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Anons Fringe Archive

File: 2cddf4b7d35a06a⋯.jpg (102.5 KB,1024x768,4:3,Meme_Magick_Fringe_Kingdom.jpg)


Welcome to the Fringe Kingdom (Ontario Ottawa Trucker Protest)

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In case the original file 404s here is the picture.

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Nice. Since you created this thread with not a lot of point to it, let's discuss something.

I genuinely don't get all the fuss about the vaccines, the pass and all that nonsense. Is there anything mundanes won't get dramatic about?

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Freedom is sacred and it's been taken away. It's a big deal, but a born slave wouldn't understand. It's the principles that matter.

Now that said the original mRNA experiments always failed after three years with all the animals dying. This is the fate of everyone that has taken the jab.

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That's cool. Meme Magic lives!


Why don't you share with us how you're evading that crap with such confidence, so we can do it too and focus on development?

I keep thinking there's no way members of groups like Temple of Set are getting the shots. There must be an out available to wizards.


>This is the fate of everyone that has taken the jab.

I disagree with this in the short-term. If it were so immediately lethal, they wouldn't be pushing so hard for lifelong injections. The mass death will come gradually and in waves, but some are to remain and integrate with the new transhuman control system.

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File: d7596d6eabcb2b5⋯.jpg (58.88 KB,399x455,57:65,skidaddle_skidoodle.jpg)


>I keep thinking there's no way members of groups like Temple of Set are getting the shots. There must be an out available to wizards.

Well, first of all keep in mind the vaccine is 100% voluntary albeit virtually forced through coercion. The same way you are coerced into having a bank account, using a cellphone and drinking your milk dead (if you drink milk).

Yeah, the "out" for wizards does not operate on the material plane. You take the shot and you transmute it the same way you transmute the myriad harmful things you put in yourself knowingly everyday. It's really not that big of a deal.


>it's the principles that matter

Those words actually mean

>I will let my pridenot logic, not pragmatism, not even desire and fearlead my actions

It's the stupidest and least evolved of all those alternatives.

>Now that said the original mRNA experiments always failed after three years with all the animals dying. This is the fate of everyone that has taken the jab.

Then I see no point in arguing, really. Let's talk again in three years. I mean it, don't bother with another edgelord reply because I'll thoroughly ignore it. You'll only get a response for your hungry pride if I'm alive in three years. Can you wait that long?

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Damn. I sound like a turboasshole.

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>albeit virtually forced through coercion

This is the nucleus of the issue here. The one and only reason why anyone would ever take the shot is coercion. And succumbing to coercion sets a definite and crippling precedent that influences how you react to every single act of violence that comes your way until you deal with the karma that you generated by bending the knee to the devil-worshiping whores' threats.

>The same way you are coerced into having a bank account, using a cellphone and drinking your milk dead (if you drink milk).

I don't think it's the same at all. Sure, refusing to engage in those behaviors makes it more difficult to do certain things. But these limitations are a natural occurrence of how our society has been erected. It's not an act of submission buy a cell phone, since no monolithic force is attempting to coerce you into having a cell phone, levying threats and psychological attacks in an attempt to force you into cell phone ownership. If the Illuminati did attempt to mandate cell phone ownership then yes it would be a damning mark for you to cower and buy a cell phone simply because they told you to. But as it is now it's just a modern convenience that you're free to do without if you so choose and if you do no one is going take much notice of it.

So, you need to ask yourself this: why did you take the vaccine? And what does that justification say about you?

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Also you can physically protect yourself from phone radiation. Not so with an injection unless you immediately do some sort of extremely deep cupping. Sure you can hand-wave it all away with "oh just transmute it into good" but your physical body is your house, it's symbolic. These are like initiation rites, there's a reason why the rituals of occult societies involve physical actions. Personally, avoiding the injections has led me to detaching from corrupt society more and taking legitimate actions to form networks of skilled people outside that.

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>You take the shot and you transmute it the same way you transmute the myriad harmful things

That's nonsense and you know it. If you can handle the negative stuff in the shot after getting it injected, you can handle it before it was injected also. Just transmute the things trying to make you take it, then don't take it?

You gave in and that makes you weak.

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The way he projects "melodrama" and "edgelord" while being the biggest example of those things, makes it look like he regrets taking it. At least he's self-aware at the end. Honestly, it's sad. Maybe he's in a country where you need it to buy food.

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There was one time several years ago when I was told to get a blood test by a doctor, but I had reasons to believe the results could somehow be used against me. So I said "no".

This made my local community egregore go full haywire. I had never seen such an out of proportion reaction. YOU DO NOT SAY "NO" TO A DOCTOR. During the following few years media started all kinds of weird trends, like talking about the "winter vomit disease", the "swine flu" and all sorts of made up illnesses that no one ever has. No one I know ever had "winter vomit disease", no one I know has heard of anyone having it. Yet, supposedly hospitals are closed down and people told to stay home to not spread it. Those were just a few common examples. It all came down the solution:

>We have this vaccine against these flus…

>just come and let us put a needle in your arm

That's when I realized what this was about. My refusal to have my arm jabbed for a blood test, set off some alarm in this massive system, like I had put it off balance. They just had to get the "order" back. And as expected, suddenly my family members start telling me to get vaccinated for the "swine flu". I saw it from miles away, it was all coming down to this thing

>let us put a needle in your arm

So this covid thing came as no surprise to me. The intensity and madness which was provoked by simply not wanting to take a blood test back then, clearly demonstrated to me that something about this is VERY ABNORMAL. There is no way you're going to tell me what has happened in the past two years isn't just a repeat of this thing. It's just happening world wide this time.

>pls let us put a needle in your arm


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Definitely took a hit with all my sigils being disconnected.

Bummer, in a literal sense.

But, the Universe has it's own collective golden webbed agenda. And my role is to keep [stumbling blindly forward grasping for anything remotely resembling meaning] saying stupid shit on the internet.

As for the syrup chaos, literally Honkler.

Do better Fringe.

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>you can physically protect yourself from phone radiation

Is there anything you might not be afraid of?

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friendly reminder your embeds are unwatchable


nonsensical bot question

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You can see the video url if you right click and choose "View page source" on the embed.

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