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Anons Fringe Archive

 No.87917 [Last50 Posts]

Do we actually know why anything happens and is there any use at all in trying to argue with people about why stuff happens?

I know that mental influence is real and that objects in this universe all exhibit mental properties and that mental laws govern everything; that all is mental. Beyond that I cringe at myself trying to explain too much, again & again. I want to elaborate on what has already been taught and try to make people understand the principles of Hermeticism better but it seems to be an impossible task. You either fully grasp and understand the principles in their true significance, or you don't, and you go back to normie shit.

My best bet at making another human being appreciate what I am into is to practice theurgy for them (and never saying a single word to them about occultism beforehand), stunning their mind by producing the undeniable phenomena of occultism for them to witness and experience for themselves. However the people I've done this for have become no less enlightened (and rather have actually become even MORE annoying and problematic) and I am reminded again of old scriptures where ancient monks had this exact problem and were reprimanded by their teachers for showing off powers.

A normie exposed to theurgy tends to derp-out and start talking a lot of New Age bullshit and falling into thousands of other mental trappings that keep them away from full understanding and power. Lets not even get started on alchemy though, I've already got so panicked by the reactions of normies who think I should make them alchemical potions and give them gold, that I just went into SHUT IT DOWN mode and tried to do everything to get them off of the subject. I've been offered everywhere from $50 to about $5,000 dollars as well by normies attempting to bribe me to do things for them.

I would really like to try and justify and summarize what I believe and WHY I devote my life to philosophy and occultism but I feel myself cringing so many times as I try to do it for other people. If I stick to stating only the principles of occultism and leaving it to them to seek the proofs (through experience) then I will end up saying nothing wrong but I won't be convincing in the least either. I've tried telling people "this is what I've experienced and this is why I take it seriously" but then they need proof and then when they get proof they continue to be pests. Any kind of modality I might put forward (and we all know there are many and that they all work in practice, though they are nothing more than models of the actual truth) will never be adequate because each one depends on subjective tastes / preferences.

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I spend literally all my time doing rituals, burning things, sacrificing things, writing strange symbols, blessing things, reading strange books, staring off into the void while in trances, and all kinds of other suspicious activities and the normies won't leave me alone. They will come harangue me about how I'm supposedly wasting my time and crazy or demand I teach them or spew Wiccan-tier bullshit at me or some Christian ramblings that don't make sense. My efforts to get them to just leave me alone tend to make them more interested while my efforts to try to get them to understand tend to be embarrassing and lead to either them making huge demands of me (which would distract from my current ongoing rituals and require a shitload of vital energy I don't want to waste frivolously) or to them. It doesn't help at all too that normies all automatically think stuff like that if you can heal, you should heal them all, and you're a bad person if you don't. I literally do not want to help a single normie with anything, I just want to focus on my own goals, and if I'm going to help normies one day then I would rather do it when fixing their problems becomes 1 minute because I am so advanced instead of 1 hour or multiple days of intense concentration and effort. Fucking normies are just like the multitudes mentioned in the Corpus Hermeticum.

Imagine some of those monks in the past who lived alone in caves or other secluded places, who became famous, and then had thousands of people come visit them for healing. Imagine you spent so many years to become that powerful and then you have to waste possibly an entire decade or the rest of your life now fixing up thousands of people coming to you in endless droves.

The most important thing a magician can learn is how to disappear. How not to be found. How to escape normies.

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I feel that the most efficient and best way to carry oneself as an occultist is to be elitest and to tell the normies they are unworthy of the teachings In this way they either fuck off or they reach a level of intensity of the desire to know that they go to exceptional lengths, actually trying to study on their own and so on, to try and understand you.

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It's all fucking there in the books anyways. The only problem is that people do not change how they think. They continue to think the same way they did before reading Hermetics. They don't adjust to the new philosophy. They continue to think of a material world and with materialist assumptions or they continue to think in the context of their Christian retardation or falling into the trappings of various false-dualities. They don't align science with occultism, they don't see they are true allies and false enemies, and so much other shit.

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Take another look at science please. Just strip it of the materialist philosophy. Science is a great tool. Materialists infected it with their bullshit philosophy and got their retardation accepted via being authority figures, via mass-brainwashing. Everything in science is correct, but it is mental, not material. We are dealing with a mental reality not a material one. We are not the product of blind force and ontological randomness. The world is sentient, alive, and has levels of organization or of mind greater than the mind of man.

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The first thing all of you need to know to become a so called "wizard" is to look at every single thing as mental objects governed by mental laws and that your mind does not exist in isolation from any of the things around you but actually interacts with and influences everything around you.

AMA please. What do you want to accomplish? The most powerful techniques are the simplest, the most natural. You need to start with them. Later on you will build-up great mental structures that automate the processes you want to invoke.

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I'm going to start asking the questions because you all don't know what to ask or you'll ask me some bullshit occultism trivia thing you could just look up in a book that has no relevance to actually getting shit done.

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Q. How do I protect my house (or any other defined physical space)?

First thing I want you to do is open up your senses and walk around the space to be protected. Opening up your senses is just a matter of using the imagination to imagine everything around you, so it's not merely being registered through that organ called the eyes. Basic Initiation Into Hermetics shit. Why the fuck are your senses not open already? Stupid neophyte.

Naturally, you get a feel for the place. Arrange everything how you like, clean the space up, make it a suitable place for your dwelling. Now burn some incense, sage, cedar, or just start a little fire of whatever the fuck you want in your room and put it out and let that smoke fill up everything and set the fire alarms off because you were too much of a dumb-ass to turn them off beforehand. You already are invested in the belief that burning shit and filling up places with smoke cleanses them out and so with the smoke the area is cleared of fucking everything from insects and other bullshit to undesirable entities.

Wait a moment, that's now how you protect a place, that's just how you cleanse it. Here's how to actually protect a place.

Find a tree, a rock, get a doll, it doesn't fucking matter. Find what feels like it'll be a suitable binding for a guardian. Now condense thought around it and call up an entity through the light and intend and believe it's going to perform the functions you defined for it to protect the place. Now it can alert you to shit, make people feel really disturbed and want to leave, make people drowsy, distract them, make them remember shit, etc. Use some fluid condensers on that shit to make it even more powerful. Why the fuck do fluid condensers even work so well? I don't really know what to tell you matey, some substances work better for this shit, and some substances not so well. I wish I had the time to penetrate the depths of this mystery better right now.

Ffs did you even read IIH? You should already know all this shit. kys

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Q. How do I heal my shit effectively?

Atkinson and Holographic Universe guy and so many others already explained this shit to your dumb-ass. There's a lot of different ways to interface with the body and to do this shit but the most natural fucking way to do it, the way you'd do it if you weren't wasting time reading through hundreds of books and were just a savage who had the basic understanding that all is mind, is you'd start talking to yourself. If you want to discover the personality and other qualities of your organs, it's a little tricky, but not much more than evoking. It's all about the level of mind you use in accessing them. If you're using that part of the mind which only estimates and reasons and makes shit up, you'll graft some thoughtforms onto your organs, and as far as the matters to healing it doesn't matter fuck all. If you care about objectivity though you use the same process in which I told you to see a number and you never thought about the font, the coloration, and all those other details. You just thought to see the number two and the rest filled in. If you want know anything about anything, you let the details fill in "without thinking about them". That's the whole point of filling a space with coloured light for shit to manifest through during evocation. So you think about your organ without thinking about your organ, until it comes through, and now you have contact with the mind of your organ. Now it's just a matter of talking to that organ, cheering it up, giving it the confidence to work for you, and encouraging it to function properly. Make it fall in love with the archetypal organ it was meant to be and it will shed off of all the poison, all the sadness, and heal. What more do I have to say? Think out the rest for yourself, please.

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Q. Why are people so fucking fat?

People get so fucking fat because of the influences they accept into their body. Don't forget that food, suggestions, and exercise, and all the rest is mental. Why do you think people can have such massive variation in lifestyle and diet and two people can do the same thing but one is skinny and one is fat? Franz Bardon became a fat-ass because he fucked his shit up with alchemy at the behest of someone worried about how skinny he was.

The solution to your fatness or skinniness is quite individual to your mental make-up. Your vulnerabilities aren't the same as everyone else. Universalist egalitarian retardation made people think one-size fits all. While there are certainly universal principles there is intense variation amongst individuals and races. Be careful with how you tinker with your body, you might become skinny at the cost of being able to actually assimilate properly the substances you take into your body, or you might become skinny at the cost of having to exercise all the time. Discover for yourself the optimal configuration if you can.

People become fat because of metabolic disorder. Metabolic disorder comes about in a lot of ways.

Maybe you have adopted a sane lifestyle and diet and it's not working out or alternatively you're a weirdo living in odd circumstances you have to adapt to. Whatever. The most general solution is to take to your glands that control your metabolism, find out what is making them stop functioning proper, avoid that shit, find out what makes it function properly and embrace that shit, and generally apply vital energy and instructions to operate properly. Talk that gland into being happy and it will perform wonderfully for you in a wide variety of conditions. You too can be like that dude who seems to be genetically gifted with long life, happiness, and vitality no matter what he does.

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I have a question for you /fringe/ why the fuck do normies want children? I'm not sure I want to dive into a normie's mind long enough to gain insight as to why. Just tell me. What the fuck goes through the mind of a normie who doesn't even care about their race that they decide to have a child?

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Time to laugh at the absurdity of existence in the Earth-sphere now. /thread

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> What the fuck goes through the mind of a normie who doesn't even care about their race that they decide to have a child?

Societal autosuggestion, animal instinct, lizard mind. They also feel it will validate their existence, or give them some kind of genetic immortality (even though nothing dies).

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What's the best/quickest/most effective way to prove to myself that all this is real?

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This question is predicated upon your mental make-up. Any answer to be truly adequate would have to be tailored to you.

I will answer you three times anyways.

>What's the best way to prove to myself that all this is real?

This: http://montalk.net/notes/reality-creation-redux

>What's the quickest way to prove to myself that all this is real?

Go find a room in your house where you can start gesticulating and blabbering unbothered, imagine the room around you as you look about you, start pulsing orange-coloured light-waves that you imagine will hit and reveal (like sonar) any entities around you, and when you see some form of a person or whatever in your vicinity continue to send those orange waves at them while feeling as much intense emotions as possible (such as immense fear or love or what have you). Vector in on the entity and start interacting with it. Imagine that everything around you is being automatically charged by you simply willing it so that everything is intensified/powered to perform its etheric functions more strongly. Let your emotions run wild and gain momentum.

>What's the most effective way to prove to myself that all this is real?

Careful study of the texts, deep contemplation, and practicing your way through IIH. Becoming a magician and not merely a sorcerer (the difference is basically, one understands universal law and knows what they are doing, the other merely imitates the magician and gets results without knowing what the fuck they are doing; see also Practise of Magical Evocation for the part where Franz Bardon talks about this).

Also learn to achieve the Plenary Trance.


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>Amazement begets amazement: This is a fun one. If you adopt an attitude of awe, wonder, and amazement, telling yourself that life is profoundly jaw-dropping, then just watch freak events transpire that really leave you awe struck in a good way. Wait a few days, sometimes reality takes a while to catch on.

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I'd like to interject for a moment.

The "mind" as people perceive it does not exist. In simplest terms the mind is a shadow on the wall of subjective reality created by the light of reality shining upon the structure of the thoughtforms that as a whole are "your" personality. This is not "you", this is an artifact of your consciousness that uses the primate body you receive sensory input from and control in the physical plane to interact with other fragments of Will indirectly. Now obviously the primate body can die and this will usually result in the thoughtforms it holds together (what most people perceive as themselves, the entirety of their thoughts, emotions, memories, etc.) dissipating.

So answer this OP, how the fuck does understanding and power actually matter when we're obviously fragments of God watching shadows dance?

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>So answer this OP, how the fuck does understanding and power actually matter when we're obviously fragments of God watching shadows dance?

Are you asking for a universal standard here?

It matters to me because it is my karma, my desire, placed into me by God.

Also because I suffered too long from ignorance and powerlessness and have no fondness for either of those conditions.

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"Fortunately, phenomena do not change with our varying views as to what things really are. The phenomena of electricity remain the same whether we consider it a fluid, a repulsion of molecules, or vibrations of the ether. "

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This text is completely devoid of speculation, of anything that might be deemed "bullshit occultism".

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It's more a theosophy question than anything.

Once knowing only the physical I thought I was the physical body. On knowing the mind I presumed I was the mind and the body a mere vessel. When I touched the spirit I became convinced that it was my true nature. But now I see the nature of Spirit.

I know first hand that Atman, Spirit, exists. But I do not know if I can agree with those who claim that is the self.

If you remove the body of a man is he still himself having only mind and spirit? If you remove the mind of a man is he still himself having only spirit? If you remove the spirit of a man is he still himself? We have no true shape no true form, we are the reflection and shadow of the spirit on the physical and mental planes. We are an illusion, a dream shattered by each cycle as each day is gone with the revolution of the earth. We are the patterns of light filtered through the clouds, insubstantial and transitory. Not as the intellectuals and fools say, as "life is a dream", but rather that is real that we see, and it is our own self that is the dream. Whether our flame is the span of a candle's life or that of a star's we will be extinguished.

I Am Not

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Looking at the question thread I was wondering, what's your opinion of Reiki?

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I personally know a Reiki practitioner and even volunteered to let him do stuff on me like 10 times in a row, each time about an hour, and he did this all for me for free (normally he'd charge). His hands would heat-up and he clearly was in a trance. I however, unlike most people he's ever met, have the ability to reject the energy or to flow with it, and even pulse it, and so on. He found that my energy is very low to my body, and that I am nearly like a dead man, most of the time; but when I flare out my energy it's the most intense energy ever and knocks him to the back of the walls of the room. I do suppress my "power level" almost constantly, as if I let myself function at that higher level, it is downright frightening and has extreme effects and generally causes an uproar amongst the mundane.

I read the material he had. It made me intensely suspicious. There's this attunement thing the Reiki practitioner goes through. In this regard I'd classify it at as something akin to sorcery in the sense Franz Bardon talks about it. Blindly opening yourself up to… who knows what.

I don't trust it and refuse to do the exact instructions, instead sticking to my own form of energy work, which itself isn't even identical with Robert Bruce's methods either, and is more something I have learned on my own.

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I am the immortal void. I am the undying nothing.


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File: 5fd760655c17e17⋯.png (137.88 KB,1082x916,541:458,Screenshot from 2016-12-18….png)

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OP is bullshit sissy wizard pretending to be an adept, isn't he? :(

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I'm afraid he is, he did give the correct response to my gatekeeper question.

I cannot believe that someone capable of the title adept would continue to believe in the existence of self.

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>existent / manifest


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tfw normally cold as death and did tumo meditation last night for about an hour and heated up the room

I should have kept going to see if I could set my clothing on fire like buddha boy

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By 'virtue' (?) of knowledge of the concept of it's existence, the self exists. How you define this concept is up to you.

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What are the most important personal character qualities and habits a person will need in order to become a successful "wizard"?

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Strength>Love(Empathy, Divine Love, not love in the meaning used colloquially)>Will


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>le confusing of Buddhist concepts of self and not self with Self as defined by Atkinson

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To Know, To Dare, To Will, To Keep Silence.

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Also in addition to this, complete rejection of the lower self, as in suicide by mental means, so as to achieve a death-trance in which your body isn't damaged but all the life is expelled from it for awhile.

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Atkinson is a hack and obullshitist.

Atkinson is not hermeticism.

Buddhist doctrine as originally espoused by Prince Siddhartha is fundamentally identical to that of hermetic doctrine.

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>Atkinson is a hack and obullshitist.

No he's not. You're just saying this because you're jealous of his popularity on here.

>Atkinson is not hermeticism.

He's New Thought…

>Buddhist doctrine as originally espoused by Prince Siddhartha is fundamentally identical to that of hermetic doctrine.

Well anything that constitutes the perennial philosophy, the original teachings "in their pure form", would also correspond with Hermeticism. Every religion becomes degraded with time.

Also every single Buddhist I've talked to here in my country that came from Asia doesn't even have any fucking scriptures and has their own different thing going on that was passed to them by their parents. They are pathetic. Buddhism is just another crap religion when in the wrong hands (that of the masses).

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>No he's not. You're just saying this because you're jealous of his popularity on here.

When most of his books are filler and disinfo.

>1000 page books with 10 pages of content

People still defend him. You're Smiley aren't you.

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>You're Smiley aren't you.

Bullshit Sissy Wizard confirmed. /thread

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Any books you can recommend that give advice on developing these qualities?

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>When most of his books are filler and disinfo.

There isn't any disinfo really in his books and some are stretched out too much but others are quite condensed.

He's practically perfect, you can barely find any issues with his material, whatever bullshit occultism you ascribe to I am sure we can all poke way more holes into.

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This thread is really nice and has cheered me up. >Atkinson is not hermeticism.

Isn't it pretty widely assumed that he wrote The Kybalion?

What's the difference between Atkinson's New Thought and Hermeticism?

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It's just some retarded from Alpam's Satanist Fringechan stirring shit up.

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it's either sissy wizard's 8ch/fringe or teen satanist fringechan. why are the only boards we have governed by such beings?

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Insult Smiley again and I'll permaban your ass Fringechan shitposter, see if I won't. I've had enough of you Fringechan dissidents, anyone who admits to using it is banned from now on.

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Check his post history and if he has some questions threads up or something you can ban him for like 10 minutes.

>banning dissidence

>banning people because they happen to use fringechan (in addition to 8/fringe/)

You'd have to ban me because I have posts on fringechan and here… and while I don't like what a certain clique of 3-5 shitposters (Learningcode, Omran, and some others)) are doing constantly driving wedges between the community and attacking me all the fucking time posting stuff to insult me in every single thread even when it's completely irrelevant, we can not violate our principles, or are we are nothing. We have to tolerate them. We can't beat them up using moderator tools. We have to find another way if we're going to defeat them.

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Well there are a few a zen stories which I think make for a very good point on this subject… The only problem being that I always forget the names of the people involved in the stories and that makes it pretty hard to find them again.

But the gist of them are that the kindness of the master is found exactly in his harshness to his students, in him not giving away the answer. The act of giving it away not only lessen it's value as it also breeds weakness and dependence on the part of the student, as such your interference should always be minimal. If you wish to do good you should really give no more than a few hints and sugestions that can meet them at the place they are, not some grand demonstration of power as they can't even interpret that in a meaningful manner.

There's no point in suggesting an advanced book to a beginner, and equally there is no point in demonstrating something that is way beyond their understanding. I know this means almost everyone you meet will have no idea about your path, but that's just how it is.

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learningchode is based

based is learning chode

hail to the chode

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“The problem with explaining complicated systems to the layman is this: it’s easy to simplify a concept to the point that that it’s no longer true.”

This is why Hermetic Science (magick) will never fall into the hands of normies because, as much as you'd like to simplify, as much as you'd like to make it easy for others and help them advance even faster than you were able to; there are no shortcuts in the occult.

Anyone who is inspired though, who intuitively or otherwise grasps the real significance of what we are doing, would desire nothing else than to walk the path though. They would rightfully see that is entirely worth doing so and that all the other stuff that keeps them in ignorance is a big waste of time. It is worth dedicating one's entire life to the magickal path and applying oneself full-heartedly to it.

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>There are no shortcuts

HAHAHAHAHA, good one anon. I've already found the shortcut to enlightenment and leaving this plane. Like I'd reveal it to the "wizards" on this forum though.

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Nice. Just like me!

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No you haven't.

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I only care about self-transformation. I'll ask anyone for advice who offers.

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This entire post is why you're all failures. If you can't explain things to people who ask, then attempt to and fail, then make excuses that it's way to "learned" and "hidden for you simple mind" it's because you don't know what the fuck you're talking about at all. It's like a terrible mexican mechanic who can't explain how he broke your car, so he just acts like he can't explain the complexity of it in english.

>Hermetic science

It was science, now science is science and you're a bunch of Christcuck level NeoPlatonists who ruined philosophy and have finally been pushed to the fringe of society because you can't produce a simple explanation as you don't KNOW ANYTHING. It's all fucking larping here



WHY ARE YOU ALL LARPING THIS HARD? That's what I dont get.

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You're walking into a classroom that teaches calculus when you barely know arithmetic and you expect "clear explanations". This is highly EMPIRICAL knowedge. It's based on the most direct kind of experience. I can't reproduce an experience for you, you have to seek it out for yourself. That's why the motto of Hermeticism is "to dare, to will, to be silent". You need the cojones to go out and try for yourself. Words can never be a substitute for experience. The word "table" is not the same thing as an actual table, it signifies it. Hermetic science deals with consciousness itself as well as other "things" which are even harder to approximate in words. Hence the need for a highly symbolic language. There is a great deal of "larping" on this board, but no more than goes on in /pol/, just of a different kind. Some people like the image that is conventionally associated with "wizards" or "magic". It's just a question of personality. Some people are more theatrical or superficial.

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>image macro


lol reported

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How do I improve my own force of will and courage?

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>Now obviously the primate body can die and this will usually result in the thoughtforms it holds together (what most people perceive as themselves, the entirety of their thoughts, emotions, memories, etc.) dissipating.

Can you achieve eternal life with magic?

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You can totally explain calculus little by little and in simple terms and diagrams to ignorant fellas. Maybe they won't get it in a day but they will get it

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it's an analogy

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Well, work on a better one

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my humblest apologies

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No prob

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[Your in a dream arguing with other people about being in a dream. Some, if not all, of the people you are arguing with are being put in your path just to distract you and make you doubt the path your on.]

The dream doesn't want you to wake up.

You are alone in your quest, surrounded by mindless zombies who have mastered the art of pretending to be alive and who function solely to keep you distracted while you run on the hamster wheel.

You can gain knowledge but the real truth is hidden inside yourself. You are a god caught in the trap of an illusion, and the illusions only power over you is keeping you from remembering who you are.

So here you are buried deep inside a labyrinth of your own making.

When your ready you will wake up.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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>mfw I've actually legit had arguments with people in dreams about being in a dream in which they thought I was crazy, didn't understand, didn't respond, or didn't believe me, or responded as if they believe me but I felt like they were just pretending and didn't ACTUALLY believe me

and I'm not talking about this reality we're in right now, I'm talking about dreams like when I go to bed and am in other realities

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>You can gain knowledge but the real truth is hidden inside yourself. You are a god caught in the trap of an illusion, and the illusions only power over you is keeping you from remembering who you are.

There is some shit in 2013 series lessons that does a good job of debunking that claim btw, forget which part of it, I think it was in the raja yoga section.

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>The lips of Wisdom are closed, except to the ears of Understanding.

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I usually have pretty cool conversations in my dreams.

The entities are generally pretty understanding as long as I'm not being a butt. Getting explanations about this reality are difficult though, since we're communicating at a sort of crossroads of consciousness.


That's not a claim. The "we are all one" is true. We are a singular being existing beyond all of this. the Ain Soph. We differentiate to create this illusion of separation. All of it, plant, animal, mineral, spiritual, etc. is just us pretending to be separate.

It doesn't make the illusion less substantial, less complicated, or any easier to solve and escape though. But part of the path of return is becoming aware of the fact that we are indeed all one, even while believing we are separate entities.

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I don't know how you can hear what you denounce if you hear theurgy.

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I think a lot of it comes down to understanding, and also coming to terms with the idea that you could control more once those blocks have been released.

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