Cult of Moloch: popular among Western elite, mainly on the Rome-London-Washington axis. It consists of sacrificing children to acquire hallucinogenic and supposedly life-prolonging bodily substances, in addition to sex magic. Cults are held in remote locations in California and inland France, as well as underground Rome. (What the /pol/fags call the "Jewish conspiracy" is nothing more than the Cult of Moloch, which is totally controlled by the powerful Jews of US)
Vampiric Potency: popular at the top of organized crime and among sections of the Western elite. It consists of the consumption of blood from young and "pure" victims for the acquisition of "vital force" and prolonged youth. Objects of worship vary from Aztec gods, Celtic gods and entities of Voodoo, Palo Mayombe and Quimbanda. (Warning: The Vampiric Pontency is not a unified institution or organization. It is a set of common practices of several different sects, usually passed on orally, which consist of blood consumption, worship of entities with an "evil" tendecy and sacrifices. It is found in the midst of organized crime, but in niches, as the criminals themselves tend to view this "cult" with reservations)
Black Lodge of Tibet: Tibetan cult popular among the elite of the Far East. Also called the "Cult of Death", it is widespread among the elite of the Communist Party of China, Japanese conservatives and other local groups. It consists of esoteric practices that involve invocation Tibetan gods of death. It has a local organization linked to a spiritual potency located in Tibet, which was responsible for the expulsion of the Dalai Lama and the White Lodge to India. (Extra fact: The Nazis were part of the Tibetan Black Lodge)
Basically these are the three biggest occultist cults that rule the world. You're welcome.