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Esoteric Wizardry

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File: 4d7284f2f3a0e1d⋯.jpg (109.15 KB,611x355,611:355,Waterford.jpg)


Ireland has a habit of summoning magicians from within their genetic pool into incarnation if there is a need for the use of magick in order to counteract magick used against the Irish, but then according to the dream I had, the Irish then cull those magicians from the gene pool due to fearing their power, only to summon them again in the future if their services are needed. According to the dream though, the magician tribe can withstand the culling process and continue to exist as a reproducing segment of the population if they play their cards right.

Jews are a tribe of magicians, and so naturally magicians from other ethnic groups are being called into existence in order to preserve their ethnic group against the jewish subversion. Yet non-jewish ethnic groups have betrayed their magician classes in the past, and so the magician class may face their biggest struggle for survival from within the ethnic group whom they serve. Because in the past these ethnic groups have culled their magicians through ostracism, priestly celibacy, witchcraft accusations, and through the concept of magicians being old souls: which is done to push them out of normalcy. All attempts to make magicians pariahs from the herd.

Magicians are part of the herd though.

***Dream transcribed below:

I had a dream last night I was sitting with Kyle and Sinead upon some rocks on a hill, Sinead told me that every so often Ireland summons a tribe of priests into existence on earth from within its DNA, if there is a threat that needs to be dealt with that needs to be addressed with priestcraft(using words to bless or curse). But then the Irish tribe later eliminates this tribe of priests from reproduction because the priest tribe within the Irish community is viewed as a potential threat to the wider community due to their knowledge(especially knowledge of cursing). Yet the priest tribe can withstand the elimination process if they establish themselves as a cohesive unit and prevent the usual process of being eliminated by the tribe from the tribe, where they are cast aside only to be summoned later from within the gene pool if the tribe sees a need for them.

In other words the priest tribe within the Irish tribe can continue to exist on the planet as a tribe and become an established part of society and reproduce itself from generation to generation. The impression from the dream was that the usual process is the priest tribe is summoned from within the gene pool into the physical world only if there is a pressing need, only to be later cast aside, but that this usual process can be thwarted if the priest tribe is established as a cohesive unit.

If the word tribe is not liked, the word network can be used in its place.


Kyle and Sinead are the owners and operators of renegade broadcasting:


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Did you post this on druid/pol/?

Might be of interest over there.

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This implies that there is a group tribal mind that can influence and perhaps does generally influence mate selection, thus within human tribes it is not necessarily survival of the fittest genes, rather it is survival of the genes of individuals whom the tribe as a collective selects to pass on their genetics.

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I can… feel it though? That there's still another "resurrection" left for us to go through. We've been reborn from non-existence before. It's time for us, not as wizards or druids, to put ourselves back together again, as a people.

Are you Irish? You need to stop hating the English, Scottish, and Welsh. We have our freedom and it's time to plot the future with these sister ethnic groups as allies and friends. There's HOPE singing out across these islands if you have but the ears to listen for it. There's a lordly and scholarly part of you just waiting to reclaim the dignity and nobility that burn so bright in every Hibernian soul.

Reclaiming Ireland and these islands starts with reclaiming yourself. Learn our history. Better yourself both physically and mentally. Reproduce. Let go of our old grudges and senseless hatred for our occasionally misguided cousins. Now is the time to create the new "Irish Sterotype". A time of great rebirth is coming and it's to each of us to shape the image of this new perfection to be.

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>group tribal mind

it influences the spirits that get to incarnate in the physical realm. Has nothing to do with genetics, not does it even really mean anything since the spiritual conditions/characteristics of an individual only affect the thresholds like predisposition to spiritual abilities and such

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If you are Irish do not participate in this thread.

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>don't change the status quo

oy vey

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File: 5e30596f42f4b65⋯.jpg (51.28 KB,500x500,1:1,1564581101724.jpg)

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>If you are Irish do not participate in this thread.

>abusing a christian flag

Telling a group of people who a thread is for not to participate, with no particular reason, just stinks of a troll.

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How the fuck do you figure he's a troll? You have a problem or what, dude?

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Yeah I'm sure there's an implication there about the status quo considering the thread is about babies and wizards n shiet so y'all better not try to make wizard babies or something mmmkayyyy

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Wow OP if only people in a family could get along with each other instead of manipulate each other amirite?

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File: a3426b726daa4a4⋯.jpg (81.09 KB,500x677,500:677,6be49ce6727a28ebba514fc627….jpg)

Ireland is the darling of the Anglo mind.

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File: f6a06c9cdefc765⋯.jpg (1.51 MB,1068x3566,534:1783,WH40k_PrayerBook.jpg)

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>the magician tribe can withstand the culling process and continue to exist as a reproducing segment of the population if they play their cards right.

The Emperor protects

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Dumping this here

>Some think the Rothschilds are high as the pyramid goes. Some say that there are other rungs, and that there is a 'King' of the Jews somewhere. idunno, maybe, maybe not.

>We do know that they worshiped some evil living gods, who helped them strategize and make decisions. But the tap of that source of foresight has been turned off. As a result, their strategic decision-making is only as good as that of the typical Jew for the past few decades, which is to say not so bad. Without their magic ace in the hole, they are running on fumes, as it were.

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