance on your own path.

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You just described Gnosis, then said it was enlightenment when it isn't. You also insist enlightenment which has its roots in the extinction of desire, is inherently not about dissolving your ego despite that being the basis of enlightenment. This is not accurate language please relearn the roots of these words and use them accurately so as not to mislead other people.

What do you think liberating yourself from the Matrix even means, let alone what such a method is? All you are doing in pursuing that is attempting to trade one game for another. The core axioms reality's built on aren't exactly objects that will just suddenly be observable if you existentially rise above the reality around you. The matrix of reality is just some metaphysical code if you looked at it directly you'd just see some stupid abstractions it's not as if doing so in itself would unlock some great power or understanding. It's about as useful as looking at a projector's parts and expecting to see a clearer image of the movie.

And as for the last two sentences, you can actually piss off with the ignorant condescension. Your delusions are your own business and my illusion is not based on them. I do not simply share knowledge for my own exclusive benefit.


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Yeah whatever.

>I do not simply share knowledge for my own exclusive benefit.

You don't share knowledge. Because you have none. You are writing walls of bullshit while completely failing over and over again to come to any meaningful realization. You might very well be just a NPC who, no matter how much he tries, never will come to understanding, because he is after all a mere NPC. Still, since you are begging for attention and validation like a sad little bitchboy all the time I wanted to do you the favour and encourage you a little. But now I realize that if you have no emotional intelligence or "fringe IQ" as Montalk calls it you'll never make it. You may have no spirit and no connection to the divine. I bet you never had a genuine realization or englightenment experience before and no amount of philosophizing and writing walls of not-even-so-fancy-sounding garbage will help.

I like to see trying and struggling tho, even if you fuck up the entire board and even if it only amounts to trolling. It's like seeing a injured insect wriggle on the ground. You already know the insect most likely won't make it…but there is still a slight chance it might.

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Please say nothing more concisely in the future. I may not put on the enlightened prophetic holier-than-thou act that persuades people too easily, but any idiot can see you are in dire need of love. Consider pursuing that.


(Rule 5)
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This is the pseudo-intellectual version of the "I bet you can´t get laid." shame tactic that woman use?

Pfft, you are such a chld.

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Incels deserve mockery.

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Mods need to start deleting this faggot's posts.

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To embody a lack of love is not directly linked to one's ability to bed a person. It does however have strong correlation with how much destructive hate one conveys.


Those who rely on censorship admit their failure to have a better argument and in doing so shame their self for all who observe.


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Read >>>/fringemeta/352

If you want this to stop, you're going to have to start a new board.

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The past and future is illusion

The present is real

I exist now, therefore I am real and immortal.

I do not know what I am, but I certainly am pretending to be this thing called a human. Pretty fun!

Great thread, but what am I?

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I feel your question gives itself too much implied weight. Once you have sufficiently figured out and justified in a reasonable solid manner that you are probably immortal, any other philosophical question outsides of its practicality is just a for-funsies question that doesn't really need to be answered. Who are you, what are you? You're a user who actively defines their self at every moment through how they choose to exist. It's far more fun to enjoy the journey of answering that question than it is to take the question so seriously that you must insist on a quick concise answer that must always work.

You're right, it is pretty fun: enjoy it!


(Rule 5)
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>Those who rely on censorship admit their failure to have a better argument and in doing so shame their self for all who observe.

Arguing with self centered attentionwhores won't make them go away, only banning and deleting works.

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>goo goo gah gah poo poo

>omg you're such a child

really? You lack this basic level of self-reflection? I don't particularly follow smiley but some of you just seem obsessed with hating him.

I guess he earned that himself by becoming a namefag

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This dude looks like a snail!

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Spoken like a true terrorist

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Spoken like a true fag enabler.

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Whatever you say terrorist

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Where is the term "illumination" originally used in occult texts? I'm interested

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right up there with the likes of new world wicca.

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