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Esoteric Wizardry

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Anons Fringe Archive

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I am new to fringe, is fringe open influenced for esoteric Christian and Martinist discussion? Anyone here practices Elus Coen magic?

Fringe always stricken me as a pagan-oriented, varg-tier, left-hand path, esoteric fascist type place but maybe I am wrong.

Anyway, since practicing this stuff I feel like the likelihood of me dying a virgin has increased, it’s worth it though.

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imo /fringe/ has a sizable number of Christians, at least Gnostics, myself included

people who do not believe one way or another might notice the striking similarities between Kemetic religion (that of Ancient Egypt) and Abrahamic religion…. just because one studies the occult does not mean that they need to reject research into Abrahamic traditions or Christianity

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The majority of /fringe/ is split between "New Thought" and late 20th century RAW zaniness

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>The majority of /fringe/ is split between "New Thought" and late 20th century RAW zaniness

Seconding this.

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Yes. WWA teaches good techniques and it's spiritually neutral so I never felt like I completely lost my desire to develop my belief in The Christ. Especially after researching gnosticism.

>Anyone here practices Elus Coen magic?

I'm going to look it up

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I'm very interested in the solo path of Rosicrucianism as I don't think I'd ever be able to trust another individual enough to allow them to guide me along the path. What's your experience with all of that?

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Not OP but I know about the Rosicrucians. It's not something you can really do solo per se, because then you wouldn't be a Rosicrucian, you'd just be your own thing, whatever that may be, and there's certainly nothing wrong with that. But they have a heavy emphasis on not just reading, but practising, and to learn their methods you'll need to learn from them directly.

The Rosicrucians are very conscious of egregores and to their credit, do all they can to prevent the establishment of an entrenched egregore. They won't take you by the hand and lead you every step of the way, just guide you and share knowledge with you. They come from all walks of life and there are a lot of scientists, doctors etc so they draw from a very wide pool of knowledge. The advantage to communicating with them is that you get to share that knowledge which can be hard to find elsewhere.

They are hermeticists, taking a somewhat pantheistic approach that I find correlates with all religions. If you want to find out more, find out who has been a Rosicrucian. Francis Bacon, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Charles Littlefield, Anton Mesmer - to name just a small few.

You don't have to entrust your path to the eyes of another, but you'd be a fool to turn down the knowledge possessed by others. Guidance and control are not at all the same.

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Max Heindel went as far as founding his own "Rosicrucians" but always maintained that it was inauthentic. Make of that what you will.

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Such a thoughtful response and educating at that. Thank you. I'm going to check out those that are individuals you named.

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