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Left Hand Path General, for discussion of all things related to left-hand path practices.

The LHP can generally be defined as focusing more on empowering the individual practitioner, instead of seeking spiritual advancement completely from a higher power.

Some practices which could be considered to be of the left-hand path are Satanism and Luciferianism, however I may be leaving some out that I might not currently be aware of.

With seemingly not much mention of it, as well as the annoying christcunt strutting around, here's a thread dedicated to more "darker" magic.

What have you found when practicing anything from these paths? What originally drew you into more left-handed practices?

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The left hand path does not have to be "darker" magic at all. Seems like you just want to sounds edgy

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The higher always acts upon the lower.

Deal with it.

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But the higher always flows down and culminates in the lower. I believe the end goal of any manipulation of higher active-forces should be change of the ultimate expression, physicality. For as spirit condenses complexity increases and form is given from the formless concepts of the underlying higher plane forces, effable only through vague archetype. If one's goal is to return to the simple source it is dissolution and death of the self which will result.

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That's why I put darker in quotations, because it's only a misconception some people have.

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I never said anything about a return to source.

Higher forces manipulate you or they are not higher.

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If you seek strengthening of self over sacrifice to communion, congratulations, you are LHP.

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The Bible is LHP by that definition.

We are to become like Christ.

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not necessarily, you can become more powerful just solely through RHP disciplines

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What the fuck are you on. Isn't self-sacrifice the whole pitch of Christ? Love thy enemy and all that?

Granted maybe those are just the defeatist exoteric teachings used to chain people.

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Self-sacrifice is a good value to have. Without it, you're a coward. Every soldier is called upon to practice self-sacrifice. Every tradesman, every mother, etc. also is called upon to do the same. Everyone is.

Love thy enemy does not mean you can't still fight them. It means you have to pray for them to have a change of heart, to repent, and in the last case if it be god's will then to have victory over them.

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Such rhetoric is born of weakness. An impotent to sustain one's self. Therefore the self-destructive suicide ideation is spread, to increase the survival of the dumb helpless sheep. The end of this path is to rend one's self asunder at the behest of your mindless horde of ignorant insects. A misplacement of value from existence's core to the scurrying entropy of animals. Those who grasp true power are not bound to the defecating zygotes, to retain their hive-minded survival code is delusion.

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Are you even trying to understand me or intentionally misinterpreting me?

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>destroying yourself for someone else's psyop

cringe and bullshitpilled

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Why should anyone care about your psyop?

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Your attitude is weak as well. You are like scared animal that tries to bite everything that comes close. Weak and hurt.

True strength doesn’t need that. A man doesn’t need to fear an ant. And a true predator doesn’t need to show everyone how scary he is. Quite the opposite. You are just an edgy scared little boy.

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found your pic

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How did you know that?

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I'm lhp. It's important to clarify that it's not just being edgy or self-interested. I think it's often confused with "black magic." I came into it naturally out of the desire to be a Hero and strengthen my ego to incorporate it within my Self. I'm still very protective and caring towards others. All these people running around calling themselves lhp because they once made a sigil to get money are cringe.

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Guys, I don't understand this:

>last Sunday I was shopping and the cashier was wearing a pentagram on his ring.

>I can feel he is gay. I'm buying whisky so he ID'd me(I have a long beard)

>His vestibular system malfunctioned,

almost went down, was ok but took him 30 s to recover.

What could that be?

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Hold on but how are you folks planning to become more powerful through lhp in the first place?

I've read a bunch of lhp stuff and it seems like it comes down to

A) fixing character issues with basic psychology


B) utilizing law of attraction via basic rituals and sigils

Not that there's anything wrong with that but it doesn't seem like a subject worth spending much time on.

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What do you spend your time on?

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In my view LHP and RHP aren't about how to get somewhere, they're about what's your destination. RHP seems to want a coming together, aiming to synthesize with the collective, whereas LHP seems to want a coming apart, to be separated from the collective so as to enable previously impossible avenues of growth. Just because an LHP author delineates a certain magical technique does not mean that that technique is intrinsically LHP.

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Isn't that all low magick?

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Whats low and whats high magick?

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Low - using magick to get a gf

High - using magick to travel through Babalon's pussy and kick it with the sapient black pyramids inside her womb

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Sounds like low requires more skill actually. Anyone can project into the astral pretty easily, everyone does it while they sleep.

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>not being an extremely ugly sperg requires skill


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Read the dreccian way by O9A as a starting point.

I like JOS and O9A. Jos for the meditation and magick and O9A for the frankness and honesty.

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More like low and even lower

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This thread has extremely little material. The one reading prompt is for O9A and I don't need to be out there killing deer with my bare hands.

Does anyone have any good reading materials? Personally I don't care about edgy stuff I would rahter like something "technical", maybe like Atkinson but not RHP.

I will add to the discussion about what LHP is:

Imo lhp and rhp DO have the same "destination" which is the coming together of the master consciousness into one. Rather rhp and lhp I think should be understood as doctrines about what we can do and should do in the time that remains until this occurance. Which for all we know may be a practical eternity to our ordinary frame of reference.

I suggest that RHP is the masculine pole dominant path and LHP is the feminine pole dominant path. RHP focuses on diligence and will, LHP on imagination, desire… e.t.c.

Another interesting analogue is the "vehicle" vernacular of buddhism.

I think it's clear that Mahayana (meaning great vehicle) traditions are RHP. For example service to others is such a staple, and how it deals with desire.

Hinayana and Vajrayana may then contain more LHP traditions. Which seems to be true.

One should be aware that there no doubt exists polarity inside each tradition such that Mahayana traditions may be further divided into more or less LHP/RHP and so on.

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some people just wanna watch the world burn.. ive been practicing chaos magic for some time now.. and well.. i dont wanna take credit for the state of the world but look at it.. i think all the chaos magicians made this happen with out even knowing eachother because we work twards a common goal.

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>all the chaos magicians made this happen with out even knowing eachother because we work twards a common goal

Everyone probably feels the same, but if you look at the world events in specific you can see what you did and what someone else did. There's a signature behind it, if an event consists of component A, B and C, and you did A and think that caused it, someone else did B and someone did C and both think that was the deciding factor.

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What is going on has played a key part in my manifestations. But how couldn’t it?

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I've found more enlightenment through the left hand path and through the light bringer than I ever did through conventional religion.

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Why "Left hand path"?

Why not something else other than body parts like hands?

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well there's the middle pillar

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I thought low magic was shit like meditation and general thought manip mostly of self but can also be like cold reading

While high magic is more candles and ceremony to influence the world through more sending out vibes

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You got it upside down.

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