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>True Occult Knowledge Gives You Practical Power and Strength


I've been getting caught up in very non-pragmatic philosophical concerns a lot lately due to various debates I get myself entangled in, sacrificing entire days of my life to research to solve these issues often to find that the person who got into the debate with me no longer or never actually did care about the discussion.

I probably should be aiming more towards raja yoga at this point in my life because power speaks far stronger than mere explanations. In fact I should make it my goal that I create a real interest in what I have to say by reason of my power before I converse with anyone about anything. Quite a few people who have sent me on time wasting tangents I should just ignore but it's hard for me because when anyone brings up a question or makes a statement about something I like to have an in-depth and exact knowledge of what is being discussed.

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Both theoretical and practical knowledge are useful, albeit in different ways. Theoretical knowledge is needed to improve the mind, whereas practical knowledge is needed to improve the flesh. If your mind is strengthened to the point where you can control your emotions/thoughts/beliefs perfectly, then it's no surprise that you'd want practical knowledge: There is no need for theoretical knowledge, for your mind is ascended, and now it is time to ascend the flesh.

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>* Wizard & Atkinson


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>knowledge is power

>True Occult Knowledge Gives You Practical Power and Strength

Now what is the best way to manifest power and knowledge through magick? I need an extra bit of motivation and focus.

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Too pragmatic and direct for you? You need someone to mystify the power of thoughtforce for you behind veiled terms in order to listen?

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Often, when a person takes up esoteric work they retain their old programs and approach their work with the same mental tools that are disinhibiting their soul in the first place.

Do not trust your mind; it will send you on a thousand labyrinthine paths and convince you that it's the same thing as geuine transformation. You'll either end up deluded or off the path and telling others about how the "occult is nonsense". When I look at the wreckage that comes with delusion, I think this latter is the kinder option but both can be avoided.

Trust your body which will communicate where you actually are much better than the mind. At further levels, trusting the intuition will come naturally and you'll be able to estimate truths and your own state more accurately because higher centres with be informing your mind, rather than the rag-bag collection of things it will be running on at the esrly stages. Avoid others who want to play mind games but who have no awareness of anything real.

Yoga is good, especially if it's under the right instructor and it's a potent form. The Fourth Way is also excellent and roots progress in actual change rather than reciting some 19th century bad Egyptology. Sufism and Eastern Orthodoxy, likewise, good systems for real change.

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*inhibiting, not disinhibiting.

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>Too pragmatic and direct for you? You need someone to mystify the power of thoughtforce for you behind veiled terms in order to listen?

Guys like that are in it for the theatrics, they don't care about anything real, they just care about "the experience". For them, the occult is like an amusement park ride, it's just entertainment.

I prefer practical occult writings and that's why I think Franz Bardon is the best occult author. He wrote a step by step instructional manual (Initiation Into Hermetics), with scientific tests inside that you can conduct yourself to see if his methods are actually working.

For example. You are tasked with using the elements to alter the temperature of a room at one point in the book as an exercise. You are also tasked with testing this temperature change with a thermometer.

I've never seen any occult author take their writings so literally, the rest just seem like frauds in comparison. I've skimmed a bit of Atkinsons stuff too, he's also the practical type that I like but I wouldn't put him on Bardons level because IIH is the ultimate "spoon feeding book" lol. No other book offers better guidance, it's so detailed and straight forward.

The only people that think "spoon feeding" is a bad thing are armchair magicians who don't care about actually practicing. I want an author to be as specific as possible.

I liked IIH so much that I created an audiobook for it: https://8kun.top/fringe/res/141041.html

If you know of more authors like this email me (my email is in the video).

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