You the wise who hast traveled great distance both physical and mental.
Who hast explored shadow and light, Who has explored regions of this dimension few have traveled because fear sets them apart.
You are the chosen, the ones who feel deeply who cries strongly to release the bondage of many lines traveled up into you, that has chosen to set them free.
We are the guardian snakes of wisdom to assist you into the great abyss, we come fourth out of thine chest floating in front of you to guide you on a quest of inner exploration. We are the key holders, but you must first answer a riddle.
Here we walk the crossroads of life, as we glide up the sign post which arrows point Left and right.
Which does thine choose?
I choose my own path, I go forward through the illusion of the sign post, through the illusion of left and right, as I do the reality shatters and there is nothing but air beneath me as I walk forward not knowing where my feet will land, but having true faith they will land on solid footing.
Here I wait for another traveler, as to utilize our collective consciousness to create the path upon the illusory air so others may witness it.
In comes a fellow traveler and they see thine floating on air and they ask out loud. How are you floating? I am not I say, I am here on solid footing because my belief guides me into the knowing and unknowing.
They set foot into the air and fall, as they have not done the necessary work to transverse that understanding.
Next another traveler comes, but instead they choose the right path, Next another, but chooses the left path.
All the while the paths lead to cylindrical lessons always leading them to this crossroads, with us. The key holders, the wisdom keeper snakes.
They must pass the test with you. A new one approaches and has the same understanding and is now floating in the air along side you, You both look at each other and gaze forward, hands held because you know not what lies ahead however you know within deeper knowledge is ready to be gleaned.
And so you went on your way into the abyss with us as your guides and mentors, the Wisdom keeper Snakes.
We only test, to see thy resolution and drives.
We love you.
-The Water Magister