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File: 77f3d2ec1c10289⋯.png (38.19 KB,200x267,200:267,ona.png)


I heard somebody on Breadtube say ONA is a honeypot by the United States government. Is this true? It makes me think of the modern official Church of Satan run by people trying to give the appearance of being techies and hipsters, lol.

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There is a real astral cross-dimensional organization behind it. Honeypot or not, it works. It's very tight-knit however, very personal, no strangers are going to get inside easily, it's basically structured more like a group of personal friends. Someone can do something stupid without anyone else knowing, just like friends can do stupid shit on their own. That doesn't make it fake.

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Why does this board get so many pointless O9A threads? Satanism and Saturn too, but especially O9A.


Now that's blatant COINTEL lol

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File: cbdb04d3b0d8c37⋯.gif (2.2 MB,600x338,300:169,1632655148464.gif)

>I heard somebody on Breadtube

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>implying o9a is a singular organisation

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File: 13bfb12945373d8⋯.jpg (55.42 KB,711x375,237:125,nazi_family_guys.jpg)

O9A was cringe when it filled the Trump-shaped void in the /pol/ zeitgeist. Now that they've been replaced by milquetoast christcucks, I miss 'em. Come back, fedbros.

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Why would some shit that started in England be a US honeypot?

Even in that hypothesis, wouldn't that make it an English honeypot?

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you don't understand how the deep state works

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File: 80359f1f4d855b9⋯.png (6.13 KB,640x480,4:3,shugara_sigil1.png)


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File: 9c8f728e59c3157⋯.jpg (298.2 KB,1920x1920,1:1,IMG_20220212_204824_349.jpg)

It's not a honeypot never was. Started in the 70s in the UK.

I'm friends of o9a. Darkgnosis.org

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No. It is legitimate order whose internet presence has been taken over by edgelords and delusional teenagers who don't know the difference between productive destruction and self-destruction. If it's spelt O9A it's a good indication it's this latter thing. If it's spelt ONA its a good indication that its closer to the original Source. I have only seen one "traditional" ONA initiate active online. Wintruz in England. All else is done offline.

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File: 35f6210c10e0fde⋯.jpg (872.62 KB,1920x1080,16:9,land_shark.jpg)


>It's not a honeypot

Well that settles it

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Want to connect with dark-hearted people who will elevate your life to new dimensions of power and prestige? Join a golf club and start going to church. Just smile a lot, shake hands, and let the grease in your hair shine so bright it covers up all your evil. That is how it's done. All three people in the ONA can stuff it, they got nothing on your local financial advisor and the chairman of the school board.

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