For a second there I thought you were an obvious troll.
But now I got the feeling you're not.
Look, what you are experiencing is called mental masturbation. You can be excused from falling for Atkinson's own egolatry at first, but keep at it and you'll become a clueless poser.
The Kybalion is a derivative work. A rewording of another book so it was more palatable to the public of the time. He was basically the equivalent to today's new age youtubers, which I often find informative and useful, don't get me wrong.
>In 1884, Anna Kingsford, an Englishwoman who founded an organisation called the Hermetic Society, published a book entitled The Virgin of the World of Hermes Trismegistus, which presents an adaptation of the Hermetic texts. As Greer points out, the introduction to this book bears a strong similarity to many of the ideas in The Kybalion. And in fact the introduction to The Virgin of the World, written by Kingsford’s associate Edward Maitland, does contain a number of things that are echoed in The Kybalion.
This book, The Virgin of the World, is what the Kybalion pretends to be and where it takes most of it's rehashed info from: https://sacred-texts.com/eso/vow/index.htm