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Anons Fringe Archive

 No.140886 [Open thread]

What is the definitive english translation of the Bhagavad Gita for esoteric study?

Had Satrivi Devi ever made a recommendation?

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>Had Satrivi Devi ever made a recommendation?

That's a good question. My guess is unfortunately no, because I was obsessed with her at age 16 and I ended up reading the Srila Prabhupada version

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>Psst, hey kid, wanna join Hare Krishna?

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File: 8364d44a65803e0⋯.jpg (39.93 KB,856x480,107:60,photo_2021_08_29_19_36_24.jpg)

 No.140668 [Open thread]

Need resources to study astrology and its influence over earths events. This is the only place I know to ask. Your help will be appriciated.

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Hellenistic Astrology by Chris Brennan

Anon in Question thread suggested it to me and it's good so far. Just skip the beginning filler.

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Thank you I will be looking into that book

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These may make better introductions

Astrology for Yourself


Douglas Bloch & Demetra George

The Real Astrology


John Frawley

There's another I can't find a copy of:

On the Heavenly Spheres


Helena Avelar & Luis Ribeiro

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File: b6819f5430475bd⋯.png (365.81 KB,439x550,439:550,nigger_soy.png)

 No.140861 [Open thread]


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Your pic is already 404'd

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File: bd551de983ea9d2⋯.jpg (361.14 KB,1024x853,1024:853,hermetist-passing-veil-of-….jpg)

 No.122837 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

allright, anyone has any ideas about how to stop reincarnating? I heard at one time some talk on /x/ about time lords and stuff like that, manipulating people emotionally to come back on earth again, about them needing us to run the simulation, about not going into the light. Does anyone have any clue about this? It's not in any older esoteric lore as far as I know.

any ideas about stoping reincanation from The tibetan book of the dead or The egyptian book of the dead? I read the ancient egyptian priests talked of a place called Rosetau were souls would get immortality but it was dangerous to get there. Osiris's sarcophagus was there or something like that.

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How many of you know for sure that you have stopped reincarnating? Did you willfully decide to be reborn in order to be a teacher or just to check things out? It seems like being willfully reincarnated in this timeline would be masochistic.

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This might be true, what if belief systems are just a hindrance or a trap? At the same time I have a hard time believing that hundreds of brilliant philosophers and theologians throughout history could've been fooled like this.

Anyone here read Robert Monroe's books?



This sounds so arbitrary and specific I have a hard time believing it could be true.

In the end I think McKenna was right when he said [about death] "it's probably not what anyone thinks it is".

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I’ve been told this is the case for me by several sources. I don’t understand how this could be, nor why I would come here in the first place.

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Vaiṣṇavas, who do not accept the materialist premise of Lord Buddha's philosophy, see his teaching as limited but not entirely untrue. Śrīla Prabhupāda gives this perspective:

When the spiritual spark, which is described as one ten-thousandth part of the tip of a hair, is forced into material existence, that spark is covered by gross and subtle material elements. The material body is composed of five gross elements—earth, water, fire, air and ether—and three subtle elements—mind, intelligence and ego. When one attains liberation, he is freed from these material coverings. Indeed, success in yoga involves getting free from these material coverings and entering into spiritual existence. Lord Buddha's teachings of nirvāṇa are based on this principle. Lord Buddha instructed his followers to give up these material coverings by means of meditation and yoga. Lord Buddha did not give any information about the soul, but if one follows his instructions strictly, he will ultimately become free from the material coverings and attain nirvāṇa… Unfortunately, unless the living entity has information of the spiritual world and the Vaikuṇṭhas, there is a 99.9 percent chance of his falling down again into material.

Text from Vanipedia.org

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Roswell Alien Interview by Lawrence R. Spencer

Journeys out of the Body by Robert Monroe

Far Journeys by Robert Monroe

Ultimate Journey by Robert Monroe

Nag Hammadi and other gnostic texts


Moksha Reincarnation Trap by Technical Intuition


The Death Traps by Farsight Institute (I uploaded it to this telegram channel)


The Escape by Farsight Institute (Don't have it at hand right now so you'll have to find a torrent. They put up the trailers of all their projects for free though.)




Also of interest:

Jerry Marzinsky on parasitic entities


The Cult of the Black Cube by Dr. Arthur Moros

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 No.139860 [Open thread]

I cannot for the life of me find the legit books and resources for psychic development.

I hear intelligent, constraited mental monologues of many peoples and I am having full on conversations with them.

They can do stuff I cannot and I can't get an answer from them because of how information flows in the psychic realm. (You'd know it if you knew it)

Thanks for any help.

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File: ade6e247bce82d1⋯.jpg (30.18 KB,223x310,223:310,how_to_scare_people_appare….jpg)

what do you want, exactly? to stop hearing them? it's very possible to learn and a key part of psychic development if you intend to keep going down this path.

Simply build the Wilderness of Mirrors.

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If you hear people's thoughts you are well ahead of most books you are going to find. What you need is a mentor. I suggest you take advantage of your clairaudience and find a spirit guide.

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Look into remote viewing. Methods you might want to try would be CRV, TRV, SRV and TDS/TDRV. Maybe you'll be the next Ingo Swann.

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Also all books written by Robert Monroe. Read them in chronological order.

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 No.140829 [Open thread]

ヽ༼𒀭ل͜𒀭༽ノ RAISE YOUR DINGIRS ヽ༼𒀭ل͜𒀭༽ノ

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File: 4625cf8281695c3⋯.jpg (88.07 KB,425x593,425:593,fringequestions43.jpg)

 No.138626 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead.

Previous thread: >>136081 ( https://archive.is/B4qcP )

FAQ: https://8kun.top/fringe/faq.html

Fringebay: https://fringebay.ga

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Magic works because reality spawns from meaning and will. An act of will carrying meaning causes change on all spheres of existence which intersect with the relevant consciousness. The ritual is a way of evoking meaning into the consciousness's sphere. The specifics of the ritual are irrelevant so long as the meaning of the end product is correct. Think of it as practical art.

>What even makes Chaos Magic rituals devoted to Southpark characters work?

The characters carry archetypal meaning. Honestly those ridiculous examples of working with cartoon characters are usually just meant to illustrate a point, although invoking the spirit of Cartman will have tangible effects. All magic has a tangible effect, even if you don't notice it at the time.

You've also got to remember that you're working with the 'spirit' of Cartman, rather than Cartman himself. You could probably evoke this spirit into a dense form outside of yourself and this would likely cause you to come into contact with some rude people within the next day or so. These people would be "possessed" by the spirit of Cartman. Does that make them Cartman? In a way. The fictional character of Cartman is basically a personification of a certain archetypal force. As are all fictional characters. This "reality" in which you exist can be thought of as just another story which channels archetypal forces into personages to make characters. You could also evoke the spirit of a real-life person into a show that you're watching and you'll probably start to recognize that person in one or more of the characters in the show.

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Not him but there's something I've been wondering for a while:

What is the essential difference between magicians believing to manifest a better future, and people believing delusions to ignore their shitty circumstances?

I'm not asking from a skeptik/fedora perspective, I just don't get how the latter people stay that way for decades. What secret ingredient are they missing?

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Thanks for the answer.

The Kybalion talks about the 7 subplanes of the physical/astral/spiritual plane. It says we are on the fifth plane of Mind, and that some rare individuals have achieved the 6th and 7th divisions. And that the Spiritual plane is inhabited by divine beings.

How do we evolve?

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mod me so i can take care of this shit

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File: 5eadfb557809e41⋯.pdf (269.09 KB,1909arcaneformulas.pdf)


A delusion is basically a misinterpretation of reality. Compared to willworking, which actively evokes the soul and meaning of the desired reality, delusion passively reacts to an existing state in a misbalanced manner. It's like the postmodernist practice of trying to re-define words in order to change reality. These people are either unwilling or unable to engage in a dialectic with objective creation so they opt to warp the lenses of their eyes to produce personal illusions instead.


The meditations in the attached book by Atkinson are a good place to start.

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 No.140784 [Open thread]

Imagine what it was like to live in the BC age, seeing the year number decreasing wondering what this "countdown" was for, then year 0 passes and nothing special seems to happen! People must have wondered, did someone special get born this year or something? Then you would only find out much later, if you even lived long enough….

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It would be like "why is everything so cringe all of a sudden?"

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File: df4599666129c89⋯.jpg (17.71 KB,500x427,500:427,cube.jpg)

 No.96508 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

What does /fringe/ think of the black cube?

(2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread )
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File: 599578cca8c8515⋯.jpg (42.52 KB,500x333,500:333,kabah.jpg)

Saturn (alternative names: Cronus, Chronos, Keyvan, Zuhal, Shani, Yahweh, Allah, Ialdabaoth, Tetzqatlipoca, Baron Samedi) is a chthonic entity that is not just limited to this specific celestial body. The planet Saturn acts as our solar system's "outpost" of the saturnine entity. This entity leads an empire that controls vast swathes of the galaxy with an iron fist. "It" exists in a pocket dimension where there is an abundance of time because time outside this dimension passes extremely slowly. Human culture has interpreted this as Saturn's "prison" (symbolized by the black cube) where he spends his exile, plotting his eventual return. Remember that Saturn is also a god of *time*. Basically, this entity uses the "timeless" state of this pocket dimension to spread its influence on the outside world. This construct can also be used to pop in and out of physical reality at various locations in the universe. We are of interest to this entity for a number of reasons. One reason is that our planet is of strategic value. Another is that we are, quite literally, like cattle to this entity. In ancient times, saturn has ordered the construction of a system around our planet. When a life form on this planet dies, its spirit naturally leaves the body. This system however intercepts the spirit using a pleasure-pain mechanism to attract it. Then a trap is activated that violently suppresses the being's memory by overloading it with energy. Following that, an essence is extracted from the spirit, then the spirit is tossed back to reincarnate once more, without memories of who or what he was. The extracted essence is of high value to Saturn, especially when obtained from humans, because humans produce an especially refined form of this essence. The energy obtained that way serves the following purposes. It nourishes and empowers the saturnine entity to bring it ever closer to ultimate apotheosis. It also fuels the war of conquest perpetrated by its empire in a quest to bring the entire universe and whatever may lie beyond under its boot. There is also a variety of other ways through which life forms provide Saturn with energy, one of these is worship. Another example would be extreme suffering. (See: Loosh)

That was the short version. I can point you to some relevant reading if you want a deeper understanding.

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That's an interesting take. Please do share your book recs

What I've gathered is that Saturn used to be one of us, in a different universe. His 'Great Work' lead to the creation of this world, from which he reaps what he wills. When he chose to incarnate, he had his way with the local humus-(womb)mans, whose descendants are all of the "special" bloodlines we've heard about. Perhaps every non-NPC carries his blood.

The only thing I haven't yet figured out is who the other archons/gods are. Various aspects of Himself? Disciples from his mortal days? Other ascended-yet-imprisoned beings?

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The Cult of the Black Cube by Dr. Arthur Moros (This one also provides a literature list)

Roswell Alien Interview by Lawrence R. Spencer

Far Journeys by Robert A. Monroe (This is his second book. Read only that if you just want the relevant tl;dr, but I highly recommend reading Journeys out of the Body first as well as Ultimate Journey after you finish the first two.)

Nag Hammadi and other gnostic texts


Moksha Reincarnation Trap by Technical Intuition


The Death Traps by Farsight Institute (I uploaded it to this telegram channel)


The Escape by Farsight Institute (Don't have it at hand right now so you'll have to find a torrent. They put up the trailers of all their projects for free though.)




Adjacent topics:

Jerry Marzinsky


Remote Viewing Aliens by Gil Carson

Penetration by Ingo Swann

Islam is currently one of the major exoteric manifestations of saturnPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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114 Chakras

114 Surahs

114 Logia of Christ in the Gospel of Thomas


Prime factorization is 2 * 3 * 19 (19 is the basis for Dr. Rashad Khalifa's Quran code)

In base 7, it is 222 (222 means balance)

In base 12, it is 96 (96 in base 10 is 2^5 * 3)

In base 16, it is 72 (Also equal to 2^3 * 3^2 in base 10. Saturn has 72 spirits assigned to him. According to legend, Lord Shani, the hindu interpretation of Saturn, commands 72 spirits and he gave certain humans instructions on how to summon them. See also Goetia and the spirits of Solomon.)

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19 is also the number of angels that guard the gates of hell according to the Quran. These specific angels are mentioned in verse 66:6.

Funny trivia: Surah 72 is called Al-Jinn.

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 No.136945 [Open thread]

Astrology is something I really don't see discussed that often on /fringe/, yet people still use it the same way other people use Tarot, I Ching, or other divination methods.

But lately when I've been searching astrology-related stuff to get a gauge on how 2020 has been predicted across various websites, I saw a blogpost on how apparently july revealed there is now a 13th Zodiac: Ophiucus. Now, I admit, neither astrology, nor astronomy are my strong points, but this had me curious: had everything that people have been predicting for 2020 was either misinformed or straight-up wrong??

So, I searched for information on this ophiucus as a zodiac sign. Searching "Nasa Ophiucus", reveals nothing but clickbait trash saying "no it's not a real zodiac" or "it's a real zodiac, we should treat it as such!" Searching "Ophiucus Zodiac" doesn't reveal anything less or more significant, just astrology websites that have either embraced the '13th zodiac', or are calling it out as a hoax.

What I've learned about the constellation itself and it's relation to astrology, is that in ancient times, it- and along with eight other constellations were known about, but discarded in favor of the famous twelve, to keep it a geometrically pleasing shape.

Ultimately, I'm curious about what real astrofags think on this, and what it means in the /fringe/ game of things. Because if this shit is real, and the clickbait blogosphere is trying to suppress it, then in means that predictions all across the board are at best, inaccurate, and at worst completely false.

Worst case scenario, it's another nothingburger. But the fact that it's a serpent-wrestling heroic figure, whose main quality is healing, feels like a positive synchronicity to me.

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File: b0fbbb42e15f452⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,292.83 KB,900x1200,3:4,based_affirmation_merchant.jpg)


Get the Hermetic Tarot of the Golden Dawn (ideally, color it yourself) and do a daily draw, read the energy of the day by living it and associate it with the card, eventually you'll know the whole astrological wheel and all its correspondences.


I'm not him.

Modern planets means everything discovered from Ouranos onward.

Classical/classic planets means sun/moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. No asteroids, no later discoveries. Everything from Ouranos onward was discovered after 1850, it's very recent as far as astrological correspondencies and patterns are concerned.

>modern planets and evil forces

I recently read an article on Ceres' connection to epigenetics research, it's a bit of a stretch to say the least.

The classical planets were historically called "wandering/roaming stars". As opposed to the "fixed stars" of the heavens. The fixed stars rotate, the wandering stars move across their backdrop.

>a lot of people don't understand astrology

Anyone who can't tell you their moon sign is at most an observer. Someone who knows their moon/sun/rising by heart is a hobbyist. When I meet people, I ask them their mercury sign. It's a good way to quickly gauge their level of knowledge, and as the communication planet, it gives me the most relevant immediate insight into a new person.

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File: 482e3be90a07285⋯.pdf (4.99 MB,Titus_Burkhardt_Mystical_A….pdf)


>Tiitus Burkhardt's "Mystical Astrology According to Ibn Arabi"

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What a fucking chad. I love this little book.

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Where can I find horoscope analyses of historical figures/celebrities to learn from? I can only find cringe wine aunt shit and (even worse) fedora shit because search engines are cucked beyond belief.

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forgot to mention, I am interested specifically in traditional astrology

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 No.140738 [Open thread]


They finally made /fringe/ into a movie

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 No.131878 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Dump any and all /fringe/ resources you have,

This can include:

- Websites (forums and whatnot)

- Infographs

- PDFs or Ebooks

- Gdrive or Mega (or whatever else) Colections

- Videos and pictures

I know there's the a library in the sticky but its outdated, so bring in some fresh stuff fellas.

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File: fa24ed355c1a605⋯.pdf (1.68 MB,The_Oracle_of_Fortuna_by_O….pdf)

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File: 264d54ea5ca1384⋯.pdf (1.17 MB,The_Art_and_Practice_of_As….pdf)

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You can easily find and idiotic amount of material on Telegram. Just search for “occult library” or something.

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File: 34b6eadfeb2e4ee⋯.pdf (962.89 KB,LotusSutrax.pdf)

The Lotus Sutra

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Almost all links are broken except the newest stuff posted and that will probably break too because 8kun sucks.

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 No.140763 [Open thread]

Welcome The Strongest Team On Earth The Illusion Cyber Group

Source, More Info: https://illusioncyber.wordpress.com

The world is in big trouble at the moment.

With the support of the strongest beings of the Universe, the one who have successfully “pass” and “unlock” the Earth life and exit the Matrix, we have decided to show up online to save this world out of big chaos between humans, nations.

We are a team/group of both immortal and mortal beings.

We will going to reveal/share our knowledge, wisdom, strategy, advice, solution under both commercial and free products/services such as books(ebook), membership, etc.

Our objective are:

– End the corona virus pandemic event.

– End the trade war between nations from East to West, USA – China, etc.

– Unlock the secret gateway between the mortal and the immortal realm/world via human evolution.

– Create a better fairer life to all beings on Earth.

They are our main primary purpose.

We will talk, discuss on various subjects of life from economy, geopolitical, pandemic events, climate change, human evolution, etc.

Our group only has few members/beings at the moment and we do not meet offline but only through cyber internet.

What we need is your help to spread our message/knowledge to the rest of the world.

We are using immortal metric system to judge and decide, so you won’t see many stupid nonsense things.

Our official website blog at https://illusioncyber.wordpress.com, forum at:https://illusioncyber.forumotion.com .

More info about our policy, contact communication, payments, books, membePost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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 No.140694 [Open thread]

Without looking it up, tell me what letters you think are on each pillar of a masonic tracing board.

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 No.140689 [Open thread]


Very based reading list, of mixed complexity. Download them all, and spread them while you can, some of them cannot be found publicly anymore.

The most basic starting ones are.

Alexander Slavros - The Fall to Madness

Alexander Slavros - Zero Tolerance

Helmuth Stellrecht - Faith and Action

IronMarch - A Squire's Trial

IronMarch - Fascist Economics and Socialism of Duty

IronMarch - The Awakening of a National Socialist

National Socialism - The Biological World View

Core reading is

IronMarch - Open Letter to the White Man

Siege by James Mason

IronMarch - RFM-01 Mental liberation

Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf (ford edition)

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.


>national socialism

>in almost-2022

is like doing habbo raids in 2012

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