Well anons. After my curiousity ended up getting in me into much more shit than I bargained for,(and I didn't bargain for much in the first place) it's safe to say that I have much more respect for this for book and saturn than I did back in May.
<Had a brief thing with molech about the tree of life, ask what his sigil is, and he shows me the black cube. We do not progress any further and part ways.
<Hear about the cult of saturn and the associated rabbit hole with it.
<Reminisce about synchronicities with black cubes.
<End up not caring about the rabbit hole, or the cult but rather about the cube.
<My curiosity gets the best of me, I make my own black cube and invoke it.
<During the day, shit just doesn't fucking work for me. Get in a yelling match with a family member, miss a medical appointment, and slept the worst I've slept in an already bad month.
<think nothing of it until after work that day.
<Read more on the book in the OP, there's a section on Sani, the hindu god of Saturn. (My chosen religion, being hindu)
<Turns out, saturnite deities are not nice, in fact the book plainly states they are equally assholes to everyone, even though they are all crippled in some way.
<With guidance and a watchful eye from Father Shiva, I make contact with Sani. The man acts- and laughs like a supervillain, and along with typical saturn powers, seems to have domain over destructive stupidity, in addition to being black-skinned. So, to say that he has domain over niggers and nigger mentality is probably apt.
<Contacting my divine family aftwards has resulted in responses ranging from worry to outright anger (not at me, but at what was in me).
<Check the astrology of 2020: Saturn-pluto readings, lasting from may to july. What. The. Fuck.
<Read up on a bunch of more saturn-related synchronicities.
<Get the feeling that I wasn't punished any harder because I'vePost too long. Click here to view the full text.