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Anons Fringe Archive

File: 6d2741462edcfc3⋯.jpg (3.99 KB,225x225,1:1,descarga_1_.jpg)

 No.141101 [Open thread]

mememages please answer me this question I'm just finding out what the sigils are but I haven't delved very well into this topic. In short, I would like to know if with the sigils I can, in a certain way, control a certain person, since I make him want to have sex with a certain girl I know and I would like to know if this magic would allow me to control the will of this person so that it pleases me. in what I want and how I have to do it or if there is any other type of magic that allows me to fulfill my mission.

also if there is some kind of sigil or magic that allows me to attract sex in my life

also if you could help me in passing me books to initiate me in the world of magicians.

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File: 1471147990151.png (611.89 KB,900x540,5:3,Firefox_wallpaper.png)

 No.81903 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

>why don't you prove magick for me

>why must I do the hardwork of figuring it out myself

>yes you, you personally, must prove magick to me; nevermind the shitloads of people mentioned in parapsychological research already who've already demonstrated all of the phenomena of magick

>no I won't read Sorcery by J. Finley Hurley, Science of Miracles by Max Freedom Long, or Magical Use of Thoughtforms by Dolores-Ashcroft-Nowicki

>I'm just going to ignore Wim Hof and that one guy who sets newspaper on fire with his chi who are both on youtube

>I'm just going to ignore Mirin Dajo, William James, Carl Jung, various famous scientists, famous mediums, etc. who are very well documented for what they do

>why, look at this stupid skeptic blog, which fails to actually disprove the accomplishments of genuine occultists by showing ways in which they produce a similar phenomena through trickery but at the same time completely fails to meet all of the requirements of the genuine phenomena

>hey you think that guy set the newspaper on fire with his chi? Well look at my bullshit, you just put these chemicals in here and crumple up the paper, and that's how it catches fire! nvm that the chemicals you're using produce a completely different colour flame and other effects that are totally different from when he used his chi

>heh, you think walking on hot coals is a miracle? look at me scamper across hot coals barely having contact with them for more than a few seconds, this clearly means the men who've been in far hotter piles of coals literally going through them slow or standing there and not getting hurt aren't legit… oh wait I can't reproduce this phenomena with my fedora bullshit at all

>*fedora sweat intensifies* stop showing me all these genuine examples of magick! I'm just going to ignore them all and assume it's a trick, and say science will explain it later! it's all just tricks/illusions/sleight-of-hand!!!

>fuck you, use up your vital energy and many hours of your day to personally prove shit to me

>heh,Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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File: 1b11426f0a9daa0⋯.jpg (400.89 KB,1920x1200,8:5,1378669807098.jpg)


Here, have a picture to look at as a reward for getting through all that.

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But you missed the point of fringe, which is you don't fucking tell anyone about it.

That's kind of how magic is influenced and if you not only have other dense people influencing YOU but your magic development too then you fucked up.

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Great post.

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>But you missed the point of fringe, which is you don't fucking tell anyone about it.

People like you need to neck yourself

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OPs entertaining greentext aside, I do want to see examples and proofs of the supernatural and paranormal, it is fun. Here's the most convincing evidence I've seen so far (skip to the eight minute mark if impatient) https://youtu.be/ZkHZwpEZToQ

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File: cb6df5c88776c10⋯.jpg (34.22 KB,303x475,303:475,IIH.jpg)

 No.141041 [Open thread]


It took a lot of weeks to put this together (along with some other things), the book came up to around 11 hours and youtube has a 12 hour limit for uploads (I think) so I got lucky.

I might have to split future books into separate videos.

Enjoy this free audiobook, I hope you find it as useful as I do. This will definitely be useful for people who prefer listening to books rather than manually reading them.

I really created this for myself as an aid to speed up learning and for when I have to revisit certain chapters.

Subscribe to my channel if you want to see more. I'll be working on "The Practice of Magical Evocation" by Franz Bardon next.

I've always had an interest in the occult. I was lucky enough to stumble upon Initiation Into Hermetics by Franz Bardon, and it is by far the most detailed and straight forward occult book I've ever come across.

The thing is, I kinda hate reading 😅. I decided I'd create an audiobook for myself so that I could enjoy the learning process and speed up how fast I can learn the theory sections of the book. The funny part is, in the process of creating the audiobook, I basically read the book multiple times and I understand the theory well at this point.

It just didn't "feel" like reading (this process is my cheat code).

From there I decided I'd create a youtube channel where I'd upload all of Franz Bardon's books, and I'd also start consuming other occult writings this way.

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Oh wow thanks for this it was on my listing of books to read but for last couple months I keep having breathing issues when I talk where my nostrils seal up and I just can't narrate books anymore unless I'm using AI. I was going to do this book. Could I pay you to narrate Seership?


I've been trying to convert this into a better pdf but it takes a lot of time and it's not winter anymore so I don't have as much time.

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I wonder if you'll even see this reply. Guess I'm kinda late. Didn't think anyone would respond for quite a while.

I have a reoccurring thread I do on 4chan /x/ these days where I post the audiobook.

Right now I'm working on Bardon's 2nd book, should be finished by June or July.

I want to do all three of his books first before I do any others.

I really started a patreon to later do what it is you're requesting - patreon.com/elementriloquist

But you probably shouldn't join just yet.

Sorry for the long wait if you see this response.

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I'll check be sure to check this thread more often..

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Up to which step have you achieved mastery of in IIH?

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>Up to which step have you achieved mastery of in IIH?

I've barely started. I'm currently collecting specific books that sync up with Bardon's teaching style so I can amplify and speed up my progress.

I've actually found what I needed recently. Don't ask for specifics. This I'm keeping to myself.

I'm going to type out what exercises I do and what order I did them in, and basically create a book of my own method of training.

Maybe I'll update this thread every now and then with my progress.

You are probably way ahead of me though, I assume most people are ahead of my by default.

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File: 162e0764ffeac4a⋯.png (24.97 KB,431x520,431:520,2021_02_17_06h_18m_38s.png)

 No.139094 [Open thread]

>True Occult Knowledge Gives You Practical Power and Strength


I've been getting caught up in very non-pragmatic philosophical concerns a lot lately due to various debates I get myself entangled in, sacrificing entire days of my life to research to solve these issues often to find that the person who got into the debate with me no longer or never actually did care about the discussion.

I probably should be aiming more towards raja yoga at this point in my life because power speaks far stronger than mere explanations. In fact I should make it my goal that I create a real interest in what I have to say by reason of my power before I converse with anyone about anything. Quite a few people who have sent me on time wasting tangents I should just ignore but it's hard for me because when anyone brings up a question or makes a statement about something I like to have an in-depth and exact knowledge of what is being discussed.

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>knowledge is power

>True Occult Knowledge Gives You Practical Power and Strength

Now what is the best way to manifest power and knowledge through magick? I need an extra bit of motivation and focus.

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Too pragmatic and direct for you? You need someone to mystify the power of thoughtforce for you behind veiled terms in order to listen?

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Often, when a person takes up esoteric work they retain their old programs and approach their work with the same mental tools that are disinhibiting their soul in the first place.

Do not trust your mind; it will send you on a thousand labyrinthine paths and convince you that it's the same thing as geuine transformation. You'll either end up deluded or off the path and telling others about how the "occult is nonsense". When I look at the wreckage that comes with delusion, I think this latter is the kinder option but both can be avoided.

Trust your body which will communicate where you actually are much better than the mind. At further levels, trusting the intuition will come naturally and you'll be able to estimate truths and your own state more accurately because higher centres with be informing your mind, rather than the rag-bag collection of things it will be running on at the esrly stages. Avoid others who want to play mind games but who have no awareness of anything real.

Yoga is good, especially if it's under the right instructor and it's a potent form. The Fourth Way is also excellent and roots progress in actual change rather than reciting some 19th century bad Egyptology. Sufism and Eastern Orthodoxy, likewise, good systems for real change.

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*inhibiting, not disinhibiting.

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>Too pragmatic and direct for you? You need someone to mystify the power of thoughtforce for you behind veiled terms in order to listen?

Guys like that are in it for the theatrics, they don't care about anything real, they just care about "the experience". For them, the occult is like an amusement park ride, it's just entertainment.

I prefer practical occult writings and that's why I think Franz Bardon is the best occult author. He wrote a step by step instructional manual (Initiation Into Hermetics), with scientific tests inside that you can conduct yourself to see if his methods are actually working.

For example. You are tasked with using the elements to alter the temperature of a room at one point in the book as an exercise. You are also tasked with testing this temperature change with a thermometer.

I've never seen any occult author take their writings so literally, the rest just seem like frauds in comparison. I've skimmed a bit of Atkinsons stuff too, he's also the practical type that I like but I wouldn't put him on Bardons level because IIH is the ultimate "spoon feeding book" lol. No other book offers better guidance, it's so detailed and straight forward.

The only people that think "spoon feeding" is a bad thing are armchair magicians who don't care about actually practicing. I want an author to be as specific as possible.

I liked IIH so much that I created an audiobook for it: https://8kun.top/fringe/res/141041.html

If you know of more authors like this email me (my email is in the video).

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File: 6ce1c25a322ab7d⋯.jpg (1.52 MB,1988x3056,497:764,The_Strange_Talent_of_Luth….jpg)

 No.141079 [Open thread]

I found this comic a while ago and I've been wondering if there is a book that fits the process described in the image.

Basically it's a book with meditation, physical, etc exercises and the end result is that you gain conscious control of your mind, body and spirit.

See the image to get what I'm talking about.

Basically the guy in this book ends up becoming like a God after he mastered the techniques. He doesn't age, he has super strength and speed (not just body, but his mind), etc.

Every aspect of his body and mind is raised to superhuman levels.

I'm looking for a book that is as close to this as possible.

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File: 07ec8071de122b6⋯.jpg (837.43 KB,1001x1600,1001:1600,stock_photo_rakshasa_gate_….jpg)

 No.141045 [Open thread]

1 Beyond Icke


A decade ago, this topic was shocking and salacious. Now it is usually

met with derision and disgust. The critical consensus is that David

Icke's various theories are not biologically plausible.

I do not fault the former sportscaster for his exobiological

imprecision. He is a fearless interviewer, and that's what was needed

to break the story.

Now we have had time to think about things. It is time to answer the


Icke does not discuss Rakshasas, to my knowledge. However, that is

exactly what the Windsors are.

This post will provide an exobiologically-plausible definition of

Rakshasa hybrid royal bloodlines. I focus on the Windsors as a

well-known public example, but there are other families.

2 Hidden hybrids


To be clear, the Windsors are mostly human, with only a little

Rakshasa DNA. They are not reptilians; they are warm-blooded mammals

with a temporary paranormal shifter ability. This is weird, but so is

a [duck-billed platypus].

Rakshasas are reptilians, not felines. A true Rakshasa is a reptilian

shapeshifter capable of many forms. The Rakshasa legend in India is

associated with the tiger, a stealthy 300 lb apex predator who

[favors] [children].

[Picture: Rakshasa Gate Guard Grand Royal Palace]

When shifting, a Windsor becomes several feet tallerPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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7 A princess chained


Souls can be consumed or trapped to power black magic. The astral and

etheric body are both also sources of energy, and can be consumed


Diana's sacrifice in the tunnel was a meticulously-planned occult

ritual. She carried Dodi's unborn child, making them a royal family:

Isis, Osiris and Horus. The child was ritually cannibalized by shifted

Rakshasa royals, along with select organs from Diana. Diana's soul was

then sealed to power a dark spell, drawing upon England's grief to

cement Cabal rule in the new age.

Presumably her soul is trapped in an artifact, perhaps at the island

where she is allegedly buried. She will remain there, suffering, until

some Super Mario challenges the Grand Pindar (Dragon Dick King) to

rescue the Princess.

Myths are often genetic memory.

[NES Game: Super Mario Bros. (1985 Nintendo) | YouTube | Mario rescues

the Princess from Bowser]

[NES Game: Super Mario Bros. (1985 Nintendo) | YouTube | Mario rescues

the Princess from Bowser] <https://youtu.be/2ZuhSB64quY?t=2152>

8 Sources



• [The Hollywood/Cabalist Breeding Program | by Matrix Hacker]

• [Cabalist Breeder as a Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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It is a common practice for a brood mother to carry her fetus to 3 months, whereupon it is extracted for ritual consumption. The pregnant mother is especially radiant during this period, which is exploitable for celebrity charisma. To ensure good chemistry between romantic lead characters, actors in Cabal Hollywood films make a baby together. The actress carries the baby for the first trimester, whereupon it is sacrificed. Normal IVF surrogacy is used to create the child resulting from the film, who is raised by the surrogate. This sounds convoluted, but sacrificing the firstborn is an ancient occult ritual useful for improving the odds of a blockbuster release. The blush of honeymooning lovers cannot be faked. One can speculate whether the actress is told about the sacrifice and swap, or simply believes that the embryo has been transferred.

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I turned your posts into a markdown document for some reason.


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This is now a thread about shapeshifters.

>The Origin story of my love for the paranormal and all things otherworldly. A quick way for any new listener to be able to jump in anywhere they like in the mindcast. I discuss my past experience dating a woman who could morph or shapeshift and the impact it has had on my life to this day.


>The interview I never thought would happen - if you have listened to the "Origins" Experience of the mindcast, you know that I say the woman who really kick-started my interest or belief in the paranormal would never sit down to be interviewed. At the time, I truly believed that. Well, it is more fun to believe and it happened. Sit back and enjoy - maybe leave the light on when you listen to this one.


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This should let you listen to the first link without user registration bullshit:


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File: ef1403131704457⋯.jpg (15.18 KB,181x279,181:279,british_power.jpg)

 No.141066 [Open thread]

I wont recruit anyone (>Implying anyone would join) but I want to lay down the foundations of a Cult, a spartan-based cult of stone ,flesh and iron.

Basically, there would be no "beliefs" except Naturalism ,no moral compass except no contraception and no killing toddlers .But I need advice on :

>a proper Bodily regime that must be enforced: no qigong hocus pocus,but the more athletic variants of postural yoga. A sort of martial arts study(is MMA for faggot meatheads? just do boxing plus wresting?),and even weapon use

>another point is diet: I think a raw-primal (aajonus)diet is in order.,

There would be also a set of Ordeals and Grades within individual Orders. Yes, I draw inspiration from ITS and attomwaffen(ONA),but without hocus-pous larping

I myself wil record my adventures with an old nokia camera,and write in paper with pen and pencil, I'll make sure the stuff is preserved and be opened some time after I die.

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You are a maggot festering on the corpse that is this place. What are you even doing?

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Have any of these cult startups ever gone anywhere? I imagine it'd end up like /pol/ meetups with a handful of brown teenagers showing up, at best.

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File: 02fa5a223b52bf8⋯.png (225.48 KB,596x906,298:453,waifuism-a-disease.png)

 No.118497 [Open thread]

I have a hypothesis.

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>uses a signature on an image board

>this thread is pathetic

You need to go.

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File: 4cdc1ea6f788c84⋯.jpg (330.66 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault-1.jpg)


the common "I have the demiurges cock in my mouth at all times" reply

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Thus Asherah embodies every female design (and spirit) one can conjure? Does this also extend to regular femoids

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The Church of Waifuism approves.

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File: 77f3d2ec1c10289⋯.png (38.19 KB,200x267,200:267,ona.png)

 No.140542 [Open thread]

I heard somebody on Breadtube say ONA is a honeypot by the United States government. Is this true? It makes me think of the modern official Church of Satan run by people trying to give the appearance of being techies and hipsters, lol.

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File: 80359f1f4d855b9⋯.png (6.13 KB,640x480,4:3,shugara_sigil1.png)


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File: 9c8f728e59c3157⋯.jpg (298.2 KB,1920x1920,1:1,IMG_20220212_204824_349.jpg)

It's not a honeypot never was. Started in the 70s in the UK.

I'm friends of o9a. Darkgnosis.org

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No. It is legitimate order whose internet presence has been taken over by edgelords and delusional teenagers who don't know the difference between productive destruction and self-destruction. If it's spelt O9A it's a good indication it's this latter thing. If it's spelt ONA its a good indication that its closer to the original Source. I have only seen one "traditional" ONA initiate active online. Wintruz in England. All else is done offline.

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File: 35f6210c10e0fde⋯.jpg (872.62 KB,1920x1080,16:9,land_shark.jpg)


>It's not a honeypot

Well that settles it

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Want to connect with dark-hearted people who will elevate your life to new dimensions of power and prestige? Join a golf club and start going to church. Just smile a lot, shake hands, and let the grease in your hair shine so bright it covers up all your evil. That is how it's done. All three people in the ONA can stuff it, they got nothing on your local financial advisor and the chairman of the school board.

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File: 73683e3322a05ab⋯.png (1.68 MB,1366x5739,1366:5739,Fuck_Jannies.png)

 No.141037 [Open thread]

Cult of Moloch: popular among Western elite, mainly on the Rome-London-Washington axis. It consists of sacrificing children to acquire hallucinogenic and supposedly life-prolonging bodily substances, in addition to sex magic. Cults are held in remote locations in California and inland France, as well as underground Rome. (What the /pol/fags call the "Jewish conspiracy" is nothing more than the Cult of Moloch, which is totally controlled by the powerful Jews of US)

Vampiric Potency: popular at the top of organized crime and among sections of the Western elite. It consists of the consumption of blood from young and "pure" victims for the acquisition of "vital force" and prolonged youth. Objects of worship vary from Aztec gods, Celtic gods and entities of Voodoo, Palo Mayombe and Quimbanda. (Warning: The Vampiric Pontency is not a unified institution or organization. It is a set of common practices of several different sects, usually passed on orally, which consist of blood consumption, worship of entities with an "evil" tendecy and sacrifices. It is found in the midst of organized crime, but in niches, as the criminals themselves tend to view this "cult" with reservations)

Black Lodge of Tibet: Tibetan cult popular among the elite of the Far East. Also called the "Cult of Death", it is widespread among the elite of the Communist Party of China, Japanese conservatives and other local groups. It consists of esoteric practices that involve invocation Tibetan gods of death. It has a local organization linked to a spiritual potency located in Tibet, which was responsible for the expulsion of the Dalai Lama and the White Lodge to India. (Extra fact: The Nazis were part of the Tibetan Black Lodge)

Basically these are the three biggest occultist cults that rule the world. You're welcome.

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File: 68564d43f6f1dc9⋯.jpg (76.22 KB,1000x674,500:337,Cult_of_the_Black_Cube_3.jpg)

 No.134778 [Open thread]

Use adblock

Back it up wherever you can, please

F I N A L L Y uploaded

>The Cult Of The Black Cube by Moros


From publisher:

>Feared, bedeviled and vilified but also venerated, adored and embraced, Saturn and his shadowy powers have strongly influenced the spiritual and magical life of cultures and individuals for millennia. Concentrating especially on His antinomian and anti-cosmic character, The Cult of The Black Cube is a seminal study on the occult essence and esoteric significance of Saturn in theory and practice. It is introduced by Germany’s (in)famous Frater U.:D.:, legendary magician and prominent member of the Fraternitas Saturni.

>This work is divided into three main sections:

>Part I examines the ambivalent role of Saturn in various religious and magical traditions around the world focusing especially on His Islamic, Classical and Indian cults. Fleshing out the common traits underlying Saturn’s global manifestations, Dr. Moros argues for a perennial cult of Saturn expressed in various cultural guises.

>Part II and III comprise the Grimoire of the Black Cube which provides a comprehensive armory of occult weaponry to initiate Saturnine contact and to establish an individual cultus of Saturn. Part II presents a thorough esoteric analysis of the Saturnine Cult and the nature of its initiatic path. Part III is devoted to the practical applications of Saturnine worship and magic.

>This tome is an indispensable work for any serious Saturnian occult initiate and researcher.

>The author Dr. Moros (pseudonym) was a scholar of religions and a devoted initiate of Saturn for 30 years. Sadly he passed away in early 2017 under mysterious circumstances. This book is his esoteric legacy.

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Literally this.

Nobody cares. Those of us who actually know anything on the topic, know enough not to sperg out about some grand conspiracy on backwater imageboards.


Accept the fact that those illuminati satanists you're rambling on about will always be more upstanding, virtuous, and spiritually accomplished than you in every way.

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Well anons. After my curiousity ended up getting in me into much more shit than I bargained for,(and I didn't bargain for much in the first place) it's safe to say that I have much more respect for this for book and saturn than I did back in May.

<Had a brief thing with molech about the tree of life, ask what his sigil is, and he shows me the black cube. We do not progress any further and part ways.

<Hear about the cult of saturn and the associated rabbit hole with it.

<Reminisce about synchronicities with black cubes.

<End up not caring about the rabbit hole, or the cult but rather about the cube.

<My curiosity gets the best of me, I make my own black cube and invoke it.

<During the day, shit just doesn't fucking work for me. Get in a yelling match with a family member, miss a medical appointment, and slept the worst I've slept in an already bad month.

<think nothing of it until after work that day.

<Read more on the book in the OP, there's a section on Sani, the hindu god of Saturn. (My chosen religion, being hindu)

<Turns out, saturnite deities are not nice, in fact the book plainly states they are equally assholes to everyone, even though they are all crippled in some way.

<With guidance and a watchful eye from Father Shiva, I make contact with Sani. The man acts- and laughs like a supervillain, and along with typical saturn powers, seems to have domain over destructive stupidity, in addition to being black-skinned. So, to say that he has domain over niggers and nigger mentality is probably apt.

<Contacting my divine family aftwards has resulted in responses ranging from worry to outright anger (not at me, but at what was in me).

<Check the astrology of 2020: Saturn-pluto readings, lasting from may to july. What. The. Fuck.

<Read up on a bunch of more saturn-related synchronicities.

<Get the feeling that I wasn't punished any harder because I'vePost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Great post. I always wondered about the experience with Saturn mentioned in your pdf

bump for Saturnalia

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File: 7f9e411122e9799⋯.jpg (292.46 KB,856x1141,856:1141,IMG_20220318_195306.jpg)

Rare book? I've got that book right here.

If anyone is interested, I got it from Courtyard Books based in Glastonbury UK and had it shipped over to me in Australia. They have a decent little collection you can browse online. Not affiliated with them in any way, just thought I'd share it around because it might be of interest to people.

https:// bookshop.org/shop/courtyardbooksglastonbury

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NIggers, I HATE them. That's all.

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 No.141023 [Open thread]

Even disregarding the cringe-inducing LaVeyan foolishness, traditional Satanism brings only a socially contextual sense of liberation rather than authentic self-consciousness. In cutting the Self away from the fabric of society, it also programs the subconscious with the destructive and degenerative practices which that society has decided are counter to their values. Thus, you are still dancing to the tune set by the very egregore you're railling against and you are doing that while sullying your own soul with all the polluted things that are categorized under "satanic". Very few are able to use it as a platform to genuinely create their own, new horizons.

Better off with the purity of nature worship (which has the best of satanism without the baggage) or even a modification of one of the convential religions.

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File: 3b920407977d94a⋯.jpg (2.25 MB,3264x2448,4:3,IMG_20211028_011722.jpg)

Cool post.

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That and this post >>141020

feels like they're directly addressing my thoughts at the time.

Just curious, what do you think of Aquino's Temple of Set?

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I was a III° in the Temple of Set around a decade ago. It served a purpose for me at the time and opened a few important initiatory doors. However, at its best, there was a somewhat confused approach to systems and the quality of the organization has generally diminished over time. Initiates aren't held to the same high standards, focus on what the ToS is for has been lost, etc., etc. In older members, there's been an inability to understand how the internet has changed the concept of a "secret society".

Aquino, of course, has since died and I'd imagine it will have a difficult time continuing without his funding.

If you want a good inside look, read Tapio's "Aletheia" trilogy which you can find free online - he was a Magus and married to Lilith Aquino's daughter. Plenty of good information in there.

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 No.139859 [Open thread]

Hello, mundane skeptic here.

I'm here because as the title suggests, I want to awaken and believe in the para'normal. Mostly, I somewhat believe in this 'nonsense', but I want sometype of proof, I suppose? I'm honestly not the smartest around, but it's hard not to notice with the UFOs going somewhat mainstream. I'm just asking for two things, although I have nothing to offer.

Is there a place to get started? Possibly get a mentor? For now I'm just interested in opening my third eye, to be able to see/nse energies and whatnot. I do have trouble mediating, as recently I mediated for two straight hours without entering the meditative state, trying to ce-5, which failed.

I'm also asking for outside personal proof that magic exists. Such as remote viewing, or scrying, and providing information that I'd only know? Something like that.

Sorry, I don't have anything to offer. I'm also bad at wording, so apologies if the above sentences seem disrespectful.

Just lookin' to awaken

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>You want to know what the truth is? You want material wealth, bitches on your dick


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File: 2b0522796aee445⋯.gif (775.17 KB,700x764,175:191,1589945380769.gif)


There's no proof gravity is real, but you drop a rock and it falls to the ground. There's no proof magic is real, but you do a sigil ritual to have a easy day at work and it happens.

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File: 22ca25098a8313e⋯.jpg (1.22 MB,1308x8818,654:4409,primacy_of_consciousness_v….jpg)

Your welcome.



based upon materialism the particle has to go back in time. If that's true you should be able to build a time machine by launching people at detector screens.

According to the primacy of consciousness a back history is loaded in the present.

Sorry it's not any magic tricks it's just proof that it's real.

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File: b64025197f994fa⋯.png (4.8 KB,685x624,685:624,wizard_doing_shit.png)


>mundane skeptic

There's your primary issue.

Belief is a huge factor in all magic work. Keith Raniere, currently serving a 120 year prison sentence, built an entire cult with his own personal celebrity sex slaves using borrowed techniques from Amway, NLP, and Scientology. No one would have cared about his bullshit if there wasn't an actual result involved in the practices that he wrapped it in.

It's funny when people say this is all a larp. All of life is a larp. It just depends on the depth of your internal larp that determines your outcomes.

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Good example, anon.

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File: 3c878f833dfa1e0⋯.jpg (13.97 KB,266x400,133:200,41sEL56iY_L_AC_SY400_.jpg)

 No.140637 [Open thread]

Is he?

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Absolutely not, I've been applying his teachings in my life for 8 years now, and I am genius compared to the brain fogged mental midget I was originally when I started reading his works. Everything he writes about works whether it's cultivating memory, cultivating will power, using your subconscious, etc.

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No, he is legitimate. Anyone who writes books about intelligently cultivating mental powers is a good read. I loved Personal Power.

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File: 064ccc4159bb570⋯.png (705.83 KB,1280x801,1280:801,apocalypse.png)

 No.140721 [Open thread]

Post interesting and magically infused meme art such as picrel. I will dump some which I have saved.

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File: f35bae027fa3f08⋯.jpg (38.55 KB,680x410,68:41,saturns_drinks_the_sun.jpg)

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May I suggest 8chan.moe, they also offer board migration to rip all content.

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May be worth a try but the site looks hella suspicious. What's the story behind it? And just look at those top boards lol

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Hey [REDACTED] there's a new version of the Huion 610Pro that is now battery-free technology and supports tilt detection which makes it work more like a real pencil.


What is tilt recognition and rotation sensing:


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>/v/ - Video Games/b/ - Random/hisrol/ - Hispa Rol/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover/vore1/ - Vore/delicious/ - Cake/co/ - Comics & Cartoons/digi/ - Net Hangout/zoo/ - Zoophilia/interracial/ - Interracial/t/ - Technology/trapshota/ - Trap Shota/2dblacked/ - Blacked Hentai/404/ - Not Found/loomis/ - Art Gains/rule34/ - Rule34/ss/ - Straight Shota/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

Looks pretty normal to me. Also rather active. I only know v0xxe aka nyahposter has a board on it and there are some crossposters from kc/int/.

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