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File: 8364d44a65803e0⋯.jpg (39.93 KB,856x480,107:60,photo_2021_08_29_19_36_24.jpg)


Need resources to study astrology and its influence over earths events. This is the only place I know to ask. Your help will be appriciated.

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Hellenistic Astrology by Chris Brennan

Anon in Question thread suggested it to me and it's good so far. Just skip the beginning filler.

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Thank you I will be looking into that book

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These may make better introductions

Astrology for Yourself


Douglas Bloch & Demetra George

The Real Astrology


John Frawley

There's another I can't find a copy of:

On the Heavenly Spheres


Helena Avelar & Luis Ribeiro

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