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Anons Fringe Archive

File: 5fee3a86d22ebcf⋯.jpg (171.47 KB,800x591,800:591,Groagaldr.jpg)

 No.131854 [Open thread]

Racial survival is tied to the survival of consciousness after a person passes away. After people die their memory is carried by the race they are a member of.For this reason the survival of consciousness after death is tied to the survival of their ethnic group, because their consciousness lives on in the genetic memory of that ethnic group.

Nazis called this "blood memory". Actively remembering people through monuments, movies, and stories, and images, helps to reproduce the physical and mental likeness of them in future generations. If you talk about a dead person it brings their spirit to you and also it gives them life.

feeding the dead attention helps to give their consciousness life within the afterworld.

Ancestor veneration was one of the most prevalent pagan religions. This is basically confucianism, but White people were basically practicing a White version of confucianism. Check out this Norse poem


And the Roman custom of Lares


The ancestors were the original guardian angels.

White people have no choice but be loyal to the white race because in a anti-white society, the other races have been encouraged to resent the memory of white people. So in order for white people to have their consciousness be honored in future generations, they have to preserve the existence of white people in future generations. Even if those white people don't venerate the ancestors, the memory of the ancestors will still live on in their blood.

White people are not being given the option of joining other ethnic groups because non-whites are encouraged to hate "dead white males", so the only suitable race for remembering white people is: the white race.

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Sure you have, buddy. Now that you've owned us bullshit occultists, I'm sure you can continue your vegetative existence in peace.

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File: 548c6b06b9688e4⋯.jpg (83.35 KB,680x671,680:671,you.jpg)

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Imagine replying to a dead thread 1 year after the last post to a meme user that isn't around anymore.

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dang you really showed him

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File: 58098ad18c3d4cc⋯.jpg (152.07 KB,630x630,1:1,Jewish Magick.jpg)

 No.133790 [Open thread]

The 1987 movie Spaceballs based on Star Wars had a character resembling Yoda who would say "May the Schwartz be with you". Schwartza is Yiddish for Black. So he was repeating an incantation to Americans which meant "May Black people be with you". The 1990's saw a huge increase in Black culture being promoted to Americans.


Jewish Curses


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Prayers for vengeance are common in Jewish tradition, but such prayers tend to be discouraged in many other religions. Prayers for vengeance are compatible with all religions though

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File: a99b60cb23c7376⋯.jpg (34.08 KB,315x445,63:89,the_never_ending_story.jpg)


Every movie, every piece of music, every story told, every shred of pop culture is a magical incantation. Almost always it is black magic and almost always it is Jewish. This is true in about 99.99999999999% of cases. The only exceptions may be a couple of Mel Gibson films and some songs that are now banned from YouTube, so you can't even find them anymore.

I was thinking about the film "The NeverEnding Story" today, and I thought about how that's a perfect illustration of how Jews embed messages into their own works. Never Ending Story is a metaphor for Jewish subversion of children through literature. The story revolves around an old kike who gives a kid a book, which the kid then gets "drawn into". There's a lot of traumatizing events for the kids in the story to go through. A somewhat sexualized little girl. Lots of occult imagery and stuff.

The primary villain is an unseen entity called "the nothing" which basically destroys all of the magic and wonder and innocence of the world the boy is getting drawn into. It's pretty clearly symbolic of the psychological damage done to children who are abused by MKULTRA mind control pop culture and traumatizing stories (I certainly remember how badly watching Nightmare On Elm St fucked me up as a 5 year old).

Yeah, and the original story was even written by a guy who was "oppressed" by the nazis for being a "degenerate".

Just saying, they all know exactly what they're doing. They know everything they're making is a magic spell. They know it consciously, and they often work that conscious knowing into their own spells.

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lol I actually tried evoking the energy of this song a month or so ago.


It might have worked since I haven't seen a nigger irl since.

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File: d37fdb45238b38a⋯.jpg (207.88 KB,1100x619,1100:619,when_you_see_it.jpg)


>revenge is the business of God

Romans 12:19 Vengeance is mine, thus sayeth the Lord. I'm not sure if you can directly put a curse on someone with Yahweh, but there are numerous instances in the Bible where they have asked God for help in fighting enemies like >>133796 points out here.

>some jews do more than pray

Also, If you know the right Fallen Angel to ask, you can afflict your enemies with demons or have them attacked.


>big antenna to amplify magic

>Latin inscription

Laus Deo


Spot on, mate! Normies don't realize what they're looking at, but the Washington Monument is a giant spirit antenna in front of a black mirror. Once you see it, you'll shit bricks.



The thing about "jewish" magic is that it's not exclusive to jews. Anyone can use it. It's why so many elites and Hollywood get into Kabbalah. Jews have compiled their own brand of magic stealing from other traditions. The use of obelisks was originally an Egyptian thing. Most jews learned their sorcery from Babylon, which was famous for it's magic in those times.

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>>136147 has it right, but here's a thing I'd like to add: the Jews you're familiar with don't use Kabbalah, they use it's antithesis, Qlipthoth. Jews hate it when people use Kabbalah, especially Israelites and foreigners.

Also, I'm pretty sure that Mel Brooks is considered irrelevant at best, and at worst, disgraced to them. Despite being "part of the club" he never really was "with the club" so to speak..

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File: 3d109ee632e2ffc⋯.jpg (20.04 KB,400x400,1:1,pYAJc_U2_400x400.jpg)

 No.135957 [Open thread]

Psi-kers, the day of reckoning is upon us. There is an abundance of conscious distress in the world right now, so much so that the sensors of the global consciousness project are giving off an astonishing p-value of 0.01. That's what I call ladies and gentlemen, statistically significant. Now if only we united our brains in a global hemi-sync at about 7HZ, and used advanced ESP then we could figure out whenever to put our money on calls or puts with TESLA stock.

The evidence that our Messiah Dean Radin presents us is pretty convincing. Parapsychology exists, and there are a countless amount of studies and experiments to prove it. But then you read some sceptic rebuttals and find out that none of the studies can be replicated, half of the studies were bullshit, and the other half got really insignificant results along with some inadequate statistical analysis which actually makes the effect not have a higher probability than pure chance. But then again, might something be there? Can anyone actually bend spoons? Are aliens real? Can I summon a succubus blowjob mistress on demand?

So fellow psiker, are we going calls or puts?

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>Research a company or security like you're actually gonna be the owner of it, then Invest. don't day trade.

>If you do day trade, then do it with the expectation that money to become absolutely worthless.

You must be fun at parties. Do you have autism by any chance?

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>going to parties


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i think youre the autistic one friend, none of that is bad advice

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File: 86e9440d25acced⋯.jpg (54.54 KB,600x438,100:73,PEAR_single_operator_graph.jpg)

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>calls or puts?

I turn my karma into all kinds of wealth. It's easier and healthier for my soul.

But if you're going to invest, do like this anon says: >>135980

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File: 7ccfdd6e8248cef⋯.jpg (13.45 KB,852x480,71:40,12.jpg)

 No.109897 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Any chance it's anything good? Asking for a friend.

(2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread)
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There is some negative karma attached to suicide, but nowhere near as much as killing someone else. The spiritual fallout is manageable.

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>you have to lose your "lust for living" in order to achieve enlightenment

This is patent bullshit on par with "you must destroy your ego in order to see higher". Your ego is a part of you, just as you are a part of the all. And if you can't enjoy life and the suffering inherent (all suffering is challenge to be overcame), if you can not enjoy the now then you won't enjoy what comes next.

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>I believe that God controls everything and that even free will isn't technically 100% real since

Everything follows the 'fingerprint' of the metapattern (father pattern) even our thoughts and actions.. But, the metapattern is absurdly complex to the point that any attempt to visualize it always results in what appears to be pure chaos (though it is orderly, just hyper complex) But, I believe that what free will is is that we have the ability to consciously alter our course through the pattern.

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File: 4809aab554edc69⋯.jpg (517.91 KB,1280x2042,640:1021,1557183734199.jpg)

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File: 83a32913d6d0867⋯.png (162.06 KB,584x986,292:493,87283b3ec4ed0ef6caf290201e….png)

 No.136006 [Open thread]

It has been said, the book of the dead, none may read, for peril or strife, And yet all are written into the book of life. There is a third book you will find it is rarely kept in stock, But he that hath knowledge has touched in flesh the book of the key and the lock. In dreams some see the ninth gate, where I stood upon the dome of the rock, In olde lambeth was I, High above the quay that marries the loch, Where beyond the language and archaic symbols of old mythologies, Loki begins Ragnarok.

hubpages. com/politics/trailofdeceit

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File: f4c6da0f6644be1⋯.jpg (280.83 KB,765x1474,765:1474,tumblr_mrpkb1nxzg1s5xsmmo1….jpg)


I drew for fun, sure. Some of the flockdraw sessions I was in are actually archived.

No, I never took drugs.


I think so but I can barely remember in what context it was. He was asking where people aligned themselves. I am not entirely sure but I think only the "Dark" ones were told they could progress. Then there was talk about ashes to diamonds and supermen. He was drawing the comics so quickly.

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File: d9b3f26f05e5dd6⋯.png (50.96 KB,1253x1085,179:155,krim.png)



I have to admit, I wasn't really interested in the Cult of Saturn, or related stuff.

But that 4pleb synchronicity thread contained in the references has confirmed to me what I've been suspecting all along. The global elite are exactly like their children: Narcissistic wannabe-black-ops lolcows using the last generation's tools without any real creativity.

If what CIAfag said was true, and 9/11 was the moment that caused them to freak the the fuck out, then the corona virus outbreak must've sent them into full-on-panic mode. it explains why they accelerated their plans so recklessly, they really are in freak-out-mode.

Man plans, god laughs. So laugh along with god and enjoy the ride.

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Any chance of linking the archived drawings?

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Well, I found this in the OP link: https://franksdumpblog.tumblr.com/archive

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aaargh these 3x3 images…

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 No.132508 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead. Previous thread: http://archive.is/5peEz FAQ: https://8ch.net/fringe/faq.html Meguca: https://meguca.org/fringe Fringebay: http://fringebay.com/fringe

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Not interested in charging anything for it, just post back if there was an effect. Shoulder and hip problems were larger energetic problems (blockages) and those are pretty easy to spot and break open, although it won't fix the pain right away. It will start opening up your correct range of motion again and you can then fix it completely with exercise. The warts are a result of stuff in your meridians (energy channels) and those need to be fixed by changing something in your mindset, which is what created this stuff building up there in the first place. Meditate or do self hypnosis to find out what the source is.

For eyesight, that's mostly an issue caused by habits. The "palming" and "swing" exercises by Bates work pretty well:


Embedded vid for shoulder mobility.

Hips can be possibly corrected by sleeping with a pillow between your knees if you sleep on the side. This is a common issue, the upper hip ends up in the wrong position if you always sleep on one side and you reinforce the problem for 7-8 h every night.

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File: 82d5aee3599699d⋯.pdf (2.32 MB,Robert_Bruce_Energy_Work.pdf)


Just read this

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Thank you, anon.

Hopefully great riches will find us all.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You might find vid related interesting. They talk about some pretty impressive instances of healing through magic.

In general though, even if you get it fixed, if you have an underlying energy problem, the physical issues will appear in other forms. You should do this as well: >>136037

However, speaking of Robert Bruce, I think the book to recommend is PDF related. Just doing it once triggered a full transformation in me that took a full year of craziness. That shit works wonders.

I hope you get your stuff sorted out.

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File: 219bb22d776106f⋯.png (146.08 KB,809x791,809:791,1589057929385.png)

 No.135120 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Fringewizard, your call has been received and is now answered.

It feelz like yearz but it hasn't been that long, has it? Regardless, the stars are aligning and I have been hard at work. I will excuse myself from my current persona, "Your Tyrant" and speak from the core of this self.

I, the self that I am now, am sick and fucking tired of seeing the ravages of the world befall my comrads and peers, those too wise and too crazy to even post on /x/ without a daily ban. I'm glad to be back, and glad /fringe/ has returned.

>but what's this about?


When I heard through my connections that a virus had been released from the wuhan lab, I knew we were almost out of time. I got my shit together, I sharpened my blade, and I learned how to code. TO CODE! One more checked off the polymath check list, good. But why? Cryptocurrency. The past several years, this has been my meal ticket, and this is how I'm going to fund all you little /fringe/wizards. This token is trading already on saturn.network. Funds are starting to flow in, and it's barely been released… in fact, half of the tokens are still ready to be distributed.

>wut dis scam

I'm not asking you to buy a damned thing. I'm giving this to YOU.

>what do you want

I want you to pursue the schemes you've always desired. I want you to seek out the sangraal. I want to fill the cauldren. I want to liberate the entrance to the inner earth. I want US to replace the idiots who are currently ruling the world.

SO I ASK YOU! Are you crazy enough to join me on this wild ride that never ends?

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>My goal is a primitivist ancap world with true sexual liberation, terrorized by an army of immortal elite mage lolis.

basically like me playing sims with an immortal self-insert avatar, lol

based af

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Sell your Tesla stocks, I'm dumping it.

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File: c25a1620f529c15⋯.png (23.76 KB,686x547,686:547,impressive.png)

File: 17785e91d7c15af⋯.png (155.32 KB,350x254,175:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 1f6be5fc803e2f2⋯.png (73.99 KB,1218x569,1218:569,chart_cid.png)



Pretty sure Cryptid is outperforming tesla, since it's up over 800% in a week.


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Interesting. Tell us about your ways.

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File: 88bfa31af076bfb⋯.jpg (76.05 KB,736x1104,2:3,1bf9a77e03040e70e56b87d1a9….jpg)

 No.135051 [Open thread]


June 21 2020 (6+2+1+2+0+2+0=13)

1. Solar Eclipse Confirmed

Duration - 38 minutes (8+3=11)

Saros - 137 (1+3+7=11)

Greatest Eclipse - 6:41 UTC (6+4+1=11)

Magnitude - 0.994 (9+9+4=22)

Catalog# - (SE5000) 9553 (9+5+5+3=22)

Max. width of band 21 km (13 mi)

2. 193 days left in the year. (1+9+3=13)

3. Conjunction between the Sun and Venus

4. Conjunction between the Sun and Mars

5. Square between the Moon and Saturn

6. Conjunction between the Moon and Uranus

7. Conjunction between Venus and Mars

8. Conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn

9. SQUARE between Saturn and Uranus

This is a 1,000 year event. The hidden masters will not let it go to waste. All rituals will be magnified 1000 fold.

This is a warning I got from one of my Mage Friends online. These riots and unrest are a means to generate enough negative energy world wide to fuel the deepstate's Black Magic rituals. Please counter with Prayer and White Magic. Evil must not prevail!

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Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>actually believing that

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>unironically believing the Corona-chan meme

You need to lay off the MSM there friend.

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You guys think that these nuts' "White Magic" is automatically good news for YOU? Just think for a second, what huge magical attack by a bunch of recluses could benefit any ordinary schmoe (that ordinary, unaffiliated schmoe being YOU)?

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Ask that question to the little little black spectral insect that's giving you paranoid thoughts and leeching off your loosh.

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Whatever it is, it's bad news for somebody.

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File: f06340dbe716441⋯.jpg (956.63 KB,1544x1158,4:3,pythagorean_illuminati.JPG)

File: cb23dabdfa6e639⋯.jpg (220.47 KB,679x888,679:888,the_god_game.jpg)

File: b07317f393e3236⋯.pdf (2.97 MB,The_God_Game_The_God_Serie….pdf)

 No.135829 [Open thread]

The Illuminati are not who you think they are. Most commonly, people think that the Illuminati are the rich elite controlling the world, but that is the lie the elites would want you to think.

The real Illuminati, the Pythagorean Illuminati, are a secret society of the top world’s intellectuals who are trying to overthrow the elitist Old-World Order.

They have written and published many books, under various pseudonyms, which breaks down and explains their philosophy and the Truth about the true nature of reality, and of existence itself. All reality is made of living, conscious, free-willed minds. Those minds are in fact mathematical entities (Leibnizian monads) described by Euler's identity equation, the God equation. All of existence is real living mathematics.

The God Series by Mike Hockney (pseudonym) is a series of books which explains the entire idea of a mathematical universe in detail and answers all the biggest questions in life.

"This is the introductory text of the "God Series" of books in which the Pythagorean Illuminati reveal, for the first time in the public domain, the "answer to everything".

Pythagoras provided a glimpse of the answer 2,500 years ago when he declared, "All things are numbers". The God series fully reveals what Pythagoras meant. Mathematics - built from numbers - is not an abstraction but is ontological: it actually exists. Numbers are real things. Specifically, they are the frequencies of energy waves. (Moreover, energy waves are simply sinusoidal waves: sines and cosines, meaning that the study of energy is the study of sinusoids). There are infinity energy waves, hence infinite numbers."

"The God series, starting with The God Game, reveals the astonishing power of ontological mathematics to account for everything, including things such as free will, irrationalism, emotion, consciousness and qualia, which seem to have no connection with mathematics.

Read the God series and you will become a convert to the world's only rational religion - Illuminism, the Pythagorean religion of mathematics that infallibly explains all things and guarantees everyone a soul that is not only eternal but also has the capacity to make each of us a true God.Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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File: cbe650931bf59cf⋯.pdf (2.01 MB,The_God_Equation_The_God_S….pdf)


OP here. Asking for proof for any claims is necessary thing to do, for how else are we supposed know shit from Shinola? I can understand your point for knowing some facts the authors of the literature you read, it is important to know who the source is for the claims being made. If some random guy told me light is behaviors as both a particle and a wave, a seeming paradox, why I would trust him and take him at his word? Unless perhaps that person was a physicist who had studied the subject all his life, then I would be more inclined to trust his claims. Indeed, this is a reasonable thing to do.

I would argue that knowing the author is not always necessary or important. Here on /fringe/ everyone is anonymous, we know nothing about anyone. Instead, we focus on the message or information being shared. If someone makes a claim, we never talk it as face value as we don’t know the person, so instead ask them to provide reasonable and logical support for the message or argument they put forward and engage in discourse that way.

Whether or not the Illuminati exists, it is mostly irrelevant to the content of the books. The God series does not discuss the details of what the Illuminati have accomplished, as that is not important to the main theme and topic of the books. The focus of the books to show, with logical and mathematical proofs, that reality is All Mind. That all of existence is made from ontological mathematics (In terms of the Kybalion, mathematics is “The Law”). Through out the books, it delves deep into the biggest scientific mysteries, like consciousness, physics, quantum mechanics and shows how all those things are better explained in terms of mathematics.

The God Game is only but an introductory text to the God Series and tries to give a quick summary for many different topics. The other books in the series go into vastly more detail about the actual mathematics. The 6th book, The God Equation, is a good next book to read in the series after The God Game, as it is full of mathematics. Focusing on showing how Euler’s identity equation is the source of mathematics, as it also describes the fundamental Minds (soul) that make up all of existence. The mind mathematically generates reality (in form of energy frequPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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That's a lot more understandable. I think what this may be similar to the Rosicrucian fraternity, where it was presented as an elite circle of ascended masters in a series of semi-related fictional books, which served as a means to present otherwise serious philosophical concepts and ideas. Books like Zanoni and Vril are concerned with documenting intellectual, spiritual, and philosophical currents, and whether the secret societies, events, or people contained in them exist or not, is largely irrelevant, as they'd have little friction with common society, on account of their personal development.

If that is the case with The God Series, as you suspect, then you might wish to emulate what was done with Zanoni- take the ideals presented, and apply them at the level of the common man. Whether the Pythagorean Illuminati exist or not, creating a society based on their ideals, and working towards their goals by more immediate means, can do no harm.

If you're an academic, you may want to initiate your close peers in this way of thinking. If they take to it, you could form small study groups, iron out a concrete path of personal development based on your personal experiments, and later, mentor promising people along this path. This is how secret societies are born.

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>Zanoni and Vril

Aha, finally one person read these books here.

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Dude, you've just stumbled upon a cult-indoctrination trap, not actual tools to find the cosmic truth.

Here's my review and comments of the the first book.

>Ch 1. Illuminati

Okay, I can deal with this, what do you have for me?

>Ch 2. Rules of the Game

Okay, why is the ten-page rant about monotheist religion nessecary? If this were really that much of a logic-minded book, why emotionally bash religions instead of saying "Bibles are the word of god, as heard, transcribed, reworded, retranslated, misheard and misinterpreted by man"? Furthermore, the author seems to confuse faith with belief. Belief is thinking that something divine is real regardless of proof or truth. Faith is the resolve to witness the proof and the truth.

Likewise, Belief without faith is delusion, whereas faith without belief is aimlessness, but synchronicity is the needle that pins faith and belief together.

>Ch 3. Myer's brigg mathematics

And now my bullshit-o-meter hits 4 out of 5 on the dial that says "the author is lying to himself."

A person's intelligence and mathematical aptitude is not consistent with their personality types. I'm an introvert, but I've spent enough time around people to know that just because someone has a social inclination doesn't mean they are mathematically less gifted than a shut in that spends all their time alone on the computer.

"…Gottfried Leibniz, a Grand Master the best world is the one which is 'simplest in hypotheses and richest in phenomena'. This is not just the formula for the best world but for the ONLY world. the world pursues the path of least resistance. it takes the shortest path it can between to points…"

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An atheist pseudo-religious cult? Based.

Thanks for reading the book, so that I don't have to.

Good news is, >>135905 can probably make a far better philosophical and occult school if he sets his mind to it, with actual reason, logic, and maths. The Solomonary mystery school explores higher-dimensional physics and hyperspace laws as part of their spiritual progress, you could probably borrow most of your theory from them.

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 No.135838 [Open thread]

Have you yet realized what opportunity the present chaos in the Western world affords us? Namely those of us who understand the principles of propaganda, of meme magick, of social engineering and of thought form transmutation? I believe the time to act starts now, for those who lay the ground work capable of harnessing the energy of an inevitable reactionary force that will soon come into existence, indeed is coming into existence this very moment, shall be immortalized as Gods.

Do you know of what I speak? Let me give you a taste of what I offer. The Western Enlightenment was exoterically a secular and individualistic counter-reaction to Christianity, which consolidated and utilized the energy flows from the Protestant Reformation a century earlier. The Enlightenment largely rejected the dogmas of the Judeo-Christian world view, and stood in opposition to its slave moralisms. As you may know from history, the Enlightenment's forebearers were the chief occultists and alchemists of their day, and had many esoteric beliefs that we all find affinity with. But today, the Enlightenment is losing ground, succumbing to the forces of darkness spearheaded by the cult of Woke-insanity that predominates the present political zeitgeist. Like the Enlightenment, Woke religion or "Social Justice" is also secular movement, but it is primarily collectivist and slave-like in its nature. A secularized and materialistic version of the Judeo-Christian teachings, irrationality preaching the slave morality of equality, not in the after life, but in this one.

I predict that Woke-insanity will be a short lived phenomenon, at least on the time-scale of cultural movements, for its center cannot hold. However, it will leave in its wake a destroyed world and a directionless populace without compass that knows not what is truth, what is fact, or even what historically occurred a mere few decades in the past. A populace ready to be uplifted and reprogrammed by whomsoever possesses the knowledge and the will to do so.

Are you thinking of Albert Pike's letters to Mazzini? Good. Because even if they are a hoax, the situation as outlined in those letters appears to be approaching its climax. What comes next will be to the Enlightenment what Christianity is to Woke-insanity, only happenPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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>muh SJW

stop making fools of yourselves.

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Yeah, it's not like Jewish-funded SJW groups have started riots on most major cities across the world or anything… oh, wait.

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This is an esoteric board. Mundane babble belongs on /pnd/.

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Wouldn't want to look like a fool on /fringe/, it's cringe.

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 No.134626 [Open thread]

I want to change dimensions. Plz help. I'll do anything as long as I change. I'm at your whim, your mercy.

Please help me please

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Everything deserves it own thread, unless you're a jannie.

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This is how you change dimensions in the multiverse: 2 pairs of mirrors for space and 2 pairs for time. The first pair is opposite in sign from the current dimension, so it creates a new one. The second pair makes an "U" in space and creates a "U" in time. For example, consider a multiverse where the first dimension is parallel to the second, but where the second dimension changes through a second mirror instead of flipping over from the current dimension.

You move through the mirrors into the dimension you want. The world turns up to twelve inches across, and is populated by portals, dark and sinister-looking, that let you pass through. You move through them, and as the sight of the far end of the world turns into a heady scintillating green of realms and worlds above the mundane, you become aware of something you should have known all along. There is an awful, awful void between the realms you have just entered and the ones you are on. As you move through, however, the void melts away, and your tunnel is replaced by a gleaming golden light as you pass through. As the golden light fades, so too does your tunnel - it has ceased to be a tunnel. You have to make sure to cross into the dimension before the golden light fades! Cannot stress that enough. Enter the portal when the portal is glowing golden again and you'll be fine.

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Just judging by your body I can tell you're lost.

You want to change dimensions? Uproot yourself from your comfortable state and let the air carry you into the heavens.

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>let the air carry you into the heavens.

explain how pls

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Meditate on how you'd float on water.

For another hint, consider the akashic origin of air.

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 No.87917 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Do we actually know why anything happens and is there any use at all in trying to argue with people about why stuff happens?

I know that mental influence is real and that objects in this universe all exhibit mental properties and that mental laws govern everything; that all is mental. Beyond that I cringe at myself trying to explain too much, again & again. I want to elaborate on what has already been taught and try to make people understand the principles of Hermeticism better but it seems to be an impossible task. You either fully grasp and understand the principles in their true significance, or you don't, and you go back to normie shit.

My best bet at making another human being appreciate what I am into is to practice theurgy for them (and never saying a single word to them about occultism beforehand), stunning their mind by producing the undeniable phenomena of occultism for them to witness and experience for themselves. However the people I've done this for have become no less enlightened (and rather have actually become even MORE annoying and problematic) and I am reminded again of old scriptures where ancient monks had this exact problem and were reprimanded by their teachers for showing off powers.

A normie exposed to theurgy tends to derp-out and start talking a lot of New Age bullshit and falling into thousands of other mental trappings that keep them away from full understanding and power. Lets not even get started on alchemy though, I've already got so panicked by the reactions of normies who think I should make them alchemical potions and give them gold, that I just went into SHUT IT DOWN mode and tried to do everything to get them off of the subject. I've been offered everywhere from $50 to about $5,000 dollars as well by normies attempting to bribe me to do things for them.

I would really like to try and justify and summarize what I believe and WHY I devote my life to philosophy and occultism but I feel myself cringing so many times as I try to do it for other people. If I stick to stating only the principles of occultism and leaving it to them to seek the proofs (through experience) then I will end up saying nothing wrong but I won't be convincing in thPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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>You can gain knowledge but the real truth is hidden inside yourself. You are a god caught in the trap of an illusion, and the illusions only power over you is keeping you from remembering who you are.

There is some shit in 2013 series lessons that does a good job of debunking that claim btw, forget which part of it, I think it was in the raja yoga section.

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>The lips of Wisdom are closed, except to the ears of Understanding.

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I usually have pretty cool conversations in my dreams.

The entities are generally pretty understanding as long as I'm not being a butt. Getting explanations about this reality are difficult though, since we're communicating at a sort of crossroads of consciousness.


That's not a claim. The "we are all one" is true. We are a singular being existing beyond all of this. the Ain Soph. We differentiate to create this illusion of separation. All of it, plant, animal, mineral, spiritual, etc. is just us pretending to be separate.

It doesn't make the illusion less substantial, less complicated, or any easier to solve and escape though. But part of the path of return is becoming aware of the fact that we are indeed all one, even while believing we are separate entities.

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I don't know how you can hear what you denounce if you hear theurgy.

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I think a lot of it comes down to understanding, and also coming to terms with the idea that you could control more once those blocks have been released.

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 No.129830 [Open thread]


Ether, the fifth element, is a substance more subtle than air. This means the ether is to air as the air is to the earth. When you gaze into the blackness of outer space you are observing the ether and this can attune your mind to the ether. The ether exists all around us. Physicist Sir Oliver Lodge wrote about scientific explanations of the ether.

SINCE THE ETHER PERMEATES ALL THINGS AND INTERCONNECTS ALL MINDS, IT IS THE ETHER THAT ALLOWS MAGIC RITUALS AND PRAYERS TO AFFECT REALITY, prayers and magic rituals create ripples in the ether and affect what we are focusing on.

The ether allows intuition to work. Intuition is receiving information directly by way of pure impressions by bringing our attention to something. If you close your eyes and think about outer space you may eventually experience thoughts come to your about outer space that provide you information about outer space, without having to perform a set of logical operations. If you look at someone you may have ideas come to you about that person, spontaneous ideas, that communicate you knowledge about that person, but you didn't have to perform logic to get that knowledge. Intuition is simply information coming to you spontaneously just by bringing your attention to something, and this happens because the ether allows this information to be transported by the fact it connects all things and the ether is a sort of information field and our minds are like antenna that can broadcast and receive etheric signals.

Sir Oliver Lodge provides a scientific basis for the existence of ether and he mentions isaac newton did an experiment to prove the existence of the ether. Below are links to his work.


The forgotten books version has print of a good size and can be found on amazon or gotten from the forgotten books website

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Relativity is bullshit and you're clearly a fucking brainlet midwit that doesn't even understand what he claims to. Relativity is based on the false assumptions that time is real, space has properties, and that it is known what light is. But you wouldn't know any of this because you don't know shit about relativity to begin with.

Literally kill yourself you moron waste of fresh air.

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You forgot to mention that Einstein was a DIRTY JEW KIKE who probably received his so-called "miracle papers" from the Elders of Zion so as to cement the worship of the Jew scientism-priests who know nothing but sodomy and sin.

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>muh science

>fug our calculations don't work out

>better solve that by claiming there is an invisible thing that makes up 99% of the universe

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Yes. And that he stole relativity from "goyim" scientists. The Jews hate us "goyim" because we are superior. They are impostors and deceivers.

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superior in getting invaded by darkies maybe

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 No.109363 [Open thread]

Can we have a thread to discuss the implications of quantum mechanics? To begin with, some things which are widely accepted in the theory

>things can exist in superimposed states, in which they are neither one thing or the other, but the two at the same time

>the evolution of these superimposed states is deterministic and given as a solution of the Schrödinger equation, except…

>…if you try to measure something, in which case the wave function collapses the system presents to you as one definite state

>this gives rise to the "measurement problem", which is a hole in the theory that one could interpret as placing conscious beings apart from the physical reality

>the act of measuring can also change the past of a particle, even if you are observing a photon which has been traveling for billions of years before reaching you (see Wheeler's delayed choice experiment)

All this seems really odd to me, like it's pointing towards something transcendent about reality. And if that wasn't enough, one could argue: why do we ourselves always assume definite states? If other things require conscious entities to look at them in order to take a state, then each of us has to be constantly observed by an external consciousness in order to exist, which could be what people have always recognized as "God".

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Everyone prank call this wife beating dog fucking white trash



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What does that have to do with Esoteric Wizardry?


Take it to /baph/ or you can call me if you want to talk some shit.


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>then each of us has to be constantly observed by an external consciousness in order to exist

Then what is observing god in order for him/it to exist?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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Theoria Apophasis hasn't said anything new ever. And he repeats himself constantly, never really delving into things. Just uses word salads that trick only normies. And he is a huge hypocrite.

That being said what I said about quantum has nothing to do with him. Quantum is clearly bullshit to anyone that actually thinks it through.

Other people in this thread also called QM and its followers retards, why do you call me out? Why do you stalk me?

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 No.135510 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Hi /fringe/,

I come to you with a simple question: What is the most direct way to experience something that will break my materialist view of reality once and for all? I want to experience something that my worldview says is impossible.

I do not want to use drugs, as I am seeking an experience that can be (at least theoretically) validated by an outside source. An example would be to evoke poltergeist activity.

Please let me know what I can do. I am open to any method other than drugs, providing the method is ethical and does not spiritually risk my loved ones.

Furthermore, would there be karmic baggage associated with attempting to carry out a procedure like using a ouija board as this poster suggested? >>119525

I will post results for anyone interested. If it is feasible to record results I will also do so, however I am aware of the supposed trickster nature such phenomenon that suggests recording devices may be useless or counterproductive.

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The chaote is right, but has committed an even bigger issue. Doing these sorts of invocations and elemental breathing techniques isn't for undeveloped beginners.

If you haven't built up your constitution, and have a good knowledge of your own inner workings, you can fuck yourself up mentally and/or emotionally.

And then for the triple-whammy, he hasn't included the expiration, or banishment, which means that whatever element or symbol was invoked, will remain invoked and unbalance the individual potentially for the rest of their lives.

So, our friendly chaote: 1. Tells a fedora to build up massive amounts of differential chaos until he starts having psychotic breakdowns and seeing shit, 2. doesn't mention the requirements for this stuff, and the severe consequences of not meeting them, and 3. abandons the fedora in the shadow realm for the rest of his life.

So, just a chaote being a chaote. The best part is that the fedora, having read this, will now most likely try to prove it to be bullshit, and do it anyway.

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What is it? Trees?

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I did not know there was an explicit term for this kind of reasoning but I think I've been modelling reality with retroduction probably for as long as I was able to. In other words, eliminating all of the impossibilities of a situation and then looking at the shape that remains, then filling that shape with what seems to fit. Perhaps if we think of reality as a constant work in progress, this is the only way of truthseeking that makes sense.

I have to ask where has retroduction led you?


I must say, last night I did have the explicit reality of "I feel as though I am being watched here and now" while I was in my room. Not in a malicious way but in a plain factual way. To me, this was true and real emotionally. When I tried to reduce the experience to pure physical observation, I found that feet felt cold (like a stereotypical sign of a ghost) but this does not do the feeling justice. It gets tricky at this point, As I'm typing this I also just saw a glowing shape near the edge of my vision, but it appeared in the same way that you might get hypnagogic visuals or flashes from nerves firing. In other words, it's hard to tell whether the visual was generated by my body or whether it happened outside of it. Have you (or anyone reading) had this experience of visuals occurring with the same nature as this?

And about yoga, I've never tried physical stances. I've focused on what I'd read in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras (especially concerning the process of samyama). Honestly I am in dire need of a physical element to my work.


I appreciate this resource a lot. I have to ask what do you think of eastern religions and thought systems? Since yoga came up earlier, I have been curious to hear what Christians think of such practices.

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This is the hardest thing about trying to get to grips with this stuff, it seems like there's so many stumbling blocks and people trying to trip you up at every turn… I recently bought a copy of Oberon Zell's Grimoire For The Apprentice Wizard, I'm hoping it will help me learn the foundations without fucking me up too bad.


If you look at it for long enough relaxing the focus of your eyes, once you sync up your left and right brain a 3D image will pop out at you. Without spoiling too much for you this image contains a 3D two legged figure.

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>I also just saw a glowing shape near the edge of my vision

They tend to do things like this. There is no need manifesting with physical light/shape if they can get away with manipulating your perception of reality, it's less energy consuming. This is also supposed to be a poltergeist. There seemed to be a group of them conveniently showing themselves as you started this thread, I invited one other of them to my place. Compared to previous ones, this one is pretty active. Making sounds in the kitchen when I'm in the next room, banging on radiators, flipping pages in my piano course book… Yeah it's just the wind, and things fell and caused sounds. But if you mentally accept that this sudden increase in unrelated weirdness may have a specific source, reality changes.

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