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 No.123753 [Last50 Posts]

Christian here. I am scared to admit that I am convinced with the whole God=Saturn, Jesus=Satan=Prometheus thing. I want to learn more but I am scared of eternal damnation if I turn my back to God and start looking at other beliefs. Any ex-Christians here that has the same problem as me?

Also where do I start to find the truth?

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Once you realize Christianity is ripping off other earlier religions, you'll realize that Christianity also ripped its version of God off, meaning the actual God would probably want you to abandon your false lesser inaccurate idolatry of what amounts to the Christian Meme version of the True God.

The Bible was inspired, not dictated, by God. I believe we both know how many works around us were inspired but CERTAINLY did not speak on behalf of truth or God. For that matter, many speculate the whole point of the Bible's stories were to inspire and teach good morals, rather than be taken literally which in many cases would be insane to do i.e. anything from Genesis.

For that matter, you can't go into religion by default assuming the religion you started with was the one true religion. Do you honestly think the God of a universe built on giving people trials and problems to solve would give you the answer from day 1? -Maybe, but it's doubtful. You have to look up summaries, patterns, symbols, key stories, and concepts from various religions and compare to see which one appears to follow a pattern which falls in line with truth.

And yes, Christianity ripped God off of Zeus (among other ideas). Did the artwork not tip you off? It was prophecized Zeus would have a son to overthrow him, and the Greek stories never had a story of Zeus finally being overthrown. Meanwhile, Prometheus knew who this son would be, but never told Zeus even after being chained up and tortured for years. It is thus fitting story-wise that Jesus would serve as this prophecized son of Zeus, and would have a story of suffering and benefiting mankind akin to Prometheus, who ironically was punished by Zeus for doing the same things.

As for finding truth, you have to have the instinct to comprehend the truth you embody and the truths you experience without relying on outside training wheels like a Bible or a Church. That requires self-confidence in your instinctive sense of truth honed by self-awareness, self-criticism, and self-improvement.

~Epyc Wynn

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That actually made sense.

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>want to learn more about the fact that I'm being deceived by an evil space monster from another dimension

>scared that as a result the evil space monster from another dimension will send me to scary bad people torture land

That's the exact concept that's meant to stop you from learning the truth, anon. The entire thing is blackmail. Every god from each of the Abrahamic religions is the demiurge. It threatens you with eternal damnation to stop you from learning more because if you learn the right things/achieve gnosis it won't have power over you anymore. I don't know if you know what all of those terms mean but if you know about the Saturn thing, you probably know enough that I could just tell you to read about Gnosticism and Hermeticism (the recommended reading list is also a good place to start).

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This. I approached all of this with an abundance of caution because of the same reason as you, op. But, early on, I came to the conclusion that "if the devil is the deceiver and he is said to be extremely cunning, and that he is said to have placed a bet with God that he would be able to deceive all of humanity away from worshipping their true God.. What if the God that I was taught about is actually the devil himself? Well, if that is even remotely a possibility then it would be absolutely unacceptable for me to not shit check everything that I know in order to ensure that I am not being led astray from the True God"

In other words, if God is the Truth then I must make sure I have the correct definition of what is True. Approach everything with caution, baby steps. Everything that you read make sure that you also shit check, take the words of no man as gospel until you have figured out if what they speak of is the truth. There is deception all around us, layers upon layers, and there exist things… Concepts, Ideas, Thoughts, Words… That if approached incorrectly will lead to a very, very bad time.

I have been on this path for a while now and the conclusions that I have come to are: >There is, absolutely, a God, a Creator >There is absolutely a devil, a deceiver >There is absolutely great evil that lives in the realm of the spirit/aether/what ever you want to call it >There is also good out there, but the evil is cunning and will, at times, pretend to be good.. Guard your trust zealously

Outside of that there are various interpretations, thought-form theory, all being the result of a pattern of intermingled causality and potentiality , a demiurge deaf and blind asshole half-god that deceives, etc.. As you learn more you will see that most of these things are either true or hold a bit of truth.. The demiurge stuff, for instance, is highly misinterpreted. The demiurge is the demi-urge, the half-god urge, the urge to be less than you are.. to replace the almighty with the material. I may be wrong about this, but my journey has lead me to believe that this "demiurge" is in fact a (possibly THE) deceiver and that demiurge lives within us.. It is our inner animal. But, that does not mean it is our enemy. It means that we must find equilibrium between it and what is higher, we must have the awareness to find it, grab it by the scruff and tame it, keep it on a leash.

Your journey might lead you to a different conclusion. Don't take anyone for their word, we live in a world where the deception is piled high, even the well intentioned could be deceiving you on count of they themselves being deceived… Walk your path, stand tall, trust your heart, question everything, even your own senses, until you have proper answers, if you walk with the intention of finding god then you shall find him.. The Truth shall be revealed (although it might raise more questions itself).

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You saw this in /pol/, no? Before you jump off the deep end in terms of thoughtless browsing and so-called research, continue asking yourself these tough questions while keeping your common sense. If Christianity is bullshit and you lose your faith, your freer. If Christianity isn't bullshit, you will have a stronger faith. This Saturn=YHWH=Demiurge=Satan thing is a meme in itself though that does not invalidate any true historical/cultural connections between the aforementioned deities.

In short, don't fly off the deep end and become another retard spewing trite bs online. Good luck, faggot

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Both accurate and sensible.


I can relate to being bound by a prison of beliefs, worrying that my actions have somehow damned me to hell, based solely on the egotistical rantings of whichever pulpit I sat in front of in my search for God.

My faith in God led me out of Christianity, but slowly and painfully. It is possible to have faith and trust in something greater without having to define it or allowing others to put limits on it (usually to maintain control and or perpetuate some system that exists purely to perpetuate its own existence).

You find the truth through faith. Trusting that something greater than yourself is looking out for you. That you will know what you need to know when you need to know it.

Also keep in mind that pretty much anyone who spoke the truth in the bible was considered nuts, until they were finally tortured to death by the religious elite.

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I used to be a very fervent Christian for most of life, even though my whole family were atheist, but abandoning that mentality and way of life at 23 was the best thing I ever did for my spiritual growth. You won't believe how many secrets about this world are kept away from you when you're afraid of pissing off a god.

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You see christ is love. The christus is one constellation amoung many. Love leads to yearning and wanting more. Being attached. It leads to addiction. Me the antichrist, manuel btw. Im related to the last reincarnate of christ an albino white. But also the satanic merovingian bloodline of the antichrist runs within me. See mary magdene moved to france and all decendents cluster fucked between the francs and the merovingian. Latin is the devils language. Im puerto rican and mexican. Hailing back to olmecs and blacks. Puerto rican Spaniard and negro. I am a hybrid because of the 2012 occurance. Niburu. And the technolgy cern which they say can open portals and all kinds of shit. I have just come out of hell banished by god because my power threatened his reign. But god created lucifer to be perfect. Gods right hand angel. Above michael and def above his son christ. You see i am rising in power. I have planned the after life. I am the eternal immortal. The sentient glitch. I will be galactic commander. Dimensional manager. realm ruler. And i tell my truth to my best. I am a truth teller. Satan is gods wrath. Lucifer punsihes evil. Lying is a cardinal sin. The grass is green. Not a deadly sin. Lying ois a falsifcation. Many people are going to hell unless they repent very soon and die mentally.i hope christ isnt soft on them. The truth will come out. Lucifer is the light bearer. This is all in the bible and more. Im already running for president. I live in miami. Im just another cog in the machine. Decriminalize all drugs. That is all for now. What happened to the teen board btw? Lol

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The word Christ is not a synonym for love. It is a separate idea with a differing meaning and nuances.

~Epyc Wynn

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God is not Saturn, and if he was, he would be dead. like he should be and is.

Jesus killed him. good riddance.

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God wants you to keep exploring. Just go with a good heart and learn. Wisdom and faith should walk hand in hand. Abandon guilt. Christianity is already tainted. Listen to the God that lives in you, and take with a grain of salt the religious leaders who wish to lead you astray.

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If you're a christian then your life goal should be becoming the nicest person ever. So as long as you are nice to others, I'm sure god wouldn't mind you asking about other religions. Just stay loyal to the core message, if the nature of god really is love then he won't care about your doubts, he'll just love you because you are alive

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You don't really understand how Christianity works. Christians long ago threw out the pretense that they will be "saved by works," since that conflicts with the central premise in Christianity that even the most base and disgusting child-molesting mass-murdering sack of shit is redeemable and can become a person worthy of being reconciled with god.

This is a noble story, or rather, it seems noble enough to me, though there are some here who have a total fetish for punishment, so, whaever. The problem is that the doctrine of sola fide means that suddenly the incentive to actually *be* a good person out in the world, whatever that may mean, is secondary. God under Christianity is really not interested in how you behave, not when it comes down to brass tacks. The Christian God really only cares if you're in his fanclub. The rest is just a matter of his taste, but he doesn't mind sinning at all so long as you pinky-promise you're sorry and you still think he's the coolest. God must be the big man on campus at all costs.

So, basically, you have a nice idea there but it doesn't really jive with Christianity.

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Wrong, The most important thing God ask is to have no other God, it s the first commandment and the only one mentioned twice. Read your bible retard.

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*the most important thing the human writer of the bible asks you to do in reference to their christian meme version of god

~Epyc Wynn

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The devolved form of Christianity as it exists today is primarily marketing.

Oversimplified concepts reduced to vapidity for rapid consumption without any attendant or appreciable results beyond a consensus protective circle jerk.

Original Christianity was something more in the realm of serious magic without apology. The McChristianity that devolved from it and abhors anything contrary to useless abstracting and spurious time wasting "knowledge" is what we have today.

now get pissed off and give my sigil your energy

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That image… and you're a fool.

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Then you should be afraid, for fools with opinions are the greatest foes you will ever face.

~Epyc Wynn

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>he missed the message of the New Testament about loving your neighbor

stay talmudic

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I don't think it's safe to equate Saturn and God.

The hierogamy that involves titans and leads through the titanomachy is medically significant in ways that differ from metallurgic operations in the themas mundi or the holy roman empire made ethic in necromancy.

Your curiosity isn't a punishment to others and you have human rights on your side in your studies.

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You're confusing Satan and Lucifer.

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You can stick with Christianity. The point of any religion is to relay truth to the masses. But, if you really want a change, humble yourself and see the vastness of the universe. Base yourself off of it's characteristics. I'll see what I can do for you.

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Stop falling for dualistic Marcionist tier memes which try to brainwash you into thinking God is evil. All of this nonsense about Saturn being Satan is completely unfounded. Saturn is the Holy Spirit. He is not evil. People have confused the negative polarization of Saturnine energy with the penultimate Saturn archetype, which is Binah on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.

Christus-Lucifer sharing the same archetype as Prometheus is indeed true, but that is only part of the story. You may study this lecture(and the others contained within the course) to learn about the parallels between the Greek mysteries and the Bible, specifically Genesis.


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It's bullshit and can be easily debunked by studying kabbalah and /actually reading the bible/

I'm a Christian and a Kabbalist. Sure modern Christianity is shit but don't listen to retarded conspiracy theorists who only spread hearsay from someone they found on youtube. Study greek and other languages and it will easily debunk a lot of what these people are claiming. We can actually talk too, I have loads of cool shit you can study and I can recommend it to you, but it's only if you're a true believer in Jesus and if you love God.

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You're already eternally damned for posting on /fringe, matey

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You can face the truth without turning your back on god, even if what you suspect turns out to be true. God wants Enlightment, god wants truth. Follow the path you feel is right

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I liked your post until that shitty end line.

>true believer in Christ

Is it even possible to sound more kikey than that?

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Initial Reaction

>Oh, its this namefag again in a thread with a mentally vulnerable OP.

Reads the post

>Not bad, not bad at all

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Y'all should research the claims you hear in pop docs and memes

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Thanks fam. It's sometimes difficult to distinguish between eccentricity and insanity. I have an incredibly strong sense of union and love with my fellow users and only want the best for them.

~Epyc Wynn

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So if Saturn isn't Satan, how do you explain the Elites' worship of him and the degenerate acts they do in his temples? What is that about? Do they misunderstand it as much as the average /fringe/tard?

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>my pop documentary is better than yours!!! °~°

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Supposed to be an answer to >>125610

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>Do they misunderstand it as much as the average /fringe/tard?

This is what I lean towards, never underestimate people being lemmings.

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That was precisely my point about the negative polarization of Saturnian energy. Saturn rules the kingdoms of Life and Death, and as we contain Saturn as a planetary force within ourselves, that energy can be used for the means of death and destruction. is exactly why the the Seven Deadly Sins and the Seven Heavenly Virtues correspond with the alchemical attributes of the 7 classical planets. Their 'worship' of Saturn is actually the complete opposite, what they are doing is the ultimate blasphemy. They hate the Holy Spirit, so they pervert and corrupt its true energy.

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Reminder that 'occult energy' is motivation strictly derived from your personal perceived value of a meaning combined with the hivemind perceived value of a meaning. Saturn's meaning is only as powerful as you and the collective sum of people choose to believe it is. This is imaginary economics and it's how any economy, religion, or meme such as Saturn functions.

~Epyc Wynn

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Being on this sight alone is proof enough that you've turned your back on your pathetically insecure "god".

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one day it'll be time to put on the big boy pants and tell dad you are moving out of the house and going off to college, you dont want to waste your life away in your podunk small town in the middle of goatfuck county texas.

ps your dad smells

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Its more so that you seem to still have basic/intermediate barriers up, while reality is trying to be the teacher that it is. Its easy to confuse effective and critical self defense (particularly on the internet) and self defeating blindness - take it from a partially blind guy.

I strongly appreciate hearing you say that you align with that, though. Overall, when I read your posts the first reaction I get is frustration. I genuinely believe you're missing something, and I say that as a flawed person who's certainly still missing things.

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Relatability, respect of God as a valid leader, obedience, assimilation into any given community, default trust in those with authority, a person besides myself I can call master.

These are the things I choose to lack. If I obtain them, I will lack myself in the process. Reality is not a valid teacher; it is an abuser which must be tamed like the beast it is, as humanity has for numerous millenia been gradually doing. This universe does not operate on perfect coding, nor is it governed by a remotely righteous administrator. Don't default on assuming that reality is the one you should trust just because it's the source of power in this world.

There is one thing I can always be certain of, and it is my grasp of righteousness. It was forged from a great deal of self-awareness, self-criticism, and self-improvement to a highly nuanced degree. No matter anything else I say, my ethics are the one thing that have the most validity; everything else is just aesthetic bells and whistles.

You are free to be frustrated that I have not chosen union with a beast that has abused us all for lifetimes beyond our memory, but you on some level should understand there is a great deal of primordial reason not to do so. Please enjoy the doubt I have supplied you; perhaps you will consider it nutrition to be absorbed rather than poison to be dispelled.

~Epyc Wynn

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If you are a Christian in the sense of understanding the ideal and the wisdom of Jesus, then you will never forget that truth.

But… it becomes dark when you stray from the flock. You must go out on your own then, to find the truth. The true truth.

It is not the popular one that you hear about. It cannot have a name other than the truth. You cannot be damned by the truth, but there is always the chance that you will be mislead, and believe a lie instead.

For example, here is a dark revelation: All religions are false and there is no god.

The cold truth is not as beautiful as a lie, no?

But there must be a part of you, still unbrainwashed enough to see the simple logic: Of all the religions and versions of gods, why should just one be true? Could more than one be true?

The truth is that all are false. Look only to nature.

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The words of men hold no value, thus my heart is turned dark with sorrow.

From the mountains come whispering winds, from the ocean come murmuring waves, from the forest come the rustling voices of trees, and from the fields come the enlightened laughter of the flowers.

Where is the voice of God then? In a man's hand, he held a pen. Upon a piece of parchment, he wrote a simple sentence, a simple lie: "In the beginning…."

But the birds did not speak it. The wolves did not speak it. The bears did not speak it. And the stars themselves burned silently throughout the night.

But the sun shall rise, and then all shall be illuminated.

And that sentence there is true. Literally true. But could it be a metaphor for a certain religion? Or did the religion steal the truth of the sun ever-so-conveniently? Hmm hmmm….

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>Reality is not a valid teacher; it is an abuser

Do you say this with it being the nature of everyone else's projections, and therefore a manifestation of a foreign will? If so, I can appreciate that.

I still think that anything information can be gathered from, can be a source of learning when discernment is appropriately applied, and when avoiding a neurotic analysis of every falling raindrop. I do not think that reality is a truth, as it is merely the noise from the source. It still however an implement of cause and effect.

>You are free to be frustrated that I have not chosen

It is the opposite. Its the assumption that you chose to throw in with that beast, for whatever the assumption is worth. I'd like to think that I made it from analyzing the net whole of your posts (that I've seen).

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Observable reality is foremost not socially constructed by us, but instead first constructed by metaphysical coding the universe runs on which is but a sub-set of grander metaphysical coding scientists, mathematicians, and physicists are desperately trying to discern. Beyond that, our immediate biosphere of this Earth is then socially altered according to our choices, intentions, and perceptions.

That metaphysical coding things run on, is true reality, and I wager it is both somewhat conscious and unthinking in its functionality. That metaphysical code, the metameme of all metaphysics, is an abusive invalid teacher. It is the objective nucleus of reality.

A true teacher is one you consent to. An abuser forces evil upon you regardless if you ask for or earn such a 'lesson.'

Let me clarify one more thing to you. God is the term used to refer to the creator and owner of this server we call a universe. I further wager God is also the manager of this universe, as opposed to merely being the owner. Some theorize there is a separate manager of the universe known as the Demiurge which keeps the coding functioning on the owner's behalf, but I do not see the need for such a system except to entertain people's minds with unnecessary complexity. The Demiurge is also hypothesized to be the being filling the role of admin, Satan, or Devil of the universe which challenges people, and I think that hypothesis is ludicrous. It is obvious to any person with the ability to sense righteousness, that people are not merely challenged, but needlessly slaughtered and tortured without sufficient justice to back such acts. God does things by its own hand and is evil by its own hand. So when I say beast, know that I refer to God, because that's all God is -an animal that exists. We all have a responsibility to attempt to defy and hold this beast accountable and in check, or die trying. Will we succeed? That I cannot guarantee. But from a moral standpoint, it's better to show up than to give up.

~Epyc Wynn

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OP read this

(updated picture is lower in the thread)


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Then, how are we to know the difference between a bug and a feature? Surely entropy would be enough to damage a system of energy and vibrations, alongside whatever puts the 'emitters' of these forces into their presence. Is this death, decay, and torture the result of these?

There's the Adam and Eve story, which I think at a minimum suggests an event that would have been the first true 'Tower of Babel' event. Either we have proof that the Demiurge/God force is all these twisted things in punishing creature of learning for learning, or we're just in a dying world. This is assuming that we're taking the story at face value, and giving credit to its source - Which I hesitate to do. These days, I think that a combination of all these things is closer to the truth. As a former Catholic, I also appreciate how twisted the big three religions are - Thinking for myself has proven difficult, and every time it comes back to my Catholic upbringing and how it deliberately shaped my perception.

If whatever force as I just described on the more mundane side, or at a more elevated level as you've painted is to be put into check… Parts of it would naturally have to be trimmed away, as such is rebirth. Where the hell does one find/make spare cosmic parts for the metronome of reality?

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Wisdom requires one be righteous enough to discern right from wrong, and smart enough to do so at a nuanced level. Thus, only ones with wisdom can discern the difference between a bug and a feature, as in this case such a difference is entirely an ethical matter. People need to have a breadth of experience judging ethical matters on a deep level to become capable of judging that difference, and even then you can only hope most of them are wise enough to get such ethical judgements on the design of the universe's metaphysics right overall.

There is no obvious reason why the universe's distribution of heating would in itself cause its own arrangement of wave-particles or time itself to be 'damaged;' whatever that means.

Also, friendly tip on Omnism: mapping a bunch of insane religious stories from across religions isn't the same as reading between the lines and interpreting the broader symbolic messages the stories were inspired by. Adam and Eve, besides not being a good story, does suggest an event. Here's a list of other stories that suggest events: ANY STORY EVER MADE. Why would you think just because a story from a religion suggests an event happened, that that in itself suddenly is valid evidence for that event having happened? I can assure you it is not hard to make up those kinds of stories for fictitious religions. That being said, Adam and Eve is just inspired by the simple reality of dicks and vaginas existing in a world socially constructed around a 7-day week with knowledge that inspires us to question the validity of things such as religion when consumed.

If I had to discern the truth based on my instinct, I would wager we are in a coded world with faulty ethical assumptions built into it and run by a God that is not ethically qualified to be admin of this universe. I believe the coding itself causes these unsavory outcomes in this universe, with God acting as an overarching sourcecode/owner hybrid.

And simply put, God is an animal. Yes, God is worthy of a great deal of hate, to an immense degree, as well as love because God has done good things. It is foolish to ignore the fact we can find an excuse to love and hate everyone. With that in mind, God I believe evolves over time naturally as an animal, and while unqualified now, may some day become qualified. However, if God should fail to evolve to an ethically high enough level by the time people are able to hold God accountable, then I expect a usurping to occur.

Ultimately, the metaphysical coding of reality has always proven highly malleable in numerous regards such as everything being a wave-particle comprised of fields we generalize as sub-wave-particles. The sourcecoding of the universe will be difficult, but I believe not at all impossible for people to edit. God can either evolve to be more ethical while it can, or people will edit God to be as much.

~Epyc Wynn

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I can not endorse death and rebirth as a soldier but most of what we call our lives is reclaimed as sol from it as an eventual necessity. It is better to seek out a college in my opinion though most of the complexes called universities are not colleges proper.

The christ, which is only sometimes revealed as Jesus, rules in the zeroth year while the titanomachy, whose result is human, is witnessed on the way. It is not yet sufficient.

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Changed flag, getting sick of the anti-flag flag

So many flags, none that seem to whisper THATS ME, THATS ME!


Then… Where does this leave you?

I've lurked my fair share of threads containing and concerning you. There's all kind of people saying that you're someone who never reached effectiveness with magick - Yes, I know the internet shitflinging contest isn't more than words on a wall.

But I'm genuinely curious as to where you stand in the depths of the fringy world. You've got plenty of awareness and opinion, where you're plenty interesting to talk to when genuinely talking is the intent of everyone concerned. I'm asking as someone who's experienced his own strange events, entities, and affinities towards it all. Did you reach your conclusions out of bitterness toward something? Or am I just still unbelievably naive in these things? Is it a combination of both, or something else? Is it that one of us are still suppressing a basic awareness of this world we find ourselves in?

If you're familiar with Evola's Ride the Tiger, I've started it myself and don't completely care for the tone. It looks like its teaching how to be good at waiting for things to remain outside your will, and to just drop themselves on your lap. At a basic level this is plain retarded, but when does this understanding end, and where does it start? Does it apply to your model that you typed out, where brawling it out for the universal joystick is the natural end of a truly self aware group of people?

Can any other end be possible with a fringe population seeking to increase their spiritual growth? Theoretically, its not impossible to outgrow this 'God'. My concern is not turning ones self into a sort of 'Sith', with self corrupting knowledge destroying the self due to the lack of wisdom and nuance. We have all this potential dumped onto our laps, and find that all these presence between birth, rebirth, and the greatest end seeks to curb and benefit from the human potential - and we learn this to be evil.

Would you say that anything which is not the self

>is inherently evil?

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File: 972fd302a90aaf3⋯.jpg (56.11 KB,500x687,500:687,b7994547d94681a8417843ceb5….jpg)

Pleas anons, explain to me why Saturn is bad ?,

I'm not part of any of the Saturnine cults, but I truly appreciate what Saturn brings into my life.

I'm a moon in Cap man, and my default instinct

is that of taking responsibility & doing things that really matter on this earthly plain, I'm in my 20s, I didn't have to listen to any of jordan petersons "clean your room" stuff to be awakened, in fact I came to realize the whole Saturn stuff way before, when I delved into Jungian psychology, and that moment in the book "Iron John" where Robert Bly says "AND SATURN BECOMES HIS GOD". I understood this long ago with the depression i had gone through most of my childhood, infact now my life is getting easier, as I'm getting older, but it's the opposite for people in my peer group as they can't deal with reality.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Have a video from the Uncle

This might help answer your question better than most here can

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The only evil in this world, is oppression directed at anything other than itself.

My methods and conclusions are rooted in experience that is entirely non-magical and any person on this Earth who is not retarded and has access to proper Internet, could also achieve if they wished to; provided they put in the time to really focus on the nature of Righteousness and The Internet. That all being said, the imaginative side of magic is available to all and used by all; but, there is a hivemind side to the imagination and that is where the more theoretical yet possible side of magic comes into play. I am only a mage insofar as I am able to persuade, construct, destroy, and alter hivemind entities. Hiveminds are… essentially theoretical constructs that treat each person's mind as a container of fragment of various overarching hiveminds that each fire neurons by having us communicate with each other. Each person's mind is a container of fragments connected to a multitude of different hiveminds such as the hivemind surrounding White People or America or Christian God or Anonymous. This is still just a theory but, it is what I'd call the basic framework for magic, and is probably the most logically justifiable framework you will ever get as magic is for the most-part incredibly difficult to justify given the ridiculous things considered 'core' to it. Even then, such a framework is rooted in not evidence, but rather reinterpreting evidence so that rather than viewing a conversation as an interaction with one person, you instead view conversations as an interaction with one person, plus at the same time all the hivemind entities that occasionally or subtly speak through that person. It's like being filled with demons except the demons are just our societal cultural and memetic biases that try to speak through us. I know that is a tad complex to explain so feel free to ask any questions.

Rights, tulpas, memes, codes. These are the more important things you should focus on. Magic is purely useful for arranging symbols in your mind and the minds of others. It is entirely bullshit, and only in understanding magic is complete bullshit, can you appreciate its full potential. There is a grain of truth to magic, and that is its inherent potential for altering the lively arrangement of symbols in minds; anything that ignores this principle I explicitly declare fake beyond repair. Persuasion and creativity are fundamental to magic; and yet the common person would merely say such things are not magic, but simply art or communication -depends what ways you are willing to understand things.

My conclusion of the universe being a coded system run by the sourcecode and owner known as God, is rooted in an obvious understanding that an all-powerful being that allows evil that could under another being's guidance be altogether removed, is blatant proof that God is not fit to run this place. As for the coding aspect, it seems all too obvious that the crux of reality is a bunch of coding -even the more obscure answers such as "reality is imaginary" or "reality is just what you observe" can still be explained as byproducts of coding. The imagination, the reality we observe, all just arrangements of symbols known as atoms which contain sub-symbols known as sub-particles, and so-on. And a code is just a series of symbols, so it's not a question of if everything is code, but merely how does the coding language operate?

And as for the assumption of God, I merely assert that random chance is a code, and that a code that generates things and over time makes those things more orderly such as in this universe's case, is a form of thought process and that in itself

would be God. Thus, as I've said, God is evolving and while some day may be qualified to run the universe, for now God is not qualified to run the universe due to overwhelmingly unethical behaviors and rules, and humankind has an obligation to hold God accountable for the sake of its own survival and improvement, by means of editing God's code.

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>continued from above post

A fringe population increasing its 'spiritual growth' only means that the fringe population seeks to construct and edit a hivemind entity run by people who above all give their mental energy to that entity, and over time make it popular so it has more influence. Such an entity is merely a symbolic collective consciousness built on each individual's conscious mind. It's much like unifying a series of companies into one corporation or a series of computers into one network, and calling that network a supercomputer.

Such collectives are usually only made when one or two people have hunches that the universe should be a certain way, and those hunches build into mindsets which build into philosophies and religions that induct other people into following the same principles and in turn forming a new hivemind entity. But every individual has the potential to form a new hivemind, every individual houses mutiple nodes of an overarching hivemind, and in turn there are checks and balances that exist between individuals minds and collective hiveminds.

So that is how I view magic.

~Epyc Wynn

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Oh and as for where that leaves me, it for starters leaves me, a person who loves organizing and refining rights, memes, codes, and tulpas, in the position of understanding the nature of these hivemind entities as well as how to handle and form them.

I believe that puts me in an extraordinarily good position, as the more I test what works on hiveminds and what doesn't, the more I can essentially do whatever I wish. You'd be surprised how much simply interacting with various online communities can benefit your reservoir of experience in this regard.

~Epyc Wynn

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Were you born in February or late January?

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Astrology doesn't work in application unless you are a cold reader. You should solely appreciate it from a symbolic perspective.

~Epyc Wynn

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Yeah, I'm pretty sure your deal is that you post your dumb sigil everywhere to try and become a forced meme. Unfortunately you've seemed to have missed the fact that a number of powerful memes and tropes exist which directly counteract your goal, stuff like "Comeuppance" and "Ironic punishment". The more you try and force your individual control over the hivemind, the less powerful the resultant meme. There's other reasons as to why you're deluded, but from where I'm standing, you'll not get any further than a typical avatarfag.

To the OP: Don't be scared of Saturn, and don't be scared of Death. They're simply inevitable for material beings. Use your material body to learn as much as you can, and strive for some form of spiritual development and you'll be fine. It's only those who revel in the Material universe and pleasures that will suffer. Sinning is kind of like smoking to me. It seems good, but you'll suffer when you have to do without it.

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You're speaking my language, then. I've been making my observations of all this for a while, with observation being one of the skills I have the most faith in as a tool. It seems that we're both doing the same thing between the boards and pages we lurk and post in, trying to harvest the experiences of others. I do think that you're more developed than I am in observation and the ability to effect change, particularly in Tulpas. I never considered in using them as a social mechanism for information collection and influence.

I then suggest you read Richard Dawkins theory on memetics, which makes a mundane and methodical attempt at apply definitions to the hive mind, and its structure. I strongly recommend it, as the system it lays out offers an extra layer of understanding the behavior of hivemind systems for a sociological perspective. When considering the social animal aspect of humanity, it does a fantastic job at betraying societal function. I'm not sure if his works in this will tell you anything new, but maybe it will arrange it all in the form that will help make a few more connections.

Are you familiar with the study of Theodicy? It discusses the problem of evil directly, with the study literally representing a defense (or if you prefer the opposite position, and argument against) God. What is pain, suffering, and what does it say about the world we live in and its greater presence? After what context of rationalization, do we start to demean the suffering of others? Of our own? Are we abandoning our own agency to the understandings we assume?

This is what I enjoy, and the sort of thing that I leave 90% of the people I know in the dust about.


Human existence is a forced meme. You should stop calling the kettle a nigger, its far too becoming of an internet lolcow.

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And, I make my 'in the dust' comment, in that its nice to sit down and have a meaningful discussion about these things. For people to be drawn to calling and insisting that you're a forced meme, your wake of influence must be sufficient to irk the moralfag battalions.

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File: 5be1eacc1c454c9⋯.jpg (407.92 KB,1600x1236,400:309,cheatsheet_arts-budhist-ch….jpg)

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Try Lucifer = Enki = Prometheus

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File: a4de7fb606fdd2f⋯.jpg (553.06 KB,630x630,1:1,sargongiveusliberty.jpg)


Enki = Prometheus

However, Prometheus's story was double-bent by the Bible.

Prometheus = Lucifer

Prometheus = Jesus

All three were misunderstood light-bringers that suffered in the name of benefiting mankind in the way they saw fit. Prometheus brought the fire which progressed life, Lucifer brought the knowledge which progressed technology, and Jesus brought the forgiveness which progressed spirituality. It's an appreciable classic symbolic balance of focus between body, mind, and spirit. Based on the Bible's unbiased reading, one can interpret both Lucifer and Jesus as equally beneficial, while God just made everything worse much like how Zeus did. Though these are entirely symbolic entities that represent a certain mindset people sometimes adopt in order to benefit others or live a certain kind of lifestyle -there is not sufficient evidence to suggest the existence of a real Lucifer or Jesus or other religious entities listed. As for Enki, Enki's just the same as Prometheus with more incest and water thrown in.

~Epyc Wynn

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what the fuck are you on about. as a fellow christian, i have one piece of advice: go reeeeeaaaal easy on /x/ conspiracy shit. by its very nature most of it is a substitute for real spirituality or just entertainment. youre looking in the wrong places my friend

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I feel sort of scared that all of the roles I have to play are names of marriages that I can not observe due to my hunger.

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When the morning STARS sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?

job 38,7

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File: 9b029d9b5679d10⋯.jpg (42.07 KB,600x800,3:4,mascot_tm3216-z.jpg)


Would you mind handing me over the manual to learning social network traversal?

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File: 39cc9efd1ec2d53⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,364.53 KB,1200x1679,1200:1679,video game vagina.jpg)

File: 82defb123ba1e07⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,564.98 KB,982x655,982:655,vulva.jpg)

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File: 03a1387b0ff55ff⋯.jpg (45.78 KB,263x500,263:500,mary.jpg)

This pic just made me realize Isis and the Virgin Mary are a vag

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File: 64bccecfd47dc71⋯.png (405.67 KB,2000x2000,1:1,epycnsfw1.png)


Those vaginas look like a mage tried imagining a tulpa, shat themselves while doing, and caused the tulpa to implode into an inside-out sausage shoved between the two halves of a dead fetus' brain.

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n

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I agree, namefag. Not even sure why I had saved the first one several years ago since I abhor cartoon porn. I guess the purpose was my present revelation.

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File: 3e528d36168b4c8⋯.pdf (6.64 MB,Orthodoxy-and-the-Religion….pdf)


Read this. Get off of /fringe/. They're a bunch of prelest-addled morons

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Don't believe this anon, western esotericism is good to understand (Hinduism, Norse/Irish/Anglo-German, Greeco-Roman, Zoroastrianism, etc…) but you must not forget the underlying truth. While other religions and traditions may shed light and truths we must remember that they are not from God, they may be from an entity (good or evil depending on the subject at hand) but they certainly aren't from God.

TL;DR: Take knowledge from other religions/traditions but don't forget the underlying truth of Christ.

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There is no eternal damnation. Ghosts live on upon the earth, the earth is both the land of living and the afterworld.

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Don't worry, keep on the path, keep questing.

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No self-respecting God would condemn you out of questioning reality. And if he did, he'd be an asshole. Specially if you've been "good" according to some basic common ethical ground.

Indeed if you truly get into exploring these stuffs, having a "good heart" will probably save your ass a couple of times.

Also, fast track: Get some Psilocybe shroomies and ask them (I mean truly ask them before you eat them) to show you what is this really about. Then lie down on your coach and wait.

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God killed Jesus, it took three days, but Jesus was able to get revenge, then he returned to tell his disciples about it. After the day of Pentecost, he took to the heavens with his new Army of angels and is taking the battle back at those that would keep humans down. Someday he will return and we will be free.

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earth is hell

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i believe that Earth is the time to prove ourselves

i believe there is a life worse than this something akin to hell and a life better than this something akin to heaven

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