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>this is the heart chakra

>what is it?

>it's connected to your emotional openness and capacity for love, acceptance

>ok, I get it

>this is the Uruz rune

>what is it?

>it represents the Uruz bull. It's connected to power and rebirth

>ok, I get it

>this is the (((geburah))) sephiroth

>what is it?

>it represents strength

>what sort of strength?

>whatever, here's the (((Netzach))) sephiroth

>what is it?

>it represents victory

>how is victory different from strength?

>Shut up. Anyway I'm moving from beauty to strength to mercy then to understanding (passing a (((hidden sephiroth))) and then wisdom until I reach the crown which is Ain Soph which is G-d

>that sounds overly convoluted and retarded

>stop being antisemitic

The Runes are cosmic energies. The Chakras are spiritual energy centers. The Kundalini are dual energies within the spinal chord. Kabbalah is…well, what is it?

I understand that the Tree Of Life was used by Babylonians and Egyptians before Jews appropriated it, so I'm not trying to do a /pol/ gotcha, but I really don't get how this shit works.

I see it used often in occultist circles, but I still don't understand what the sephiroth are supposed to do or represent. Other energy-work systems are intuitive, but this feels obtuse and arbitrary more than anything. I could as easily draw any other symmetrical shape with 10(11) spots that I could name with /fringe/ titles like "creativity" and "power", then put Earth and God on both ends to claim I have a spiritual system.

It's supposed to be a map of the universe and the sephiroths are supposed to have planetary connections. But I don't see it. So far, The Blessed Swastika is the only symbol I have found that has correctly mapped our place in space.

Explain the Kabbalah to me, or it's jewish bullshit.

>read a book about it

They're too jewish, I see the Flaming Alphabet, I think of ovens.

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>mapped our place in space

2 things.

A.) The Swastika similar to Solomon's seals represented protection from God and good fortune and B.) Space is fake and gay. Literally Scientology tier and conceived by NASA and science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke

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Never mind. I compared it to Ichinen Sanzen and it's basically a downgraded jew mysticism version of that. The Ten Realms overlap perfectly, and you can get which of the Ten Suchnesses correspond to which sephiroth if you know the Pillars.


The Milky Way Galaxy has four spiral arms radiating from a central black hole. A black hole, also called a…black sun.

The simplest way to represent a galaxy with four spiral arms rotating around a central power is with the Swastika. No matter which side it's facing it's still rotating towards the center. The goal of spiritual evolution is reaching towards this centre of existence through increasingly powerful pleasure and suffering. Birth requires pain, as does beauty.

This is why the swastika is found all over the world, in all cultures. It has nothing to do with the jew Solomon and his close-minded, desert tribe scuttling around the desert like cockroaches.

The swastika doesn't belong to your jew-god. It speaks of a trascendence that trascends even God. As far as I know, the only one that taught how to overcome God, was the Enlightened One Of The Scythian Tribe.

You can do this whole roleplay about living in a tent world with a jew-god. The aryan spirit has always been one that focused on absolute trascendence and understanding the universal. The Western tradition is closely connected to astrology exactly because we always looked towards space. Siddharta Gautama named his dteaching "the four truths of the aryans" exactly because he was teaching how to overcome even God. You don't feel this drive towards total overcoming, so this is fine with you, I understand.

Just keep in mind that in the year 2327, the ruler of Shambala will leave hiding and genocide (or convert to buddhism) all monotheists. Those who have been initiated will be reborn as pilots of his machines, tasked with exterminating monotheists.

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>how is strength different from victory?

>how is Mars different from Venus?

>how is perseverant labor different from resting in your wife's lap?

>how are the throes of battle different from pillage

You got filtered HARD

also this >>141161

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>how is preservant labor different from resting on your wife's lap

This is the poetic shit I'm talking about. Replacing the Sephiroths with the ten suchnesses leads to the following formulation

<How is Function (activity) different from Primary Cause (direct cause)?

Suddenly here's a question that answers itself. Thanks to Kuramajiva's genius for giving a clear concise system.


You might have missed the part where I said I studied it and realized it's basically a downgraded, overly mystified version of Ichinen Sanzen. You're the one getting filtered into mystification and poetic roleplay.

So whatever, I'll do a sales pitch for it. At least it will cause merit.

Ichinen Sanzen describes the totality of all experience, it means three thousand realms in a single moment. The number isn't chosen arbitrarily but comes from the 10 realms (hell, hungry ghosts, animals, asuras, humans, devas, learners, the self-enlightened, bodhisattvas, buddha) each containing 10 realms within itself (if it sounds familiar to how every sephiroth contains a kabbalah within itself, then it's not a coincidence), influenced by the 10 Suchnesses (10 factors that compose every thing), existing within one of the three worlds ("self", other beings, world). 10 realms X 10 realms X 10 suchnesses X 3 worlds = 3,000 worlds in a single moment of existence.

In a single moment of existence meaning they're not separate realities, but each is happening and manifesting itself within every single waking moment. Sounds familiar to the kabbalah? Because they're the same thing.

The same thing with a caveat, the kabbalah mixes the 10 realms with the 10 suchnesses, lacks the 3 worlds and is confusing after centuries-long intergenerational rabbi phone games.

Study the clarity of the 10 suchnesses, that explain the functioning of all things:

A flower has the form of a flower, it has the nature of being a plant with petals, it has the potency to blossom, the function to grow, its embodiment is "flower"/"flower-nature", its primary cause is a seed in the ground, its secondary cause is water and sunlight, its effect is pollen, its recompense is seeds being spread by bees, its complete fundamental whole is the totality of all the previous nine.

This can be applied to everything, including mental phenomena. Here you have a true universal map, that doesn't rely on jewish names, or poetics about resting on your wife's lap.

But that's not all! What if I told you, that you don't only get a static map describing all phenomena rationally, but also a way to reach the state of "ain soph" in each and every one of them, have all Buddhist Gods (as they run out karma, most devas will eventually need buddhism to avoid reincarnation in the lower realms, so chances are, many pagan gods have already converted) come to your aid, unite the microcosm with the macrocosm, move the totality of the net of cause and effect to one's advantage, burn one's earthly desires while having them fulfilled, and become a bodhisattva by achieving the absolute truth of reality? That's right, you can get all of this and more by just reciting the Daimoku towards the Gohonzon.

Unfortunately this would require me to explain what makes the Lotus Sutra so special, and we're already running out of time for this segment.

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The kalachakra tantra isn't a random monotheist schizo prophecy but a spiritual initiation.

The prediction comes true because it is part of a magical ritual (with initiation) and because the Tibetan priesthood has been historically connected to the ruler of Shambala.

The Chakravatin will return and remove all monotheists. Does it bother you?

"Christcucks" might be spared, seeing as Jesus was a bodhisattva. While shifty Jews like you will be crushed by flying wheel vehicles (the kalachakra tantra goes in details about their look, needles to say lots of sci-fi associations), nobody will remember Solomon, Moses or any of your people's traditions. Does it bother you? Get used to it while you can. The Chakravatin will gas you.

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2 things…again

A.) I never said the Swastika symbol had anything to do with King Jew but that it was SIMILAR as like every other Religious symbol(s) that Dessert Mystic Jews stole from and B.) Space is STILL fake and gay. I do find it ironic a Buddhist is trying to tell me otherwise though

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Oh but don't worry, it will be done with compassion and lovingkindness.

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I'm not a Monotheist nor do I practice any Abrahamic religions. You sure do like to behave compulsive with these assumptions. I do appreciate the conviction.

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>be buddhist

>spend your energy arguing with random people on the internet about your beliefs while wishing harm on them if they disagree

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It brings merit to share the Dharma and my cruelty is free from hatred.

Still, being a Buddhist doesn't equal being passive or pacifistic. It is a teaching of great violence.

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Imagine shilling this hard or actually believing such a thing. Like saying Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance. Try harder next time.

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Sharing the Dharma brings merit and Buddhism is a religion of violence. You come from a Christian background and treat it as a form of Christianity, therefore expect non violent tolerance. But ethics become very different once you remove illusions of self.

Vajrapani killed Shiva as Mahesrava because he wouldn't submit to Vairocana like the rest of the Hindu gods. Keep that in mind when you slander the Dharma. All gods kneel before the Buddha who teaches the ultimate swastika.

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