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Anons Fringe Archive

File: 9789bd2aae9fc60⋯.jpeg (141.56 KB,740x1046,370:523,B96F44FD_000B_4828_8B5D_5….jpeg)

 No.137180 [Open thread]

If a person spends their years in loneliness and never gets to experience what normal people do like love, sex and friends, can this person feel honored to have pain bestowed unto them by the goddess Kali?

Would they be allowed to call themself a disciple of Kali as a means of coping with the heartache?

Someone told me about Aghori equating the leprosy on their faces with beautiful jewels. A gift of Kali.

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typical spiritual cuckoldry

>YoU nEdD A gUrU!!!!!!

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I think he means you need to be initiated by someone who's already in. That's very common in certain currents.

Sometimes the spirits themselves will initiate you or lead you to self-initiation.

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self-initiation is BASED AS FUCK

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Well, temples and statues aren't necessarily worthless, as they both a historical and cultural tool. Ultimately, I agree that in the functional scope of spiritual development, they are not needed for worship. But they are a nice source of fun.




For the record, the gods themselves can initiate you if they choose. So, self-initiation is more about being the sole mortal present for said initiation in the first place, rather than being alone.

If you're still not sure about that. Well then, as someone who -is- a Kali devotee, consider yourself initiated, friend.

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File: b002faaf48cdf01⋯.jpg (122.73 KB,496x380,124:95,aztechumansacrifice.jpg)

File: 845388d0e5c8aa9⋯.jpg (99.23 KB,573x380,573:380,romananimalsacrifice.jpg)

File: bc11491baf8313b⋯.jpg (32.74 KB,497x380,497:380,hebrewanimalsacrifice.jpg)

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File: a02d6ed69206af2⋯.jpg (55.51 KB,687x380,687:380,vedicanimalsacrifice.jpg)

 No.137258 [Open thread]

why the fuck is every single ancient culture and religion doing this? i dont want any goddamn jordan peterson tier psychoanalysis bullshit about this, what is the mechanics of how this gives benefit? why does every culture and tradition insist that this has to be done a certain and exact way or it doesnt "work". what is this how the animal being sacrificed shouldnt look afraid or resist in anyway?

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i get that there is power in the blood, but i dont believe that its just a mind trick and it can be substituted with any old thing, a fish instead of a human, flowers instead of meat, etc. those are all speculations. i dont think the advaita "its all a dream lol ur sacrificin youself hahaha" is a good enough explanation either. they say why they did it, because it pleased "the gods". it was a transactional thing, it was quid pro quo. does anyone understand the mechanics of how it had to be done and why?

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This doesn't mean anything. You're just asserting without saying anything meaningful or new. Why repeat yourself?

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Check book related for more info on the connection between the heart, blood and spirit (and much more). Available on 1lib.eu

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File: 0665f020ebf7721⋯.jpeg (39.83 KB,500x778,250:389,thomas_cowan.jpeg)

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polite sage

Thanks for sharing with me, anon. I've watched a few interviews with Dr Cowan and really intrigued. Hopefully I can get this book read over the weekend. Cheers.

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File: baed2eef728320e⋯.jpg (47.35 KB,474x592,237:296,le_mage_ic.jpg)

File: ae73ddccea5846d⋯.png (5.25 KB,1507x622,1507:622,what_you_already_have.png)

 No.136455 [Open thread]

Ignore Chloe, I just like looking at her.

Look at the picture "What you already have"

It is designed to provide enlightenment.

You should experience spiritual growth within ten minutes of having viewed it.

Think of homonculus. Butterfly escaping apartment. etx.

Don't think of Chloe. She's awesome.



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File: 7ab6ffb62508719⋯.png (42.9 KB,1507x797,1507:797,this_ends_them.png)

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What is the target?

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File: 6b13acbec9d053c⋯.jpg (136.51 KB,620x959,620:959,chloe_moretz.jpg)


Why is Chloe so freaky?

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based on previous dreams/encounters i'm pretty sure that has something to do with rich sick fuckers eating people.

Maybe fucking them first, but definitely ultimately eating them.

Sorry. Just what gets seen

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Biologically designed to survive.

You roll the die, Mama Nature makes the choice.

Skinny fucks die first in a famine.

Skinny = in need/exploitable to the lizard brain. i.e. easily fuckable.

Endomorphic = high survivability, tend to be more jolly (fuck you all, I'll live through it/lizard brain).

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File: 96aff53ad9a8a72⋯.jpg (127.51 KB,1438x1017,1438:1017,DBk1-sYXkAA46cc.jpg large.jpg)

 No.99772 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

so fringe, I want to get your opinion on 2B from Nier: Automata. Has the collective use of her visage for lustful purposes (aka fapping) granted her some form of deification?

for anybody that doesn't know:

>fans post sexual images of character from a big budget game

>creator of said character catches wind of this

>instead of being offended, he asks fans to compile these images for fapping pleasure

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Op here,

Haven't seen this thread in years. So did any of you nerds magic up a 2B succubus yet?

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/x/ has long surpassed /fringe/ in Succumancy.

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Repeat thread.

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Holy shit sorry for my incorrect statement

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What statement?

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File: 0eedf4d40b8849e⋯.jpg (103.67 KB,637x960,637:960,You_Finally_Wake_Up.jpg)

 No.136693 [Open thread]

A youtuber going by the name "Royal Borne" commented this:

>C Programming, really insist this things to be free. If people would get something for nothing, we tend to abuse it. When people go to doctors, they spend thousands of $$$. $49 per month is not much at all and you would also learn how to do it (energy healing) for yourself. Doctors won't teach you. Peace!!

In response to a youtuber going by the name "C Programming":

>Why you are not talking about what is this technique and how to learn ? Why you want money from your website ?

This is my comment to Royal Borne:

That may be true in general but when you are clairvoyant you can look into the light around a person and get impressions about who they are, what their intentions and character are, and what motivates them. Based on that information you can decided to approach them, reject them, etc. You can also see what is the decree of god for a person (their fate) and know in such cases it can not changed and trying to change it is vanity and what is their karma (aka something they have reaped through cause and effect relations) and whether you are strong enough to process and heal it. If you are at a high enough stage of development also the universe will provide for you whatever you need without you going out of your way to demand it. You can know for example beforehand just looking at a person whether they will be appreciative, charitable, etc. or whether they will abuse you, take advantage of you, etc.

Listen I'm going to explain to you right now why spiritually advanced people don't ask for money. It is because at a certain stage of development you can compel susceptible people to do whatever you want for you through mental influence. If you want someone to give you money, or to have sex with you, etc. you can will these things to happen. That is why in spiritual lineages we must restrain our vices and embrace hardships of poverty and celibacy. Otherwise we can get carried away abusing our own power to do horrible things. The more advanced we are spiritually, the more and more we must renounce tPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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I don't really understand how this is self-consistent. If your actions for helping someone has a karmic responsibility, why would getting paid nullify it? Wouldn't the simple fact of performing an action that originates from your own initiative be enough to not squirm away from the responsibility?

Flip a coin, if it lands on head you perform whatever action you want, if tails then you do nothing. Is the coin responsible for what happens next or are you?

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I’d rather listen to them than to keep reading your insufferably pretentious crap.

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It’s not consistent. It’s crap. That person does not understand “karma”.

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Its virtue signaling faggots flinging shit at others while offering nothing substantial and expecting others to listen. How do you most annoy them?

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Then please enlighten us all and explain.

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File: adc8da54c119acf⋯.jpg (53.23 KB,426x639,2:3,ss_2017_04_22_at_12_10_53_.jpg)

 No.136280 [Open thread]

Have you ever noticed just how many people live in fear in their everyday lives? People are afraid of:

>losing their jobs

>paying their rent

>asking out the opposite sex

>questioning commands given by their boss

>their car breaking down

Much of our lives are dependent upon the mercy of others to protect us from the great consequences our actions would bring. But most fear goes even deeper. You have many people that will go through their lives and never question the things that happened to them as children. They will bottle them up or even worse they will justify them. It is only when it becomes a benefit to them that they will bring them up, such as telling your friends that you were raped by an uncle to gain sympathy points.

Or people just afraid to examine things in their pasts, I had an acquaintance at the bar who came to get smashed everyday without fail. I always wondered why, I kept pressing him until I finally got an answer, he lost his girlfriend long ago, she cheated and broke up with him, took his house too. Drove away some of his friend. Yes you can say he is stupid and made bad choices. But there has got to be something deeper.

There seems to be a force that constantly presses people to be dishonest with themselves. One that drives them to suppress the unfortunate circumstances of their lives with booze, drugs, entertainment and food. Thoughts?

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Pretending to be happy would be pretending nothing happened. I don't see how his actions are dishonest, I can see how he's making bad choices but that's only in the conventional "get a job and work" sense.

Dishonest people are liars and cheaters. People are fearful in general, they don't like going against the flow and all the consequences that entails. And brownie-points is called being a social animal, everyone does it to some extent if they're interacting with other humans.

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And the average person is a lying, boot-licking coward. So you're right about that, op.

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i disagree, not all of these necessarily hold up and many of them depend on the actual circumstance for you to actually make a judgement on whether the person is just practicing common sense all in all, or something like that

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File: 77beed47376a769⋯.jpeg (109.35 KB,604x374,302:187,decomposing.jpeg)


I only ever gave a shit about fear of death.

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I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.

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 No.136860 [Open thread]

I'm trying to understand the difference between the Sun "Yahweh", the demiurge (which I understand to be the same as the Sun) Lucifer (whom I understand to be Saturn aka Satan) am I getting this right? I'm trying really hard to understand the difference.

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>Why even post on /fringe/?

Because I needed to read this.

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Vajrayana/tantra requires bliss. It also requires an empowerment, a practice, oral instructions from a qualified teacher, permission to practice and so on. I did not say only bliss was required. All bliss is not tantric, but if there is no bliss there is no tantra.

I find this conversation tedious so I'm leaving this thread now.

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It's precisely at the point of being too tedius to bear that mental exhaustion comes in and things start to become worthwhile. Your choice, however.

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File: 9faa8e9e688dd7a⋯.png (71.01 KB,194x185,194:185,devadasi.png)


>I don't think there's enough ground to claim that all deities are internal if there really are no deities. I also find it much more likely that you have a connection to these deities, rather than them literally being you.

Its a leftover from brahmanic monism, turned into meditation practice of "lesser" deity. Has some significant similarity to Pharaohs and cult of Roman Emperors, but in reality its just self-wank in order to get worshiped, similar to Catholic cult of saints and other hero worship. When people die they can get a job of being a Daemon, but you have to be specially chosen for this and extraordinary spiritually uplifted, as in:

>We assume a new being in death: we become protectors of the living and the dead.


>oral instructions from a qualified teacher

Gurus been abusing tantric rules for a while. Think of all the temple devadasi prostitutes in Shaktist indian temples, which are mostly sold out by their own parents for money. I understand Shakti metaphysics are appealing especially in how Evola and John Woodroffe describe them (mostly because they project their own non-eastern ideas because of personal Spirit), but think twice if sex and abuse ascend you anyhow.

Just so you know, random "number" generator, which generates not just numbers, that contains all forms of Logos in the whole universe, contains all ideas of God. But only one (Trinitarian God) created our own order, that you pretend is not real, hurt your hand and pretend it doesn't hurt. That original primordial water of chaos is not god. Because it lacks Personality that came out of it.

If God came out of chaos, human comes out of orderly world. We both meet at heavenly order where chaos and order meet up. For one to be a God it would take to be born of chaos.

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Basically this. Lucifer is Venus, this is as basic as it gets. Jehovah has nothing to do with the Sun. Your base assumptions are entirely off. Retarded thread.

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File: d0e224c0ba6cced⋯.jpg (79.72 KB,375x500,3:4,fd8d41dfb3476980046103e69c….jpg)

 No.136240 [Open thread]

I'd like to share a book with you all.

It is the core book of Falun Dafa entitled 'Zhuan Falun'. It talks about spiritual things from a scientific perspective. It talks about other dimensions, the soul, the cosmos in the microcosm and the macrocosm, supernatural abilities, karma, healing, the true history of mankind, transcending the 5 elements and leaving the 3 realms and many many other fascinating things.

It is a spiritual science of the highest order. I'll give you a copy and you can take a look if you like, totally up to you of course:


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I would expect Li himself to call out their karma garbage can, as teacher to students. Heck, even call out their social behaviour within the cult. He seems like that kind of guy…

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I have reason to believe he either doesn't know that this is happening or that it's all a giant loosh farm.

Or, it's "because enlightenment." He's said before that students have to understand on their own or it won't count.

He has lectured them on trying to treat corona though. This shit is happening repeatedly, he said already in 1992 not to treat illnesses, yet the chinese can't comprehend the meaning of it and the westerners are just following along believing anything the chinese do is right because of chinese historical/cultural mindset being a mysterious vehicle to the true understanding of the universe no westerner can really grasp. Or something. I don't know.

It just looks like people are really dense when he has to come out and say this


to stop some drama involving some alleged spy from Singapore shittalking in Japan (?) or the other one


where it seems practitioners still are not getting it, that illnesses are created by karma and that you shouldn't try to treat other people. How hard is it to comprehend this? Idk what's up with this.

This instruction for how to start your own practice group also clearly states not to treat illnesses, and this one is from 1996. It feels like this should be common knowledge by now.


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I see, thank you for your review.

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I've learned that one would have to learn the exercises from a teacher in your area. Can you confirm that or is it enough to learn on your own?

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The vids are fine, use the one on the website at


along with the instructions in the Falun Gong book. I can't recommend meeting up with people as it is currently.

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 No.110355 [Open thread]

Are they not afraid of burning in the Lake Of Fire once God returns to Earth?

(2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread )
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>worship the demiurge

What the fuck are you on about?

That’s literally the opposite of what Gnosticism is about.

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Ugh there are different sects of gnosticism. For fucks sake. You have your version of it that you learned about and they have theirs. Their version of it is gnosticism but they worship the demiurge rather than some underlying higher power that exists beyond this physical realm.

They believe they manifested the demiurge through their own thought-forms. So they think the demiurge is "them", in a sense. Or their avatar. So that's when the satanism imagery comes in, as they see themselves and their spiritual worship of the demiurge as a rebellion against the higher decent force behind everything. Or it is possible that they just don't believe there is anything beyond the demiurge, higher than the demiurge. I've still been trying to figure that out.

Damn dude, don't be so close minded about things. Don't be pedantic about religious and spiritual issues. You can't do it. Try to understand the underlying concepts of belief systems instead. Try to understand the archetypes. Don't get hung up on some pedantry over it, because that's like looking at something from only one perspective and then staying fixated on that one perspective and thinking what is otherwise a 3D object doesn't actually exist beyond only what you can see from your own perspective.

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>that's like looking at something from only one perspective and then staying fixated on that one perspective

literally you

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You're literally talking about kabbalic Judaism dumbass. They're Jewish, not gnostic

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religion the biggest tool used by those that like to control us. beliefs can often keep you from truth the connection to it. perspective and understanding is good but perceptions d belief do not make it true. read everything and take in what ever vibes with you. our individual and collective conscious is fucked up from religion (not god)or the creator whatever word you pick, beliefs, indoctrination, in the end I think the only place you will find the answers is inside when we make it thru the shadow and fire, with love and wisdom. I've made it through the shadow but for some reasons im at I guess a save point lol. hope Ya all are tryn to love yourself and not bien programed w others will

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File: 1462c5b263459f7⋯.jpg (654.01 KB,2560x1600,8:5,Screenshot_20200801_005022….jpg)

 No.136512 [Open thread]


This bitch is censoring and revising the writings of William Walker Atkinson to make them more politically correct / egalitarian. This is an attack on history and truth. She should delete her edits and restore the original text back to how it is and never engage in historical revisionism ever again.

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He died at 69 and his soul was recycled back into the demiurgic stream of torture.

What little is left of his energy right now is probably a starving nigglet in Africa, a tranny contemplating suicide or some kind of activist puppet chimping out somewhere. That’s what his accomplishments amount to. Let that sink in. At 69.

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LOL that's a sex number. Guy got dabbed on hard

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Name a better author than Atkinson. He is the best occult writer there is.

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Duh. Bardon of course.

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Franz Bardon shat out a pretty decent manual but then it was all up to Rawn Clark and others to fill in all the information he didn't have the time or ability to put out.

His ability for articulation is subpar and his life was rather tragic also he smoked and was fat and he didn't successfully prevent Otti Vottavova from going full fangirl.

Of course I can make counter arguments against everything I just said.

His work was rushed, it was originally written in German and had to be translated, and he had plausible excuses for his poor health but seriously what was his excuse for the smoking habit? Couldn't he have refrained from smoking..?

My mother is from Opava btw. I am probably closely related to Franz Bardon and likely many of my relatives may have known him.

I appreciate Franz Bardon for what he has written but if I had to choose at gunpoint between salvaging the works of just one philosopher from my libraries I'd have to stick with keeping the writings of William Walker Atkinson.

If Frabato is even half-true he was very advanced indeed…

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 No.136530 [Open thread]

I am a heavy kundalini meditator, Ive gotten into lucid dreaming. It took me about a month to get the hang of it. Now I've had this vision/dream. What does it mean and what do you think will happen next?

Second lucid dream around 11 a.m. Feeling of being in a very realistic daydream. The body hardly makes itself noticeable, nevertheless it pulls my spirit again and again back into the body/head. I hear street noises etc. My liver (?) makes itself noticeable. I slip into the shape of a cat and caress myself, sleep on my stomach. I take the liver and warm it up by a fire (actual relaxation, feeling of happiness). As a cat I roam the apartment, walk through the door, take the elevator, make jumps of over a hundred meters, finally jump back into my head. I start to meditate and open my 7 chakras. The energy of the astral body floating in the air connects with mine and 7 colours shine. Purifying, calming feeling in my own and the astral body. Total darkness and I create stars and moon, grass floor and I find myself in an idyllic binge with campfires and shadowy figures that remind me of gods and saints. God meets me on a throne. He wears a glowing crown, instead of a face I see the sunrise as if over Altdorf's painting of the battle of Issus as an explosion of colour (you actually see sun and moon). God asks me whether I want knowledge or satisfaction. I hesitate, but I choose knowledge. He shows me Jesus, Krsna, Mohammed and some other figures who are rising within me. My consciousness goes back into my head and I wade through the two hemispheres of my brain in a very deep spiritual silence. I receive satisfaction in the form of a complete distortion of reality during the immaginary intercourse with my girlfriend, she and I double and triple ourselves, my penis pierces her body, her and my anatomy merge. I feel sexual satisfaction. I masturbate and have an orgasm in less than a minute. I am drawn back to the dream world. I fly and see shapes. I have the impression that the first impression shows with things beyond my mind for a moment, but then my mind starts to fill it up with familiar things. I am riding on a boat and see my parents' house, above which a temple-like structure rises. Mentally I jump to the temple and see the next one on the hill above, on a nearby small mountain and then a higher one, both of which I know. The fifth temple is a high archetypal snow-covered Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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>I met (G)od.

Lucky you, if so. Take it seriously. I think I may have met Jesus once. I felt very ashamed and apologetic toward him, but he gave me a fatherly type of love and forgiveness. You could really feel the love. There was no anger in him. Just a feeling of understanding and compassion. Felt good to know He wasn't mad at me. It's the same with angels that I have met. They give you a loving nurturing feeling, the way a good master is with their pet. No hostility. Demons like to challenge you and play tricks though. Most human spirits usually seem neutral, but they're bored or confused. That's how I always know the difference in who I'm dealing with. Demons visit me less now because I've learned to challenge them back. If a monster manifests itself in my dream, and I'm lucid, instead of running away in fear, I'll tackle the monster and wrestle with it. The past two succubus visits that I had, I was too aggressive maybe a bit rape-ish with them. I don't think it wanted a dominant partner. It left abruptly. She hasn't been back to visit me for nearly a month. I miss her. :( Maybe Lilith can send me one who enjoys playing the sub role.

>I chose knowledge over satisfaction.

That's the best path of a /fringe/ wizard if you ask me. Good for you. I've always considered "Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz?" to be bad prayer or selfish magick. Asking God for anything material is never a good idea, in my opinion. I don't want material things. Keyword being WANT. God knows your needs and they will be provided, not your wants. You can however pray for another to recieve a gift and that's okay, but I have to believe that you need it instead of it being something you want. I want a new car, but I don't need it. There are demons who like to gift wealth though, but I never deal with them. Buyer beware if you ever ask Clauneck for money. That's black magick. I find this interesting that God showed you Jesus, Krishna, and Muhammad. There is so much to learn from all of these religious paths. Even more to learn if you choose to practice their prayer, meditations, rituals, and magick. Satisfaction only serves the desires of right now while knowledge lasts forever. Satisfaction only provides contentment. Knowledge provides skills. Always choose knowledPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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File: 85bf6420e35bd8f⋯.jpg (662.14 KB,1500x1947,500:649,dantes_inferno_1.jpg)

>7 Temples

7 levels of Heaven theory. I believe in the leveled Heaven and Hell too. I think of them to be parallel planes of existence. Imagine a String Theory type astral multiverse. Beings like Satan, God (capital G, Yahweh, The Creator), Angels, and maybe a few others are capable of interdimensional astral travel, but not simple spirits like me. Who's to say that after billions of years of practice, I may learn how to do it, but it won't be any time soon. I think this explains all of the Biblical descriptions of hell. Hell isn't one specific place, but a "type" of place, just like "the devil" isn't one specific being, but a "type" of person. "The devil made me do it!" What devil? Satan? Lucifer? Jinn? She-devil succubus give you a blowjob? Awesome! If I was to say, "You're going to the island!" You would ask me, what island?! It could be Hawaii. Noice. It could be Alcatraz. Not noice. The Bible tells us of the bottomless pit, the lake of fire, lost in eternal darkness. A type of hell may be drifting endlessly through the aether and another type splashing around in the lava with Senator John McCain. Likewise, it is said that after the final battle, the end of this universe, "God will create a new heaven and new earth." He will also create a New Jerusalem. Most /christian/s think of New Jerusalem City when they think of going to Heaven. "Walking down those streets of gold, singing songs with my best friend Jesus, living in a mansion, chilling with Angels, in my pearly gated members only community." I don't think many of us will be getting to that idea of Heaven, to Yahweh's Capital City to reside, or the 7th Temple from your dream. Maybe some of the saints if they're lucky. I believe most of us will find our homes in the new heavens and new earth. Again, Heaven and Earth as we believe it to be in this existence is a speficic place, but I ask that you think of it as a type of place. Not Earth as our current blue ball of water orbiting the sun, but earth meaning soil or ground. When God creates a new earth, it doesn't mean that He will recreate a carbon copy of the current planet we reside on. The heavens are the skies above us. The cosmos. Space. A new heaven and earth will be plenty of room for all of us spirits to frolic play around and live happily. New Jerusalem City itself is a specific place though. Like I'd said of the interdimensional astral travel though, unless we have an Angel, JesusPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Forgot to throw this video in the mix. Always keep an open mind, anon. The ride never ends and it will take us an eternity to explore it all. Cheers.

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It's been a few years since it happened, but i still remember the events of the ultra-real(could feel smell and taste in addition to see and hear) dreams i had back when gamergate was launching those low orbit sattilites.

It might've been overwork, it might've been real im not sure but att i was "internet warrioring" 18 hours a day.

I still kinda feel responsible for the outcomes after my episode occurring without my intervention, /pol/ going off the rails after the meatball gave it to an actual turkish spy being a very big one.

but it was 5 nights of ultra-real dreams with total recall.

>first night

>wake up in a auditorium ringed with burning braizers

>im standing in the middle of it

>17-22ft tall man rises from the center, in armor with a spear and a shield covered head to toe completely in what appears to be dried blood

>feeling some sort of loyalty to him i kneel and address him in latin as "pater" meaning "father" in the dead language

>then i wake up

>night 2

>after falling asleep i come conscious of being inside a deep massive cave with no natural form of light, yet i still perceived my surroundings without it

>the only feature i notice is a solid flat wall before with with the only thing being a throne upon which a massive man with black hair and robes sat

>as if compelled by the weight of everything above me i was forced to kneel

>the weight of my own body was so immense i could barely stand to hold myself up from the cavern floor

>he addresses me with "you are the analogue"

>wake up

>night 3

>in nothing, space above the earth

>woman i can barely make out standing on the moon

>try as i might i cant understand much of what she says, either straining to heaPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Sorry had to take a irl break.

>night 5

>go to sleep

>come aware laying on what i can tell are clouds spattered with stars and galaxies

>three beautiful beings i can barely perceive(as in my mortal reckoning is probably being spared from bloodborne's frenzy atp) are talking to me about things that would transpire but i couldn't be allowed to remember exactly what only how to prepare for it.

>they made me calm from giving some piece of information that assuaged my fears for the woman in white, but like the former i was told i wouldn't remember that information itself

>after some period of discussion the dream ends and i wake up

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

 No.132903 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

The 7 Hermetic Principles | #WitchBabyWednesdays

>I started off on Youtube in 2009 doing music videos just to get over my fear of singing in public. Since then Youtube has grown into a home for me to connect with & inspire my beloved followers.

>I've slayed my own dragons, healed myself of depression, overcome drug & alcohol addiction & survived the suicide of my daughter's father & now I am here having walked in the trenches with all of you to share every bit of wisdom that I've been blessed with along my journey.

>My driving force is the deep love that I have for all of you suffering, unseen but with a deep internal knowing of your own magical potential. I'm here to show you that magic.


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I like your nose piercing.

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I will masturbate on your Mistress. Do you mind posting any photos of her? I will worship my phallus in honor of your Mistress. Are you into sex-magick, anon?

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>Hur dur if I no see it, it no real

>Doesn't realize how broad "Western" is

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cringe nick fuentes fanboy

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 No.133876 [Open thread]

What motivates satanists to worship satan? When they understand that christianity at large (and judaism/islam) consider satan to be evil.

Im trying to learn the motivations and drives of people who do rebellious acts and criminal idologies, so that I may better understand the moralistic ideology that enslaves us all.

If you follow a similiar ideology/religion/path, please feel free to contibute your motivations for following it, the more we understand what drives us, the better we understand where we are going and will end up.

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>the energy machine set up for this purpose

This caught my attention. Can you explain more about this energy machine and how it works?

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Heh. So someone can easier sabotage it huh?

That won't happen either way. It's modeled after Santa Muerte's triangular sacrificial grid (making it also on-topic for the thread's satanism theme), meaning it's self replicating and will automatically include or reject any beings within its reach. This will effectively both strengthen the army and purge its enemies at the same time by polarization of already existing conflict points.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I don't expect anyone to have noticed the significance of the girl running around in circles here at 16:10 and 17:40. A good social location to get this energy in.

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the way her father stopped her was really enigmatic. like they're both perfectly posessed by the functions of the same mechanism

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>So someone can easier sabotage it huh?

Not really. Just curious where the energy comes from.

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 No.136303 [Open thread]

This thread is for destroying and attacking the NWO in anyway possible in minecraft. use magick, sigils, any means possible to do so. this thread is also for discussing the people and the tactics to use against them.

List of targets and plz add more:

The Rothschild family

Astor family

Bundy family

Freeman family

Reynolds Family

Russel Family

Kennedy Family

Onassis Family

Dupont Family

Li Family

Rockefeller Family

Dan Duyn Family

Extras : The zionists, the saudis elite, the technocrats Billgates,George Soros, The Royals, the royals actually run most of it. the queen of england, The world Health organizations, The UN, most officials in power. remember its a pyramid based on a need to know basis. getting bacteria is good for you, they want to sterilize the whole world and make us sick and retarded, dont take vaccines either.

best video


link to videos to watch, organized by me


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That plan was crafted before the internet became the beast that it is today, and the elite don't have enough magical skills to use subtle currents to manipulate public opinion. I mean they were bested by /pol/ in 2016 for goodness sake.

Only way they can pull this off is if they actually have the means to summon some sort of entity to full corporeal manifestation. If they try for smoke and mirrors it's going to backfire incredibly hard on them, shatter their already tenuous grip.

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They weren’t bested by /pol/. They used it. The Trump campaign was the first one to utilize the internet reality simulacrum to win an election. Q is a continuation of that strategy.

We were so used to think imageboards and forums would be forever fringe that when they became mainstream and target of propaganda we swallowed it whole. That’s what happened.

The plan is going perfectly fine. The pandemic will be used to transfer unprecedented amounts of money and power from sovereign nations to supranational private structures, strengthening their grip on the world. Nothing more, nothing less.

Not that a magician should care about any of that.

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No we did. There's always going to be an elite faction supporting anyone no matter what you do. The one supporting Trump is too weak to do this on their own, that's the real reason the swamp elites are mad. It's breaking illuminati logic to let them rule.

Everyone is illuminati, any candidate or leader is a pro system leader. You will always be the system when you win and the losers will be mad at you, that's the world. If you don't want to play the game, become hermit and stop caring.

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there is no war against humanity.

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Don't you worry we are starting one ;^)

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 No.135940 [Open thread]

If not, what are the obstacles in your way?

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I haven’t. Thank you.

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I only abandoned my fedora about a month ago. I have an absolute ton to learn before I reach my pinnacle.

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File: b419940c91ac50f⋯.pdf (7.82 MB,Cutting_Through_Spiritual_….pdf)


This might help.

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File: 02523df9c46bcf1⋯.pdf (10.85 MB,Mind_Illuminated_Complete_….pdf)


This one useful if you are looking for step-by-step instructions.

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File: 68405790d4b034f⋯.pdf (4.84 MB,Dreaming_Yourself_Awake_Lu….pdf)


Another book on dream yoga.

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