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 No.132053 [View All]

Will be the time the great American Civil War takes off.

9 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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Doomsayers like you are nothing but fools pissing in an ocean of piss. There have been literally hundreds of your type spanning the ages since at least the 1600s,

Life is filled with all sorts of suffering. Wars countless among human history, and with it comes violence, anger, and cruelty in its rawest form. Even in times of peace, assholes without empathy will still shit on you. Dindus and trashbags shit on you any chance they get to satisfy their fee-fees, and the trashbags on top of corporate ladders use it to try and strangle you with signed documents and lawyer folders.

Furthermore, people just wanna live their life rather than, you're outnumbered millions to one. You just wanna be the next Nostradamus, even though he only became famous after we was dead. You should rethink your life choices.


But the truth is, if it would really happen, you would immediately regret everything you said about thinking this would make you feel better about yourself.

You'd panic and freak out, probably do something stupid that would make you feel ashamed of yourself.

You'd die in a puddle of tears, wishing to live again. Just like a morbidly obese landwhale on the true verge of death.

life is hard, but you can absolutely powergame it. Why do you think we're here on /fringe/ in the first place?

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>Doomsayers like you are nothing but fools pissing in an ocean of piss. There have been literally hundreds of your type spanning the ages since at least the 1600s,

I'm not a doomsayer. The world isn't going to end or even become shit. Just a few fuckheads are going to die and the parasites will be deported or killed if they resist and life is going to get a lot better after.

>Furthermore, people just wanna live their life rather than, you're outnumbered millions to one. You just wanna be the next Nostradamus, even though he only became famous after we was dead. You should rethink your life choices.

I'm not a prophet and this information is not to be taken as a prophecy. If what I says "comes true" it's not because of some psychic ability, it's because I know something (through purely mundane ways) the rest of you don't. The only thing psychical concerning this is my confidence in the revolution to succeed.

>But the truth is, if it would really happen, you would immediately regret everything you said about thinking this would make you feel better about yourself.

Why? I'm not regretting anything and just because you haven't conquered the fear of death and project this onto me doesn't mean I haven't. Dying is not bad at all and the all-consuming fear of death can only really be present when you're nowhere near death, when it's actually happening, there is no fear. Besides, I wouldn't even be a target, unless I decide to join in the uprising. This will be a war purely between the government and some revolutionaries. After the government is overthrown there's no need to kill anyone else.


I guess you could call me an insider. I have nothing to do with the Q LARP though.

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Can't wait to mock you 3 months from now.

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So what's the piece of information that confirms for you that something will happen in that time frame

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File: fe960e3acf2a808⋯.mp4 (1.86 MB,320x240,4:3,i know something i won't t….mp4)


>Civil War

>i know something i won't tell


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File: 485f23d11170d50⋯.jpg (17.98 KB,474x355,474:355,burger.jpg)

It's pretty soon isn't it?

Wow, who tought amerifats had still enough intelligence and will left to rise up and kill ZOG. That sure is surprising.

You know…the image of a horde of burgers rising up, rushing onwards on their segways to fight for what's right…pretty inspiring stuff. Just make sure you let us non-burgers know when it starts.

And good luck OP.

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It doesn't seem like there's anything close to a happening, 45 days left I guess

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Well… we're waiting…

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Don't worry it's happening. I myself am just putting in a large order of ammunition (at least a thousand rounds) and some more guns. Antifa also is going apeshit lately in my area. The mentality where I am right now is such that everyone is just putting all they got into arming themselves and fortifying everything.

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>a larp will change the world order


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File: 4cfd0a4c8d77f4a⋯.mp4 (6.06 MB,490x360,49:36,where do you think you are.mp4)

lol don't doubt the fact a revolution is coming but it's simply too soon, I give it 2-3 more years of slow shit stewing in the background before it will hit it's tipping point and SHIT WILL HIT THE FAN.






>posts on fringe to talk shit about somebody having a opinion different from the mainstream

>mp4 related

Beyond getting paid to shill in one of the lower traffic boards, do you suck penis in your "free" time?

Your breath smells like matzah and cum, go wash it out with bleach, k?

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>mundie thinks he isn't mainstream


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cool happening bro

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>2-3 more years

Good, I only need half a year to take over the world. Looking for a good time to start though, the conditions are almost right

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Welp we're in August did anything happen?

I guess we have until the end of August before we can say it's truly not happening.

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so when do the happenings happen?

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File: f9073d79ac3e57c⋯.jpg (67.09 KB,602x709,602:709,1540102961962.jpg)

>2 mass shootings in a row

uh guys?

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File: e8802625b285db1⋯.jpg (32.52 KB,465x659,465:659,0bdbbc32dd9cbcb1f092f71f1f….jpg)


Awesome. The more blood shed the better.

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literally nothing

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I guess I'm not going to be a race-mixer since that seems to trouble some white people. I believe that is the Christ-like reponse.

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Maybe /pol/ is part of the conspiracy to disarm U.S. citizens (U.S. military loves Clausewitz, who speaks of 'disarming' your enemy) by making a lot of race-oriented white people look like nutjobs online.

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Well shit did go down, which everyone with half a brain was already expecting. However it's definitely not your infantile power fantasy thinly-veiled as a Harold Covington novel.

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If supply chains break under the stress of this global domiciliary arrest, coupled with the huge amounts of fear and uncertainty people are under, I'd say now would be a good time for some serious shit to go down.

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OP is confirmed schizolarp

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Are you implying a secret deep state war? I think the shooting that has the best chance of being this in reality already happened long before this post in the Vegas attack.

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You mean when they was try to make Ben Salmon die but he lived?

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That’s what I mean. I’m not certain as to what specifics I myself believe but in general I do think that something bigger was supposed to happen that night. Or that something else did happen but we do know is almost a certainty.

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don’t know*

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Neither do I but we better look into it.

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It was looked into right as it happened and right after. Anons at 4 and 8 /pol/ dug deep into it. But what does any of that matter when officially it's like the event never even happened?

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Much has happened since that day. Wasn't Q anon just starting? Now every normalfag knows it. Looking into the shooting with our present hindsight could yield better results than what anons found back then. Hell, we're already teetering on the edge of the abyssal technocratic hellscape heralded a century ago. Back then it was still dank pepes and shit. How can we hope to ever understand this bizarre world if we let them pull the wool over our eyes so passively?

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No, even i'm boosting it. There's more than one mind behind it.

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They made murica resistance-proof from the beginning. It's just not going to happen.

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Haha faggot, what a self-important retard

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The spirit of Colombia died long ago.

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He was pretty much right though.

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July to August of 2020 is looking like it's going to be the start of the civil war.

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nice excuse "it was exactly a year later though!!!!"

keep doing that and eventually you'll be right one day, am i right?

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Everyone's shitting on Qtards today (rightfully so) but stormniggers like OP don't get enough hate

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File: dbb4dbc6bacaa05⋯.jpg (222.78 KB,936x622,468:311,Chinese_yelling_EDIT.jpg)


O.P., I am concerned about the same thing. Have you heard of JR Nyquist?

I have been aware of his stuff for years, he basically thinks that Russia = Soviet Union and he believes that Russia and China are working together to destroy the USA as part of an old Soviet-era plot they have been working together on since the 1960's. This plan has been revealed by the highest ranking Soviet defector to the West, in 1992.

Personally, I want to believe that the Russians are different than the Soviet Union, and I want to believe that they have been through a spiritual revival and now Russia is a very Christian country. So if China decides to attack USA, I hope that Russia will support the American Christian patriots while the Demon-craps will probably collaborate with Communist China to help invade USA. They will try to sell us the invasion as "Oh, China, under the auspices of the United Nations, is coming to help America deal with its redneck problem, yay China!"


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>Why do you think we're here on /fringe/ in the first place?

To spit on you and your ilk, passive-aggressive moralfag.

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File: b264167ee1c7eef⋯.jpg (81.87 KB,491x750,491:750,1650438225665.jpg)

Much to my dismay we are still here

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Speak for yourself. It seems almost every non-NPC has already left this reality.

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Except you and I, am I right? We're not NPCs!

BTW I can break the new captcha with my phone's character recognition.

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We need to live to see a new world blossom form the ash of this sick one. We are being shut down, in turn becoming more radicalized. The whole reason I am here is to find those who are willing to devote their lives to creating a society we are fulfilled to exist in.

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The more shootings the better, we only need to weaponize those forgotten by society. If only we could brainwash the homeless to enact widespread terror. Suicide bombers let on the loose, this is the only way to rebuild, we must destroy first.

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File: 80cfb4daa9fdac4⋯.jpg (64.3 KB,316x423,316:423,1660886921895864.jpg)


If you didnt feel a pull to help out those still stuck here and just left to try and avoid darkness to reach a higher existence, you most likely just entered into an even lower reality as punishment for your own selfishness.

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File: 1aaa2295eef659f⋯.png (34.27 KB,846x648,47:36,BirthofChaos.png)

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>I can break the new captcha with my phone's character recognition.

No wonder /pnd/ got flooded with bots at the same time it was implemented lol Obviously on purpose

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