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So i’ve spent time researching faiths and searching for truth and came to this conclusion

Islam = Debunked by the Gog and Magog story

Judaism = Debunked by fossils showing life existed longer than 6000 years

Christianity = *see Judaism*

Gnosticism = Bunch of Copied and Syncretized bollocks

New Age = Garbage, spiritual colonialism

Buddhism = Liberal cucks fetish

Taoism = Liberal cucks fetish

Hinduism = Sophisticated Liberal cucks fetish

Neopaganism = MMORPG

So in the end I’ve settled on Neoplatonism

Is there something I didn’t research, have you guys any opinions on Neoplatonism, let me know!

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did you read the bible ?

book of enoch?


i believe the son of god is truly the way but the names and background knowledge has been hidden and twisted

some people belief for example when u have faith in jesus youre gonna be resuced 100%

but other parts of the bible speak of doing the will of the father

and faith without works isnt really lived faith or?

so there seem to be several dangerous doctrines which can also lead into eternal damnation because of ((ignorance)) and lazyness

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The truth is exactly what you make of it.

All these "religions" are mythologies/archtypes/ways to describe existence.

They are all different takes on the same thing. Your outright dismissal of all of them deserves a fedora tip.

Nearly every one of them has the ultimate truth embedded into them. It is unspeakable.

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All of those religions have a common perennial root that can be found by sifting through the layers of bullshit mortals have placed onto them. The truth can be found by adhering to any of those systems if you put a lot of effort into it, but it's best to believe what your ancestors believed in because their faith is in greater harmony with your spiritual essence.

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Neoplatonism is a joke to follow solely. You'd benefit highly from absorbing gnostic thought into your belief system.

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I like your creative or different way of thinking, but I personally think there is too much disinfo about the man Jesus



Obviously I can interpret truth into everything there is if I want to but I don’t care about what people made up I want truth or at least something that can’t be debunked


Maybe you’re right I will look into it more definitely

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You illustrated my point for me. Reality is malleable around the system you choose or create (willingly or not).

"Find your truth" isn't a cliche for nothing. This is the essence of magick. Reality bends to your will with the right techniques. They are all embedded in these systems.

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No no no..

There exists truth which is what it is

There exist then people’s opinions which is what they feel

Both are not the same

I don’t think there is much valuable truth in everyone’s opinions only specific ones, like that of the real actual Jesus

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got discord?

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You're not understanding me, but that's ok. You will in short time.

Stop looking so hard. You'll know it when it hits you. It's inside of you.

Jesus is an archetype. He represents the truth you are seeking.

When I say reality is malleable, that is exactly what I mean. There is no "one truth". Truth is an experience. When you experience it, you too will fail to describe it to anyone else such that it describes their cosmology. Yet it will be your deepest and most profound truth.

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>I don’t think there is much valuable truth in everyone’s opinions only specific ones, like that of the real actual Jesus

But Jesus was a fringe practitioner as well, and faced constant persecution for his new age beliefs. Have you read any of the gnostic gospels? The Book of Thomas alone has quotes from Jesus that weren't put in the bible. You're implying you don't trust anybodies opinion but specific people who had transcended, yet are unwilling to develop your own belief system because you don't trust any sources other than the ones you already have faith in. Why are you here?

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Ye my name is Arbutus42

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Jesus is the Way, not an “archetype” for anything other than the way, I accept Buddhists from Asia that grew up there you know it’s cool follow your ancestors and maybe you WILL escape from suffering but for me the end of suffering is Jesus, not just believing though, because people who just believe in Jesus are believing in the nonscientific Drug-Fictions of Moses too and I reject that


I am in the process of reading the Nag Hammadi works, but I don’t accept bollocks that is easily debunked OR which is not culturally related to my culture at all and yes I can find thoughts similar to that of Eastern religions in the orient and occident

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That's nice, mundane.

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The problem with tapping into the qabbalah or trinity imo is that there's a medium in controlling the metaphysical, whereareas with a development of your own spiritual belief system gathered from tested and tried esoteric practices can need to more personal fullfillment and control of the world and it's perception.





To teach their own I guess

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No, you got me wrong

I think the most plausible form of Christ is the one described by the ophites, the don’t have the Greek influence of the Valentinians and the Judaic influence of the Paulinian Christians

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Oops never mind the Ophites are totally wrong lol

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Have you found the devil yet?

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Prolly Doesn’t exist, dude was taken from Zoroastrianism

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You have a long way to go, lad.

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I heard that way too often to take it seriously, you a big Joke unless you give me some real info

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Can't tell anything to someone who's already figured it out. You obviously know better than any of us, how could anyone match your radiant brilliance?

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No I just dropped Neoplatonism I’m still figuring out what’s the real deal but there isn’t one specific way, you’re a faggot and won’t teach me, so be it, what can a faggot have valuable for me

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Go back to "practicing" your "meme magic", uppity mundane.

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>"I'm a spastic retard, hold my hand"

Go read a book and pretend that you're not an inbred nigger for five minutes, you just might learn something ;^)

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Taoism, Brahmanism, Kabbalism, Sufism and Christianity according to Master Eckhart, Böhme, Augustinus and Dionysius Areopagita are structurally equivalent to Neoplatonism. A dialectical monistic principle permeates all of that which have beings in a trancendentalistic way. The illusionary distinction between self and no-self can be suspended.

The One = Tao = Brahman = Ayn Sof = Tauhīd = God = Toetl = absolute nonduality

Neoplatonism and philosophical Taoism aren't so filigreed but Taoism shines in its timeless practical advises.

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>Marcionism was an Early Christian dualist belief system that originated in the teachings of Marcion of Sinope at Rome around the year 144.[1]

>Marcion believed Jesus was the savior sent by God, and Paul the Apostle was his chief apostle, but he rejected the Hebrew Bible and the God of Israel. Marcionists believed that the wrathful Hebrew God was a separate and lower entity than the all-forgiving God of the New Testament. This belief was in some ways similar to Gnostic Christian theology; notably, both are dualistic, that is, they posit opposing gods, forces, or principles: one higher, spiritual, and "good", and the other lower, material, and "evil" (compare Manichaeism). This dualism stands in contrast to other Christian and Jewish views that "evil" has no independent existence, but is a privation or lack of "good",[2] a view shared by the Jewish theologian Moses Maimonides.[3]

This one is sounding correct to me

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thanks for the info man

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but the dude "fixed" the scriptures of judaism and christianity himself

thats retarded af

naassenes are not only older than his movement but seem more reasonable imo, if you know anything about them i didnt read yet let me know

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Are there any Gnostic sects that have survived up to present day?

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Just the jewish ones.

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He did so recognizing the contradictions between the NT and OT though. It's no less controlling than the clerics who made the (((recognized))) canon.

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*no more controlling

The mind begs for rest

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Such as? I'm already cut.

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>There exists truth which is what it is

Maybe study epistemology? Or Hegel?

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I just read a Sethian piece on the crucifixion that claims that Christ was laughing at all of them while they pinned up his Earthly vessel. It also later calls the Old Testsment god a ‘laughingstock.’ Thought provoking read..

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File: 434f90c1036d848⋯.jpg (73.31 KB,761x167,761:167,Plotinus and Origen.jpg)


I'm a follower of Plato and Plotinus as well and I'd like to share this with you. The timeless doctrine we have is not limited to a particular faith, dogma or sect, a Christian or a Buddhist or Muslim can reach the height of the beautiful mountain (or at least get very close to the top) if they practice the esoteric/internal aspect of their own faith diligently. Since what matters is the pursuit of virtue and the seeking of God (the One) anyone who follows an orthodox faith, who purifies themselves and meditates//prays often already has the potential for uniting with the One.

Here's an anecdote about Plotinus and Origen recounted by his student, Porphyry. Origen was a christian theologian yet Plotinus had great admiration for him.

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>it's just DUDE metaphors lmao

>implying odin wasnt a real person

>implying the events detailed in the bhagavad gita didnt actually happen

cope harder, jordan peterson

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Have you read metaphysics?

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"Neoplatonism" isn't a faith. The Neoplatonists were "pagans", then many famous Christians, Jews, and Muslims were Neoplatonists as well. You can be a Neoplatonist and practice any religion. Religion is tradition/culture and the exoteric of it is a necessary component of society as it leads the hylics to God and virtue.

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lol idiot

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