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File: cdbdab4f8b80bdb⋯.jpg (142.92 KB,750x750,1:1,4b31fdab_c16e_4c46_adf3_43….jpg)


Please help me get rid of my phobia of phone calls.

I need to make an important call but I just can't. Even the thought of it makes me nauseous.I am okay calling family members but when I have to make appointments or call strangers I just shut down.

When I even think about making the call I feel this weird block that I can not explain, almost like occult in nature (that's the reason I post here). Why do I feel this way? I don't know. Ya all got any tips to remove this block for real? Or just get rid of social phobia in general?

If you are wondering I have family and friends, they consider me easy going and friendly but they don't have any idea how nervous I am in some situations.

I am not joking, this is for real, I am afraid of phone calls and it makes my life miserable because I have to make some important calls.

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1. Use the questions thread.

2. Make the fucking call.

Also get a psychoanalyst.

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>Make the fucking call

Wow so helpful, thanks, never thought about this solution, you cured my phobia you fucking genius!

I have been at two different shrinks already and they were not much help.

It's not a question but a cry for help because I ran out of ideas, but whatever maybe it wasn't the right thing to do to come here and expect some help or god forbid having a discussion. Seems like this board is all about dimension jumping, summoning anime girlfriends and all sorts of other pretentious crap.

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Maybe this isn't a /fringe/ topic. Just an idea.

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True, it really does not fit into the "get me laid" and "shift me into a dimension where I have big tiddy gf" threads that fills this board these days. But I was reading way back a thread here that was about phobias and anxieties and how they might have roots in occult such as curses.

But okay i got the message, i am not welcome here.

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>phobias and anxieties and how they might have roots in occult such as curses

Then why not start your OP from this angle instead of posting something that looks like it's taken from /fit/ or /adv/.

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>summoning anime girlfriends

Ironic since the only one posting cuckime here is you

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The OP says

>I feel this weird block that I can not explain, almost like occult in nature (that's the reason I post here)

then you say

>Then why not start your OP from this angle

kek. are you retarded?

it looks like a comic strip to me not anime also I never seen people discussing social anxiety types on /fit/ or /adv/ since they are fundamentaly the same as this board full of virgin fags pretending to be something they are not. this board should be renamed to /cringe/ already, no wonder why it died out so quickly way before the 8chan purge

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lets say you are alone in your home, no one is listening in, would you have troubles using the recorder in your phone and talk out loud then listen back to the recording? that kind of exercise might help you get used to speak to a device and be a little more confident in your own voice, in a way is kinda like calling yourself and telling something to yourself. Try reading books and recording that if you find it too hard. If you have a friend who is understanding try making little progress with them, telling them about your problem and arrange thing like having them call and not having to respond right away, or just have them talk to you over the phone without you responding.

I too have a phobia of phones, is still a struggle but we must muscle through sometimes. I would a million times rather meet someone and talk to them face to face than through phones, right now that so much dating scene is online it really pushes me away, people want you to call them or answer their phone calls before meeting, is akward to say the least. Same with job interviews, skype is hell for me, voicenotes are difficult. I would much rather go to an office but thats not at all how it works nowadays in my field, is all contract long distance work.

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I don't own a phone and I have the same phobia. Every single damned phone call is routed through California and Speech To Text software makes sure it's recorded in text format forever. I sometimes make a phone call purely because I know this is happening and I want something on record and I know I'm being closely monitored.

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Try picking up a phone right now with the intent to call a random business in your area and ask them about a product. Freeze and let your mind go empty with the phone in hand and wait for impressions to arise in the mind. Tell me what you observe comes up in your mind.

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> Try reading books and recording that if you find it too hard.

I recommend this also I have a phobia of talking in general that took me years to get over because I lived isolated way too long and I just had to stand around in a public area at a busy market and very gradually come out of it. Narrating books helps you get used to talking and that then extends to being able to relax more in conversations with people.

Also something that helped too is I experienced some embarrassments (e.g. going to a public gym and in the lock room people get undressed totally naked, I had to just do it and get my swim suit on, and eventually after a couple times I stopped thinking about it when I realized all the old men around me don't give a fuck) and that kind of stuff helped shift something inside of me that made my anxiety around people less.

Another thing to try is sit around with a bum on some street and talk to him for hours. This also helps come out of the shell.

The more and more you can put yourself in increasingly "dangerous" situations where you are worried about being judged or whatever eventually you can tune the anxiety down and stop caring.

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>I too have a phobia of phones, is still a struggle but we must muscle through sometimes. I would a million times rather meet someone and talk to them face to face than through phones, right now that so much dating scene is online it really pushes me away, people want you to call them or answer their phone calls before meeting, is akward to say the least. Same with job interviews, skype is hell for me, voicenotes are difficult. I would much rather go to an office but thats not at all how it works nowadays in my field, is all contract long distance work.

I have this problem lately with talking to people with emails and the worst thing is I feel they are ghosting me talking less and less and just ignoring my emails. I can't see their faces and fine tune my words based on their reactions and I have no idea if my esoteric rantings are going off the deep end with them or not.

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test test test



test concluded

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See, I told you to make the fucking call from the start because I knew you would ignore all the effortposts aimed at helping you by giving you exercises, rationalization and tools. You either grow up and face your fears, or you don't. There is no point in treating you like a baby because you have muh phobia.

>you don't understand, I'm very fragile and broken

This is coming from someone who was in psychiatric care because of depression years ago. The only way out is to claw your way out. Stop asking people to be gentle with you and follow your fear.

If you want a real occult answer to your problem though, invoke PAZUZU and let him help you.

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