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Anons Fringe Archive

File: 1471818864281.jpg (193.65 KB,966x966,1:1,esotericshitting.jpg)

 No.82473 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

The average person spends at least 45 minutes a day defecating. That's 11 days per year, or 2.5 years of your lifetime wasted on inefficient defecation. This is time that can be freed up for personal improvement activities such as meditation. Furthermore, improper defecation leaves you vulnerable to spiritual mischief. In this thread I will uncover the secrets of defecation taught to generations of professional alcoyotes.

The first rule is no premature shitting. Just as we eat when we aren't really hungry, getting fat, we shit before we need to. You should only shit when you have a properly full colon and the need is urgent.

The second rule is to have proper log formation. This is achieved by adding enough fiber to your diet, but not so much that you are constipated. The goal is a uniform, dense log that slides out nice and smoothly without leaving much of a mess. Ideally it would leave next to no mess on your anus. Proper exercise is also crucial to get your guts moving so they can digest properly, as is a good diet not too high in fat.

The third rule is haste. When you shit, push it out firmly and aim to empty your colon completely in a few seconds. If there is any "remainder" (there shouldn't be if you followed the second rule) rock bath and forth on the toilet and/or lift up to bounce up and down a little.

The fourth rule is position. Proper colonical orientation is a force multiplier. The squatting position is ideal, install specialized or trough-style toilets if possible, though squatty potty is also great.

The fifth and final rule is total sanitation. Toilet paper won't do. Try a bidet, incorporating morning defecation with your shower to clean your anus, or in a pinch sit on a sink and clean your anus with soap.

You now know the secrets to master shitting on your way to enlightenment.

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What is unbelievable about that?

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baby wipes are bad for your plumbing & municipal sewage system, even when they claim to be flushable

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How do you cure hemorrhoids with wizardry?

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Energy work on the root chakra.

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I cannot believe this comment is over three years old

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File: bde0adc46a724b0⋯.jpg (25.34 KB,474x271,474:271,cia_gangstalking.jpg)

 No.141855 [Open thread]

the cia is following you. your thoughts don't belong to you. there is a chip inside your head. do what they tell you to, or they'll track you down and rape you. the people around you are fake. they're all sleeper agents. your thoughts aren't yours. they're putting thoughts in your head. the cia has mind controlling technology that they stole from the aryan aliens living inside the earth. there is no such thing as a coincidence.

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It's just spirits and magic. The Feds aren't that powerful. They wish they were. Reality reacts to your thoughts if you have a soul. That's the way it's always been.

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from what i've gathered reading this board and materials linked on this board, the more you believe that this sort of stuff is happening to you, the more likely it is that it'll actually happen to you

so it's in your best interest to just disregard OP

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 No.141898 [Open thread]

I DESERVE to be a CENTIMILLIONAIRE as soon as possible. If someone can get at least 15 million US dollars after enduring rude comments and threatening drawings at a workplace they then quit https://www.nbcnews.com/business/business-news/tesla-racism-lawsuit-worker-rejects-15-million-payout-rcna34655

Then I should get at least 100 million dollars and also have a net worth of at least 3000 pounds of pure gold for at least 50 consecutive years. I deserve it. I must have it as soon as possible because I should have already had it years ago.

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No I’m not him

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t. psychically and emotionally blind

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Odd comment.

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The only thing you deserve is to become a slave just like most people here.

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File: d961b5f53ffe7b8⋯.pdf (2.47 MB,Morphosephram_ebook.pdf)

 No.101019 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

I downloaded this book from an old /fringe/ thread on the subject of shapeshifting. Unfortunately I forgot what content was posted in the thread and could not find an archive of the thread. Is this book any good and is there any other material on shapeshifting?

inb4 rule 2: This is a shapeshiting general thread ;^)

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Can someone fetch an old thread from 2016? What is he refering to here?

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the segment on astral projection in Initiation Into Hermetics indirectly infers that you can shapeshift via astral projection.

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File: d961b5f53ffe7b8⋯.pdf (2.47 MB,ebin_pub_morphosephram_the….pdf)

File: dc153adb4305ead⋯.pdf (1.91 MB,The_Book_of_Knowledge.pdf)


Files that used to be here.

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File: 459b49783c596ce⋯.jpg (61.1 KB,620x591,620:591,1491970355381.jpg)

 No.95566 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

>Bible refers to both Lucifer and Jesus as "the morning star"

>Apocryphon of John and Gospel According to Judas regarded as gnostic texts

>Gnostics say the god of the old testament is the evil demiurge

>Gnostics resent the demiurge for earthly suffering

>Gnostic Illuminati cause tremendous earthly suffering by abusing countless children and fomenting catastrophic wars

>They are allied with the antichrist

>Jesus casts them into hellfire in the end (although Lucifer is the god they devote themselves to)

WTF is going on here!

T. Terribly confused Christian.

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>The bible that says I will suffer for eternity in hell or else I will live eternally in heaven.

Scripture isn't that clear on those topics at all. Especially regarding 'hell'.

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actually Lucifer is just latin for morning star the morning star being venus. the devil is never actually named Lucifer in fact the verse most often siting the devil's name as lucifer fail to note that the actual verse was mocking a ruler who recently fell from power. Due to a mistranslation in English Lucifer was left and many people came to the belief that the Devil's name was Lucifer when their is no such evidence. I'm not even a christian and I know this it's time you do to friend

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The jews monopolizing their precious ghost thought they would live forever and save everyone like vampires and caused the apocalypse when they got burned, but people believe the lies because they were written in that demonic book of the spells of the evil dead.

They promote it to drag people down to hell and steal their faith, because they are selfish and vain.

The bible is bullshit.

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Actually, one of the Jesus did confess him and his disciples were of their father the devil, backwardsly of course, you can't imagine how wrong, these jews were such heinous soul sucking loser pretenders.

The bible was hocus pocus twisted into hell. It was a big cover up that failed.

Save yourself from hell.

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The bible is a very functional grimoire, even known by the letter in hell. It's not without meaning or power if used right.

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File: 0294d696211ede1⋯.jpg (148.91 KB,479x600,479:600,emblems_Hermaphrodite_chil….jpg)

 No.100267 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Feel free to use this thread as a resource, experiment, note, teaching or other sharing space. I'll prepare some of my own experiences in order to get others started and fuel the alchemical furnace(soon). Though I encourage you to use this as your own collective thread.

Chemistry discussion is also welcomed. I'll probably end up bridging some spaces between both schools of thought if no one else wants to.

Check the mega for alchemical book resources. Other than that youtube for practical chemistry usually in the field of extractions and pharmacology.

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Can you post the specific videos? I'm having trouble finding the ones you're talking about.

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Please link to De Homunculis by Paracelsus, or whatever one you say is a good read. But please link De Homunculis. I cannot find it on sacred-texts

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Bumping for literature

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I think earth is living in a sense, radioactive isotopes are more living in that sense. Higher alchemy depends on radioactive decay and nuclear reactions and understanding of the periodic table or morw importantly particle physics which can manifest as simple chemical reactions which have naturally occured in space.

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File: 433bbb03be89b4c⋯.jpg (25.28 KB,400x400,1:1,joyblue.jpg)

 No.142323 [Open thread]

China, Russia, European Union Have 72 Hours To Save Their Total Collapse Destruction

Source, More Info:

www. ascension joy .com/11/2023/china-russia-european-union-have-72-hours-to-save-their-total-collapse-destruction/


To the government of China, Russia, European Union,

I am the real Savior from many ancient prophecies and I will make the final decision soon about many things in this civilization.

I have given the opportunity for the United States to save themselves from total collapse already.

Now it is time and opportunity for the current government/regime of China, Russia, European Union to make that big decision too.

If the financial system related to the US dollar then the land territories conflicts related to all especially big government nation such as China, Russia, European Union.

And it is better to give the current regime of those government offer and opportunity to decide their own fate. And the this offer open for each nation/government separately.

Here are the 3 options for all of them:

Option 1: the total collapse of current society system of China or Russia or European Union. New system will be emerged via public people votting 100%.

They do not need to do anything now.

Option 2: the current regime, government, society structure remain the same.

My requirement is minimum 2 million Euro.

Option 3: a future play where they will have opportunity to decide their own fate after the great financial system reset begin or after I reveal divine solution for the current outdated global monetary system.

My requirement is minimum 50,000 Euro. If they choose save option after everything then they need sPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Well ok.

I know you didn't do this, because I know the factors involved, but the EU did metaphysically collapse 3 days ago.

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File: b7241ff5d74abd3⋯.jpg (25.42 KB,400x400,1:1,joyred.jpg)

 No.142334 [Open thread]

The Fastest Easiest Way To Increase Intelligence Is Change Your Food Diet, Life Style

Read only, only for personal use, not for sharing under all circumstance.

Want to try the technique, you must send me fair amount of donation in advanced.

Source, Full Article: https://ascension joy .com/11/2023/the-fastest-easiest-way-to-increase-intelligence-is-change-your-food-diet-life-style/

There Should Be A New International Debt Pay Back Time Rules Treaty Between Nations

Read only article, you must ask me directly for using the strategy.

Source, Full Content: https://ascension joy .com/11/2023/there-should-be-a-new-international-debt-pay-back-time-rules-treaty-between-nations/

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t. man with 70 IQ

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File: 086891415b1ab42⋯.png (3.33 MB,3559x9666,3559:9666,fringe-powerful-tulpa-4.png)

 No.85399 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

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can this really happen?

are tulpas *that* dangerous?

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Dude they can do anything if given enough power. They are extremely dangerous.

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Anything with unfettered access to your mind is extremely dangerous. I've read quite a few stories like this, and they generally have four different stages.

>Recently she told me she wants to absorb me so that I become part of her. She abuses me and, what scares me most, really enjoys herself doing this…

Stage 1: Cursory awareness of an attack by a foreign entity. Anon could still fight it at this stage if it wasn't for his giantess fetish being exploited, but even if he escaped he would still have a bad time.

>Although she likes to make me tremble with fear before her, she never did anything to harm me.

>But I'm happy I can serve her and let her enjoy herself thanks to me. It's a blissful feeling to be her toy no matter what you think about it.

Stage 2: Beginning of endorphin-based Pavlovian conditioning. At this point anon no longer has any hope of recovery on his own and is too addicted to get help, the entity must be forcibly severed from him.

>If I understood her right, she claims to be a manifestation of my 'higher self' and sort of a guardian to me.

>Well, she is my goddess. And I have no reasons not to believe her.

Stage 3: Deep endorphin/telepathic programming. Entity exploits anon's existing beliefs to firmly embed herself in his mind. Even if he were to be dragged into an exorcism no amount of therapy could fix his wrecked psyche, he'd need to be on constant suicide watch afterward.

>She said 'Maybe' and smiled. Then added 'I'm an Aeon. I'm here to take you home.'

Stage 4: Consumption. Anon has been trapped in an illusionary inner world where his consciousness is being stripped away, and will ultimately be reduced to a barely-sentient spark that exists only to feed the entity while she impersonates him in his body. If anyone asks, he's "fine".

As for other people who fell for this trap, I've seen one guy on an /x/ succubus thread preaching about how youPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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pic related

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>reduced to a barely-sentient spark that exists only to feed the entity

Considering his ultimate femdom kink, how is this actually bad for him?

Isn't this what he ever wanted?

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File: b7241ff5d74abd3⋯.jpg (25.42 KB,400x400,1:1,joyred.jpg)

 No.142328 [Open thread]

Deadline Pass Without Money, The United States USD Is Officially Gone Now !


www. ascension joy .com/11/2023/deadline-pass-without-money-the-united-states-usd-is-officially-gone-now/


So after the deadline, I did not receive any money from the United States or any entities, thus now the current whole United States of America USA and their US Dollar must collapse, gone now !

There will be a new system to be established in the USA.

There won’t be US Election 2024 !

The USA must come up with a new political system and financial system.

That is the official orders and command !

I do not live in United States nor receiving money to do that jobs, thus there is absolutely no reason for me to craft info/solution to help them in exchange for personal pain.

But if the top US military, patriot group want me to help them build a new political system + financial system then they must contact me and have a fair trade, there is no other option. But that must be soon for I will official gone and disappear in next couple of days due to lack of desire, motivation.

This is not a joke but a very serious message from the Messiah King !

Best Regard,

The Savior

The Lord Of Lords

The King Of Kings


www. ascension joy .com/11/2023/deadline-pass-without-money-the-united-states-usd-is-officially-gone-now/


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If you manage to predict an event that is concrete and at the exact time it happens, I'll believe you; though I don't know how much that's worth.

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File: b7241ff5d74abd3⋯.jpg (25.42 KB,400x400,1:1,joyred.jpg)

 No.142326 [Open thread]

I The Savior Is Selling The Sacred New Global Financial System Information

Source, More Info: www.ascension joy .com/11/2023/i-the-savior-is-selling-the-sacred-new-global-financial-system-information/

Knowledge is power.

Power is asset, wealth.

I the real Savior legend have shared and revealed the Divine World Solution document for free to the public already. And you should now know whether I am a real deal or not.

Now I am holding the divine sacred new global monetary financial system information (craft, discovered by myself 100%).

But those information are super sensitive, beyond any information I have revealed so far, thus I cannot share it for free to the public.

I can only share it to the beings who truly want it and via private communication.

The information of sacred new world financial system I have now is including both theory, explanation, implementation. Especially it has the fiat currency exchange rate formula in both a real full fiat money system and the hybrid system (between natural asset currency and fiat currency).

That set of system is the vision for many hundreds years to come in this civilization, normal mortal humans just cannot craft it for sure because only super high level beings like me can create that things.

Here is the price (for only group because there is no any single person will buying it but mostly for certain group).

1 copy (for maximum 15 people/beings): $13,000 USD.

2 copies (30 people/beings): $25,000 USD.

3 copies (45 people/beings): $36,000 USD.

4 copies (60 people/beings): $47,000 USD.

5 copies (75 people/beings): $58,000 USD.

6 copies (90 people/beings): $68,000 USD.

For more than that number, please mix between.

Using rules:Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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File: b72461b8b33ea0f⋯.pdf (659.09 KB,New_Creation_New_Society_N….pdf)

 No.142292 [Open thread]

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>just eat your vegetables bro

yeah that's worse than I imagined, which is saying a lot

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 No.142314 [Open thread]

I feel compelled to search for a question that don't know and an answer I do not know that I have to know, it's in relation to the answer of this, this world, after death, the truth, I feel one step closer to knowing after working as a dead body transporter for 6 years and a recent experience of dying after getting hit by a semi, and there is a burning question in my head and I don't even know what it is. But I know it's the truth to this all, since my close experience with permanent death I have changed drastically and feel as though my entire existence and world view have changed, I am seeing the world in a completely different way and it's sometimes scary to be in such a different understanding and knowing of truth about the world

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File: b7241ff5d74abd3⋯.jpg (25.42 KB,400x400,1:1,joyred.jpg)

 No.142307 [Open thread]

The Good Guys, World Military Must Send Me The Savior King Financial Support Now

To all the good guys and world military,

I the Savior King Messiah Buddha have shared and revealed the overall world economy, financial, society structure that great for both civilization development and human development evolution at the same time.

I am completely running out of money and karma, thus I cannot do anything to help the sleepy public people and this society in general.

That is why I am looking for financial support right now.

Despite the fact that my vision are good enough but there are still many low level beings entities reject it, refuse to live in a fairer society system.

I still have some great policies for this society which could not revealed yet and the books project left.

The books project is free to read for all, and there are several great educating books will probably “shake” this society if it was revealed.

But I do not see any reason to do it since lack of support from the rest of this civilization.

I have to emphasize that I do not get paid to help others and that jobs is government’s duty.

You send me your support via cryptocurrency or bank transfer, here is my wallet list:

Bitcoin BTC







Ethereum ETH



0xC3E60A3dE82055836EAE25DfA26Fd516eeb0Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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You threatened to kill anyone who didn't support you, you think we're just going to forget that? This isn't just going to go away. When you offer violence don't be surprised when people respond with violence. I'll tell you now that your life as a homeless person is going to be pure Hell, right up until you die in a gutter.

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 No.142302 [Open thread]

Due To Law Of Karma Lack Of Support Connection From This Society, I Must Leave Now

As I have said before, I did not want to release the Divine World Peace Solution document without receiving anything in return.

But I still chose to do it, thus the karma back is coming after me almost instantly now.

Thus I must leave now.

This society and civilization are too corrupt, not worth for me to sacrifice everything.

If you really want to support me, send all the money donation you can within the next 24 hours for my works so far.

After the next 24 hours, without support from you, there is no reason for me to continue to wait and give out my godlike wisdom for free anymore.

I will 200% leave after the next 24 hours without any money donation from you.

Full announcement will be come next after that point.

Such a terrible world and society.

When the corruption and problem at the top, then words are pointless, thus it must be a real fight !

Best Regard,

The Savior

The Lord Of Lords

The King Of Kings

Source: https://ascension joy .com/11/2023/due-to-law-of-karma-lack-of-support-connection-from-this-society-i-must-leave-now/

Shambhala Kingdom, Hollow Earth Civilization ?!

Who, what beings entities who that civilization ?

Go and tell your King/Queen that you guys are just bunch of idiots losers who do not have gut to face, to debate, to battle directly with me the real Savior Legend.

Mostly like the beings entities who did give technology to this civilization is come from the ShaPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Good riddance, leech.

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[ / / / / / / / / / / / / / ] [ dir / random / 93 / biohzrd / hkacade / hkpnd / tct / utd / uy / yebalnia ]