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Anons Fringe Archive

File: 9cfd16ad25aa12d⋯.jpg (16.34 KB,389x216,389:216,explained_nine_angles_1200….jpg)


Hmm there's new ONA guy around came across it on tumblr and it's on the o9a.org page see they added ToB Twitter too. Has autobiography and writing a book he posted.

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we totally needed yet another o9a thread

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I just see the same old reasoning as before on the page

o9a.org, the stuff about how oldfigs start forums and the kids are on twitter. What is the point here? You think you can get people interested on tiktok by doing 15 sec rituals? Then do so.

It looks like whoever is writing that stuff is stuck in a mental loop. What active people I've seen are on discord, the rest I assume meet irl or use personal social media. Are you trying to create a public mass movement?

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File: 043cb5e8cd40e41⋯.jpg (973.18 KB,1952x1920,61:60,043cb5e8cd40e41a34d23189d9….jpg)

Are you talking about dark gnosis?

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>erotic image

>Dark Gnosis

Let's check out the site…

>dark gnosis

>of undeath

>Underneath a Sinister Moon

It's the whole edgy teenager scamming power tripping cult all over again, innit?

Damn you children are so tiring…

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It all make sense: 09A astroturfs on /fringe/ as an extremely out-of-touch attempt at generating interest in itself, because whoever (probably just 1 guy) heard the mosque shooter posted here. That's why the constant barrage of completely pointless satan threads ever since. >>140542 even namedrops "breadtube" because that's a hot topic among /pol/ zoomies

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