I wont recruit anyone (>Implying anyone would join) but I want to lay down the foundations of a Cult, a spartan-based cult of stone ,flesh and iron.
Basically, there would be no "beliefs" except Naturalism ,no moral compass except no contraception and no killing toddlers .But I need advice on :
>a proper Bodily regime that must be enforced: no qigong hocus pocus,but the more athletic variants of postural yoga. A sort of martial arts study(is MMA for faggot meatheads? just do boxing plus wresting?),and even weapon use
>another point is diet: I think a raw-primal (aajonus)diet is in order.,
There would be also a set of Ordeals and Grades within individual Orders. Yes, I draw inspiration from ITS and attomwaffen(ONA),but without hocus-pous larping
I myself wil record my adventures with an old nokia camera,and write in paper with pen and pencil, I'll make sure the stuff is preserved and be opened some time after I die.