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Esoteric Wizardry

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Anons Fringe Archive

File: 02fa5a223b52bf8⋯.png (225.48 KB,596x906,298:453,waifuism-a-disease.png)


I have a hypothesis.

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File: c489aab7ff53030⋯.jpg (594.24 KB,674x867,674:867,___madonna_and_child____by….jpg)


>not giving more details

<the hebrews where right to fear Aserah

Heck, I'm almost sold. Too bad I'm currently succeeded in no fap, and as such forbid myself worshiping female deities.

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File: 7a42b8dad166f58⋯.jpg (2.3 MB,4750x2480,475:248,1475311537598.jpg)


A lot of popular anime girls are representations of different entities like succubus and other demons. In the case of monster girls this should be no surprise to any wizard with half a brain. You can literally use those pics for summoning and the people who do all sorts of waifu worship like having birthday parties for them etc are already performing legit rituals.

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File: 342c65248e467a1⋯.jpg (140.69 KB,760x1050,76:105,1405212928848.jpg)


I want to be financially stable by myself and surround myself only with love dolls and succubus/fairy spirits

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File: 7c9d4dd66621f04⋯.jpg (44.43 KB,512x450,256:225,oh my.jpg)

>all waifus are like ebola-chan

buy some logic supplements

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File: 240c1837c89ba89⋯.png (101.84 KB,816x473,816:473,1445497773277.png)


If that's the case then why aren't they real?

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File: e5b087de9caea0d⋯.jpg (147.86 KB,900x594,50:33,1481740280046.jpg)

So… If I was to try to summon an entity that looked like my waifu it would just be a minion of a goddess from an ancient religion?

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Hex Manic is who I'd waifu

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It depends on how clear their characteristics is. That pic of Tsuyu Asui (6) definitely correspond to a demonic entity, I can feel it by just looking at it.

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No, she wouldn't. OP is retarded. If you used that intent when trying to summon her, then sure. But if you're will and intent is in the right place, you should be able to connect to your waifu herself within the collective human thoughtsphere.

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File: 4c6447af3f04895⋯.png (373.39 KB,680x452,170:113,322.png)

>summon a minion of kek in the form of Asui-chan

I see nothing wrong with this

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Why are they doing more research than this board?

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Because over there they are motivated by this goddess.

/fringe/ in all it's forms is basically comprised of armchair faggots who spend all day theorizing about magic and don't practice for shit. If you practiced magic and not only "studied" it (reading rehashed 18th century shit all day), in a month you would learn more about a lot of things than you currently do in a lifetime.

However, practicing magic requires some sort of ambition to improve one's life, and that's where chan autism comes in.

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File: 79b72c1ea6f0012⋯.gif (53.34 KB,550x522,275:261,1458397588412.gif)


/monster/ is the best occult board on this whole site. Who would have guessed?

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It's Kekuit

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>Why are they doing more research than this board?


This post pretty much hit the nail on the head. There's no greater motivator to practice the occultic arts than pure autism and desperation. The people on /monster/ are willing to do anything possible to ensure their waifus existence. Is it autistic? Yes. Base in their desires and goals? Maybe, but then again the amount of magicians that started down the path just to bang a succubus are uncountable. In the end it fuels them to learn and practice.

/monster/ is full of bleeding heart faggots but when everything is said and done I can't help but feel a part of me admires their work ethic. I need to get back to practicing proper.

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Waifuism can't be Ashera Worship because Ashera worship is just another faulty human mental mirage attempting to fit human concepts onto greater beings and missing the mark every time.

Rather than build an image in your mind then invoke it, you can do the inverse and talk with the true old gods, or perhaps a new one. To detail the principal here would be to cause the mundane too much pain, for they can not walk that path yet desire and fascinate upon those who do all their days.

TL;DR: Stop trying to understand the unknown with petty human conceptions.

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Damn. Never browsed /monster/ before now but they're definitely showing up this board for the most part.

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File: 41d6db4bb9097c5⋯.jpg (5.43 KB,225x225,1:1,1453196217868.jpg)


I have a waifu and i don't worship her like if she were a godess, therefore i'm not unconsciously worshiping Asherah. Prove me wrong.

>protip you can't

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It's not waifuism if your waifu is a hyperdimensional alien and life and death and sex are all essentially lies.

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Hi, I'm a total newfig to /fringe/ and /fringe/ accessories, but I am desperate to learn. What can I do to actually start practising this magic. I'm willing to take drastic measures, just tell me where to start.

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I am also a "new fig" (to actual practice) so take this with a grain of salt but I found the One Year Manual by Israel Regardie and Arcane Formulas by WWA the easiest to sink my teeth into. Better than most that start with 'just stop thinking lmao' or expect you to perform some complex ritual on level 1 without even knowing what it means or how it works.

I realize now what this flag is kek

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File: a351495159ebf24⋯.pdf (1.78 MB,The Philosophers stone.pdf)


lel. Thanks anon

I've been doing some searching on /occult/ as well, and found this neat pdf. I have no clue if it will work or not, but I can't see why it's not worth the try

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If you have a waifu in any aspect (here's looking at you, succubus posters), then it's a clear indication you're not mentally stable. Even watching anime throws many a victim into weeaboo purgatory…an unforgivable degeneracy.

Stop making up imaginary women to mentally and physically masturbate over. In any case, accept that you have failed sexually, and are undesirable to any female. Commit to celibacy and live a fulfilling life, or clean yourself up and seek a REAL wife.

This thread is… Pathetic.

~The Punished Druid

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File: c4443a2938372db⋯.png (74.46 KB,275x330,5:6,275px-Th16Reimu.png)

I don't worship waifus for I think worshipping anything is degenerate and weak but there is nothing wrong with normally just having normal waifus. It's better than dealing with 3dpd women at least. Either go complete celibate or fap to waifu but dont worship like a cuck. Hell you can even have a harem of waifus and be fine as long as they worship you instead of you them

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>uses a signature on an image board

>this thread is pathetic

You need to go.

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File: 4cdc1ea6f788c84⋯.jpg (330.66 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault-1.jpg)


the common "I have the demiurges cock in my mouth at all times" reply

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Thus Asherah embodies every female design (and spirit) one can conjure? Does this also extend to regular femoids

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The Church of Waifuism approves.

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