Aspiring for elevation to the heavenly planets, or liberation or all kinds of material opulences, or perfection in the mystic yoga powers, everyone throughout the universe worships the lotus feet of Lord Kṛṣṇa. Yet the Lord was so kind to me that He did not give me even a farthing, knowing very well that I am a poverty-stricken man who, if I got some money, might become puffed up and mad after material opulence and so forget Him."
-Srila Prabhupad, Krsna Book
A nice incident in a train while Srila Prabhupada was on the way to Nellore in Jan’ 1976.
“Tamal Krishna Maharaja went out to wash and swiftly shut the door behind him. When he came back he sidled through the half-open entry and again quickly shut it. "There are three men hanging around in the corridor hoping to see Prabhupada," he said, answering our quizzical looks. "They'll just come in and ask some nonsense and disturb him, so don't let them in." People in India are often eager to ask for blessings from holy men, but unfortunately they rarely have any serious spiritual intent. There are also many sadhus accustomed to offering such meaningless ashirvada, or blessings.
Srila Prabhupada refers to this kind of sadhu as an ashirvada-maharaja. Usually they give a wave of the hand, a nod, and exchange a few polite words. There is no spiritual discussion, no transmission of knowledge, and no transformation. Yet both parties are satisfied with this giving and receiving of they know not what — 'ashirvadas.' From our understanding of Prabhupada's teachings, such intangible exchanges are of no practical value. Naturally, as Prabhupada's servants, we don't like to see his time wasted with such blessing-seekers.
When Harikesa and I went out of the compartment, the curious men were still there. On our return, despite our obvious reluctance to let them in, they strained to see past us, knowing that if they caught Prabhupada's eye, etiquette would oblige him to let them in. Prabhupada was awake, eye-contact was made, and he instructed us to let them in. The tPost too long. Click here to view the full text.