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Ether, the fifth element, is a substance more subtle than air. This means the ether is to air as the air is to the earth. When you gaze into the blackness of outer space you are observing the ether and this can attune your mind to the ether. The ether exists all around us. Physicist Sir Oliver Lodge wrote about scientific explanations of the ether.

SINCE THE ETHER PERMEATES ALL THINGS AND INTERCONNECTS ALL MINDS, IT IS THE ETHER THAT ALLOWS MAGIC RITUALS AND PRAYERS TO AFFECT REALITY, prayers and magic rituals create ripples in the ether and affect what we are focusing on.

The ether allows intuition to work. Intuition is receiving information directly by way of pure impressions by bringing our attention to something. If you close your eyes and think about outer space you may eventually experience thoughts come to your about outer space that provide you information about outer space, without having to perform a set of logical operations. If you look at someone you may have ideas come to you about that person, spontaneous ideas, that communicate you knowledge about that person, but you didn't have to perform logic to get that knowledge. Intuition is simply information coming to you spontaneously just by bringing your attention to something, and this happens because the ether allows this information to be transported by the fact it connects all things and the ether is a sort of information field and our minds are like antenna that can broadcast and receive etheric signals.

Sir Oliver Lodge provides a scientific basis for the existence of ether and he mentions isaac newton did an experiment to prove the existence of the ether. Below are links to his work.


The forgotten books version has print of a good size and can be found on amazon or gotten from the forgotten books website



ETHER: a material substance of a

more subtle kind than visible bodies, supposed

to exist in those parts of space which are ap-

parently empty."

Newton employs the term for the medium

which fills space — not only space which appears

to be empty, but space also which appears to be

full; for the luminiferous ether must undoubtedly

penetrate between the atoms — must exist in the

pores so to speak — of every transparent sub-

stance, else light could not travel through it."


Newton put two thermometers in glass containers. In one glass container he removed the air and in another glass container the air remained. He then increased the temperature in the room surrounding the containers and he found that, even though the thermometer in the container that had air in it became warmer sooner, both the thermometers were affected by the heat. So he concluded there was a substance less dense than air through which both heat and light travelled.

Ether was used to explain the substance that light travels through to reach the earth from a star. Just as waves in the water travel through water, so does light travel through ether.


So just as light travels through ether to reach earth: so too does the light of peoples consciousness travel through the ether and shine across the earth. And if we incline our consciousness towards good: we bestow a light of blessings, however we can also incline our mind towards cursing, and this results in a curse being broadcast from our consciousness towards that which we focus on.

PART 1/2

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This is why prayers are powerful. It doesn't matter what religion. The use of words or thoughts to produce certain lights or energies, that are then broadcast through the ether towards what we are focusing on. Fear of the evil eye is due to people not wanting to be hated because the energy of being hated could cause bad luck. And being loved good luck. The prophecies of the bible are not attempts to predict the future, they are attempts to create the future through the power of words.

A monument with an image or inscription on it is a antenna that continuously broadcast energy of the inscription into the ether, everyone should build monuments to their ancestors. I had dreams of ancestors after staring into the blackness of outer space, ghosts exist within the etheric plane thats all around us.

PLATO talked about "the world of ideas" and mentioned in his allegory of the cave that the physical world is a reflection of world of ideas. Ideas are composed of ether. This means that the material world comes to reflect the seeds planted in the ether by our thoughts and words, by our magick. We create our reality with the words we speak, and since our brains are interlinked with the universe we can use our brains and words to speak affirmations on behalf of others in an attempt to either curse or bless them.

Depriving magicians of the ability to curse is an attempt by the state to monopolize power it would seem. A magician should not be white or black, a magician should be grey, a magician should be able to both bless and curse.

PART 2/2

For more information on magickal theory, see: westwardmagick.wordpress.com

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The book Morning of The Magicians by Louis Pauwels mentions a man named Ramanujan who managed to discover complex mathemetical theories without logic simply through pure intuition by bringing his mind to a certain matter and letting pure information come to him, this sort of way of thinking about things is mentioned in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. A movie was made about Ramanujan.


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Some quick translation to broaden the scope of this thread:

Ether = Spirit = Prana = "[Life Breath]". Someone from a christian background may recognize that substituting "Holy Ghost" for "Ether" in this thread makes it all sound very familiar.

Thank you for the wisdom, OP.

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Good point about linking the ether to prana. Prana is the ether contained within the air we breathe. I was only able to share the information due to the various books I read etc.

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You forgot "Mana". And some even claim this stuff is consciousness itself - which would explain a lot, but I'm not so sure.

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Here is the post on the westward magick blog that contains the physics proves magick essay https://westwardmagick.wordpress.com/2019/04/05/physics-proves-magic/

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This is reading out loud the introduction to the ether of space


A quote from chapter 1 "Light is an electromagnetic disturbance of the ether".

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Reading the article physics proves magick, yet included is some other ideas about there being a consciousness field that our minds exist in and create ripples in, the mind is compared to a blade of grass in a pond and the ether is compared to the pond, where the grass and sense and create ripples in the pond like the mind does in the ether and in this way the mind is like an antenna that can broadcast and receive signals from the ether and this is how magick works.


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what is your picture from?

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Ether is disproved by special relativity. Stop wasting your time and learn some science. Technology is real magic.

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It looks like a painting.

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Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. - Arthur C. Clarke

The mind is a technology. Infact anything is a technology if applied as such.

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Ether sounds to me a lot like Dark Matter, that thing scientists claim exists because there's no better explanation for why the universe is expanding at an increasing rate, along with some other phenomena I'm forgetting.

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>Ether is disproved by special relativity

It wasn't "disproved".

Special relativity is a theory that explains a certain (small) set of experiments, without the need for ether. That's not the same as disproving.

What's needed is to build devices that use ether tech. Tesla did so, I believe.

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Ether is real.

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Relativity is bullshit and you're clearly a fucking brainlet midwit that doesn't even understand what he claims to. Relativity is based on the false assumptions that time is real, space has properties, and that it is known what light is. But you wouldn't know any of this because you don't know shit about relativity to begin with.

Literally kill yourself you moron waste of fresh air.

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You forgot to mention that Einstein was a DIRTY JEW KIKE who probably received his so-called "miracle papers" from the Elders of Zion so as to cement the worship of the Jew scientism-priests who know nothing but sodomy and sin.

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>muh science

>fug our calculations don't work out

>better solve that by claiming there is an invisible thing that makes up 99% of the universe

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Yes. And that he stole relativity from "goyim" scientists. The Jews hate us "goyim" because we are superior. They are impostors and deceivers.

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superior in getting invaded by darkies maybe

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